2012 Zombie Apocalyps: Through the eyes of four teenagers

Story by Anonymous Mercenary on SoFurry

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Part 4

Angel Bridg

Messy messy messy. That's pretty much how you can describe Angel's room. Stud monthly magazines, hair care products, clothes, and other things were strewn all over her floor. Her bed was no exception. There was a large pile of sheets and blankets that covered her body. It provided the fruit bat with ample amount of comfort but was lacking the subtlety of a neat freak. Angel snored loudly as she moved around to find a more comfortable position to sleep in.

A car alarm blared outside that startled her out of her sleep. She woke with a snarl. "Ahh.... the fuck...." she said softly. HONK HONK HONK HONK! She slowly lifted herself out of bed, groaning. She rubbed her face and pushed her bangs behind her long ears. She surveyed her room with disgust as she rolled out of bed and hit the ground with a faint thud. "I... need... coffee." She complained.


"And to kill that damn car alarm." Angel lifted herself off the floor and stretched her whole body with both arms extended fully outward and with a satisfied yawn she looked at her figure in the mirror. Angel was a rather attractive looking fruit-bat to be so dirty. Her hair was bedridden and her eyes were slightly red but she still managed to maintain a perfect figure. She wore an oversized light blue shirt that fell just below her thighs and white panties. Her light brown fur was silky and smooth which glistened in the sunlight peering into her room through the half opened window. Her hair was a darker shade of brown that dropped to her neck and two bangs on either side of her face. At the end of her bangs were hot pink highlights that contributed to the rest of her hair.

~Should I wear a bra today, or not? ~ She questioned herself. "Eh, might as well." She opened her drawer and pulled out a black mesh bra. She tossed it aside and searched for another, more appropriate (and comfortable) one. She pulled her favorite one, bright red, blue straps. She nodded in agreement as she removed her shirt. Under Angel's shirt housed double D cup sized breast with two gold bar studded nipple rings that doubled as tongue rings. She slipped on her bra and pierced her ears. She admired herself by posing for the mirror like it was a photo op, Blowing kisses and biting her index finger. She dressed herself with a black short sleeved shirt with red plaid on the sleeves and black leggings with a plaid short skirt.

"HONK! HONK! HONK!" The car still blared, unanswered. "The fuck! Where's the owner?" She said. "Fuck it, I'm the owner now." She put on her black cross trainers and opened the window. She saw a single car in the middle of a parking lot, two stories underneath her. Angel glared at the barking alarm clock car and pushed herself back in her room to grab a bowling ball her dad gave to her when she was ten. She grunted as she heaved the heavy marble out of her window. At first there was a silence (Other than the alarm), followed by a satisfying CRASH, and more silence. ~There we go! ~

Angel made her way to her kitchen to find her Step-mother drinking coffee. She ducked behind the counter and peered over the side. She waited until the female Red panda put her drink down. ~Yes, Yes.... that's it, put the drink downSUCCES! ~ Immediately, Angel lazy vaulted over the counter, hug tackled her step mom and grabbed her coffee. She put her foot on her step mothers back and raised her coffee hand in triumph. "VICTOOOOORY!" Angel Screamed

"Ah! Get off me you bitc- I mean dear! That hurts." Angel's Step mom complained.

"Aaand when were you planning on waking me up for my daily coffee?"

She put pressure on her back. Angel's step-mother squirmed. "I was going to wake you in a few minutes; I just had to drink my coff-EEEEEE"

"Wrong answer." She grinned evilly as she put her full weight on her step mothers back. "You know damn well that I like my coffee first thing in the morning. That's hit-the-floor status; I want it in my hand. And furthermore," She took a big sip and put the cup down. "I would like my room to be clean for once and a while." Her mother's long ring tail twitched and in a swift motion, she knocked Angel on her back. As she lied on the floor, she opened her eyes to look at the clock on the stove. The light flashed in green numbers:


She opened her eyes wide. She blotted upright and glared at her step-mother. "You were gonna let me sleep in weren't you!"

"That wasn't part of the plan, but it's funny none the less." Angel's step-mother said dusting herself off.

"Oh you bitc- I mean uh, evil panda woman." She scoffed.

"Oh waa waa, If you hurry, you might catch the bus."

Just when she said that, a loud screeching noise poured into the five roomed apartment. After a brief second of idling truck noise, the engine revved to life. "Fuck my life." Angel said. She grabbed her red jacket from the couch and bolted out the door. Her step-mother leaned on the counter and smiled, sipping on her coffee. "And not a single drop lost." She chuckled.

Angel saw the bus speeding away in great haste. It's like the bus driver deliberately tried to escape her. She run out into the rode and stomped her feet on the pavement in anger. It's not like she purposefully set it on fire last year or started a riot on the bus three months back. She started a dead sprint after the school bus until it seemed like it noticed her and gained speed. Angel realized that she wasn't going to make it by just running in a straight line. She slowed down to think of any ideas. She couldn't run all the way to school, it's more than eight miles away. ~Tiny! ~ she thought to herself. She reached into her coat pocket and pulled out her android smart phone. Tiny was in her speed dial list so she didn't have to slow down even more to look for his name. The phone rang for about five seconds before Tiny answered.

"Hello, you reached Mr. Biggs contact number, how may I direct your call?"

"Tiny!" Angel replied in between short gasps of air.

"Yes Miss Bridg?" He said.

"Hey, Tiny..." Angel must have been breathing harder than she thought because Tiny called her out on it. "Come on angel, I don't wanna hear that right know. I don't care who you are doin it with, just don't brag to me about it." He said half-heartedly.

"WHAT! I'm not fucking anyone, you thick headed-"

"Yo, you alright?"

"Look... I need you to stall the bus driver as long... as you can." Angel could almost see Tiny role his eyes.

"I knew you missed the damn bus. Where are you?" he was agitated but she could make it up to him latter.

"Not far...Call me if you can't keep him busy until I get there." She said. "Speak of the devil, here's come the Twinkie. Alright. I'll see what I can do."

"Thanks, hun." She pressed the end button on her phone and slipped it into her cleavage, it was a lot tighter in there than it was in her coat pocket. Angel slowed to a complete stop and studied her surroundings. ~Ok, Tinys house is about ten blocks away and it takes the bus at least fifteen minutes to get there. If I can get to the rooftops of the west side apartments, I can make it there in roughly... ~ She scrunched her eyes and shook her head. Math was by far her worst subject. "Ahhh! Fuck it, I'll make it on time."


With a finale relaxed breath; she removed her red coat and sprinted across the slightly busy street without a moments hesitation. Shocked commuters honked their horns and swerved out of the way to avoid an accident on their hands. One oncoming car saw her to late and slammed on the breaks. Angel had little time to react but she let instinct take over. She cut her speed in half and timed the impending collision with the black BMW. When the cars' hood was right in front of her, she placed her hands on the hood and monkey vaulted across it with ease. The grizzly bear driving had a look of confusion and amassment painted on his face. She landed on her feet and continued her planed course to the opposite side walk. She looked for the fire escape ladder on the side of the building and saw that the ladder was retracted by just a few feet out of her reach. Any other mammal would have tried a different route or just given up all together but there was some perks to having retractable wings. She flexed her forearm muscles and an extra layer of thin membrane expanded from her finger tips up to her shoulder. She jumped at an angle and used her wings to give her an extra boost in her jump. Angel latched onto the fourth bar of the ladder and hoisted herself over the guard rail. ~Fourth bar, new record. ~ She thought to herself. She relaxed her forearm and her wings retracted into her arm and fingers. Angel grabbed a hold to the next level and launched herself until she was equal to the guarder. She cat leaped and cat grabbed repeatedly until she reached the top of roof. She took a second to gather her thoughts and catch her breath. ~Alright, I'm half way there but there's still that one gap that continues to screw me over. ~ She thought. ~My wings still hurt after I impaled them the last time I tried. But today's a new day, and I've learned from my mistakes,~ she took a few steps over to the ledge. ~Oh hell yeah, I'm defiantly gonna make it.~ She thought in triumph. Angel backed over to the other side of the roof to get a running start, and with a silent prayer, she sprinted towards the gap. She pushed herself into the Double Kong vault and flexed her forearm muscles to open her wings. She glided across the thirty foot gap but she was losing altitude faster than the speed she had gained. The ledge was now above her line of vision. ~No! Not again! ~ She screamed in her head. Angel began to cover her face as she braced herself for impact. She opened her eyes to see a memory flash of the time her father first taught her how to fly.

Stop other song


Angel was seven at the time, just about the time a fruit bats wings should have completed its development. They were standing over a balcony of a rather nice mansion. It was dark out, and the stars were luminous and beautiful. "Now remember darling, as soon as you fill yourself falling to fast, just flap your arms. Start with your hand first then follow through with the rest. It's like waves in the water," Angels dad mimicked ocean with his broad wings. Angel giggled as her dad made ocean sounds with his mouth. "Otay daddy." When she smiled, she revealed her two front teeth that were missing. Her Canines always rested out her mouth which just added to her cuteness. She flexed her forearms and her wings slowly opened, she winced slightly but she managed to get them open with no problem. She followed her dads' motions with her arms as best she could, hand first, arms later. Eventually she appeared to have the motions down and her dad stood. He leaned over the railing slightly. The moonlight reflected on his glasses. It was like he was wearing pure white lenses. Angel stopped waving her arms around and looked at her dad with puzzlement. "Daddy, what cha doin'?" He said nothing as he stared into the night sky. After a brief second of silence, he looked at his daughter and smiled. "Why Angel, I'm going to go for a little swim." He shifted his weight over the rail and fell head first. "DADDY NO!" She screamed. Angel fell on her knees and began to cry. She used her oversized pink shirt sleeves to wipe her eyes. There was a small flapping noise that mixed with Angels sobs. She sniffled and slowly lowered her arms to open her eyes. To Angels' surprise, her dad floated into view, flapping his wings like he showed her. Her eyes widen with amazement as her mouth formed an 'O' shape. Angels dad put on his warm smile letting his daughter that everything was ok. He shifted his lower body weight back and tilted his hand forward, causing him to move forward until he landed on the patio safely. He kneeled and opened his arms, beckoning for Angel. Angel closed her mouth and for a brief second, she stood there petrified. Her face slowly melted into an upturned quivering bottom lip.

"Oh no, no daring, please no-"

"WAAAAAAAA!" She screeched. Angels' dad dropped his ears and gritted his teeth. She ran to hug tackled him on the ground. "Don't eva do that agaaihe-he-heeeen!"

"Ok, Ok, I promise it won't happen again, so long as you stop crying and trust that your dad knows what he's doing, alright?" He used his black tie to wipe her muzzle.

"Otay daddy..."

"That's my girl! Hey, lets get you ready for bed, It's gotten pretty late." He said as he looked at his watch. She nodded her head and slid off of her dads chest. She waited for him to pick himself off the ground and reached out for his hand. He gently took it, and walked her back in the house.

Stop song


Angel flashed her eyes open. The ledge was at least ten feet away. She tilted her hands and flapped her arms, mimicking the waves of an ocean with her wings. She felt her altitude rise with every flap. The ledge was five feet away. She was eye level with it but she knew she couldn't make it. She gave one more thrust to give herself more leverage. She relaxed her forearm muscles to get rid of her wings and to get a better grip on the ledge. She pulled herself over into a screwdriver 180 and landed with grace. Angel felt a vibration in her chest that startled her, ~ Ah, I thought I left that at home... oh wait... ~ she reached into her cleavage and pulled out her phone that showed Tiny and Angel together on a chair. The photo showed him looking the other way while Angel smiled at the camera with her canines still hanging out of her mouth. She clicked on the 'accept' button. "What happened?" She said breathing heavily.

"Tim nut checked me, dat's what happened. I stalled as much as I could but yo're gonna have to change the direction and try to cut the bus off."

"SHIT! Ok, stay on the phone. Oh and thanks Tiny."

"No problem Angel." He grunted. Angel pulled her shirt in the middle and dropped her phone into the abyss, she let her shirt go with a satisfying 'SNAP' sound. ~Oooo, I love that. ~ She thought to herself. With her original route thwarted, she calculated a new way to beat the bus. She looked to her right and decided to cut the bus off at the next kids house which was about three minutes away on foot (well, for a free running, half-flying, mammal). She turned and dashed across the roof and jumped. While in mid-air, she put her arms behind her and pulled her legs into a semi-squat position. She attracted her wings and glided safely onto the ground by landing with a forward roll. ~I love how the day is starting! ~ She thought happily with a tiny smirk of cockiness. Angel continued her marathon down the street.

A letter from the author:

Whoo! Finally done. I can't say that it's good because I would be lying to you all but it's the best I can do at the time. Being bogged down with school and military what not; it's kinda hard to find leisure time when I'm being yelled at. Oh well. If you haven't noticed, I've tried a little something new with the links in words. Some bring you to songs to add to the mood, some bring you to a site that explains things that I think would take too much time explain and take away from the story itself. So, there ya go everybody, the sixteen year old sexy fruit- bat, Angel Bridg. Just one more part until the walkers.

2012 Zombie Apocalypse: through eyes of four teenagers: Tyrone 'Tiny' Biggss

Part 3 Pete rock, Tiny's favorite artist, played his ' [wake\_up](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6LFaeJaHu8&feature=related)' song on his ihome that was next to his bed. Tiny sat up, clacked his beak together and placed his feet on the cold ground....

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2012 Zombie Apocalypse: through eyes of four teenagers Morocco Fedoseev

If you see \*\* It indicates conversatins in another language. Particularly in Russion so....Yea... Part 2 MoroccoFedoseev Morocco what working in his garage on his Ford Mustang GT500 that he found lying around after walking home...

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2012 Zombie Apocalypse: through eyes of four teenagers TJ LAWSON

I'd like to take this time to say thank you to my editor, Xorik. Thank you for putting up with my horrid spelling, poor choise of words, lack of grammer, and my innate since of verb placement witch could be...

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