Project DDS Part 2

Story by kaleemmcintyre on SoFurry

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The second part of DDS...

Day 3:

Recordings of the happenings with the three test subject, Jessie, Alexander and Maxwell...

Both Jessie and Alex seemed to get along with each a lot more comfortably on this day. Something had changed between the two men and now a strange air of confidence seemed to almost swirl around the black patched Great Dane as Alexander walked with his head held upright and his shoulders pushed out forward down the hall. This caught Jessie supremely off guard as he wondered what had come over the other man because ever since breakfast the Dane just seemed to be full of some kind of weird pride about himself. Max was somewhat shocked too, but in a more subdued form, as the black furred 'roo watched the once shy canine walk with a swag in his tail down the hall towards the workout area after eating his fill.

This change had been noted by the scientists as well and had been documented. Apparently, the pathogen flowing inside of the Great Dane was having a greater psychological affect on the black patched canine than on the others. This could indicate that perhaps certain mental archetypes would take to the chemical agent more readily than other. This fact was complimented by the fact that the Dane had eaten twice as much as he had today than he had yesterday and seemed to hunger for more. Many speculated that it would be best to give the other man a CAT scan later on to see if his brain chemistry and/or function had changed in any significant way.

There just too many questions popping up at the moment to be answered right now or to let the change in the Dane go unnoticed. The research team decided that it would be better to catalogue everything rather than try to pick and piece together uncertain data amongst one of their subjects, especially since nothing our right seemed to be happening with either the dragon or 'roo.

The three men were led to the workout area and then given their physical exams, which showed very little change in their body structures and physiology, before being let loose to do as they pleased. It was another odd factor to note as each all three men seemed to be pulsing with some sort of unbridled energy and went to attack the weights as though they were in training for an Olympic marathon.

Jessie lifted double his weight on the weight bench, nothing odd there since he had done so yesterday, however the dragon did thrust the metal bar and iron weights above his chest with much greater force and propensity than he had the day before. Sweat quickly began to pour off from the reptile's head but was ignored by Jessie in favor of pumping the bar above himself ten, twenty and finally thirty times before resting the metal back onto it rack. And then, not more than a minute afterwards, the dragon was back at it. The only odd thing, minus his newfound resolve and vigor, was that Jessie kept sweating across his body with such an intensity that the droplets of moistures collected and then fell off the side of his bench like a waterfall.

One of the scientists watching and recording the reptile went over to offer a bottle of water to the weightlifting lizard but the white coat was quickly assured that he was fine and then subtly ignored as Jessie continued to pump his arms.

Over by the way, Alexander was like a beast as he ran along the treadmill fast enough that the machine clocked him at something like eighty miles per hour. Nothing too extreme for a well fit canine anthromorph in his prime...but just twenty-four hours earlier he was doing a standard fifty and barely keeping his breath. Now the Dane huffed and growled as he beat his feet along the machine's conveyor belt with loud, maybe even almost booming steps as he chased after something invisible inside of his mind. Something seemed to be in front of his mind's eye as the Great Dane ran with his arms lifting back and forth up along his sides while his tail lashed out behind him like a serpent lunging for prey. The thin, whip-like appendage had certainly been much calmer yesterday than it was today, but maybe it was because the canine had been more nervous around the two other men the day before than he was now. At the moment both Jessie and Maxwell seemed like the last thing on the Dane's mind as Alex ran faster and faster, increasing his speed to almost ninety miles per hour; something that was recorded quickly and then relayed even more hurriedly to the military persons inside of the building.

Max was the most unimpressive of the bunch as he paced himself while pulling himself up steadily on the horizontal bar that was nestled into the corner of the room. The kangaroo balanced himself with his tail as he pushed and pulled up his entire weight while keeping his eyes closed in concentration. There was nothing outwardly unusual about what the marsupial was doing as just a day before he had been doing the same exercises while grunting and huffing steadily to keep himself in balance. Yet that may have been the most alarming thing to note as the 'roo was just too in control and centered despite being given the same chemical agent that the Dane and dragon had been. Murmurs went off between the scientists to have a word with the higher-ups about Max, if not for practical reasons then for impractical ones as the group of lab coat wearing men and women found something uneasy rising in their spines as they watched the other man workout so...lesuirely.

An hour later...

"Something gotten into you today?" Jessie asked as he wiped the sweat from his brow with a towel while looming over Alexander, the water bottle that he had been given earlier had all but been chugged down seconds after the reptile finished his twenty-fifth set of hundred reps with the weight bar.

The Great Dane was busying himself on the floor doing one handed pushups while panting hard in time with every push against the floor and it actually took him a minute to even regard the other man's presence.

"Don't know," Another push down and then up. "I feel like," Another. "I've got this energy inside of me." The Dane admitted while trying not to notice how sexy the dragon's red and black scaled feet looked.

"Like you want to run a mile and then run two more?" The dragon offered, raising one of his clawed toes after he noted how the Dane glanced at them intensely.

"Yeah," Another pushup. "It's crazy, but that's exactly how I feel. Maybe that stuff they gave us is working?"

"If it is then I seriously hope we don't have a 'crash' if we can't get anymore later on."

"What's a 'crash'?" Alex stopped his exercise, at one hundred and ten, and then pulled himself up onto his knees to stare up at Jessie.

"It's like when a junkie can't get his fix. His body goes into shock and then withdrawal and then his body starts to try to detox itself by purging everything inside because it knows it's been poisoned. At least, that's how I've seen it happen to cokeheads sometimes." The dragon didn't fondly recall the men and women he had seen who had tried to get high while he worked at the club he fronted.

It was a sad sight to see when some of them couldn't get their fix and did...rather intense things to get their next trip. Jessie had to snap a few necks when his employers got too annoyed with some of them and though the reptile didn't feel sorry for anyone he got rid of, he wasn't looking to end up in the same position.

"It's not that," A voice cut Alex off just as he was about to ask the other man for more information. Two heads turned to see Max walked over to them, or rather bounding on his legs in a steady hop. "It's more than likely that they've given one of us some kind of new steroid and the others a placebo to make us think that we've all gotten some new super drug." The roo seemed as bored as he always did, but there was something in his tone that made the dragon and Dane look at him in a new light.

"My money's on, if I had any to gamble with, that they're having us go through these trails to document the psychological and physiological effects of what would happen if new 'cocktail' were to be distributed domestically. More than likely, one of us will get bigger than the others in about three days and then the other two will be sent home with a 'thanks for helping out, but don't tell anyone else or we'll sue you,' spiel while the real test subject would be kept for longer to be ran more tests on."

"Wow, been through this before?" Jessie asked even as he kept one eye on Alex's sweat soaked form.

"Once upon a time I use to be important," Max left his words at that and then went over to the weight bench.

Wow, I hope I never end up that sarcastic when I get older, Alex thought before he blinked and gave a huff of confusion. Jessie noted a strange look come over the canine and was about to ask before the Dane shook his head and then walked off.

"...ok." Jessie shrugged before going towards the abandoned treadmill and then hopped onto it, his wings quickly fluttered close onto his backside as the dragon began to pace himself of a thirty miles per hour.

While normally the dragon would have tried to make a pass at the subby, or maybe formally submissive, he just didn't feel like it.

The rest of the three hours the dragon, Dane and 'roo had together went by smoothly and soon they were herded into the cafeteria once again for lunch. Food was readily consumed by all three males in a rampant pace; even Maxwell seemed to have found some primal instinct to feed today as he hungrily tore into the steak that he had grabbed up from off of the food trays in the middle of the room.

The scientists were baffled by what they were seeing. It was almost like some kind of switch had been thrown inside of the Jessie, Alexander and Maxwell to send them back into primeval instincts as they growled and snapped at each other when eyes would lift to stare at them eat. Some strange form of communication went on between the men but none of the white coats could figure it out, however they did make sure to notify the military men and women on duty a floor below of this newest development. Just as a precaution should the men become too aggressive for the research team to handle.

Nobody had any desire to see anything...violent happen with the three, very much likable, males in question but then again, hopeful feelings and scientific progress rarely saw eye to eye with each other in the pursuit of advancement.

Today Jessie, Alexander and Max made a detour from their normal route and found that they were to make a pit stop at a showering room. Neither of the men had realized that they hadn't taken a bath in almost two days, but they all quickly agreed that they needed one as they almost ripped off their clothes and raced into the white tiled area. Not one of them, however, noted that they all seemed to be very comfortable with each other's nudity, given that they were all, for all intents, still complete strangers, despite being homosexual. It was an urban legend that all gay men wanted to see one another in the buff, something that movie producers of today's testosterone driven action flicks always failed to realize. A side effect of the acceptance of homosexual relationships in today's world seemed to be that many a movies seemed to feature a lot more male-on-male interaction than male-on-female unanimity.

Back with Jessie, Alex and Max, once they got into the white walled room together, and then turned on their respective showers, each moved to wash and clean the others without prompt or conviction after grabbing the fur shampoo. Being a dragon Jessie had to deal with the slightly itchy feelings of harsh commercial brand cleansing agent since he couldn't run home and get the specially made oil-based scale tonic specifically made for draconic kind. However, the reptile didn't seem to mind it more than he had to as he purred while allowing his two companions to wash over every part of his body with a kind of tenderness that one usually only found in lovers and mates.

Furred hand washed over scales as Max and Alex rubbed shampoo and conditioner into Jessie's black and red hide, massing the muscular form of the bigger male between all of them and then scenting the odor of cleanliness overtaking the musky smell of reptile sweat. Jessie grumbled in satisfaction as he was caressed by the two men all over, and indeed he was handled ALL over. While he may have never been with a man before Alexander made no bones about running his fingers under the dragon's rump and then pressing his fingers inside of Jessie's tailhole to clean the other. The Dane seemed to actually possess a sense of control that he hadn't earlier as he washed the dragon's backside thoroughly while Maxwell took the front and did just the same. Black patched hands rubbed and cleaned Jessie's tailhole, silently thanking the gods above that the reptile was clean inside of his underside, and then gently patted the firm glutes belonging to the dragon with playfulness.

Jessie turned his head back and spread his wings wide as his tail lifted of its own accord. The dragon had, had a few boyfriends before to play with him in the bathroom, or rather the hot tub the other owned, but nothing he had felt before with them could compare to how he felt right then and there. Dragons, by nature, were private beasts and unlike their mammalian kin didn't take to well to having just anybody fondle them. More to the fact that anyone trying to manhandle a dragon usually got his teeth knocked in so it was of great curiosity to the scientific team to document the physical play happening with the three test subjects.

Easily ignored, but never forgotten, Maxwell touched and prodded Jessie along every inch of his sleek hide with such dedication that Alex had to hold the reptile's spiked tail in one hand just to keep it from lashing out at his vulnerable thighs. The kangaroo seemed to be like a black shadow trailing across the front of Jessie's body as he moved with easy grace over and along the length of the larger male. Deft fingers rubbed the reptile with precise and determined strokes the likes of which brought quick gasps from out of Jessie's muzzle as he writhed there underneath the cascading spray of steaming water. Golden eyes looked down at the other and Max barely flinched when the dragon leaned himself towards the other and then nuzzled the cleft between the marsupial's head. Max said nothing and gave no response to this, instead he moved on, with Alex's help, and began to clean the dragon's wings.

Jessie's twin leathery appendages were a different matter all together as the overly large wings had to be double teamed by the two 'furries' just to be dealt with properly. Twice the length than the dragon was tall both Alexander and Maxwell spent a good twenty minutes on both wings, getting all of the little spots that were hard to reach for their owner, before the two were through.

Once he was cleaned from top to bottom Jessie moved along and helped both of his companions clean themselves off as well. It was easier for him since his hands were much broader and could get larger portions of the other men, not to mention that it was also so much more exciting since he took the time to become slightly more intimate with both the Dane and 'roo. The red scaled fingers dipped between the fleshy buns of both male's legs and ran inside of the depths of the two male's rumps right to where both Alexander's and Maxwell's tailstars were. The dragon listened as both of his companions hissed and groaned in time with each other as two of his sud covered fingers breeched their insides and then pushed up inside of the Dane and 'roo.

While it could have easily been seen as both a dominating act and a demeaning one for the scientists all of the white coats knew that this was not what was happening with Jessie. The larger male might have been the most sexually aggressive of them all but he was not trying to make the others submit to him. No, this was a strange kind of bonding between all three that showed them instead of verbalized to them that there were no barriers between the three of them. This was something of curiosity to the research team since the prospects of the biological pathogen running throughout their bloodstreams had not been documented to have such an effect. Perhaps it had something to do with their sexuality? The choice to be homosexual, or maybe the psychological need to be with another man, might have stirred something inside of these three that, when not interfered with by outside sources, may have aligned some form of deep connectivity with those of alike mindsets?

Too many unknowns at the moment to say anything for certainty, however, the eggheads on duty did murmur a lot between one another and jot down several pages worth of notes as they both watched and studied three men interacting with one another. Maybe more than they wanted to as many eyes, some hidden behind thick framed glasses, watched as the Jessie, Alex and Max moved around one another to map out the plains of each other's bodies. Hands did stray south once or twice, and sheaths and a genital slit in Jessie's case, did spread wide to allow the barest hints of masculinity to show, but nothing overtly sexual happened with the three men. No one bowed down and slurped a muzzle along taunt erections. No one bent pressed themselves against the side of the wall to lift their tails in expectation. Actually, were it not for the physical closeness of it all, the scientist could have sworn that they were watching cubs getting to know one another in the playful, innocent way that children do as Jessie, Alex and Max strode around one another so...purely.

However, nobody could have predicted what this would all lead to in the next few days. Not one of the men and women in the group watching the three test subjects would have been able to say just when exactly things turned to something out a bad B-movie flick. Speculations were to run wild later on, fingers to be pointed at notes that were hastily scribbled down in eagerness to get more data, however, no one would know anything for sure...and that was to be the downfall of everything.

The bathing ended when a mechanical beep went off and Jessie, Alex and Max all grumbled good-naturedly before moving away from one another to towel off, clean bath towels having been provided by unseen staff members earlier in the hour beforehand. Alexander was the more unfortunate of the bunch since he was able to shake himself free before he could get the rest of the water out from his pelt. Even as thin as it was...water somehow managed to find a way to cling to him like a sponge. This made Jessie and Maxwell laugh at the Dane hard as they watched Alexander twist and turn himself left and right before stopping and wavering around dizzily as vertigo caught up to him.

The 'roo and dragon went over to their friend and then toweled him off together before all heads turned at the sound of the door to the shower area being opened: the doctors had taken refuge away from the scene to return to their monitoring room where hidden cameras caught everything on display, so that left an simple intern to go and deal with the three while the upper members of the research team sipped coffee and tea at their desks. A nerdy looking mouse of in a white coat came in and presented them with their freshly washed and dried clothing and then commanded the three to get dressed.

Looks passed between the three before they all shrugged and went over to grab their clothing. And thankfully for the rodent, he was totally unaware of the hot glares that singed his backside as three glowering pair of eyes shot cruel looks in his direction. They were quickly blinked away as masks of disinterest were strapped onto the three men's faces but keen eyes had caught the looks and noted them with haste onto a clear pad.

Stepping inside of their freshly pressed clothes Jessie, Alexander and Maxwell all noted that things felt a little tight around the edges and blinked in unison when their fingers trailed along their abdominal muscles up to their pectorals to note something very different going on. Apparently, their workout from earlier either had rapid effects or whatever they had been given...had some seriously questionable effects. The muscles along the dragon's torso felt harder than they had earlier while along the Dan's and 'roo's chest their pecs clearly defined lines showed through the thickness of their furry pelts.

"I think that I may have been wrong." Maxwell admitted as he noted more of the new definition that had taken over his chest.

"Y-yeah..." Jessie flushed as he sucked in his stomach and nearly had to hiss in surprise when it felt like raw electricity raced up his spine.

"Holy shit..." Two heads turned to look at Alex as the Dane rubbed up along his belly while licking tongue out across his lips.

A cough startled the three out of their confused stupor, heads turning downwards to look at the slightly impatience mouse as he tapped his foot patiently before nodding to them to 'come on'. The three men grunted before walking out into the hallway after mouse without another word. The hot glares from before returned to the faces of dragon, Dane and 'roo for a second time but now they seemed much more personal than unified and hybrid as they had before.

Back into their rooms the three went, trying not to mind it when the doors behind them were shut with a slam and then locked sound tight. A twitchy eagerness quickly filled the dragon, Great Dane and 'roo as they tried to find something to do with themselves as restlessness began to eat at their nerves. Little twitches and jerks tore through the three as the pathogen inside of them mapped out their nervous systems and then altered them in ways which would inspire new growth and greater increases in mass...when the time came. This was moot to Jessie, Alex and Max as the men found something to listen to on their computers, Alex having to give up his book because the words just seemed to blur together in front of his vision, before all of them finally called it quits and headed to bed for an early nap.

The research team began to grow both tense and excited as they watched the three test subjects shudder and roll around onto the beds as the chemicals inside of their bodies were doing something to them that seemed to accelerate in efficiency while the others slept. Nothing outwardly physical appeared to the trained eyes of the professionals on duty but that would change in due time.

In due time indeed...