Venoma's Dragon

Story by Yiff Dragon on SoFurry

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#3 of Venom and Love...

Chapter 3

Finally got back around to doing this.

Hope everyone likes it

PLEASE tell me what you think... leave comments.

Venoma's Dragon

Razor woke up that morning in a slight daze. He tried to go back to sleep when he realized just how cold it was....

He wasn't cold all night because of Venoma... then he realized it... she wasn't coiled around him anymore he tried to feel around for her. But when her couldn't find her he bolted up and looked around the cave in dismay. She wasn't anywhere to be found. He ran outside and looked, he even tried to pick up her scent but nothing...

She was gone...

He couldn't believe it. All those feelings... everything she said... he loved her. And yet she just left.

Stricken with endless grief he sat back on his haunches and hung his head in sadness.

"She probably realized she didn't mean anything last night when she woke up next to me... or just needed a fuck." Thinking she was in heat.

But which ever the reason she was gone and he came to the conclusion that he would never see her again.

He opened his eyes to see dozens of tear drops fall from him. He was so sad he didn't even notice he was crying. But he was, and soon whimpers turned to sobs and he knew that he would never meet anyone even close to her again.

He remembered last night... it was the best night of his life. She was the first one to ever mate with him. He felt his new long fangs with his tongue... he would cherish these, they were the only thing he had to remember her by.

But then he without thinking he bent his head back and yelled her name as loud as he could.


Venoma opened her eyes at the loud sound she had just heard. It sounded like someone called out to her.

As it turns out she never left him.

When the fire went out she become too cold and decided to sun herself in the large tree at the top of the entrance to the cave. But she accidentally fell asleep.

She raised her head and looked down at the golden colored dragon slumped over on the ground just in front of the cave.

Just then something entered her mind... utter despair, sadness... and somehow she knew it was razor feeling this way.

It was almost like their minds were connected as of last night... if one felt so strongly other would too, no matter how far apart they were from one another.

She knew exactly what he was thinking. He thought she left him. She was insulted that he thought she was a liar.

She decided to stop the young dragon's needles sadness. As she slowly climbed down the tree and onto the top of the entrance of the cave she dropped to the ground stealthy and silently she slithered towards him...

Razor meanwhile just sat there face in his paws as he silently cried. But just when he went to wipe his eyes again he heard someone just behind him. And before he could look he was tackled to the ground. As he struggled he was soon spun around and met face to face with whoever his attacker was . He looked up, but the sun was in his eyes so it took a second to focus. But when he did, he saw her... she was smiling down on him, with here eyes locked in a seductive gaze.

He stared at her mouth open in awe... was it really her? The morning light was just visible thought the ends of her hood.


He grabbed onto her knowing that he needed her more than he needed oxygen. Basking in the fact that she really did care for him.

Just then she bent down and kissed him... yes, there was no mistaking it... it was her.

Eventually she broke the kiss and spoke.

"You thought I left didn't you."

He nodded

"Razor I'm many things, but I'm not a liar, when I said I loved you I meant it!"

He was fighting back tears of happiness

"I know, I should have known you better. I'm sorry.

She held him firmly to the ground and just stroked his chest and arms.

It was amazing to have someone... someone to hold and be held by. In her life. She never even dreamt of such a thing... but here it was... here HE was.

She looked at him happily as she rubbed her head along his chest. Working her way to his neck, while running her forked tongue along it. And soon he felt the tips of her fangs along his valuable scales, as she tasted him.

To almost any creature having a snake run its fangs on your neck meant only death... but to razor it meant nothing but love. But as he laid there with her on top of him he picked up an unfamiliar scent. It wasn't bad, in fact it was very sweet smelling... it almost smelled like cinnamon. He looked down at her dripping vent and it was just as he thought...

She was in heat.

It must have started just very recently.

She knew he had noticed this and pressed her chest up on him as if wanting him to feel something. He did feel something... some kind of globs press up agents his chest.

He looked down again, and sure enough, there were breasts jetting out of her slim chest.

Razor stared at her as he put the pieces together.

She nodded to him

"Yes, this happens every time I'm in heat. They help me attract a mate... or help please the one I already have. But..."

Her expression turned to worry

"Now my scent will no doubt be picked up by other snakes..."

Now razor's face turned to deep anger...

"NO! No one will dare touch you! I will protect you with my life! And kill anyone who even thinks of coming anywhere near you! I made a promise and I intend to keep it."

She felt so relived that she wouldn't have to go through another mating season of hiding and running, running from all the males that would show her no mercy. No, this session she would spend with the one she loved... her mate... he would protect her.

But finally she let go of him and changed the subject.

"So how is my dragon today?"

Razor looked at her in puzzlement.

"Your Dragon huh?"

The scales on her face tuned to a look of dominance

"Yes, as of last night you belong to me! Your mine!!!"

He chuckled and nodded his head

"Alright, I'm yours."

She stayed on top of him as they kissed and just enjoyed the other's warm embrace. Until they were interrupted by both their stomach growls. So they went out to find some food.

The two made an excellent hunting team, Venoma took to the trees and Razor stayed low and stalked anything that came their way. And eventually they came to a small herd of deer. It was easy picking.

Razor slung the deer on his back and the two went back to their cave.

After they enjoyed a delicious meal, Venoma looked over at her lover and asked.

"Is there anywhere to get cleaned up? I'm a little messy from last night thanks to you."

He laughed

"ME? Well I serenely had help!"

Feeling the sticky remains of her from the night before.

"As a matter of fact I do. Follow me."

She followed the young dragon to the river where they strolled along the banks until they got far enough down to where the river cut up into many deltas and streams. Razor seemed to know exactly where he was going, as he pick one small brook and followed in a bit back into the woods. And when he finally stopped at where the brook ended he raised one paw to present and beautiful pool! The water was clear and there was a magnificent waterfall that fell from a nice sized cliff down to it. The whole placed smelled so fresh that Venoma just wanted to get in as soon as possible. She went to the water's edge and dipped the tip of her long tail into the clear liquid.

It was frigid cold...

She yanked her tail out at the sudden temperature change and fell back onto Razor who caught her.

She tuned a confused face to him as he looked down at her.

"Razor are you crazy?!? We can't get in there! That water is so cold it'll kill us in minutes!"

He just continued to stair at her, all the while the grin on his face getting bigger and bigger.

"Now its time I surprised you."

He slowly approached the edge on the large pool and dipped his entire muzzle in.

Venoma just watched as he blew hard a few times. And before she knew it there was steam rising from the water.

He soon turned to her and kept that smug look on his face.

"Did you forget your talking to a dragon?"

She slithered up to him as he stood there, no doubt full of himself.

She got up face to face with him and before he knew it he was pushed hard, and he soon fell into the warm waters.

When he resurfaced he looked around for her but she seemed to disappear. But as he made his way back to the bank of the pool he was violently pulled under. He struggled as she wrapped herself around him and pulled him back up to the surface. He grabbed her shoulders and laughed.

"I really should have seen that coming."

She just draped her head over his shoulder and started a low peaceful hiss of content.

"Well seeing as I got you right where I want you, how about you bathe me."

He smirked as his back was pushed up agents the bank, with her in front of him.

So he decided to wash her. As he took handfuls of warm water and poured them down the back of her hood and slowly began to rub her scales in a gentle massage.

She kept her head draped over his shoulder as he worked his way down her sides. Felling her warm body up agents his own. It was magnificent, he paid especially close attention to her hood. Washing it inside and out. Her hood was one feature about her that he just adored.

Finally he pulled her off him and started to wash her front. Scrubbing her neck and down to her new breasts. He stopped and decided to explore these, as he grabbed one in his paw and swirled it back and forth in his palm. Then he gently pinched the nipple and grinned as she gasped at the mixture of pain and pleasure of it. So he took the other and did the same.

All the while Venoma tilted her head back and lightly moaned at the sensation.

He eventually let go... but not for long. As he decided to be a little mischievous and bent his head down and took one nipple into his mouth. Slowly moving it to and fro with his tongue, then he got it right between his teeth and lightly bit and nibbled at it. Making his mate squirm around him as she pushed her chest agents his mouth begging for more. Which he was happy to give, as he bit down a little harder.

He finally did let her go. As she let out a grown of frustration but knew it could only get better. He continued to bathe her, washing every scale on her body from the top of her hood to the tip of her tail.

But Venoma finally could not take this playful teasing anymore. As she was further and further aroused but razors actions, it only made her heat worsen. She needed him between her lips now! And razor could tell as the smell was overpowering him. His mind becoming cloudy with her pheromones.

So she flipped him over so their positions were reversed, with her back to the bank and him on top of her.

Razor grinned and let out a draconic purr that mixed with her serpent hiss in perfect loving melody.

As his shaft reveled itself and hardened, just in front of her pleading vent.

With still the lower half of their bodies under the warm water it only further stimulated them. As they both leaned forward so that their foreheads touched. Just as the pushed together. Eliciting moans of pure bliss from both.

Venoma felt well stretched from within, she was amazed that it seemed dragons were every bit as big as the males snakes of her kind were. Bit with her experiences, he was so much gentler. As every ridge of his member seemed to hit an exact tender spot in her that was unlike anything she could ever even describe. It was as if this shaft was made just for her... how she loved it... as well as the dragon attached to it... As they continued, he wrapped one arm around her for support and kept the other one on one of her breasts softly pinching the nipple the way she loved.

She couldn't take it!

She threw her arms around the strong dragon and humped back.

Each one of his trusts were amazing, he was slow as he took his time between them but when he did he push in he pushed in so hard that her whole body shake and vibrated in the pleasure. She couldn't resist humping back just as hard. Making sure she wasn't the only one thoroughly enjoying themselves.

Venoma hung her head back and let her forked tongue hang out of her mouth freely as she was pushed into. While razor shut his eyes tight and leaned into her with every thrust of his massive member. While he let his head rest just above her large globs, making sure to keep one paw on one and squeeze the way she liked.

The two hissed and growled for a good 45 minuets. Before they quickened their pace.

They both moaned loudly not caring if anyone was watching, the only thing that mattered to one, was the other. As they loved every minuet and every little bit of pleasure the other gave to them.

Razor leaned in close to her and whispered softly...

"Oh Venoma you're so perfect in every way... I love you!"

She reciprocated

"I love you too Razor... no one has ever made me feel the way you do..."

They felt their climaxes approaching.... Fast. But Razor skillfully slowed his thrusts to the point where he kept Venoma right at the edge. Listening to her moan and plead to release. Wanting to feel his hot seed in her so badly.

Razor decided not to tease his mate any longer and began to hump so quickly it made her scream. She put her hands on his shoulders and dug into him. While razor yelled her name at the top of his lungs for the second time that day. Just as he felt her clamp around his shaft he felt himself give out completely and give all his seed to his mate, not holding anything back.

Venoma in turn emptied herself to him as well clamping down and bathing him in her hot juices.

As razor continued thought his orgasm he let out a long roar for his mate. Before collapsing onto her.

She leaned forward with the exhausted dragon leaning on her, as she caressed him. And let him caress her.

He was still hard and buried deep inside her, while making slow thrusts from time to time. Letting her get all the pleasurable afterglow he could give her.

She stroked the back of his neck and hissed quietly... there was no better lullaby for him. But just as the two were about to drift off to sleep. Razor was thrown out of Venoma's coils and a strong paw went around her neck, chocking her.

They both should have heard, or smelt the incoming intruder sooner but due to their, ahem* exercise, their senses were dulled for the moment.

Venoma could feel the strong hand trying to collapse her windpipe, as she desperately gasped for breath.

But Razor was right there on the intruder before he could even see him coming. Razor grabbed the back of his neck and with amazing strength lifted him up and off of her with one hand and dunked him under the water. He wasn't going to kill this son-of-a-bitch... at least not until he could get an explanation for trying to kill his mate. He pulled the intruder out of the water and looked at him... he was a dragon too.

He slammed the dragon agents the cliff on the other end of the pool.

Razor spoke very slowly to him

"Don't... you... ever... touch... my... mate..."

The dragon had both its paws on Razor's, he could just speak between HIS gasps for breath.

"Chough*... your....ahhh...mate?... what?...Wheeze* R-razor!.... it's me!!!!"

Razor didn't know how he knew his name, he spun him around so that he was face to face. When he got a good look at who it was Razor dropped his jaw.

"Zezz?... is that you?"

He said as he lowered the gasping dragon

The other dragon pleaded for air before replying.

"Yea... it's... me"

Razor soon helped him up. And gave him a brief hug.

"Who-what are you doing here?

Razor stammered the question.

The young dragon started explaining himself...

"Well I was strolling when I heard a series of loud cries and when I came here I saw you coiled up in that... that... thing."

That last part made razor a bit unhappy

"HEY, she is not a "thing" okay!"

"I'm sorry but I thought she stranggled you into unconsciousness. And was killing you."

Meanwhile Venoma stayed back but slowly approached her Razor. And when Razor noticed her there he turned to her.

"Venoma, this is my good friend Zezz... And this is Venoma, my mate."

He took pride in that last part.

Zezz's eyes widened as he took Razor to the side for a second.

"Razor are you insane? She's a dragon killer!"

Razor just stared at his friend

"She would never hurt me... and I would appreciate it if you would stop talking down about her!"

Zezz just staired at his friend's defence of her.

"Sorry, I just go by instinct sometimes, you know."

Venoma examined Zezz, he was a Green dragon with black horns and claws. And was just slightly smaller than Razor.

He soon walked towards her and bowed

"Please accept my sincerest apologies. Any friend of Razor is a friend of mine."

She smirked at that

"Oh were much more than friends..."

She said in a clearly seductive tone. As she slithered over to her Razor and put an arm around him.

Razor soon looked back at his friend.

"So Zezz what brings you to this part of the woods?"

"Looking for you. Seeing if you found a mate... looks like my question had already been answered. And to warn you about something"

The two looked at Zezz in puzzlement

"Warn us? About what?"

"Well on my way here I encountered a group of large male snakes. Some looked like vipers, others like pythons, but many looked like Venoma.... Cobras. And I overheard them talking about a dead comrade of theirs, along with talk of a dragon that had killed him. I couldn't get much more than that before I had to get the hell out of there. But dose this mean anything to you two?"

The two knew exactly what "dead comrade" the snakes must have been talking about. But decided not to tell and worry Zezz. So they just shook their heads.

"Well if you remember just hunt me down... ill be around here, trying to get settled into my new cave I just found. I hope to hear the story of how you two lovebirds met."

Razor and Venoma chuckled

"Well I'm goanna leave you two alone. I'll see ya razor."

And with that he trotted off back into the woods.

Meanwhile it was getting dark so the two started to walk home.

(Razor let her lay on his back because the ground was much too could this time of night to be slithering on it for long.)

Venoma just took the chance to doze off while she talked to her love.



"Are you worried about what Zezz said about those snakes?"

"Nah they couldn't know who we are. And we don't even know if their even the same snakes as the one I killed."

"I just don't want you going off by yourself for a while... okay? I can't have my dragon getting hurt."

Razor chuckled

"Wouldn't want that."

And with that the two went home.

To be continued...