After Party - Chapter 19 - A Hard Place

Story by Otter Miqmah on SoFurry

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#21 of After Party

The latest chapter in a long love story of a wolf and cheetah

After Party - Chapter 19 - A Hard Place

Surprise! It's another [short] chapter from the After Party series, which I said I was done writing. Lucky for you, I just felt like writing another one last night, and I finally had the time and drive to do it, so here it is! I'm a little rusty from not having written anything in a while, but I hope you enjoy this little update on these two! Anyways, no minors allowed, and no stealing of my story or characters please! (Also, if you see an error, feel free to message me about it so I can fix it! Thanks!)

The car stopped at an off turn on the side of the road and with a turn of the key, the engine shut off, leaving the headlights fading on the dark trees ahead of them. The doors opened and two figures stepped out on the gravel road. The fall night air was cold and filled with the faint sound of wind rusting through bare branches as leaves crunched under moving feet.

"Do you know where you're going?" a wolf in a blue sweatshirt asked, following a cheetah trying to hide his confusion.

"Yeah..." the cheetah said, looking around in the darkness. "This way... I-," a sharp gust of wind blew over his words as he pulled up the large scarf around his neck.

The cheetah took a few steps into the woods, looking around and realizing that his night vision wasn't what he thought it was. After stumbling over an exposed root among the leaves, the wolf ran up to him and held his hand. The cheetah looked around, squinting, until he found what he was looking for. With a smile in the darkness, he pulled the wolf along as he walked quickly into the woods, passing a tree with a grotesque knot growing out of the side.

The cheetah's steps were quick and confident as the wolf struggled to keep up. They were following an old trail that had been overgrown for years. An occasional branch would catch on the couple, but as the wind picked up again, their concern was on other things.

"Are you sure we're going in the right direction?" The wolf said, taking a quick look back in the darkness of where he thought the car had been. "It seems awfully far."

"John, trust me. I used to come here all the time when I was young; I know it by heart practically." A branch scraped his jacket sleeve. "It just took me a while to figure it out in the dark."

"Ok Allen, I trust you."

"It's just a bit more."

The loud footsteps on the carpet of leaves echoed in the trees. Every snap of a branch was louder than the last and the cold slowly crept through the layers of fabric on their bodies.

"This is kind of creepy," John said, looking around.

"We're almost there. I think I can see it now," Allen said, squeezing the wolf's paw.

Soon the two found themselves in a clearing. The trees created a wall around them and the night sky opened up above. The faint glow of the moon lit the ground just enough for them to see a large, flat-topped bolder emerging from the ground.

John stood and looked around in the dim light as Allen walked up to the rock and placed a paw on it.

"It seems smaller than I remember," Allen said, hearing the wolf's footsteps behind him.

"What is it?" John said, looking at the large granite block.

"Lover's Rock," Allen said, giggling and looking up at the wolf.

"I see..." John said before knocking on its hard surface. "Romantic."

They both laughed.

"Come on!" Allen grabbed John's paw and started to climb up on the boulder. It was icy as they sat down in the center.

They looked up the stars spread out above them, and Allen wrapped his fingers in John's and the wolf placed and arm over the cheetah's shoulder.

"So... when you said you came here all the time..." John said.

Allen laughed. "Well, not all the time. But I used to come here when I was younger during the day before all the teens came around. It was just a peaceful place, not too far away. I could just escape from everything and enjoy the world."

"Oh, ok." John shifted a little. "I wonder how many people got pregnant on this rock."

Allen gently hit him on the chest. "Shut up and enjoy this with me," he said giggling.

"Ok, if you want me too," John said before leaning over and kissing the cheetah on the lips.

They watched the night sky for a while, laying back on the rock. Allen rested his head on John's shoulder, listening to him breathe.

"Are you nervous about tomorrow?" Allen said, looking up at the wolf's face.

"You mean if I'm going to look stupid in that suit or not?" John said looking down with a smile.

Allen giggled. "You'll look fine. But no, I mean are you nervous to get married?" Allen rubbed the wolf's chest.

He paused for a second. "No." He placed a paw on Allen's. "Are you?"

Allen looked back up at the night sky. "A little."

"Why?" John said, kissing the top of the cheetah's head.

"Lots of reasons..." he said, settling his head on John's shoulder. "What if my dad found out about it and shows up. Or my mom. Or what if something comes up and we can't get married, or the church lights on fire, or the cake is gross, or one of us gets sick, or it rains, or-"

John laughed. "It'll be ok sweetie," he said, kissing him on the cheek. "It's just a small little thing at a church your parents have probably never heard of, and we've all been good at keeping it among only those invited. There is no way they'd find out. And after last time, I don't think either of them would dare show up. And your dad is in prison, remember?"

"But what if he got out?" Allen said, sitting up.

John could see the tension in the cheetah even in the darkness.

"He won't," the wolf said, sitting up and hugging the cheetah. "And even if he did, me, and my dad and everyone else would beat the living shit out of him."

"I Just get so worried about things," Allen said, resting a chin on his shoulder, feeling his eyes well.

"Well, you don't have to. Tomorrow is our day and nothing is going to take that away from us."

"I love you John."

"I love you too."

They stayed locked together as another gust shook them. John could hear Allen sniffle against his shoulder.

"You going to be ok?" he said, looking into the cheetah's eyes as they reflected the moonlight for a split second.

Allen nodded as he wiped away a tear. He looked up at the sky as the wind blew his scarf over his shoulder and he shivered. John wrapped his arms around the cheetah again.

"You cold?"

Allen nodded.

"Do you want to go back?" John asked.

Allen shook his head and looked back up at the sky.

"Ok." John laid back down on the rock with the cheetah who put a paw on his chest and ran his finger over the printed letters of his sweatshirt. His engagement ring glinted in the moonlight.

The stars twinkled far above them, making the two feel small and connected. Their breath began to create small clouds of steam in front of them and Allen curled up along the side of the wolf and sighed. The cheetah moved his paw down and under John's sweatshirt to warm it up.

John howled as the cold paw slid over his fur.

"Jeese! That's cold!" The wolf said, squirming under the grasp of the giggling cheetah as he shoved another paw under the sweatshirt.

John tried to curl up and pull Allen's arms away, but the cheetah just swung his leg over and sat on him, shoving his paws deeper up John's chest.

"I'll show you cold!" Allen said, having pinned down the wolf enough to slide a paw down and past the rim of John's pants.

"No-no-no!" John frantically yelped. As the freezing paw met his warm crotch, he let loose an echoing howl that they were sure could be heard in town.

John gasped as the air in his lungs gave out and he tried to grip the rock around him. His eyes were wide open and his fur was fluffed out.

Allen could feel John's balls suck into his body and he just giggled and gripped the thick sheath, finally feeling his paw warm up.

"Please take your paw out of my pants" John said through his gritted teeth.

"What?" Allen said, squeezing, "you don't like this?" Allen could feel a hot tip emerge and rub against his palm, which was all the answer he needed.

Allen unzipped the wolf's pants and pulled down his boxers. The cold air made John yelp again, but he soon felt the warm breath of the cheetah as Allen nuzzled into the growing package. The humid tip continued to emerge into the cold air and was met with Allen's rough tongue, making John moan. Allen licked away as the member hardened and slipped it into his mouth, sucking gently.

John didn't seem as bothered by the cold anymore as he loosened his claws on the rough rock. His cock started to fill the cheetah's short muzzle and he soon felt the cold air again on his shaft.

Allen rubbed his paws together to warm them up and cupped the wolf's large balls, still pulled tight to John's body, and gripped the exposed warm flesh of the cock he couldn't fit in his mouth. He let the tip slide all the way to the back of his throat, leaving small drips of pre as it went. He slid his tongue along John's tip, as he gave a squeeze to the base of the shaft, making the almost full cock pulse in his mouth.

John moaned as the rough tongue slid along and the warmed up paw grabbed his balls and squeezed. He looked down at the cheetah sucking his cock just in time to see him slide down farther. His length disappeared into the cheetah's tight throat as he bobbed. John grunted and thrust into the warm, tight hole.

Allen pulled off of the slick ten inches to catch his breath and felt it pulse in his paw. He could feel the base begin to swell in his grip as he moved back down and sucked on his tip. He could feel the thick member quiver against his lips and he slipped it further in.

John moaned from the sensation of his cock sliding back into the cheetah's throat. His knot spread Allen's jaw and the build of John's orgasm started. With a gasp, Allen pulled off, letting the cock bob and twitch between their bodies.

John sat up and kissed the cheetah, sliding a paw onto the small of his back and pulling him down onto his lap, sandwiching his soaking cock between their warm bodies. He kissed the cheetah's neck softly.

"I wanna be inside of you," John said, sliding a paw inside Allen's pants and cupping the cheetah's ass. Allen jumped at the cold sensation and moaned as John gently bit down on his neck. John felt a paw move between them and undo Allen's pants. John's paw moved down lower between the cheetah's cheeks and found the warm pucker, making him moan as he felt the finger press against him. Allen sat up and shimmied out of his pants, shivering as his lower half was exposed to the cold air.

He tossed the pants to the side and bent over, lifting his tail and looking back at the wolf and his throbbing cock sticking out in front of him. The cheetah's package dangled between his legs as the wolf moved over to him.

John sucked on his fingers before sliding between the soft cheeks of the cheetah. As he slid a finger through the tight ring, Allen moaned and shivered, making his fur stand up. John worked down to his knuckles into the warm insides of the cheetah. Another finger, and another moan.

John moved his hips closer to Allen, letting his cock slide between his legs against the cheetah's hard cock as he continued to finger away. Allen reached down and grabbed both of their members in his paw and gripped down, moaning as another finger slid into him. He felt a pulse and a warm rush of pre down his knuckles which he used to slicken up the wolf's hot shaft.

He felt John pull his fingers out and then pull his cock from his grip. Soon the warm, thick shaft was rubbing between the cheetah's cheeks, leaking pre as John teased his own cock. Allen moaned as he felt the wolf's fat tip press against him and slip inside.

John shoved as much of his cock into the cheetah as he could before pulling out and thrusting again. Inch by inch he worked his way through the tight hole until he reached his knot. Allen moaned as John tried to shove into him, but he wouldn't fit. The tight ring pressing hard against his knot began to get him off and he pulled out quickly, letting his cock twitch in the air until the sensation passed.

John leaned Allen up and kissed his neck, rubbing the cheetah's chest and grabbing the throbbing cock in front of him. Allen moaned a steamy cloud into the night air as he felt the wolf's large paw rub against his wanting member and he felt something thick press against his back.

Allen turned around and ran a paw up the wolf's slick length and pushed it lower, straddling the wolf's thighs. He kissed John on the muzzle as he moved the tip to his pucker and pressed down. The slick shaft slid into him up to the knot. Allen swiveled his hips and made the wolf whine. With a bounce and a pop, the wide knot entered Allen and he gasped as it spread him open.

John moaned loudly as he thrust into the cheetah's ass as deep as he could, making Allen's whole body shake with each push. Allen's cock was sandwiched between them, rubbing against John's soft sweatshirt.

John grunted and Allen could feel the thick shaft in him pulse. With another howl, the wolf's hot cum filled his insides. It dripped from the tight hole, down the wolf's balls and onto the rock below in wet drips.

With the pulsing of the cock inside of him, stretching and shooting load after load, Allen felt his own cock pulse and he kissed John on the lips, moaning into him as he shot ropes onto the wolf's sweatshirt. Allen broke the kiss and panted as he felt John pulse one last load deep inside of him.

They locked eyes and smiled. A gust of wind blew, making them huddle closer, still tied. Allen kissed John on the cheek.

"So," John said, looking around the open woods while still buried in his boyfriend's ass. "If this is lover's rock, why is no one else here?"

Allen looked around too. "I don't know. No one wants to make out on a rock anymore, I guess."

"Yeah, that's just gross," John said, swiveling his cock in the cheetah, making him moan again.

They both laughed.

Another chilling gust of wind and Allen pulled up. With a pop and a splat, John's softening cock slid out of him. He stood up on the rock and could feel the warm cum run down his leg. John stood up to join him in a kiss, covering the cheetah's bare ass with his large paws.

"We should have brought a towel," John said as he pressed his wet cock against the cheetah's thigh.

"I think there is one in the trunk," Allen said, bending down to grab his pants.

John kissed him again. "Then shall we make our leave?" He held out his paw.

Allen took it and giggled as they hopped off the edge of the rock. Allen shivered as he walked with john pantsless into the woods.

The sight of Allen's cream ass glowing in the moonlight as he walked ahead made John hard again. After a near accident with a pointy branch on the side of the trail, John ran up beside the cheetah and surprised him with the new development.

Allen laughed as he reached behind to the sticky wet member prodding him. "Save it for tomorrow night big boy," he said before walking off and wiping his paw on his thigh.

John followed closely behind and in no time they could see the moonlight reflecting off their shiny car.

Allen grabbed the towel first, cleaned off and quickly pulled on some pants, handing off the well used towel to John. The wolf wiped off his hard cock and stuffed it back into his pants.

They got in the car and as the overhead light faded, John looked over to Allen.

"Still nervous?"

Allen smiled. "Less now."

John leaned over and gave him a kiss. "Love you."

"Love you too."

John started the car and the woods lit up again. They zoomed home in the dark and snuck back into the house where John's parents were still asleep. They walked quietly past all the decorations piled up in boxes in the living room and silently slipped into their room and closed the door.

John flicked on a light and they got a view of themselves. John's sweatshirt was still covered in cum and Allen's pants had a big wet spot in the back from sitting. They laughed and peeled off their clothes, turned off the lights and crawled into bed.

John wrapped his arms around the cheetah and kissed the back of his neck and Allen snuggled into the wolf's broad chest. John was the first to fall asleep, his breath gently blowing on the neck in front of him. Allen laid in the warmth as he watched the reflection of his ring in the dim moonlight coming from a crack in the window.

With a smile, the cheetah closed his eyes and joined the wolf in sleep.