R-Evolution: 04:Pack

Story by Whedabra on SoFurry

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#4 of R-Evolution


04: Pack


Author's Notes:

Once again the proofing/editing of my writings has been cut short. In a way I suppose it keeps me from overdoing it.... though I'm sure there are still a few things I would like to change around a bit. Due to the evens that cut my proofing/editing short, I probably won't have a chance to do much writing the next week or two. So I apologize in advance to those of you who enjoy reading this story, it may be a while before Ch. 5 is ready for posting. I hope you enjoy it ^.=.^


"We really need to keep looking for a way out." Jack said. The dark wolf shifted Tom in his arms and turned to face the door to the modestly sized room.

Allen hopped over to the door and held it open for his mate. The bland white lighting flooding into the blue-lit room. He was almost sad to leave the confines of the strange little repair room, the rest of the facility seemed so cold and uninviting, the white emptiness swallowing everything up.

"We can't go any farther this way." Allen said, wondering why Jack was walking towards the nearest side door. Jack looked over to him with a funny look on his face. It wasn't embarrassment, at least not genuine embarrassment, but it definitely looked somewhat apologetic. "Jack?"

"There's a large office area through here," Jack explained, he was trying not to sound defensive. "This was the last room I checked before....." He shut his eyes and trailed off, shaking his head slightly. Tom looked back and forth distinctly wondering what they were talking about.

"Ah." Allen didn't want to bring the conversation back to that, so he walked over and placed a paw on Jack's shoulder. "Then I'll follow you." He looked down at the human in Jack's arms. "Want me to carry him for a while."

Tom showed conspicuously that he was beginning to feel uncomfortable again. "I don't want to be a burden to you guys. I'm warm enough now; I can walk for a while."

Allen gave a human a sideways stare; he didn't buy that for a minute. He removed his paw from Jack's shoulder and gently grabbed hold of Tom's foot. Tom tried to suppress his laughter as Allen's fur tickled his skin; it came out as a soft giggle. Tom's cheeks blushed at the childish sound of his own voice. Allen just looked down at the human with an inquisitive stare.

Jack apparently wasn't sure what Allen was trying to accomplish with this and soon asked: "What was the point of that?" Smiling at Tom then back up at Allen, adding quickly: "Other than amusement."

Allen smiled back at the dark wolf and, as if proving something, stated: "His feet are cold."

Tom frowned at the dark lupine who had him in his arms. "That doesn't mean I can't walk!" Tom's voice sounding defensive.

"You've got to work on your pride issues." Allen grinned mockingly at the human. He knew Tom was fighting a losing battle.

Tom gave him a dirty look and waved his arm as if he were dismissing Allen. Sarcastically replying with a bleak: "Blow me!"

"Really!" Allen laughingly shot back. He leaned down and hovered his muzzle above the human's groin.

Allen really didn't understand what the big deal was, neither of them had a problem with taking care of the human until he could get some clothes. He thought they had made that fact perfectly clear. It bothered him that he didn't have the insight into Tom's thoughts that he and Jack shared. There was no way either of them would be able to quickly understand him. With no solid plan in mind, Allen figured he might as well wing it... and possibly have some fun as he did so.

Tom squirmed, trying to get his genitals away from the grey wolf. "No, no! I didn't mean literally!" He almost shouted apologetically. Jack pushed him closer to Allen's maw the more he struggled.

Allen opened his mouth a couple seconds, allowing his warm breath to drift onto Tom, just to see his reaction. And as expected he struggled against Jack's firm grip all the more. Allen took note that the human was either oblivious, or ignoring the fact that he was reluctantly becoming aroused by Allen's actions. Tom was definitely in denial.

The human's modified animal instincts were also clearly there, but they were not nearly as strong as his or Jack's. It wasn't easy to pick up on, unless you knew what you were looking for. Mostly it was in the eyes, those beautiful blue eyes. Behind them, something harsh was ebbing for escape. Content with Tom's reaction and letting his thoughts fade, Allen pulled his muzzle away and smiled at him.

"I wouldn't take you without your permission Tom." Jack stated simply before hoisting him from Jack's arms, licking his lover's muzzle as he did so. Tom would warm up to them eventually, or at least that's what he hoped. He already said he wanted to be their friend, their pack-mate, and he believed that he really meant it. Even though he was difficult to read, he could tell that this human was a genuinely good guy.

"Lead the way my pet." Allen gently leaned against Jack as he said it.

Jack chuckled staring at him from the left. "You're pet?"

"Yeah. Or would you like something more superficial like.... 'pumpkin' or 'honey?'"

Allen heard that voice of protest in his head again haunting the back of his mind. It was weaker now though, as if it were slowly being swayed.... or perhaps worn down. He was relieved that it was bothering him less now....but it also upset him. If this voice completely faded away, how would he be able to keep track of how far away he was drifting from his original personality? Could all these new feelings be slowly brainwashing him?

Or maybe, Allen reasoned, it wasn't an old personality being replaced at all. Maybe it's merely the bonds of years and years of conditioning slowly being broken. Maybe now the stereotypical social programming within his character was simply losing influence. That had to be at least part of it anyway. The other part must be his lupine side. It was a new personality, and a demanding one at that, but he had control over most of its aspects. His new instincts were molding him, but not without his consent, not without somehow reasoning with his human mind first. He didn't know if there was any truthfulness in his thoughts, but it at lest made him feel better. He knew that there had to be a reason behind his change, beyond brainwashing.

Jack flashed Allen a look of concern and Allen realized his face was betraying his internal conflicts again. He wondered if Jack also felt torn between whom he was and who he had become.

Considering Jack was forced into this new form against his will, the emotional repercussions should have been more severe, or so he figured. He had briefly displayed hatred towards his own werewolf form, but hadn't really displayed any negative feelings since then. Allen casually studied his mate for a moment, inquisitiveness filling his eyes. Jack seemed to understand what was happening, and he politely opened the door for Allen, giving him a warm and caring smile as he did.

Allen continued to stare at his mate as he walked past and into the vacant office area. If Jack did understand how he was feeling, and felt it himself, then he did an excellent job of keeping it hidden.

A few of Allen's psychology lessons fluttered hazily back to his mind. So what did that say about Jack? He had already had one breakdown after all. And up until then Allen had thought everything was.... moderately alright, considering the circumstances. Was Jack a strong on the outside and mush on the inside type person? An emotional recluse who wears a shell to keep himself safe from the people who care about him?

All this uncertainty was beginning to give him a headache.

Allen continued into the office area. There were cubicle-like structures scattered all over the place and it looked as if many were missing pieces. This room didn't smell quite as bland as the rest of the facility, odors hinted of dust and aged fabric, but nothing more. A few stray wires poked out from the ports in the walls and lay haphazardly on the floor. Allen walked past the first few cubicles, casually checking for contents, though they were all equally emptied.

His heart really wasn't into searching though, and he finally gave it up. He leaned up against one of the more sturdy looking cubicles, shifting Tom gently in his arms. From the soft sweet, yet vaguely musky scent coming off the human, Allen could tell he had finally relaxed a bit. Jack was right; he was kind of cute like this. Tom still hadn't said anything though, and he wondered if he were pretending to sulk. No matter, he could tell he wasn't genuinely upset, and that was enough for now.

Allen waited for his mate to join him.

"What are you thinking about?" Jack stared into Allen's hazel eyes with interest.

Allen nonchalantly sniffed the air making a point to study Jack's reaction as he in turn stared into his emerald eyes. Jack raised an eyebrow, or more appropriately, the patch of fur where his eyebrow would have been. His scent was difficult to pinpoint, as it seemed to change much more slowly than facial expression. Jack detected love, if that's even possible, mixed with nervousness....or some form of mild anxiety, it smelled like a slept in bed after a vivid dream. It was heavenly, but it didn't really contribute anything useful to the situation.

Allen inhaled his mate's aroma one last time before holding his breath in an attempt to gather his thoughts. But it seemed that his will to concentrate had fled him, leaving him to grapple at straws. He would have to learn how to better control his reactions to his olfactory stimulations.

The dark wolf had kindly asked him a question though, and so he felt obliged to attempt a response.

"I don't want to seem like I'm interrogating...." Jack's voice was edging away from compassion and closer to concern now.

Allen cursed at himself silently hoping he wasn't about to stick his foot in his mouth. "No, no you're not prying... it's just that... you seem to be taking this whole situation..... um.... surprisingly well."

Jack's expression went blank, what was he thinking? Suddenly he laid his ears against his head, his voice defensive. "What are you getting at?" This wasn't the reaction Allen was hoping for.

Allen felt Tom shifted uncomfortably and heard a soft rumble from the human's stomach, but he never looked at him.

"I mean.... I have this annoying little voice in the back of my mind protesting every time I do something I know I wouldn't have done before.... And it's really bothering me.... and I think you can tell.... Can't you?"

Jack gave a small nod, most of the tension draining from his face.

Allen heaved a heavy sigh. "But I haven't seen any of that in you.... I'm just worried that...." He struggled to pull his thoughts together. "Am I the only one having issues like that? And if not... how do you manage to deal with them so... uh... smoothly?"

The last of the tension drained from Jack's face. "So is that really what's been bothering you?" Jack looked pleasantly surprised.

"Yeah...." Allen nodded. "Why, what did you think it was?"

Jack fidgeted again before he answered. "Really I wasn't sure... I just didn't think it was that. And... Well yes, of course I feel that way too, I just thought you understood earlier."

"I understood what you said. I just hadn't realized... I guess... how extensive it was."

Tom opened his mouth, like he was going to say something, but then stopped himself. Allen barely noticed it from the corner of his eye.

"A mind is a dangerous thing to toy with." Jack said, looking very solemn, his ears pressed against his head, but not at all like the defensive way they were before. "I don't understand it all myself, but I do know that I'm not the same person I used to be. And yes it bothers me.... but what good will come of dwelling on that? I'm already a big enough mess as it is."

"Oh...." Allen whispered, feeling like an ass again. He realized he was going to have to seriously work on his people skills, primarily that of empathy. Obviously studying reactions wasn't going to cut it with Jack. Once again he had been thinking he was alone in his battles, even though he wasn't. So if the two... or three of them were going to be a pack, then it was time he started acting like part of it. And maybe then Tom would be more open to it as well.

This personal realization must have pleased the feral instincts of his mind. He suddenly felt in control of himself and his emotions again and unthinkingly began wagging his tail. It nearly startled him, but he was beginning to get used to its uncontrollable nature and happily allowed it swish for a while. It also brought a smile to Jack's face, making it worth it.

"So...." Jack tail also began wagging. "If you ever need to talk about something, please don't hesitate next time." Jack placed his paws on Allen's shoulders and nuzzled his neck, careful not to smash Tom too much. "And I'll try too."

Allen returned Jack's nuzzle, placing his chin against Jack's head and caressing it softly. "Thank you." He murmured gently.

On impulse he slid his face down Jack's cheek, and locked lips with the dark lupine. Jack seemed a bit surprised at first, but didn't object. Soon their tongues were battling it out as they invaded each others muzzles. They caressed over each other and they both uttered an elated sigh almost at the same time.

"Uh, guys!" Tom tapped Allen on the shoulder. "Could you please not have a make-out session with me in between?"

Allen grinned sheepishly. "Sorry Tom, you probably think we're both nuts." He chuckled when he noticed something.

"I think he's just jealous." Said Jack deviously, a smile spread across his muzzle.

Tom tried to look annoyed, but to Allen he still smelled relaxed. "Um, no. No I'm not! And yes I think you're both pretty much batshit."

"Really?" Jack mused, politely mocking him.

Tom's voice cracked. "Y-yes!"

Allen had been waiting for the right moment to mention his observation, and this seemed the appropriate time. He leaned his head forward and spoke into Tom's ear: "Well it seems someone feels differently." He directed his gaze from Tom's face down to his crotch. The human flinched when he realized he was sporting a full erection.

"It looks like little Tom is standing at attention." Jack was still grinning.

"That... doesn't mean anything!" Tom tried to justify

It would have been a lie to say that Allen wasn't at all interested in Tom. But it would also have been a lie to say that he didn't feel completely bound to Jack. Nevertheless there had already been enough uncomfortable words spoken between them, and Allen didn't feel like making an ass out of himself again by asking Jack if he felt the same way. Deep down, he just knew he felt the same way, plain and simple, no ifs ands or buts. So Allen didn't feel any shame about toying with Tom in Jack's presence, and clearly Jack didn't have a problem either.

Despite outward appearances to Tom, Allen really had no intentions of trying to woo the human. All he really wanted was for Tom to be honest with himself, just like he was forced to be honest with himself. In a way he figured it was partially out of jealousy. Especially since Tom, who still looked human, was also still able to act human, seemingly without his own mind tearing itself apart.

But Allen also knew better than to think that way; something he learned a short while ago from his conversation with Jack. He could vaguely tell that the quiet human he held in his arms was not human at all. He also knew that he was hiding something.

"Alright," Said Allen, looking at Tom, "then what does it mean?"

Tom didn't reply. He just folded his arms defiantly and stared back. The two continued their staring contest until Tom finally broke.

"I'm just a little confused; my head's been fuzzy since coming out of that damn tube."

There was another long pause where the two stared at each other again.

"That's it?" Jack asked, an eager expression on his face. He didn't seem to realize he was interrupting a staring contest.

"What more do you want out of me!" Tom nearly shouted. "A confession is that it?"

Tom really had no intention of letting either wolf answer as he continued his spiel. "Why yes, I did enjoy seeing you two together, and yes I did feel unexplainably drawn to you when you offered your friendship to me... But just because the attraction is there, doesn't mean I'm ok with it! God, why does everything seem to have to be about sex with you?"

Allen and Jack stared at each other, and then Allen returned his stare to Tom. "Who said anything about sex? We were just screwing around with you because you're far too uptight with your own feelings. You need help. We just want to be here for you..."

Jack seemed to pick up right where Allen left off: "I'm sorry if I went about it the wrong way... as you can see we're not exactly experienced with our own situation. And yes, what Allen said, we're your friends," then he added, laughing quietly: "and were going to help you wether you like it or not."

The last bit of Jacks words seemed to ease the tension.

Tom smiled, but still sounded testy. "You think I'm uptight?"

Allen blushed invisibly beneath his fur. "Well, yeah... I know that everything's moving very quickly. Everything just seemed to click between Jack and I, and I guess I was just expecting things to fall into place with you too. It's my fault for not being very clear.... But that was the main reason I wanted you to be our pack-mate, so you wouldn't have to feel alone."

Then Allen added, almost sounding incriminating beneath his soft tone. "You can share your personal demons... and figure out just what exactly you are."

Tom's face slowly melted. This was the first time he actually looked scared. "You mean.... you know that I'm not human anymore?" He sounded like he didn't even believe it himself.

Allen nodded, but Jack just looked surprised. "Well I didn't! When were you planning on telling me?"

"I thought you could tell too."

"I knew something was off, but.... Well he still looks human!"

Allen suddenly felt like something was wrong, though he couldn't quite put his padded digit on it. He glanced around before somehow feeling that it was coming from Tom. He looked down at the human's eyes began to well up with tears. Allen didn't know if it was from what he'd just said, or from something else.

He could imagine what Tom was feeling right then. The horrific self conflict of admitting to yourself that you're not the person you once were. That your seemingly irrational feeling that appear so right, also feel so painfully wrong to the fading scraps of your humanity. Even now as he thought about it, it again reminded him of his own issues. No wonder why Jack had considered suicide.

Allen slid himself down the wall and sat on the floor, he tucked his tail between his legs so that his long fur was covering the chilly floor between his legs. He then repositioning Tom, setting him on his furry tail, before embracing him in a large, warm hug from behind. Allen was really expecting it to be more painful than it was, considering how every dog he ever saw would freak out if it's tail got stepped on, it was uncomfortable, but not unbearable. The gesture merited a smile from Tom, even as the tears rolled down his face.

"Thank you," Tom's voice wavered and he pressed closer into Allens embrace. "It looks like Jack's not the only one who's a mess today."

"You were paying attention." Allen's voice sounding more distant than he had realized.

Jack sat down next to Allen, his shoulder gently brushing against his. "We're all one big mess." He said gently, his eyes closed. "And... we don't even know what the rest of the world is like now. It could get messier....."

"So that means....." Allen trailed off, not wanting to think about what awaited them once they got out of the facility. He still wasn't comfortable with his own sense of self yet, not to mention an entire world that by this point in time could be considered alien to him.

Tom must have been thinking along the same lines. "We're all we have."

"I didn't really want to say it that way, "Allen said, looking a little sad, "but I think that about sums it up."

Another moment of silence passed.

"Something's not right though." Tom said, his face indicating he was turning over his thoughts repeatedly. "I don't really feel the same way the two of you feel... but I do feel another mind besides my own. It's not very active, but for some reason... I get the feeling it's not very pleasant. I don't know, maybe it's just upset because I've not eaten anything.... I keep having these yielding urges to hunt something."

Allen loosened his embrace around Tom.

His pack-mate, this human, wasn't a pack minded creature. But all humans were primarily social, and that aspect still seemed to be in tact. Perhaps his inhuman side was also a social being. His feral instincts were passive, but expressed desires to hunt. That only described a hundred other creatures. Cat maybe? The fact that he didn't sense Tom as threatening, even though he could have been, helped keep all the uncertainty surrounding the human from really being troublesome to Allen.

"I thought I heard you're stomach gurgling." Jack said. "You must have a fast metabolism. I can eat, but I'm not particularly hungry, and we've been up a few hours more than you."

"Or maybe how they were feeding us stopped working sooner for me."

"Or that too!" Jack grinned.

"So Tom." Said Allen with the implication of a question to follow. "Do you feel any different now about joining our pack?

Tom shook his head. "No.... no not at all. At first I thought I would regret the decision, that 'voice in the back of your head' type thing, but, no... I'm glad that... if I have to be here... like this... that I can be with you guys. Like our own little support group for mutants or something." He chuckled.

"Yeah," Jack laughed. "Welcome to rehab."

"Support group for the freaks of the 21st century." Allen added, relieved the conversation had drifted away from being so serious. Friendship is a serious ordeal, but it's also a lot about laughing, and having a good time. Allen deeply hoped that despite everything, their futures would hold a great deal of laughing.

Suddenly Allen felt the hair all over Tom's body stand on end, even through his own fur, as a shutter went through the human's body. Tom quickly began glancing around the room, as if expecting somebody.

"What's wrong?" Allen sounding concerned.

Another shutter subtly shook Tom's body. "Something's near...." He whispered. "Somehow.... I can... feel it!"

"What do you mean you can feel it?" Jack asked, sounding like he didn't quite believe him.

"I think every hair on his body is standing on end." Allen answered, Tom looking far too distracted to answer the dark werewolf. "I'm pretty sure he meant it when he said he feels it."

Had he not just felt the sensation travel though Tom and into his own body, Allen probably wouldn't have believed him either. But because he had felt it, he knew just how serious it actually was. This was the type of seriousness that nightmares could be made from.

Tom's eyes fluttered a few times.

"It feels familiar... like I should know it from somewhere." He said, looking at neither wolf.

Allen and Jack both began systematically scanned over all the doors in the room. Allen sniffed a few times, but he didn't smell anything new. Tom raised his arm and pointed to the doorway off to the left of them, half hidden behind one of the cubicles.

"There." He whispered.

They all stared at the door. The anticipation of the event was almost sickening and Allen felt his stomach turn upside down. A few seconds later the handle shifted, and it gently swung open. A black scaley arm, the nearly iridescent scales radiating though the dull white environment, holding onto the handle.

Tom leapt from Allen's loose hold and ran halfway towards the door. He leaned forward, assuming a fighting stance. Allen, unthinkingly, immediately followed suit; followed quickly by Jack. Allen could have sworn he heard Tom growling. Not a human growl, but a strange, animal-like rumble.

"Is it not friendly?" Allen asked, but got no reaction from Tom whatsoever.

Slowly, almost theatrically, the creature with shimmering black scales stepped into the room. The three were speechless. Allen had never thought in a million years he would be seeing what was standing before them now.

It was obviously a humanoid female judging by it's lower anatomy, though obviously being a form of reptile it had no breasts. A slick muscular tail swung in from the doorway and twitched in anticipation. It's belly was covered in blue-grey scales that traveled up to it's chest, neck and chin. The rest of the creature's scales were midnight black. Two massive wings protruded from her shoulder blades, and were folded neatly against her back. Long claws graced her fingers and toes, and two horns adorned the top of her head. And if the body hadn't been a dead give away, the face... er... mouth said it all. Her long snout, and her mouth filled with long razor sharp teeth.

This... was a dragon. A dragoness, to be more exact, and even though she was leaning forward slightly, she looked every bit of 9 foot tall. And from the looks of it, she wasn't happy to see them. Allen struggled to keep his legs from shaking. He looked at the others. Jack looked frightened as well, but Tom.... he looked... provoked.

The dragoness gave them a moment to gawk before leaning forward and bellowing a wall shaking roar. Allen stepped back, as did Jack, but Tom just let out another unhuman growl. A noise which seemed impossible for his relatively small frame to make. He wasn't sure why, but seeing this human he had been cradling just a few moments before, suddenly acting so animalistic really freaked him out.

The shimmering black dragon took a testing step forward, swiveling her tail threateningly. Tom followed the same pattern, though he had no tail to swivel. With a second step, she spread her wings to their full width in an intimidating manner, making her seem more than twice her size. This was all Tom could take, judging by a sudden jerk in his posture. He let out another freakish growl, and ran full force towards the beast.

"Tom! Stop!" Allen and Jack both yelled, but their pleas fell upon seemingly deaf ears. They just watched in horror as their naked pack-mate charged head on into imminent doom.

Time seemed to slow down as the adrenalin began pumping intoxicatingly into Allen's veins. He watched, unable to move, as Tom closed the distance between himself and the dragon. The creature readied herself, snapping her jaws in anticipation of what was to come. Unaffected by the display, Tom never even slowed down as he leaned forward ever so slightly, and leaped into the air.

Tom got a good 4 foot off the ground. He reached out with both his arms as he sailed past the dragons head, neck and torso. She wasn't expecting this, and before she could react he latched onto the bottom half of her wing and swung himself onto her back, where he disappeared from view.