A Unicorn Seduction

Story by ZeldaTheSwordsman on SoFurry

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Another unicorn story set in the same world as my first, only this one's F/F

A Unicorn Seduction AN: This is set in the same world as "Encounter with a Unicorn". This story's F/F, though.

Karen groaned as she punched out for the day. Her tech support job paid decently enough, but it could be very stressful some days. Such as today, which she'd spent dealing with COMPLETE AND TOTAL MORONS and resisting the urge to throw her phone out the window. There were a lot of days like that; it could make a person crack. But Karen was lucky. Karen had a place where she could go that helped her feel better. There was a horse ranch on the outskirts of town. She came to there just about every day. She simply loved horses. She enjoyed not only riding on their backs, but simply spending time amongst them. It felt very relaxing, very good just being there with them.

Good in more ways than one. Karen found the horses attractive, arousing even. She had fantasized about what it might be like to have a stallion's member sliding in and out of her, or to taste a mare's nectar. There was one mare in particular who showed up in these fantasies rather frequently. A big, gray one with blue eyes. She had turned up on the grounds mysteriously a couple of months ago, and as nobody else had claimed her she had joined the local herd. Ever since the mystery mare had showed up Karen had been drawn to her, and had been spending more of each visit with her specifically - probably why she was usually the one in Karen's fantasies. Karen had graduall opened up about her inner thoughts to the mare - her work life, her personal life, even those very fantasies. The mare seemed to understand what she was saying, and occasionally -and this was very wierd- she made what Karen swore were bedroom eyes. Over the past few weeks Karen had been more and more tempted to take her up on the apparent offer.

She parked her car, locked it, signed in, and stepped into the stables, letting the smells of the horses and the straw fill her nose. Her lingering irritation lessened a bit. She walked back and forth along the aisle between the rows of stalls, looking at the magnificent creatures within. So lovely, so strong, so intelligent, not like those idiots who - No, no, don't think about them. Happy thoughts, Karen, happy thoughts. Karen picked up a brush and stepped into the stall of the gray mare. She started brushing the mare's coat, something she found very relaxing. As she brushed the mare's flanks she saw the horse give her the usual "bedroom eyes" again as well as the somewhat rarer action of partially displaying her snatch (which was even wierder than the bedroom eyes).

It was tempting, so very very tempting. Especially after the aggravating day at the office. Oh, what the hell, thought Karen. It's the wierdest thing but she clearly wants it too so why the fuck not? She thrust the hand not holding the brush in experimentally, feeling the warmth of the grey mare's tunnel. It felt so hot to be finally doing this. She removed her hand and licked the few droplets of fluid from the mare's folds off. "That's good stuff," she said quietly. She was still surprised she had actually finally gone this far. But there was an even bigger surprise in store for her. The grey mare snorted, drawing Karen's attention to her head.

Karen looked into the mare's eyes, which were suddenly a much brighter, piercing blue. At once she dropped what she was doing and focused all her attention on the equine before her, watching other changes appear. The hair and fur went from ordinary grays to shining silvers. The hooves became cloven, like those of a deer. The tail went from being hair all the way to a smaller tuft of hair at the end of a long furry cord, like a lion's tail. And finally, shimmering into being on the mare's forehead was a single long, thin horn. The odd gray mare had been no ordinary horse at all, but a unicorn in disguise. "Oh... wow..." Karen managed to say aloud. Her real form is even more beautiful than she already was and I can barely believe it; a real unicorn! This is amazing! were the loudest of the thoughts bouncing around in her head at the moment. Various emotions flooded through her. Fear, joy, surprise, and most of all, lust.

The unicorn mare spoke, her sultry voice interrupting Karen's thoughts. "Hello, Karen. I have been looking forward to this for some time now. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Dimera."

"A p-p-p-pleaseure to m-meet you, Dimera," stammered Karen. "But what have you been waiting for?" she asked the unicorn, not daring to hope.

"For you to finally act on your desires, my dear," said Dimera, winking her eye suggestively at the human. "Ever since I first saw you, I wanted you. I've been watching you for quite a while. Eventually I decided to join the herd here, get you to desire me as I do you. And it's worked, wouldn't you say?" Karen just nodded. "And I know just how to start." With that, Dimera brought her lips to Karen's, slipping her tongue inside and twirling it around the human's. Karen quickly snapped out of her shock and quickly began twisting her tongue around Dimera's in return. They kissed passionately for about a minute before pulling apart.

"For you to finally act on your desires, my dear," said Dimera, winking her eye suggestively at the human. "Ever since I first saw you, I wanted you. I've been watching you for quite a while. Eventually I decided to join the herd here, get you to desire me as I do you. And it's worked, wouldn't you say?" Karen just nodded. "And I know just how to start." With that, Dimera brought her lips to Karen's, slipping her tongue inside and twirling it around the human's. Karen quickly snapped out of her shock and quickly began twisting her tongue around Dimera's in return. They kissed passionately for about a minute before pulling apart.

"Lovely," said Dimera. "You're a good kisser, girl. Now, pick up your brush and finish grooming me. It is quite pleasant in its own right." Karen answered with another nod. She bent down and picked up the brush, and resumed her work. She didn't stop until Dimera's mane, coat, and tail were all perfectly neat. Karen just stood there for a moment, admiring the sight. She tentatively reached towards Dimera, who nodded her approval. Karen ran her fingers through the unicorn's mane, enjoying the feel of the silky-smooth silver hair on her hands.

"That feels good, doesn't it?" said Dimera. "You did a fine job. I'm even more in the mood now - are you ready for the main event?"

Karen nodded again, very enthusiastically this time.

"Alright then, hold still while I charm you."

"Charm me?" asked Karen, puzzled. "Why? I already want-"

"I'm well aware of that," said Dimera. "It's the rules. Mating with a unicorn can be rough on humans; for your own safety, you have to be under the influence of my magic until your body is adjusted. Besides which, it can enhance the experience quite a bit." The unicorn snorted. "If you want this, you're going to have to accept it."

"But-" protested Karen.

"Accept it," said Dimera more forcefully. Karen's protests stilled - the unicorn didn't need the charm spell to dominate someone's will. "Look into my eyes."

Dimera locked her gaze with Karen's, and the human felt herself starting to relax. Dimera lowered her head closer and closer, maintaining eye contact all the while. Her horn shimmered with power. She tapped Karen's forehead with the tip (being careful not to accidentally poke her), placing the charm spell upon her. "Take off your clothes, Karen. Neatly fold them and set them aside - just because you're about to get a lot of hot horse-sex doesn't mean you should let your clothes get more dirty than they need to. And if you can, make a little show of it."

Karen obeyed, unfastening the buttons on her polo shirt, and sliding it over her head. She folded it up carefully and set it on an out-of-the-way shelf. Then she unhooked the clasp on her slacks and gently pulled the zipper down, and took them off. They slid over her shoes easily. She folded them into a neat square and put them on top of the shirt. Her shoes were next, and as they were slip-on loafers they were quite simple to remove. After that, Karen tugged off her socks, and let herself enjoy the feeling of the floor on her bare feet. Now just her bra and panties to go. She untied her bra's strap (it was a cheap bra, and the clasp had long ago snapped. As the rest of the bra was still fine, Karen hadn't been bothered to replace it), and set it with the rest of her clothing. Finally, she slowly slid her panties down her legs, and laid them down on top of the bra.

Dimera looked on, enjoying the show. When Karen was done, called up her magic again and conjured a padded table. "Get up on that, and lay on your back," she instructed the now-naked Karen.

Karen did as she was told, happy to follow the unicorn's command. The table was quite comfortable. Dimera walked over the table, lowering her entrance to the level of the human's face. "Go ahead, eat me out. You've dreamed of it often enough, now it's time to live it, and to know my true flavour - those few droplets you tasted were a poor sample." Karen put her mouth tentatively up to the unicorn's damp snatch and slowly stuck her tongue in. Now sure her mouth was positioned right, she began licking and sucking, getting a good rhythm going. Somehow, probably because of the charm spell, this rhythm was not disrupted by the surge of pleasure she felt when Dimera's tongue plunged into her own cunt. They worked at each other for who knows how long, tongues swirling furiously. Feeling pleasure not just from the stimulation, but from who was doing it and why. At last they reached orgasm. Karen came first, Dimera happily slurping up the juices. "Ah, I love the taste of human women," she said lustily. "I'm -oh yeah, keep it up- not too far behind you, and I want you to gulp down as much as you can, get a taste of me." Shortly after the unicorn finished that sentence her own orgasm hit and out came the rush of her nectar. Karen, as instructed, started swallowing as much as she could. "Mmm!"

"Like that, do you? Is it as good as you imagined?" asked Dimera in a satisfied manner. A muffled "Better" was the response. "Thought so. Well, if you like it as is, you're gonna love it in a bit. Because now, it will taste and feel like your favourite soda mixed with the existing flavor."

"MMM!" managed Karen as she sucked down the remaining juices at double speed. She gave a satisfied sigh when she was done. That had been amazing.

Dimera chuckled. "Good job, girl. That was a great round of mutual. I'll let you catch your breath, and then it's time for something a bit different." She stepped away from her position over the table and got herself facing the other way before stepping back. "This time we won't be pleasuring each other simultaneously. This time you'll do me first, and then I you. What I want you to do is a bit similar to the human practise of fisting, except this uses the other limb set. Lift whichever leg you're most comfortable with and work your foot in."

Karen slowly but unhesitantly lifted her left leg up and felt around with her big toe until she found the silver unicorn's slicked folds. She started to ease her foot up inside. "Yes... Good, keep going... there you go." The human's foot was now in up to the ankle. "Good girl. Now start pumping it, nice and fast." Karen complied, thrusting the foot back and forth rapidly, eliciting moans of pleasure from the unicorn. After perhaps five minutes of this, Dimera let loose another torrent of juices, this time licking them off herself. "Well done, Karen. Now it's my turn to see to your pleasure, and since you did such a good job here I'll make sure this is extra special.

"Listen carefully, now. Just lay there and relax, absolutely still. I am going to give you the best pleasure you've ever had." This instruction given, Dimera backed up, and slowly and carefly knealt down and pressed her horn into Karen's snatch. She worked it back and forth, slowly and gently. Karen sighed in pleasure. The motion felt wonderful, and was enchanced by the spiral groove that ran around the horn, which made Karen feel very good as it rubbed against her clit and inner walls. Then Dimera really kicked things into gear by sending a pulse of magic through Karen's clitoris with each inward thrust. Karen's sighs of pleasure turned to shouts. Pleasure wracked her body, although she remained perfectly still. It was pure bliss. And soon enough she came once more, blasting her juices over Dimera's horn and over the table. The silver unicorn licked up the stuff on the table, but left the pleasure of cleaning her horn up to the human. Afterwards they simply did nothing for a while, other than just enjoy the afterglow.

Dimera used her magic to clean up the rest of the mess, and then lifted the charm spell. "That was absolutely incredible, Dimera," Karen told her, grinning. "Can we do that again soon?" she asked.

The silver unicorn gave a grin of her own. "Certainly. Whenever you visit this place, I would be more than happy, Karen. I have spent the past months seducing you, haven't I? Why would I go that far for a one-night's-stand? You've just found yourself a girlfriend, my dear."

"Sweet. I do have a question, though. Why is it that humans have to be charmed during sex initially? I think I know, but I'm not sure."

"The charm surpresses any involuntary reactions, movements, and sudden panic attacks that could get you hurt. It's especially necessary for things like when we use our horns to pleasure you, or when the stallions give anal - even with the stretching spell. After doing it enough times, your brain becomes adjusted to it, so the charm is no longer necessary. Does that make sense, dear?"

"Yeah," said Karen. "Figured it was something like that." She yawned. "Damn, I'm bushwacked."

Dimera nuzzled her newfound lover. "You had best spend the night here again. I know the owners don't mind." Her horn shimmered as she conjured underwear and a set of pyjamas onto Karen. "Magic is such a useful thing to have. I can put a sleep spell on you if you wish, to make sure you wake up rested and refreshed."

"That'd be nice," said Karen. "Very well then. Good night, Karen." "Good night, Dimera." Dimera's horn shimmered with magic once more, and Karen was instantly fast asleep atop the table. She draped a blanket over the human, and then lay down on the soft straw next to her. "Sleep well, my love," she said, before falling asleep herself.

Encounter with a Unicorn

This story contains mind control, male-male sex, bestiality. If you are not old enough to look at any of that or have a problem with it, close the browser tab. Encounter with a Unicorn Mike was walking through the park, looking to burn off some...

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