My Love Part 1

Story by blahman919 on SoFurry

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This is a story I have been writing, Part 1 just means that this is what I have done so far, I think I should be able to put one more part up. This story has been written with a very special girl in mind. Enjoy ^^

She was beautiful, an amazing shade of blue and green that contrasted each other in just the right ways. He scales were perfect, all the way down her legs and to the large claws on her feet. I knew she would be able to rip me apart; my own scales were strong but would be no match for the sharp claws of a raptor. I had met her a couple of times before now, chatted a little. Her name was Ruby, funny how it was the opposite of the colors of her scales. She enjoyed video games, and was a bit of a nerd. I didn't mind, me being the same way.

The past few time we had talked had been in a gamming store, they had places set up for two on two tournaments on some first person shooter that had just came out. She wanted to join but didn't have a partner, I was the same, so we teamed up. We played through, we came in third place out of fifty teams that were there. After that we left together, split the wining prize of fifty bucks, and then went our spate ways.

A few days later we met again, at the same place. I wanted to buy a new control, she was there to get some game. We chatted for a while in there then we went out to lunch. I had a great time, she said the same. I was sad when we had to part ways.

This time, she was sitting at a bar alone, drinking what seemed like water from where I was standing. Slowly I crossed the room, my tail swaying slightly behind me. I pulled out a seat and sat.

"Hey," I said

"Oh, hey John, how are you?" Ruby asked.

"Doing good, how about you?" I asked her.

"I'm ok...ok no that was a lie, I'm feeling really bad right now, I don't know why but I'm just sad," She told me.

"Oh, anything I can do to help?" I asked.

"Just talk to me? I need someone to talk to," She said taking a sip from her drink.

"I'm here to talk, what you wanna' talk about?" I asked.

"Well...I think I'm sad because of what some ass online said to me,"

"What did he say?"

"He said I was a, quote, a cold heartless bitch,"

"I can tell you that's not true, not any of it,"

"That's what all my friends told me, but I don't know,"

"You are one of the coolest girls I have ever met, I'm sure someone would be very lucky to have you for a mate,"

"Well, why don't I feel that way?"

"Because you don't have someone to make you feel that way,"

"Oh...hey can we get out of here? I hate bars,"

"Yeah sure, I don't mind,"

Ruby stood up, put down a few bills on the bar and started to walk for the door. I followed behind her, my curious eyes glancing down her back and to her rear. I shook the thought out of my head and looked back up. I walked out the door behind her and walked by her side as we walked down the street.

"Thanks for talking to me John,"

"No problem, when a friend needs someone I'm always there,"

"Thanks a ton,"

We walked in silence for a long time, I glance over at hear a couple of times, she was either looking a head of at the ground. I knew she was sad but wasn't too sure on how to help her. I looked up into the night sky, the city lights blocked out the view of the stars above us. Then I heard several groups of feet behind us. I turned and saw several furs following walking quickly towards us. At the front was a large bull dog. I licked the top row of my teeth.

"Hey, what do we have here a couple of love birds?" The bull dog said, I stopped walking.

"I wonder what their plans are for tonight Butch," Another fur said, a horse.

"More than likely not what we have in store for them," A third fur said, another dragon like myself.

"Leave us be," I said turning to face them.

"Come on, don't respond to them, they'll leave," Ruby said tugging at my arm.

"You might want to listen to your bitch, don't want that pretty dragon face of yours to get hurt," Butch, the bull dog, said.

"Don't you dare call her anything," I said taking a step forward, Ruby had stopped holding onto my arm after that one word.

"Oh, what are you going to do?"

That's when the bull dog got within reach, he swung first. I ducked under his fist and punched him square in the gut causing him to double over, my knee contacted with his muzzle before his friends could react. The horse moved in on my left, the dragon my right. The dragon was first to swing. I pushed his punch away from my body in time to duck under the horse's punch. I kicked the horse in his groin, I felt bone snap. The dragon was just getting back on his feet when my foot contacted with his knee and brought him back to the ground. My fist hit the side of his muzzle and he fell. They all lay curled up on the ground.

"Let's go," Ruby said pulling me by the arm.

We walked for a long time without talking, my paws hung by my side, Ruby, she just looked forward not doing anything.

"Hey, I'm sorry about that back there," I said, she didn't say anything so I opened my mouth to say something else when she grabbed my right paw and squeezed it.

I felt my face redden, she held onto my paw and looked at me, and we had stopped walking. I looked into her emerald eyes. She slowly leaned in, I went the rest of the way and kissed her lips, blushing even more, I put my free arm around her back and held her tightly while we kissed, it lasted only for a few seconds, but it felt like ages.

When we finally parted lips I looked down into her eyes, she looked back into mine, I could still feel my face burning, she just gave a small giggle and smiled. I smiled back and gave her paw a squeeze. She hugged me tightly.

"Thanks for everything John," She said.

"It's nothing," I said wraping my arms around her and holding her tightly.

"I need to get home now, will you walk me?" She asked.

"Of course," I said and let go of her, one thing I didn't want to do.

We walked to her house, she kissed my cheek before we said our good byes. My heart fluttered as I walked back to my house, I was finally happy again, smiling. When I got home and sat down on my couch and watched TV, I have no idea what was on, the only thing on my mind was her.

That night I had a dream about Ruby. At first, it was late a night, we were laying in my bed. I had my arms wrapped around her stomach, my head on hers, and we were watching some movie. Though I was more interested in her than the movie, my hands explored her body some, making sure not to go anywhere that may upset her. Then we were in a field, it was still night time and the stars were brighter than I had ever seen before. We were laying on a blanket, she had her head on my chest, my arm was around her back, and we laid there for a long time. Then I woke up, that was the worst part of the dream. Waking up to find she really wasn't there in my arms.

I decided to call her up later that day, I asked her if she'd like to get out of the city for a while. I wanted to try and make my dream come real, I knew of a good place that had a nice view of the stars. I asked if she wanted to go into the mountains. She said yes, to meet her at her house in two hours. I was happy, to say the least. I got dressed in a simple black t-shit that had my favorite band on it, Disturbed, on the front, and a pair of blue jeans.

I drove my old 1940s Mustang to her house, the first time I had used the car in a long time. I parked outside and waited. It took her about ten minutes to come out and get into my car. I smiled at her, she returned it.

"Ready to go?" I asked.

"Yeah, you know I've never really been out of the city," She said.

"Well, Ruby, you are about to see what you have been missing out on," I said.

We went mostly in silence, it took us about half an hour to get out of the city, after that she was looking out the windows at the fields going by, the mountains that we were heading to and one of the large lakes we drove over. We began to drive up the sides of the mountain, the curves getting sharper and sharper as we got higher. Finally I got off onto a back road, a small one car road that went higher into the mountain. We finally reached where I had been wanting to go, a small cabin my friend owned that I had a key to.

"Here we are," I said parking the car.

"Wow, the view is amazing," Ruby said getting out of the car and looking over the cliff to the valley and city below.

"Yeah, I spend a lot of time up here when I'm not working," I said standing next to her, "Want to see the best part?"

"There's more?" She asked.

"Yes, but you will have to wait till dusk to see it," I told her, "Till then we can either hang out here or hike,"

"Does the hike have more views like this?" She asked.

"Yes, and some are better," I said.

"Let's go hike," She said, her eyes brightening.

" Ok, take a seat on the couch, you have hiking shoes? I think I have an extra pair that might fit you, their my friends,"

"That sounds good,"

We walked into the cabin, it was a small three room cabin, a bed room, living room, and kitchen. Ruby sat on the couch in the living room, I walked into the bed room, got some of the things we would need and went back into the living room, handing her the shoes.

"Ok, get these on I'll go fix us some lunch for up there," I said smiling.

I fixed several sandwiches, put a couple bags of chips and an container full of tea into the bag. I grabbed six bottles of water, three for each of us, and put them in the bag as well. I walked back into the living room, Ruby had one of the shoes on but seemed to be having trouble with the other.

"Let me help," I said kneeling down next to her.

"Thanks," She said, I saw a small blush on her face.

"No problem, my friend always says this one is bad at getting tangled up," I said as I laced up the shoe, "There ya' go."

"Ok, how long is the hike,"

"If you want to do the full thing, about four hours,"

"Let's go all of it,"

"Your wish is my command," I said smiling,

She blushed a bit and got up. I grabbed the one large backpack and put it on. We walked outside and I pointed out the trail. We walked and talked for about an hour before we came to the first resting spot, a large piece of rock hanging off the side of the mountain.

"Ok, let's rest for a little while before we continue," I said taking the pack off, "Hungry yet?"

"No, just thirsty, may I has some water please?" She asked,

"Anything for a beautiful face like yours," I said smiling. I grabbed a bottle of water out and tossed it to her, "What do you think of the view?"

"I love It," She said looking out at several other mountains next to the one we were on.

"Well wait till we get to the top," I said smiling.

"I can't wait," She said giggling some.

"Sadly you have to," I said chuckling a bit and checked my watch, it was almost noon.

"Ok, if we want to reach the top by five we can only wait for at most thirty minutes at each rest," I told her

"Why five?" She asked.

"The sun sets a six," I said, "Well about six thirty,"

"So we will have to come back down in the dark?" She asked,

"More than likely," I said, "But don't worry about it now,"

"Ok, I'm ready to go if you are," She said.

We spend about five hours going up the mountain, spending more time then we should have at a couple of the stops. The sun was already getting close to the horizon when we finally go to the top, a large flat area near the top of the mountain. I heard Ruby gasp when she saw the view, on the other side of the mountain, to the west of the city where the sun was setting was the Pacific Ocean, the sun had already started to turn the sky red, the water reflecting it.

"Told you," I said.

Ruby wrapped her arms around me in a tight hug, I wasn't expecting it but I hugged her back, a small thrum coming from my chest.

"Thank you, John," She said.

"It's nothing," I said.

"No, you cared enough to show me a view like this," She said looking up at me, "That's not nothing."

" Well, its for you ," I said smiling.

"Well I love it," She said smiling back.

I leaned down and gave her a quick kiss, then let her go, I was getting hungry so I was sure she was too. I took my pack off while she stared out at the ocean. I pulled out the puffy blanket I had brought and laid it out on the ground and laid out all the food I had brought with me. I tossed the pack to the side of the blanket and walked up next to her.

"Hungry?" I asked.

"Yes, what do we have?" She asked

"Sandwiches and chips, tea," I said smiling and pointed at the food I had set up.

"Wow, you do too much for me John," Ruby said walking over and sitting on the blanket.

"Nothing's too much for you," I said sitting next to her.

We ate the food and watched the sun getting lower and lower in silence. When we finished the food I packed it up into the pack, and we sat watching the sun set. Ruby scooted closer to me, I put my arm around her waist and pulled her closer. She put her head on my shoulder as we watched the sun setting. I let out another thrum and held her tightly. Her paw found mine and we sat there holding each other as the sun set. Finally darkness set upon us. I could still see fairly well so I let her go, signaled her to stay and went off into the trees getting some wood. I brought back a somewhat large bundle and stacked them up near the blanket. It started to get darker to where I could hardly see. I shot a small ball of fire onto the wood and set it ablaze. Smiling I sat back next to her.

"This has been amazing," Ruby said nuzzling my neck.

"It's all for you," I said thrumming loudly.

"Thank you so much, you're so sweet," she said hugging me

"You're welcome," I said, blushing some, and hugging her back.

"So, we have to walk back in the dark?" She asked

"Well, not if you don't want to," I said, "My wings make good blankets, and it's been a while since I slept under the stars,"

"I'd like to stay out here," She said smiling at me.

I smiled back and stared into her eyes. He scales were so beautiful in the firelight, the dancing flames causing her scales to become different colors and shades of green. Her eyes were bright, even though the darkness around. I could have stayed there forever if time had let me. Ruby started to lean in an close her eyes. I did the same and out lips touched. My arms found their way to her back, though I have no idea how, my mind was rushing with other thoughts. I embraced her while we kissed, our tongues dancing together in each other's mouths. When the kiss finally broke all I could do was smile at her, no word would come to my mouth, and I don't think the needed to, to express how I felt.

After a minute or two of sitting in the darkness we slowly laid down, I laid on my back and stared up int the stars. She did the same for a couple of minutes until she moved closer to me, and rested her head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and held her, after a while she fell asleep. I wrapped my wings around both of us and stared into the sky for the longest time before I fell asleep myself. The one time I didn't want to go to sleep, my dreams could never be as good as that moment.

I woke up, my eyes opened to the dull brightness of early morning. I felt her, Ruby, still in my arms. She was still asleep, breathing softly, he head laying high on my chest. I could feel her warm breath on my neck making me shiver some, my neck was very sensitive. I didn't want to move from this spot, but I also wanted to get ready to leave when she got up, so I decided what I wanted to do. And with that I laid, her in my arms, and watched the clouds change color as the sun rose.

I never wanted that moment to end, but I heard Ruby yawning and felt her moving around. My wings slowly unwrapped themselves and I smiled down at her. She smiled back and nuzzled into my chest. I let out a soft thrum and hugged her tight.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked her.

"Very, better than in a long time," She said nuzzling higher on my chest.

"Me, too, though I didn't want to fall asleep," I said.

"Why not?" She asked

"My dreams could never be as good as right now," I said smiling.

"Oh, your sweet," She said blushing some and began to nuzzle into my neck.

"Hey, careful with the neck," I said shivering some.

"Why is that? Is big draggy scared of little ol' me?" She asked grinning some and licking my neck slowly.

"Ooooh, hey," I said thrumming loudly and shivering more.

"What? Does dragon like his neck being licked?" She asked and licked my neck again.

"Come on now, you don't want a yiffy dragon on your hands," I said blushing and shivering more.

"And why don't I?" She asked, causing me to blush more.

"You don't want to know what a dragon does when he is yiffy," I said.

"Maybe I do," She said giggling some.

"Oh really?" I asked, "Well if you do just keep that up and you will get one,"

"Hm, maybe," She said dragging one of her claws over my neck lightly.

"Come on, no teasing the dragon," I said shivering again.

"But you look so cute when you get all blushing," She said smiling.

"Oh, you," I said nipping at her slightly.

"So cute," she said and licked my chin, I blushed deeply.

"Well, if you are just going to be a tease let me up so I can get us ready for the hike back down," I said rubbing her back softly.

"Do we have to go? I want to stay up here," She said looking at me, "I mean, we could go back to your cabin and stay there for a day or so right?"

"Well, I suppose," I said, "anything for you,"

"Yay, thank you," She said smiling.

"No problem, now you just want to lay here for a while? Seeing how we are staying up here another day," I said.

"I'd like to, for at least a little while," She said nuzzling into my neck again.

"Ok, I'm fine with that," I said and hugged her tightly.

"It's beautiful up here," She said looking up into the still red sky.

"Nowhere near as beautiful as you," I said nuzzling the top of her head.

"Why are you so sweet to me?" She asked murmuring.

"Because you are an amazing person, you have always been nice to me, and you're all around beautiful," I said holding her tightly.

She blushed brightly and put her head back on my chest. I thrummed softly and held her for a while. She looked back up at me and smiles. I opened my mouth to say something but all I got was a mouth full of Raptor tongue, she had kissed me. Our tongues once again danced in our mouths. I rubbed her back softly as we stayed together, getting as close to being in one body as we could. After a minute or so, I had lost track of time, she broke the kiss, a small bit of saliva still connected our muzzles. I smiled, blushing a bit, and she returned it.

"Thank you for everything John," Ruby said.

"No, thank you," I said.

She smiled softly and began to nuzzle into my neck. I shivered some as her long tongue licked slowly up my neck, my heart was pounding some, and I wouldn't want it any other way. She licked up and down my neck several times, I had a feeling of where she wanted to go with that, and apparently so did my friend in my pants because he began to come out of his slit.

"Well, how about we thank each other in a special way?" She asked, her paw rubbing my thigh near my crotch.

"Mmm, I guess you do want a yiffy dragon, if it is what you want," I said rubbing her back more.

"I believe it is," She said and began to rub the small tent in my pants.

I thrummed loudly at her touch, not having felt anyone else's touch there. More of my member slid out of its slit until it was all out, making a large tent in my pants, Ruby still rubbing it gently. I let out a soft moan as she smiled at me. I rubbed lower down her back, slowly making my way to her rear. But before I could lay a paw on it she had begun to unzip my pants. I felt my face burning red as she pulled my pants down some, the only thing between her and my member was my thin boxers. She giggled a bit and rubbed the tip softly. I let out another small moan; she giggled again and began to stroke it through my boxers.

She kept stroking my member slowly, so I took it as a chance for me to make a small move. I slid my right paw down a little more and begun to rub her butt softly. She murmured softly as I did and blushed. I smiled at her and kissed her neck gently. I rubbed her butt more, squeezing and massaging it. Our lips locked together again, our tongues picking up where they had left off. We broke the kiss for a moment, pulling my shirt off, and then connected again. We stayed this way for a while, kissing and exploring each other's body. We broke once more as I pulled her shirt off and tossed it to the side; I looked at her beautiful scales, her breasts, and her curves, she was all over beautiful just as I had told her.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked one last time.

"Yes I am," She said smiling.

I nodded and began to kiss her once again. My paw made its way to one of her breasts and began to massage it gently while my other paw still held her butt. She let out a soft moan around the kiss as I lovingly fondled her body. She began rubbing my hard member through my boxers again. My paw that was on her butt slowly makes its way up to her back, finding her bra clasp. After a moment of fiddling with it I was able to undo it, and the bra fell to the ground exposing her nipples. They stood out from her scales, both in that they were a pinkish color and that they were hard. My paw began to rub her breast again, making sure to pay attention to her nipple there.

She once again let out a moan around the kiss and then finally broke it. She smiled at me; she was still blushing a lot. She moved her paws down my stomach and to the waist band of my boxers. Slowly she let my member out of hiding. She pulled my boxers and pants off with a little help from me, and my member bobbed slightly for her to see. I felt my face burning up. She rested a paw on the shaft and stroked it slowly, it was slick with my natural lube. I decided since she was busy admiring my member, I'd admire a her body better. I leaned over slowly and my tongue flicked out, licking her right nipple slowly. She gasped a bit, but didn't stop stroking me. I took her erect nipple into my mouth and sucked on it gently, my tongue running over it as my paw massaged her other breast.

She let out another moan and stroked me a little faster. I let out a soft moan in between my licks of her nipple. My free paw rested on her thigh and began to rub it slowly. She spread her legs some, allowing me to move my paw up her thigh slowly to the crotch of her pants and I began to rub there. She let out another moan and stroked me, her grip getting a little tighter. My other paw dropped to her pants as well, I unbuttoned them and slid a paw inside, rubbing her clit from outside her panties. She let out a louder moan and stroked me more.

I let her breast fall out of my mouth and I smile at her. She was blushing more. I removed my paw from her pants and put my paws on either side of her waist. Slowly I pulled her pants down, she moved a little helping me get them off. She had a wet spot in her red panties. I smiled again and slipped one finger inside the waist band of her panties. I slid it around, back and forth across her waist teasing her some. She stroked my member again then stopped, looking at me. I grinned and slowly pulled her panties down. She blushed heavily as she was fully exposed to me. I rubbed her gently, my fingers sliding through the folds of her vagina. She let out a soft moan, he paw had slipped from my member.

Slowly I went from my sitting position to where I was laying in between her legs. I could smell her quite well with my noes inches away from her opening. My tongue flicked out and licked her folds. She tasted amazing. My tongue began to work up and down, making sure to rub up against the clitoris to give her all the pleasure I could. I slid my tongue down and it slowly entered her passage. She let out a loud moan when it entered. I wiggled my tongue around some; she moaned more and rested her paw on my head. After a moment I pulled my tongue free.

"Ready?" I asked, blushing some.

"I think so, yes," She said laying back on the blanket.

I moved so that I was hanging over her, the tip of my member pointing at her hole. I smiled at her, she nodded so I slowly moved my member to where it was poking at her entrance. I she leaned her head up some, I kissed her lips as I slowly pushed myself into her. She was tight, but with my natural lube I pushed in easily. It felt amazing the way her walls massaged my penis as it slowly moved deeper into her. She let out a moan around the kiss as it got deeper into her sex. Soon I couldn't go any farther, I had hilted her. She let out another moan and I broke the kiss. She leaned back on her elbows and panted softly as I began to slowly pull out.

I pulled out until I was almost all the way out then trust back in gently. I began to repeat this slow thrusting motion while her walls gripped and massaged my member. I let one of my paws rest on one of her boobs, it massaged it gently as I tried to give her the most pleasure I could. My thrusts began to quicken, her pants and moans did as well. I felt her walls squeeze around me, her loud moan, and a rush of fluids as she had an orgasm. I felt my climax building as well, and started to thrust faster. But before I came I pulled out, I didn't think she would want me to cum inside her unprotected. And I hoped she didn't mind having cum on her, I could have stopped if I had wanted to.

As soon as my member was free from her sex I gripped it and began to paw. In just a few seconds I let out a small roar and began to shoot my seed onto her breasts and stomach. I let out a few more moans before I laid down on the blanket next to her. She laid there; I looked over and found she had fallen asleep. I looked over her body, covered in my seed; she was beautiful, not only in a sexual way either. She looked amazing, but I figured I should clean off the cum on her. I started to grab for some napkins I had packed for the dinner the night before, but then got an idea. I moved over to her, and slowly, gently, began to clean her body off with my tongue. I had tasted my own seed before, but this was different. Mixed in with her taste, it was amazing. I licked her whole body clean of my seed, and then laid back down. I fell asleep as well, my arms around her.