Remebering the past

Story by Axis on SoFurry

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Chapter 2: Remembering the past

Author's Note: Okay, so for character traveling, I'm thinking either Morrocco or Italy. Your choice as the reader. Vote in the comments.


I had a very special dinner planned for Sunset and I. However, it took some time to cook so at the moment, Sunset and I were wrapped up in a game of Halo 2 one on one. Right now, we were locked in a furious close range fight with me with a plasma rifle and a SMG dualed up, and Sunset with a shotgun.

"I'm gonna get you!" Sunset laughed, taunting me.

"With that kinda aim? You'd be lucky to hit the broadside of a barn with you gun put up against it!" I shot back.

"Oh! I thought you were a nice mate!" Sunset joked.

I got the upper hand and meleed Sunset's character to death.

"Oh you asshole!" Sunset shoved me playfully. "You're supposed to protect your mate, not kill her in cold blood!"

I laughed and shoved her back. "Hey, you're the one that caught me with shrap from the rocket in Co-op!" The oven beeped. "I better go check and make sure dinner doesn't burn."

A smirk crept across Sunset's face. "Now you're running away, you chicken!"

I smiled as i walked away. "You're gonna get it when I get back!"

I opened the oven and instantly the smell of my peppercorn curry chicken wafted out. Sunset inhaled deeply. "Mmmmmm, smells delicious."

"Yeah, it does." i took a thermometer and measured the temperature. "Now it just needs to roast for a couple of hours. I'll just be a minute."

"Maybe now's the time I should repay you for forgetting this day."

"You don't have to repay me Sunset."

"You aren't going to get out of this one." Sunset got up and started for the stairs. "I'll be waiting in the bedroom love."

I instantly knew what she was talking about. I hurried to stir the sauce, pop the chicken back into the oven and head up to where my love was waiting.

When I got to the room, I nearly drooled. Sunset was laying naked on her side giving me a good view of her breasts and nether regions which were already very hot and wet.

"So Lacyus," Sunset murmured seductively. "Which hole are you going to take?"

I grinned as I got undressed"I'm thinking maybe you could ride me for a change."

She got up and pressed her body against mine and I shivered at the warmth. "Never tried that but it sounds good. Sit on the edge of the bed and take me then."



Lacyus sat down and I followed, lowering myself down with my back to his chest. Suddenly, I felt his cock push at not my pussy but my tight tailhole. I cooed at this new feeling. Slowly, I pushed down and gasped in half pain, half pleasure as Lacyus took me.

Lacyus moaned. "Oh, so tight... You're so tight Sunset..."

At first, the thrusts were painful and all I could do was whimper in pain. But as Lacyus pre lubed up my tailhole, the pain quickly disappeared, replaced with an exciting fullness. My pussy began to leak my love onto my lap. I reached down and began rubbing it, pushing a finger in, causing me to cry out softly and arch my back. In my mind's eye, the world seemed to dissapear and the only thing that existed was me and the love of my life.

Lacyus' arms reached around and began to massage my most intimate parts. One hand went for my breasts, gently rubbing and squeezing them. The other joined my hand at my pussy, pressing another finger in. I gasped and arched my back even more. Lacyus' head moved forward and he looked into my eyes, his own full of love.

"I love you Sunset." He murmured. "Slow down so we can enjoy this."

"What?" I murred, liking what I thought Lacyus was thinking.

"I'm not going to fuck you for the pleasure this time. I wanna make love with you."

My heart absolutely soared. I had been waiting for Lacyus to do this; it was one of my deepest fantasies.

As we slowed down, I began to not only feel pleasure but a feeling of very intimate love, far more than any time we just kissed. I loved all of it, the way Lacyus rubbed me, the way he started nibbling gently on my neck. And as we both neared our peaks, I couldn't take it any more. I turned on Lacyus cock so I was facing him and our muzzles met in a deep, loving kiss. I closed my eyes and felt Lacyus take my hands and guide them back to my pussy and breasts. However, it wasn't nessicary. I tumbled over the edge into my climax, howling out Lacyus' name. Lacyus followed, giving a deep, masculine roar, warming me with his seed. It made me smile when I realized Lacyus was also trying say my name. We both came down from our highs and collapsed on the bed, warmth and love spreading over me from my afterglow.

"I love you Lacyus."

Lacyus laughed. "I already know that."

I licked Lacyus' chin. "Yeah, but this was different. It felt like you were trying to say how much you loved me in one go."

"Don't start lecturing me on sexual intamacy." Lacyus thrummed, playfully nudging me with his snout..

"I'm serious Lac. That was the most love I have felt from you ever. I we could make love instead of just having sex every time we mated, I would... I.... I dunno, I'd just love you so much. It would make you that much more a perfect mate." And with that, I slowly slipped into sleep.



I had trailed Sam to our apartment/dorm complex. At the door, Samuel gave Mary a good-bye kiss. I couldn't help but feel a stab of jealous at Mary. She had my old mate wrapped around her finger.

It was sort of corny meeting where Skyve and I fell in love. We met during my first year of high school (for Xenomorphs, high school begins at age ten (their minds age faster than their bodies)). It was the Christmas snow ball and me and my friends had went without dates. Skyve at that time was single as well. Even though he was single, every girl wanted to be his mate. Most of the girls went for his looks, but what I dreamed about was his personality. He was so charismatic and charming, able to sweet talk any girl. However, as sought after he was, he always said he had a special girl he was trying to get the attention of. Despite the fact that he already had his eyes on some girl, he had about five or six girls clinging to him, all vieing to be his first dance. He sat out on the side for the first couple of songs while my friends and I were dancing together. Eventually after the third song, we had to take a break. As the first slow song of the night began, I saw Skyve pushing through the crowd towards my little group. We began joking about him asking one of us to dance. However when he came up to me and asked me to dance, I almost refused, not wanting to block him from getting his girl. It never occured to me that I might have been that special girl. After all, my nickname was the "Tomboy from Hell." A couple of days earlier, I had beaten down a fox that started to make fun of little Lacyus for being best friends with a shapeshifter (Sunset). I broke his nose and threatened to kill him if I heard anything else like that. Naturally, rumors spread and soon the entire male population of the school were scared of me. However, I had recently started recieving roses and notes from a secret admirer. One note wanted me to meet them after school in the infamous lover's leap dropoff but I was too sceptical that it was a prank so I didn't go. I recently had my heart broken by another guy so I wasn't ready for another mate.

My friends forced me to go with him to the dance floor. As he put his hands on my waist, I wrapped my arms around his neck in a not so much affectionate but a friendly manner. As the song progressed, Skyve begain to pull me closer and I set my elbows against his collar bone to keep him from doing so. He gave me a smile that melted my heart and it was hard not to ask him to be my mate right then. He began telling me how unique I was and how he liked girls that didn't follow convention. He liked how I looked and he thought I looked cute in my red dress. Each one of these comments made it harder and harder not to fall in love with him. I was still determined to let him have a chance with his special girl. Finally, he asked me why I was ignoring him. When I asked him what he meant, he broke it to me. I was his special girl; the girl he had a crush on. Instantly I went completely defensive, rejected him and nearly ran off the dance floor. It was exactly like how the other mate asked me and I assumed it was a prank.

For the rest of the night, I could almost see the cloud of gloom and disappointment hang over Skyve's head. Eventually, the rumor mill was running in full force. Information began filtering through the crowd that Skyve had been rejected by his crush and he was refusing to dance with any girls. It all made me feel guilty for hurting someone that easily. Then at the last dance, I caught him leaving. It was at that point that I decided to swallow my pride. At the door, I asked him to dance and just seemed to light up. I agreed and we both went to the dance floor and began dancing. It was a slow song so gradually Skyve tried to draw me closer and for some reason, I let him. Finally I gathered up enough guts to tell him that I wasn't sure if I actually felt the same way but I was willing to give him a shot. At the end of the night, he gave me a small gift, the pendant he was wearing. He walked me home and we talked all the way. Nothing happened, we never kissed or even hugged but I couldn't help but feel a deep attraction to him.

After that night, our love started off slowly but it seemed to snowball. The morning after the dance, what happened seemed like a dream. At first I doubted it was real until Skyve showed up at my front door asking me out to lunch. We went to lunch and discovered that we has many things in common. Halfway through the day, I eventually started holding his hand as we walked around. He took me out to dinner and walked me home. There, in the entry way, we shared our first kiss as lovers.

Samuel took out his key to the complex door and went inside. I saw my chance.

"Sam! Hold the door!" I called out, running as fast as I could manage with our groceries in hand.

Sam looked around and spotted me. "Oh hey Maria." Maria was my human name. "Didn't see you there."

We went to the elevator and stepped inside. The doors closed and it started up. I decided to make my move.

"So how have you been all these years Skyve?" I asked.

Sam's eyes suddenly grew cold. "How do you know that name?"

I felt the crude sweep of his mind searching my mind. It wasn't the gentle flow of a link between two lovers, but rather a brutal dragnet sweep of a mind wracker. Sam gasped.


I nodded. "It's me." I wanted a kiss or a hug from him at that point so much.

"Oh wow.... This is... Errr.... Akward....." Sam muttered. "My ex is my roommate."

The elevator stopped on our floor and we got out. There was a tense silence between us. We got into our apartment and we both transformed into our draconic forms. Skyve was covered in acid green scales that blended into purple scales where his element marks should have been. His leathery wings hung off his arms, swaying gracefully as he walked.

"Soooo...... Uuuummmmmmm..... Anything new for the last six years?" Skyve stammered nervously. "Do you....ummmm.... have a new mate?"

"No and relax, I'm not angry. I just wanna know why."

"Why? Why what?"

I scowled at him. "Don't play dumbass or I'll get pissed and be a bitch." I hissed. "And you know how much of a bitch I can be."

Skyve's head drooped and he sighed. "I really wish I could tell you Mira, but I just can't."

"You can't tell me why you broke up and dumped me?!?!"

"It's a matter of personal principle!" He shot back in a strained shout. "You won't understand!"

"I won't understand!" I shouted at him. "I won't understand! Is that really your best answer!?!?"

"Why!?!?!?! Is it going to kill you not to know!?!?"

"No, but I'd like some kind of reason!"

I gave up and stormed into my room, burying my face in one of my pillows and screamed at the top of my lungs.



When I awoke, I instantly felt Sunset snuggled up against me, still asleep. I smiled and got up. However, as I moved, Sunset stirred and opened her eyes a bit, smiling.

"Hey love..." She mumbled.

I knelt down and kissed her, gently caressing her head. "How was your nap?"

"Mmmmm, good."

"You don't have to get up right now. I'll just finish up dinner and pack it up."

"Pack it up?"

"We're going on a picnic."

"Sounds good...." With that, Sunset's eyes closed again and she fell asleep.

I smiled and kissed her, laughing inwardly at the way her breath caught in her throat for a moment as I kissed her.

Going downstairs, I recognized the familiar sound of the Xbox 360. Rykuu sat in the couch, playing a game of Halo 2 on campaign.

"Hey Lac." He called out absently.

"How's it going?"

Rykuu swore quietly as he died on the game. "Not too good. Neph ain't getting any better."

I frowned as I pulled the chicken out of the oven. "What's going on now?"

"She says she keeps on feeling dizzy. That and she also says she doesn't just feel a dragoness anymore. She also can feel a fox, a snake and even a rabbit in her instincts." He looked over as I pulled out a basket. "Don't bother packing it up."


I jumped as a flash of light startled me, followed by the rumble of thunder. It was raining so hard that it looked like the driveway was boiling. There was a groan from the stairs as Sunset trudged down it, a blanket wrapped snugly around her.

"What was that?"

"Bad news Sunset. Picnic's called off."

She looked outside and smiled. "No shit. What are we going to do instead?"

"I'm thinking maybe just a candlelight dinner for the two of us."

Sunset trundled over and kissed me on the cheek. "So long as we don't have to share it with the freeloader on the couch."

"HEY!" Rykuu barked, annoyed. "I'm not a freeloader!"

Sunset was laughing to herself. "Relax, it was a jo-URK!"

Sunset suddenly collapsed to her knees. She began coughing violently, blood dripping from mouth. Bits and pieces of her scales began to fall off and several teeth literally dropped out of her muzzle. Her tail suddenly burst out into the fluffy tail of a fox while her right hand's claws fell out as it became human and one of her wings sprouted feathers.