Halloween: And all shall know your deeds

Story by Robert Wolf on SoFurry

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#1 of Halloween

Ok this is the first in a series of independent Halloween special. I hope you like it. Unfortunately I only had three days working time on this one, so it's not that good, but I promise you that next year will be better, scarier, and bloodier and have more content. This story contains sex, rape, horror and, you know... Blood. So if you don't like to read about that stuff, don't read this. You've been warned. * * * AND ALL SHALL KNOW YOUR DEEDS In a small city near the forest, but a highway road from the rest of civilization, lived a young girl named Choris. She was 14 with long brown hair and green eyes, but there was no strength in those eyes her mother used to say. And that might have been the truth. Choris lived through school as the lapdog of some of the more popular students, serving them and entertaining them. She followed their every whim. One night Choris was sitting quietly in her room. It was quite an ordinary room so not much more to be said about it. She was reading a story on her computer. It was a Halloween special at a site called Yiffstar. It was an erotic story. Choris did not know why she was reading it, she was very shy and always started to blush tremendously when the sex scenes reach their start, and usually closed the window not too soon after. She was a virgin and had barely even masturbated. She didn't know why it was so either; it was like she never felt satisfied with herself enough to enjoy it. Like she didn't deserve it. According to her mom it was a lot of things she didn't deserve. Her parents had a divorce long ago so she lived alone with her mother. Choris was a constant disappointment to her mother, her mother had been a fighter in her youth, that was at least how she just to put it. She had become an extreme feminist after the divorce and always told Choris that she needed to be strong not to be suppressed, but Choris wasn't strong, and so she was a disappointment. These days however her mother was not much of a fighter. She worked as a waitress at a run down drive-in, and naturally she had become an alcoholic, it was just the classic cliché to top the mountain. The only one she seemed to fight with these days was her daughter. Choris smiled to herself. Her mother did not know that she used to do after their fights. Choris would get some house paint and pour a little in her mother's beer. That usually got her just about sick enough for Choris to feel satisfied. That was just one of those things she did to get back on the world for everything it had done to her. Of course she was very careful not to be caught, she would never dear to face any of her 'victims'. She knew that she did many things that were wrong, that hurt people. But that was her revenge. She quickly closed the yiffstar window as she heard footsteps walking up the stairs. Her mother threw up the door; she was about 45 and with brown messy hair and too much make-up on her ageing face. 'Choris!! It's those kids on the phone again!' She shouted. Those kids were the students that Choris acted as lapdog for. Choris sighed and got up when her mother stepped in front of her. 'You got to start standing up to those kids. Are you listening!?' She yelled. Choris just pushed pass her and ran down the stairs to get the phone. She picked it up. 'H-hello? Yes it's me...O-ok...' She hung up. Later she was walking through the cold nigh. They had wanted her to meet them in the old warehouse near the dock by the forest side. Choris was walking quickly, almost running through the streets. It was cold, the streetlights were only working on half power so it was very dark, and the only real light came from the full moon that glowed unusually bright, giving an unnerving dim light that created many shadows. Also the dock and the warehouse were a bit secluded from the rest of the city. Choris hated going there, especially at night. It was just a bunch of warehouses for storing the shiploads, no one lived there so the houses starred down on her with empty dark windows. She finally reached the warehouse she was looking for, the one where they were waiting for her. A cold light was seen through the windows, and she hesitated before opening the door. 'Ah, Choris you're here.' Said a tall blond girl. Her name was Angelica. Her boyfriend Chad stood behind her. He was tall and muscular, blond short hair, he was a football player at school. Also there was his friend Bryan. He was a bit shorter then Chad and had brown hair and a burn mark from a time when the warehouse caught fire; he was also a football player. The only thing that could make the cliché worse would be if Angelica would be a cheerleader, but no she wasn't. She was just one of those stone-cold bitches that smiles all the time so you can't tell how cold they really are. She wondered what they would have her do this time. She got her answer soon enough as she heard muffled whimpers from the back of the warehouse. 'Boy, do we have something to show you. Come here.' Chad said. Choris defiantly did not like his tone of voice. Obedient she followed them to the back, and stared down at what was in front of her. It was a tied down muffled wolf lying on the floor. It was grey-brown and black with ember eyes shinning with fear. 'Pretty cool, huh? We caught it in my dads old bear trap.' Chad said. His dad was a licensed hunter and he had a lot of traps lying around the house. 'W-what are you going to do with it?' Choris asked, without taking her eyes off the wolf. She was still locked by those fear filled eyes. 'Do with it? We're not going to do anything, you are. Why did you think we called you out here?' Bryan laughed. Choris shuddered. What did they want her to do? Suddenly Chad picked up his pocket knife and flipped up the blade. 'You're going to kill it for us. Wolves are protected by law here, so we can't really do it ourselves.' He said and handed her the knife. Choris started to object but stopped herself; her hand trembled as she moved towards the wolf. She had to do it, right? Otherwise they would be mad at her. The wolf started to squirm to get away from the blade that came closer and closer. Choris closed her eyes and cried silently as she carved through its flesh and heard the poor wolf cry as blood covered her clothes. And behind her they stood and watched smiling. Eventually they let her go. It was even darker now; the streetlights would be turned off soon and a thick fog had blown over the city. Now she did run, she ran as fast as she could with blood on her, blood...That poor wolfs blood. Its cry still ringed through her head. The wolf had been muffled, yet still she had heard it clearly. She had to stop running, her chest was hurting, and her lungs were burning. She slowed down and stopped, panting. She was still in the dock area; she must have taken a wrong turn somewhere. As she stopped to rest the fog suddenly got colder, the sweet drops poring down her skin turned to ice, and she stood frozen in fear as a dark shape immerged from the fog. It turned into the shape of a wolf female, and Choris eyes went wide as she noticed that it looked a lot like the wolf she had killed. But this one was smaller and it had deep green eyes that locked Choris to them. Then the wolf spoke, and Choris didn't know what to think, because wolves don't speak. 'For your weakness and your fear, for your soul that holds no strength. Under the moon, by the moon. I curse you...And all shall know your deeds.' And the moon shined even brighter... Choris woke up in her bed. She didn't remember how she got there; actually the entire last night was like a big blur. Had she been drinking? She noticed that she still had her clothes on, and they were covered in something red... Blood, she realized and started to frantically pull her clothes off. Running into the shower she let an ice cold stream of water embrace her as she started to scrub herself clean, still in panic. But the cold water flowing down her body turning red as it dragged the blood with it off her, it helped her cool down. She remembered a little more now. Chad, Angelica and Bryan had called her out to the old warehouse. They had trapped some animal. Yeah, that's how it was....Then... She remembered a knife, her knife? No Chad's knife. But why was she holding it? Then it hit her. 'Oh my God...I killed it...' She whispered to herself. She managed to calm herself down. Nobody knew about that except her and them. And they wouldn't tell, they would be caught as well. She got out of the shower and got on some new clothes. Then she hid the old ones. She couldn't afford to risk her mother stumbling over the blood covered clothes. She ate some breakfast and sneaked past her mother sleeping on the couch, a bottle of beer in her loosely grasping hand. She went outside. The city was still covered in fog, but it was less scary in the morning. But it still gave her an unnerving feeling, and she felt it was something else she had forgotten. She found a spot of grass and a tree and lied down. It was Saturday, she was up unusually early. Perhaps that's why she felt so sleepy, she thought. And soon enough she drifted of to sleep. But her dreams were not pleasant. She dreamt of a wolf. A female wolf. She had met her before, Choris realized. It was last night, after the warehouse. The wolf had said something. What was it? What had it said? Choris woke up with a jerk. It was afternoon and the sun would set in a couple of hours. Choris was very hungry, she needed to go home and get some food. But as she walked she couldn't shake the feeling of that the wolf had said something important, which didn't make sense cause wolves can't talk. She reached her house; she opened the door and tried to sneak in. As far as she knew her mother could still be on that couch. Then something hit her, she fell down on the floor. Looking up she saw her mother standing leaned over her, a bottle of beer in her hand. 'What do you mean with sneaking paint into my drinks you little bitch?!' She yelled, spiting in her anger. Choris was chocked. How did she know that? She tried to crawl away from her mother that advanced on her, the bottle held high like a club. Choris managed to get on her feet and tried to run for the backdoor. But it was locked. She struggled to open it, but it just would not budge. Then she heard the sound more fitting in a bar, that of a broken bottle. Looking behind her she saw her mother approach her with the jagged remains of the bottle. 'How could you do all those things to me?! I'm your mother!' She yelled as she swung the jagged bottle. Choris was panicking, this wasn't right. She tried to dodge the jagged bottle, but she could feel her skin tear open as it slashed over her cheek. In desperation she dashed towards her mother, narrowly avoiding the second slash as she pushed her way pass her and ran for the front door. She threw it open and ran outside, soon running into the mailman. 'Ah, Mr. Ernst. My mom's gone crazy!' She said, relived to have run into him. Ernst was one of the gentlest caring people she knew. He turned to her. Such sad eyes. 'Why did you do it Choris?' He asked accusingly. Choris backed away from him and started running. Had her mother told everyone? 'Why did you kill that wolf!?' She heard him yell after her, now with an angry voice she had never heard from that old man. He knows! She thought. She tried to run but in every house she saw people looking out at her, and when they saw her they left the house, everyone on the streets moved towards her. The entire neighbourhood came out, approaching her with accusing eyes. There was Mr.Johnsson whose gas tank she had poured sugar into. 'My son needed to get to the hospital that day Choris!' He yelled after her. 'He lost an eye because of you!' The angry shout from Ms.Johnsson. It continued, all the bad things she had done, how did they now? Rat poison she had torn out in the yard killed their dog, drenched mailbox made them miss the wedding, fake love note made their daughter bullied. All the mean things she'd done, the big and the small, everything she'd been forced to do by her 'friends' and all the horrible things she had done as revenge, they knew everything! She wanted to run away from the slowly approaching mob, but as she turned around a little boy stood there facing the street. 'Why did you make me lose my eye? He said and looked up, a messy hole where his right eye should be. She pushed past him and ran, she ran as fast as she could. But everywhere she went, people came out of their homes and stores and tried to hunt her down, constantly chanting accusations. Eventually she ran into the forest. They were all out after her, they would kill her, she was sure of it. She tripped on roots and branches cut her face, but she struggled her way up and kept running. The fog still covered everything and made it hard to see the roots and branches. Then the clouds moved and the full moon shined down on her, the same bright moon as last night. She must have been running for a long time she thought, but at the sight of the moon she stopped. She could feel it coming. Out from the mist came the wolf female, her green eyes shining with delight. 'You! W-what did you do to me?' Choris asked, anger mixing up with the panic. The wolf just smiled. 'I can help you. To hide from the humans.' She said. Choris was in too much panic to even bother herself with the illogical fact that she was talking to a wolf. 'Why would you help me? You did all this!' She yelled at it. The wolf just smiled, it smiled! Turning its ears as if listening. 'They are coming closer...What do you think they will do to you? Humans are such horrible creatures.' The wolf said calmly. Now Choris could hear them also. She panicked, she was desperate. 'Ok, Fine! Help me, please!' She begged the wolf. The wolf node. 'Very well... Under the moon, by the moon. My vessel be yours and yours be mine!' The wolf chanted, and the moon seemed to shine even brighter. Choris looked at the girl in front of her. She was about 14, with long brown hair and green eyes. She had a cut on her cheek. It was odd, she seemed very familiar. Then she realized that it was her! She was looking at herself, but how? She looked down and saw furry paws instead of feet. She was the wolf! The wolf, which was her. Or her body. She smiled towards Choris who was the wolf. Choris had a hard time understanding this. 'Go! The humans will no longer recognise you.' The wolf in Choris body said, pointing into the forest. Choris felt she had no choice and dashed deeper into the forest on her four legs. She had become a wolf, what should she do? Meanwhile the creature that was the wolf Smiled as she slipped into the mist. She was not a real wolf but a creature called Acclaro, and she was not going to let Choris get away. Acclaro was a creature which with the power of the moon could reveal all the evil deeds of a human being. She prey on humans that hides their wrongs, offering to change body was just another part of it. Choris was far from save. And ALL shall know your deeds... Choris ran through the forest, dazzled by her new senses. The scents, the noises, everything was so much more powerful. She did not however notice that she was being followed. Something launched at her, tackling her to the ground. Looking up she saw three wolves looking down at her. 'You're the one that killed our brother...You're a wolf now?' One of them said. Choris understood that these were normal wolves; she must have understood them because now she was one. She breathe in their sent, they were all males. It was interesting to be able to smell that. It took another second before Choris understood what just happened. How did they know that? Wasn't she supposed to be hidden? Then it hit her. She was to be hidden from the humans. And the animals knew what she had done. And ALL shall know your deeds. Now she remembered, it had been hidden in what Acclaro had said, Choris wasn't safe anywhere. The three wolves approached her. Under normal circumstances they would kill her there and then. But this was a night of horror, and so the wolves were appealed by forces to drag it out. One of them pinned her down. 'Now you'll do exactly as we say.' He said and closed his fangs around her neck. The second one moved behind her. 'Move your tail!' He told her. Choris didn't want to and was not sure if she knew how. But as the first wolf added pressure on her neck, she managed to reluctantly lift her tail, exposing her young vagina. Choris blushed under her fur as she felt the stare of the wolf behind her. Then suddenly the wolf reached down and let his tongue stroke across her entrance. Choris jolted in surprise as a feeling of pleasure spread through her body making her arch her back. In her own body she was an inexperienced virgin, and so apparently was her new body as a wolf. The wolf behind her nodded satisfied as he saw her getting wet. He alerted the third wolf with a small grunt. That wolf lied down on his back, spreading his legs, showing of his fully erected member. Choris had a hard time taking her eyes of it, until a sharp pain in her neck got her attention to the wolf holding her. She was lead towards the lying wolf. Then the second wolf looked at her and nodded towards the lying wolf. 'Mount him.' He ordered her. Choris was going to object, it was no way she could do that. But again the wolf holding her neck between his fangs reminded her that she had no choice. She positioned herself between the lying wolfs legs, trembling as her wet entrance was mere inches from his throbbing rode. Another quick chew at her neck told her to start lowering herself down. As the rod pushed open her entrance she moaned, it was an immense feeling and she had to force herself down every inch, biting her lips against the pain going through her virgin tunnel. Now she could feel his soft belly fur against her own. He was inside her, it was the first time anything was inside her, and she had troubles getting used to the feeling; it was both pleasurable and painful. Now the second one moved behind her and mounted her. Choris thought that she would now get it in her tail hole, like in those yiff stories. But then to her surprise she felt a second hard rod pushing against her already filled vagina. That would never work, would it? No way could she fit them both. But it pushed its way inside her slowly, stretching her almost unbearably, and she moaned and screamed in pain. She tried to pull away from them, but it only resulted in her skin getting pierced by the third wolves' fangs as he held her back through her desperate attempts. Now Choris had realized that she would not get away, she stopped struggling and whimpered quietly as both the males fully buried themselves in her. The third wolf realized that and let go of her, only to sit down in front of her, spreading his legs so she got a good view of his member sticking out not far from her face. She understood what he wanted and obedient licked his rode, slowly from the base, then moving upwards, eventually taking it all in her muzzle. The wolf moaned at the treatment, and urged her on by biting her ear. Now she was sucking on one wolfs cock, while the two others started moving inside of her, pushing in and out. She thought it couldn't get any worse, but then she remembered something, she felt panic growing; wolves have knots! And yes the two wolves inside of her already stretched tunnel started to grow, the base of their cocks started to expand, and Choris screamed in pain, muffled by the cock in her mouth that also was expanding. The pain was unbelievable; the two cocks stretched her to her absolute limit and then further, tearing her in a the most painful way as they shot load after load of cum into her womb, the wolf in her mouth as well, making her choke as her own orgasm went through her body, like an sarcastic answer to the abuse she suffered through. She had given up, she was done for. The wolves humped into her from both sides, getting occasional moans, whimpers and twitching from her half dead body as they waited for their knots to loosen. Then, they killed her. And it was almost with a thankful look she felt their fangs close around her neck and flesh, crushing her bones and tearing her apart. It was over...For her. Acclaro smiled to herself. The wolves had done exactly what she wanted them to, now she could deal with the rest. In the body of Choris she searched through her memories to find her preys. Then she started walking towards the old warehouse. Reaching it she heard laughs and music coming from it. They were there, just like she'd known they would be. She opened the door, and as the three humans inside looked at her their laughter stopped. The tall blond male, Choris memories told her he was Chad, walked up in front of her. 'What do you think you're doing her?! We know what you've done you little bitch, you tried to burn us in!' He shouted at her. Acclaro smiled, they though she was Choris, humans were so stupid, almost completely unable to see spirits. Behind Chad the brown haired male got up. His name was...Bryan. Yes, he had a burn mark on his face, Choris doing, Acclaro 'remembered' setting the warehouse on fire. All Choris memories were there for Acclaro to search through. It was easier to kill passive without seeing death, then actively like with the wolf, Choris had started the fire by own will. What a silly girl she had been. Chad eyes were burning with anger and he grabbed Acclaro by the throat applying pressure. Acclaro just kept smiling and swiftly struck his face with her nails, grabbing his face and digging into his eyes with her fingers, using her other hand to search through his pockets for the knife she knew he had there. Chads screams of pain made her giggle as she threw him away into the others approaching to help their poor comrade. She flipped up the blade. She licked the blood of her fingers, she was only allowed to feed on humans with hidden evil, and these had enough of it. Bryan was going to launch at her, but hesitated as he saw the knife. 'Hey, Choris...W-what do you think you're doing? You don't stand a chance. Give me the knife, and I'll go easy at you.' He said in a bargaining voice. However he wasn't prepared for 'Choris' to launch at him. Acclaro stabbed the knife into his throat, the sound of cartilage braking as she twisted the knife forcefully to widen the hole. Then withdrawing the knife she stabbed him repeatedly in his face, over an over, until he was a bloody mess. Acclaro just didn't get out enough, only when the moon was at its strongest. She turned to the third human, the female named Angelica that was frozen in fear in the back of the warehouse. Walking up to her she let the knife slide along Angelicas body, her face, and her lips. Moving down to her chest, scratching her breasts, continuing down to her crotch, making small circles between her legs, all the time while Angelica cried in fear not being able to move. It would be fun to 'play' with her. '...No not this time' Acclaro said and slashed Angelicas throat with one swinging motion, enjoying a fountain of blood. Later at the drive-in café Choris mother had a late night shift. She didn't understand why, no one ever came at night anyway. Then the door swung open, she looked up and saw her daughter Choris in the entrance. Good, she was still mad at Choris. 'You?! Know you listen to me Choris, I....' She started saying as her daughter walked up to her, but she stopped talking as she felt something feeling like a punch in her stomach. Looking down she saw the knife sticking out of her guts. She looked at her daughter, first surprised and then almost proud. 'You stood up to me...G-good girl.' She said before all life left her eyes. This statement surprised Acclaro. Why was she proud? She searched through Choris memories and found the answer. Choris name wasn't always Choris. Her birth name was Cindy, but after the divorce her mother told her; 'You weakling! You don't stand up to anybody! Are you listening Cindy?! Cindy? What did I think naming you that? From now on your name shall be Choris. I'll get it done legally. You know what it means? Choris? It means weakling at ancient Greek. Cause that is what you are!' Acclaro shook her head. Humans were indeed odd creatures. The sun started rising and the fog swept away, and so Acclaro faded away in the sun. Only to return the next night of a bright strong moon. Remember this; The only thing worse then doing something wrong, is knowing it is wrong and still do it. That's why Choris was the first target. Also, don't hide your deeds. Sins are like mushrooms; you hide it in the dark it grows, and becomes evil. And that is what the Acclaro feeds on. * * *

As said, not as good as I wanted it. But as said I had only three days time to work with this, so I'm amazed I wrote this much, but I didn't have time to polish it. Hope you liked it anyway. And to every one of you: HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!