Close Friends Get Closer

Story by Zander_lion on SoFurry

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"Come on, one more."

"I...can't...I've got it... gah..." The rabbit grabbed the bar and helped Zander lift the weights back into place on the rack.

"I told you I had it!" Zander joked in between breaths.

"Yeah, right. Remember last time you said that? I ended up bandaging your bruised ribs." The rabbit was serious. Zander shook his head and wiped the sweat-matted fur on his forehead.

"Trick, you're one hell of a guy. You'll never let me forget that, will you?" Trick was Zander's friend and his mate's cousin. They had become close since Whazzette and Zander had paired up. The rabbit was 5'8" tall, well muscled and strikingly blue. His fur was an anomoly since both his parents were white rabbits. It was a shock to his father at first, but he soon enough realized his mistake. Trick was already eighteen and, despite his good looks, had never found a mate. He visited Zander often, usually to help him work out. Today they had planned on working on their upper body and then going for a run. "Come on, let's get going before we have to dodge traffic."

They ran their usual route, talking along the way. Zander mostly about Whazzette and his classes he was taking and Trick, more than anything, was politely listening, commenting when needed. He was a quiet rabbit. He could even be called cute, thought Zander. They returned to the apartment, both exhausted.

They sat on the couch and Trick grabbed a towel from the weight rack. He wiped his face and arms and held the towel out to Zander. The lion was tired and not paying attention. Trick smiled and wiped the sweat from Zander's face. He opened his eyes.

"Oh, thanks, buddy." He closed his eyes again and Trick wiped Zander's face and arms. He reclined on the sofa and savored the feeling of the terrycloth rubbing his fur, wicking away moisture from his body. It felt good.

He thought about his mate. Whazzette usually would have been here but was away for the weekend. He thought of her naked body, his tried mind drifting. He quickly snapped back to reality.

"Hey, Zandy! Wake up." Trick was snapping his fingers. "You've been sleeping for an hour. Take a shower; I'm starving. I'll make dinner."

Zander shook his head. "Nah, we can go out." He thought about what turned out to be a dream. He shifted position and realized he had a raging erection. He covered his lap. Trick noticed and giggled.

"You've been saying Wozzy's name for the last fifteen minutes. I kind of figured you were in the middle of a wet dream. I thought I would wake you up before you embarassed yourself."

Zander Blushed. "I'm... going to go take a shower. A cold shower. Have you had one?" Trick shook his head.

"Nah. I was going to wait until you were done." The rabbit was polite like that.

Zander shrugged. "Just take one with me. It will give me an excuse to use hot water." Trick laughed. He thought that this was reasonable enough. The shower had two heads, and since Zander would use them both anyway, it would save water.

Trick smiled. "I need to borrow some soap."

The rabbit and the lion padded to the bathroom and both disrobed, Zander bending over to turn on the faucets. Trick glanced down and stared at the lion's rump. It was very muscular, flexing and relaxing with every movement he made. They had never been naked before together, and curiosity got the best of this young bunny.

They stepped into the wide shower and stood back to back, the water striking their chests. As they showered, they realized that the shower was not meant to accomodate two males of their size; their backsides kept bumping into each other. Neither of them was particularly irritated by it. On the contrary, Zander was getting aroused (and very embarassed), and Trick pretended not to notice his friend's predicament.

"Want me to get your back, Zandy?" Trick asked over his shoulder, holding a bar of soap. The lion thought hard about this. His inhibitions were somehow less with this male... it seemed comfortable. I mean, my god, he was taking a shower with him.

He gave in. "Sure." He giggled nervously as a soapy paw met with the wet fur on his back. Zander heard the soap hit the shower floor and istinctively turned around to investigate. Trick bent to pick up the soap and when he lifted his head up, he was greeted with the tip of his friend's erect member.

"Oh, hello." Trick smiled up at the lion, and the lion looked at the rabbit. Out of the corner of his eye, Zander was sure he saw the end of his friend's penis emerging from his matted fur.

"Oh, oh my- I'm so sorry." Zander quickly turned and put his paws over his crotch, his face burning and eartips red with embarassment.

"Oh, Zandy, don't worry about it," Trick said comfortingly. "I'm not sure I even mind." His paw reached up slowly, hesitating for a moment before settling on the side of the lion's muscled rump. Zander sucked in a quick breath and realized what was going on. He stood there for a moment, wondering what he should do.

A very nervous rabbit kneeled in the shower with a paw on his best friend's butt. "Zander, I'm sorry;" Trick looked at the floor of the shower and tried to pull his paw away. He felt resistance and looked up. Zander's paw was covering his own, holding it in place on the lion's rump.

"No, it's okay, Trick. I want this." Zander turned and helped Trick to his feet. Zander looked down at the shorter male standing in front of him. With steam all around, hot water splashing off their backs, they closed their eyes.

Their lips met and they pressed their muzzles together. Trick slid his tongue into Zander's mouth. The lion rested his paws on the small of the rabbit's back, and Trick reached up to hold the back of Zander's head. Zander's paws caressed the buttocks of his new lover, the kissed furiously each tongue exploring the other.

The water running over their bodies had long since washed the soap from their fur when they broke the kiss. Zander opened the shower door and stepped out, leading his friend by the paw. They towel dried each others' body, not bothering to take the time to use the fur dryer.

Trick pulled his friend quickly into the bedroom and jumped on the bed, landing on his back. He threw his towel on the floor and Zander immediately did the same. He lay on the bed next to his rabbit companion and kissed him. Zander felt a paw wrap around his erect shaft, and reached over to return the favor.

They lay on the bed, tongues and lips meeting in a glistening bath of saliva. Their paws moved in unison, one matching the other. Trick broke away and moved his muzzle down and spread the fur on the chest of his friend. He found the tip of a nipple and wasted no time. He licked and nipped, the lion next to him putting up no resistance.

Trick moved his way down the bed and grabbed hold of the lioncock once again. He squeezed it and coaxed out a healthy amount of precum. He licked it away and placed his lips against the tip. He kissed it and slowly spread his lips, allowing the member to slide into his mouth.

Zander purred loudly, the warm mouth enveloping his penis. He signalled Trick, pushing him in one direction, to maneuver himself into position. Trick took his spot on top of Zander, his head moving up and down, trying to get to that sweet cream that was locked away.

Zander used his rough lion tongue just the way he knew the females liked him to use it (only he had to improvise a little, due to obvious differences). He started on the bottom of Trick's scrotum and slowly licked his way up to his tailhole. He repeated this action several times before finally stopping on the rabbit's tight sphincter. His tongue circled the hole, probing in every so often and making Trick squirm.

Trick bobbed his head up and down, sucking fiercely on the cock under him. He cupped a paw under Zander's balls and massaged them gently. Zander rubbed the tailhole with his thumb and moved his attention to the rabbit's dripping cock. He wrapped his mouth around it and licked the underside with his tongue. His tongue flicked against the bottom, unseen, pressed against the organ inside his muzzle.

They fondled and sucked, each yearning for release. Zander was the first to sense the feeling building inside. "Oh, Trick... you're making me come! I want you to come with me," he purred. Zander increased the speed of his tongue and the intensity of his sucking. He didn't want to miss this opportunity.

Zander felt the imminent. His testicles tingled and his buttocks tightened. He grabbed the rabbit's rump and pushed a thumb into the slickened rectum of his companion. Trick's back arched and Zander's mouth was full of semen. Hot, ropey strands sprayed the back of Zander's throat. He swallowed the best he could, choking a little.

The warm goo in his mouth was enough to send him over the edge. He pulled his thumb from the rabbit's backside and bucked his hips. Gobs of seed pumped into Trick's mouth. He savored the salty mess, not swallowing, but allowing it to settle in his mouth. He moved his tongue around and coated the roof of his mouth, his teeth, his tongue.

Trick smiled and turned around, face to face with the lion. He moved in and kissed Zander, Trick's gooey tongue touching the clean one. Zander made a face when he realized what he had done, giggled, and accepted the rest, making sure to lick clean every surface of the rabbit's mouth.

They lay there, their legs intwined, naked bodies pressed together. Their softening members were sticky against the others' fur. They lay in bed for a time, just holding each other. Zander finally spoke.

"You know, Trick, I miss Whazzette. But this weekend, she can take her time."

They giggled and drifted off to sleep.