Part 3: Love and War

Story by HieroWolf020 on SoFurry

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#2 of A Wolf's Journey

Solider's Story: Part 3 - Love and War

day two, my mother still refuses to let me train because of the bruise to my side. it is, however, gotten better. I wasn't as stiff as the past couple of days. and the swelling has gone down tremendously. i am glad its the weekend otherwise, i would have missed a lot of school even though i still missed school on friday. well, here hoping she let me start tomorrow.

looking out the window, eyeing the beautiful weather, wanting to go out and train, but my mom has expressly made it clear that I am to rest up and heal first. I saw Jessica with one of her friends, sitting down in the front lawn.

I haven't even been outside in two days. I will have to train twice as hard when I am allowed to start again. hopefully, on Monday, the nurse will clear me to play football and get to my ROTC class.

I turn around and sit on my bed as I hear a knock on the door. I quickly grab a tank top from my dresser, remembering i don't have a shirt on, putting it on, and sitting back on my bed.

"come in."

the door opened, Jessica and another girl came in. she gave me a hug, grabbed a chair, sat on the bed, and motioned for her friend to come in and sit down in the chair.

"you looked kinda lonely up here, when I saw you at the window. so I decided to come and see ya. I brought a good friend of mine to meet you. her name is Mika."

I looked at the feline female sitting in the chair, across from me. she had orange fur with darker stripes (lighter fur around her muzzle), neon green eyes, and three hoop piercings in each of her ears. she wore loose fitting jeans, a baggy black sweatshirt, juniper track team on the back, and sneakers. she kept looking at the floor avoiding my eyes.

"hello Mika", I said extending my hand, "I am Hiero.

she whispered, "I know who you are", quietly and stared at the floor.

is it just me or is she really nervous or scared of me? I don't know but It is kinda weirding me out here which is pretty hard to do.

jessica, noticing her friends nervousness, turned and said to her, "he not going to bite you. he just wants to be friends."

Mika looks up and slowly extends her hand and shakes mine and quickly withdraws it back after shaking my hand.

"Mika, I'll be right back. I have to go see if we are still going to the mall with Hanna. wait here for me."

she got up and turned to leave. stopping at the door, turns to Mika. "he not going to do anything. my brother isn't like the other guys," and walks out the room.

"that's what they all say", Mika said quietly but not quiet enough.

"whats that suppose to mean? I asked politely and gently.

"I am not going to do anything to you. I just want to be friends. ok?"

she looked at me, for the first time properly, with those stunning neon green eyes.

"that's what all the boys say before they rip your heart out and destroy it, leaving you for some bimbo who will put out at the slightest moment."

I looked at her, surprised at what she just said. "ok. I can't blame you for feeling like you do. if some other boy destroyed your heart, I am truly sorry. but you cant just assume every boy will do the same. you'll just be pissed at every boy you meet and that's not right."

she looked at me with those eyes, sadness and anger inside them. I felt sorry for her but I didn't exactly know how to approach her. Jessica came back upstairs and looked to Mika. her expression changed when she saw Jessica, hiding her emotions from her.

"I have to run. apparently the coach wants to run an emergency practice for the game tonight. I will be back later before the game starts." and looked at hiero, "treat her nicely hiero," she said jokingly.

"what makes you say that? I always treat ladies with respect." I said and then laughed as she left, closing the door. I could hear her tell our mom that Mika was still here, talking to me, as they got in the car and left for the school.

I looked back at Mika, the sadness and anger still in her eyes.

"would you like to talk about it?"

she shook her head. "no, I don't want to talk about it. it's bad enough, Jessica knows and now you. I don't want anyone else to know.

I look around, walk over to the window, shutting it, and made sure the door was shut and locked.

"there. and no one is In the house. just me and you. and we are in this room." sitting back down across from her.

"why are you so determined to talk about it?" she asked

"why? because I want to help. I know my sister has probably tried to help you also. but I figured maybe I can help too."

she looked at me. "why should I let you help me? you'll probably just break my heart, just like the rest of them. all boys are hurtful, deceiving, and liars." she said as tears begin to fall down her cheeks.

"so why are you still here? why are you still sitting In a closed room with me? you know Jessica is gone yet here you are. why?"

she looked at me, her eyes widened in surprise and then down at the floor again. "because I can't honestly blame you. Jessica is my best friend. I just met you today. I know what you have done in school, I was there at the fight. the way you stood up and defended Jessie. I wish my brothers would do that. I wish I could do that. I wish I could be stronger so boys wouldn't look at me and think she isn't good looking and go to the next slut he sees and walks over with his cock in his hand, waiting for her.

I looked at her, tears still falling down her cheeks. "I understand how you feel. honestly, I stand up for my sisters a lot. but only if they need or want me to. but when it comes down to it, I do it by choice. even though I stand for them when needed, I stand alone against everything else. the only thing that stands between me and a beating is not only my training, but my understanding of how to avoid conflict. when you understand that then you can defend not only yourself but others as well.

I stood up and walk over to her, kneeled down in front of her, and hugged her. I feel her jump in surprise, and begins to purr as I hugged her. I whispered in her ear, "as far as I am concerned, you are beautiful, the way you are."

as I released her from the hug, I looked in her eyes and saw the sadness and anger was gone but replaced with happiness. she was still crying but was smiling at least. I sat back on the bed, she got up , and sat next to me, leaned over and placed her head on my shoulder and then nuzzled into my neck. she began to purr.

"hmm. I actually feel happy for the first time in many years. no one has ever told me I am beautiful. I am glad I did come up here. I am glad I did talk to you. I am glad you are my.... friend."

I noticed the pause before she said friend but didn't pursue it. I just let her stay nuzzled in my neck, purring, until I noticed that she had fallen asleep.

she just needed someone to talk to. someone to open up to. someone other, than my sister, to understand how she felt, to finally find a boy she can trust.

I gently picked her up, placed her on my bed, and let her sleep. about an hour later, her phone began to ring. she woke up, and answered it. I left the room so she could talk in peace but then I turned around as I hear her scream at whoever was on the phone, threw it against the wall, and yelp in pain, her arm was cut by a nail I had in the wall that i use to hang my scrolls.

as I came back in the room, I saw her wince in pain.

"let me see it." looking at her arm through the hole cut in the sweater's fabric, it doesn't need stitches but it will need to be wrapped up.

"I will go get the first aid kit in the bathroom. you will need to take off the sweater so I can patch you up." and I ran out the room and returned with the first aid kit. I stood frozen at the door for a sec, seeing her without the sweater on, she was wearing a black short sleeve shirt which stretched slightly across her chest and fitted her form perfectly. she really was beautiful.

earth to Hiero, there is a bleeding female sitting on your bed. HOP TO IT!!

bring myself back with a shake, I went over to her, grabbed a towel out of my closet, cleaned the blood away from the wound and her fur, applied antibacterial, and placed a gauze bandage with a ace bandage.

"there. that should hold you until you get home."

she looked at me, with sadness in her eyes, as she moved to the edge of the bed, sitting next to me.

"I can't go home. my father has kicked me out again."

I shook my head. "why did he kick you out?"

"my father is an alcoholic and does drugs. him and my brothers are the local dealers for the area. they push everything and anything. they have tried to get me to use and push but I won't even go near the stuff. that how my mom died. she was shoot when a rival dealer opened fire on our house. I avoid going home as much as possible, even staying at one friends house for a week and then another friends house the next week. there parents know what's going on and have offered to let me stay permanently but I can't do that. they wouldn't have enough space for me and I don't want to be a burden.

I shook my head. what kind of asshole supports his sons drug habits AND helps them sell? and then tries to force it on his daughter? even after the wife died because of pushing drugs?

"I doubt you will be a burden. I will talk to my mother and see if she will let you stay. I will let you explain the story to her. but for now, you need to calm down and sleep." looking a the clock which read 4:30 pm and said, "if you want, they will be home an hour to take everyone to the game. you can explain then or explain tomorrow. I'll let her know you fell asleep while waiting for them to get back. I don't think she will mind."

i lean back laying on the bed. Mika lays her head on my chest, purring as I wrap my arms around her. she was beginning to fall asleep when her phone rang again. I gently lift her and place her on the bed and sit up.

"I'll answer it." I said and picked up the phone.

before I could say hello, the person on the other end started to speak. "listen, you little bitch, you better get home now. we need you to help us sell. you may not like it but you will do as I say. answer me!!"

I kept my cool and answered, "I don't know who you are referring to when you say bitch, it sure as hell isn't Mika so I'll just assume your talking to a mirror. anyway, Mika is asleep right now. so I don't care what you want, as long as she is here, she will have peace."

the voice suddenly sounded worried. "who is this? what do you want with my daughter?

"I am her new boyfriend. and my name is hiero Kasumoto. I will protect her from you. that's all you need to know. goodbye. <click>

I turned her phone off so she wasn't disturbed by him again. as I set the phone down, she sat up, fear in her eyes.

"you shouldn't have done that. he will come after you to get to me."

"I'd like to see him try." seeing the fear in her eyes, I gently lick her cheek and smile. "he's not going to get you. he'd have to go through me and a house of females before he gets to you."

she smiled again and lick my cheek back, and giggled. "it seems even thought you just met me today, it seems you are more than a friend, more like boyfriend." her eyes brightened as she looked at me

"I think you are right. if you don't want me to then I can understand." I said

she stared into my eyes, those neon green eyes as she got closer and kissed me on the lips. her slightly rough tongue finding it's ways into my mouth, dancing and intertwining with my tongue. our tongues danced for a few mins, her arms reaching around my neck pulling me deeper into the kiss, breaking the kiss when we saw car lights coming to the house. I quickly got up, opened the window and unlocked the door, and laid back down on my bed, Mika laid next to me, her head on my chest, and started purring again when I wrapped my arms around her.

"are sure this is what you want Mika?"

she looked up at me, whispered "yes", and snuggled into my arms and chest and falling asleep.

I heard voices in the hall as everyone was coming up the stairs. there was a knock at the door and my sisters, a couple of their friends, and my mom came in the door to see me and Mika on the bed. I put my finger to my lips, signaling for them to be quiet, as Jessica and Jessie and their friends started to giggle and leave. my mother and jasmine just smiled, whispered "we will be leaving for the game in an hour", and followed the group out the door, closing the door behind them.

the first time in my life I was happier than I ever have been. I thought I would never have something like this happen to me. a new friend and girlfriend all in one shot. and she accepts me for who I am, not what everyone wants me to be and I the same of her.

an hour later, my mom came in and let me know it was time to leave. I nodded and woke up Mika by licking her cheek.

"wake up, sleepyhead. they are about to leave for the game."

she stirred, "I don't want to move yet."

"but if we don't move, then they will leave us. and the coach asked me to come to tonights game." chuckling, I said,"Is there a boyfriend I have to look out for?"

she looked up at me, "my ex-boyfriend. he stills tries to get back with me but he cheated on me numerous times. I keep telling him no but he keeps asking me. I just don't want to run into him right now."

smiling at her, "don't worry. I'll make sure he stays away. if you don't mind me asking, what was his name?"

she sighed, "you already know him. you fought him two days ago."

Derek. that's not good. I don't need to get into another altercation with him.

"well, I guess I'll just have to avoid him. but if I see him approach you, I will step in. ok?"

she smiled then kissed me just as my door opened an Jessica came in.

she stood there giggling, "ahem."

we broke the kiss and quickly looked up. "time to go", she said.

"ok. do you have a long sleeve shirt for her? she cut her arm on one of the nails I use to hang the scrolls."

she looked at Mika. "I should have something In her size. hold on." leaving out of the room. she returned a minute later, holding a black long sleeve shirt and a pair of black jeans.

I got up an walked to the door. "I'll wait out here until she finishes changing", and walked out the door, closing it.

I went downstairs, into the living room, sat down, waiting for Jessica and Mika to come downstairs.

suddenly, jasmine, Jessie, and their friends come into the living room, spotting me sitting by the window with a smile in my face. I whip around in my seat as I noticed them there. my face burning red as they giggled at me. "what so funny?" my face still burning.

"you are shacking up with Mika. you do realize that her ex-boyfriend left her for not having sex right? and you know what her father and brother do right?" jasmine asked

"that isn't important in a relationship, an you two of all people should know that from our parents. as long as Mika is happy being with me, that's all that should matter. not her ex-boyfriend, not her parents, not even her brothers, or the fact that's she hasn't done it yet." i growled. for the first time I felt angry toward my sister for what she said.

they all looked at me in surprise, not expecting the answer and expression that came with it.

"he is absolutely right." my mother came from behind the group and looked at all of us in turn.

"you should be happy and the fact that there is someone who cares about you and wants to be with you. not just someone who is suppose to have sex with you. a relationship can happen right then and there or it could take some time. but I am not saying It is ok to rush into a relationship but to take it slow. just like hiero, he met Mika today. she was so dead set against boys that she wouldn't let another one In. but hiero spent some time with her, got to know her, and found his way into her heart. not her clothes. he was a complete gentleman about it."

"yes, he was." Mika and jessica had come down the stairs, wearing a black long sleeve shirt with the sleeves rolled just beneath her elbows, black jeans, and black shoes. she had applied some blue eyeliner and some lipstick.

oh my god. she is gorgeous!! thank you Jessie for bringing her to meet me

I could feel my jaw drop. she was perfect. and I looked at myself, I didn't look the part at all. here she was dressed up for me and I look like crap. my dad came in the door and tossed me a jersey. "we'll start loading up while you go change."

"thanks", and I as I walk to the stairs, I whisper to Mika,"you look very beautiful." and walked up the stairs, to my room and changed into a pair of jeans and put on my jersey (#18 Kasumoto), and ran down the stairs, out the door and to the cars. trying to figure out which car Mika was in, my mother called to me."she is in here". apparently Jessica, jasmine, and Jessie are riding with their friends parents. me and Mika had the car with my mom and dad in it.

Why do I feel a lecture coming on? I hope I am just wrong.

I climb in the car and fasten my seatbelt. Mika moved to the middle seat, fastened her seatbelt and placed her head on my shoulder, interlocking her fingers with mine and purring. I placed my head on top of her head and closed my eyes. i was so happy, that nothing could spoil it for me, not even the fact that my parents were in the front seat, watching us with smiles on their faces.

we arrived at the game 20 mins later. we got out the car, after finally finding a parking spot and headed toward the field. parents, students and little ones everywhere waiting to get in. the coach spotted me and told the ticket collectors to let me in. I turned to Mika and gave her a phone.

"if he comes near you and gives you problems, use this I will get there as soon as possible." i gave her a kissed and went in behind the coach.

inside, he lead me to the locker rooms but stopped outside of it. "I know that you haven't been cleared yet so we will not have you play this game. the nurse and ROTC teacher have expressively forbidden it until you are cleared. so I need your help to inspire and encourage them."

"no problem. how did they react when you told them about Derek?"

"some were happy, others were not. but once I told them who would replace him they didn't believe me. they don't think you are hiero Kasumoto. so I need you to make them believe."

"got it. shall we go in?"

the locker room was pretty big. with enough lockers for the boy's team and the girl's team, it was huge, complete with showers and restrooms. we headed for the boy's side, he stopped me before we went in. "wait here I will bring you in."

the coach walked into the locker room, smiling to his players, "are we ready for tonight's game?"

they all looked at him. one of them spoke. "sir, we always lose to this team. we aren't going to win it's the same thing every time."

"not true. we can beat these guys. its just harder than normal. and besides our secret weapon is going to be ready next game." he said

they all groaned. "no offense, sir, but we don't think you actually got hiero Kasumoto here to play with us."

I turned and walked in the locker room. just before I rounded the corner, I stopped and said, "are you sure he is not be truthful?" and i continue around the corner, walking in front of the team. they all stared at me.

"wait, your hiero Kasumoto?! you can't be. you're the one who fought Derek."

"I assure you I am hiero Kasumoto. so what this about losing to this team every time you face-off? that's not the kind of attitude to have on a football field. you have to have the attitude that you can do it or try your hardest at least. come on, now. I've been against harder team, tougher players, and even tougher coaches but yet here I am, still standing and standing strong. now the question is can you stand strong?

the team yelled in unison, " yes, we can!!"

"so then get out there and show them you mean business and end their spree!!"

and the team ran out into the tunnel, with me and the coach in the lead. as they announce the team, we charged out there, the team ready to take them on as the commentators called out each player's name.

welcome to tonight game. we have a full house tonight. and what a sight this is Larry.

no question about Jim. tonight, I have a good feeling about it. thought I notice there was a sudden change made to juniper roster.

apparently, the former team captain was replaced by another. he was apparently suspended for breaking school rules again and getting strike three. I couldn't believe when I saw it but he was replaced by Hiero Kasumoto. Hiero Kasumoto is among the top ten players in school and recreational football today.

unfortunately, he will not be playing tonight. he is still recovering from massive bruising to the side that happened during school. but he will be here to cheer, inspire, and lead the team.

the crowd cheered loudly and when the camera focused on me and the team, they got louder.

"alright, don't let the crowd make your heads get too big. I don't think we have any bigger helmets here." I say laughing with the team. "but seriously, you can do this. don't let them throw you around and stop you. keep pushing and don't stop til you can't go any further. now, are we gonna play big or go home?"

"but this is our home."

"so then let's act like it and send them running home with their tail between their legs!! on three, go big."

"one, two, three, go big!!" the team yelled in unison an ran out on the field.

I felt a strong vibration in the pocket of my jeans and pulled out the phone.

"Hiero speaking."

"Hiero, they have come for me. my father, brothers, and Derek are looking for me. I managed to get away from Derek but my father and brothers have found me! help me!!"

"where are you, Mika?" my heart begins to pound and I start to panic.

"I am under the bleachers by the parking lot." she whispered, panic and fear evident in her voice.

"I am coming now." I turn to the coach, "I'll be back gotta run to the car real quick." and turn heading out of the stadium, running past my father.

"hiero, where are yo..." he saw the fear in my eyes and could sense my panic and begins to follow me.

I reached the underside of the bleachers. I look around and try to listen to any sounds, drowning out the sound from the crowds. I finally heard a faint whimper noise from the right of me. I walked closer to the bleachers and called out, "Mika are you there?"

it got louder and then stopped and I heard movement under the bleachers and Mika appeared and threw her arms around me, crying and whimpering.

"hey, calm down. i am here now. are you hurt?"

she just continued to whimper and cry. engine roaring, headlight clicked on as i spun around as I heard the noise from the car behind me. i pushed Mika back and ducked just in time to avoid getting hit with a piece of metal piping. as I get back up, I catch it in mid swing as it comes back. I grip it with both bands and swing it around with the person holding, throwing him into the underside of the bleacher with a sickening thud and loud bang.

turn back around to see three other people standing there. one was Derek, and the three I assumed was her brothers and father.

"not bad. not bad at all. that's what I expect from a trained solider. but now the question is can you survive with more than one attacker?"

the brother that hit the bleachers stood up, ready to attack, Derek and the other two brothers, moved toward me, all of them forming a circle around me. suddenly, four cops, taser withdraw from their holsters, surrounded us.

"everyone, hands up. this is the police. stay right where you are."

Mika's brothers dropped their weapons, their father cursing indoor his breath, put their hands up and were handcuffed. I was waiting to be handcuffed myself, when a female approached me.

"you can put your hands down mr. Hiero."

"sgt. Brooks?"

"yes. now I see what your father was talking about you having a knack for trouble. but thanks to that, we were able to capture these dealers and users. mr. Derek, fortunately, is just doing the wrong thing. he isn't a buyer or seller so he will just get a battery and assault charge."I frowned. I didn't want him to do serious time over this, a minor fight between two highschoolers. "but judging by the look on your face, I think I will see what I can do to get it down to just a minor assault charge."

"but what about Mika? if they are all arrested, that means the house will be raided and confiscated, leaving her no where to go."

I walk over to Mika as the paramedic examine her, pronouncing that she has no injuries, except the one on her arm which she rebandaged. I wrap my arms around her as she begins to cry again.

"please don't cry Mika. it wasn't your fault. they thought what i said on the phone was a joke. I promised I would protect you and that is what I am going to do." I lick her tears as she stops crying, resting her head on my chest. "thank you, Hiero." she whispered. I just smiled at her and turned my head as Brooks approached me again.

"I will talk to your mother and see if she will let Mika stay with you."

"that is not necessary. I will take her in." we turned as my mother came from behind us, looked at me and Mika, and then to sgt. brooks. "what do I have to do to?"

"I just need you to come down to the station and sign some forms. that's all. I will wait for you over there, mrs. Kasumoto, that way you can follow me to the station."

"thank you, ma'am." I said standing at attention and saluting."

"your welcome. see you when you get back to school."

my sisters and me rode back home while my mom and dad took Mika to the station to fill out paperwork. when we arrived, I slowly walked into the house, ahead of everyone, and went straight upstairs and closed my door.

I couldn't believe this. I almost got jumped by 4 people, arrested, and couldn't even stay for my first game as team captain. what a night. I am worried about Mika thought. that's all I care about right now.

as I hear a car pull up and another car pulled out, I start to cry.

I don't think I can protect her. as much as I want to protect her. I just don't know if I can.

my room door opened and Mika came in with my mother and father. I tried to quickly wipe my eyes but Mika came over, placing her paws under my chin, and look into my tear stained face.

"I am sorry. I should have just called the coach and told him I couldn't come. we should have just stayed home instead. all of this could have been avoided. instead, I put you in danger knowing they would have shown up. I should have listened to you."

she looked in my eyes. " it wasn't your fault. we didn't know if they would show up or not. and I am glad you didn't stay home. being out their with your family, I actually felt like I belonged for once in my life. and I felt happy knowing that if anything happened you would be there. I have been promised that many times but none have ever followed through with it. I was happy to see that you were doing what you liked and that you held your promise to me, even if it meant leaving your team to be by my side."

chuckling, I said, "don't forget almost arrested." we both laughed. I felt so much better. I turned to my mother and father, who were sitting across the room on the spare bed.

"she will be staying with us as long as she likes. but we feel we should talk to you about this."

I nodded my head, and walked over to them, grabbing a chair for me and Mika.

"we were thinking about letting you stay in the basement but that would mean having to renovate and redoing the whole basement which we can not do right now. so we will be letting her stay in this room with you. we are trusting you as young adults. and if you feel the need to do, make sure to wrap it if she is in her cycle. so please no kits. at least, until you get out of high school. after that the choice is yours but we hope you will make the right choice."

I couldn't believe it. she was actually going to be staying with me. I felt like the happiest person in the world, like nothing could bring me down.

"now , both of you, get some sleep. Mika has to be up in the morning. she has decided to help the police find all their stashes in the house since they cant find them all. and we leave at 9:00 am. my father set the alarm clock next to Mika's bed, him and mom walked out saying goodnight.

Jessica walked in as they left with a pair of sleep pants and shirt for Mika. as i waited outside the room, I went to the bathroom and changed into a pair of shorts and took off my shirt, I usually went shirtless to sleep. as I came back to my room, Jessica came out with a smile on her face and winked at me. I didn't think about too much. I went Inside the room and saw Mika settling in her new bed.

I smiled and shut off the light, sitting in the middle of my bed and began meditating. the pale light from the moon coming in through the window and shining on me. I felt my bed move as if someone else was sitting on it. I felt Mika next to me. I smiled as she giggled at me and she licked my cheek. I smiled, opening my eyes, noticing the look she was giving me. it was hard for me to concentrate now so I gave up and laid back on the bed. Mika laid next to me placing her head on my chest and and running her hand throughout the fur on my stomach. I murred at the feeling of Mika next to me. as we laid together, she slide her hand down my stomach to my the drawstring on my shorts. I looked at her.

"are you sure about this?" as she reached up to kiss me. I felt her rough tongue playing with mine and then breaking the kiss to answer. "this is one of the things i am sure about", as her hand went into my shorts and to my sheath.

I felt her hand gently squeezing my balls, I moaned quietly as she continued to coax my member out of his warm covering. her other hand, grabbed my right hand and move it up her shirt to her breast. she moaned at my touch, feeling my paw cupped her breast and then begin to play with her nipple. she reached up, wrapped her arms around my neck, as we shared a passionate kiss. our tongues dancing together. my shaft was starting to come out of it's sheath as she took it in her paw caressing and stroking it. i slide my free hand down her chest teasing her other breast, before I slide it further down her stomach to her waist. she felt my hand on her waist and whispered in a sultry voice, "please take me."

"if that is your wish." and I slide my hand down into her pants, noticing she wasn't wearing any underwear, slide my finger across her slit, listening to her moan, as my finger travels back and forth over her slit. I carefully slip a finger inside of her, feeling her juices spill out as my finger slides into her. thrusting it in and out and using my thumb on her clit and listening as her moans and pants increased.

she moaned as I carefully pulled out my finger as she sat up. my member was fully out of it sheath now. she slowly slide down my body, running her hands down my body, scraping her nails against me, pausing above my crotch, before sliding down my shorts and exposing my hard and throbbing shaft. "mmm. it looks good and it's so long." she said and then ran her tongue along the underside of my shaft, slowly tantalizing it and then wrapped her lips around the tip my hard shaft. I felt like I was going to cum right then and there, inside her mouth. I moaned loud enough for her to hear. she stopped and slide her pants down to her ankles, exposing her feline pussy, and moved so it was right over my face. I licked my lips and then started licking her juices as they flowed out and pressed my muzzle to her trying to lick as much nectar as possible out of her, my tongue passing over her hymen and trying to stimulate hor as much as possibl, even suckling her clit which helped to push her closer to the edge. I could hear her quietly moan around me, increasing her speed and pressure. I moaned as I could feel myself getting close. I could feel her, bucking her hips against my muzzle, trying to squeeze and clamp down on my tongue as she gasped and came. I felt her juices rush out of her as I lapped at her, drinking it all down. she continued to suck and lick my shaft and I could feel my knot growing as she kept her pace. I gripped the sheets as I felt my seed shoot into her mouth. she gulped it down, not wasting a single drop of it. she licked my shaft, making sure to get all of my cum. she laid down on top of me her head under my chin, purring, as she licked her lips.

"thank you, hiero. you have given me a gift that none of the others could give. I love you."

"you have also given me a gift, that only someone who is truly in love, can give. and that I also must say thank you. and I love too." I murred as I felt her purring.

"we better get some sleep for tomorrow. and we should put our clothes back on or they will suspect something when they come to wake us up because I doubt that alarm clock will work." I reached down and pulled my shorts and boxers up and then reaching down her legs and wiping her off with the towel sitting next to me. she moaned softly as I gently wipe her off and then pull her pants up, slowly sliding my hands along her legs as I pull up her pants. we fell asleep together, Mika in my arms. I was the happiest person alive.

my mother knocked on the door and opened it. she look at Mika's bed and saw it empty, then looked at my bed and saw us both asleep, Mika was still in my arms. she motion for my father to come over, followed by my sisters, and saw me and Mika together.

I awoke to the sound of footsteps and opened my eyes to slits, seeing everyone, standing in the doorway, looking at us.

"you know it rude to stare at people right?" I said chuckling.

everyone left except for my mother. she walked over to my bed, sat on the edge, trying to wake Mika. "wake up Mika, it's time to get up." I chuckled as she pretended to be asleep. I reached down and lick her cheek. "come on sleepyhead, the early cat catches the bird."

she laughed and sat up, fixing me with those green eyes and kissed me. I let it continue for a moment and broke the kiss. "we have company." she looked to her right and saw my mom on the edge of the bed. "I am so sorry, mrs. Kasumoto." her cheeks and ears turning red.

my mother giggled. "its ok. I was like that at your age too. come downstairs when you are ready." and she walked out the door. Mika got up and walked over to the dresser next to her bed, grab a pair of shorts and her track shirt, put them in her bag, started to change clothes. I rolled over so I was laying on my stomach while she changed but I accidentally dozed off while waiting for her. I felt someone poking my side, and then lick my cheek, I playfully growled and heard her laugh, she said something to someone, moved off the bed, suddenly the mattress flew up with me on it. my claws unsheathed, flipping and landing on my hands and knees, the mattress landed right on me. "wake up fuzzy buns, time to go", my mother said and walked over to Mika, laughing at the way I was crushed under the mattress. I flipped it off me and looked at both of them, laughing at me.

Evil has the voice of an angel and apparently a twin

I stand up sheathing my claws. I look in my closet, grabbing a pair camo cargo pants, white short sleeve shirt, and a pair of boots. I take my clothes into the bathroom, take a quick shower, change, head to my room and grab my bag, head down the stairs to the living room where they were waiting for me. "ready to go?" and we headed out the door, and got in the car. me and Mika sat in the back, as mom drove to Mika's house.

at first i didn't think about it until we got to Mika's house. police and tape everywhere. examiners taking down notes, taking photos, and evidence. the house itself was white. and i guess before, it was a beautiful house. now it is just a shell of it former self. old and decrepit fence and exterior walls, grimy and broken windows, bullet holes in the walls in the front of the house. I can only hope the inside isn't as bad. the investigator greeted us as we got out the car. he gave us bags for our feet so we don't leave footprints behind. the inside was even worse than the outside.

she went throughout the house showing them and telling them where all the hidden stashes were. when she was finished, she went into her room only to find out all her clothing and possessions were burned by her brothers and father. all of her belonging were gone. she couldn't believe it. she slowly turned and walked out the house, clutching a burnt bear. I got out of the car and walked toward her.

"hey. are you ok? talk to me please. what happened In there?" she just walked past me into the car and shut the door.

I went Into the house and saw the Investigator. "sir, what did you show Mika that she is completely upset?"

the investigator looked at me, puzzled, then answered, that he showed the remains of her burned room. I looked in the direction she came from and saw a room whose interior was completely torched.

thats why she was so upset. I can't believe it. they torched everything

I got back to the car and my mother turned to us. "are you sure you want to go to team practice today Mika?" she nodded and we headed back to the school. I asked if we could stop to the mall on the way so I could get something. she agreed since we had to get Mika some clothes.

I noticed a picture that somewhat burnt sitting on the seat, the same picture that was attached to the bear, so I quickly grabbed it. when we were in the mall, I went to the photo center to talk to Barry. he was a photography guru and wiz. he was much older but still was excellent with pictures and cameras. I walked into the store and looked around for Barry.

"hey, Barry. you here?"

I heard a click as the red light turned off behind the counter and Barry stepped out of the dark room. "hello, mr. Hiero. how are you today?"

"I am doing good and please stop calling me mister. I get enough of that from the teachers and principle at school." I say, laughing. "I need to know if you can restore a photo. the problem is, it is a bit burnt. is there any way you can restore it?" I handed him the photo.

"hmm. I will see what I can do. I might be able to salvage it. come back tomorrow and I will see what I can do."

"thanks Barry. you're the best." I say as I walk away.

I met them at the clothing store. mom wanted to go shopping for Mika because she had no clothes. we still had a few hours before she had to be at practice. she tried on numerous outfits, asking for my opinion each time which I had no problem giving but most of the stuff she tried on looked excellent on her. I felt my sheath started to bulge a bit when she trying on bras and panties. she wanted my opinion on that also. my mother giggling to herself as my cheeks and ears turned red. after that, me and mom paid for her clothing and left. we then headed to the school for her practice. I noticed she was still upset so I reached over, placing my paw on her shoulder and pulling her close. I started to murr as she closed her eyes, placed her head on my shoulder, smiling at me.

I hope that what her father and brothers did doesn't persuade her to run. not when we both have found some happiness and peace.

we pulled up to the school and Mika seemed to be in a far better mood then before. we got out of the car, and we grabbed our bags. she looked at me, puzzled as to why I have my bag. "just in case I have to run with you." chuckling as she smiled at me.

"call me when you are finished with your practice and make sure he sits in the stands." I turned back to the car as Mika headed to the locker room. "do we have cake mix at the house mom? I want to bake Mika a cake for her birthday."

"I think we do but when is her birthday?" I looked back to see if she had gone in and turned back. "it's today. I already have a present for her. but it won't be finished until tomorrow. I am going to head in now. I will call you in 2 hours. that is when the practice is over." she nodded and pulled out of the parking lot as I headed to the bleachers surrounding the field.

I sat in the bleachers watching as the track team warmed up and began practice. while I was sitting in the stands, I saw the school nurse down by the railing. I went down to the railing and tapped her on the shoulder and she spun around. "hello, mrs. Ryan. how are you?"

"I am good hiero. you look a lot better now that you have rested up." she said

"yep. I feel a lot better. now I am just waiting for you to clear me for sports."

"well, technically, school is still in session and since I can leave for a min, I can do a check now and clear you, if you are healed. I just have to get my equipment." she turned and walked toward the school.

Mika ran up to the railing after mrs. Ryan left. I turned to her as she jogged over.

"guess what? I might be cleared today to participate in sports again." I said

"that's great. then you will be able to train with me."

"yep. I think I will do some training today then. when you go back, ask mrs. jenny if she is using the center field?"

"ok." and she jogged over to the coach, and began talking to her. Mika turned and began to jog back with mrs. jenny behind her.

"hello, mr. hiero. I hear you want to use the center field?"

"only if you are not using it, I would like to move the bag in the center, and train a bit if that is ok with you?"

I could tell mrs. jenny was thinking about it. she was probably thinking that I would be a distraction to the girls while they practice. "I guess you could use the center field."

"but only if I clear him first." mrs. Ryan was walking back with her equipment. "I have to do an exam on hiero first to clear him for sports or training. so if you will follow me to the boy's locker room then we can start."

"yes, ma'am." and I walked into the locker room, talking off my shirt, and let mrs. Ryan examine the what was left of the bruise which was very little. after examine it and doing a physical, she cleared me. I was so relieved, I almost ran out onto the field without my shirt.

so after mrs. Ryan left, I switched my shirt for a white sleeveless shirt and my boots for sneakers. then I went out onto the field. the track team was still jogging around the track. I saw mrs. Ryan talking to mr. Anderson and mrs. Jenny. she headed back to the school building, taking her equipment with her. mr. Anderson, I could tell was happy that I was cleared. I walked over to them and noticed he was rather excited for the next game. "so who won last night game?"

"surprisingly, our team won last night by 14 point. I gotta admire, you did it. you brought the boys outta their slump. thank you. I'll let you get back to your training." and he headed back toward the building.

"the outside lane is yours if you want to use it. the bag has already been setup for you. try not to hurt yourself now." mrs. Jenny said and headed toward the running track.

I sized up the bag and began with the basic punches and kicks, then moving on to a basic three punch combo and three punch combo with kick, followed by 100 push ups and 100 sit ups. i could hear the girls giggling at me as they ran around the track. then as the track team gather around mrs. Jenny before their final jog, I ran around the track a couple of times. I stopped when Mika came back to the track for her final jog.

"ready for one more lap?" Mika asked

"sure. whenever you are ready." and we jogged around the track one more time before stopping at the finish line. I went back to the center field and brought the bag back to the equipment locker and storage room. afterwards, went back to the locker room, careful as to make sure the girls didn't know i went into the boy's locker, I grab my clothes and went into the shower. they must have heard the water because I heard giggling behind me while I was in the shower. I turn to see a few girls peeking around the door. I quickly duck behind a wall and use a different shower to finish washing up. I heard someone yelling about being in the boys locker room areas and they all left. I got out and changes back into a white short sleeve shirt, camo cargo pants, and my boots. walking out of the locker rooms. i walking out onto the fields and when i saw mrs. Jenny, I asked her if Mika came back yet.

"no. she is still changing. but I am happy that she is doing better. I noticed that she is happier and is full of life again. her times and everything have picked up majorly since her last practice three days ago. I wonder if you have something to do with it?"the other girls on the track team begin giggling as my cheeks and ears turn red.

"he is the reason for my better performance." Mika walked over to them. "Hiero is the reason that I am so happy again." and she wraps her arms around my neck and smiles at me.

"well, I am glad I had something to do with that." wrapping my arms around her lower back and kissing her, right there in front of everyone. after a couple of moments, she broke the kiss putting her fingers to my lips and shaking her head. I just smiled at her.

laughing, mrs. Jenny, called the team together for a last speech as she did I called my mother to let her know I was cleared and that we were finished here. as I hung up the phone, it started to vibrate again.

"Hiero speaking."

hey, it's Barry. I know I said I would have the picture done tomorrow but I called to let you know it is done now."

"ok. mr. Barry. thank you. how much will that be?"

"I'd have to say about $50 dollars. luckily, for you I know a technique for this and i have some supplies left and the machine here to do it. come get it when you are ready."

"ok. there is one other thing I need to ask. do you know those portrait bears? I was wonder if you could put it in one of those?"

"yes, I can. I will have it done by the time you get here.

"ok. thank you, mr. Barry. <click>

when my mother pulled up, we said goodbye to everyone and climbed in the car. I asked her if we could stop to the mall again on the way. "why are we stopping to the mall again? we were there earlier, why didn't you get whatever it is then?"

"because I had to drop it off to get fixed." when we stopped at the mall, I ran in to the photo booth store while they waited in the car.

"hey Barry. you still here?" I looked around the photo store wondering where he was when he came out the back.

"hello Hiero. I assume you are here to pick up?"

"yes sir." Barry handed Hiero the Photo bear and Hiero paid the $50 for it, saying goodbye to Barry as he left. he bought a box and a ribbon for the bear. this should be a good gift for Mika. as I left and got in the car, I couldn't help but think of how happy she would be when i give her this present.

I'd rather it be a surprise for her. I know this will cheer her up

when we got home, Mika went upstairs to put her clothes away, take a shower, and change. mom went with her to help her pick out something to wear. I quickly set to baking a cake and calling the rest of the family to tell them.

everyone came in as I just finished frosting the cake. we all sat in the living room and waited for Mika to come downstairs. I went into the kitchen to grab her present when I heard everyone yell surprise from the living room. I quickly went back to the living room present in hand. as I entered my jaw dropped. she was wearing a pure white dress, blue eyeliner, and lipstick. my mother noticed and walked over, pushing my jaw back up, and bringing me back to reality. Mika giggled and blushed when she saw me.

I just couldn't believe how beautiful she was. my mother and father decided for us to go out and eat tonight to celebrate Mika's birthday and her moving in but first we did cake and presents before we left. I decided to give her my gift later.

I went upstairs and changed into a suit I had and we left. we went to a place called applebees and had a blast. by the time we all got home, everyone was tired, full, and happy. i grabbed the present before i went upstairs with Mika. Mika went into the room after saying goodnight to everyone. I went to my dad and asked him for a condom. my father was glad that I was following their ruling on the matter. I went I to the room, box in hand, and saw Mika sitting on her bed. she looked up as I came in and close the door. I sat on my bed as she got up and sat next to me. she looked at the box and then me. "this is your present I got you. I wanted to wait to give it to you because I know it is special to you. but what ever happened to that bear and photo you had?"

her eyes widen as she turned and started looking through her closet and around the room. "oh no, I must have drop them somewhere or left them in the car."

"no. you didn't." and I pulled it out of the bag with the picture. "now open your gift. it may not be the same but at least you will have two now."

puzzled, she took the box, opened it, and began to cry as she lifted it out and examined it. it was a light brown bear with a restored version of the picture she had and next to it a photo of my family with her and in the middle, was a picture of me and Mika. she turned to me, threw her arms around my neck, and kissed me as I fell back on the bed. "thank you hiero. this is the best present anyone has ever given me. thank you."

I looked into those green eyes. "you are very welcome."

I got up and went into the bathroom to change into a pair of shorts while waiting for her to change. i came back in, seeing she was wasn't in the room, cut off the lights and sat on my bed and tried to meditate again. I felt someone behind me as they wrapped their arms around my neck. I chuckled to myself. "I thought you were tired?"

"not too tired for this." and she press her breast against my back. i could feel bare fur and nipples against my back. I turned around, sitting on my knees, and kissed her, breaking only to allow my shirt to be pulled over my head. she pushed me back down on the bed while pressing her breasts against my chest. she tugged at my shorts, pulling them off, and began to play with my balls and sheath. I moaned as she gently squeezed them while running a hand across my sheath's opening, my hardening shaft coming out of it's hiding place. she moaned as I placed my paws on each breast and began to play with her nipples, alternating between biting and sucking on each one, hearing her silently moan and whimper. finally my shaft was completely out of it's sheath and she looked me in the eyes. "I want you to take my virginity."

I looked at her. "are you sure? I don't want to do anything you are not comfortable with or unsure of." and she simply replied, "I want you to be the one to take my virginity." she said as she climbed over me, guiding my shaft to her pussy.

"if that is your wish and as long as you are not in your cycle, then ok."

"no. I am not In my cycle. now please take me."

"yes ma'am." and I slowly enter her pussy until I feel her hymen. "are you ready?" she nodded her head and I push in breaking her hymen as she yipped and moaned at the same time. as I went deep inside her, feeling my tip hit her cervix, her inner walls gripping my shaft as i begin thrusting in and out of her. i increased the pressure on her nipples as her moans and pants changed to soft whimpers as she felt herself getting close now. I felt my knot grow and thicken as I thrust into her, feeling my knot hit her clit. I was thrusting hard and fast into her tight squeezing pussy. I could tell she was close. placing my hands on her hips, I push down as I thrust in, driving my knot into her pussy, which caused both of us to cum together. she arched her back, throwing her head back, silently moaning, as i felt my shaft push through her cervix and spray into her womb. her walls spasming and milking my shaft and knot for all of my cum. It felt like pure heated rapture, to have fulfilled Mika desires and my own. she laid on top of me, still knotted together. i pulled the blanket up over us as she snuggle into my chest and arms. i whisper "i love you" and she whispered it back. i felt complete and whole as we fell asleep in each others arms.