Vince and Rocky: PART SIX

Story by Alyx_Gora on SoFurry

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The conference hall was filling up. Slowly, the last twelve representatives walked in, in their full, differently-coloured uniforms; the Air Squadron captains wore burgundy, the Land-Based generals wore dark green, the Naval captains wore Blue, and the Strategists and Grand Generals wore black.

As four black-uniformed figures- a wolf, two foxes, and a lion- entered the room, all stood. As soon as they were seated, all sat down.

"May the meeting begin," said the lion to the assembly. "What news have you, Alpha?"

A wolf dressed in a green uniform stood up, clearing his throat. "Well, sadly, I believe the empire has erm... expanded their borders, sir. I took a small squadron out there near the Aurus Border base, and we had a bit of a skirmish with Imperial troops. In the end, they basically told us to clear out, that it was their land. I saw further down, near the mountains, they were building a watchtower. I think they're encroaching towards the Aurus kingdom."

The wolf in black turned slightly toward the lion "They're making their move, Omega. Soon enough they'll be headed up the mountain and we both know what will happen then."

"We have to make our move then!" chimed in one of the two foxes in black. "We've waited long enough, and if we wait longer all will be lost. We have to go through with our plan. What say you, Omega?"

Omega nodded gently, closing his eyes. "Yes... yes. If we don't, it will be too late. Alright." He signaled to the wolf in black. "Explain, Phi."

The wolf stood up and looked around at the assembly slowly, then began to speak in his deep voice.

"We have gathered you here today to explain our plan, the plan that will usher in the final destruction of the Dark Empire. As you know, we have been the center of a resistance movement against this empire for nearly twenty years, and our plan is nearly two years in the making. It is finally time to go through with it. Myself, Omega,Rho, Tau, and our other strategists have devised a most ingenious plan to-"

"Get on with it, Phi." Barked one of the foxes in black.

"Well... to simplify it all... we must unite with each of the four kingdoms if we want any chance at all to defeat the emperor. From there, we will enact the second part of our plan. But until then, uniting and becoming allies with the four kingdoms is the task at hand."

There was a sudden burst of excited yet anxious murmuring all about the assembly. Unite them? All four kingdoms? They haven't had contact in ages. Half of us have never been to the kingdoms. The rest of us haven't seen them since before the empire even began, when there were six kingdoms. How will we get there? Who will go, who will represent us?

"Silence!" cried out Tau, the first wolf in black. "All of your questions will be answered simply. Most of you will go, with your squadrons. The rest will remain here and guard the base, and bring aid to the other bases. We will first send three squadrons to two of the kingdoms- We will send The Sky Riders, The Blue Navy, and The Death Troopers into theAurusKingdom, and send The Black Night, The Blue Wave, and The White Troopers intoNoctisKingdom. There, they will meet with three other squadrons from our neighboring bases, and all six squadrons will go into the kingdoms and do their best to form an allyship of some sort. That is the task- the rest will be done after this is done. Understood?"

"Yes, Sir!" They all shouted.

"Good" said Tau quietly. "All leaders of the squadrons that were mentioned, stay here. We will give you further instruction."

The fox next to Tau, his brotherRho, coughed. "All others- consider meeting adjourned."

The remaining twenty troops filed out of the domed conference hall, leaving only the five Grand Generals in black, and the six squadron leaders.

Vince and Rocky: PART SEVEN

SEVEN Rocky sat quietly in his room, dozing off. It had been a long day- His squadron leader was gone all day at some meeting, so the second-in-command, Captain Jay, took charge. He was a perfectionist, and made them drill the same course...

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Vince and Rocky: PART FIVE

FIVE It had been two weeks since the big party in Keff's building (which, in fact, got six people expelled, and got Keff put on probation), and Vince was actually passing his classes and his training, for once. His roommate was constantly keeping an...

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Vince and Rocky: PART FOUR

FOUR Vince flopped down onto his mattress and groaned. "Oh God, what a long day. I didn't think it would end." He looked around lazily at his room, illuminated by the harsh glow of the red lights above the door. Rocky jumped a bit, startled awake...

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