The Road to Kashi

Story by KarATe KAT on SoFurry

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#3 of the Drifters

The newest chapter in the series, hope you like it. And please, rate and/or comment. I want feedback so I can improve! Thank you and enjoy!

When Atra got up he gave Sheila a kiss while she was sleeping, got dressed and went outside to get some fresh air. The time was about 7:30 and the sun was coming up, stretching it's golden arms just over the horizon. The only sounds around were the wind and what sounded like gunshots, but way too slow to be a fight. Still, he wanted to be sure. Atra followed the sound, past the city wall and found Derrek and somebody lying on some rugs and shooting with sniper rifles at targets from quite some distance. Derrek heard him approach and stood up.

"What are you doing so early?" Atra asked.

Derrek turned around to face Atra.

"Training our newest recruit, Acer Surculus." He replied.

Acer turned so he was on his back, saluted, turned back and started shooting again. Atra remembered his face instantly. It was the kid he saw earlier, last night. The expert sniper.

"He is 18, in pretty good physical condition and is one hell of a sniper. You know how our sniper ranking system works, right?"


"And you probably know that Sheila is a level 7 and I'm a level 8?"

"And your point is?"

"This here kid is a level 9."

Atras eyes went wide. "A level 9!?"

A rookie sniper is at level 1-4, an intermediate sniper is at level 5-7, good snipers are at 8, absolute masters are at level 9 and legends were at level 10. For a sniper to find out their level, they needed to pass series of tests involving accuracy, stamina and patience.

"I hardly even trained him."

"How the hell..."Atra whispered to himself. "Ok, teach him a few tricks if he doesn't already know them and be back by 12. We're leaving for Kashi then."

"Fair enough." Derrek said as he resumed shooting.

Atra walked back to the warehouse and started packing his things, while Derrek and Acer kept on shooting.

"Damn, you hit the same spot with 7 shots in a row!" Derrek said as they were walking towards the town. He was holding a target Acer had shot at, and, amazingly he managed to hit the same hole in his target 7 times in a row from a 150 meters, dead center in the target.

"It's nothing." Acer said with a shy grin.

Acer was 18 years old, almost 19, and a desert fox. He was slightly smaller than Derrek and had a feminine body, but he was still quite strong. He had big ears that stood up, brown eyes, a normal snout, light, yellow fur and he was pretty shy. He smiled alot but had alot of concentration, patience and he was very keen. He didn't have any family except his mother, so leaving his town wouldn't be too hard for him.

"So, you're sure you want to join the Drifters? If you don't want to, it's perfectly fine. Just remember that you might and probably will need to put your life on the line."

"It's okay with me. I hardly have anything to lose whatsoever."

"It's your life."

When they reached the warehouse, Derrek gave Acer a uniform and a big semi-automatic sniper rifle and a secondary weapon, a small full auto handgun.

"Remember, a soldiers best friends is his weapons, so treat them with respect."

"I will."

They packed and prepared for departure.

At 12:00 sharp, Atra came back in the APC with a few vehicles in tow. Including tanks, APC's, a few hovercraft and a really big hovering APC that Sheila was steering. It was the size of a house and had loads of mounted guns on it. Strangely, it made no sound and no wind came out from beneath it. The only thing noticable was a faint green glow coming from below.

The Drifters had gathered, ready and packed, for the departure.

"What the hell is that?" One of the men asked.

"Our new headquarters." Atra said as he jumped out of the smaller APC.

"I need atleast one soldier in each vehicle. Lets move out!"

They moved quickly and before long they were ready. A few people from the town had gathered to watch them leave, including Acers mother. Acer and Derrek had taken a tank and while Derrek drived, Acer sat on the turret of the tank and waved goodbye. When they were out of the town he climbed back into the tank and closed the hatch.

This was the start of the road to Kashi.

A few days later the Drifters were at the border of China, close to Kashi. They had gained a little information from the locals about Chens position and were about to cross the border. The landscape was a forest, but not very dense. They were following a small unpaved road, just big enough for the headquarters or the Juggernaut as it was named now. Acer was sitting on top of the tank Derrek was driving, enjoying the landscape. The smell was nice, a little like pine but weaker and the sounds were weird but cool. The vehicles, alot of animals, the trees and bamboo swaying in the wind and a few small rivers and...what was that?

"Atra, can you please stop the convoy for a few seconds?" He said into his radio with a nervous voice.

"Why would you want that?" Atra asked with a curious voice.

"Just trust me will you." The convoy stopped and everything went silent, even the wind and animals, the only sound now was the rivers.

"What are you-?" Atra managed to ask before he was cut off by Acers shout:


Everybody went into combat position, manning the guns and loading them. A few seconds later a jet dive bombed and missed the Juggernaut by an inch.

The AA guns were manned and managed to shoot down the hostile aircraft with heatseeking missiles.

Later, a voice crackled through the Juggernauts recievers that had a chinese accent.

"Leave this area or we will be forced to destroy you."

Atra took up a headset and said:

"Listen here you little Asian bastard. Attacking someone without giving them a warning first is bad enough. But attacking us in that way got you in deep shit, you got that? I will give you five seconds to re-think who you're talking to. If you refuse to leave us alone we will make you suffer, am I clear? 5...4...3...2-" Another bomb landed right beside the Juggernaut.

"You really fucked yourself there." Atra said into the radio as he manned one of the Juggernauts AA guns. He locked on within milliseconds and fired. The pilot never knew what hit him.

Jets were flying overhead and the roar of guns filled the air. Derrek was now in an armor suit that he found in the tank, equipped with laser guided missiles and a high caliber machine gun. A jet swooped overhead and dropped a bomb, damaging one of the APCs. Derrek managed to fire a few bullets at the belly of the jet, but not destroy it. He was loading his missile launcher when he looked up. The sight that lay before him was horrific. The jet had turned around and was now headed straight for him.

"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!" He whispered to himself as he was reloading. The jet fired 2 missiles at him and was now about 50 meters away. Everything felt like it was in slow motion. Derrek managed to fire from the machine gun and destroy 1 of the missiles, but the other one was still headed for him. He was screwed now. All of a sudden the missile exploded, about 7 meters from his face. The blast threw him off his feet, but he sprang up as quickly as possible. The jet passed overhead and its rear was now exposed to Derrek. He fired and hit the tail. Within seconds, the jet exploded in a huge flame. Derrek looked around to see what had shot down the other missile. Then he spotted Acer on a hill not too far away, he was reloading. No way! He had shot the damn thing in midair! And...what the hell was he doing?

He saw a jet overhead, maybe 200-250 meters away, and he was aiming at it. What is he planning? He fired and nothing seemed to happen. After a few seconds, the jet started to wobble and then dived down and crashed. He shot the pilot!? But, how the...? Ok, no time to think about that. We got jets to shoot down. He reloaded and fired, hitting the left wing of another jet. The pilot spun out of control and crashed somewhere in the forest. He was reloading when he heard his radio crackle:

"We got a bomber incoming, a big one. We tried to fire at it, but nothing seems to be able to penetrate its armor."

"How long do we have until it reaches-"

And there it came. A big plane with jet engines. It was like a massive B-52 Bomber, painted grey. 2 hatches opened on the belly of the plane, showing tons of bombs, no doubt nuclear. If they didn't take that thing out soon, they were dead meat. He had a plan. He ran towards the plane, the armor suit sped him up a little, thanks to the hydraulic legs. He ran as fast as he could until he was beneath the plane. This was his last shot.

"Take this motherf-"

He aimed the missile launcher and fired. It flew upwards and into the hatch. It exploded, detonating all the bombs inside and making one hell of a show. A small shockwave emitted from the plane as it exploded and pieces of flaming metal rained down. Everything was still and quiet. They had won.

"Ok soldiers. We'll set up camp beside the road. We need to fix a few of these machines and I guess it would help to rest a little now." Atra said into the radio.

Derrek went over to the place they were going to camp, equipped a blade and started cutting down trees to make a clearance.

That night, the vehicles formed a circular wall around the campsite. A few engineers were working on the damaged vehicles with blowtorches, wrenches and other weird contraptions.

A small bonfire was set up in the middle and a few tents around it. The Juggernaut was set down and was being used as a storage- and medical facility, as well as showers.

The walls inside of it could be moved easily and locked by magnetic clamps, a few compartments were here and there and you could easily install computers, showers, windows, mounted guns and whatever else you could think of. So, transforming it to the soldiers needs was easy.

Derrek and Acer were sharing a tent and had bonded pretty well over the las few days. They talked alot to each other and hung out when time let them. They had become good friends.

"I'm gonna go take a shower." Acer said as he walked out of the tent.

"Alright. Thanks again for saving my ass back there." Derrek replied.

Let me tell you a little more about Derrek. Everybody in the Drifters thought he was 25 but he was actually 20. He was 13 when he joined the Drifters but looked as if he was 16 when he joined. He was fast and strong. Muscular and very aware. He had soft, blue eyes, cute ears, a handsome face and was tall. He was very casual and wasn't shy about talking about anything, except for his sexual orientation. He was bisexual but had kept that well hidden but planned to reveal that to someone tonight...

Acer had finished taking a shower and was drying himself with a towel. The showers were split into cubicles and a few benches/beds were up against the walls where the lockers were.

Acer was just about to get himself dressed when he started to feel horny. His cock went hard as a rock. He was thinking about Derrek.

He sat down on one of the benches near the wall, threw his towel on the floor and lay on his back. He put his feet on the wall, still laying on his back, and "walked" down the wall, bringing his cock closer to his face. When it was close enough, he started sucking on it. He started by gently licking the tip and then started to work his way down his shaft. The taste was good and the feeling was wonderful. Before long, he started greedily sucking on it and moaning while he closed his eyes. He held his balls and massaged them a little. When he opened his eyes again, Derrek was standing right beside him only wearing his boxers.

"Oh, sh-!" He said as he sprang up and put his towel back on.

"It's not what you thi-! Hey, why were you watching me?"

"Because I like you, alot." Derrek said with a mischievous grin, as he moved closer to Acer.

"You love me?"

"That's one way of putting it, yes." He was now a few inches away.

"I've felt the same about you but I thought you weren' know." Acer said as he blushed.

"Bisexual? That doesn't matter right now. What matters now is us." Derrek said as he hugged and kissed Acer.

Acer almost fell over with surprise but leaned into the kiss after a few seconds.

Acer broke the kiss and kneeled. He pulled down Derreks boxers and caressed his cock with his hands. Acer started to lick the tip of his cock and tease it a little. He started going deeper and they both started to moan. Acer held Derreks ass and pushed lightly to get his whole cock in his mouth. Derrek closed his eyes, held Acers head and thrusted a little. After a little while, Derrek pulled Acer to his feet and put him on one of the benches. Acer was lying on his back and slowly rubbing his cock. Derrek slid his cock into Acers ass and grunted a little as he thrusted slowly. They both moaned as Derrek started to pick up speed. He started pumping pretty hard and kept on going. Acer sat up and Derrek leaned over him so they could kiss. When they kissed, Derrek was pumping as hard as he could. Derrek lifted Acer off the bench, holding him by the ass, and stood while pumping. Acer wrapped his legs and arms around Derrek and moaned loudly. Derrek was pumping hard and could feel Acers cock up against his stomach, his cum leaking into his fur. It felt good. Derrek started pumping harder and grunting as Acer squeezed him a little as he moaned loudly. They changed into another position. Now Derrek was holding under his knees and Acers back was facing him. He was still holding him in the air and still pumping his ass. Acer was now moaning so loud he was almost shouting and Derrek grunted more.

"Deeper!" Acer moaned.

They were both panting alot and both feeling great. Derrek layed Acer down on his stomach on a bench and started to pump him doggy style. His balls started to slap Acers ass, but it felt good. Derrek was holding Acer by the hips with one hand and jacking him off with the other. Acer held Derreks hand and helped him.

"I'm...I'm gonna cum!" Derrek moaned.

"Please! Fuck me harder!" Acer moaned.

Derrek pumped as fast and hard as he could until he cummed with a loud roar. He cummed so much that it overflowed Acers ass and leaked onto the floor. Acer cummed at the same time and moaned loudly. Acer almost passed out he was so exhausted. Derrek hauled him to his feet and kissed him, for a long time. When Acer had enough strength to stand, he and Derrek took a shower together.

"Please don't tell anyone about this." Acer said in the shower.

"I won't. I know you well enough to know that you don't want your secret revealed."

They kissed.

"It's enough for me to know." He said with a grin.

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