Beginner's Beat

Story by Kit Reshawn on SoFurry

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#2 of Raineford

(Disclaimer: Alexis, Ashlee, Nika, Sierra, Teagan, and STKX Studio are all the sole property of Statik and are used with his permission. Royal belongs to me. Copyrights held by the respective owners.)

Royal sighed when he stepped from the shower, ignoring the itch he felt in the back of his mind as he yanked a towel from the rack and began to haphazardly dry his fur. Really he just went through the motions, too distracted by the frustration that seemed to stalk him these days. He abandoned the fruitless exercise long before his fur was truly dry, simply content to not drip as he walked from the bathroom without even bothering to brush his fur back into place. It was hardly his problem if the room smelled of wet wolf once he left, after all.

A stubborn growl slipped from his lips. He wouldn't look at it. Instead he walked straight to the climate control and turned the AC to max then sighed as cold air blasted him from above. Damp as his fur was the chill hit hard, causing his skin to prickle. The light discomfort was just what he needed, something new to focus his road tired mind upon, and with a heavy sigh he flopped back onto the queen sized bed.

For a moment he could relax, basking in the air's cold embrace. Soggy fur clung to his body, the cheap cotton bedding was soaked through quickly but he didn't care. Briefly he had no worries.

Very briefly.

He very nearly threw the nightstand's lamp against the wall when the frustration crept back into his thoughts. Mocha fur, the spiced scent of desire, and piercing yellow eyes. The sound of her easy laugh just beyond his hearing. For the first time he could remember he was helpless to get a girl out of his mind, and if there was one thing Royal couldn't stand it was helplessness.

It was the tie, he told himself. She'd managed to snag it while he was asleep and he'd been too groggy to realize she had it when he woke up. Granted it wasn't exactly a good tie but it was the principle of the thing. She'd taken his fucking tie and of course knew he'd have to call to get it back. That was the only reason his thoughts kept returning to that one brief, wonderful night several months back.

With one hand he pushed himself back up to sit on the edge of the bed and rubbed his face. "Son of a bitch."

A snarl on his lips, he got up again and paced the length of the room several times. He considered going out to try and find someone to enjoy the night with, but this just wasn't that type of town. Better to wait it out until he ended up back in Raineford in a week or so.

Which was what really plagued his thoughts. He had her number, or at least a number that could maybe reach her, and he was going to be in town again. Just once maybe it would be okay...

Fuck it.

His tail flicked and he picked up the glossy business card. It was simple enough; black background and a blue paw print with purple lettering that only read "STKX". On the reverse side a phone number with Sierra's note: "Call me if you want a new job." Whatever-the-hell that meant; the card gave no clue what STKX was, much less what they did. He hardly cared, though.

Before he had a chance to second-guess himself he snatched his phone from the table and dialed the number. He tapped his foot and waited. One ring. Two. Three. Finally on the fourth the phone picked up and an unfamiliar woman answered.

"STKX Studios," a feminine voice asked with a forced purr. "Can I help you?"

"Yeah, I got this business card from someone who works there. Sierra?"

"And your name?" she asked, voice dripping with skepticism.

His eyes closed and he resisted the urge to curse. "Tell her it's Royal."

A pause. "One moment."

Royal listened carefully, hearing the woman on the other end call Sierra's name. A minute later she called again, impatient. Finally he heard the voice he'd been listening for.

"I said one moment, jeez. What's up Alexis?"

Put her on the fucking phone, he thought, already pacing the room again.

"Some guy calling himself 'Royal' is on the line. Says you gave him our business card."

"Royal?" she asked, and his heart sank at the unfamiliarity in her voice. Then: "Oh! Yeah, I told him to call if he was ever looking for work."

The sigh that statement drew was one he knew well; the type that was given when an employee had done something wrong again. "Damn it Sierra, you know what the boss thinks about that," Alexis said. A moment later he heard her voice more clearly. "Sir? Look, I'm sorry but we got enough studs at the studio right now. You'll have to try again later."

He actually paused in his pacing. "Excuse me?"

"We don't need any more dicks for our videos," she said bluntly. "You're out of luck."

Too late he realized what was going on. "A fucking porn studio?" he said then snorted.

Alexis apparently didn't see the humor, voice taking a shade of annoyance. "Adult film studio," she corrected. "I fail to see how you could not know this; we are fairly famous and have won awards in the past."

Awards. "Look, I don't need a job. I just wanted to talk to Sierra a moment. She has something of mine that I want back."

The sigh he heard was so aggressively irritated he could just envision how the bitch was rolling her eyes. He half expected her to hang up. "Whatever. Here."

"Hello?" The slight lilt in the single word was unmistakable. He began to pace again.

"Sierra? It's Royal," he said and fought down the rumble he felt building in his chest. "You took my tie."

She laughed. "This is about that cheap thing?"

No. "You're damn right! I don't care if it's cheap; I liked it and I want it back."

"Well if it means that much to you," she cooed and he was sure by the tone of her voice that she had a teasing smile on her lips. "When can you come get it?"

"Soon, actually," Royal answered, closing his eyes. "I'll be back in town in six days. So Thursday. And I'll be around for a few after that."

"Oh really? If you have that much time maybe we should hang for a day or two. Ya know, see what happens."

Fuck yes. "If you like. I can think of a few things we can do I'm sure you would enjoy - if they aren't too wild for you."

"Is that so?" she asked. "What did you have in mind?"

He chuckled. "You sound intrigued kitten. It's a surprise."

"Tell you what, we can meet on Friday. I'll be at this club called The Pulse after six," she said. "It's totally a classy joint. You'll fit right in."

"And you'll bring my tie?"

She gave another coo but rather than answer handed the phone off. "Please don't call again unless you are looking for work." It was Alexis again. "We aren't a dating service. Good bye."

Again with that tone, but he held his tongue. Fuck her and everyone else, his imagination was already alight with plans to make the mocha kitten yowl his name. If he was right it would be possible to pick up everything he needed on his way back to Raineford. It wouldn't be cheap, of course, but considering he'd just come off a job money really wasn't a problem.

He tossed his phone back onto the table and flicked the business card after it, already imagining the scent of her. Sweat and desire, the memory so vivid he could swear it was present in the room with him. With a smile he flopped back onto the bed, ignoring the still damp sheets.

"Going to find out if something other than milk can make that kitten purr."

* * *

A violet neon silhouette of a sensuous feline, back arched and arms raised as if showing off her body, advertised The Pulse's location clearly from over a block away. Sierra's description of it rang in his ears, though he couldn't help but smile. Classy joint indeed. Even from a distance he realized what it was. A gentleman's club. Arguably a step up from the type of hormone fueled dance club they'd met in, but he wasn't sure he would use a word like "classy" to describe it.

Then again, in a place like Raineford this was about as classy as things got. The whole city was practically a combination red light district and casino from one end to the other with even the more respectable industries eagerly sponsoring every vice. Every few years some politician would push some urban renewal project in the hopes of bringing a veneer of respectability back, but as with everything else in the area even the loftiest projects quickly tarnished. It seemed the only thing Raineford excelled at was drawing people in from across the country to get caught in its net for the rest of their lives. Vegas minus the glamor.

Not that he actually cared. Maybe his usual clothes were a bit formal compared to typical street dress around here, but he'd never been under any illusions about his place in society. When your employers wanted to present a certain respectable image it was beyond stupid to argue, especially when every job was technically freelance work. Shut up, put on the suit, and fetch when ordered. No reason to make it harder than that.

He pulled his Audi A4 into the parking lot, unwilling to be confined to the car any longer. When he got out several joints popped, a wave of relief spreading through his body as stiff muscles were finally allowed to stretch. Yes this was earlier than he planned to arrive but he didn't care. Only hotshot douchebags eager to impress a date played those types of games.

Cover was steep but he paid without any complaint and headed straight for the bar. Apparently there was some sort of promotion going on - back near the stage several booths advertised the "Girls of STKX" complete with suggestive pinups and a selection of DVDs on sale for each one. Of course there was only one girl in the lineup that he recognized, winking and sticking her tongue out at him. Oh yes, he was willing to bet Sierra sold her fair share of material judging from that poster alone.

Rather than linger on her taunting expression he turned his attention to the bar and ordered a Hammered Nipple before finding an empty booth with a good view. He took a sip from the cocktail glass, allowing the mixture of liqueur and Vodka to burn its way into him. Immediately his body started to relax just enough that he noticed the heavy beat of industrial playing from overhead speakers at low volume.

As he slowly worked his way through the drink more men, along with the odd woman, filtered their way into the club. Most made their ways to the tables closest to the stage or took a moment to browse the DVDs in the promotion booths. Typical street wear dominated but several business suites drifted among the crowd clearly cementing the place's classy reputation.

He was nearing the bottom of his glass when the room's lights dimmed and the stage floor lit in a dazzling display of violet that seemed to be the club's trademark. Moments later the music shifted to a new track with an almost frantic tempo, volume building rapidly in time with the beat. A full minute passed before the mink behind the DJ booth switched his microphone on.

"Good evening everyone," he called out in a far too energetic voice. "I hope you're all ready for a special treat! The gals from STKX Studios have decided to come visit our stage to show their appreciation to all their fans."

Royal closed his eyes and chuckled, resting his head in his hands. Sierra said she'd be at the club after six. Of course she would, that dirty tease. No matter. He was perfectly willing to let her give every guy in the room a little show before he took her away for the night.

His ears perked up as the DJ continued. "Unfortunately there is a bit of a change in tonight's lineup. It seems STKX's resident party girl hit the bottle a little too hard last night--"

God. Dammit.

"--but don't worry because we've got the ever-popular Teagan to take her place. So sit back, buy a drink, and enjoy your night as we start things off right with that hot little bombshell, Nika."

The crowd gave a cheer and the music picked up but he had a difficult time caring. He looked around the room, half expecting to find Sierra hidden away in a corner laughing but she was nowhere to be seen. She did it on purpose, he was sure of it. Grasping at straws he checked his phone to see if perhaps she'd left him a text or voice mail and realized a second later how idiotic that was. Sierra didn't even have his number.

With the night's plans already shot he considered just heading back to his room for a round of angry masturbation before bed. The pathetic picture that painted was all that stopped him. That and the cover he'd already paid. If there wasn't any way for him to hook up with her then the least he could do was try to salvage the night as best he could.

He flagged down a waitress and ordered a Red Dawn then settled in to watch the first girl take the stage. A lithe snow leopardess clad in nothing more than a skimpy bra, a thong, and fishnet stockings made her way one of the poles and gave the crowd a sultry smile as she started to dance. She seemed perfectly comfortable in front her audience, every move flowing naturally into the next.

Unfortunately even as good as she was Nika couldn't push the image of Sierra smirking from his mind. Once his drink arrived he took a long sip, nearly sent into a coughing fit by the strength of it. The alcohol made his vision blur for just a moment, forcing him to blink his eyes to clear them.

Focusing on his drink at the expense of the show he allowed the numbing sound of the music to wash over him. It was easy enough to get lost in the repetitive sounds punctuated by the occasional cat calls thrown out by men actually paying attention to the show. Though he didn't participate the atmosphere did soothe some of his disappointment. This was his element as much as anything and the familiarity gave a measure of comfort. Hell, now he was free to make a pass at someone else if he wanted.

Just as soon as he pushed that cat's image from his mind.

"So why is it that you're the only guy that seems uninterested in the show?"

The question jarred his thoughts and he looked around, the slight haze imposed by his drinking making it take a few moments before his eyes located the speaker. A dark-furred vixen, rich green eyes complimented by yellow highlights in her bangs, stood blocking his view of the stage. Simple clothes; sleeveless white top and faded jeans. Three rings in her right ear - gold, silver, gold - with three barbells toward the tip and a single eyebrow piercing on the same side. Leaning forward slightly she set her left hand on his table, a transparent attempt to call attention to the star tattoo on her shoulder, and met his eyes.

With care he set his half-finished drink to one side and leaned back to take in the girl's features. "Just have a few things on my mind. Why does it matter to you?"

"Call it pride. I work with tonight's dancers," she said with a tight lipped smile.

"Ah, you're with STKX then?" he asked, eyes going to the pinups on display in the promotional booths.

She saw where he was looking and chuckled. "I do, but I'm not one of the performers."

"Really?" he asked then paused to enjoy the light blush his genuine surprise caused. "What do you do instead then?"

"Public relations," she said and slipped in the other side of the booth without asking. "I planned this whole night actually, so I'm wondering why you aren't even paying attention."

Royal looked around the room again, this time noticing how no matter where someone sat at least some of the promotion booths would be visible while watching the stage. Each booth had a small cluster of men looking it over, but the one for Nika had a line formed. It didn't take a genius to know what made that particular one so popular. He could just imagine what a nice boost this little event would give their sales - maybe even snare a number of new customers.

"Sorry, it isn't anything personal," he said, folding his hands behind his head. "Everything's great; my mind is just someplace else."

"That's obvious. Who is she?" The vixen chuckled, head tilted to one side at his surprise. "Don't give me that look. When a guy has girl problems it's easy as fuck to tell."

He shook his head, raising his hands in surrender. "Ok, fine. You got me," he said, then gestured to Sierra's booth. "Actually had set up a meeting with Sierra at this place. Of course she didn't tell me she was supposed to be dancing. Or that she wasn't going to show."

"Now you're bullshitting me."

Why did everyone always assume that? He opened his wallet and fished the business card out, handing it over to the vixen. She accepted it with a curious look and paused the moment she spotted the hand written note on the back.

"I think I'm being toyed with," he chuckled, then offered a hand. "Name's Royal."

She accepted his hand, grip relaxed for a second before it tightened suddenly. "Ashlee. Pleased to meet you."

"Still learning to keep a firm grip?"

"Well... they say it impresses clients," she said, brushing her hair back out of her eyes.

He flashed a hint of his teeth at her. "Well, it certainly impresses me. Tell me honestly, is Sierra really nursing a hangover or just fucking with me?"

"Honestly? I could see it being either way." She shrugged then tilted her head to one side. "So what plans did you have? Must be something good if you're this distraught."

"I just had a little surprise to spring on her, something to make sure she would remember me," he said.

"And how did you expect to impress someone like Sierra?"

Royal smiled and took a slow sip from his glass, letting her wait for a bit before he answered. "Not sure if I should tell you. Wouldn't want to shock an innocent femme."

"Innocent? Did you miss where I work? I'm not some blushing prude."

"Of course not," he agreed then gestured at her tattoo and piercings. "After all, when someone goes to so much trouble to advertise just how wild they are it must be true and not just a rebellion against daddy."

"Hey, it isn't like that."

"Isn't it? From what I can see you've got the body to star in a shoot," he said. "You don't look stupid so you have to realize it, but you stick to PR anyway? I think someone's shy."

"I'm not shy," she said too quickly. "I deal with this sort of material all day!"

"But you aren't ever in it, are you?"

She didn't have any response to that, her ears laying back and muzzle lowered to look at the tabletop. Bull's-eye.

"Look, I'm not ridiculing you or anything. Getting in front of a camera isn't for everyone and that's fine," he said, keeping his voice down so it would only reach her ears. "Not everyone is comfortable with having strange guys ogle their naked body. I can respect that."

"Respect doesn't land many dates in this town," she mumbled.

"No I suppose it doesn't," he said and finished his drink. "Do you envy her?"

"Sierra? Why would--" she started then bit her lip when he arched an eyebrow. A blush bloomed on her cheeks and slowly made its way up into her ears as she looked down again. "Maybe a little."

He swirled his empty glass a couple times and listened to the ice. "If you like I wouldn't mind showing you a good time. Maybe even show you what I had planned for our absent kitten."

"A consolation prize, huh?"

Danger, Royal. "I wouldn't do something like that."

"Of course not."

"Look, I already accepted that Sierra wasn't going to show and was thinking about finding someone else," he admitted. "The reason I'm still here is I didn't want to be thinking about her while with someone else. You've taken care of that problem."

The blush returned to her cheeks. "Flattery."

"You think you don't deserve it?" he said and enjoyed how the blush deepened. "If you aren't interested at least let me buy you a drink for lifting my mood."

That earned him a nervous smile. "Didn't say I wasn't interested."

"So you'll accept my offer then?"

"We'll see," she said, finally allowing her vivid green eyes to meet his again. "I should really stick around until the night's finished, but until then I wouldn't mind a drink."

"So... one fuzzy navel?" he asked, chuckling.

"Asshole," she laughed. "I'll have a screwdriver, thank you."

He waved down one of the servers and ordered the drink, then turned back to the vixen as they waited. "Maybe you aren't quite the delicate flower I assumed."

The silver fox gave him a sideways look and smiled. "Thank you," she said. "You're a bit rougher around the edges than I assumed as well."

"What were you expecting?"

She eyed him for a moment. "Some guy just promoted to middle management out to impress a girl with his cash."

"My clothes?" he asked and shook his head at her nod. "I take it business casual isn't the norm."

"Mostly just the pricks who think they can buy a girl." She sighed.

"Work," he explained, smiling to the waitress that brought Ashlee's drink. "Mostly I end up traveling as a sort of free agent to represent company interests - sort of anyway. They don't like it when I look like some hobo because it reflects badly on them."

"Companies do worry about their image," she agreed and took her drink, stirring it around idly with the straw. "Though I'm surprised; I thought most of the time they either handled representation in-house or through some agency. Are free agents common for that sort of thing?"

He shrugged and shifted in his seat. "I guess it depends on what business you're into."

"Fine, don't tell me," she said, smiling as she took her first sip.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Ashlee took her time, drawing her sip out while her smile took on a teasing tone. "I know when a guy's trying to avoid giving me details."

"It really isn't that interesting, honestly," he said. "Lots of driving; for the most part I'm a glorified courier."

Although she looked unconvinced she didn't push it, instead giving a wink and sticking her tongue out just enough that he caught the glint of metal. "If you say so. Tell me, if I do end up leaving with you what exactly do you have planned?"

"I kind of hoped for it to be a surprise," he said and leaned back in his seat. "How much detail do you want?"

She considered the question while taking another long sip, green eyes looking into him. "Mmmm... surprises are good but I at least want to know what I'm getting myself into."

"In that case let's just say you'd be a bit tied up for a while, in more ways than one." He smiled and licked his lips, meeting her gaze evenly.

Her right ear folded back and she looked down to the table shyly, a soft smile on her lips. "Well, um... let me think about it ok?"

"For someone like you? I can wait," he assured her.

Another smile and she stood up while blowing a kiss before walking over to the promotion booths. Royal watched her leave, enjoying the sway of her hips and swish of her tail, absolutely certain the vixen was exaggerating both just for him. He relished the view, finding the more personal display much more enticing then the more explicit stage show. Then she was back at the booths and forced to deal with the men trying to decide which porn flicks would rub them just the right way.

* * *

The buzz Royal felt as he pushed the door to his motel room open only seemed to intensify even though the atmosphere the club generated was long behind him. He'd replaced the booze and music for a more visceral high and even with his senses slightly dulled with drink was keenly aware of Ashlee as she followed him through the door. Anxious and eager, a thoroughly erotic mix, and still riding a wave of courage powered by the night's successful promotion and the celebratory round of drinks they'd shared after.

The nervous way her eyes flicked about the room, and the way she tried to hide it by obviously feigning interest in the décor of the cheap room, sent a thrill through him. He felt his predatory instincts trigger as the vixen's shyness started to show itself again, focusing his attention keenly on how her uncertainty made her behave very closely to prey. Willing prey, but prey none the less.

She jumped slightly when the door closed and finally met his gaze briefly, then brushed her hair back with one hand and turned her attention to the duffel bag he'd told her about. "So how do we start?"

Slowly, boy.

He walked over and wrapped one arm around her lower back then carefully guided her muzzle with two fingers until her eyes met his again. "Well, I was thinking--" he breathed before brushing his lips over hers softly in a chaste kiss.

Muscles in her back tensed at the light contact then relaxed nearly instantly, a pleasant rumble building in her chest. She held the kiss for a moment, drew back just enough to lick over his chin, and leaned in again for another as he let her take the lead for now. A hint of tongue teased at his lips, the kiss building rapidly until his breath burned in his chest.

"So you're not just going to throw me down and tie me up?" she asked, chuckling.

His hand slid smoothly down her side to caress her hip, holding her close. "Oh that will come," he promised, relishing the growing scent of her, the way her body seemed to warm as she began to relax. "I want to get a look at you first, though..."

"You've been looking at me all night," she said and nipped at his chin.

"But all the best parts were covered up."

She giggled and rested her hands over his, guiding them to the hem of her shirt. A thrill ran through him, his tail set to wagging, immediately slipping his hands under the fabric to slide along her belly. His claws combed through the downy fur easily then lightly caught on the cups of her bra.

"Someone works out," he commented, taking hold of her breasts and lightly squeezing them through her bra.

The only answer he got was a groan, her body arched against his while her hands lifted above her head. It was an obvious enough invitation and he happily pulled her shirt off, leaning in for another kiss once it cleared her head. Another moment fumbling and the clasp to her bra came undone, the vixen's claws pressing firmly into his flesh when that fell away as well.

She moved closer to his body while kicking her shoes off, nose brushed against his chest. For a moment Royal simply held her, enjoying her heat as she snuggled in and how her body felt soft in all the right places. Another kiss, light and lingering, then her intense green eyes opened boldly in spite of the light blush on her cheeks.

"Feel ready to lose these as well?" he asked with a light tug on her back pocket.

Ashlee bit her lower lip, then nodded and without any prompting undid her pants, stepping back just enough to slide them over the flare of her hips to reveal a sky blue thong. His ears perked up at the sight of it, pleasantly surprised, and with a deep rumble in his chest he traced along the waist band with one finger. The attention brought that blush back to her cheeks as she quickly pressed back against his body with her tail tucked part way between her legs.

"Damn, those look amazing on you," he whispered, nose pressed to her neck. "How about we leave them on for now and get started?"

Their eyes met again, her ears folded down part way. Her scent took on a sharp note and he wondered if maybe she wasn't ready yet. Then she took a deep breath, held it for a moment, and nodded while letting it out once more.

Brave girl.

Royal couldn't help the smile that formed on his lips and quickly brought the duffel bag to the bed. It only took a moment for him to find what he wanted inside, drawing a bright red ball gag out and dangled it from one finger in front of the vixen. A shiver ran through her, that wonderfully plush tail puffing out slightly. He gave her a moment to look at it, relishing the way she swallowed fought to hide her nervousness.

"Shall I put this on you, or do you want to do it?"

Although he hadn't spoken loudly she jumped, startled as his voice broke her fixation on the gag. "Um... you?"

"As you wish, pretty vixen," he said and moved behind her. "Open wide."

The gag lifted to hover in front of her mouth and the vixen hesitated, her eyes closing as she took slow breaths. He didn't push, preferring to wait until she accepted it on her own, and used the down time to drink in her scent while rumbling soothingly. It wasn't difficult to imagine how deep the shy girl's blush must have gotten as she realized what she was about to allow.

She gave a light sigh at last and he slipped the bright red ball into her mouth, closing the straps around her head and fastening them in place behind her head. Only a moment more and he cinched them up snuggly, enjoying the light squeak that sounded out when she felt them tighten around her face. He pet down her back once he finished, moving back where she could see him.

"Can you still breathe okay?" he asked while checking to see that she wasn't being pinched.

"Mmmfh hmmf."

"That a yes?" She nodded and he placed a kiss on the tip of her nose. "Ready for me to do your hands then?"

Oh that blush...

He'd been right, the flush of her cheeks shown clearly through her dark fur and moved swiftly into her ears, unable to look up at him as she gave another nod. Rather than going immediately for the bag, however, he leaned in to give a soft nuzzle to her cheek followed by a lick.

"There's a brave girl," he whispered.

Unfortunately he hadn't been able to find a good set of cuffs before he made it back to Raineford and judging by the squeak Ashlee made when she saw him pull out the package of zip ties that was exactly what she'd been expecting. The sudden distress stopped dead him and he sat next to her, wrapping an arm around her middle to draw her in close. Her eyes never left the package, though, even as he rumbled into her ear quietly and started to pet down her back.

"I promise they won't be too tight, pretty," he assured her. When that didn't relax her he continued. "Want to stop?"

At that she blinked and looked up at him, seeming surprised. He gave his most genuine smile, still stroking down her back, and repeated the question.

"Want to stop?"

She shivered and leaned close, pointed muzzle pressed into his shirt to take a few deep breaths. Royal kept quiet, simply petting down her back, rumbling softly as he enjoyed the sensation of her body tucked against his. The vixen seemed to steel herself then and shook her head.

"Ok, sweetheart, put your hands behind your back and don't be afraid to squawk if I make this too tight."

Ashlee trembled lightly but put both hands behind her back without protest while he pulled two zip ties from the package. It only took a moment to get the first around her wrists, tightening it just enough to hold them together without digging into her skin. Another moment and the second was in place as well, just tight enough to ensure she wouldn't be able to slip free.

She tested the bonds the moment he secured her hands and let out a muffled whimper. Sensing her anxiety was on the rise again Royal moved back in front of her and planted a kiss between her eyes. Slow easy movements, gentle and tender.

"That's good for now, sweetheart," he said and kissed her nose. "Just relax and let me handle everything."

His hands rubbed over her sides with steady, firm strokes while he closed his eyes so her scent could wash over him. Anxious, yes, but with a sweet tang that refused to let go. A soft nuzzle under her chin followed by a kiss that earned him a deliciously muffled groan. The urge to let her feel his teeth asserted itself for just a moment, his body practically vibrating from the drive. Instead he licked firmly along her pretty throat, delighted at the subtle gasp and the slight shift of her body leaning closer.

Tender kisses led him lower. First the bottom of her throat. Then her shoulder... The swell of her chest. Between her wonderful breasts. His breathing grew unsteady and he lightly gripped her hips to steady himself. Her scent was almost elegant and fanned his desire while the image of her bound and gagged smoldered in his mind.

Unable to resist he allowed himself to surrender in one small way. A warm kiss to her nipple before it slipped past his lips. The arch of her body and sharp intake of her breath almost made his blood boil. His response to the muffled whimper was just as strong. Muscles tensed but she didn't pull away. She almost seemed to rock against him, her breath getting heavier when his tongue joined in as well.

This time he did allow her to feel his teeth, just before releasing the nub, and the squeal she gave sent a shiver down his spine. Only his grip on her hips held her in place on the bed and her huffing breaths took on a desperate note when he moved to the other nipple. Kiss, suck, lick, nibble, and switch to the other again. A captivating game to see how desperate he could make the sexy vixen's voice get.

He lost track of how long he teased but at last the scent of her desire spiked sharply enough it broke through the daze he'd fallen into. Eyes opened and he licked his lips, settling back to admire how firm her nipples had become. Then up at her face to enjoy how she panted through her nose, ears back, blush hot on her cheeks.

"I'm going to take these off now," he said as his fingers hooked into the thong's waistband.

The declaration made her squirm delightfully, her movements hardly enough to hinder him. With a kiss just below her breasts he began to peel the thong away, taking his time to draw this out as much as possible. As he slowly exposed her the smell of vixen musk grabbed hold of his nose - her folds already glistening with a hint of moisture.

"Oh, there she is," he rumbled, already leaning in to give just one lick along the pink flesh.

At least that was his intention before the heavy flavor of her need danced across his tongue; the perfect complement to the scent of her heat. One hand rested on her hip while the fingers of the other spread her sex to him. Before he realized what he was doing a second lick glided across the whole length of her slit. And another... and another...

The flavor built rapidly as she tried to squirm free, only held in place by the paw on her hip. She tried to close her legs but his head was already in the way. Muffled gasps sounded out, music to his ears, and when his tongue finally teased at her opening a throaty moan as the flavor peaked.

Too Soon!

Even with the sharp warning that flashed through his mind he only pulled away with difficulty. He huffed to catch his breath and licked his lips to get any last hints of her flavor. They had plenty of time, better to draw it out. A whimper of protest drew his attention, his gaze moving up her body until their eyes met. Her chest heaved slightly with each breath and if the intensity of her need wasn't clear from the scent that filled his nose her expression certainly drove the point home.

"It will be worth the wait, I promise," he assured her and pushed back before the temptation got to him again. "Are you ready for one last restraint?"

Her whole body shivered with need, cheeks blushing deeply at how he'd left her to simmer. She looked away as a new bout of squirming took her, took a deep breath and closed her eyes, then nodded. A thrill went through him.

Making sure she watched he pulled the next item out of the duffel bag: a telescoping spreader bar. The moment Ashlee realized what it was she drew in a deep breath, her ears pinning back. Wide eyes followed the bar as he held it in front of her to judge how to properly adjust it, jumping at each metallic click that sounded out when he widened it notch by notch.

"On your knees, hun."

Indecision played across her features for a moment but was soon overpowered by the same need that brought her to him in the first place. He slipped the first cuff around her thigh just above the knee, snugged just enough that it wouldn't slip out of place. As the second cuff was cinched down around the other leg her muscles went taught and her body quivered like a coiled spring.

"Does that pinch?" he asked, drawing her gaze to meet his.

Her blush returned the moment he looked into those green eyes again and set his heart pounding. The timid shake of her head sent an electric tingle up his spine from the base of his tail to between his shoulder blades. He didn't bother trying to hide how this scene was affecting him, his pants tightening while he openly admired her bound and exposed body.

The temptation to push things on filled him but he barely held on. His hands found their way back to her body and started to explore every curve. Each touch light and tender, gliding soothingly through that plush silver coat of vulpine fur. A soft coo slipped from his lips completely unbidden as he coaxed her muscles to relax once more.

His eyes closed and he rested his ear against her chest. "I'm going to start now," he whispered. "If you start to get scared just remember you're with me and I'll keep you safe. I promise everything will be worth it."

Ashlee nodded her agreement but he was already pulling out another thing he'd brought for the night, carefully hidden behind him as he stood in front of her. Her head tilted back to look up, a confused expression that rapidly changed to surprise when he lifted the camera to snap a picture before she could think to look away, a brief flood of light illuminating her clearly.

He set the camera down and stroked over the vixen's cheek while she was still dazzled by the light. Her body squirmed against his hands as he carefully turned her around, hushing the soft whimpers she gave when he bent her forward to press her chest to the bedding. That plush tail tried to tuck up between her legs but he caught it, gently pulled it against her back, and pinned it there.

Two fingers slipped between her legs to rub over her slit while he whispered. "I'm going to spank you now. If it gets to be too much just lower your tail and I'll stop."

She didn't give any outward indication that she heard him, neither a nod or a whimper. Her eyes stayed tightly closed and each heavy breath rocked her body lightly. Royal half expected her tail to immediately dart back between her legs the moment his hand lifted again.

But it didn't, instead quivering in place as she kept it curled over her back. Several times it twitched down as if it was about to tuck up again, but each time she caught it. The sight warmed him as he kept his fingers teasing over her folds until she tried to moan around the gag.

Lightly now.

With a smooth motion he drew his hand back from her warm pussy and landed the first swat on the right side of her rump. Barely even a tap, really, but even that light impact made her jump and pull at her bonds as her tail almost darted between her legs. Not in any rush he rubbed over the spot he'd just struck then landed an equally light swat on the left cheek.

He found an easy rhythm that let him enjoy the way she seemed to dance with even these light blows, switching back and forth between her two cheeks. It didn't take long for her to pick up on the pattern, settling down as she was able to anticipate. Swat, rub, pause. Swat, rub, pause. Before long she even began to press back eagerly, shivering every time his hand connected.

A smile formed on his lips, enjoying how quickly she took to this sort of attention, and he finally gave her a full smack. She yelped into the gag, straining against her bonds while he rubbed the ache in, but even though her tail flicked it remained hiked up. Another smack and another yelp, Ashlee's body arched up and pressed against the rub that followed.

Even though the pace slowed her rear quickly heated under the firm swats, the pitch of her muffled cries always fading to a hot moan. Her body wiggled, muscles straining against the bonds, and he heard the rubber ball creek some as she bit down, but always her tail flicked above her. A pink hew started to show under her fur just as she began to eagerly push back into the spanks, her scent rapidly building once again.

Then her ears perked when she caught the light clink of his belt being undone followed by the soft swish of it being pulled free. He doubled it over and brushed the leather against the fur on her shoulder. Up her neck... under her chin. Some of her tension returned as she shifted uncertainly.

"It's almost time to move on, but we've got one more thing to do," he said while teasing the belt against her cheek ruff. "Six with the belt, ok sweet? Just six and we'll move to something I know you'll love."

Her body crouched some but she gave soft coo, eager in spite of her worries. The shiver that ran through her body as the belt teased its way down made his mouth water. And then the squeak when the leather kissed lightly on her exposed pussy, rubbing and pushing up, was almost enough to make him pounce right then and there.

"Get those hips up higher," he coaxed as the belt continued to tease over her folds, urging her to do as he said.

Ashlee tensed up, clearly worried about his intentions, and he guiltily admitted to himself that was partly the point. His predatory streak probably running more strongly than it should with such a sexy vixen lying helpless before him. Eyes closed he took a deep breath to ensure he remained in control and let the belt pull away from her tender flesh.

He released the belt's tongue carefully swung it a few times to get a feel for its weight and movement while relishing the way Ashlee strained to keep her bottom lifted just so. One light swipe to ensure his aim was true. Then with a firm underarm swing he started to lay into her again, alternating between rump cheeks without any pause.

"One! Two! Three!" He counted for her benefit as her yowl grew sharper with every crack of the belt against her ass. "Four! Five! Six!"

No sooner had he finished than Ashlee firmly tucked her tail between her legs, gasping heavily as her eyes glistened with moisture. A strong pull to continue filled him but instead he draped the belt over the headboard where she could see it, already rubbing over her tenderized rump. Her whole body trembled as he slipped up against her, allowing the sharp sting of the belt to fade into a heat that covered her whole backside.

"That's it, Ashlee. That was all six. You did beautifully, my brave sweetheart."

Her whimpers quieted while she pressed against him, face buried in his shirt while her whole body quivered like a leaf in the breeze. His arms wrapped around her body, holding her close, dotting kisses across her cheeks and muzzle. If her arms were free he felt certain she would cling to him, every breath a gasp even as a blush kept coloring her cheeks.

"No more spanking," he promised once she started to calm. "Here, let me show you what's next, then you can tell me if you want to be let go."

It took a moment to untangle his body from hers. Green eyes, still glassy with moisture, watched as he reached into the duffel bag and finally produced the last toy: a purple dildo vibrator. Without a word he set it down in front of her, chuckling as her tail lifted back up and she moaned out softly.

Sounds like a yes to me. But first...

Royal moved his eager vixen back into place, tail wagging as he picked the camera up and took a picture of her bottom; rump cheeks glowing a deep pink that seemed to compliment her glistening pussy. A muffled protest came when the flash went off, a glare shot back with ears splayed. When he took the dildo and licked along its length, however, all that melted away and she started to squirm eagerly as he lubed it up with his saliva.

Several more licks and the faux dick nearly dripped with spit. He put a hand on her aching bottom while lining it up. Two fingers spread her folds neatly open. The head of the toy nestled easily against her opening and he let it tease there as a quick twist of the base turned it on.

Ashlee gasped the moment it started and began to rock back. He playfully pulled the toy away every time she tried to push down onto it, making sure she only managed to take the first inch so he could enjoy her building frustration. At first she only whimpered, lightly panting through her nose as he denied her what she wanted so badly, words muffled so severely he couldn't even guess at what she was trying to say. When she started to give a growl, however, he pushed the toy in all the way to the hilt with one slow, firm movement.

Her reaction to the sudden penetration was immediate. She moaned and gasped, hips rocking in tight circles as she tried uselessly to ride the toy after he'd already released it. That plush tail swept off to one side than the other, fanning the air so her desperate scent quickly filled the room. Hands clenched and unclenched, still securely bound, forcing her to accept what the dildo gave her. Most alluring of all, however, was the way she started to pull at her bindings, her whole body seeming to quake at the intensity of the sensations that flowed through her.

Whoa boy. Wait it out.

Yeah, right. Easier said than done. He walked to the fridge, pulled out a bottle of beer, twisted the cap off, and took a deep drink while she sang for him. Every muffled moan and gasp made his pants tighten. That wonderful feminine musk hardly helped with the way it went straight to his head. Even the booze did little to dull the edge.

Which meant he needed to do something different. Setting the bottle down he picked the camera again and snapped several pictures of that vulpine rump as it wiggled while her sex gripped tightly around the purple dildo. She didn't seem to notice, though, trapped in her own world of gradually building ecstasy.

He moved to get a view of her face then and found her eyes closed, the rubber ball compressed slightly by her bite. On a whim he snapped another picture, finding the mixture of lust and frustration struck a chord in him. Every time she flinched, each time she sharply inhaled and then whimpered, he felt a twitch between his legs and had to fight the urge to take the dildo's place.

Just when he started to wonder if the toy would be able to get the job done on its own her breathing shifted from deep gasps to a hot and heavy pant. Her whole body squirmed, hips rocking and hands clenched tight, while her ears lay firmly back. Eyes closed tight and her face scrunched into an expression nearing a snarl.

Here she cums...

The howl that burst from her would almost certainly have woken every room in the motel if not for the gag; even as it was he felt sure their neighbors must've heard something. She gasped for breath in between moans. Her whole body rocked while it rode the waves of pleasure that rippled across her body. But it was the new intensity of her scent, heavy with fresh pheromones, that made it all too much for him.

His shirt came off so quickly it was amazing he didn't lose any buttons. It took all his self-control to ease the toy back out of her lovely pussy rather than yank it away as he desired. Then he helped the lovely vixen to her knees, still in the throes of her climax, and loosened the gag just enough to slip it from her mouth to hang at her neck.

"Ah... oh... f-fuck me!" she panted, working her jaw now that she could move it at last.

"Soon," he promised, already unzipping his fly. "But first I think you deserve a nice treat."

A sigh slipped from his lips when he released his cock, one hand going to the base of his length to guide the tip to her muzzle. Ashlee watched in a daze as he gave her nose a light tap with his tip, the feel of her warm breath drawing a groan from deep inside him. She bit her lower lip and watched as a bead of pre formed. Then that velvety soft tongue licked firmly from the base of his cock all the way to the tip before her mouth engulfed him.

Warm and moist, his knees nearly buckled forcing him to rest a hand on her head to steady himself. Every fiber of his body longed to just fuck her muzzle as hard as he could, his thoughts fixating on how her pointed snout looked just perfect for it. Instead he grit his teeth, a low growl rumbling in his chest, and enjoyed the way she slowly pulled him deeper.

She was good; her tongue milking along the bottom of his shaft as she eagerly nursed on his length. With how worked up he'd gotten from teasing her without mercy he realized there was no way he could last long. All his effort was focused on not grinding her nose into his fur with nothing left over. There was no way he could hold out.

He tried anyway, body going tense as that wonderful muzzle just didn't let up. His hips rocked forward several times before he got control again, a thick spurt of pre shooting against her eager tongue. For a moment he thought maybe it would be possible to manage, right until he looked down and saw the eager expression on her face as his length vanished between her lips.

His climax crashed down without any warning and he bit down on his tongue to keep from howling out like Ashlee had earlier. Every thought in his mind flashed to white, his body rooted firmly in place while the first several loads shot straight into her hungry maw. He almost didn't recover.

Come on!

Another growl rumbled from him as he pulled from her mouth, one hand going to stroke his length while the last spurts of his seed painted over her muzzle and chest. Ashlee let out a whimper between her pants and tried to catch what she could on her tongue. Still, more than enough landed in her fur to decorate her face and breasts beautifully.

A surge of exhaustion swept over him so he released the vixen's head and steadied himself with a hand on the wall. It passed swiftly and he managed to regain composure with just several seconds of panting. Really just one look at her messy face was enough to send a fresh thrill through him.

He picked the camera back up and snapped another picture of her face, unable to resist the way Ashlee looked as she tried to lick her muzzle clean while still catching her breath. The flash caught her off guard and seemed to cut through her haze as she shot him a dirty look.

"Are you going to just keep playing with that camera all night or are you going to come here and fuck me?" she asked, voice carrying a sharp taunting note.

Careful what you ask for.

A growl formed on his lips and he set the camera down as undid his pants the rest of the way, kicking them off. "That's an excellent question, my sweet girl."

She had a response, he could see it on her lips, but it was replaced with a yipe when he quickly flipped her over and took hold of her arms to keep her upright. He sighed as his body slipped into position behind her and let his cock tease over the curve of her ass so she could feel how he was already fully hard again. The tip of his length teased under her tail and he lightly rocked forward lightly just to hear the sound of her gasp before trailing down the cleft of her rump.

He bit his lower lip, holding in a groan, when he found the heat between her legs. "Let me hear you whine for it," he growled, punctuating his words with a light thrust of his hips.

Apparently he didn't need to ask as she started to whimper before he even finished speaking, pressing her hips back eagerly. His growl sounded out louder and he pulled back on her arms, easing her slowly onto his length while he attempted to keep from gasping as her heat enveloped him.

His body trembled at the sensation of her spreading around him, the vixen still so wet he slid in smoothly until her bottom pressed to his hips. She ground down into his lap, eager whimpers still filling the air. It was just too much.

Royal abandoned all pretense of control and simply started to fuck her as hard as he could, her soft ass bouncing in his lap every time he slammed into her. His teeth found where her shoulder met her neck and bit down lightly, muffling his own moans while hers grew louder still. He tried to slow down exactly once, not wanting this to end too quickly, but it was useless. No finesse, just raw lust.

The grip he had on her arms tightened as he started to pull her back into his thrusts, every breath coming in a desperate huff. She seemed to ripple around him, hot and eager, her moans an erotic song that urged him on. Every time she rocked forward her body arched and clenched down around him. Her scent urged him faster, his whole body straining to push just a little deeper while his grew just large enough to stretch her just a little more.

His muzzle rubbed along her throat to the nape of her neck. A firm bite to pull her scruff back was all it took to make her yowl sharply, body tensing up as his hips bucked forward hard. She clenched as his knot tied him deep inside her, his thrusts becoming rapid jabs that couldn't hide how intense his need for release was.

A howl burst from him and he didn't even try to contain it, head tilted back as he felt the first twitch of his shaft inside her heat. His hands released her arms and moved to her hips, gripping tightly as he continued to thrust as hard as he could, the intensity of his release only making his voice pitch higher. Seconds later Ashlee joined in and pressed her shapely body back against his.

With every twitch of his shaft more seed shot into her until his energy was completely sapped. His nose rested in her hair and he relished her scent while trying to catch his breath, lightly gasping every time she quivered around his length. She kept her body moving until he wrapped his arms around her chest and pulled her down to the bed with him.

"Tired already pup?" she asked.

"Shit babe," he panted and licked over her ear while trying to pull out only to find he was still tied quite firmly. "Just... give me a bit."

"It's ok. I understand if you need a nap," she taunted.

Easy boy, we'll have her whimpering again soon.

* * *

The sounds that drifted in from the street told him it was already late in the day as he slowly came around. He hardly cared though, more focused on the delightful smell of vixen that hug in the air and the weight of her arm across his chest. As far as he was concerned nothing else mattered.

He tried to stay quiet while stretching to work the dull aches out of his muscles, not wanting to wake her, but the moment he moved she snugged closer. "Finally awake?"

"Getting there," he sighed and cracked his eyes just in time to see her moving to straddle him, her outer lips already kissing at his morning wood.

"It's about time," she murred and rocked her hips against his.


A shiver traveled up his spine. "God.... don't I get to eat breakfast first?"

Ashlee grinned down at him. "No."