Sovereign Lion Chp 3

Story by Epic Quest on SoFurry

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Thanks to everyone who reads and comments, it means a lot! I get much more motivation to continue when people comment on my work, regardless if its good or bad. At least I know people are reading it. ^_^

Keep commenting, and the new chapters will be finished quicker.

I sat around to watch, this time. The girl I had captured possessed super powers of her own. The ability to manipulate ice, it seemed, and after an arousing battle, I managed to overpower her. She fought with the last of her will even as the Rhino man, Glen forced the potion down her throat and she began convulsing as the changes occured. I removed the illusionary chains that bound her, and immediately, her arms and legs began to flail from the stress of the transformation."Ahh!" She cried, her muscles expanding in tone as she grew in size, much like I had.  I watched as her body matured rapidly, and soon it had grown to six feet tall, though it was nowhere near as hulking as my body was. She did, however, look to be a very strong, olympic female, and I watched in perverse amusement as her clothing ripped and shredded from her increased size. Soon, she was reduced to simple rags just as the fur began to set in."Aaahh!" She yelled out, releasing a cloud of powdered snow in all directions. Both me and Glen stood back, covering our faces with our arms to avoid the attack, but as the snow began to fall, I watched as it swirled around her body, as if responding to her transformation and began fusing with her fur. Icy blue fur began to grow across most of her body, with a snowy white underside. A thin tail began to emerge from her back side, and her hair grew in length, reaching down to past her shoulders and taking on a dark blue pigmentation. As I watched her face extend into a feline muzzle, and her ears beginning to migrate and change, I realized she was transforming into a lioness, and smiled. Not only was I planning to make her my slave, but she was becoming the same species as I was.

 "Hmm, I think she needs a new name," I said, "Well she controls ice, why don't we call her Hoar Cat." I said, half joking. However, my communicator kicked on and Circe's voice began to speak over it, sounding very pleased with my catch."I think that's an excelent name for your first trophy, my Sovereign Lion. As a reward for your victory, I will allow you to keep her for whatever you desire. The test is over, you definitely have talent for the magical arts. I will contact you again when I have need of your service." She said, putting emphasis on the whatever part. The transformation was finishing up now, and the blue feline woman lay before me with a dazed look on her face as she adjusted to the change. Soon, however, she sat up and looked me over before moving into a kneeling position."Circe decrees you are my master, Sovereign Lion. Hoar Cat is ready to serve you." She said submissively. I was a bit disappointed that her rebelious spirit was gone so quickly, but I already had various plans in store for her.  I had to admit, I would have liked her a bit smaller and cuter, but she was still a good 2 feet shorter than me and from what I could tell, she was around 170 lbs of muscle now. I reached around

and grabbed her by the waist as Ieered down into her eyes.

 "You are my slave forever. Always remember that." I said, and she gave a nod of understanding. Maybe it was the fusion of animal DNA that increased by primal urges, but I was feeling very, very sexual by this point. My own slave girl, her clothing shredded, and I had total control over her, I wanted to just pounce her right there, but decided to hold off"Good, because we're going to have so much fun." I said, leading her away from the battle around us. I watched with a sense of joy as I saw the Beastiamorphs were gaining the upper hand. The Amazons outnumbered them by about 3 to 1, but each Beastiamorph was physically strong enough to fight off 2 Amazons at once, so in terms of raw power, they had the advantage. One by one, the Amazons were being subdued and dragged off to be transformed into Beastiamorphs, and the survivors were making a steady withdrawl to regroup their forces.As I picked up Hoar Cat bridal style, I was surprised to find how light she was. I had never really had strong muscles before, and I wondered the full depths to what I was capable of lifting with this body. I shrugged and dashed off back towards my home, carrying my new back up with me. At least with Hoar Cat, I could stand a chance against the cops, I doubt they were prepared enough to fend off both a barrage of psychic power, and frozen temperatures. But then I remembered that Metropolis had a new law enforcement created.

 The so called Science Police, a new organization created specifically in response to the Exobytes. This police force used its own super powered cops who utilized advanced technology, meta human super soldiers, and the mystic arts to prepare themselves for nearly any occasion. If any of them had been called in, this battle would probably get even more dangerous. In hindsight, I could probably have just applied for employment opportunities and gotten super powers easier, but too late for that now. Besides, being a villain was pretty kick ass!I was confident enough by now, that I had proper control over my abilities, and the newly dubbed Hoar Cat had a day's seniority over me, and had displayed her own skill with her powers. I found we were nearing my home, thanks to the holographic map and began to slow down as I saw the cops around. There weren't as many as before, I assumed because they had been called in to deal with trouble elsewhere. This time, however, they managed to see me, as I was coming from the street.

 "Halt, this area is under lock down!" Someone shouted  on a microphone. I responded by outstretching one arm and firing a blast of psychic power, impacting one of the cruisers and knocking a dent into its door."Open Fire!" shouted one of the cops as I set my slave down and got ready for battle. The cops hid behind their vehicles and leveled pistols and shot guns at us and began to fire.

Hoar cat flew into the air to avoid them, and I tapped into the speed force, watching as the bullets began to slow down enough to see clearly and took off to avoid being hit.As I ducked and dodged the bullets, I was firing more and more energy blasts, knocking into the cops as they were sent stumbling backwards. Those that I managed to miss were receiving blasts of frozen snow from above."I don't suppose you have any weapons, do you?" I asked, looking up at the snowy feline who smiled back at me. She held her arms to the side and clenched her fingers as a crackling sound could be heard and two icy swords began to manifest in her grasp. As the crackling sound finished, she was now holding what looked like two broad swords made out of razor sharp ice. She then took a dive towards the police and slashed at them with both swords, shredding two gashes into the police cruiser in front of me.

 "Oh you naughty girl." I said as the cops were now trying to avoid being decapitated by the flying cat girl who was slashing away every time she swooped in. If she didn't manage to strike them, they also had to manage to avoid my psychic blasts. I couldn't help but laugh at the mayhem, the power was just so intoxicating, and I must have looked like a psychopath as I bombarded the police, laughing at the top of my lungs.But these were not the science police I had feared, they were just regular cops and almost as suddenly as our attack began, it was coming to an end. The cruisers that formed a barricade were totalled, and the cops were either gravely injured, or fleeing for their lives. Realizing the battle was won, I stopped the attack as Hoar Cat gently landed beside me, her icy blades shattering into snow and blowing away on the wind. I wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close as she rested her paws on my chest."That was fun, I'm all pumped up now." I said, proud of our work and began leading her towards the front door. I doubted they would be able to muster reinforcements for at least half an hour. Plenty of time to try out my new slave, and as I thought about it, a mischevious grin came to my face. If I recalled correctly, Circe was an olympian goddess, worshiped by the greeks and romans. Rome was quite well known for its use of slaves, which would probably explain a lot.  I wondered if continuing to serve he would warrant me any further play things as I kicked down the door to my own home. I wouldn't be returning here after today, the cops knew about it, and it wouldn't be long before it drew more attention than I could handle.

 The house was empty, everyone had been outside trying to fend me off, or evacuated when they learned the defense had crumbled. That was fine, I didn't need that much of an audience as I gripped Hoar Cat tighter and lead her to my room.The bedroom wasn't too impressive, I was still in high school, after all, so I couldn't really afford

luxury. A nice bed large enough for two people, a dresser for some clothes, with a wide mirror to watch check my outfit while I changed. A closet for extra clothing, and a rack for extra blankets on those cold nights. As we stepped inside, my malehood was already tending against my underwear with anticipation.  I moved to open the front hole and allow my cock free, even I was surprised by it when I saw it too had transformed. It was nearly 9 inches in length and 1.6 in thickness, a very nice transformation, in my opinion. Towards the tip of it was a series of feline barbs. I took a few moments to admire it before I practically shoved Hoar Cat face first onto the bed as she yelped a little in surprise. Before she could even response, I pressed her down by the shoulders with one paw and grabbed the shredded remains of her pants with the other, yanking harshly as I tore the fabric off, revealing her blue and white furry rear end.

 "Master?" She asked in surprise as I moved my free hand now to press her shoulders  down with both arms and lined up my cock. That did it, hearing this naked girl in my bed room, forced against the bed addressing me as her owner. I was unable to hold back anymore, and I thrust my hips forward with nearly perfect aim. I felt her feline nethers part as my barbed cock penetrated her. She yowled in surprise, followed by pain as I felt something tear away inside her.Should have known, a tom boy like her probably wouldn't have been too into males to lay with one just yet. Good to see on top of enslaving her, I got the pleasure of taking her virginity. She clenched around me as I drove in further, feeling my spiny barbs brushing against her walls. I took only a few moments for her to adjust to the intruder inside her before I can the pseudo rape, drawing out slowly and then ramming as deep as I could. It was difficult at first, being too tight to fit in completely, but with each thrust, she began to loosen a little more, allowing me to get deeper inside her.

 As I slaked my lust, I was losing concentration as my powers began to react on their own. Light objects started levitating around the room, my vision turned flourescent pink again, and I felt psychic energy coursing through my whole body, to the point where it actually started to glow purple from the aura radiating off me. The whole time, the girl's yowls, moans, and even the occasional mew were driving me wild. I picked up the pace, practically rocking her lighter body with my bulky frame, even making the bed shake as it slammed against the wall."Graaaooorrr!" I roared out, drunk on power as I gripped her biceps tightly, refusing to let her get up into a more comfortable position, instead being face down, and ass up. Finally, I was ready and with another loud roar, I climaxed inside her. The orgasm caused all my pent up energy to explode as the room around us was obliterated. Objects smashing against each other, the

walls and cieling blown to rubble, the bed crumbling to the floor, and clothing scattered across whatever was left. I even felt Hoar Cat yowl as she reached her own climax, and I felt myself sprayed with cool liquids from her loins.

 We both panted like savages as we rode out our climaxes, I felt my barbs locking me inside her, but as the climax began to die down, they softened enough to allow me to slip back out with a wet plopping sound as I finally allowed my slave to rise back up. She began to rub at her shoulders as she rolled over, excess cum leaking out from between her legs."Clean me off." I ordered, presenting my soaked cock before her. She looked at it for a moment, but then opened her muzzle and accepted the organ, sucking off the juices. Her actions almost got me hard again, but soon, she pulled away, having swallowed all the excess cum off my dick."You have pleased me, I'll be doing that again often." I promised her, as she responded with a confirming nod, followed by moving forward to place her arms on my abs, nuzzling her face into my chest. I felt my cock struggling with the decision to go another round, or slide back into my clothes, and as we heard the sounds of sirens in the distance, it made up its mind and retreated back into hiding.

 "We should get going, I doubt they sent regular cops this time." I ordered before I noticed something very peculia about Hoar Cat. Even as she was fully naked before me now, her fur seemed to be thick enough to hide her nipples and nether regions from view. I grinned as a thought came to me, and made a decision. If she didn't need clothes to hide her modesty, than she wouldn't wear any."You are forbidden to wear clothing from now on, save for armor when necessary in battle." I ordered her. She responded with a Yes, Master, and we began to flee through the holes I had made in the wall, ready to escape."You know, this is getting somewhat dangerous. I may need to form alliances with other super villains, especially if I'm looking for a new hideout." I said out loud, even though it was more of a thought to myself, than addressing Hoar Cat.As we emerged outside, I could already see the uniforms of the Science Police approaching the building and that confirmed it, I needed allies. "Looks like we're on a recruitment drive." I said, summoning up the speed force as I picked up Hoar Cat and dashed off in search of other villains.

 --------------------------------------2 days later.....It had been a couple days since I captured, transformed, and ravaged Hoar, as I had nicknamed her. We had little luck in recruiting anyone in Metropolis as we seemed to be avoiding the police more often. We decided to try our hand in Gotham City and were surprised by just how different it was. Metropolis was like a high tech paradise of sunny parks, science facilities, and tall buildings. Gotham City

was a shit hole of gang violence, industrial plants, and sky scrapers. It looked like all the badass villains would crawl out of here, I couldn't imagine any green horn rookies like ourselves managing to survive here for long.I decided to just recruit who I was able to, and get the hell out before we were caught in a drive by, or worse. Little did I know that this would be where one of my most powerful allies would be found.