Finding New Life (Part 1 of 3)

Story by Kato Tiger on SoFurry

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Please read :3 and opinions are welcomed ^^

Finding a new life.

Part one of Kato's history story narrated from his point of view.

The morning started of cold and windy. The day kept its cloudy overcast . It's a day I would choose to forget if I had the option to. A man approached me after the funeral of my brother. A mysterious man he was ,with his dark shades and flop hat. All covered up in his large jacket, he walked over to me at the bench outside the church and said to me "Fear not for you lost my friend, for a new journey awaits you." He then proceeded to take off. For the rest of the day I wondered around in the new emptiness that became my life, wondering what could possibly be this new journey I have awaiting me. There's nothing to my life. Both my brother's and my insolence and ignorance has driven even our adoptive mother away from home. I later spent that night rolling around in the soft comfort of my bed that became thorned by the agenizing pain of my own mind indulgence. Whilst in my deep thoughts that were preventing me from falling asleep, I decided I must leave this place full of memories. Hit the highway and never return. I got up out of bed in the blink of an eye and started violently tossing my own clothing into my travelling bag along with a few other things. Upon my rushing I stumbled upon an old picture of me,my mother and brother. Ignorantly I tossed it aside. It was a beautiful picture of two young tigers and an adult lady wolf who cared to take of the young boys more than their original life givers. I eventually got all my things and walked out of the house into the heavy cold rain that covered me in freezing water immediately. I make a quick dash to my brother's old minivan. She was a rusty one, but always remained a cherish possession of my older brother.

The engine starts without a moment to spare as I took off onto the highway that night aimlessly wondering to find the nearest city to begin a new life. A few hours passed before anything happened or even having to make a corner on the long winding road. My thoughts were deep. My eyes heavy and soon those thoughts begin to fade away as I gaze off into slumber behind the wheel, just before being awaken by the loud sound of a truck not too far in the distance. Maybe this fellow driver in it must have just waken up, is very near sighted or saw an opportunity to run over some fresh tiger meet in an old rusty van. He sounded the horn only as we were within 5 feet of clashing. I knew it was too close to make a sudden turn and try to avoid. The lights coming from the big MAC truck lit up my big brown eyes as I opened the door of the vehicle and make a sudden leap onto the sandy ground at the side of the road. My face landed in an unknown liquid as I watch the large fencing around what looks to be a factory off the side of the road. I turn my hood looking back to the heavy long vehicle viciously ravish the tiny light weight van along with everything I had plans to keep. Too tired to continue I lay my head in the same liquid as I instantly fell asleep.

The next morning came and I awaken with my head still down in the liquid> I look down at it and notice it's purple in color and shining in the sun. During this short space of time my thoughts of last night re-enter my mind looking over at the next side of the road to my brother's van smashed in at the front and at the back pressed against a mountain of rocks. A fire burning from under the hood and through the side door not too far from the engine. It was useless to try and get back my valuables surrounded by the flame. I then wipe the mysterious liquid off my face and started walking toward what I thought was the direction back to home but it was to the contrary. I walked around for hours in hunger and thirst for about 3-4 hours after stumbling upon a strange shop I didn't see on my way here. "Could I have headed in the wrong direction" I ask myself as I walked to the store with caution. Entering the front door, An elderly man came bursting through the back in quite a rage walking to the serving counter. "God damn it Meiko, I can't stand you just lazing around all day making noise in my head with your retarded guitar noises." Soon after I hear another voice ,much younger and deeper and slightly more feminine than the old man as he walked out to the front after. "I told you dad, I've been looking for a job...Just not when you're around." A young black feline walks out with large pointy ears and bright pink eyes that stares right through you. "Who's this guy?" he said pointing at me as he leaned against the counter crossing his leg with a smug look on his face. "You see about him. After that I want you out of here.I already told you I can't keep you hear any longer" The feline of unknown mixtures of species and about just my height, rolls his eyes after changing attention to me "So guessing you lost and need help just like the rest of us here ?" He said to me before spitting his gum in the bin. "Well yea, funny thing happened last you see I was won-" I started to explain before he interrupted me. " I know, I know, the majority of our customers always say the same thing. Look, I gotta get out of here as you can tell. I aint sure where I'm going so I'll take you were ever you want."

A little skeptical I was a first, so I asked. "And you guys do these things for people how often?" Watching him with the most disturbed face he then replied. "Look, kid, I got no idea where I'm gonna be next ah right. I got nothing else to do and no where to go so I might as well take you home. You look worried and lost enough already." I started seeing this stranger as more as someone I could really use his help. But then I remembered." Well, I too practically don't have a home or one that I want to go back to I guess." After telling him this he looked sort of strange at me. "Hmm, well kiddo, here's the thing , I know a place where I've been thinking of heading somewhere ,it's a couple miles from here and well, it's known for it's population of homosexuals if you don't mind." He said looking down and to the side shyly. "Oh." Was all I could think of "Look, Ill just take you home ah right. Or maybe you're suddenly uncomfortable with that too cause I'm Gay. Well don't flatter yourself hun, I aint interested in you" He said quite angrily at me as I watched backing away from him. "Well I guess I should tell you the reason I'm out here right now is cause I decided to leave my town for that as one of the reasons" I explained as he looked up at me. "You mean you're also...?" He asked as I nod in reply. "It seems to be a sensitive topic for you" I said. He sighed and look down as he sat back on a chair "though he wont admit it, I think it's the main reason my old man wants me out of here so badly" I then looked around the room as he looked down at the floor saddened by the topic.I then worked over to him and pat him on the back. "Look, how bout we head out to this place you were talking about " I asked as he looked up "I guess " He said as he stood up saying and offering me his paw to shake." The name's Meiko by the way, nice to meet you." I take up on his offer and formally shakes his paw *Mine's is Kato, nice to meet you too" Both our faces turned to smiles as Meiko headed toward the back "Now just let me get my car keys" At about ten minutes later we then hit the road in his station wagon to the city to begin a new life.