They're Coming

Story by FurrFreak on SoFurry

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For those who don't know me... which is pretty much all of you... I have a weird obsession with Zombies. I just love watching, reading, writing and learning about them. I wrote this poem for my Creative Writing class. This is a series of cinquains, short five line poems with a syllable pattern of 2,4,6,8,2. Hope you enjoy!



the living dead.

Risen up from the grave

to eat the flesh of the living.


Look Out

They're almost here.

Slowly growing in size,

The hoard staggers toward you with haste.



There's no way out.

The dead have you cornered.

They creep closer, hands grabbing you.

Too slow.

Eyes open,

The dead are gone.

The virus taken hold,

You are just another zombie.

You've Lost.