Puppy Love

Story by maskedpup on SoFurry

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Puppy Love

By masked_pup

"Alright ... now sit!" Will commanded as he looked down at Mark.

Mark was squirming around on the floor as the red collar clung tightly around his neck, a length of leash attached to it and taught. He gave a shy look towards Will as he whimpered and complied.

"Good boy ... see that wasn't so hard" Will flashed a smile; he was tall and heavy set, but his mate on the floor knew he was also incredible gentle.

"Good boy" he repeated as he rubbed his hand through Mark's short brown hair; he slowly unclipped the leash. "Alright, now... let's get those clothes off ya" his voice was gentle almost patronizing as he set the leash on the floor and helped the t-shirt off Mark's slender body. Will leaned in to gently nibble on his mate's chest as he grunted softly - he rubbed Mark's crotch playfully.

Mark squealed, but again obliged as he worked his slightly snug jeans down off his lower body, he wasn't wearing any underwear and his oddly canine-looking penis, still flaccid hung between his muscular thighs, dripping slightly. Mark was sitting on his haunches on the floor, completely naked and Will couldn't stop grinning.

"Aiden, you are so ... hot", Will stammered as he tried to regain his more dominant composure. Will leaned in and rubbed his nose against Mark as he sniffed him.

"Mmmm.. Alright puppy, lets... let's see ya ... come on *wrrruuff!*" his bark was quite realistic as he gently pulled at Mark's warm-colored cheeks. Mark closed his eyes and grunted softly as his face slowly contorted he shook his head softly to the sides as he tried to shy away.

"Come on, puppy... I wanna see you... you can do it .. do you need me to help pull?" his voice very soft and coercing as he gently slipped his fingers inside his mates mouth and stretched outwards. Slowly, Marks very attractive features stretched as Mark began to shudder; he grunted loudly as his back began to arch.

"Okay .. I .. will", He screamed out as he gently pushed his mates hands out of his mouth. He instead gripped his own mouth as he groaned loudly. His eyes still closed tightly, he started to whimper, almost crying out, as he cocked his head all the way back and pulled quite forcefully at his mouth. His whole body was shuddering and contorting; his flesh almost squirming. Mark's loud grunts and groans became muffled and almost silenced as a black nose and white muzzle began to poke out his mouth. Suddenly, with a loud sucking-sound, Mark's eyes sank back into his head and he pulled down on his horribly stretched mouth as his gooey, wet husky head pushed its way out. The puppy nose snorted and his tongue lapped at the fresh air outside as he whimpered loudly, working down his human skin - skin that now looked like some adorably crumpled Halloween mask.

"Ohhhhh ... Gooooood boy ... almost unmasked" Will was very aroused as he comforted his mate. He grabbed the limp and floppy top of his Mark's lifeless human mask and helped slide it down. Mark--who has become Aiden--had a damp, red and white furry husky head now perched atop his human body with the empty human head-skin drooped around his neck almost like a bib. The husky head protruded out his elongated human mask-mouth.

Will leaned in an kissed him very passionately on his canine lips -- his hands rubbing the top of his sweaty head as he reached around and unclipped his mates collar from his neck. He grinned as he held the red-collar for Aiden to view before re-attaching it around his sweaty husky-head.

Aiden barked softly as he looked up at Will "Where's MY puppy?" he chided as he began to again, stretch his rubbery human mouth open and began to work his arm out of the impossibly flexible material.

Will blushed and got down on his knees, reattached the leash to Aiden and gently began to lick at his mate's partially erect cock. "Mmmmmmm...puppy tastes good" he giggled as he opened his mouth and began to suck on his mate. Aiden squealed loudly and tried to gently squirm, both of his arms now free from the rubbery human skin, he continued to work the empty flesh down his body with his soft canine paws.

"Grrrrrrrrrff!" Aiden's cute puppy bark getting Will even more aroused.

Will stopped sucking as he felt paws resting on his head and looked up at Aiden, blushing very red as Aiden gripped Will's scalp and started to tug. Will squirmed and let out a loud growl as he felt his face pull outwards; he shook his head around.

"Erf.. not yet hon.. I still need to change ... my... muzzle is still all crumpled and weird under this thing", it was Will's turn to hide his face shyly.

Aiden let go and giggled as he quickly slipped the rest of his human suit all the way down and off his body .. his very large, red-furred husky tail swooshing behind him as he set the floppy latex suit next to them. Very erect, Aiden got down on his knees and brushed his puppy paws against Wills cheeks as he licked his mate's nose.

"Well, I can't wait forever *grrrrrf!*" he grinned as he rubbed Wills neck, "are you going to change? Where's MY puppy? Huh?"

Will sat up smirking, "Ya'know, I was supposed to be the Dom here" he playfully pushed on Aiden's chest as he slipped out of his shirt and shorts.

He took at deep breath and closed his eyes as he started to grunt loudly; his whole body shivering as he arched his back. Will's skin began to bulge as his body twisted and flailed as he cried out in agony.

His loud whimpers were almost deafening as he bent over onto all fours... a sweaty grey and white husky tail pushed it way out his backside as he raised his head to look forward. Tears streaming from his eyes as he opened his mouth wide to scream as a wet puppy muzzle pushed its way out. With each push of the muzzle, poking out from his human mouth, his face contorted horribly.

With a final grunt, he opened his eyes and flashed a very affectionate look towards Aiden as his they sank back into his head leaving only empty sockets. Will reached up and grabbed the top of his scalp and tugged very hard. There was a wet-tearing sound as the skin around his neck split and his whole human mask began to slide upwards.

With one final tug, Will became Kodi, a grey and white Husky puppy. The young canine panted heavily and set the drooling mask on the ground next to him - his canine cock very erect.

"Can you help unzip?" he wriggled his back as Aiden felt around for a very will hidden seam and gently pulled the tiny zipper downwards.

Kodi wriggled and squirmed to slide his sweaty husky body out of the skin-suit, soon tossing his empty disguise next to his mates on the floor. He giggled as he grabbed the leash again, still panting, he gave it a short snap.

"Alright puppy, on your back, lay down", Aiden tried to offer resistance as he slowly flipped onto his back. Kodi was prepared. Kodi reached down and held him down by his wrists. Hovering over the red-husky, Kodi began to press the tip of his cock against Aiden's moist tail-hole, gently prying back his tail.

Aiden snorted loudly as he grunted - still trying to writhe against Kodi's restraint, he gently lifted his legs upwards as Kodi got onto his knees and slid underneath his mate's legs, resting them on his thighs.

"I guess I should have worn my shepherd mask.... He always seems to be more dominant", Kodi giggled as he looked deep into his puppy's eyes. He let go of Aiden's paw for just a moment as he grasped onto a bottle of KY. The tube was cool, and relatively un-used which made it easy to squeeze its gooey contents onto and around the puppy's tail hole and over his own cock.

Kodi tossed the KY to the floor and firmly stroked his own cock, lathering the cool lube all over it before he leaned back down, gripped Aiden's paws again and began to press his cock against his puppy's tail-hole.

Aiden grunted as he felt the grey and white husky pushing inside, his legs kicking slightly as he felt the alpha's knot go inside. He struggled to reach his own cock, but couldn't move underneath Kodi's grip. Completely tied connected, the two puppies paused and looked very affectionately into each other's eyes - Kodi' almost tearing up at the gorgeous dog below him.

He squealed loudly as Kodi began to rock his pelvis, his cock sliding in and and almost all the way out of him before pushing in for another motion. The sensation of being filled by his mate and being connected at such an intimate level sent ecstatic shivers all through his furry body.

"Good... boy... " Kodi panted as he started to rock a little faster, his body too was tingling with excitement as looked down into Aiden's beautiful green-brown eyes.

"Mmmmmmm... fill me.." Aiden whimpered as he felt himself oddly nearing orgasm - he had never climaxed with just someone inside him. Kodi nodded as he smiled, the look of almost pain on his face showing he too was nearing orgasm.

"Puppy still smells like his latex mask" Aiden teased as he closed his eyes and sniffed the air playfully. His thoughts were cut short as he suddenly clenched up - he took a deep breath and grunted loudly "Ohhhh ..Kodi .. I'm... messing!" Aiden's warm stream of thick milky-cum spurted out like silk all over his chest, and dribbled down the side of his chubby cock.

Kodi let go of Aiden's paws and braced himself, holding onto the red-husky's sides as he rubbed his paws into the warm mess on his mate's chest. He leaned his whole body down and pressed his muzzle against Aiden, kissing deeply; their tongues connecting as they darted around in each others muzzles. Lost in a moment that seemed to go on forever, Kodi suddenly broke from the embrace as he cried out loud. The larger-built husky bucked as his warm seed shot deep inside his puppy. Kodi's squeals were soon replaced with rhythmic panting as he collapsed. Aiden working in tandem, turned to his side as Kodi laid down behind him, holding him close - his knot throbbing inside the other dog.

As sweat poured off the two panting dogs, Aiden grinning contently as he pressed back into Kodi's warm embrace. "That was incredible! ... I guess we're not going anywhere for a bit", Aiden giggled.

Kodi only managed a gentle nod as Aiden pressed his nose up close to Kodi's ear and whispered with a very wide grin, "Now ... what was that about a shepherd mask?"

The End.

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