Split Time:Chapter 1 The Meeting

Story by Shivar on SoFurry

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This is my first time writing a story so I appreciate if you guys give me constructive criticism, comments, and ideas. Please and thank you! Enjoy :3!


"Chronos!" a man shouted, "Go get your scythe and come back here."

"Yes Sir!" I replied back.

My name is Chronos Fatum. I am apprenticed to Master Soulis, a Time Reaper. In my world, most teenagers at the age of 16 are apprenticed to a master of some art. Some apprentices worked with master swordsmen, mages, or become scientists. I was apprenticed to a Grim Mage due to my ability of control of time. Grim mages are able to distort time to help and hinder others; however, Grim Mages are few in numbers so I'm pretty lucky to be chosen.

"Master Soulis, I got my scythe." I said.

"Good. Let's begin." He said sternly. I got into battle position, watching my master closely for any sudden movements. As we stared into one another eyes to see if one of us to see who would give away themselves, Master Soulis charged at me. Caught off guard, I got into defense position. His scythe clang against mine and we struggled to push against each other, trying to create an opening.

"Remember to pay attention to every detail, and not just their eyes. Otherwise, you might lose your head," He explained. As we struggled, I decided to break the power match.

"Quicken!" I called out. Instanteously, I disappeared from his sights and appear behind him, lifting my scythe to swing at my master, but my master was a step of ahead of me.

"Too slow. Reverse!" He shouted. Time around me began to slow down and stop.

Momentarily, everything began to go backwards in time, birds that were flying began flying backwards. I vanish from my master's back and reappear in front of my master. Instead of my master holding his scythe against mine, he had moved to the side of me and sent me flying with a powerful kick to stomach. I flew across the room and landed against a pillar; I groaned.

"Another reminder. Always be capricious and reserved. Although we Time Reapers are powerful, we are very predictable in terms of skills. The moment our opponent finds our rhythm...We are dead. Burn that into your mind, young apprentice," He explained. I nodded my head and pulled myself together but my master's kick had left me limping. "We'll continue this tomorrow. Go home and rest," He turned his back to me and left.

"I really need to practice some more," I sighed. I gathered my stuff and left the training ground.

~Aquarius Central Plaza, Business District~

I decided to head over to the Business District to buy groceries for tonight's dinner. Browsing through the stalls, I heard chains jingling behind and turned around. It was an enslaved Lycan.

My father had found a way to travel to other worlds. I don't know the specifies on how the traveling worked, but it used a spherical device that would cause rifts to appear and open portals to other worlds. The original goal was to travel to other worlds and learn from them but it was a strayed. Humans had decided to enslave species that were deem unsophisticated to converse, hence why Lycans are being brought from their world and enslaved. It saddens me that my people's law is to treat every living creature with equality and yet we're treating the Lycan as slaves. As I watched the chained Lycan drudged along, I was surprised that my father was walking beside the Lycan.

"Dad!" I ran to my father. My father stopped and looked at my direction.

"What with the Lycan? Did you buy him?" I panted as I questioned him.

"Hello Chronos. Yes, I did. I need someone strong to carry my equipment around." He replied,

"What are you doing here, son?"

"I'm doing grocery shopping for tonight's dinner."

"Ah, I see. Well, I'll see you at home them. See you soon." My father turned his back to me and walked away with the Lycan in tow. As I watched my father walk away, I pitied the Lycan, chained together without a chance of freedom. Lost in my thought, I realized that I still need to buy's tonight dinner.

~Aquarius Residence Area: Blue Corridor~

It was a quiet dinner. My father and I rarely talked to each other. You could possibly say we're like yin and yang. I am more caring, understanding, and a mage whereas my father is cold-hearted, stern, and a scientist. Sometimes, I tried to make small talk, but to no avail; every time I tried to bring something up, my father would excuse himself from the table. While I finished up my meal, my father excused himself and left the house, I had saw the Lycan that he had bought caged in the living room. Curiously, I got up and walked over to the wolf.

"Hi, my name is Chronos...ummm nice to meet you," I said softly,

"Do you have a name?" The Lycan looked at me with hatred and growled with viciousness but I continued to befriend him.

"Are you hungry?" I smiled and grabbed a chicken drum from the table and handed it to him. Somehow, my actions had enraged the Lycan.

"Do not take pity on me, foolish child. I will not take bribery from my captors!" He snared. I was surprised by the Lycan response, but I tried to remain calm; I wanted to gain his friendship.

"I'm not trying to buy your friendship..." I replied.

"Lies!" He shouted and chomped onto my hand. I winced as blood flowed through the wound and dripped onto the floor. However burning with a determination to win his friendship, I continued to look at the wolf with gentle eyes, his eyes widen. He quickly released his maw and looked at me with confusion.

"Why...Why are you trying so hard to be my friend?" He inquired, "Why didn't you move away when I tried to bite you? You're a strange human."

"Because I never had a friend such as yourself," I held my wounded hand, "I don't believe you should be chained nor be used as a slave. Unlike many other individuals, I believe in equality...I bet you have family waiting for you to come home too."

As I said those words, I found myself wanting to save him and not just him, but his whole race. Before I tried to save him, I ran to the bathroom and pulled out the medi-kit. I wrapped my hand and went back to the living room. I pulled out a pick and picked at the lock. The Lycan looked confused.

"Human, what are you doing?" He inquired.

"I'm trying to set you free," I replied. "I'm going to send you back home. No one should be locked up and be enslaved. As minutes flew by, the lock clicked and fell onto the floor and the door to the cage flew open. The Lycan looked at me with fear and hesitance. "I know it may seem like I'm playing a trick on you...but I really want to save you. Please," I persuaded. The Lycan stood there staring at me in the eye but The Lycan stood there staring at me in the eye but reluctantly, he stood up and walked into the light. He was definitely a big one. If I were to compare to him someone, it would be a profession bodybuilder. He had a broad shoulder and packed a lot of muscle. His muscles were well define and he had to be at least 7ft tall. 

"I trust you...human." He replied.

"Thank you." I smiled, "Now follow me. We're going to go into my father's lab. There's going to be a lot traps so we got to be quick. My father was the one who created the device that allowed trans-dimensional traveling a.k.a able to travel to your home world, ummm...

"My people call me Night Shadow. But you may call me Night," He responded.

"Okay Night," I continued, "So if we find it, I can send the device with you and your people can find a way to prevent anymore traveling to your world" I explained. Night nodded and followed behind me.

~Fatum Residence: Fatum Lab Basement~

God...my father is definitely paranoid. As we travel deeper into my father's lab, traps became more dangerous. At one point, Night and I had almost been "iron-maidened" if we didn't run for it. Dodging, avoiding and running, we eventually reached the device that would send Night home. It was an enormous device. In the middle of the room there was a large spherical orb and in front of it was a platform. Many cords ran from one place to another, computers everywhere hooked up to the device. It was like an average messy teenager's room. Well, instead of clothes everywhere, it was cords and computers.

I quickly ran over to the control panel, grabbed a glove-like device and began entering commands. "Night, stand in front of that platform and when I press start; the machine will generate a portal on the platform and send you home." Night quickly nodded and ran over to the platform. As I finished the commands, sirens went off. Damn. I figured that my father will leave a final defense mechanism if his inner labs were breached. I pressed start and ran to Night.

"Human, what's going on!?" He panicked.

"My dad set up a final defense mechanism if anyone intrudes into this room. But don't worry; I'll protect you until you're safety back in your own world." I shouted over the sirens. "And take this. This is the device that defines where the portal leads to. Use it to save your friends and stop anyone from traveling to your world." I explained. I turned to face the door and shouted, "Time Keeper!" A glyph appeared beneath me and a scythe assembled. I grabbed the scythe as robot sentinels ran into the room shooting a blazed. I charged right into the fry and swung my scythe, cutting the robots in half.



Robots broke down as broke through their lines. As I tried to hold them back, a few had slipped past me and charged at Night. "Night, duck! Clockworks Slow!" I raised my palm and pointed at the charging robots. The robots began to slow down to snail pace. While I dealt with the robots, the portal had open, so I ran back to platform. "Get going, Night!" I shouted. He stepped through and looked at me with worried eyes.

"What about you, humans? Won't you be punished by your father?" He whimpered.

"I dunno...but the important thing is getting you back home safety." I smiled and dodge a laser beam.

"Come with me, human!" He begged, "You can live with my family and start anew!" I looked at him with shock. I was tempted to go with him, but I knew deep down there were a few things I needed to do in this world. I turned back to him and gave him a hug.

"I...love to come with you...but there are things I have to do here. But...One day...one day for sure, I'm sure you'll come back to get me and in that moment, I'll go with you." I whispered.

"Now go, your family is waiting for you." I pushed him into the portal and turned my back to defend against the robots. The portal behind began to diminish and the last thing I heard before the gate closed was "I'll come back for you Chronos!" I smiled and charged back into the sea of robots.