My First Crush pt 5

Story by SuperBlue on SoFurry

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#5 of My 1st Crush

//This chapter gave me writers block but I got though it and finally finished it. Hope you like it ^^\

I woke up to find that I was being held by something and I couldn't figure out what. Then last night hit me like a ton of bricks. I looked back to find a sleeping tiger. 'Aww he looks so cute' I thought. Nick was purring in his sleep breathing softly. I silently shifted to face him without him waking.

I had to take a moment to stair at him he was so CUTE, I couldn't stand it. And when I think that he is my boyfriend I giggle to myself. I don't know why but I lifted my hand and poked him in his nose. He growled in his sleep, which made me jump. When I realized he was still sleep I smirked to myself. I had an evil idea, so I took one finger and played with his ear every time I touched it, it twitched and it followed my fingers movement. I then poked him on his nose again which made him growl, I giggled.

After about5 minuets of doing that I looked back and saw the clock. 'Its 6 we need to get up and get ready for school... Ugh school'. Just the thought of school tearing me away from my lover just pissed me off... Oh well I can't do anything about it. I turned to face Nick again.

"Wake up my handsome stud." I kissed him softly on the lips making him purr. He groaned and yawned his eyes open.

"Aww why did you wake me I was having the best dream ever." The tiger rubbed his eyes.

I giggled, "I take it you slept well?" I kissed his nose.

"Yea I did but the ending of my dream was really weird." He scratched his nose.

"Oh, what was your dream about?" trying to hold back a snicker.

"I was dreaming of you then all of a sudden my nose felt like it was being poked, my ear couldn't stop twitching then you kissed me and I woke up." Nick said then I laughed.

"Well what a weird dream." I was still laughing.

"So how did you sleep?" He said while wrapping his arms around me bringing me closer.

"I slept perfect, your like a heater you know I was warm all night. Thanks" I kissed him on the nose.

The tiger blushed "Anything for my roo."

I wanted to stay in bed with my lover forever I felt so comfortable. But I just remembered we had school and if we don't get up now we are going to be late. I untangled myself from my kitty and got out of bed. I had a shock look on my face, 'Oh shit I forgot, I didn't tell my mom about Nick staying over here tonight instead of at his house' I thought. 'What would she say if she saw a naked tiger in my bed' I looked back at Nick he had a concern look on his face.

"Baby everything all right?" he said sitting up.

"Umm yea, yea everything is fine." I laughed nervously.

Nick still had a concern look on his face. Its like he can read my face. I bend down and gave him a kiss. I then turned away from him trying to hide my expression.

"Err baby stay in bed for a minute, ok? I need to... check something." I opened the door slow and looked around "No sigh of her." I said to myself. I adjusted my ears to see if I can hear anything down stairs and I didn't. I sighed in relief. 'She must be out shopping or something.'

I looked back at Nick and smiled. I walked back to bed and kissed his nose making the tiger purr.

"Babe I'm going to get a bath." I said as I brush his head fur back.

I stood up and walked to the door giving the tiger a wink, I walked out naked but it didn't matter because my mom wasn't home and it was just my boyfriend and I. I walked into the bathroom and grabbed a towel from the closet then turned the hot and cold-water knob on, making the water release from the showerhead. I hoped in letting the warm water hit my fur, I closed me eyes relaxing a bit letting my mind think of all the things that just happen to me.

'Well first I met a cute guy, then we went on a date, now he sitting in my bed naked.' I thought just thinking of Nick naked made me get hard. I looked down seeing the pink tip come up. I closed my eyes again and just thought of Nick, how nice, sweet, sexy he is. My eyes shot open when I felt something grabbed my hips and pulled me back to something big. I gave a loud yip, I looked back and saw a grin on a tigers muzzle.

"NICK" I yelled.

Nick busted out laughing. "Oh I'm sorry did I scare you." He said sarcastically.

"Remind me to hurt you later." I said turning to face him then I kissed him passionately.

We stood there kissing for what seemed hours were only a few minuets. I held him and he held me. He moved his paw to my still growing shaft and I moaned.

"Wait I don't think we have enough time for that. We need to get to school." I said grabbing his paw.

"Actually, its Friday. We don't need to go to school till...ten I believe."

I thought for a moment "Oh yea that's right... I'm sorry babe... for waking you up early." My head went down in shame.

Nick lifted my head to look in his golden eyes, "I don't mind. I could wake up kissing you anytime of the day." He kissed me passionately and moved his paw once again to my shaft, which was now fully erect. I didn't stop him this time. I moaned as he fondled with my balls pumping my shaft slowly.

After a few minuets of teasing he lowered himself to his knees and kiss my cock. Licking his lips he started at my cock then looked up at me. I nodded my head knowing he was looking at me to see if I was ready. He licked my cock making me moan, his sand paper-like tongue rides up my member making pre shoot from the top. The pre runs down my cock landing on his tongue. He put my cock in his warm muzzle bobbing his head back and forth letting his tongue lap around the length. The warmth around my cock made me shiver in pleasure and the fact that Nick can use his tongue like that...

Wave after wave of pleasure was send through out my body. I moaned out his name hoping this will never stop. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes feeling nothing but my member and Nick's rough tongue licking it. Nick with one of his free paws grabbed his own pulsing cock then he started pumping.

"Baby... I'm.... going to cum... soon." I moaned out feeling my orgasm coming fast. This warning only made Nick bob his head faster and deeper. Nick stroked himself faster to feeling his climax coming as well. I reached my climax first and Nick swallowed every drop, soon after Nick's climax came and tiger cum was washed down in the drain.

I panted, "That... was great."

Nick stood up grabbing some soap, "Glad you liked it roo." He squeezed a portion in his hand and massaged my chest working to my arm then down to my legs. It felt so good that I murred. Then he came back up and nuzzled my neck. I got some soap and rubbed it in his muscular chest. His body was so beautiful and I got to wash it. I rubbed his chest and worked my way down to his legs. Then washed off in the water, I turned the water off and followed Nick out the tub.

I grabbed the towel I got earlier and started to dry off Nick. I had an evil idea again and I rubbed him fast everywhere making his fur poof out. I giggled "Hey there sexy fur ball." He pushed his fur down and grabbed the towel.

"Haha very funny now its your turn." He started rubbing my fur.

"Oh, I don't think so. My fur is short it cant poof out." I giggled while Nick still tried making my fur poof.

In a failed attempt he gave up and kissed me. I took the towel from his hands and threw it in the hamper. We walked out of the bathroom and in my bedroom. I took some boxers out and slid them on then I turned to see Nick bend over to look in his bag for clothes. I couldn't help but stare at his butt my boxers were getting tented a little. Nick found what he was looking for and slid on his boxers swishing his tail back and forth he looked at me. I blushed and turned around then felt Nick hold me from the back.

"You know I don't care if you stare at me, I find it flattering." He said then kissed me on the neck.

I murred as I moved my head giving him more space to kiss. The tiger purred as he kept kissing my neck.

"Babe as much as I wish we could stay like this we need to go." I said looking at the clock. It read 9:02. Then I added "If we start now we're never gonna get out of here."

Nick nodded, "I guess you're right let's get done dressing and we will head for school."

"Hey are you hungry? I could cook you something real quick." I said.

"Umm, sure breakfast sounds good." Nick said as he was looking through is back searching for something to wear.

I found some clothes a blue shirt with black shorts and a blue slash on the side. "Pancakes good?"

"Yea sounds great, ill be down in a minuet." Nick still fumbling in his bag.

"Ok." I said while heading down stairs

I made it in the kitchen and went towards a cabinet opened it and got out pancake mix then I went through another cabinet and found a pan. I started mixing the batter then poured it in the pan. Then I felt something hug me from the back I didn't jump this time.

"Hey Nick breakfast is almost ready." I turned and gave the tiger a small kiss.

"Ok roo." Nick had an evil grin on his face.

I turned back around to focus on breakfast, but Nick started teasing me. He rubbed my crotch, purred in my ear, bit me neck, and I can feel his length through my clothes. All of these kinks are not only making me hard but I can't focus on the pancakes.

I moaned "Ohh Nick... your going... to make me burn... the pancakes."

Nick purred in my ear, "You have to focus on me and those pancakes cause I can't stop now."

"Oh... so... evil." I moaned out.

"You know you like it."

I reached for a cabinet and got out two plates to set the pancakes on. And with little will I had left I got the pancakes on the plates. Phew it didn't burn.

Nick let me go and kiss my cheek giggling. "Not to bad." He said while grabbing one of the pancakes.

I couldn't do nothing but smile at him, "You evil cat." I got the other pancake and sat down at the table with him. I got some maple syrup "Kitty would you like some syrup?"

"Yea, thanks roo."

I started eating the pancakes then I heard Nick take a first bite of the pancakes. 'I hope he likes them I don't cook often.' I thought.

"These pancakes are really good." Nick said eating another bite.

"Really?" I said looking up at him.

"Yea these really fluffy and delicious." He smiled at me.

"I'm glad you like it." Then I started eating again.

We finished eating and I put the plates in the sink so I could wash them later. Nick grabbed his keys and we hoped in his car, and we were off to school.

The car ride was sort of silent until I broke it, "So... what are we going to tell people at school there gonna find out sooner or later?" I asked.

"Well its up to you. Do you want them to know or keep it a secret?"

I thought for a minuet "Well... can we keep it a secret I'm not really for people to find out I'm gay yet."

We got to school and drove in the parking lot "Sure, if I give you a kiss ill make sure no one is around to see it." He petted my head fur back "Otherwise ill kiss you like this." He added before he kissed me passionately he lick my lips seeking passage through it and letting our tongues dance. We stayed like that for what seemed hours were only 4 minuets.

The bell rung and we broke our kiss. I looked in his eyes and he looked in mine for before we got out of the car. We headed towards the building in hands but as soon as we saw Chris and Sandy at the door leading inside the school we let go.

"Hey guys." Chris said waving his hands in the air.

"Hey Nights, hi handsome." Sandy said while looking at Nick. Chris and I laughed at Sandy still trying to flirt with Nick.

"Sandy I think you should give up now." Chris said.

"Yea he's in our group now so he's protected." I said

"Pshh I can flirt with who ever I want." The bell rang, "But not now we need to get to class don't wanna be late." Sandy said while starting to walk off.

We followed her inside Chris and Sandy said their goodbyes saying that they will meet us at lunch. So Nick and me were just walking through the crowd side-by-side heading to class. We came up to the hallway were we have to split up.

Nick leaded down and whispered in my ear "Ill see ya at lunch babe." He looked around and gave me a small kiss, I smiled.

I watched him go then headed for my own class.


Time went by and we got through our classes. But every time I didn't have a class with Nick I missed him. I know he missed me to cause he always told me he did when we meet in the hallway. Now it's after school.


"My god I'm sooo glad its Friday!" Sandy yelled.

Chris started laughing , "I bet I know why."

"Shut up Chris." Sandy snapped back at him.

Nick and me walked behind the two furs headed through the hallways going out the school, "Nick I bet they are going to end up together." I smirked.

"Oh yea how do you know." Nick raised an eyebrow.

"Well... beside the fact that Chris is one of my best friend and we tell each other everything... well almost everything. He told me once that he likes Sandy."


"That's why he always messes with her." I smiled. Nick giggled

"What's all that noise back there." Chris turned back and looked at us.

We both looked innocent "Nothing." We both said at the same time.

"Oh I need to use that bathroom. Wait for me." Nick said

"Sure ill stay here." I smiled.

"We got to go. Well see ya later." Chris and Sandy said waving.

"Goodbye you love birds." I snickered, Chris blushed and Sandy had a confused look on her face. Then Chris gave me a glare look and I laughed.

Then they started to leave and I watched. Nick kissed me again and leaves for the bathroom.

"I knew it you ARE a fag." A voice came out of nowhere.

'Oh no.' I thought.

I turned around and sure enough there he was the terrier.

"Keith what now. Don't you ever get tired of this?" I sighed.

"Shut it fag I saw you this time." Keith smiled.

I raised an eyebrow, "What are you talking about?"

"You know what I'm talking about, I saw you kiss that tiger."

My eye went wide, I didn't know how to make a comeback. He saw us what am I supposed to say?

"No comeback, I thought so. Now get ready for pain little fag." Keith growled.

I was shaking a little bit, but I got ready to fight. Keith smirked.


Nick was in the bathroom taking care of... business.

Nick sighed in relief washing his hands "Man, my bladder would have exploded if I held that in any longer." He took a paper towel and dried his hands. He walked out of the bathroom almost getting knocked over by 2 furs racing down the hallway.

"Sorry tiger didn't see you." One of them apologized.

"Yea me to, Come on dude lets go see the fight that's starting I don't want to miss it." The fur said tugging on the others sleeve.

"Ugh who is fighting again?"

Nick couldn't help but over here there conversation, he raised an eyebrow

"I don't know some terrier and kangaroo, there gonna start now move your ass or your gonna miss it."

Nick eyes opened wide. "Kangaroo? No... it couldn't." Nick started running down the hall back toward he left Nights. "Please don't let it be him."

When he got back to were he left Nights there was a small crowd. He pushed through them to see Nights on his knees the floor and Keith standing over him.

"Told you I would get you fag." Keith said. As he raise his fist, "The finally blow." He said.

Nick jumped in and stopped his fist just in time, "What the fuck do you think your doing to my Nights. BACK OFF." Nick said as he pushes Keith back.

Keith lost balance and almost fell, regaining balance he looked at Nick, "Hey you're the fag that this roo kissed."

"And?" Nick said, "What you're going to try and beat me up because of it?"

"Yep, plain and simple."

"I cant believe you would try to beat some one up just because they have different interest than you, but whatev ill kick you're ass."


Chris and Sandy were walking home together. They weren't that far from school.

"What did Nights mean when he said 'Love birds'? Sandy asked.

Chris blushed. Trying to hide it he looked away from Sandy "I don't know he jokes around a lot."

Sandy looked at Chris, "Are you blushing?"

Chris stopped in his tracks, not knowing what to say...

Then they heard noise coming from school. "What's that?" Chris said trying to change the subject.

Sandy looked back towards the school. "Hmm must be a fight... that what it sounds like."

"Wonder who's fighting... wanna go see?" Chris said looking at Sandy.

"Sure, but this is the last time I go back to school on a Friday."


I sat there on the floor hearing Nick and Keith go at it. I wanted them to stop, wanted Nick to just pick me up and carry me out of here take me home and let me be in his arms. But I couldn't do anything... I was in pain and couldn't really move. I picked my head up to see what in my surroundings. I see furs cheering as if we were at the coliseum, cheering for the two warriors fighting to kill the other.

I look at Nick and Keith. Nick as Keith pinned down on the floor, "Tell me one reason I shouldn't kill you now." Nick said with his claw at Keith throat. I saw Nick look back at me, "You hurt my Nights." Nick growled.

"Nick stop!" The crowd went silent and all looked at me. "Just...stop...please." I staggered up on my two legs and walked to Nick and pulled him up, he immediately hugged me... it felt so warm, "Nick lets just go home."

At that time I saw Chris and Sandy walk in. "Oh my god, Nights!" Sandy yelled. Chris and Sandy ran towards Nick and me.

"What happen?" Chris ask.

Nick picked me up and cradled me in his arms. "Nothing a little fight but its over now...we will fill you guys in on the details later." Nick said as he carried me out the school and to his car Chris and Sandy followed. He put me in the passenger seat "You guys need a ride home?" Nick offered.

"Yea..." They both said. Then they hoped in his car and Nick drove off.

The car ride was silent until Sandy broke it, "So what was that about... why did Keith fight you guys?"

I looked at Nick and he looked at me, he nodded his head nothing needed to be said to know what we were thinking about...

I sighed "Well... I guess I shouldn't keep this a secret any longer. Ummm how can I say this?"

"Your gay." Chris stopped me.

My eyes went wide I looked at Nick and he had the same expression as me... shocked. I looked back at Sandy and Chris and they smiled.

"You knew?" I asked.

"Yea we knew all the time, we just wanted you to be comfortable about us knowing so we waited for you to tell us." Sandy said. I was still shocked that they even knew about it but I was happy too because they accepted me.

"So you guys are ok with this?" I asked.

"Yep beside you and Nick make a cute couple." Sandy said with a smile.

Nick choked on some spit that went down his throat. We were completely shocked that they new about all this. All the worrying I had that they wouldn't be my friends, that they would avoid me. I'm glad that it will never happen.

"Wait how do you guys know, I mean what gave us away... Sandy you flirted with Nick every chance you had..." I said.

"Well what gave it away was the fact that you never had or even tried to get a girlfriend. Plus I see you staring at guys in the locker room." Chris said.

"At first I didn't think Nick was gay. But then you guys hanged out a lot and you stared in each other eyes when we eat at lunch. It all added up." Sandy said.

We drove to Chris's house parking in his driveway Sandy and Chris got out of the car. Chris walk to his door and Sandy followed. Chris fumbled through his pockets and found his keys, opened the door.

"Hey Chris!" I got out of the car heading for Chris. Chris looked back at me.

"Yea?" he responded.

I gave him a hug then released him "Now we know everything about each other." I giggled.

Chris laughing, "Oh I guess we do now huh."

"Ill see ya later." I started to head back to the car. But then stopped and looked back "Oh and one more thing Chris." The husky raised an eyebrow. "Be sure to wear a condom." I smirked.

"Oh my god. I'm not here for that were are just doing homework together." Sandy blushed.

"Oh yea suuuure. But don't blame me if you start popping out babies." I laughed, and they blushed.

I walked back to the car and hopped back in. my body was still a little sore from what just happen today but I ignored the feeling. Nick pulled out the drive way and we headed for home.

"So wanna come back to my house kitty?" I asked.

"No, I want you to come to my house."

I put a confused look on my face, "What about"

"He's not at home all the time. He is usually at some bar all the time. He only comes home late. So we have time to play." He said with a sheepish grin.

"Well I do have to thank you for saving me earlier... and I know the perfect thing." I smiled.

"What does my little roo have in mind?"

"Oh something you will love." I giggled.

//Ok I hope you guys like that, I tried making it longer, and the sex scene too. But please if you see anything I might have left out tell me and ill try to put it in the next chapter ^^//