Anterior Meridian

Story by Triller on SoFurry

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*Twitch*... It's not that I don't like, I really do... It's just the pickiness of their submit page that makes me not want to post stories here... So please forgive me if the formatting or spacing is a bit loopy.

NEVERTHELESS, third time's a charm, please for the love of god POST *deep breath*...

"Not today, kid..."

He nabbed my shirt and pulled me along forward as he accelerated on down the sidewalk. I stumbled to keep up as I watched my house whiz by with a perplexed look. I started to ask what Mark meant, but he shushed me and continued on down the sidewalk with a brush of his tail along my side. The soft, fuzzy nudge was enough to give me my second wind as I eagerly followed up behind him. We turned down a few familiar streets as he turned toward the outer part of the neighborhood that led to the main road. I was watching each house go by as we ran without too much interest; we lived in one of those areas where every house was practically a carbon copy of the last save for a splash of color here or a lawn gnome there.

Mark kept glancing back at me and I was starting to feel a little self conscious, staring harder at each house we passed. He must have sensed my unease as he sped up a little in front of me. I started and increased my pace to catch up, my legs complaining the whole way, until the cheetah finally slowed to a stop in front of a one-story house at the end of the street. I must have looked surprised because Mark gave another one of those grins as I skidded to a stop.

Seeing him not in motion was different to say the least. My only visions and memories of Mark have always been at least in a slow jog. As he stood before me now, I was allowed to fully look over his body. His fur was matted from sweat along with his shirt, his chest heaving smoothly for breath as he smiled down at me. I, myself, was panting hard and probably looking a lot less... Olympic as my t-shirt was soaked with sweat and my tail was limp. I blushed as my eyes finally turned up to meet his and he smiled.

"Want to come inside?"

At this point, at this time of day, I would have been crazy to decline the offer and go running three or four blocks back to my house. Of course, I could have been fully rested and hydrated and my answer would have been the same. I nodded and he lead me to the front door. The cheetah lived modestly, but cleanly, a sparse arrangement of furniture spread out around his house into a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a bedroom. As we stepped inside, Mark made his way toward the bathroom, instructing me to get something to drink in the kitchen as he peeled his shirt off.

I mumbled an answer as I my eyes glazed over at his body again before disappearing around the door. I gave myself a moment to relax, but my heart refused to beat any slower as I headed into his kitchen and searched a few cupboards. The kitchen was a nice size and had all the nice commodities my full-sized house had: sink, washing machine, fridge. I helped myself to a healthy amount of tap water as I slowly took in my surroundings. A portion of the kitchen wall was taken up by newspaper clippings about several marathons going on around town and even a picture or two of the cheetah participating. I blushed hotly as the idea crossed my mind that I had been holding him back from future events.

I startled softly from reading one of the clippings as a paw poked the small of my back. I stood up straight and looked over my shoulder to see the cheetah standing behind me. He smiled and I chuckled softly before inquiring about the pictures and such adorning his wall. He explained that he had been more active in marathons up until a few years ago when he finally figured out it wasn't exactly paying rent. He noticed my empty glass during a recant of one such race and gently took it from my paw. My cheeks reddened as I felt his fingers softly slide along mine and he noticed.

I crossed my paws behind me and tried not to stare at his shirtless body again as he talked about one such race he had almost won. It would have paid a nice amount of money, but it was the point in his life where he realized he needed to start planning things ahead of just running races. I heard the sink run a little before Mark took another drink for himself as he turned the questions to me. He asked how I was doing in school and what I had planned after it.

I bashfully admitted I had no ideas or plans except that my parents were pushing college, my eyes pretending to read over his newspaper clippings again. He asked about sports and I immediately replied that running with him was the only exercise I got during the day. Mark seemed a bit concerned about this as I heard him hum. He complimented my running and made the remark that I should consider track next semester. I blushed to this and rubbed my arm shyly. I could never do track, I just went for a run every morning with a friend from the neighborhood.

Mark, again, shook his head as he told me with the right training I could easily be a great athlete. I hadn't heard the cheetah's footpad across the linoleum floor, but I did feel two paws at my sides and the bare chest almost right up against my back. My heart immediately skipped two beats before turning into a jackhammer against my ribs, my entire body shaking like a leaf. His fingers went under my shirt and I felt them comb through my white fur as his arms wrapped up around my chest.

I didn't question what he was doing, but he whispered into my ear something about the possibility of me needing a trainer as his fingers found my nipples. By now, my shirt was tugged up and exposing my lighter-colored stomach fur, my chest pounding with my heartbeat and lack of breath. I hadn't said a word the entire time, but this was mostly because I was afraid it would make him stop. I felt him hug me back against his chest and I audibly swooned a little, my eyes half-closed as I let him pet and fondle my body.

I let out a soft yelp as his fingers pinched my nipples, apparently I had missed a question. I shivered and stood up a little in his arms, glancing back over my shoulder at Mark as he smirked back at me.

"I said would you like to step into my room?"

I didn't need to think twice as I nodded and was led by a paw through the living room into his. The door closed halfway behind us as the cheetah turned to face me this time, paw still holding mine. I blushed and took a glance around his room, taking note of a few trophies on his bookcase and the continued trend of sparse furniture before my vision was full of yellow and black. The kiss was momentary, enough to grab my attention, before he tilted my head and kissed me again.

The cheetah's tongue was raspy, warm, and inviting in my muzzle. He knew how to use it and didn't waste any time in doing so as his paws pulled me close to his body. I had little idea what to do and was still in a bit of shock as I struggled to keep my tongue with his. I let him lead my body, turning us slowly so that my back was to the bed with our hips still pressed together. I suddenly blushed as I noticed my young, raging hard-on poking up against my shorts and just under his navel as the cheetah's paws wandered south toward it. The kiss became a little sloppy while I wiggled in the taller feline's hold; a paw of his found my rear end and was squeezing it softly toward his hips.

When Mark finally broke our lip lock, he did it slowly, making me yearn for it as my head craned forward. Our lips parted with a soft, wet smack and I softly opened my eyes back to him. I must have been blushing harder than I realized because the smile across the cheetah's face was wide and showing teeth. His paws left my posterior and my back up to my shoulders as he gave my ear a soft lick. I shuddered gently and a burst of warm breath against the black-tipped triangles told me to make myself comfortable. I nodded and began to sit down before I was tugged right back to my feet with a start. Mark shook his head and took my paws, placing them against his chest as he repeated himself with greater emphasis on "comfortable".

I must have been trembling horribly as Mark gave me ample time to touch and explore his body. Watching him run in front of me for such a long time gave me plenty of time to memorize every fine curve of the feline's masculine frame, but touching brought another dimension of stimulus into my senses. His toned muscles reacted to my finger pads, tensing a little when I ran over a ticklish spot and making me blush a little still. I did notice my body starting to tremble less the more I explored and touched Mark's body, but that didn't last long as I watched his thumbs hook under the spandex hem of his running shorts.

Out of pure reflex, I looked away at first, my modesty lost through the throbbing tent in my own shorts and slowly urging my gaze back between Mark's legs. The cheetah chuckled softly and stood patiently, watching my eyes grow a little as they locked on to his stiffening erection. He nuzzled my ears again and licked them, not really helping my blush at all as I reached a tentative paw down to touch it. As my fingers wrapped around the feline's shaft, I felt his breath against my ear skip a beat. This lessened the redness in my cheeks and I proceeded to calmly stroke and caress the beautiful feline member in front of me.

Watching Mark growing harder in my fingers was taking up all of my attention. My fingers explored his length from the pulsing tip all the way down to where the throbbing pole met his hips. The scent had captivated me since the moment he took off his shorts, dulling my nervousness with its thick smell. We were both fresh from running, but obviously the cheetah had cleaned up a little during his earlier detour to the bathroom. As I breathed in delicious gulps of his scent, I couldn't find myself catching any overpowering odors. I was so enwrapped in my own little world that it had startled me to hear Mark moan.

I felt his paws on my shoulders as he seated me on the bed. My paws still caressed his rock hard and sizable length as the cheetah stood before me. I was feeling little light-headed as his thick scent was now practically smacking me in the face. The deeper I breathed in, the more fluidly my paw stroked his shaft and the more thoroughly I wanted to explore the cheetah's body. Mark was content to let me have my way, simply standing before me with a soft groan every now and then as his shaft throbbed in my paw. I blinked to see pre slide up from the tip and found my tongue gently wandering over my lips as I watched the bead steadily drip down his length.

I'm not sure what came over me, but some combination of the thick scent overflowing my mind and the feel of Mark's hard erection pulsing wet, slick pre along my fingers sent my head forward. I parted my lips softly and wet them with my tongue; it had been a while. Out of the corner of my eye I watched Mark's lips curl in a sneer of hissing pleasure as my small, wet tongue pressed up under his length. I licked him to the tip and sampled the salty pre I had collected from the move, watching his cock glisten from my own leftover saliva and swallowing. I felt a little foolish, timidly taking another swipe of my running mate's cock and leaving my tongue at the tip. I watched as the cheetah's abdominal muscles clenched and I could hear him breathing through his maw, now.

Each touch of my raspy tongue was met with another salty bead of pre-cum at the tip of his member. The more I painted his pink shaft with my saliva, the more pre I was rewarded. I was suddenly aware of my awkward position on the bed. I had scooted up to the edge of Mark's queen-sized mattress and was softly lapping over his cock as my paws steadied myself between my legs. Mark was not only aware of this, he commented about my "cute posture" and purposely made me blush. I adjusted myself and raised my paws back to his frame, one paw gently holding on to the outside of his thigh while the other wrapped itself around his shaft.

I concentrated my tongue on just the tip now, stroking my paw along his cock and watching his furry balls bounce as I stroked and worked for more pre from his length. I noticed his body tense slowly as I used more and more of my muzzle to stimulate his erection, the cheetah's hips beginning to waver as I stroked and licked him. A sudden throb sent a small streak of pre cum across my furry, orange and white cheek, soaking it with the warm, slick substance and causing my cheeks to redden further. I swallowed gently, my lips still pressed against Mark's tip as I slowly looked up at him. The cheetah was breathing heavy and grinning, but it made me feel comfortable to see that smile on his lips. Without a second thought I slid his hard, wet cock into my muzzle.

My jaw protested a little at Mark's thickness, but the happy groan and heavy paw behind my ears was more than enough to make up for it. I surged with arousal and adrenaline as the cheetah gave me the first few inches of his stiff erection. I treated it to a deep, sweet suckle with my lips and felt his claws comb through my hair. For a moment, I was lost at what to do, slurping gently on Mark's head while my paw squeezed his smooth, wet shaft, but the cheetah sensed my hesitation.

I shivered as I felt Mark's fingers entwine with my hair before pressing me further down his pulsing cock. My nose pressed against my fingers around the shaft and I quickly removed them as I swallowed him down. Mark's groan turned into a deep, feral growl to feel my hot lips engulf his pulsing member, the sound reverberating through me and making me squirm on the bed. My paws had both moved into position along Mark's thighs as I wrapped my lips and tongue around his hard, smooth cock, the paw in my hair loosening its grip a little to test my limits.

Although I am proud of how much I was able to fit into my lips, this limit was quickly reached as I felt the hot tip nudge the back of my throat. The soft gag and wince signaled Mark to back off a little and let me adjust myself. I found my lips just a few inches short of his base and felt somewhat unaccomplished in my task. One look up to the cheetah's face, however, was enough to make me rethink my shortcoming. Mark was grinning down at me again his ears turned back a little and his chest surging with breath from pleasure. I felt his fingers gently pull back on my hair and I followed his lead. My fingers tensed along the cheetah's strong thighs momentarily and I felt his thick length slide across my tongue out of my muzzle. I shuddered a little as the tip popped from my lips with a wet smack and blushed as a small bridge of my saliva still connect me to his length a few seconds after.

I licked my lips shyly and gently took the tip back into my hot muzzle, confidently sucking my running mate's cock, now, as his paw's hold on my head lightened. I eagerly slid down Mark's smooth pole, smearing my wet saliva along it and stimulating the tip with my tongue until I felt it nudge my throat again. Mark's fingers tensed on my head, partially out of fear of gagging me again and partially from the pleasure it sent through his body. I did gag softly, but I tried my best to control my throat muscles for the next pass as I was fully concentrating on steadily the cheetah's member into my muzzle. Inch after inch receded into my lips before reappearing again with a long, steady slurp following.

Mark was making a variety of noises, ranging from deep, throaty growls, usually accompanied by his paw pressing me down his cock, to gasping whines as I teased his tip with my rough, hot tongue. I had worked myself into a steady rhythm, now, bobbing my head along his shaft quickly, but thoroughly, as each nudge against my throat made me convulse less and less. I could feel Mark's muscles in his legs tense with each of my wet, frankly lewd, slurps. He was having a hard time keeping his body from swaying to my rhythm, but ultimately he left all the moves up to me.

The cheetah was whispering things, now, mostly words of encouragement and compliments to my muzzle as both his paws played with my soft hair. As his fingers found my ears, I nearly thought I would die. The sharp, pleasuring sensations that rocked through my body threw off my rhythm a little and tugged my lips just loose enough for a nice, wet slurp to come up between Mark's legs. I blushed, but the resulting throb of his length unloaded another small glob of pre against my tongue, so I resumed my sucking of his length.

As he watched my progress, Mark soon found how to manipulate my head by pinching, caressing, and squeezing my ears. I moaned against his cock as each rub and squeeze sent my head from side to side, still bobbing along his luscious length. My head weaved slowly as I bounced myself toward his hips faster, more intently, and eager to please the cheetah above me. He took note of this and hesitantly left me to my own techniques, simply standing up straight now with both paws resting on top of my head. I had my eyes closed from the gentle molesting of my ears, but now with the heavenly distraction gone I was becoming aware of Mark's approaching finale.

His body tensed each time I pulled back and suckled hard on his length, worshipping the smooth, beautiful cock as best my tired tongue and aching jaw could handle. I swallowed gently and sat myself up on the bed, running my paws slowly behind Mark's rear and urging him forward. I could tell he was hesitant to comply, but I wanted every last inch of my running mate's dick buried into my muzzle if only for a moment. I was only glad my mouth was full to save me some of the embarrassing phrases that ran through my head. Reluctant, and peaking with his arousal, Mark finally let me have his hips and with a long, steady sweep, I forced his cock down my throat.

I was able to keep my nose buried in that soft pubic fur for a full three seconds before the first blast of cheetah cum plastered my throat. It was too much. I gagged and coughed softly, pulling back to catch the next load square in my muzzle. It was heavier than I had expected, the taste rich and thick, and the next throb sent my lips overflowing down my chin with Mark's cum. I blushed heavily and swallowed what I could, still reeling from the direct feed of cum he first fed me and using a paw to finish him. Mark was groaning heavily, grunting with each blast as his tip popped free from my lips and sent a wayward stream of cum across my cheek.

Before Mark was finally finished, I was a hot, sticky mess of a tiger, strands of white hanging off my cheek fur and soaking into my neck with a paw still gently stroking the cheetah's hardness. I don't think I could have been blushing any harder as the sticky globs of jizz clumped into my fur. Never the less, I was drawn to suckle the last of Mark's spooge straight from his tip while the cheetah growled his approval. As I finished cleaning his cock, Mark gave a heavy sigh and looked down at me with a growing grin. I blushed as he mentioned how he wished he had a camera handy before my lips wetly popped off the tip of his cock. I softly lapped my tongue over my mouth, cheeks stinging red as I was sure I looked ridiculous covered in his cum.

Mark took control of things again as he pushed his paws onto my shoulders and laid me back across the bed. I was still blushing hotly from the strings of cheetah jizz in my fur, but my fellow feline repaid me for the generous attention I had given his cock. He started softly at first, lapping his sticky cum from my cheek and muzzle and making me squirm at the feel his rough appendage combing through the fur. He smiled at my reaction and continued the cleaning as he moved down to my neck. After a few hard laps to clean my throat I was surprised to find his muzzle suddenly pressing against mine. Mark's tongue wriggled its way into my mouth and I greeted with a wet, cum-filled kiss from the cheetah's striped maw.

I was squirmy at first, but Mark caught my jaw in his fingers before I could wiggle away from the sticky kiss. I laid back submissively and slowly worked the lip lock back his way as I grew to enjoy the taste of this thick cream. All the while I had almost completely forgotten about my own erection until the very moment Mark decided to gently shift his bare rear end on top of the polyester tent on which he was seated. The sharp pressure of pleasure broke the kiss for me hastily and I gasped with a few strands of cheetah spooge still on my lips. Mark was grinning again and I shyly drew my tongue across my lips before he scooted down between my legs.

Despite the fact I had just sucked him off and shared a cum-cocktail with him, I still felt myself tremble as Mark's fingers hooked under the hem of my running shorts. He pulled them off slowly, letting me feel the smooth, seamless threads rub along my aching erection and eliciting a sharp moan from my muzzle. He tugged the shorts up, directing my legs in the same direction as he deftly plucked them from my ankles and tossed them across the room. He held my feet together for a moment and I nearly cried out to feel his rough, experienced tongue trail behind my knee up the back of my calf.

As my legs parted, the cheetah softly wrapped them around his hips and ravaged my body with his eyes. He sat there for the longest time, drinking in my lithe frame and softly letting his paws roam up my legs as I squirmed and blushed at the attention. No doubt he had felt the same sort of longing for me during our long runs; probably why he kept ahead of me, too. Nevertheless, now the cheetah had full access to my soft, naked form and from the soft nudge under my tail I knew he was going to take full advantage of it.

Mark's first move was quick, almost feral as he went for my neck. I started to squeal, but managed to button my lip and let him enjoy the taste and texture of my fur. As much as the warm, wet suckling made me shiver, I found his teeth and maw moving ever downward and resulting in even more quaking of my body. As I watched his head reach my chest he picked one of my nipples and immediately attacked it, eliciting a sharp gasp from my own maw as my paws gently held his neck. The frustration I felt was ever mounting as he paid almost no mind to my pulsing erection. His paws stayed just above my knees and the only stimulus my hard-on received was the occasional brush of his short, soft tummy fur.

I mewed my frustration aloud and Mark responded with a soft bite to my sensitive, wet nipple and a grin as he sat up. He raised one of my legs up over his shoulder as he extended his claws and softly began teasing my inner thigh. This sent me into a frenzy of squirming. Each sharp claw would trail so very close to my aching rod, but turn back at the last second as the Cheetah kissed and suckled at the inside of my leg. Any attempt to stimulate myself dealt with a swift smack to my paws and that damn hypnotizing grin of his.

When I felt like I was going go mad from all this teasing, I suddenly held my breath. My entire body tensed as I felt the pressure of two soft finger pads right up under the tip of my erection. Mark grinned gently as he looked at me, his little tiger statue, and began slowly circling his fingers over my glans. He growled lewd, soft things against my leg, turned my breaths into sharp whimpers as his fingers barely stimulated my cock at all. I could hardly pay attention to what he was saying, closing my eyes halfway as my breath drew higher in my chest. His fingers stopped, and the last words from Mark's lips ended with a questioning cadence.

Whatever he had asked, as long as it meant more of this delicious pleasure, I would happily do it so I nodded my head vigorously. Apparently I had answered correctly as my running mate gave my hard shaft a thoroughly tight squeeze. Gods, I could have cum right then at the slightest move, but Mark had other plans for me first. As he lowered my leg back to the bed I became away of his renewed erection. I blushed softly as it grazed my thigh fur, whimpering when Mark crawled across the bed to the dresser drawer.

My own cock was pouring with pre after the short trial of touch and teasing he had put me through. I suddenly blushed and hoped I wouldn't go off too fast before the cheetah was finished with me; the grope of my cock itself had nearly done me in. I gasped as Mark reappeared between my legs, squeezing his hips with my thighs and making him growl. I noticed a small tube in his paw and was about to inquire about its contents before the cheetah poured a small dab of clear gel onto his first two fingers. Immediately I knew what he had retrieved and what he was planning as he warmed the gel between his fingers. He noticed my anxious look and smiled again, leaning over me.

His first kiss was soft, and sweet, just lips as we mawed each other. He broke the kiss quickly and whispered "relax" into my ear before starting a new muzzling with tongue. I did as he suggested and startled a little as two, slippery fingers nudged their way between my furry cheeks. My moan was muffled into the larger feline's and I broke the kiss as two warm, lubed fingers drove softly into my tailhole. He kept them in only to the first knuckle as I squirmed to fit them, my neck and lips treated to further light kisses before his digits drove deeper inside of me.

I was new to this sort of sensation, but Mark's gentle caress and prodding of my tailhole made it a pleasant one. The cheetah's last kiss gently nibbled at my lower lip as I watched him sit up between my legs again. His fingers gently withdrew from my well-lubricated cheeks and my cock throbbed softly at the smooth emptying feeling. Picking up the tube again, Mark poured a bit more lube on his paw and ran his fingers along his fully hardened pole. I blushed to watch the goopy substance slide along his cock and make it almost shimmer in the early morning light coming through the blinds. I could already feel myself clench with nervousness.

The tube was discarded and Mark took hold of my ankles again. He scooted my body down the bed a little and gently nudged my hips into position with my help. Inside, my heart was throbbing again and I could scarcely remind myself to breathe as his cock slid up between my lubed cheeks. The cheetah murmured softly to himself as he tried a few positions: placing both legs around his hips, turning them over to one side, and then keeping them straight up. He finally grinning as he decided on a position for us, swatting my rump cheek with a surprised yelp from me and turning me on my side. I glanced up with confusion and noticed him lifting my leg up over his shoulder.

There wasn't much of a struggle, but keeping my knee over the cheetah's shoulder was a bit uncomfortable. This immediately left my mind as Mark's paw disappeared under me and I felt his thick, lubed cock nudge between my cheeks. I gasped as the tip prodded my opening, making it clench in reflex and my teeth bite down on my lower lip. Despite the thick shaft nudged against me and my own nervousness, my erection still stood out from my hips, dripping with pre on his bedspread as Mark looked down at me with that grin.

The first push wasn't going anywhere and I whined as my tailhole denied it. Mark squeezed my thigh and stroked along the inside of it with his claws to calm me before trying again. I help my breath and he managed to nudge the tip somewhat past my tight opening, but again, I refused to budge. I was panting now, arms out in front of me with my leg draped over Mark's shoulder as the feline contemplated the situation. With a chuckle from his smiling lips I suddenly felt his paw wrap around the base of my tail and yank.

I flexed suddenly with a sharp moan and he was in. The sharp pain of the yank was immediately trumped by the searing ache of Mark's cock being forced inside of me. I hissed a little and tilted my ears back as he held himself there and kept me from squirming too much. For a brief few seconds I wanted nothing more than him out of my body, the burning sensation was intense and felt amplified by the fact that Mark wasn't moving. Nevertheless, Mark kept me still as I grit my teeth and rode out the steadily dulling pain.

As I relaxed again, Mark apologized softly and kissed my thigh, my pain completely gone now and replaced with the feeling of his thick, lubed shaft spreading out my tailhole. When he pushed forward again, I braced myself for more pain, but blinked to find myself on the exact opposite end of the sensation spectrum. My body sang out with pleasure with even the slightest push inside of me, making my eyes cross a little and my body shake with relief. I could hear Mark growl as he sunk his meat into me, nuzzling my leg and pressing himself ever further inside of me.

I couldn't believe I had managed to fit so much cock into my muzzle before. Mark's length felt endless as each new inch spread and stretched my insides to accommodate it, giving me a new reason to squirm in the cheetah's grasp. When I at last felt the gentle nudge of his balls against my upper thigh, I felt utterly full, like his rod was brushing against my lungs as my tailhole squeezed him tight. Mark growled over me, physically and audibly asserting his dominance of my ass as I felt his paw squeeze my rump cheek.

With his declaration solidified, the cheetah pulled back and reinserted himself into my tight, hot hole again. I yelped softer this time as the lube helped to invariably lessen the sensation from teeth-grinding pain to neck-arching pleasure. He rode me slow and deep at first, letting me feel every inch spread my tight little ass and leaning into each thrust. Mark's hips meshed against my ass and I couldn't hold back my eager, lustful moans as his meat throbbed inside me. I shakily raised a paw to press against his chest, feeling his heart thump almost faster than mine as he deeply, thoroughly plowed my tight ass.

The cheetah smiled down at the look of intense pleasure on my face and took my paw, softly suckling at each of my finger tips each time his hips made another deep shove against me. I wanted to touch my cock. I wanted anything to brush up against it so badly, but instead I grabbed a pawful of bed sheets and cried out my sexual anguish into the pillow. Subconsciously I knew that if I wanted released, I would have to get it through Mark. The cheetah finished with my fingers and leaned over me a bit, subsequently bending my leg sideways some more and making me whimper. He ground both paws on the bed around me and growled as his hips gently increased in speed.

The pressure inside of me felt incredible, my hips bending up to meet Mark's and allowing his cock to slide against parts of my body I never knew could make such pleasure. I cried out softly after a heavy slam of the cheetah's hips and he held it there. The overwhelming feeling of his cock pulsing almost made me shred the sheets. Mark let himself enjoy the hot, slick confines of my ass before returning to his thrusting with vigor. He alternated the speed of his hips from slow and deep pulses that made me drool and roll back my eyes, to speedy, short thrusts that left me begging aloud for his cum.

Mark smirked and shuddered softly as he slowed his pounding again, keeping himself buried fully up my ass as he leaned back. I panted shallowly, glancing up at the cheetah as he carefully grabbed both my ankles. I blushed as he slowly took control of my body and directed me sideways. I rolled to my back with a short whimpers, his thick, throbbing cock still buried inside of me and his paws gripping both of my ankles tight to keep me under control. As my back hit the bed I felt every inch, every vein of his cock pull at my insides despite the lube and I cried out with pleasure from it. He paused when my back was parallel to the mattress, making me whine and ache softly for him to resume his rhythm, but instead he pulled my other leg upward and pivoted my hips further.

As I rolled to my other side, the solitary thickness inside of me pulling at my anal orifice was driving me out of my mind. Mark, however, barely batted an eyelash as he slung my other leg around his shoulder and got back to work pounding the fur off of my hide. This time he kept his speed constant, pounding my tailhole rough and fast but varying just how much of his cock he pulled out with each thrust. My reactions ranged from soft whimpering and squealing to heavy, all-out moaned as the cheetah forcefully rode me into his mattress.

Mark's paws gripped my hips tightly and he suddenly slowed his thrusts, sliding back to the tip of his cock and moving it deliciously back to the hilt into my hot, sore insides. His teeth found my calf and I yelped gently, still dazed from the rough, endless pleasure he forced into me each time. He asked if I wanted his cum, and he asked roughly in a hoarse growl. I didn't even hesitate to whimper yes, but it wasn't good enough for Mark. He ground his hips against my ass, rubbing that thick, cheetah cock inside of me and making me yelp again, asking again in a louder growl.

"Y-yes! YES! C-Cum inside me... please... t-take me, I'm y-yours!" The words poured out of my mouth like the pre from my cock.

He seemed satisfied with the answer as I felt his claws dig into the fur of my hips and ass, pulling his throbbing erection from my tailhole and then shoving it back it to the hilt. The last leg of hot, heavy pounding sent shivers up my spine as he drove my tight, tiger ass into the mattress. He moaned hotly and slammed his hips every direction he could against my angled rear end, working every last cent out of that lube as his head leaned back. Mark muttered something about "right about time..." and I suddenly felt a paw wrap around my cock.

Mark had purposely kept me from coming to save the best part for last. I couldn't breathe as I felt his fingers squeeze my length and my throat rumbled with the loudest moan I could muster as my body trembled with my peak. As the first thick rope of my cum shot from my cock, my tailhole momentarily clenched around Mark's length, turning me into a shivering pile of bliss and fur. The cheetah growled and took my ass for three more heavy thrusts before he invariably arched his back and stuffed me with thick, hot globs of his own cum.

I shivered and felt like I had blacked out for a moment as the first gush of hot cheetah spunk filled my tailhole. Mark kept himself right to the hilt inside of me and moaned with me as blast after blast of the heavy seed soaked my insides. All the while my own cock was getting rid of some intense pressure of its own, spraying the bed sheets, Mark's paw, and (mostly) myself with ribbons of tiger cum. I melted into a soft moan as I felt Mark begin to pull out of me, his cock still pulsing with cum with his eyes closed and his throbbing shaft unloading less and less hot spunk along my walls. My muzzle was still parted in a soft whine and my own cock trickled with my falling orgasm as I felt him slowly stop with his tip still inside me.

With a sudden grunt, the cheetah reinserted himself straight to the hilt and drove one last heavy spurt of my cum right under my chin. The sudden force of his cock sent a steady stream of cum oozing out from around the thick shaft impaled in my tailhole, leaking out down my thigh and making me whimper with an afterglow that felt like a warm coma. Mark didn't say anything as we both laid there, panting. He finally let my leg down and carefully rolled me to my back with his waning cock still inside of me.

He grinned down at me and I grinned back sheepishly. As he laid his body on top of mine, I visibly shuddered and wrapped my arms weakly around him. As he began to clean my fur of cum, he whispered in my ears, licked them, made them flicker as I giggled and basked in the sweet, loving attention. With the last lick of my fur his muzzle found mine and we shared a deep, wet kiss. He delighted in watching me jerk as his fingers gently toyed with my emptied cock and I returned the favor with a squeeze around his, grinning back at each other before he laid his body around mine.

I had tried out for track later that fall and made the team with one of the best times on school record. I was an invaluable asset and the coaches marveled at my speed and stamina around the track. Naturally, I was tested for all sorts of performance enhancing drugs, but that was hardly my secret. The other players, especially ones on other teams, begged and bribed me for my training regimen, but I never plan on sharing it. It's all a mixture of the right running at the right time with the right trainer and I doubt if anyone notices a yellow and black cheetah cheering me at every meet.

~Finish Line~