Seeds of a Glowing Ember - 15

Story by Little Red Wolf on SoFurry

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#16 of Seeds of a Glowing Ember

William slipped out of the vision and found himself cradled by the maiden whom had smitten him. Strands of long blond hair had escaped the knot she had tied and dangled around his face. Layers of tense affliction had left creases in her forehead and at the corners of her eyes. Signs of the life she lived weighed heavily upon her ... but the strength of her spirit drew her even more powerfully to him.

"Where is Lilith?" he asked when he finally remembered the question.

"She has returned to her world," the maiden told him, "it is difficult for her to remain here for long." William then realized that there were clouds now creeping across the sky, and among them was a moon which was anything but full.

"Guinevere," William said, and the maid turned to look into his eyes. "Are you indeed-"

"I am," she told him sadly. "After betraying my noble Arthur, I gave myself to the Holy Mother to do penance for wounding her son."

"King Arthur was Lilith's child?" William asked in bewilderment.

"Many of the greatest men are," Guinevere told him, and then a great shame filled her eyes. "It is intimidating to be married to such a man. So even in temper ... so good in deed ... I was nothing in his presence, yet he loved me. He loved me and I ruined him ..."

"You are human," William told her, and when he touched her face, he knew in an instant that it was no longer true.

"My Queen has told you her story," Guinevere said as she pressed her face into his touch. "Now you must know that her true parents where gods who made mankind to replace them ... to protect all of the worlds from those which would destroy us."

"Destroyers of the world," William muttered. "Do you mean Satan?"

"There are many devil lords," Guinevere told him, "and they battle for control of the Netherworld, but they would be destroyed if they managed to win."

"The war is never ending?" William asked.

"It must be," Guinevere told him. "True it may wane for a century ... or more if we are fortunate, but the war is what keeps the worlds turning. Good and evil ... light and dark ... all of these powers meet, conflict, and spin out of control. Thus we stay moving, in a cycle which does not end."

"Such an amazing thing," William muttered.

"My Queen would like you to join this conflict," Guinevere told him. "Queen Lilith wishes you to be one of her knights."

"A Dark Knight of the Dark Queen," William said as the maiden nodded. Then a dark memory tugged at his mind. "Will this allow me to avenge Father Harold?"

"It shall," Guinevere promised him.

"What must I do?"

"Queen Lilith has put her power into my body," Guinevere told him, "love my body with yours and you shall become an incubus."

"Am I allowed to love more than just your body?" he asked her, and a slightly pained expression answered him.

"The giving of one's love to one person is a human creation," she told him as the pain of a dark memory cast shadows upon her face, "one which only makes sense if we are short lived. I discovered in life that this was a fool's plan, but it ruined the lives of those who believed in it. If you join with me, you will be transformed. As a Dark Knight of our Dark Queen, you shall be an incubus and you may take many lovers, and all of them will be blessed by your love."

"Far be it from me to deny so many women of my love," William spoke to the lady who still cradled him, and after a moment he said, "that was a joke."

"Oh," Guinevere gasped and then she began laughing, "you silly ... silly ..." her words ended when she pulled him to a sitting position and her lips pressed up against his. "You silly man," she whispered as they exchanged gentle longings once more.

"I think I will enjoy this duty more than others I have been assigned," William said smugly, but then Guinevere's features faltered slightly once more.

"There is a final cost for this gift," she told him seriously, and the friar braced himself for it. "I only pretended to be a servant for Mistress Lana ... but she has become my friend in that time." William opened his mouth to speak but fell silent when the maid's fingers touched his lips. "Swear your love to the Mistress Lana. Protect her with your life. Show her that there is true love in this world and allow her a life beyond what her mother has shown her. Do this for me ... and you can have me whenever you wish."

William separated himself from Guinevere's embrace, got to his feet, and paced slowly for a moment. "You wish me to be her knight and not yours."

"I find myself drawn to you, dear William," the former queen told him, "but I have taken many lovers into my bed and I can survive loss. Lana is young ... she has already suffered much but has been shielded from the worst of it. I believe she is about to lose her mother. When that happens-"

"I accept this quest, Queen Guinevere," William said with a resolute smile. "I have always wanted to say that." The joke took a moment to settle the former queen's features, but as she relaxed, William knew that he was finally ready to be a knight ... a Templar ... the guardian of ideals which were far greater than his own. Then ... as with the heroes of all great tales, his lady got to her feet, fell into his arms, and rewarded him with an affectionate kiss.

All of the passion which Guinevere had been holding back rushed out of her at once. Nimble fingers worked quickly to loosen the ties of William's tunic, and he was impressed when she tugged the fabric aside and tossed it down. A burst of sensation rippled through him when she nipped his nipple, but then her fingernails dragged down his back, conjuring an image of a raging forest fire.

While he was uncertain of how her clothing worked, Guinevere seemed to know his mind. Pulling away from him, she smiled impishly as she loosened her blouse and let it slip slowly over her shoulders. Pale soft skin revealed itself slowly, tugging away, bit by bit until it finally fell past her waist.

William could only gape in awe of her flawed perfection. Scattered freckles and wayward hairs were surrounded by scrapes, scars, and the dirt of her work. She was more than some false fantasy of unmarred beauty ... she was real, and though inhuman, she was still as human as he needed her to be.

A moment later she was pressing her bare chest against him. Soft against hard ... her against him ... his muscles bulged as he cupped her pert bottom and lifted her off of the ground. Legs made strong by years of running to and fro wrapped around his waist. They squeezed themselves together, lips locked in the passionate play of lustful hunger.

A few steps allowed him to carry her to the nearby blanket, and then there was a pause in their love making. Sliding to the ground and then to her knees, Guinevere unfastened William's trousers and slid his remaining garments off of him. The friar quickly realized the truth of what she had told him ... she had taken many lovers into her bed, and these skills nearly toppled him over when she drew up the most vulgar part of his body and wrapped her lips snuggly around his flesh.

The world was suddenly surrounded by bursts of stars as all of the blood in his body rushed out of his brain and toward the source of the lady's affection. Moist heat washed over him while her fingernails dragged down his flanks. The force of his swelling lust pushed forward with such intensity that she was forced to take him all of the way into her throat in order to contain him. Spurts of intensity convulsed through his features as she held him. The fruits of his eagerness were consumed until she drained the last of him away. Then his legs buckle and she let him collapse onto the blanket at his feet.

Gasps of sweet air entered and left him with great force as he recovered from the ordeal. The pores of his skin prickled with perspiration and then screamed with sensation as Guinevere slid over his body and placed her head upon his chest. Thoughtless words surfaced, but he held them back, choosing instead to coo at her the gasps of intense delight which he felt.

When at last he was able to settle, William focused on Guinevere's heartbeat, and marveled at how he could feel it over his own. The palms of his hands pressed tightly along her back, holding her body against his as if she might disappear if he let go. The strength in his arms might have hurt a lesser woman, but he knew he could not harm her, and the freedom which he felt with her was beyond any other woman in this world.

"Can I love you, Guinevere?" he asked her, and the smile which she gave him told him it was so. They drew apart, and then together, and he nibbled the nape of her neck ... her collarbone ... and tasted the flesh of her chest as she moved over him. Instinct drew him forward when she brought her pert nipple to his mouth. Without thinking he latched to her, and there was only a brief moment of surprise when she produced. It made no sense for her tiny breasts to contain milk, but he found himself drinking her warm sweetness and he could not stop.

The rational parts of his mind strained from the oddity, but a soft moan of pleasure whispered from her lips shattered his reason. She pressed her body against him and encouraged his lust. The strange hunger forced him to feed with a fury which she endured as he grew stronger. He paused only to switch breasts and the excitement of her breaths drove him on. Her pleasure increased his desire, and soon she was shuttering from the release of her longing.

The release sated his current hunger, and he drew back from her to let her breathe. A sea of lusty fog clouded his vision, causing him to lick the rivers of sweat forming on her body. The need to taste her enflamed his eagerness and renewed avidity caused him to press forward once more.

The strong hands of the servant pushed back from his grasp and allowed her to reposition herself over him. Lecherous gasps escaped when she drew down upon him. The inferno of her core burned around him, causing animalistic growls to emit as he thrust upward.

As he watched her, the blue of her eyes faded into the crimson glow of her inner demon. Chewed away fingernails grew into frightening claws and her muscles gained in mass. From the base of her spine pushed a thin tail which swayed behind her as they continued to move together. Guinevere writhed with these changes, clenching around his body until another wet sound announced the appearance of thin bones which sprouted out of her back and fanned out like fingers. A thin membrane knit between the digits, filled with blood, and became a pair of bat-like wings. Though it should have terrified the desire right out of him, William barely acknowledged the change.

Lunging up into her only seemed to cast fuel upon his eagerness, driving him onward as if her demonic form was the path to his salvation. The grip of their bodies pulsed with the heat of their hearts, sweating and straining until a simultaneous gathering of their energies merged together and then discharged in a way which burst them both into flames.

For an instant, William felt Guinevere's inferno pour over his body, igniting his skin and filtering into every part of him. The instant of agony was quickly replaced by a passionate thunder of their pleasure. The power of her heat reduced his insides to water, which steamed and boiled his humanity away.

The infection of the succubus' power caused William's bones to shift and his muscles to grow. Sharpening teeth and sturdy claws sank deeply into his lover's flesh, drawing blood from her body. Crimson rivers darkened his fingers and slated his thirst, as he drank this new essence.

The world around them fell away, as the flames of the Netherworld encased them. A sharp pain caused his back to arch and a tail grew out from the base of his spine. Expanding muscles swelled his body, thickening until a pair of his own wings broke through his back and grew into place.

The changes pushed him forward again and again. Instincts told him to overtake his mate ... to turn her over and take control ... but she held him in place. An odd mix of excitement and horror infected him when he realized the fullness of her strength, but as he struggled against her, the force of their lust kept him wild.

As the last of his physical changes manifested, the pulse of his life force changed from one that was human to one that was more. The carnal fire in his blood pumped hard, charging him with strength, forging him from what he was into what he was becoming. Earthly limitations shattered like broken chains. The powers of the Nether channeled through the succubus into the new demon's body. The unholy strength of the first woman rushed in from the vortex, obliterating human frailties until he was drunk with new power.

Old seeds released through their connection; combusting to make way for the forming of the demonic knight. Every useless part of the man was absorbed by the succubus. She devoured him ... consumed him ... brought him into her in a merging until they were one.

Then, as her energy warped the deepest levels of his soul, their energy released in a final explosion of bliss. The walls of William's old reality fell away, and from the fires of their union he rose anew ... a Dark Knight of the Dark Queen ... a warrior ... monster ... a demon ... a defender ... an incubus.