Dreams of the Moon

Story by Celeblu on SoFurry

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Hello, this is my first story about a man named Josh. He's had a bad day, and can barely make it to bed before collapsing into his dream world. The female dragon in his dream is four-legged, but sentient and intelligent.

If enough people like it, I might write a sequel!

*Edit: Part 2 is here: http://www.sofurry.com/view/356156

Dreams of the Moon

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I shut the door behind me as I finally finished the day. I was tired, too tired to even take a shower before going to bed. Instead, I sauntered over to the bathroom like a zombie and looked at myself in the mirror.

I looked like an absolute mess. My hair was disheveled and untidy, my clothes were worn and dirty, and my eye bags were larger than I remembered them. It had been a long day at work, especially because I was forced to work overtime.

I was far too tired to care about my appearance though. I turned on the faucet and splashed some water over my face before quickly brushing my teeth.

I lived alone in my little apartment. It was all a recent college graduate like me could afford. I hadn't hooked up with anyone during college, and sometimes I wished I could come home to a sweet loving girlfriend, or maybe even a wife, who would give me a hug and kiss me as I walked through the door. It would have to wait, however, until after I got my career in order and luckily it didn't bother me most of the time.

But tonight was one of those times. I was tired and just wanted to be held by someone. To feel loved. But there was no time for that.

I dragged myself to my bedroom and looked at my alarm clock. I sighed as it said it was already midnight, and rather reluctantly, I picked it up and set the alarm to seven AM. I set the clock back down onto the table and looked at the little blue dragon figure I had put there. I smiled as I remembered why it was there.

Sometimes, in my dreams, I would meet a blue dragoness. I remember when I was a kid, she would play all sorts of games and we'd often go flying together. She always had a smile on her face, and every morning that I woke up dreaming of her, I'd feel invigorated and happy beyond measure.

She never went away as I grew up, but my dreams with her became more sensual in nature, and occasionally I'd find myself with her in bed.

I stopped myself from remembering those dreams. I had to wake up early in the morning, and just wanted to go to sleep. I stripped off my work clothes, plopped down into my bed wearing just my boxers, and fell asleep straight away.

And there I was, lying on the grass in a lush forest. I had often tried lucid dreaming before, but never quite got it. I couldn't control every aspect of my dreams, but I could manipulate them slightly, and had excellent recall ability when I woke up.

I heard some water running, so I stood myself up and wandered over to the direction of the sound. Sure enough, I ran into a little stream in a little clearing in the forest. I knelt down and looked at the water passing over the little pebbles, and for a moment I looked for my reflection.

It wasn't my face that looked back from the water. Reflections usually never show your true self in dreams. Looking for a mirror, or in my case a stream of water, was one way to force one's self into realizing that one is in a dream, and that could allow lucid dreaming.

I saw a grey dragon looking back at me. He had brown horns, black hair, and green eyes. I tilted my head, and the dragon's head followed. Then I tried making a bunch of faces, and the dragon copied them without fail. The dragon was me, or rather, what I wanted to truly be. I stared at my reflection for a little longer until another face appeared next to my reflection's face.

It was Luna. I could recognize that sky blue dragon's face from a mile away. She had lovely curved silver horns, and a little bit of pure white hair flowed from the top of her forehead up between her horns and traced down her back. It was then that I felt her presence: her head was right next to mines, and she started nuzzling me.

I didn't shift my eyes away from the stream. I saw her nuzzling my dragon reflection, and nearly dropped a tear as I saw what I knew could never exist in reality.

But she was here, next to me. Even though it was a dream, it was still really happening as far as I was concerned. I wrapped an arm around her neck as I kept staring at what could never be.

"Are you alright, Josh?" she asked. "You look so sad."

I glided my hand across her chest and felt her soft scales. They were smooth and quite warm. Her whole body had warmth radiating from her. She was a dragon, but not a cold-blooded reptile as one might expect.

"Yes," I said, "I'm okay. Just had a stressful day at work is all."

"Oh," she said, "Do you want to go flying? I know how much you love flying."

"I do, dear. That sounds very nice right now."

I tore myself away from the reflections in the stream and stood up again. At the very least, I could see Luna in all her beauty. She was standing on all fours, and her tail swished with slow, hypnotic movements.

Luna turned around, folded down her wings, and let me hop up onto her back. Again, I could feel her warmth as it wrapped around my legs. The heat alone was nearly enough to bring me to arousal.

She was only the size of an average horse, but by some sort of defiance of physics she was able to fly with me on her back. She always claimed the extra weight never bothered her, though, even as I grew older.

I gripped onto the hair on her back, and then she started running down along the little stream. She unfolded her wings once she gained enough speed, and with a few gentle flaps we were off into the air.

Flying was always exhilarating. Ever since I was a little kid, I always enjoyed flying on Luna's back. It was always more fun than flying for my business trips.

The air rushed along, though luckily the day wasn't particularly cool. The sun was out, though in my dreams the light didn't hurt my eyes without sunglasses. Even if the sun was gone and it were cold, I could just lean down against Luna's back and neck, and her warmth would be enough to endure against any wind chill.

I watched as the ground below passed before us, and the forest gave way to a grassy plain. I heard the wind and the occasional flapping of her wings and could feel those powerful muscles in them flex as they made lift.

"Where do you want to go?" she called out.

"Anywhere you'd like," I called back.

She nodded, and pushed on towards the mountains in the south.

It was pleasant just to watch the scenery fly by. I never understood why some people on tour buses shutter out their windows. Getting wherever we were going and seeing what was on the way was half the fun, really, at least to me.

We eventually landed on the cliffs of one of the higher mountains. She let her wings drop to let me get off, and I clumsily jumped off her back and nearly tripped on the rocky ground.

She giggled as I almost fell, and then went into the cave that was in front of us. It was her home and I had seen it before, though it never looked exactly the same every time.

Once inside, she led me down the cave into a side room. Along the way, I started smelling the sweet aroma of freshly baked cookies. She liked making cookies, of all things. The cave was lit with an otherworldly light, just like the kind one would expect in a dream.

The little side room, however, was lit by soft candles and was laid with a soft red carpet, and at the entrance I took off my shoes and peeled off my socks.

At the middle of the room was a plain looking king-sized bed. It was off-white, and had creamy white sheets over it. I sat on the edge of the bed and twitched a little as I felt that it was made out of memory foam. It was incredibly comfortable, far more than the bed I was sleeping on right now.

"So, what do you want to do now?" I asked.

She came up to me and then used her tail as a counter-weight to stand upright before wrapping her arms around me. She moved her head next to my ears and whispered, "You said you had a long day right? Maybe I could help you relieve some stress?"

My cheeks flushed red as she said that. I had been intimate with Luna before, but sex was such a delicate topic for me, especially since I was still a virgin in real life.

"I...I'd like that," I stammered back.

Then she gently pushed me until my back laid down on the bed. She clumsily used her claws to try and take off my shirt, but despite her efforts I had to help her take it off. Once the shirt was tossed out of the way, she lightly pressed a forepaw against my chest, and we felt each other's heartbeats.

Her claws were sharp enough to tear into my skin if she wanted to, but she was really gentle with them and never accidentally hurt me my entire life. So I just basked in the feeling of being touched, and she let her paw stay there for a moment before she lifted them away.

I let out a little whine as the warmth left my chest, but I reminded myself that there was more to come. In preparation, I undid the buckle on my belt and pulled it loose enough that she was able to pull them down without any hassle. I lifted my legs off the ground for a moment so she could take them entirely off, and then she tossed them aside with my shirt.

Then I laid there on the bed in nothing but my boxers, just as I was sleeping in reality. She came back over the bed and nuzzled me again, and then she pulled away and stared at my body.

"You look so sexy," she said.

I didn't think I was much to look at, but Luna apparently did. My stomach was flat, and I had very little muscle. My arms were only as buff as lifting briefcases could allow.

"Not as sweet or strong as you are, dear," I replied.

She didn't say anything back, but instead she just craned her head down and started licking at one of my nipples. I shivered as her long tongue lapped at my little nubs of flesh, and I could feel myself growing aroused.

The front of my boxers started tenting, and Luna noticed it. She stopped suckling at my nipple and started moving her head down my body until she reached my boxers. She nibbled at the top of my underwear, and then started pulling the last piece of clothing I was wearing down.

By now, my shaft was fully engorged and stood out at full erection as soon as the top of the elastic band slipped over it. She continued to pull my boxers off slowly and teased me like that.

Eventually though, I felt my boxers slip off my feet. Then I felt her move up back towards my crotch, her warmth a clear indicator of where she was, especially in this relatively cold cave.

Then she started licking the sensitive underside of my member. I gasped as I felt that slithering, wet, and long tongue lap against my shaft. Then I felt her wrap that dexterous and warm tongue around my shaft. She started stimulating it, not by sucking on it or licking it, but by vibrating the entire length of her tongue around it. I let out a moan as I felt what I was sure no human tongue could do.

She did that a little longer before she took me in her mouth. Her dragon muzzle let her take my entire length in her moist mouth without a problem, and she started suckling on it. Even inside her mouth, her tongue danced and wrapped itself around my shaft and kept on stimulating it from inside.

I was, by now, extremely aroused. I wanted to sit up and grab Luna's horns and just start thrusting into her, but as soon as I started leaning up I felt that same gentle claw tap against my chest.

"No, love. You've done enough work today. Let me do the work tonight."

Her voice was so sweet, so soothing. It truly helped take away the pain of reality.

I set myself back down, and she went back to suckling my cock. When she'd get the entire thing inside her mouth, she would extend her tongue and start lapping at my balls. She'd wrap the end of her tongue around one, lightly squeeze it, and then do the same for the other one. Then she would take an entire testicle into her mouth and suckle a little harder which stimulated my entire genital region.

Ever since I met her in my dreams, Luna never had sharp, typical dragon teeth, but she was still careful during sex. She never hurt me during oral sex, and it was always nothing but absolute pleasure.

Pleasure that was nearly reaching its peak. I could start feeling that familiar tingle down in my balls as she kept on sucking my member.

She sensed it too, and then she stopped. She lifted her mouth away entirely. The relatively cold air was harsh and stinging in comparison.

Luna had moved up pressed her muzzle against my lips before I could even complain.

Her slick tongue danced around mines as I tried to keep up, but she was far too limber for me. I felt a little guilty since she could give me so much pleasure, but I could only try to give as much back.

Then she pulled her tongue away and ended the affectionate kiss. She shifted her head and whispered into my ear, "Not yet, love. I want you inside me."

Her words burned with passion, and I could only nod in response. Then she pressed her mouth against mine's again and lowered the entire length of her body against me.

Her belly plate scales were thicker, stronger, and tougher than the rest of her body, but they were just as smooth and warm. She had no breasts because of those plates, but I didn't care, she was beautiful as she was.

I would have gasped as I felt her entire body against mine's if not for her muzzle locked in a kiss against my lips. Instead, I just wrapped my arms around her body and stroked the base leathery skin of her wings.

Then she lifted her head away again and hovered only a little above me. She stared at me with her beautiful blue eyes, and I looked back. Through her eyes, I could almost make out a reflection of my dragon form.

"It's been a while," she said.

I didn't move my eyes away from hers as I said back, "Go at your own pace, dear."

She nodded and shut her eyes as she pressed her lower body against my groin.

I felt the sensitive, fat head of my shaft press against her tight opening as she lowered herself. There was a little resistance, and then my head popped past her enticing lips, her slit had already slickened itself from her arousal helped along with a little bit of my pre.

Luna grunted as I entered her and she took a pause to adjust to my shaft.

The warmth, the tightness, and feeling her scaly body everywhere along my smooth skin pushed me ever closer to the edge. Her earlier treatment ensured I wouldn't last very long at this rate, though I mentally tried to push away the feeling both with willpower and with my dream manipulation power.

Altering things in a dream was possible, but only to a certain extent. The subconscious mind rejects overtly impossible things since it's so used to existing in a world with discrete physical laws and logic. But I wanted to last long enough to please my blue dragoness, so I tried to hold on as long as I could.

It was difficult as she continued lowering herself and taking more of my length. Her inner walls were ridged and brought even more pleasure as my member passed over them, each one sending a spike of pleasure up my spine. Each spike threatened to break the control I tried to hold onto.

Then, when she finally had her moist lips engorge my entire length, she started thrusting her hips. Up and down, every time she moaned as I hit her sweet spot, and I could only rasp out her name as I felt those ridges tickle my sensitive member.

I started thrusting myself up against her in tandem. She started grunting louder as I did, and the pleasure and passion was completely taking over my mind. We humped against each other for I don't know how long: time was fleeting in such an affectionate act and it was doubly confounding to make sense of in dreams.

Eventually, I felt my balls stir again as they prepared to send my mark of love into Luna. The rubbing, her moaning, and the pure blissful pleasure stripped away my last ounces of control.

"Luna," I stammered, "I'm going to...I'm coming!"

"Together!" she gasped.

And then I felt her walls tighten and ripple. They pulsed inward as if they were trying to pull my shaft deeper, but I was already locked tight against her. I shivered as my own sexual organ started pulsing, and I felt my seed flow out and pump into her insides.

With my dream manipulation, I prolonged both our climaxes for as long as I could, but the sea of pleasure was too great to keep at it for long. Eventually, we fell into an affectionate afterglow together, and our lower bodies were wet with her sweet juices and my seed.

Then, with my arms still wrapped around her, I rolled a little over so we lay on the foamy bed side-to-side. I looked into her eyes again, and they stayed fixed with mines as I started stroking the side of her face. Nothing needed to be said.

We reveled in the sweet afterglow as she wrapped her free wing around me and pulled me tight against her. We kissed again and were happy to just rest next to each other. We were simply lost in love as I glided my hand over her hair, around her horns, along her long elf-like ears, and to the side of her face, and she caressed me in much the same fashion.

Some time later, she folded her wing away. "It's time," she said.

I knew what she meant, but I didn't want it to happen. "I don't want to leave," I said.

"But you must."

As she spoke, a dark vortex appeared above us. I started floating away from the bed towards it, but I kept my hand firmly grasped around her forepaws.

It was a futile effort, I knew. As the darkness swirling above me pulled me closer and started enveloping me, I started hearing a light buzzing.

The vortex started darkening my vision. I called out to my sweet dragoness before I was completely consumed. "I love you, Luna."

The buzzing kept growing louder, but I heard her call back, "I'll find you, love. I'll find you."

And then I woke up. I was hugging my balled up bed sheets, but they were nothing compared to my Luna. I rolled over and slapped the top of my alarm clock so its buzzing would go away. Then my hand felt the little dragon statue, and I nearly cried.

I missed her already. I wrapped my hands around the bed sheets again, but they were woefully inadequate. I felt my boxers wet and tenting with arousal, but I couldn't take care of that this morning.

There was nothing to do then but to get ready for work. All I had of her were memories, and the hope that I would find her again the next time I slept.

But I could remember her saying those last few words before I had to wake up. I could hear her repeating them in my head over and over. "I'll find you."

And I whispered to myself, "I'll wait for you."