Journey of the Chosen Chapter Five Part One

Story by Secret shadow on SoFurry

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#5 of Journey of the Chosen series

This chapter's rewrite is now finished and posted, hope you all like the changes. :) Chapter 6 rewrite will be coming much later after I turn out a new chapter that continues the series. Thank you for reading and please comment on the things that you like and don't like about each chapter, as I always make an effort to accommodate things to what my readers like. :)

Journey of the Chosen

Disclaimer: Don't own pokemon, never have, never will. All rights are reserved to Pokemon and their respectful owners. Only the idea of this story is mine along with said original named characters excluding original pokemon animated story characters. This story contains intimate relationships between two teens around age 14, if this disturbs you too bad. This chapter's latest revamp: May 16th 2016.

Writer's note : Since this chapter had become a lot longer than previously expected, as it has been greatly extended to include the more graphic detail of situations. I'm turning this chapter into a two-part chapter for those who like it to be a bit shorter. Comments Are Always helpful and wanted.


This Chapter contains intense Adult material that is unsuitable for anyone under age of 18.

If you are not 18 or older please leave now.

Marks of reference: *** means Time laps or paragraph break, ( ) represents thoughts, meanings, and sounds, " " normal speech or sayings, < > represents Pokespeech if any, ~ ~ represents psychic/aura speech if any in early chapters.

Chapter Five

Part One

Catch and Release

Dawn had been making real slow progress in making it to the next city of Nacrene after the first day, as her thoughts had been twisting into knots of embarrassment and regret ever since that morning she had woken to Rika asking her to cover up. During her flight away from Striaton City she had avoided all the other trainers on the road and while she had at first given herself a head start of getting ahead of Evin the first day she had expected to see him pass her up sooner or later after that from the way she had continued on the next day.

Hours she spent pondering and beating herself up over that one moment in time as she made little to no progress at all in getting to the next city. With her emotions as they were, Dawn was in fact trying to stay out away from other people until she could quiet her thoughts and force herself to get over what had happened. She had even at one time lightly contemplated rejoining Evin if he showed up before she made it to Nacrene, but every time she thought of him her face tuned bright red as the picture of her nudeness on the bed in front of him haunted her.

In the end, after opting to just let him pass her by, Dawn wandered into the nearby tallgrass thickets off the main road before setting up camp. Piplup tried comforting her while her lillipup Rags did the same. Servine however wasn't in an emotionally comforting mood, so all she did was coil up near the campfire of a few burning sticks and go to sleep. Dawn felt loved by at least most of her pokemon as she made a face at Servine to indicate her mutual infection towards the grass snake that had never taken to liking her very well.

The evening of her second day on the road was still young, so while leaving Piplup in charge of camp Dawn wandered into the woods nearby with Rags right behind her. As she walked she continued to ponder on whether or not she had reacted in the right way towards Evin before. Sure she had been embarrassed, but she should have allowed for such things when traveling with companions. Once again the act that she knew Evin hadn't seen played through her mind before she shook her head to make it go away.

She had no idea why she had had such desires and while she hadn't actually done anything with Evin, the act itself of what she did do thereafter was like a haunting curse tormenting her mind as she wondered when she had become so dirty minded. Ashamed of what she had done, Dawn had almost missed the sound of Rags growling at some Bushes ahead of her as she had been walking without paying attention.

Freezing where she was, she asked Rags what it was, but then Rags without warning jumped forward into the bushes with a growling bark. The commotion after that sounded like a little dog ripping into a stuffed animal squeak toy as Dawn heard the sound, "VEE!" startle her senses. It took her a moment to recognize that sort of call as she then jumped through the bushes just in time to watch Rags fly back into her face.

Knocked down and slightly dazed, Dawn felt and heard Rags rush off again barking and snarling as the call of the other pokemon grew more agitated. Sitting up Dawn saw Rags jump on top of a small eevee just barely larger than he was as it attempted to throw him again. Dawn was glad that all of her years with Ash had taught her something as she pulled a spare pokeball out of one of her pockets. Rags held on and chomped down onto its tail with all his strength as the eevee whirled around like the last time it had thrown him, but this time all it managed to do was make him pull its tail harder before it lunged in to bit his paw.

Rags growled and bit down harder, but a tail was hardly vital as he soon realized he wasn't getting anywhere and released to jump back. The eevee let him and swished its tail while he took a moment to lick the blood from his pawn. "Rags use tackle!" came Dawn's voice and without hesitating he knocked into the eevee's shoulder hard as he tried to use sheer determination and muscle to bring it down. The eevee stumbled for a moment, but then Dawn called for another tackle, which finally knocked the small fox off its feet.

Seeing her chance, Dawn threw the ball in her hand perfectly as it conected with the eevee's fluffy underbelly. The ball wiggled and shook as it even rolled once while Dawn kept her fingers crossed. for a moment it seemed the catch would fail, but right when it had reached the longest time limit of capture it dinged the all clear. Dawn jumped with an enthusiastic yell as she picked up the ball with both hands and held it in the air as she twirled around. It was her first catch in days and a rare one at that as she finished up by giving Rags a great big hug.

This had been the kind of distraction she needed to take her mind off things as she now returned to camp in triumph. Piplup was a little confused by how happy she was when she had first walked into camp, but was happily surprised when she brought out the new edition to their party. The eevee shook herself for a moment after being released, but then hid behind Dawn's leg when she caught sight of Rags. Uncertain of what he might do, Eevee thought Dawn's leg was the safest place to be as she slowly took her eyes off Rags and let them wander over the rest of the camp.

"Awe," Dawn started as she carefully picked the little eevee up, "are you scared of little rags?" The eevee glanced at Rags again and nodded. "Don't be, he's really friendly if you let him get to know you, he's just not a fan of being sneaked up on. But now that we are all family I want all of us to be great friends." The eevee sniffed at Dawn's aroma before tucking its head against her breasts. Dawn was caught off guard by this quick affection from a new pokemon at first, but then gently hugged the furry critter nestled in her arms.

Darkness approached quickly that night, so it wasn't long thereafter before the lot of them had eaten and prepared for bed. The quarters within her tent were very well adaptable to adding a new small furry body to the mix, but being that Eevee preferred to sleep on top of Dawn instead of getting her own area she was glad to have the little furry heater sleep there. The forest teemed with the sounds of nocturnal pokemon calls as Eevee seemed relieved to finally be away from hiding from it all as she quite well preferred the safety of Dawn's company to that of always fending for herself.


Morning came with the very subtle brightening of the sky as the trees to the east completely blocked the sunrise. (Three days.) Dawn thought as she looked down the road. It had been three days now since she left Evin's company as she continued to struggle with the thought of what she would do if she saw him. Once again she felt like her personal life was in shambles after being seen naked and her own personal secret act was the topping of that cake. It was that one strand of lustful lewd thoughts that had caused so much trouble and she still wasn't even sure why she had even had them in the first place. Even though no one had seen her do it, the shame of those moments burned within her like the sun.

Again she persistently hounded herself on why she did what she did as she packed camp and as always she arrived at that same troubled conclusion that maybe she was becoming dirty minded and told herself that she didn't want to be like that. Her emotions all freshly torn asunder for the new day, Dawn left the area with little enthusiasm while also keeping all of her pokemon out of their balls to walk with her.

She walked without paying enough attention to even notice other people as she simply walked by everyone on and near the road. Her heart really just wasn't in it, so as noon approached she once again made camp early just off the road. She was beginning to wonder where Evin might have gotten off to since she had been keeping a pretty close eye on the road for him, but at the same time she was kind of glad that he hadn't made it this far yet. She was kicking herself needlessly and while she knew that she was doing this to herself, she could never seemed to be able to keep her own thoughts at bay.

She could see a small bridge a fair way down the road that meant that she was getting close to Necrene City, but with so little enthusiasm left in her it looked like a very long way off. For the rest of the day Dawn watched people walking down the road and tried to forget what had happened between her and Evin. Though she could only push those thoughts away so far before she saw a few couples that were holding hands pass her by and sighed with the thought of what it would be like to be like that with Evin.

Again her face turned red as her cheeks suddenly felt like they were being sun baked when it finally occurred to her that she was in love with him. This to her somewhat explained why she had felt those strange desires towards him that night when she had seen his pokemon making love behind his bed. She thought of the reasons why she might have actually fallen in love with him other than the fact that she found his appearance to be both cute and hot. She thought he was kind and hansom but wasn't sure about his mysterious side, as he had often stopped for meditation and seemed to have some peculiarities about him that she just couldn't quite figure out.

Her head swam with the idea of actually becoming his girlfriend as a stupid smile made her bite her lip before realty swung back in. It was dark already, as her pokemon started asking for their evening meals and had interrupted her daydream. Distracted from what she had been thinking about, Dawn busied herself with preparing meals both for herself and her pokemon before she finally came to a decision. During their meal together Dawn announced with an air of confidence that they would be rejoining Evin's company when next they met and would do her best to not let her petty feelings of embarrassment bother her again.

Everyone except Eevee and Servine let out cheers of merriment before Piplup took it upon himself to enlighten their new companion of who Evin was. Eevee didn't really understand, but nodded her head as she acknowledged that he was another human and a freind. Suddenly the night air didn't feel quite so heavy to Dawn as she breathed a sigh of relief and felt confident that she could keep her feelings at bay. Energy seemed to return to her limbs and lighten her steps as she prepared her camp for bed, but once again she wondered where Evin could be since she was pretty sure he hadn't passed her.

Looking towards the bridge Dawn decided that she would wait one more day right in that very spot and if he didn't show up by then she planned on asking the professor directly when she got to the pokemon center.


The fourth day of her journey alone came bright and early as having gotten her worries out of the way seemed to make her feel more alive. Again she watched the road waiting for Evin to come walking along with Rika by his side, but from what she could tell something was amiss as a few Rangers ran down the road in the direction she had come from. Worry gripping her chest as another set of rangers started to pass her she asked them, "What's happening?" The younger ranger looked to the other before he replied, "A small squad of Team Rocket has been spotted in the area ahead and have attacked a lone trainer near the wellspring cave." Dawn's heat skipped a beat before she then asked, "Is the trainer okay?" The ranger shrugged, "From what we've heard the train made it out okay, but his pokemon sustained injuries before they made it back to Striaton City."

Dawn felt like she knew that it had to have been Evin who was attacked and asked, "Do you know who the trainer was that got attacked?" They shook their heads and said, "We weren't given any other details other than the incident itself." Dawn Immediately started to go get her things together, but the two rangers stopped her as they said, "If you're thinking about heading back up the trail then you should know that the area is being quarantined as we speak. The area ahead is too dangerous for civilian personnel, so if you're worried about if it was someone you know then you should go on to Necrene City and use the phones there. Or if you're not sure it was someone you know then within the next three hours everyone currently on the road and in the areas nearby will be escorted either this direction or to Striaton, depending where they are headed."

Dawn thought for a moment as she tried to weigh the possibilities before saying, "Okay then, I'll wait here for a while longer, but if you don't mind while you are escorting people back, can you keep an eye out for a trainer paired with a lucario? He's a friend of mine, and if you could tell him that I'm waiting here for him that would be great." The men nodded before then continuing up the road with slightly more hast than before.

Leaving Dawn far behind, the younger ranger finally spoke up, "Don't you think we should have told her that the report did mention a boy and his lucario?" The older ranger shook his head, as he said, "No, this I an extra precaution we use these days to keep Teams from gathering information on trainers that get in their way so as to prevent retaliation. No matter how innocent they look or sound no one can be trusted and even if she is true then the information would only worry her more." The two continued running, but the younger of the two couldn't help a second glance over his shoulder before he said, "I hope your right."

Dawn returned to her camp unsure of what to do next. She supposed that there was a good possibility that Evin wasn't part of what had happened, but at the same time she wasn't sure. Looking at her tent she thought of the commitment she had just made when she asked the rangers to give Evin the message that she was waiting for him and struggled with the debate of whether or not she should go to the pokemon center now or later. She looked at her wrist communicator seeing that it was already getting close to noon and decided that three hours wasn't too long to wait just to be sure.


By this time Evin was about back to where he and Rika had been training near wailing cavers when he saw a lot of the rangers rushing around. He stopped long enough to ask what was happening and they told him they were searching for the Team Rocket suspects that were supposed to be in the area and that he should vacate immediately. Evin almost sarcastically laughed at this and said, "Hope you catch them and make them pay big, they broke my lucario's chest spike when they attacked us." For a moment this caught the rangers off guard, as they hadn't expected to actually run into the trainer who was attacked and asked in tones of mixed amazement and awe, "You mean you were the one who got attacked?" Evin nodded and one of the rangers shook his hand and said, "We found what was left of that steelix, they left behind, I must say your pokemon must be extremely powerful to have done such a thing."

Evin in this case was more then happy to let Rika take the credit for this and said, "Yes, but not without consequences of course, my lucario almost died from the attack." The rangers became serious again and one said, "All the more reason for us to keep searching the area, so long, keep safe and stay on the road." And with that the ranger took off. Evin sighed as he set a foot on one of the peddles before noting the time at about twelve thirty and thought that it would be getting dark by the time he made it to Necrene. Taking a few deep breaths, Evin once again put out a burst of speed that only his powers could bestow and hoped that Dawn was already at the pokemon center.


A couple hours had passed since Dawn last saw those rangers running up the road, but still there were no signs of people coming back. Each minute seemed to take forever as she became ever more agitated. Piplup stayed near Dawn's side the entire time trying to cheer her up, but all he could do was temporarily lighten the mood as the others mingled around the burned out campfire. The sun was getting lower in the sky and would set in a few more hours as dawn had started packing camp. The tent still being one of the last things to get packed before a new clarity of the world seemed reveal itself. She and her pokemon noticed, as they stood still, that everything had just gotten deathly quiet.


Evin was still riding as fast as he could when he saw how low the sun was getting and the moon easily visible in the sky. He was slightly astonished at first but began to wonder just how far ahead the bridge was before he could make it to Necrene City. Slowly relief crept into his bones as he continued to put more distance behind him without seeing any signs of problems at the roadside. But still he had the nagging feeling of needing to find her as soon as possible as he peddled harder and faster to the point that the bike's frame shook from his uncommon need for speed.

The bridge began to come into view and Evin felt even more relieved since he still saw no traces of anyone along the road, but that all came to an abrupt halt when he noticed something away from open view and decided to check it out. What he came upon from the roadside had the distinguished look of a campsite and as he spotted the tent he decided to enter and ask if anyone had seen a girl of Dawn's description pass by recently.

But when he entered the camp, his blood ran cold. Upon closer inspection the camp was in shambles and there were signs of struggle allover the place with no one to be seen. Checking to see if there were any belongings left behind to determine whose camp this was, Evin found and recognized some of Dawn's things scattered in the dirt. Knowing that his worst fears seemed to be coming true, he let Rika out of her ball and she also got bad vibes as she took in the scene and when she took in the smell of the camp she helped to confirm that this was Dawn's camp, but that there were also the familiar smells of the ones they had fought before. There was no mistaking that foul play was involved and by following the drag marks left behind Evin and Rika entered the densely forested woods near the road.

Even with his board ranging of sensing the things in the area around him, Evin still hadn't detected anyone in the area, as he and Rika continued following the slight trail left. From the marks left behind as they got deeper into the unmapped forest, it made Evin feel gladdened to see that Dawn had still been struggling up to this point, but at the same time it caused him to wonder why she was being taken so far from the main trail. At first the situation didn't make a lot of sense to Evin, but from what he had heard from the professor and now finding a small bit of ripped clothing, it was like a puzzle had come together.

Evin quickly relayed his suspicions to Rika before she growled and said, ~Those despicable wretches better not harm even one hair on her pretty head or I'll be the one to rip new breathing holes in their chests.~ Evin slightly smirked as he jumped over a fallen tree, but then came to a sudden halt when he finally detected people up ahead. The Team Rocket members were nearly two miles away from the main road and had finally stopped to make camp. Sneaking in closer to check things out, Evin spotted Dawn tied to a tree in a peculiar fashion so as to keep her legs and arms spread open with a gag in her mouth. Her pokemon were tied up as well and from what Evin could see they were unconscious.

Evin felt Rika's rage skyrocket at the site, but grabbed hold of her to calm her down as he quietly whispered, "We need a plan before we can make a move. If we get caught right now we are good as done for and that will not help Dawn out of her predicament." Cooling down, Rika let him know that she had it under control, but then asked, ~So what do we need to do first?~ Looking the camp over Evin then whispered, "For now we need to observe from the shadows to see what is where and who's doing what. They don't seem to be overly interested in Dawn right now and it doesn't look like they've done anything to her yet, but I have a hunch that that's about to change very soon after they've had some time to relax."

Rika let out a soft quiet whine as she unhappily replied, ~So what you mean is that we have to leave Dawn tied up there like that for now, while we wait?~ Evin nodded, "A simplified version of what I just said, but yes. We need to catch them at their weakest unprepared moment when they can't just call out their army to bash us like last time." Rika frowned like she had been insulted and retorted, ~But I beat like seven of them before they ever got the drop on me.~

Evin quietly chuckled, "Yes, I know you're a little badass, but the point is that they still outnumber us fifteen to one. We need to somehow separate them from their pokemon." Looking back at the camp, Rika and Evin tried to spot where the men were stashing their pokeballs to try and end the fight before it began. The three that were sitting down had all lumped their balls into three separate piles, while the two tending to the camp's needs still wore theirs on their belts. Evin wasn't sure about how he would separate the ones that still wore theirs, but for the ones with theirs' in piles it was just a matter of keeping the men away or disappearing the balls from the equation as Evin had an idea.

The plan for his idea was a bit of a gamble in the sense that it counted on one of the two that were standing to be the ones that bumbled into it, as the old saying of "being caught with my pants down" had sprung to Evin's mind. There was no real wondering involved with what Evin thought the men would do with Dawn once they were situated. They had kidnapped her and had taken her deep into the woods to have their way with her before moving on to their next victim. Like Rika, Evin could hardly stand to wait, but the plan hinged on him being patient, and it being one of the ones still wearing their belts that bumbled into his trap.

Explaining his brilliant plan to Rika and the others Evin began by saying, "Dawn is the trap. It might not happen the way I've imagined it so far, but I've got a feeling that one of those two will try something before going to bed. It's obvious why they have her tied up that way, so when one of them makes the move to drop his pants or takes his belt off before doing that, we will strike. I'm giving Aqua and Spazz keep away duty. It's your job to keep those men away from their pokeballs and if possible steal them while Rika and I handle the other threats. Aqua, I'm giving you this flare gun to fire strait up into the air the moment we strike. Once you've fired the flare join Spazz in keeping those men from their pokemon.

These men are evil to the core, so while normally I'd prefer not to kill if I didn't have to, these men's lives as of right now mean nothing to me. So don't give them a chance to act, don't hold back when we strike. To this end Rika will remain at a distance hiding in the shadows firing aura spheres while I rush in to do some serious damage and even possibly take out their leader or last defender. Her first shot will be the signal to move in. If we can do this without a large scale fight breaking out then we can win." Silent cheers of getting themselves pumped for action went up in the form of raised paws, as each knew what they had to do before they then moved to their key locations they would strike from and waited.

Minutes passed before the man that was tending to the cooking pot at the campfire announced that supper was ready. Evin had high hopes that this could be the chance that he was waiting for instead of his original plan and was ready to give the signal to Rika if it went the way he wanted. He watched closely for a few minutes, but then as each man sat down he saw that the two from before hadn't taken their belts off. Grudgingly he returned to waiting, but now that they were all seated he was no longer sure which one if any were going to take the actions he was waiting for.

He did have an alternate plan for if they all just went to sleep, but things could easily end up being troublesome if any of them set loose a pokemon or two to keep an eye on things while they slept. Nearly a half hour passed as the men ate while yammering about the day and the injuries they had received from the day before. It was apparent to Evin that he had left an impression on them, but all the while Evin was also silently saying to himself as he watched Dawn, "Don't look at them, don't look at them." Thinking that Dawn might draw their attention to her if she became overly curious.

Sure enough Dawn did have that look of curiosity, but it had yet to be noticed by her captors as they began joking to one another about past deeds. They joked and laughed about how they had toyed with a young boy that had just left home for the first time and had left him crying on the ground as they had walked off with his only pokemon. Then turned to talking about the last time they had caught a girl. Dawn's expression had quickly faded from one of curiosity to one of terror as the mood of the camp seemed to start turning to her as one by one each man took a glance at her after describing their last experience with a young girl.

Evin was starting to feel panicky, as he hadn't expected or anticipated all of them to suddenly start getting ideas and quickly tried to think of a way to make things play out in his favor. No matter how hard he tried, this current situation was the worst way things could have gone, but then all the men turned back to the fire and had a good laugh at the expense of Dawn's terrified expressions. Evin breathed a sigh and watched Rika do the same. He had though he had known just how sadistic people could be, but seemed to be finding that he couldn't have been more wrong.

"I should have killed them when I had the chance!" Evin whispered to himself under his breath, thinking back to when he had been slashing at their arms trying to make them leave. Looking back to the camp, Evin saw them all give another great laugh as the few of them with their belts already off waved while shaking their heads, apparently saying they were turning in for the night. Evin saw jackpot stars for a moment as he watched the three cozy up in big blankets to leave the other two to their business.

"Back to plan one," Evin whispered to himself again, "Maybe I might get lucky and those two will also take their belts off before bed." He didn't think his wishful thinking was even a remote possibility, but stored the thought in the part of his mind that didn't want bloodshed. The idea of killing someone in this world wasn't at the top of his things to do list, but more like at the top of his things to avoid list since he knew that few would approve of him leaving dead people in the wake of his journey no matter who they were.

The remaining two seemed to look like they were the ones in charge of the band, since they looked meaner but more refined. They seemed to be busying themselves with just cleaning up the camp, but then the one that looked like he was second in command asked the other a question and seemed to get a favorable answer as he nodded and went the other direction. The one that had asked the question still looked like he was cleaning things up, but at the same time he was noticeably making his way over to where Dawn was strapped to the tree. While the one that seemed to be making his way over to Dawn was finishing up, the other that seemed like he was first in charge, seemed to be finding himself a spot just far enough around the tree that he couldn't see what transpired on the other side.

Evin readied himself, as this looked like the moment he had been waiting for. They were quite a bit further apart with a wider range of sight than he liked since he hadn't counted on the other not wanting to see what his teammate did, but his plan was still good for this setting and raised his arm to alert Rika that their moment was coming. Rika in turn relayed to Spazz and Aqua that the chance to strike was coming and readied herself for an all-out surprise assault from all sides. Rika bounced on her feet, ready to dash from one point to another as she picked out her targets and was also aware that she would be in charge of taking down any pokemon that could be summoned that her aura spheres were good against.

The man milling around as he made his way over to Dawn finally looked up at her from his work to make eye contact before saying, "Hey there pretty pretty pretty, I bet you know what time it's getting to be." he said with a devilish smirk. Dawn's eyes went wide with terror as she fought against the ropes keeping her limbs in place causing the man to laugh at her reaction as he set some of the stuff he had in his hands down in a pack. Dusting his hands off, the man walked over to her before placing a finger under her chin to make her look up at him. "Don't fret too much little missy," the man began, "We aren't going to kill you. Hell if you'd only accept it and try to enjoy yourself it might even be fun."

Dawn's face turned beat red either from anger or embarrassment, Evin couldn't tell which. The man's hand then ventured down to her shirt where he gave one of her breasts a light experimental squeeze and rub. Dawn struggled against the man's touch before he just chuckled and then said, "Have it your way then. I might have even suggested to the others if you had cooperated that we at least leave you with your lillipup since we don't really have a use for it, but since you insist on struggling, you'd have to do more to change my mind now."

Dawn stiffened up as the man gave both her breast a rougher squeeze and started crying as she felt his knee press up between her legs. Evin and Rika waited for their moment with furious reluctance as they watched the disgusting man molest Dawn in the worst ways. At first the man was just feeling her up, but then he tore open her shirt and began poking and playing with her nipples. Evin worried that Rika was about to jump the gun and stealthily but quickly got over to her before he said, "He isn't going to rape her with his pants on, so keep calm until that moment comes."

She nodded to him as she began to calm down and while he made his way back to his earlier position she contemplated how she would make the bastard tormenting Dawn pay as she watched the man start in on some more substantial foreplay. Watching the man continue his molestation of Dawn, she felt her cheeks get hot when she saw him bend down to start licking and sucking on Dawn's breasts. Looking down at her own chest, she tried to imagine what it would be like if she could get Evin to do such things with her. Though just by looking at her own flat furred chest and glancing at Dawn's subtle soft skinned mounds, she knew which he would prefer to do that sort of thing with; if only she could get him over his own shyness about doing such a thing.

Dawn tried to scream through her gag, but wasn't able to produce much more than a muffled cough as she felt the man getting really into what he was doing. More and more she felt him tweaking her nipples and smothering his sandpaper like face into her breasts that seemed to be becoming more sensitive. The molesting of her chest coupled with the sensation of the man's knee pressed and rubbing against her virgin folds below her skirt was causing Dawn to feel involuntarily turned on, as she slowly felt her panties becoming more and more saturated with her own fluid.

The idea of what was about to happen tormented her fragile state of mind and made tears run down her face that much harder as she felt a hand run down inside her underwear to caress her wet folds. A mixture of disgust, terror, and anger made her struggle with everything she had as she abruptly made the man back off before he began to laugh. "You have spirit girly, but you wont have much left after we're all done with you in a few days." The man went in for what Evin though was going to be another groping, but then he watched as the man ripped Dawn's skirt as he pulled it all down and said, "Its time to get you started on your sex-ed reeducation, so that you might better understand your place among men."

Evin was sure that the time had finally come, but watched a bit longer as the man then toyed with Dawn's smooth hairless folds a bit more as he listened to the man say, "You should feel grateful to me, since most would just ravage you without the slightest notion that preparation is needed, I've done you this favor. Now that you are this wet it wont hurt nearly as bad. Though I do suggest that you change your attitude for some of the others, since they seem to like causing girls pain. Now prepare yourself sweet cheeks, I don't want you dieing of shock when you see this bad boy unleashed."

Dropping his belt first next came his pants, but just as they hit the ground (Wham!) as a high velocity aura sphere knocked out five teeth just before he heard his boss scream in agony. The others were awake and jumping from their blankets towards their pokeballs a moment later just as a flare shot up into the sky, but just as they almost had their hands on their belts they were hit by an aqua jet as a buizel came barreling out of the darkness at them. Momentarily confused about what was going on the men started to scatter. But then in that next moment their leader called out as he yelled, "It's the kid from before! Get back here you louts and get him off me!"

He was frantic as he screamed with a knife buried to the hilt in his shoulder. Evin looked up as he saw the men come strait for him instead of going for their own pokeballs and winced as another aura sphere nailed another right in the teeth. The man that just got hit in the face did a half back flip as his legs shot up into the air before his head hit the ground with a sickening sound as his neck snapped. Everyone blinked with startled expressions for a moment as the two that were running froze, but then the man beneath Evin smashed his right fist right into Evin's face and tossed him off.

With a growl the man pulled the knife out of his left shoulder and grabbed a ball from his belt before he said, "You're going to pay for that boy." and tossed the ball in Evin's direction. A large skuntank emerged with a growling hiss, but its introduction was short lived as another aura sphere blasted in and destroyed the stink-bomb's defense in one hit. Evin started to rush in again, but wasn't in time to keep the man from summoning his golbat and skarmory. Slashing at Evin with the knife he now had just as Evin grabbed his arm and they locked for a moment, the lead man yelled, "Get the last ball off my belt and get you pokemon back from those miserable little small fry!"

With no prompting the golbat took off into the darkness after Rika while the skarmory dived in after Evin right before the other two rocket members made it to their leader's last pokeball. Another aura sphere knocked the skarmory aside, but after that Evin could hear Rika going on the defensive as she battled with the overgrown bat in the woods. With a yell Evin broke the leader's hold on the knife and with a quick flourish gashed him down his leg. The man went down screaming in pain while the other two that were still standing called out a massive toxicroke.

Evin needed a moment to breath, but the skarmory didn't give him that moment as it swooped in with a quick pass of steel wing. Evin stood still for a moment dazed and wondering what had just happened as the world around him seemed a bit off kilter from being dizzy and looked at Dawn's wide eyed blood spattered face for another moment. He wobbled before realization and pain flared up in his arm and side like an inferno before he fell to the ground. In that one attack the skarmory had opened up several deep gashes in his mid arm and ribs of his right side.

The world around him blurred with pain for a moment as he rolled to his back and coughed up what tasted like blood. He could see the skarmory preparing to charge from high above again and with a glance above him he could see the toxicroke pushing Aqua and Spazz back. Looking at Dawn again he pushed himself back up off the ground and gathered his energy as he held one hand over the other to form an aura sphere. He wasn't sure that he could produce the final product in his condition, but that didn't stop him from trying as the metal bird lit up from within with a double edge attack. Just when they were nearly face-to-face Evin finally unleashed the power he had gathered right into the bird's chest. The skarmory screeched as it was blasted, but the momentum still carried it right into Evin's chest.

Slowly Evin came to as he felt his wounds flare from someone touching him. He jumped at first when he realized what had happened, but then relaxed a little as he found that it was none other than Dawn trying to help him up. It had only been a few seconds since the skarmory crashed into him, leaving him with a few more gashes, but he was otherwise unscathed from the attack itself since his aura sphere had taken away most of the momentum behind the attack. He looked over to where the toxicroke had been, only to see Rika standing over its motionless body. Dazed and still trying to grasp the situation around him, he then spotted the last two members of Team Rocket trying to flee into the woods only to be stopped by arriving rangers.

Evin felt relieved, but then felt his wounds flare up again. As he lay with his head in Dawn's lap the timing seemed good as any, since with each passing second he felt his body getting colder and closed his eyes to concentrate. Dawn watched with amazement as his wounds stopped bleeding and felt the subtle vive of energy in the air around him as she suddenly started to grasp why he seemed so mysterious all the time. She wasn't mad at him for lying to her about this, but she did wonder what his real story was as she watched his visible cuts begin to slowly close.

Reaching out to where she saw the cut on his arm close Dawn felt the area where it had been, but was startled when Evin tiredly chuckled and put his left hand on hers before he said, "That's still a little sensitive." He breathed a sigh, "So much for being your knight in shining armor, Rika seems to have stolen my spotlight. How did you get loose from the tree?" Dawn couldn't help but to reply with a small chuckle before she said, "Right after you were hit Rika came in and cut the ropes with her paw spikes before rushing the toxicroke. After that the last two members tried to run, but were--." "Yes I saw them try to run." Evin interrupted, "I just missed the part in between. We're safe now that the rangers are here."

Dawn smiled at him, but then looked at his torn blood soaked clothes with worry and asked, "Will you be okay?" Evin made a deep throated sigh before he said, "That depends, am I in one piece?" Dawn gave him a weird look before she chuckled and that was enough to make Evin smile before a crew of rangers came over to them to ask what had happened. Still having torn cloths doing little at hiding anything, Dawn explained everything that had happened to her and how Evin had come to her rescue just before those men could rape her. She was a little hesitant and sketchy about explaining Evin's current situation of being injured and now being in her lap, but had otherwise given the rangers all the information they needed.

It was obvious to the lead ranger that something strange had been at work here, such as how a young teen had just bested a well-known group of murdering rapist pokemon thieves in their own camp. An even more obvious flag to the strangeness at hand was that upon further inspection though the boy was cover in blood and was said to have been injured, he didn't have a scratch on him. Other than being frightful pale the boy looked like he wasn't injured at all and as the lead ranger concluded his investigation he asked them if they wanted help back to the city.

Evin sat up and asked Dawn how she was doing before he said, "I'll be fine with some rest and Dawn says that aside from the rope marks that she's unharmed and fine with just returning to her camp back near the road. If you could just walk with us that far I'd be grateful for it." The ranger nodded and motioned for the others to bring the prisoners along and handed Dawn a blanket to cover up with. Rika had been trying to keep her distance for the entire encounter to give him some time with Dawn, but now that everything had been packed up and they were moving out she helped Dawn hobble Evin out of the woods.

For the entire trek the lead ranger studied the small group that walked with them and still wondered at how such a young youth with such a small team could have beaten the hardened criminals now in his possession. Questions and suspicions gnawed at the tip of his tongue, but to him it was obvious that the boy didn't want to share the information. He would have loved to press the matter just so he could have some closure, but at the same time he felt that it was important to respect the boy's privacy since he had saved his team so much trouble in hunting those men down. He wasn't especially happy that one of the men had died in the brawl, but given the situation he wasn't exactly hung up on it either, as with his own personal opinion he believed these men deserved something worse than lethal injection.

He had been on their trail for months, always one step behind or a day too late as he only ever seemed to deal with what they had left behind. Be it bodies, a rape victim, or just a battered trainer missing his pokemon he had long since tired of the idea of the traditional punishments that the justice system would deal out to men such as the ones he was just handed. Looking at the men he had in custody he knew that the boy's life would be in danger if they ever relayed information of his identity beyond a prison. He had a decision to make once his company separated from the boy's; a question that he would put to his men to find a better course of action than the whimsical court system.

It seemed like only a short walk before the density of the trees let up and not much longer after before they finally came to Dawn's rundown camp. With a little tiding up along with a change of cloths and some fresh wood for a fire, Dawn had the camp up and running in no time. She offered the rangers an invitation to stay a while, but the lead ranger declined, as he said, "No, we can not linger here with these men since one is in critical condition. I would have preferred that you both joined us on our escort to the city, but I'm guessing that you're sure that you'd rather stay here?"

Evin nodded, "This is fine for us for now. I just don't think I'm up for a longer walk anyway and currently I'd prefer those men to be far away from us." The leader of the group from Team Rocket, though in critical condition, managed a laugh as he sputtered, "We know your face, and we've seen your abilities and your weakness. You will hear from us again." Evin's face though pale managed to become a bit red with rage, as he had a powerful urge to choke the life from the man right there.

The lead ranger had watched this play out and as his men continued down the road now roughly dragging their riled up misbehaving prisoners he silently said to Evin, "They wont bother you again." and nodded his goodbye as he ran to catch up to the others. The appearance of the intent was subtle, but with his ability to sense the ranger's intentions Evin grasped what he meant. From there the parties separated and Evin wobbled his way back to the campfire to sit down and rest.

Though he was sitting near the fire he felt cold weak and tired, which even he knew were not great signs since he was also sweating a lot. He thought about how he had healed himself and imagined a bottle of soda being mostly poured out before putting the cap back on. He found the idea strangely hilarious; like he was the near empty bottle of soda and that the healing of his wounds was the cap. Looking around nothing seemed quite real and the urge to sleep was making it extremely hard to keep his eyes open. Looking around he first noticed that Dawn seemed to be talking to him with no sound and then noticed that Rika was staring at him with frightening intensity before it all went dark.
