The Lovers: Perfect Night

Story by DeLeon on SoFurry

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#1 of The Lovers

How he pulled it off she'd never know, it was inconceivable that any planned night out could have gone as perfectly as this one. Then again, he was rather good at finding new ways to surprise her. Still, not a single thing went wrong... which normally was impossible. Romantic evenings were never supposed to live up to their full potential; they were supposed to have impossibly long lines, or rude waiters, or lost reservations, or crowded dance-floors... Something to tarnish the evening, but not tonight, he'd managed the impossible.

Dinner had been at the nicest fiesta room in town, complete with wandering mariachi band and ballroom sized dancing floor. There was always a waiting list, so somehow he'd gotten them a reserved table... which was an almost impossible notion considering her beloved Aries. He was sweet, but the big lion wasn't exactly noted for his fore-planning or organizational skills. That made it all the more special, to have him go to such lengths to please her. She never required that sort of thing from him, the simple pleasures in life were enough... but Aries always insisted on treating her like a princess, despite her resistance to such behavior. And how could she deny those big piercing green eyes when he stanchly refused to back down, oh no, that was one of his best traits. For all his gentle nature, when he wanted something, he had his way... like when he practically had to drag her out onto the dance floor with him.

It was another setup of his, it had to be. Moments after he finally got her onto the floor a flamenco began to play, and where he'd been hiding that rose... yet another mystery. They even had the floor to themselves, lion and his lioness. How lovely they had to have looked together, his well tailored evening suit and vest, fitting snuggly on that taught and powerful frame. Dark chestnut fur, and mocha undertones, with that wild and dark black mane. And her, white furred with pale strawberry blond mane, snug in her new royal blue evening dress. It was new, and maybe a little leggy for her tastes... but Aries was wild about how she looked in it, especially how low the back traced her lean feminine form. His grace never ceased to amaze her, how someone so large could move with such speed. Gripping her close he danced, and all she could do was flamenco along side him... Ok, so they weren't professional dancers, but they did well enough. His passion was enough to awaken her own and they danced their hearts out, every step every twirl and every catch, and all she could remember of it was the wild look in those fiery green orbs on his handsome muzzle.

It was a blur after the dancing, a round of applause which was probably well deserved, and they finished their meal to something soft and touching that the wandering band played for them. All she knew was she was feeling a little steamed under that dress, and even over the many tantalizing spices of her meal... she could smell the same on him. As if the way he was rubbing his ankle on her bare leg wasn't a good hint! It was everything, the dancing the food, and how much of a gentleman he was... Tonight was perfect, he'd made it perfect for her, like he always tried to do... and that only fueled her love for him.

How they even got home with their clothes on was a miracle actually, she couldn't always tell how he felt all the time... and by the Gods hopefully he couldn't always read her like a book, but the electricity in the air was tangible on the ride home. She had barely taken her seatbelt off when she felt his paw around her wrist as he practically lifted her from her seat, the other wrapping around her like a constricting snake. Those mocha lips of his pressed to hers and she knew he'd been resisting the fiery urge as hard as she had been. Her paws tangled into his thick familiar mane, as they bumped into the walls in a half wrestling match all the way into their living room.

He was almost feral with the hunger, purring and growling in the same breath. His massive paws kneading into her back and hips, as his teeth nipped at her lips between panting breaths and deep lusty kisses. Not that she wasn't feeling the same, he always liked the way she bit at his tongue when they were really going at it... the way he gripped her harder each time told her it was working. In a final act he managed to untangle her and spill her pale white form onto their sectional couch, and from that little distance she could see all of the wild beast in him come to the surface. With ease he shed his vest and shirt, then flung himself down upon her, those sharp teeth nipping and tugging at her bared neck as tender paws caressed her sides and thighs... Oh she had him right in her paws, or was it the other way around? She felt like putty in his capable hands, and powerless to stop him from molding her as he willed.

Oh, there it was! His jaws came around her neck and held her tightly... Why would something so simple drive her wild? But it did, it touched every animalistic nerve in her body and made her weak from head to toe... It was so possessive, so loving, and so passionate. Like a firm kiss, but so much more primal and feral, he claimed her... wanted her, needed her, that was how it felt. All she could do was claw at the back of his neck and broad bare shoulders, egging him on... urging him with all her limited power. His fingers wandered below that high cut hem on her skirt and upwards again, feeling her snowy soft fur until they came to the dark lace she wore underneath. With one paw griping right in the middle he stripped her of her last defense against his advances, letting her silky panties fall to the floor like wrapping paper on Christmas morning.

Arms moving to tuck under her arms he hefted her up a little higher on the couch like she was a throw pillow, she'd never admit it... but she loved how possessive and demanding he could be at times like this. The utter helplessness, the complete loss of control, it could be a wonderful feeling. He'd never hurt her, he'd always treat her right... so it was ok to give herself over to his whims like this once in a while, she knew it in her heart. He growled and while she couldn't see it through his thick dark mane, which her head was buried in, she knew what was coming next. The pointed tip of his searing hot maleness poked blindly under the hem of her dress until it found home, sliding with ease into the welcoming embrace of her silky depths.

He didn't even slow himself, impaling her on his length in a swift smooth motion, and her claws dug into the back of his neck in response to the wanted invasion. She felt him arch against her, those claws of hers only ever intensifying his actions... and his own found a home on her rump. Which quickly turned into a means of moving her, squeezing them sharply as he slid her back along the barbed length deep between her loins. She yowled in pleasure, always weak to this sort of treatment, and received the feel of teeth on her rounded ears as he slammed himself back into her.

Again and again he drove himself deeper and deeper, sending waves of pleasure and welcomed pain across her entire body with each motion. Until finally she realized she was almost hanging off the top of the couch, the arch of her back rested atop the back of the sectional as he forced his hips into her faster and faster. Realizing part of her support was about to vanish she kicked her legs around his back and squeezed with all her might, and that's when he shook her out of his mane and let her entire body drape over the top of the couch. His paws clinging to her hips, it was like she was floating suspended in the air and looking at feral jade eyes wreathed in the twilight of darkness.

He was holding her up, and letting her fall at the same time... she felt like she was floating in the air for the briefest of seconds, and then he started again with renewed passion. With all physical sensation suspended but one, every barb on his burning hot length caught her every nerve. She felt like she was burning from the inside out, her every nerve was shooting fiery pleasure across her body, and all she could do was hang on. Every muscle she had she clenched in order to hold on to him; from her wrapping legs to her clenching silken depths... which earned a clear growl of delight on his end.

Thrust upon thrust, her world was descending into pure physical pleasure. Every move he made shook her to the core and drove her inches closer to fulfillment, and the both of them to completion. His strain, his determination was easy to hear; the panted breaths and growls of delight deep in his broad chest. How he languished over each motion with a relishing of how deeply he enjoyed the feel of her, he never needed to show his deep love for her... she knew, and he never hid it. Her loins were on fire as he suddenly shifted, leaning upwards and sending her back further.

Now every motion he made dragged his barbed length right across the pear l of her treasure, prickling against her clitoris and the fleshy folds of her outer lips. Her only response was complete surrender to the beast inside, roaring in mindless pleasure as he drove her over the edge and kept her hanging there still, literally and metaphorically. Again and again he slammed into her, until his own voiced joined hers. The deep baritone of his roar mingling with her soprano, a vocal representation for their current state. Part of her mind, realized how loud they were like this, but such voices of reason mattered little in the throes of impassioned lovemaking. The sticky warmth of his seed mingled with the slick fluids of her own depths as his driving thrusts finally tapered off in ferocity and strength.

Leaning back he pulled her up with him, freeing her from the suspended state, and flopped tiredly onto the couch with her along for the ride. His chest against her thrummed like an idling motorcycle engine, purring with the same sort of ferocity that he had taken her with moments before. His powerful paw tenderly picked away an escaped lock of hair from her white muzzle and tucked it behind her ear. This was why she loved him so; he could switch from tender loving husband, to fiery forbidden lover as easily as she could turn off the lights in their bedroom. Aries' scratchy tongue lapped away under her chin and across her neck, just tantalizing her idly as he caught his breath.

"Cass-" he started to whisper in her ear with that low gentle voice of his, but she silenced him with a finger to his lips.

"You don't need to say it" she hushed him lovingly, "I already know." At least he knew when to keep that handsome muzzle of his shut, one of the few powers she possessed at times like these.

With a little squeak of surprise from her he hefted her up in his arms, her legs still around his back and her dress' hem still hiked up around her waist, carrying her upstairs against his warm and protective form. But she caught it, there was that look again. Those demanding and feral green eyes, and she couldn't help herself but blush hotly under her white fur, and yet promise the same with her crystal blue orbs. Aries was in the mood tonight, and so was she... Neither they, nor their neighbors would be getting much sleep tonight. These lions were in love, and the morning would find them in the throes of passion and the other's arms.