A New Start and Friend (Tales of Drake and Xello, Ch. 1)

Story by Xello on SoFurry

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This is the first chapter to my original series Tales of Drake and Xello.

Xello awoke with a fright. His alarm was going off, and he wasn't use to getting up early anymore. "(edited by Kat - Watch Your Language!) it," he said, looking at the time. He was up late the night before, nervous about starting at a new school. Xello was a black wolf fur, with beautiful emerald green eyes, and is 17 years of age. He was 5'9". His fur was long, but very well kept. He was a truly handsome young wolf fur. He slowly rose from his bed, and stubbed his toe on his bed. "(edited by Kat - Watch Your Language!) IT!" he screamed. He licked his toe for a minute, trying to soothe the pain. He heard a knock on his door.

"Honey, is everything alright?" It was his mother's voice.

"I'm fine. I just stubbed my toe is all." He replied.

"Ok. We need to be leaving in 30 minutes. I have to get to work early this morning." She said, still slightly worried.

Xello said, "Alright." He walked over to his dresser, and took out his favorite pair of blue jeans and a black tee-shirt. He walked down the hall, heading to the bathroom. He reached the bathroom, and knocked on the door. There was no answer, so he walked in a started the shower. Once it reached the desired temperature, Xello striped down, and got in. His fur quickly matted, and Xello searched for his shampoo. He squeezes some into his fur, and massaged it into a think lather. He took a quick sniff of his shampoo, the smell of coconut making him smile. He rinsed off, and squeezed the same type of conditioner into his fur, making sure to cover his entire body in it, and rinsed it off. he climbed out of the shower, and grabbed his towel to dry off.

Xello stared at the mirror for a minute, looking at his fur. It was puffed out, and he worked a comb through it, trying to smooth it out. Suddenly, his mom shouted, "Honey, we need to leave in 10 minutes!"

Xello shouted back, while pulling his clothes on, "Just need to brush my teeth." He grabbed his tooth-brush and tooth-paste, and started to thoroughly clean his teeth. The taste of mint filled his mouth, as he brushed. He soon spit out the foam that formed from his mouth, and rinsed. He put on some deodorant, and ran downstairs. He grabbed his backpack, and walked out to the car.

His mother smiled warmly at him, before saying, "You look nice this morning." Xello simply blushed.

Xello's mother was a white wolf with lavender eyes. Her fur was always well brushed, and she was wearing a work suit. Her perfume smelled of lavender, and her silver earrings with two diamonds in each gave her a beautiful appearance.

As the car pulled up to the school, his mother handed him some lunch money and said, "Have a good day." Xello just nodded.

Xello stared at the school for a few moments. He never fit in at his old school, and since his father died, his mother thought it best to move. Xello was extremely shy, and he began to shake. He thought to himself 'first day of senior year, and at new school. Why did my mom do this to me?'

Xello started to walk towards the door, his eyes focused on the ground. He suddenly bumped into something, and fell to the ground with a soft thud. "Ouch." He muttered.

"Are you alright?"

Xello looked up, and was staring at a fox fur, his hand extending to help him up. Xello blushed a bit, being embarrassed about bumping into him. He muttered, "Thank you." The fox smiled and said "I'm sorry; I shouldn't have stopped so suddenly. By the name, my name is Drake."

Xello rose to his feet and said, "M-m-my name is Xello." He was very nervous about talking to this stranger.

Drake continued to smile at Xello and said, "Are you new here? I haven't seen you around before."

Xello simply nodded, but finally said, "My mom decided to move here two weeks ago." Xello was still blushing.

Drake looked at Xello, and then said, "How about I show you around. It's the least I can do causing you to fall."

Xello, blushing even more now, said, "I-I-I would l-l-like that."

Drake laughed. "There is no reason to be shy. I don't bite." He continued to smile at Xello.

Xello looked at Drake, noticing first his deep blues eyes. His fur was a burnt orange and medium length His fur under his muzzle was snow white. The white continued down and was hidden by his shirt. His tail was extremely fluffy, and had a white tip. He was maybe an inch shorter than Xello. Drake was wearing a green shirt that said FHS, the name of the school, and dark blue pants. Xello finally asked "Where do I get my class list?" He had always been a top student, and wanted to know where all his classes were.

Drake grabbed Xello's paw, and said, "This way." He led Xello into the school, and started heading to the right.

Xello looks at how amazing the school looked. The floors were made of red titles, and the walls were painted green. The doors all appeared to be made of oak. As Drake led him further down the hallway, and suddenly stopped in front of a large grey wolf.

Drake gulped. 'What does he want with me now,' he thought.

The wolf said, "Found yourself a boyfriend, huh Drake." He had an evil looking smile on his face. "You know no one wants you here, you (edited by Kat - Watch Your Language!) faggot."

Drake looked down at the ground, and said, "Leave me alone, Ceres." Xello noticed his eyes were full of tears.

Ceres merely laughed, before he punched Drake in the gut. Xello stood their horrified as he fell to the ground, sobbing slightly. Ceres turn to Xello and said, "If you know what's good for you, I wouldn't hang around this faggot."

Xello whimpered, and tried to back away from Ceres. However, Ceres went to punch him, and the punch landed square on his muzzle. Xello whimpered loudly, as he went to kick him.

"CERES!" a shout came from behind Xello. "My office, NOW!"

"Yes Principle Paws," Muttered Ceres.

Xello looked up at a large brown bear fur. His eyes were black, and he wore a grey suit. He walked over to them, asking, "Are you two ok?"

Drake stood up and said "I'm ok." Xello simply nodded as he stood.

"Glad to hear it," Mr. Paws said. "Class will be starting soon, you better hurry on."

Drake said, "We will once we get Xello here his classes. He just moved here." Xello simply looked at the ground.

"Well then, welcome to FHS, and hope to see great things from you. The office in room 206 is where you need to go." Mr. Paws said in a very gentle voice.

"Thank you," Xello said, still looking at the ground.

After the principle started walking back towards his office, Drake turned to Xello and said, "Sorry about that. Ceres use to be my best friend until..." He stopped short and looked down at the ground, "..Until I told him I was gay." 'He's going to hate me now,' Drake thought to himself

Xello simply stared at Drake, not knowing what to say. He finally but his paw and Drakes shoulder and said, "Don't worry about it. Ceres isn't worth your time if that's how he's going to treat you. You seem like a very friendly person." Xello smiled at him, and thought, "Drake's kind of cute. Wait, I shouldn't be thinking that.'

Drake returned Xello's smile with a hug, and then said, "Thank you, Xello. Let's go get your classes." Drake could help but think that Xello was the greatest guy he had ever met.

When they arrived at room 206, Drake said, "I'll wait out here, and show you where you classes are. Don't worry, Mrs. Reve is very friendly."

Xello nodded, and walked into the room. A heavy scent of lilac was the first thing he noticed. He saw a middle-aged beaver sitting at desk, reading the newspaper. The front of her desk had Mrs. Reve displayed. He gulped and said, "Umm, excuse me, Mrs. Reve. I just moved here and I need to get my classes."

Mrs. Reve looked up from her newspaper with a smile and said, "You must be Xello. You mom e-mailed me everything a few days ago. I'm very impressed with your grades. Now, I already made you a schedule, based on what you've taken and what you were going to take at your old school." She shifted some papers on her desk muttering about how messy it was. She finally said, "Ah ha, here it is."

Xello looked at his classes, Latin IV was first period, and it was all the way across campus. Advanced chemistry, honors English, and computer programming were having him literally run all over campus for his first classes. He read on and saw his favorite class; Band was 5th, followed by Calculus, and finally gym. "Umm, why do I have to take gym?"

Mrs. Reve said, "Because you only took it for one year at your old school, and you need to take it for two years here."

Xello sighed, and said thank you to Mrs. Reve before heading back out into the hallway. He heard Drake humming a song he knew very well. Xello listened for a second, singing the words in his head. 'The wheel in the sky keeps on turning, don't know where I'll be tomorrow.' Xello smiled at Drake thinking 'Why can't I stop smiling at him? I shouldn't feel this way.' He looked up and smiled back at Xello. Xello simply looked away and blushed.

"Let's see what classes you have," Said Drake, as he took Xello's class schedule to look at it. "Hmm, looks like we have the same classes. This works out great, because I can show where they all are." Xello blushed even brighter. Drake thought 'He looks so cute when he's embarrassed.' "By the way, did you get in touch with the band director over the summer? Marching practice starts soon, and you need to learn what we have already learned at camp."

Xello nodded and said, "I spoke with him a couple of days ago when I came here to play for him. I didn't think of you as the band type."

Drake simply smiled and said, "I like band. I'm the first chair Trumpet player. What instrument do you play?"

Xello smiled and said, "Alto Sax. The Director said he might have all the Saxes re-play for him, to see where I should be."

Drake simply smiled, then looked at his watch. "Crap, we need to get to class. The teacher doesn't like late students." Xello nodded, and Drake grabbed his paw and started running towards the class room, Xello barely able to keep up.

Xello thought to himself, 'His paw is so soft. No, I can't think that, he's another guy. This is wrong; there is something wrong with me. I've got to stop thinking about him.' His cheeks were still slightly pink, as he hadn't stopped blushing since he met Drake.

After they ran for seemed to be a mile, they arrived at room 101. They made it into the classroom right when the bell rang. Drake sighed and said, "Whew, we made it on time. I see two open seats over there, we should sit there."

Xello walked over to the seats and sat down, looking around the room. There were a few Huskies, another wolf, a couple of foxes, and a single blue dragon. They were all reading their Latin books, waiting on the teacher to start class. The teacher, Ms. Penne, a younger looking white fox, stood up and said, "Read chapters 1 and 2 and translate from Latin into English. We'll discuss it tomorrow."

Xello sighed lightly; he spoke softly to Drake, "Does the teacher always teach like this?"

Drake whispered, "Not normally, but today is a short day, so she is probably wanting everyone to get a slight refresher in the class. Look, its just review." Drake let out a yawn, before continuing, "Ms. Penne is a good teacher, you'll like her, but she doesn't like late students."

Xello nodded, and turned back to his book to get to work. He was half way through chapter one before the bell rang. "Advanced Chemistry is next," said Xello with a slight yawn.

Drake nodded and smiled. "We just got to get through our classes. Also, do you want to, I don't know, come over to my house after school today and do our homework? I'd really like to get to know you better."

Xello began the blush even more brightly than ever before. "Um... I need to ask my mom first." His voice was very shaky for being suddenly asked to go to someone's house. 'I wonder what he's into,' Xello thought to himself. "To be honest, Drake, you're the first person to ever ask me to go to your house." He was blushing so much now that his cheeks felt like they were on fire.

Drake smiled and said, "Wow, I feel honored then. You're such a nice guy, and I'm surprised that no one ever asked you over before." He blushed slightly, but his orange fur almost completely hid it. "You really need to come over. After we finish our homework, we can play video games, if you want to." 'I wonder why he's never been to anyone else's house before,' thought Drake.

Xello smiled, his cheeks starting to return to their normal color. "I'm sure my mom will say yes. She'll want to meet you however." He thought to himself, 'I hope my mom approves of me going over to a gay guy's house. I hope she does, he so cute.' Xello blinked and wasn't sure what happened next, but he found himself hugging Drake.

Drake wasn't sure what happened, Xello suddenly wrapped his arms around him, and was hugging him. Drake began to blush bright red, as he returned the hug. 'Maybe he is gay,' thought Drake as he murred slightly. He looked into Xello's eyes. "Alright, we'll talk to your mom after school. I have a car, so I can drop you off at your house later on." Drake thought to himself some more 'Xello has the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen.'

Xello was extremely embarrassed about suddenly hugging Drake like that, but at the same time, he enjoyed being in his arms. 'Wow, he's strong. I don't know why I feel this way about Drake, but I'm starting to like it.' "My mom is coming to pick me up after school, so I can introduce you to her then," Xello said.

The rest of the day seemed to drag on. Xello and Drake's classes were literally spread all across the school. When Xello walked into the band room with Drake, they were holding hands, making him blush as other students came up and asked Xello is he was "with" Drake, but before he could say anything, Drake simply said no.

Finally, the last bell rang, and Xello packed up all his stuff. Drake was staring at him, blushing slightly. 'He's so cute. I really hope that he is gay. He might not realize it yet, but, at least I know he trusts me,' thought Drake.

Xello's mom was waiting outside when him and Drake walked up. "Hi mom, this is my friend Drake, and I was wondering if I could go over to his house and hang out for a little while." 'Please say yes, please say yes, please say yes,' Xello was thinking.

Xello's mother smiled at Drake and said, "Hello Drake. My name is Renee. I don't have problem with you going Xello, just be home before 10."

Xello was jumping for joy. He gave his mom a hug and a kiss. "Thank you, Mom. Drake has a car, so I'll ride with him." 'Wow, I'm actually going to another person's house.' he thought.

Drake said to Renee, "Don't worry, I'll make sure he's home on time." 'His mother is extremely friendly, now I see where he gets it from,' he thought. "I just live on Ashwood Road. It's only about 2 miles from the school."

"Take care Xello, I'll see you at home," said Renee.