The Guild Ch. 2

Story by Jack Silver on SoFurry

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#1 of The Guild

Hello again ^^

Wow, i'm honestly surprised and amazed at the responce this story is getting so far. I was expecting a few views and maybe one watch, but it seems to be getting some attention.

Now, this is the last real set up chapter, things start moving along in chapter three, and I dont think anyone eill be dissapointed.

As always let me know what you think, and I'm always open to ideas.

Chapter 2: Exams

Ms Lukawits and I talked for almost an hour, going over her little list of my reported feelings, she even ended up asking me if there were any others that I'd like to share. By the end of it my mouth was getting sore and my throat was dry. We took a short break to get a drink and then it was right back into the room.

"Alex, I'd like to give you my office information," she said fishing a small drive out of her pocket. I accepted it and plugged it into the little computer on my arm. I waited for the little 'bing' that said the info had downloaded and then handed the drive back to her. "We've made some good progress in the last hour, and I would be more then happy to continue working with you."

"Okay," I agreed. I felt a little tired, like I was mentally exhausted, but I felt a lot better then I thought I might. I had just found out I wasn't Basic, and although I had spaced out for a little while there I'd like to think I was taking it pretty well.

"You have the hours of operation, address and Vid-number for Trent Offices, the practice I work for. You also have my personal Vid-number in case of emergencies. It's not very common, but it's also not unheard of for some distressing mental and even physiological changes to happen during the transition. If you ever go through any sudden physical changes, notice something happening to the way you think or even if you just feel pressured and need to talk to someone, my line is always open, day or night."

"Thanks," was all I could think of to say. Really, what do you say to all of that.

"Good," she said. "Now, we can either continue onto the placement test or we could leave and come back tomorrow morning. The test results do not have to be in until three."

"Nah, I'm fine."

She gave me the same very pointed look that Erica always seems to give me.

"I'm not acting macho," I defensively. "I really am okay."

"Okay, and I'm sure you're starting to get sick of hearing the touchy feely psychiatrist talk, but I want you to know that we can stop at any time and pick it up tomorrow."

I managed a half smile and nodded. She smiled at me in the way a mother might and got the file she came in with and had read all those reports out of.

"First I'm going to need to fill out some personal information." The next twenty minutes were wiled away with questions and answers.



Date of birth?

April 2nd, 3201.

A few of the questions were a little odd, like 'are there any times of day that you feel uncomfortable in?' or 'do you get nervous when you see the Forest Wall?'. Very soon she flipped over the last page and put them aside. Next she tapped a few spots on the screen of her personal computer and when the projector flashed once I assumed she was booting it up.

"Next I'm going to give you some words and I want you to tell me what they make you think and feel. "

"Okay," I agreed.

"I'm going to ask you to be very honest with me, meaning that I would like you to tell me everything, even any sexual thoughts you might have. The more honest you are with me; the better you're placement will be."

That was a little unnerving. "Um, I'll try."

"Nothing you say will leave this room. I will not judge you no matter what you say. Please believe me when I say that I've heard it all before and there's nothing you could say that would shock me or make me exclude you from the program. Lets begin. What do you think when you hear the word 'woman'?"

"Smile, Erica ... business skirt, cat tail, dragon scales and ... um .... Breasts," I said slowly, blushing just a little.

"Good," Ms Lukawits said, while presumably writing down what I had said. "If you could try to answer a little faster it might help. There are things that people subconsciously try to suppress that can come out when answering on reflex."

"I'll try."

"Next word; man."

"Wilderness, Engine oil, blue hair?"


"Cool metal, humming of engines, Gigasoft."


"Small, cuddly, wrench and the sounds of the woods."


"Horns, heat and fire, burning and I hear a woman screaming."

"Good, next word is Camping?"

"Nervousness, fire burning under the stars, umm," I glanced at her and decided to just push forward. "And being naked in a tent."


"Uhh," I said softly as I fought off a little bit of a blush. "Furry, soft, purring and um... kissing a flicking ear."


"Sun, bathroom, lemons."


I blush really deeply before I answer this one. "Blankets against naked skin ... um, warmth, kisses, pleasure, a woman cumming"


Good, and easier one. "Eyes, leaves and candy."


"Warm hands, uhh, lips on my neck, laying beneath a soft body, ummm." I blushed harder. "Stiffness."


"Erica, loose pants, a game of hide and seek and anger towards people who hurt Erica."

"That seems to be good," Ms Lukawits said, tapping a few places on the screen of her computer. "Now, we're going to move onto something a little more complicated. I'm going to give you a few phrases and I'll want your thoughts and feelings, as honest as you can once more."

"Sounds good," I said, starting to relax into the situation a little.


That one was a little surprising. "What does love mean to me? Well, that's not a real easy word to define, but I can understand why it would come up. So many people think that everyone feels emotions the same, but that's not true at all. Take anger for instance. You have your people who burn hot and end up screaming and yelling, and your people who go quiet and get their revenge later. Just like there are people who could live without love, or those whom make it everything. There are those who don't believe in it, or who think it's just a physical sensation. Love to me is a feeling of wanting to put another person before yourself. It's having the choice to either do something nice for them, or for yourself, and knowing that if you take the selfish route nothing will taste as good or be as bright. It's a feeling of accepting all of them and a need to feel accepted in turn."

I blushed deeply when I realized how much I had just given away.

"Don't be embarrassed," she said. "This is exactly the thing I was hoping for. Keep trying to be this honest. Next."

And so it went for three hours, until Ms Lukawits had enough to go on and we moved on. "I'm going to be showing you a series of images and possibly video clips. I would like you to tell me what you feel and think about each one, elaborate as much as you can. There are no time limits on answers, and I have nowhere else to be so don't be worried about talking for too long."

"Okay," I said, making myself comfortable while making sure I could see the images clearly. The first image popped up and it was a girl in a hoodie looking off at something off screen. She had a pair of thick rimmed glasses over top of bright red eyes that seemed to be smiling a little bit. "She looks happy, and I'm wondering how nice and warm she might be if I were to hug her."

"Good," Ms Lukawits said, making more notes.

The next image was a guy playing football, kicking the small black and white ball right at the photographer.

"Playing sports in the summer, and the fact that I don't particularly like guys that way."

"And this one?"

The next picture was that of a Leopard girl laying on her back on a couch. She was nude, or at least topless as she was photographed from the waist up. Her smile was wide and cheerful, almost playful really. Since she was laying down her breasts were lying flat on her chest, spilling over the sides in a very interesting way. She was a bit of a chubbier girl with a padded, the softest looking tummy, covered in patterned fur, and nipples that were fully erect.

"She looks very happy, and I can't .... uhhh." I feel my blushing flare up again, but decide to push through it all. "Well, my first thought when I saw her was 'oh kami, she looks so cuddly!'.

"Good." The next image popped up and it was another Basic girl, fully naked this time. She was standing on a wooden deck and looking right at the camera. The forest behind her was pleasant enough, but I didn't feel drawn to her at all. She was skinny, to the point that you could almost count her ribs, with large breasts that had to be fake, simply because the rest of her was so bony. She was totally shaved and her arms were up behind her dyed blond hair. She was smiling, but there didn't seem to be anything going on in her eyes. In fact she looked like she was bored with everything.

"She doesn't seem to be enjoying herself at all, and ... uhh, I've always found the totally shaved look to be a little.. overrated?"

"Could you expand on that?" Miss Lukawitz said making a note.

"Well, we're all human, right? No one is naturally hairless - well except some breeds of the elves and Scalies. And no one smells like perfumes, you know, meadows of flowers or whatever those one word perfumes are supposed to smell like. Heck, most of them just make me choke. No one looks like supermodels except supermodels, and even then I don't really see what so attractive about them."

"So you prefer a more natural look?"

"Well, yes, sort of. I ... don't like how everyone thinks that it is the only way to be and anything else is weird and fetish." I said, trying to articulate what I had always felt. "It's more like, I find it more attractive for people to be themselves. You see all these people trying to be like this actress or singer, or like what a magazine tells them is attractive, and it just looks so... wrong. They're trying so hard to be what they've been told is attractive that they aren't comfortable in what they're wearing, or how their acting. It just looks ... uncomfortable."

"There are people who are naturally very skinny, or a little more chubby, and there are people who are naturally this and naturally that. There are geeks and nerds, and people who love to shop and talk about fashion, and if that's who they really are all the power to them. I'm happy that they're comfortable being themselves, and you can feel that they are truly that way, just by being around them. But then you get the people who are trying to be what everyone says their supposed to be and it just comes off all ... forced and fake. It's cold, unreal, and I just don't want to be around them much."

Ms. Lukawitz was not writing like she usually was, but instead looking at me intensely as I spoke, taking in every word, and when I was done speaking she slowly wrote down one single line at the top of the page she had open in my file and closed it. "That's all I needed to hear Alex. I know exactly where you would be most comfortable."

"Oh?" I asked a littler nervously, suddenly going back over what I had just said over and over looking for something weird or creepy I may have mentioned. I said exactly what I was thinking and I don't think I thought anything odd or weird.

"Don't worry Alex, a placement is the reason we are here. It just usually takes many hours to get a person to start answering the questions with total honesty, and more still to place them properly. I know you've been almost totally honest from the beginning and that helped the process on greatly. Now all that's left is to do a few medical scans."

"That's good," I said, standing up and stretching my back, feeling it pop in a few places.

"I do want you to keep me in mind though Alex," Ms Lukawitz says, putting the file down and making eye contact. "My com is always just a call away, no matter what the time, and no matter how small a matter it might be. Always. I will be checking in on you from time to time, and I hope to hear from you occasionally."

"I'll remember," I replied, shaking her hand in a polite manner.

"Are you going to tell Erica about what you found out today?"

My mind immediately flew to all the clips and images I had just seen and I felt a blush coming across my face. I'm sure she was referring to what my feelings may actually be telling me. To be perfectly honest I wasn't sure what any of it meant right now, and the mere thought of trying to figure it all out today was making my head spin. This was going to have to be thoughts for another day, although of course I was going to tell my best friend. "Yeah, we'll talk about it."

"Good," she said, with a pleasant nod. "I will feel a lot better if you have at least one person to talk to about all of this, it's a lot to deal with alone. Now I'm sure you're ready to get out of this room. I am sure you can find your way to the gym? That's where they have set up the equipment." She opened my file again, and took out a little blue piece of paper, scribbled a few things on it, signed it, and handed it over. "When you get there, give the man at the desk this."

"Sounds good," I mumbled while looking down at the paper she gave me. It had a few boxes checked with pen, next to long medical phrases that I couldn't understand. "Do I go now?"

"As soon as possible, then you get a day to relax while the rest of the examinations are being completed and then come to the school on Friday and we'll all load up in buses and go off to our different places."

"Thanks." I shook her hand because there seemed to be nothing else to say, and made my way out of the room and back down the hall, still hearing the faint voices coming from behind closed doors. I didn't bother listening this time. It was most likely the same crap as before, just like it always was.

"Oh hello!" Claire bounced up from her little desk happily, leaving her Vidscreen on so she had a little pink screen over one eye still scrolling information. She finally seemed to realize she still had it on and quickly tapped a button on her Wrist-Comp and it retracted. "Sorry about that, I didn't expect anyone to be finished for at least another two hours, so I was just catching up on paper work."

"Apparently I was pretty quick and easy to place." I didn't want to get any further into it than that, and tried to politely say as so with my tone. Claire seemed to pick up on it and smiled pleasantly.

"Well that's good, if you leave now there shouldn't be any waiting in the Gym."

"Yeah I heard about that," I replied, suddenly remembering that I hadn't asked. "What is it for anyway?"

"Just some medical tests and screens to make sure you're healthy and to ensure that there are no sicknesses that can be passed on. If there are they will most likely have the medicine on hand to cure it. You should have seen the crates of supplies they brought in." She giggled happily. "They seem to have come prepared for an army."

"Well it is all government funded, they might have just brought some actual military medicines and supplies."

"Oh!" Claire squeaked in surprise. "Do you really think so? That would explain most of it. Though there was that odd woman in the white robe. She didn't seem to be with the rest, but she was in their truck, and she only had the one case." She got a rather cute thinking face on and seemed to be thinking deeply.

"Well either way I should be going," I prompted, and she started and blushed like she had forgotten that she was talking to someone. "Could you tell me where I could wait for Erica Mendoza? I'd like to head to the Gym with her."

"Oh yes, just give me a second." Claire typed away on her Wrist-Comp and after a little beep sounded, she sent me off to the Main Office of B Wing. The examination rooms they set up over here were just down the hall and Erica would have to pass me leaving.


"Wow," Erica muttered as I finished describing all of what had been covered in my own exam. We were sitting in the bleachers against one side of the Gym with a half dozen other people doing homework while they waited or browsing the interweb, the only sound was the occasional laugh or cough from the people around us, nearly drowned out by the hums and beeps and all other kinds of sounds coming from the machinery and equipment strewn around the Gym on tables. There were large scanners, bed scanners, and even one huge DNA scanner sitting tall and clinically white with all sorts of silver panels, sensors and interfaces that could determine the background of anyone who stepped inside.

I guess I was going to have time to find out about myself after all.

"Yeah, that's one word for it." I laughed a little hollowly.

"Are you going to be okay?" She asked. Erica had come out of her exam blushing, a little giggly and judging from the peaks of her breasts and her well hidden stiffness, very aroused. She laughed and told me about the things she had seen and said. We talked fairly candidly about it all, like we always had, and soon it was my time to share.

"Yeah, it's a lot to take in, but I'm still me; still the person I've always been." I shrugged, not trying to be macho, just being honest. "I don't quite know what I might find out about myself if I look into it all a little deeper, but I'll have to accept it and make it a part of me, because what other choice do I have?"

A heavy silence fell, broken only by a woman dressed in a full length, totally featureless white robe that went down to her feet walking across the room. Her hood was up, and some straight black hair fell down around her pale face, blocking it all from view. Moving along with her were two other people both walking one step behind and to either side of her. I don't know what exactly caught my attention so firmly, but a look to the right told me Erica felt the same pull.

Both of the people walking behind her had an air of some kind of military or fighting force about them. There was a general sense of readiness for combat around them. Although the fact that one of them was in full military camo with an empty hip holster might have hinted a little.

To the woman in white's left was a girl about our age. She was a Silver Fox, walking in a very strong stride, like she was ready to walk through anyone dumb enough to stand in her way. Her black boots shined, her pants were crisp, and her shirt was sharp and just loose enough to allow for free movement without being cumbersome, hugging a rather interesting chest. On her hip was a brown leather holster that looked well cared for, but most definitely used.

Her hair was a shiny silver, cut very short, and tucked up under a simple camo cap with two gold stars on the peak. Her lips pulled back in a smile across her muzzle revealing sharp teeth. Her fur was a rich black, except for across her cheeks and trailing down her neck on each side where it was a bright silver as well. I found myself wondering for a second how far down it went.

The other one was a little shorter with a mop of deep crimson hair that fell down around her ears in a haphazard way. She had light blue, almost grey skin that looked very exotic and interesting. Very big grey, almond shaped eyes and a cute little nose. She was wearing a long brown coat, over what seemed to be a sea blue unitard, and a brown belt across her chest that had at least a hundred pockets.

"She's cute," Erica said from beside me, starting up the age old conversation between friends, and I grinned. Leave it to Erica to get my mind off darker thoughts.

"Which one?" I asked watching them move over to an unused table at the other end of the Gym.

"Both," she replied with a wicked grin. "And I know you're gunna jerk off thinking about them later."

That stopped me for a long second, comepletly knocking any thoughts of my origins and abilities right out of my head. Erica just looked right back at me, not blinking as a wicked smile spread across her face slowly. "What?" she asked trying to look totally innocent, but the blush on her pale cheeks, and her shifting seat gave her away. "You are."

"You are too," I accused, looking back over to them for a second, watching the militant Silver Fox moving around, and pulling some long black tube off her back and putting it on the table. I had to admit the way her muscled bum moved under her pants was very interesting as well.

"She does have a really nice ass," Erica replied watching me out of the side of her eye. "And yes I am."

I roared with laughter as a my own face blushed so brightly I could feel it. "Well arent we just a couple of perverts."

"Nah, everyone masturbates, and is a pervert from time to time, even if they don't admit it. The trick is not letting it control you."

"I suppose," I said, agreeing as the smaller red haired girl threw a red table cloth over the table and smoothed it out, before the Silver Fox placed the tube very carefully on top. Their task done both of them grabbed a few close by chairs and sat by either side, watching the students being moved about from station to station.

"Are we going to get going? Or do you too hard to stand up right now?" she teased, still with that same wicked grin.

"Ha ha," I said sarcastically, getting up and heading down the bleachers, still casting the occasional look over to the black tube on the table. Beside me Erica keep taking quick looks as well. "What do you think is in that?" She just shrugged as we got to Station One. It was a blood test, and I got to go first.