The Next Level

Story by Alexander Redfur on SoFurry

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#3 of Fun and Games

Our dreams show us what we truly want.

The Next Level:

A cool breeze kissed the tiger's stripped skin as he quietly walked stepped through the wall of leaves into the small clearing. The brisk night air felt good across his naked body as stopped to stretch, enjoying the peace and serenity of the forest around him.

Looking quietly around the small clearing and seeing no one, he smiled to himself. "No one for miles..." He growled to himself, in a low sensual tone. His large right paw descended to his stirring manhood, tracing the tip of one finger slowly around the tip of his sheath to slowly excite himself. His left paw followed suit, not wanting to be left out of the fun. He cupped his large scrotum and began to gently massage his balls as his large crimson organ slid from its hiding place.

Another low growl escaped his maw as he opened his mouth, beginning to pant faintly in his excitement. Wrapping his large right paw around his still swelling cock, he began a series of slow, strong strokes up and down the length of his shaft.

Fully erect and exposed to the night air, the breeze across his dripping penis felt like a gentle kiss from the very woods itself. He groaned loudly to himself as he began to pick up speed, thrusting his pelvis in time with his strokes.

His ears caught the noise too late. A faint rustling of leaves from behind him, more than the gentle breeze could possibly create. Something was behind him. The tiger had barely enough time to release the hold he had on his sexual equipment before it was upon him.

It struck him like a ton of brick, knocking the tiger down to the ground in a painful crash. He could barely even slow his crash, his hands having been too occupied to be ready for what just happened. The weight of whatever hit him remained on his back, forcing him against the cool grass.

Two large tan paws quickly shot out from on top of the tiger, firmly grabbing his wrists. A quick pain flared across the back of his neck as the assailant clamped its maw down, the hot breath steaming across his neck. Held down like he was, the tiger could barely move. His heart raced, pounding like mad inside his chest. Fear gripped him as he was taken completely by surprise, at the mercy of whatever had caught him. Seconds felt like hours whatever it was sat atop him, waiting for it to end him.

A guttural growl came from the assailant as the feeling of teeth left the tiger's neck. He felt the hot breath leave the back of his neck only to quickly feel it return, this time across his right ear. Fear itself held the tiger in place, panting quick swallow breaths. The best chance he had to try to escape, to break free, was spent waiting with dread anticipation of the message from his attacker.

A low, rumbling voice whispered into his ear one simple message; "You're mine now Stripes." The voice was quiet, but the words came out sharp and full of malice. What was happening? What was going to happen? Thoughts quickly fired through the tiger's mind one after another trying to process his fate.

The attacker shifted his weight lower down the tiger's back. Something hot and wet slicked across the small of the tiger's back as it moved, earning a loud gasp from him. Everything clicked into place in the tiger's panicked mind as it dawned on him what just happened. The assailant was moving to mount him!

The tiger tried to shout, to bring voice to his apprehension. "Wai... nnnngh!" His plea cut off into a loud groan as he felt the cock press into him. Slowly yet forcibly the attacker pressed deeper and deeper, maintaining his hold on Alex's wrists. The tiger squirmed underneath the assault, both aroused and afraid of the events unfolding.

Slow, deep thrusting began as the attacker mounted his prey. Alex moaned at the feeling of his insides being stretched, rocking along as best he could in this position. The thrusts continued, slowly building in pace. The deep panting breaths across the back of the tiger's ear were soon replaced by the warm, wet feeling of a tongue being run across the back of his neck. His ears flicked in response, the lick quickly being replaced with a light sucking at the edge of his shoulder. The tiger moaned loudly as his assailant nipped at his neck; love bites had always been one of his favorite.

Alex groaned with displeasure as his yet unseen aggressor ceased his grinding thrusts to pull out of the tiger. The weight across his back began to let up as the grips against his wrists to grasp his shoulders. Alex gasped as he was flipped over onto his back. His eyes instantly locked onto the face of his antagonist. Jacob.

The tiger's muzzle opened, intent on asking why this was happening, but instead being suddenly filled with the lion's tongue as Jacob's left paw snaked behind his head and pulled him into a sensual kiss. The tiger froze for a moment, the sudden outburst of passion confusing him. Slowly he began to kiss back, running his left paw through Jacob's thick mane.

Alex raised his right paw, intent on running his fingers down the lion's tone back. The action was met by Jacob's own paw reaching out to grab the tiger's. Their fingers interlocked as Jacob gave Alex's paw a tight squeeze before breaking away from their kiss.

The lion lifted his face away from Alex's own panting muzzle, stopping to stare deeply into those deep green eyes. Alex stared back into the ice blue eyes of his lion, feeling as though he could get lost forever in them.

Jacob's right paw released its hold on Alex's own, opting to trace the strong muscles of the tiger's chest. The touch was light and delicate as the fingers barely brushed across fur, traveling down his pecks and abs. They brushed lightly down the tiger's organ, receiving a sexual growl from Alex as they did. The fingers traced down the inside of the toned orange thighs, moving underneath the muscles to gently lift the tiger's leg up and away.

Alex continued to rub his fingers through the lion's thick mane, his suddenly free paw continuing its original plan of massaging down Jacob's back. As Jacob delicately moved his leg, Alex paw found its home above the lion's hip gently kneading the tight muscles there as they both prepared for the next step.

Continuing to stare deeply into Alex's eyes, Jacob whispered quietly against the gentle breeze. "Are you ready?" The low rumble in the lion's voice sent a chill down Alex's spine, his only response a hoarse "yes."

Jacob released his hold on Alex's thigh, moving forward to place his hand next to the tiger's head. Leaning downward, the lion ran his rough tongue up the bridge of Alex's nose. The tiger could feel the tip of Jacob's maleness gingerly pressing against his rectum. Pressing forward slowly, the lion pushed forward with delicate care not to hurt his tiger. Alex moaned as he was entered, moving his paw off of Jacob's hip to wrap his arm across the lion's muscular back.

Using his hand on the back of Alex's head, Jacob lifted the tiger upwards to him. Alex matched Jacob's move by using his strong arms to pull them even closer together. Jacob slowly began thrusting into the tiger, probing deeper and deeper with each thrust. Jacob's muzzle moved to Alex's neck, licking and nipping at it sensually as he knew his tiger liked.

Alex moaned again, his own cock sandwiched between the two. He followed in time to Jacob's own movements; the head of his engorged penis running up and down the lion's toned stomach. The tight ridges of muscle, the soft creamy fur, and the very body heat of his lover stimulated the tiger in all the right ways. Slowly, Jacob began to increase the tempo of his thrusts while continuing to kiss the orange fur of Alex's neck.

The thrusting continued to pick up speed, soon reaching a pace the tiger couldn't withstand. Pressure built in his loans as he struggled to hold back the building flood. Quick, sharp pants escaped from the tiger as his arousal reached a crescendo. A deep, sensual growl filled his ears as Jacob continued his motions. Alex moaned, struggling to contain the seed preparing to explode from him. Release felt imminent, his impending orgasm at the actions of his lion edging ever closer and closer...

"FUCK!" Alex snapped upwards in bed, the vivid dream still burned deep into his mind. His body responded to the rude awakening from its dream by liberating the pressure stored in his crotch. All of Alex's muscles flexed, his mouth dropping open into a loud groan. Several large spurts of semen escaped his cock as he sat there, his manhood finishing what the fantasy had started. A large wet spot had formed across the covers down at his groin, showing the end results of his dreams that night.

Panting loudly, he collapsed backwards onto his pillow to rest for a minute. Every part of the vision remained crystal clear in his head. He had dreamed of Jacob again, for the third night in a row since their mutual encounters at the gym. Something about that lion dominating Alex turned the tiger on. With his large muscular frame Alex was an imposing figure for most people, but Jacob...

Jacob was the only person he felt weak around. Sure the lion was bigger than he was. He had more muscles, was slightly taller, and even carried a larger package than Alex's own impressive equipment. But it wasn't any of that, not that it didn't help. No, it was his mere presence. His strong will, his deep eyes, even his sex-charged musk made Alex turn to jelly at the thought of him. He was crushing on the lion, and he was in deep.

Laying there for several minutes, Alex began to feel a damp wet chill crawling up from his legs. Looking down to see the large wet spot across his blankets, the sheer magnitude of his releases through the night became apparent to him. Throwing the blankets aside, the volume of his seed spread across his bed came as no surprise. This had happened last night, and the night before. His cat heritage had always left him able to recover from release quickly, and his dreams took full advantage of this throughout the nights without the lion.

Attempting to slide out of the bed without spreading the mess everywhere proved difficult for Alex. His legs felt as if lead weights had been tied to them and his abs burned as if he had been through one hell of a workout. He laughed slightly as this though, as the whole fiasco started as a 'workout' with Jacob.

Swinging his tired legs to the edge of the bed, Alex sat there for a minute to regain his composure. Sighing loudly, he stood up intent on retreating to a hot shower to clean his orange fur of its sticky mess.

The attempt to stand was immediately vetoed by his legs. Staggering forward without the ability to hold his own weight up, Alex crashed into his dresser, catching himself with is strong arms and sending family photos and an alarm clock crashing to the floor. He braced himself there for a few seconds, his arms holding the weight his legs couldn't.

Stumbling backwards with almost an equal amount of grace, Alex landed in a sitting position on the edge of the bed, growling at his clumsiness. "Even in my dreams he leaves he unable to walk..." he grumbled, flopping backwards onto his bed to give his muscles time to recover.

A loud, damp splat sound followed by a wet feeling across his back greeted him as he landed across the bed. Laying there for a couple seconds, a loud and exasperated sigh emanated from his muzzle as he realized what he had just done.

"And I just fell right into that puddle of semen. Great."

Alex sat at the table staring at the card. He gently tapped one claw onto the wood, holding his phone in his other hand. His eyes scanned the card over and over as if he hoped the message would change.

Call me. Such a simple note, and yet so daunting. "Call me for what?" Alex whispered to himself. Is this an invitation to a higher level, or just another chance at sex? The loud buzz of the dryer switching cycles went off behind Alex, causing him to chuckle softly. Even if it was just a quickie, maybe it would save his sheets some damage.

With a loud sigh Alex started to dial the number. For better or worse, he had to know for sure. With their first lust-filled encounter under his belt, Jacob had reciprocated his desires. The card in his bag was evidence Jacob wanted more, why else would he have put it in there? Thoughts flowed through the tiger's mind one after another, all trying to convince him he was doing the right thing. So why did he feel so scared?

The first ring emanating from his phone sent his heart into a panicked flutter. It was too late to turn back now, even if he hung up the phone Jacob would know he called, and likely call him. Alex froze, not even breathing as he listened intently, the quiet between the rings seeming to last forever. The second ring started, followed by the third. The fourth ring began, bringing a sense of dread disappointment to Alex. Maybe Jacob just wouldn't answer his calls...

A loud click echoed through Alex's ear, followed by a low toned voice on the other end. "Hello?" Jacob's voice instantly sent Alex's mind reeling, dredging up all number of images. Several instances that flashed before his eyes Alex dimly recalled only from his dreams, all of which began to cause his manhood to swell.

"Hello?" Jacob's voice sounded a little impatient, snapping the tiger back to reality and the task at hand. "Jacob?" Alex asked, his voice wavering slightly and showing much more of his emotional state than he originally planned to show.

"Oh it's you Alex," Jacob's voice dropped even lower, to the sensual tone he used that night in the gym. The very sound of the lion's sexy voice sent a strong shiver down his spine, causing the large tiger to tremble slightly in place. "I had so hoped you'd call earlier. You're such a tease..." Jacob paused, waiting for Alex to respond, unaware that his comment sent the tiger's heart even further into its chaotic flutter.

"Really?" Alex whispered softly into the phone, his own shock and awe of Jacob's words basically reaching through the phone to slap the lion in the face. "Mmmhmm. I enjoyed our time together. And I'd sure like to spend more time with you." The lion continued using his sexy voice, melting any resolve Alex had and sending flowing down into his already expanding cock.

"Would... would you maybe... maybe like to get dinner? Tonight?" Alex stuttered, unable to summon up anything to combat the feelings of panic and dread asking the seemingly harmless question brought screaming into his mind. This was it, the moment he feared. Jacob's answer here would show Alex what the lion truly wanted; a partner for sex or a relationship.

"Oh Alex, I can't do that." The words rang through his mind like a thunderclap. Alex thought he could literally hear his dreams shattering. Jacob only wanted him for sex.

"How does tomorrow look for you?" Alex was stunned hearing the sultry voice ask. "What?" Alex rasped back, his ears hearing the words but his mind not comprehending their meaning. "Tomorrow for dinner? I know a great little Italian place down town..."

"Yes, I'd love to." Alex stammered back, his mind still reeling from the up and down yo-yoing it was going through. Grabbing the pen and paper from the nearby counter, Alex scribbled down the place and time. His heart sang the entire time, and finishing the short conversation with the lion left the tiger beaming.

Suddenly, a thought struck Alex. Jacob had taken control of the phone call, made it his own. It was eerily similar to what he was doing to the tiger. And Alex liked it.

Standing up, Alex turned to go get his sheets from the dryer. His cock was rock hard, oozing and ready for action. The confines of his jeans felt tight and uncomfortable as he tried to walk, unable to calm his erection from merely talking to Jacob over the phone.

"Fuck me, I'm going to have to tie a garbage bag around my junk before I go to bed tonight or I'll ruin my last good bed sheets..."