Part 1 and 2

Story by Argyron on SoFurry

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#1 of Different Beats

Part 1

Jazz is a type of music for any situation, whether the fast pounding hearts of dawn brings together two lovers in fanatical fun or the slow thump of a broken heart crying, there isn't dull moment jazz won't suit. So when Clint Vambros was growing up he heard the sounds of jazz all over town and fell in love with the type of music. He started hanging out in places his parents would never approve, but then again who's parents would if he was raised in an all canine part of town. No, Clint was a new breed of dog, he loved the clicking beat and he grew to love the pussies that hung around there.

And so, as nature found right, Clint ended up howling for those cats every night trying to catch them, already in love with their scent from the years of sneaking away. What he never expected was that one night on his twenty-second birthday he actually was able to make a catch. Maybe the tune was just right for the jazz loving pup, maybe the girl really was interested, or maybe all fates just lead the two together, but the important thing is that neither of them forgot that day. A couple of finely tuned drinks and they both were stalk madly in love with one another and in bed only an hour or two later, dancing a different dance.

Well, although Clint knew a lot about girls, especially pussies, and he really liked the cat he had tonight, so in an upturn of a beat if there ever was one he decided to show the fun of unprotected sex. Actually, Clint did this for two reasons; he was looking for a girl to hook up with a dance with for a long time and he also always wanted a child that he could teach the props of jazz to, unlike his unfaithful parents.

Nine months swung by fast, both ending up in fairly good jobs for the time and happily married in a common household in a mixed neighborhood. Everything was going right for Clint, almost exactly as he had planned if not a cent better, but his wife had a surprise for him still. She was ready and they flew to the hospital in a flash, but Clint wasn't just the father of one child, he had three to deal with. His mind swung and swam through all the possibilities and all the terrors in less than an hour, but he couldn't be mad at his wife, it was his sperm after all.

"Wow, one girl and two boys," he just kept saying over and over, the fur on the back of his neck standing with each wave of new emotions.

"Don't forget, you said you wanted to name 'em, so go at it."

"Oh," he said as he slumped back down into a chair, one of the new cubs in his arms. He looked down at his son's face, black fur just like his dad's with a patch of brown fur above the left eye and a muzzle like his mom's. "This ones definitely a cub, do male cats go through different stages than dogs?" His wife just shrugged her shoulders and waited for the name of her child, the only one sleeping peacefully and not in her full hands. "Well, I'm not sure if they do or not but I'm goin' to name him after the thing that brought us together, Jazz."

Clint got up from his seat and gave Jazz back to his mom, where he stayed quiet and even fell asleep in her warm arms while the father took another child to look at and decide. The next was yelling his lungs out, not wasting any breath for his own body as he screamed, but the father gave him loving eyes and rocked him back and forth until he quieted. The pup before him quieted slowly and then looked back at his father with big glass green eyes before blinking a few times. This little one had nice, straight ears and a canines face much like his own father's, but his fur was a completely different color than his father's and resembled that much more of his mother's white. He looked strange, and everyone on the field would know he wasn't a pure bred and wasn't an albino, but his father liked the dog's colors and loved him more knowing that this was his son. "Well this one is just like his old man if it weren't for that fur, thank god I love white." He didn't need to turn to see the smile on his wife's face, he just knew that the flow was right and she appreciated the comment. "Well now can't go around with a normal name if your slightly older brother's doesn't have one. I'd have to say you're a Corco, like the song Corcovado." The pup nudged his dad's side, and fell asleep in his father's hands, his father giving him back seen no disapproval from his wife.

"Well now, one more," he added as he picked up the last of his crying children. "What a beautiful little girl" he said looking down at his daughter, for the kit had a black patch of fur covering one eye and one ear much like a burette and white all the way down the rest of her face. "It's just too bad no one will understand why I named her Autumn instead of a more normal name, but then again how many of those kids will have heard the song Autumn Leaves?" The kit fell asleep much like her brother's and began to purr softly in her father's rough hands, different from the rest in her smooth ways Clint already knew she would be a handful later in her life.

If only Clint knew the trouble these little ones would get into, he may have regret holding them all right now in their cute state, but then what parent wouldn't?

Part 2

The day had finally arrived; Clint was letting go of his two boys as they adventured off into the world of college. With a stern look on his face he was able to hold back from crying into paws and act like a real father, but Clint just didn't want to let go of the two things that changed him the most. "Well boys, I still think it's odd you both wanted to go to the same school, but I hope you two have a good year together."

Both Jazz and Corco looked up to their father with twin thoughts on what he was thinking and stared at him with lame eyes. "Pop," started Jazz, "you know we love you and we'll call ya, just don't get all up in our face teary eyed. And we already talked about this, Corco and I have been living in the same room our whole lives so what's another four years compared to that." The two brothers wrapped arms around each other and glinted a large smile up to their old man.

"I know, I'm not worried about that, you two get along just fine which is probably the weird thing our family has since most brother's hate one another by this time and go as far away as possible from one another." Clint picked up the last of the boxes out of the car and the twins followed his lead, taking whatever remained and then shutting the door. The three began to walk back to the dorm one last time, back into the hectic fray of families moving their children in and out, and back into the room already made perfect for the two. "I'm just goin' to miss you two is all, who's goin' to cause all the trouble in the house for your poor mother when you two are gone. I mean, I know I can do it but she might expect me to be better than that after all these years being married and me screwing her and what not."

"Dad, not in public," Corco quickly spurted out as the red marks of embarrassment zipped across his face, "I don't want others to think we are weird already."

Clint looked back at his son not at all surprised; he knew how a lot of families weren't open and talkative to their children, because that's how his parents raised him. Clint had seen to that his family wasn't raised the same way, making sure that every one of his children was open with him the same way he reciprocated back. "Well, they'll probably think it weird that you both chose to be in the same room, won't they?"

Jazz flung open the door to their new home and looked around the room a little bit before replying to his father, "Well no one will have as sweet of a room layout as us 'cause they don't know what to expect from their roommate like we do!"

"Don't get too cocky bro," his twin said without haste, "We still got one more roommate showing up later today."

All three put down what they were carrying and then said goodbyes from father to sons as they all took one last look at each other. As much as Clint thought he was the only one losing something important form his life, the two sons thought the same after living so close to their father for the past eighteen years. With a nice walk toward the door they all said goodbyes and Clint left through the empty hole in the wall back towards the car.

Not another word was said between the two brothers; they both knew what each other was thinking, for they both had the same thoughts running through their head of excitement and fun and then the disappearance of their father and the scare of new beginnings. They both took of tasks of organizing stuff; setting up what little of the room they could without the third roommate there.

Corco didn't want to stay in the room with his brother forever; after they both agreed the room was arranged in a good enough fashion, their beds in an L-shape meeting at the heads and the dressers below, he left out the door. Walking down the hall most rooms were in an upset of craze with still more furs moving in and out and parents helping them set things up. Still onward Corco walked down the hall until he heard something that wasn't the sound of moving in, a piano being played very gracefully and classically just barely sounding out in the background.

His sensitive ears picked up the noise and carried him into a room to find an old, black grand piano sitting on the far side of several tables. His father had taught him to listen to music differently, and in Corco's mind danced the reflections of light in swirls as a lake formed, the dancing blue waves an image one never forgets. On top of the water was a dancing fur, her tail following her as she spun and upset the water below, and he easily saw in her face that of happiness. The song began to change, and the rays of the sun turned into storm clouds, the fur in front of him now dancing to a sad tune as the sky welled up. The rain began to poor down into her fur, and each drop touched her and she rippled much like the water, for Corco realized she wasn't dancing on top of the water, but rather on the other side of a wall he couldn't pass.

Waking from his dream-like state he looked back to the piano and slowly, gracefully, walked over to see who was playing on the other side of the large, lifted black backing. "That's a very lovely tune," slipped from his mouth as he looked over to find a red-backed fox on the other side playing the tune.

"Oh," the timid and shy fox replied as she quickly jumped form her seat and moved away from Corco, "I didn't know anyone was listening to me play, thought maybe the sounds of everyone else would have drowned out my music."

The fox was blushing a deep red that Corco saw easily through the white fur on her face, almost distracting him from looking into the fox's bright blue eyes in a gentleman's manner. "No need to be afraid of me, I'm just some new freshmen that likes music so much his heart beats a fine tune at all times." Corco moved down onto the bench next to the fox and put his paws onto the white keys. He shut his eyes and felt only the cold button underneath his paw pad as the music he wanted to play seemed to flow from each paw tip more than naturally, as if to say he found the music to play easier than a river flows down a hill.

The fox just watched with awe as the creamy white paws moved gracefully across the piano to play a bit of elegant night club jazz, not a note out of tune or a skip in the beat. "You're damn good too," the fox couldn't resist saying without awe in her throat. Placing her own two, red paws down upon the piano, she complimented the pup's very sophisticated tune with a mix of her own style that changed the whole flow of the song.

Jazz was a fine tuned cat; he liked to keep everything under his control in a well-crafted unorganized organization. His desk clock was turned slightly off to the right so that the time could still be seen but the look was different, the desk light was brought down and hung over his work space at a tilted angle toward the viewer, and about a million trinkets of random assortments were placed on top of each other to form a tower of stuff.

The devouring sensation of making things artistically correct on his desk consumed him so much that when his brother walked out of the room he never knew. To what surprise the cat had when the door opened without a sound and a new person came in and turned the cat around, now that's something that could never be measured. "I'm your new roommate Steph," the otter in front of Jazz said with no hesitation before bringing the two close enough and kissing Jazz right on the lips. A tongue quickly moved in between them and into Jazzes mouth before he could react, everything was happened too fast now that he had been dragged out of his world of ways to set up a desk space.

At first Jazz moved his body to try and push the kid off of him, but before a paw touched the otter's body he stopped and closed his eyes, feeling the tongue move around inside of his mouth and just enjoying. Soon the cat found himself lapping over the invading tongue and sucking ever slightly every now and then as the two kissed in their new room. As soon as Jazz felt more comfortable kissing and sucking on his new roommate, he moved his arms once more up and around to rub through the fur on the otter's back.

The otter broke the kiss when the hands touched his back, "Wow, I can see we really are going to have a fun year if you accepted my kiss that fast." The otter turned to his bed, which was bare and fairly empty-eyed and looked at the remaining space in the room that was supposedly his. "Now what can I do here?"

Finally regaining consciousness from the unexpected kiss, Jazz looked at his roommate and opened his mouth to say something, but his roommate was too fast and left the room in a dash. "What the hell just happened," were the only words to leave his mouth as he touched his lips and tasted whatever remained of the otter's saliva still lingering around.

The otter dashed back into the room with another box and threw it up onto his bed, but before any questions could be asked the otter grabbed the cat again and swept Jazz off of his feet with another kiss. The otter wasn't playing at all; he seemed to have some sort of plan that was moving along at the perfect pace if not faster. A free hand dropped down out of view and grabbed onto the cat's privates, squeezing to insure the cat knew he was touching him there on the other side of the fabric.

Jazz had no idea how to react, brought a paw up to where the otter's shirt began and ran his hand underneath as the fur went through each paw. He slightly moaned into the kiss as the otter squeezed his privates, but kept the sound down in case anyone else in the dorm heard them. Jazz didn't want to be known as a fag just yet, because he felt insulted when people saw him differently for a sexual difference that should matter only but a little to him. 'Wait,' he thought as the kiss and sexual grabbing otter ravaged over his body, 'I'm not gay!'

Corco and the fox had become lost in the tune, playing an endless duet that followed nothing but what the other player played. Their hands moved smoothly up and down, from key to key as they played on until finally their hands met on a single note. The shy fox was thrown from her musical world upon touching the other soft paw; she drew back both hands and looked around as if something had taken over her. Still onward Corco played, barely noticing the tap as the trance continued on in a tune now turned into a solo for the poor pup.

"I'm sorry," the fox said, rubbing her hand as she thought about them bumping into one another on the piano. She looked up to the face of the dog and was hoping for some relief, but only met a pup with closed eyes still continuing on with his playing. The fox didn't feel welcome anymore and put her hands down to push her body up, a bit of sadness in her heart since the no response meant the piano meant more to the pup.

"What's your name kit?"

The fox stared dumb founded into the Corco's face; apparently the pup was listening and just didn't mind the sorry. Looking down at the paws running across keys and watching him play, the little fox said, "Shelly."

The music stopped and Corco looked over at the little fox, "Shelly? Isn't that just the perfect name for a little canine like you, 'cause that's what I saw when I walked in and was listening to the music you were playing." He took a quick glance into her eyes to see if she was watching with full intent, and when their eyes met he quickly turned back towards the keys and started a fairly slow piece. "I walked into the music and saw a girl dancing on top of water, the waves spreading from her feet, and I couldn't explain what I saw because I was just so damn thrilled."

The little kit blushed even harder than before, she was love locked by the impression Corco's words had made upon her. "C...Can," she started with a little whisper of a voice, "I ask for your name?" She put a paw on her arm and rubbed softly her own fur in wait for a response.

"Well, I guess you'd like to know Corco then, right?"

Corco stopped playing and turned towards the little fox kit. He leaned in close enough to her face that if she wanted she could kiss him, she just had to move an inch more forward.

Shelly took no hesitation; she saw Corco stop an inch from her face and felt pulled, or rather dragged in to kiss him, but she didn't want everything to be so simple for the boy. With a paw behind his head she pulled him forward and on top of her while a tongue parted lips and found it's way around a new muzzle, licking the inside of his mouth.

Corco almost gagged on her tongue as the back of his head was pressed towards her and he fell over, but resisted and started feeling the new, wet object shifting about his mouth. Slightly suckling and slightly trying to show off his kissing skills, Corco continued to do his best in the oddest cornered position he had ever been in.

Jazz couldn't believe what was happening, the otter would run in with something and kiss him then run out to get something more, every time waiting a little longer and grabbing more at his crotch. He looked at the stuff over on the otter's bed when the door bashed open again and the otter came back with his parents, each carrying more of his crap. Again Steph tossed his stuff up on top of the bed and then reached over to the poor cat and dragged him in for another long kiss right on the lips.

Jazz felt the tongue go in his mouth and he closed his eyes again, the world around him gone once more, as he felt the tongue moving about his mouth and filling every inch with saliva. A state of ecstasy would be a great description for how Jazz felt, his sexuality not something to question any more now that his roommate had assaulted him as many times as he had.

Steph released from the kiss and turned to his parents, "Mom and Pa, this is my roommate and new boyfriend Jazz."

Jazz returned to this world and realized what had just happened and looked at both parents, one after another, until he wasn't sure how they would react. He felt something touching his crotch and looked to his right to see Steph's arm reaching down and touching him, in front of his own parents.

The mom spoke up first, "Well okay Stephen, if you two are happy then you two go be that way."

His father's grin suddenly and randomly turned into a smile, "You two enjoy the year and don't be getting into too much trouble."

With that both parents turned around and walked out the door, but Jazz stood there feeling his balls being rolled about in his pants by a strange fur while still confused. He looked over to Steph to try and ask for an explanation, but no words were produced from his mouth and the look of awe seemed to be stitched into his face as he still tried for an explanation.

"My parents already know I'm gay, they came to terms with that a long time ago." Steph then let go of Jazz's maleness and walked over to the door to shut it and then locked behind him. "Want to try something a little bit different?"

With no reply, the otter dashed back and unzipped the cat's pants, letting them drop naturally to the ground as he rose back up while taking his own shirt off. The cat didn't really have time to think, but he didn't question any more and rather just took his own shirt off instead.

"Alright, I'm guessing you've never gone out with a male before, especially with that expression still slapped on your face mate." A brown, webbed paw rose and pointed straight at Jazz whose mouth immediately clamped shut. "Well then we better make this interesting for you, but you're going to have to take my pants off first."

"Um, if you knew I wasn't gay then why am I going to do that?"

"Listen, if you didn't want to have a bit of fun with me you would have stopped me on the first kiss. You didn't so I can only guess you don't have any objections to a little fun time with an otter you just so happened to have met in the last hour." A web paw pointed then towards the penis almost fully erect outside of the cat's sheath. "Also, I don't think you'd have one of those out if you weren't gay."

With a look down at his own crotch towards his cat penis, everything had seemed so natural he hadn't noticed his erection and now felt defeated. With a simple shrug of the shoulders the fox let the idea go that he wasn't gay and walked over to the otter and kissed Steph, this time his own tongue parting the lips and searching the other mouth. A cleaver little paw ran down the otter's back and then side with claws slightly extended to insure the otter knew where he was going. His paw hit the otter's pants and he slipped his little paw inside and began fumbling around with the otter's crotch.

Steph let out a low moan as he felt his ball sac being rubbed and soothed with the paw. He could feel his own erection starting to grow, but he didn't tell the cat in front of him, he wanted everything to be found that was under his clothing. With a step back from the kiss, which also pulled the paw out of his pants, he told, "if you want in there you have to take these off first."

Jazz came closer and put a paw on the shorts, dropping them to the floor a few seconds later as he looked down at the otter's penis that was just starting to poke out from the brown sheath. Putting a paw on the otter's balls he started rolling them about and squeezing every now and then, but mostly pulling the two sacs down. With his other paw he touched the bit of cock sticking out and watched as the otter's maleness came out from the sheath, extending further and further. His paw wrapped around the bit that had extended and began to massage up and down the shaft, feeling with each second the growing cock in his paw become longer and bigger.

Steph flinched slightly into the cat's hand, a small, uncontrollable humping gesture, as he put his own webbed paws onto Jazz's back and moaned under his breath. "You're pretty good at this, been practicing on yourself?"

The cat didn't respond, but rather put his lips up to the cock that was now starting to lick pre-cum from the tip. Never in Jazz's life did he think he would have another male's cock in his hand, but he thought it impossible that that he would have put another male's into his own mouth. Yet now as he looked down upon the tender skin in his hand he felt an urge to taste the clear liquid at the tip and feel the meat sliding in and out of his throat. Keeping his eyes on the target that he continued to stroke, his tongue came out of his mouth and licked the tip, the otter flinching away as the bumpy cat tongue rubbed up against his tender skin.

"I didn't think you would want to try this just yet, seeing as how you are a virgin to these things. Listen, if you're going to do this don't just lick the tip, work your way up."

With a nod of his head, Jazz moved to the bottom of the throbbing shaft, his dark black fur rubbing up against to leave a trail of crystal clear pre on his cheek. His long, bumpy, cat tongue extruded out of his mouth again and touched back onto the otter's long penis. As Jazz went back up from fur to tip he watched Steph's breathing reflexes and noticed small spasms with the job of having his cock on the cat's tongue.

Once the kitty hit the top of the shaft he came off from the tip and Steph shuddered again, slightly pulling on the cat's shoulder hair as his whole body tensed. "So do you like having a nine inch cock on your tongue?"

Jazz looked back down at the cock, "It's damn long, I don't think I can fit it all in my mouth!"

With a small snicker, Steph looked into Jazz's eyes, rubbed his face with a paw, and replied, "I bet if you follow my orders you can!" The cat looked back down at the penis and shook his head in disbelief, but Steph knew that the cat could if he listened. "Just do as I say and I bet we can have you smelling my belly fur in a few minutes." The cat smiled and nodded in assurance that he was willing to try, but the half fake smile told the otter Jazz was still slightly in disbelief.

"Alright, first get as much in my mouth as you can." The cat did as he was told and put his lips right up to the tip, letting the otter penis part them as he moved closer. Steph shuddered slightly as he felt his penis enter into the warm, wet mouth of the cat, the bumpy tongue running all the way down and wrapping around as the cat became more and more acquainted with the cock he was enjoying. "Alright, now make sure your head is flat with your throat and hold still. You're going to have to trust me, because I'm going to have to move my cock down your throat." The cat looked up in disbelief, but did as he was told. "Alright, now relax your throat and try not to gag, but you should be fine seeing as you got my cock all the way to the back." The otter then slowly moved himself forward, feeling as slowly his cock went farther and farther into the felines mouth. Six inches in, then seven, then eight, and the cat didn't move any body part except his tongue and his hand still holding onto the otter's balls. Then the otter looked down and saw the fur of his belly meet the snout of the cat.

Jazz just waited there, licking around the cock as best as he could and feeling the deep warm thing down his throat. He could smell the fur of the otter's stomach in front of him and could feel a warm sack underneath his lips, his paw dropping down to the floor as he stabilized his body. He thought about when he use to stick spaghetti down his throat and bring it back up, never thinking how getting rid of his gag reflex in that fashion would come in handy, yet here he was using a talent he had made.

Slowly, the otter began to pull out again, moaning as he did so. The cat watched as inch after pink inch slowly came out of his muzzle, feeling his throat return to normal. The otter stopped only three inches outside of the cat and then slowly moved back in, repeating the process so that the can could get use to having something flow in and out of his throat. The cat loved the taste of the cock in his mouth and the pre that slid down his throat and what little splashed around his mouth made his cock rage and pulse in pain. He felt the otter's ball's slap into his chin and then move away again. And with each insert the otter slowly increased his speed and his length coming out of the throat.

Putting two hands behind the cat's ears, the otter was now moving at a steady pace from four inches down the cat's mouth to all the way in, his balls beginning to slap against the cat's face as the leaking drool flowed down upon them. Steph moaned loader now; he knew he wouldn't last much longer as the cat became better at sucking and licking the cock that was inside of him. He needed and excuse to stop jabbing his dick deep into the cat's mouth, he wanted to save his cum for when the cat came so they would do so together. Looking down at the cat he noticed the cat was putting a paw up to his own cock an getting ready to rub the leaking member, the floor covered in one spot with pre-cum. Taking his cock out and shivering as the cold air passed around his member, he lifted the cat's face and looked into the eyes.

"Get up, I think it's time I showed you another fun thing you can do with another male."

Jazz stood to his feet and looked into the otter's eyes, "I didn't even make you cum yet; I must not be good at this."

"No, you aren't bad at all, I just don't want to yet." The otter helped the fox to his feet and then walked him over to the cat's bed. "I also want you to cum without touching yourself, I think that'll make you love this just that much more." Getting up onto Jazz's bed, the fox lay down on his back and motioned the fox over. "Okay, now put your cock into my ass and go for it."

The cat did as he was told, putting his pre-cum drizzling cock up to the exposed tailhole of the otter and then pushed himself through. A loud moan escaped Jazz's mouth as he was thrown into ecstasy feeling only the head of his cock become completely surrounded my heat.

As for Steph, he flinched slightly as the pre-lubed, thick cock slipped into his ass without warning. The bumps on the cat's penis were rubbing up against his insides in a way he had never felt, rubbing everything except his un-reached prostate. "Alright, now slide in and enjoy."

With those words the cat pushed further into the shaft, moaning all the way down as he felt the warmth surround his cock. Still a virgin to putting his cock in any hold but his own hand, the tailhole's gripping pressure around his throbbing six-inch cock was the most amazing thing he had ever felt. He pushed all the way in and then held his cock there for a few second before sliding out much faster and then humping the otter with all his might.

Jazz's penis rubbed up against Steph's prostate and waves of emotion were sent around his body as he began to spasm. Pre-cum oozed out of the otter's long penis onto his belly and soaked into the fur. He felt he was about to orgasm and shoot his load all over the place and yet his orgasm was just barely out of reach. He felt his heavy balls roll up right next to his body, he knew all the sign that he was about to blow his load, and yet he still couldn't reach the state of bliss. "Fuck me harder," he huffed out of his heaving mouth.

The cat did as he was told and began to slam into the otter with all his might, holding onto the otter as he pushed forward and out. The slapping of his balls against the otter's ass and the feeling's being sent through his cock were enormous, he knew that he wouldn't last much longer. And then he felt a change; with a loud moan, his balls rocketed up right next to his body and with all his might he slammed into the otter and held down. His penis began to jerk around and he could feel a muscle tense ever few second as a liquid flowed through a small tube and out the end of his shaft.

Steph felt the cat's penis ram in harder than ever before, nudging right up against his prostate and pushing hard against the organ. With a moan to match Jazz, his own sperm flew from the tip of his penis all over his stomach and even a bit jumped up to his muzzle and across his cheeks.

Jazz was already putting out his full load, the otter's ass already leaking with some cum, but as Steph began to cum his ass clenched down onto Jazz's penis. Without control, the cat suddenly felt a new blast of cum from his penis and into the ass, more leaking out of the tailhole back onto his balls and dripping down his thighs.

The two breathed hard and leaned towards each other into another kiss, the cat's tongue licking some of the cum off of the otter's mouth and tasting the salty sweet liquid for the first time. Pulling his penis out of the otter's mouth he fell over next to Steph and just waited there, breathing hard as all the energy in his body seemed to have been drained completely for the first time in his life.

The otter rolled up onto one arm and kissed the cat once more on the lips, "We have to get clean before our other roommate returns. Jazz had forgotten about the world, but as the otter said those words he rocketed back to life and grabbed the otter's hand, pulling them both into their private bathroom.