Odd Hunting pack

Story by Baphumet on SoFurry

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Arr'ion character based on RazorSharpClaw

Beams of sunlight pierce the dimness of the lush green forest. Pools of light are scattered about where the sun manages to find openings in the treetop canopy. Butterflies of all colors and size dance in and out of the brightness and a variety of bird calls can be heard all about.

Suddenly the calm and serenity of the forest is disturbed by the crashing sound of bodies lumbering through the undergrowth. The butterflies scatter hastily to get out of the way. A group of vile, smelly creatures dressed in makeshift suits of armor crashes through a clearing. Their armor consists mostly of worn, un-kept leather with rusted plates of metal attached in various places.

Without any care for the life around them, the group of eight rush forward, destroying anything, plant and animal alike that comes in their way. With large black shields they bash obstacles out of the way whiles their large, rusted swords slash at anything that gets to close.

In the distance a load roar reverberates through the air. The group stops briefly to judge the distance of the roar before they continue their mad rush again. A short distance behind them a large creature appears from the shadows and with a huge leap lands in the center of a pool of light. The massive humanoid male tiger looks at the devastation before continuing the chase. High cheekbones and a square lower jaw accents the tiger's broad muzzle, but the most striking feature is his emerald green eyes. His muscular body is covered in a golden fur with soft white fur covering his front, from his muzzle down to his inner thighs. Thick, black stripes cross his entire body and his thick tail. All he is wearing is a tanned pair of tight leather shorts.

The orcs are running blindly. Not much further and then we will have them. I hope Shep and the other are ready.

With that thought he sprints after the group again. His massive form moves delicately through the flora, leaving virtually no sign of his passage. With tremendous speed and power he closes the gap but slows down when he gets to close.

A mile or so ahead of the lumbering orcs a pair of anthromophs lies is ambush. On a big branch above them a male wolf crouches, listening as the orcs are being chased closer by the tiger known as Arr'ion. The wolf is covered from head to foot in a medium length grey fur. His wedge-shaped ears sit slightly forward on his large wolf head, the one bearing two piercings. His left ear flops down slightly. Silky hair lines the interior of his ears. His crystal blues eyes survey the undergrowth for signs of their prey. Shep has an athletic build. His long, somewhat bushy tail, waving impatiently behind him.

Arr'ion keeps pace well with the scum. I was a bit concerned bout the cub's ferocity and eagerness to fight.

His floppy ear stands up as he heard the orcs come closer.

'They are approaching.' Shep whispered to the others. The whisper sounded like little more than a low growl, exposing his sharp canines.

'Wait for my sign before you attack.' He warned the remaining two wolves.

What seemed like an eternity passed for Shep before the orcs came crashing into view. With a load roar Shep launched himself at the foul critters. The other two wolves dash forward a split second after Shep. Arr'ion, that is a short distance behind them, hears Shep's order to attack and with two powerful leaps he lands amongst the group of orcs. The blinding speed of the attack of the wolves catches the orcs by total surprise. Two of the turn to run away and goes tumbling down in a tangle of limbs as Arr'ion brings them both down. Shep quickly dispatches one of the orcs with his powerful paws and leaps on another, his sharp fangs ripping into the foul flesh of its throat. Arr'ion jumps up before the two orcs he brought down could respond, and with incredible strength he rips through their armor with his razor sharp claws. The whole fight is over in a couple of minutes.

Shep stands and looks over the slaughter and make a quick count that all the orcs are accounted for. Then he looks over to Arr'ion that had dispatched the last orc that had tried to escape. Pride can be seen in his clear blues eyes and a warm smile as his gaze meets Arr'ion's.

'Good work Arr'ion, come lets burry these foul creatures so that the forest can get something back from them for all the harm they have done' Shep said as he picked up a body.

The four came of mostly uninjured save for a couple of shallow cuts that some of the orcs managed to get off before they were dispatched. They go about burying the bodies before they set of towards the direction of their village.

Shep orders the other two wolves to check if the other groups met with equal success leaving him and Arr'ion alone. The two walk quietly for a long distance before Shep says 'I thank you for your assistance Arr'ion. It's very seldom that you tigers from the south help us wolves.'

'Well I'm not like most tigers Shep.'

'Yes I have noticed that since the first time I set my eyes on you.'

'Yes I recall that night Shep. I journeyed with Herok to your village. He could not stop speaking bout your sister.'

Shep and Arr'ion laughed as they recalled the remainder of the event of that night and the again continued walking on in silence. After some time they get to a top of a hill and look down on the small wolven village.

'Come Arr'ion, the pack would have prepared a victory feat for us.' And with that he pads off to the village with Arr'ion short on his heals.

In the village the festivities are already well on the way. The wolves had once again defeated an orc invasion. The invasion seemed to occur more frequently in the last couple of years as if something was driving them into the forest. Shep and Arr'ion join the festivities. Shep, a very popular young wolf in the pack is often the center of the attention and Arr'ion just keeps to the side watching Shep intently.

I whish I could tell him how I feel about him. Arr'ion though to him self then he turned and walked off into the darkness.

Shep spots the tiger disappearing into the depths of darkness. He smiles and excuses himself from the wolves that surround him and follows the tiger into the woods. Quietly Shep follows the tiger and notices that Arr'ion is preoccupied, as he should have noticed him by now. He keeps a distance behind him just watching, a bit confused with the tiger's strange behavior. Arr'ion eventually gets to a small stream where he sits and drinks deeply from the bottle of mead. Shep keeps watching for some time before he says 'You tigers have a very strange way of celebrating a victory.'

Startled, Arr'ion looks up and sees its Shep and then relaxes somewhat. 'Shep, I did not hear you approach. What are you doing out here?'

'Oh I saw you leave the village and decide to follow and make sure our guest is safe.'

'I can take care of myself Shep.'

'I don't doubt that for one second, but sometime we need help to conquer the enemy from within.'

Arr'ion peered confused at Shep with his bright emerald eyes.

'I'm not sure I follow your meaning Shep.'

'What I meant to say is that it is quite obvious that you are troubled bout something. You can tell me and I will help you. I owe you much for you assistance.'

'Don't worry Shep. It is something that I need to deal with on my own, but thanks for you offer.'

The two of them sat there for several hours sharing the mead talking about all sorts of things till they decided to go back to the village. The following morning Arr'ion stated his intention to return to his people that day. The pack once again tanked him for his help and Shep said that he would travel with him. That afternoon the two of them set out on a journey to the south.

Two nights later the two of them found themselves lying under the night sky beside their campfire. After some time Shep dozed off and Arr'ion lied there looking at him.

'You are such a beautiful wolf Shep. I think I have fallen in love with you.'

Arr'ion lied there watching him. His eyes slowly wandered down from Shep's attractive face, down his powerful chest and came to rest on his groin. Slowly he sat up and then reached out with his claw and lifted Shep's lion cloth to reveal his big dick and balls covered in a soft velvety silver fur. Arr'ion retracted his nails and softly touched Shep's big balls. Shep stirred slightly and gave as soft pleasurable growl as Arr'ion started to fondle his balls.

I was wondering how long it would take you Arr'ion. Shep thought to himself as he lay there, pretending to be asleep.

Arr'ion watched as Shep started to get an erection. He watched as the big pink dick started to protrude from its sheath. Excited he stared to massage Shep's balls more vigorously. He continues to play with the balls for a minute more before he slowly move his hand over the sheath and then gently stoke Shep's dick. Shep moaned as he felt the claw on his dick. Arr'ion strokes it a couple of times before he takes a firm hold of the dick and checks if Shep is awaken by this. Seeing Shep still fast asleep he quietly got onto his all knees besides Shep, still holding firmly onto the dick. Arr'ion leans forward and the starts to lick the dick. The dick throbs in his hand in response to the warm tongue moving over it. First checking that Shep is still sleeping, Arr'ion continues to lick.

Then he tastes the sweet nectar of Shep's love cum and could not contain himself. Throwing all caution to the wind he shoved the big hard dick into his mouth. Shep lets out a gasp pf pleasure as he feels Arr'ion's mouth close around his dick. At first slowly, Arr'ion moves the dick in and out of his mouth, sucking up all the love cum. Then he starts moving faster and faster, pushing the dick deeper into his mouth. Shep moans with pleasure finding it hard to continue his ruse.

Arr'ion, by now is vigorously sucking on his dick and Shep can no longer hold back the tide pleasure that threatens to overwhelm him and with a low growl he cums. Arr'ion feels the dick start to pulsate in his mouth and within moment he feels the warm cum shoot into his mouth. Like a hungry beast he swallows the warm thick cum and then licks the dick clean before covering it with the loincloth again. Arr'ion roles over onto his back and undo his shorts releasing his sheath, which is covered in a velveteen white fur with small black stripes. He plays with his balls briefly before he takes a firm hold of his own dick.

Shep quietly rolls his head to the side and watched how Arr'ion proceeds to masturbate. He watches intently as Arr'ion hand moves faster and the suddenly stops. Seconds later, a stream of cum shoots through the air. Arr'ion growls with pleasure as he offloads his load. Another stream of cum shoots thought the air for the next couple of strokes. Once Arr'ion is done he slowly pulls his shorts off, rises and walks over to the cool spring to cool him of. Shep smiles to himself as he watches Arr'ion take a bath and the closes his eyes and goes to sleep.

The next morning Arr'ion, the early riser, wakes Shep. He has already prepared breakfast for them. Shep hungrily consumes his breakfast making idle chat asking how Arr'ion had slept the night before. After breakfast they once again set out on their journey south.

That night, Shep was expecting that Arr'ion would repeat the events of the previous night, but to his surprise he falls asleep whiles they were talking next to the campfire. Shep is a bit upset and decides that he would rather just wait for Arr'ion to make the next move, as he did not want to scare the tiger off. To Shep's disappointment the next couple of evening to was uneventful and finally he decided that he would have to do something to encourage the shy tiger. Shep knew the surrounding terrain and knew that midday they would reach a small lake and there he would make his move.

When they reached the lake Shep stated that he felt like taking a swim. He jogged over to the lake, dropped his backpack and removed his lion cloth before diving into it, surfacing moments later.

'Hay Arr'ion, come on in, the water is lovely.' Shep called.

Arr'ion gave a hearty laugh before dropping his backpack and running over to the lake. He quickly removed his shorts and dove into the warm water. Shep playfully slashed him with water as he slowly swam closer. When he got to him he tickled Arr'ion and the two played like kids in the water. Then Shep swam up behind Arr'ion and held him from behind pushing his erect dick against Arr'ion's back.

Instinctively Arr'ion reached back and took hold of Shep's big balls. Shep moaned softly as Arr'ion fondled his balls and reached forward to return the favor. He played with Arr'ion's balls ns felt how he to became excited.

Shep the takes hold of Arr'ion's hand and heads to the shore of the lake pulling Arr'ion after him. Arr'ion lets Shep lead, following without saying a word. When they reached the shore Shep turns to face Arr'ion and took a firm hold of him around his waist, pulled him closer and gave him as kiss. Arr'ion, sacred, at first tries to pull away, finding it futile he takes hold of Shep's head and returns the kiss.

Arr'ion opens his eyes when the kiss was over and looked in to clear crystal blues eyes of Shep. Sparkles of happiness and excitement stared back at him. Shep lied down pulling Arr'ion down beside him and kissed him again. The two rolled around in one another's embrace, kissing. Then Shep motioned Arr'ion onto his all fours.

Shep takes hold of his dick in his right hand and brushes his dick up and down on Arr'ion's ass probing for his hole. Then he slowly pushes his dick in. Arr'ion gasps as he feels the dick start to penetrate him. Shep slowly and carefully pushes his dick into Arr'ion until his balls push against his ass. Then he leans forward onto Arr'ion, bracing himself with his left arm and takes hold of Arr'ion's balls with his other. Slowly he pulls his dick out again, Arr'ion quivers with pleasure and Shep growls softly in his ear. Slowly Shep starts to fuck Arr'ion whilst fondling his balls.

Arr'ion arches his back and pushes back, trying to get Shep's dick to penetrate deeper, moaning as he does so. Shep growls approvingly in his ear and then softly bites Arr'ion's neck. Arr'ion takes hold of his own dick and starts to jerk himself off. Shep increases the speed with every thrust, pushing hard and deep into Arr'ion. Faster and faster he goes. Arr'ion can bare it no longer and roars loudly as he cums. Shep squeezes his balls gently and as he does so he feels Arr'ion's dick pulsate. Arr'ion jerks with every shot and Shep braces himself with both arms and fucks Arr'ion fast and hard. Then he lets out a near earth-shattering roar as he cums in Arr'ion. Arr'ion can feel the dick thrust deep inside him, throbbing as is shoots its warm load into him. Shep however does not stop once he had cum. He continues fucking Arr'ion, still fast and hard and moments later he comes a second time.

The two of them collapse in each others embrace. Holding each other, quietly, the two lie there until they both drift off into slumber. The following morning they rose and continued their journey.

Arr'ion made several visits to Shep's village since that day to spend time with him and Shep would always escort him halfway back home. The two continued their relationship in such a manner till finally the two of the disappeared into the forest on day, never to be seen again, living the rest of their lives in each others embrace.