Mmmmm.... Soul....

Story by KodaO on SoFurry

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"Yes!!! Please get here as soon as AHHHH!!! ... Possible please!!!" Jason, a lab, yelled into his cell as his house echoed chaos across the suburbian neighborhood. He had been dealing with this "Paranormal Activity" for far too long and with things flying off the walls at him, he'd had enough. He'd contacted the medium three times and failed, but now he was on his way and he could finally take care of his little problem... Or so he thought..

Dr. Lintowski arrived at around midnight and was immediatley ushered into the living room where the most activity had been taking place.

"So how long has this been occuring Jason?"

"About three weeks."

"And have you done anything in your knowledge to make it angrier?"

"No! Not at all!"

"Has this happened in the past?"

"No, never.."

"Hmm... I'm going to try to connect with it."

The medium stands up and begins having what seems like an anxiety attack, chattering nonsense and sometimes pausing just to look at Jason scarily.

"" he says to the frightened lab.

"Well I kind of figure-"

"No...." the fox interupts, "It "wants" you.."

All of the sudden, the fox lets out a blood-currdling scream as he is overtaken by the spirit inhabiting the now terrified lab's house. He watches in horror as the only person who might have been able to help him, has his soul devoured.

"Wha---What's HAPPENING!!!!" he screams, unable to move out of fear.

The fox's mangled body suddenly freezes in midair and glares directly at him, eyes glowing a dull red.

"You damn good and well what I want." The demonistic voice says. "Submit and I won't hurt you....too badly.."

"All right all right!!!!," the lab almost cries, "Just don't kill me please!!"

The fox falls to the floor and walks over the still frightened lab. He starts to feel his body up, moving his paws over the canid's body. The lab can't help but relax as he feels an unrealistic sense of pleasure overtake his body.

This is amazing, the lab thinks to himself, Why would he torture me for nearly a month, then make me feel the best I ever had?... The lab decides that he should make the best of the situation and lets himself relax....

The possessed fox begins to gently grope his soon to be mate, wraping his tounge around the lab's as he kisses him deeply. He slides his hand into the other canid's pants and slowly strokes the filling sheath.

"Would you kindly lose your clothes?" asks the spirit.

"Su-sure...." The lab says as he proceeds to get undressed, reminded of Bioshock and the "would you kindly's" He snickers at the thought, and returns to kiss the fox's possessed body on the chest, working his way to the fully erect cock, concealed within its cozy sheath. He laps at the tip, causing it to poke out a little further, before he slides his tougne around the shaft, still inside the sheath.

"Ohh...." the spirit moaned, as he is overcome with a feeling he had not felt in only he knew how long.

The lab pulls the sheath back and takes the fox-length into his maw, slowly bobbing his head on the length, reaching down and slowly stroking his own aching shaft.

"I'm ready for you..." the spirit begs.

Obeying this command, the lab crawls onto the lap of the fox and slowly sits on the shaft, letting it travel into his bowel, letting out small yips and murrs of pleasure.

"Ohh yes...."

The fox starts to thust upward, sending both of them into spasms of pleasure and pain as the lab's tailhole is abused throughly. The fox srecams in pleasure as he reaches his orgasm, shooting jets of seed into the bowels of his partner, the lab still happily riding the cock.

"You can...stop now..." the fox moans...

The lab dismounts the fox and starts to stroke his own, still throbbing length.

"Do I get to go?" he asks.

"But of course."

The fox gets down on all fours and invites the labs length to him.

The lab inserts his cock into the tight tailhole, mounting him in an almost feral fashion, starting a rythmn of quick thrusts.

"Si tuor dout knot!!!" the fox screams in an unrecognizable language, and only hearing knot, the lab thrusts forward on last time, tying the tow together as he shoots his seed into the fox.

"Oh yess......." the fox says before falling limp.

Jason realizes that the spirit has left the corpse in front of him and he was now tied to a dead medium...

"Well shit..." the lab thinks to himself.

He lays there... waiting for his knot to subside... and tries to figure out a way to get out of the mess that has been presented to him.

An Unusual Taker....

Ok.. So after several attempts, I am finally able to upload several stories. ENJOY :) "No.... Nah..... Hmmm... no..." It was a slow Saturday for Damien. He was usually in and out of this club with his choice man in less than thirty minutes, but he...

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Not-so-typical Friday...

My first attempt at writing down some interesting RP's that have taken place in the past.. Enjoy :3 "Ohhhh no you don't!!" "WOO!!!!" "That's some serious crap," screamed the teenage husky. "Oh come on, I beat you fair and square Koda,"...

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