Journey to Another world ch102

Story by Tootall on SoFurry

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#2 of Journey after 100

If you're curious, this is what transpired right after the whole incident in the woods.

Journey to Another World 6

Ch. 102

A short time later found me sitting in the cafeteria, rolling around the Articuno's ball on the table. Pushing the thing away from me, only to have it slowly stop at the edge of the table, then watch as it would slowly roll back as if the table was tilted towards me. Though most of my mind was at that of the Glaceon that was now in the capable hands of the Nurse Joy, I still couldn't help but keep my mind from jumping from what happened after the whole incident after the thing in the woods.

(An hour or two earlier)

"Nurse Joy, I'd like for you to take a look at this Pokémon I rescued from a trainer," I said once I'd made my way up to the counter as I pushed my way through all the other trainers that had wanted to get their Pokémon looked at as well. She gave me a bit of a confused look, as if she'd never heard of such a thing, but I simply ignored the look and placed the ball on the table. "And I might suggest that you call up an Officer Jenny."

She took the Pokéball a bit hesitantly, as if not sure if the thing was damaged or not, but turned and handed off the ball to one of the Chancey's that were randomly walking behind her. "I'm sorry Nurse Joy, but I insist that you take a look at her yourself." Her eyebrow rose at that, as she turned and looked at me over her shoulder, but shook her head and said that whatever the case was that the Chancey's could handle it themselves, but I insisted and she finally sighed and nodded.

I got the evil look from several other trainers at me not only pushing through them to get to the front of the line, but also to that of sending off the nurse who normally handed most of the desk work and wouldn't be back for several minutes if there was something that needed her direct attention. My nose scrunched up a bit at the looks from the other trainers and returned it two fold. "If any of you little pricks got a problem, I'll be happy to lay you out on the floor right now!" My voice seemed to drip malice on the floor and several of their eyes went from the evil eye to wide as they quickly averted their gazes from me or said that they needed to be somewhere else at that moment.

It didn't take long before the nurse slowly came out of the back, and appeared to have been quite shaken up by what she found when she took in the Pokémon within the ball. Upon her face was a look of absolute horror could be easily seen and as her eyes scanned the room they stopped as she found me in the crowd. Meeting her gaze I could only nod to her and saw her slowly do the same back to me as she then turned to the rest of the trainers and told them that this case needed precedence and that she needed to have everyone wait until this matter could be handled. There came several moans of disapproval and all, but she said that there was nothing she could do as this was out of her hands, but I knew that what she really wanted to say was that this was so over her head.

After taking a slow breath I turned back to Jenavee and gave a nod to the side. Once we got out of the throng of people and off to the side, I leaned up against the wall and sighed. "I think all of this will take a while," I said to the air, not turning to look over at Jenavee "And I'll probably have to make a statement when Officer Jenny arrives."

'Let me guess; you want me to go upstairs and wait for you.' She spoke into my mind as I turned to her and nodded.

"I'm sorry, but ya." I gave her a warm hug and then we shared a quick kiss together. "Give the kids a hug for me and tell them that I'll be up as soon as I finish with things down here." Jenavee gave me a nod once more then gently caressed my cheek.

'Do not stay out for too late. Both Rena and I want you to come to bed before it gets too late.' We shared one last kiss before she sauntered her way up the stairs to the trainer quarters/rooms, giving me a bit of show as to how much she could tease me with her walk, and I couldn't help my mind as it began to think of things that the two might have in mind for tonight.

(Back to present)

Nurse Joy had said that Officer Jenny would be by later, once she found the trainer of the Glaceon and that left me with time to myself to think of the story that I was going to give her before she arrived and slammed home the final nail in that trainer's coffin. Though as I sat there at the table, playing around with the Ariticuno's ball, I found my mind shifting back to thoughts of the Articuno. 'Is that the real personality of the Articuno or was that brought out by the trainer?' I didn't really want to think on that thought for too long as the thought of that sickened me. 'If I recall, all bird types can learn the Fly move/attack,' But as my mind thought about that a little more I noticed as I looked around that everyone was fairly short and could probably fit on a bird that was just over five feet high, whereas myself being nearly seven feet tall that seemed like a bad joke. A laugh escaped my lips as a mental picture of Articuno trying to fly with someone my height on its back.

"Are you Donovin, Trainer Donovin?" A voice asked, breaking me out of my humorous thoughts.

Looking up I was surprised to see that an Officer Jenny stood looking down/over me. To say the least I was a bit upset with myself at not noticing her walk up to me, but then again I did have a lot of things on my mind at the moment. "I am, and I take it that you're the Officer Jenny that I've been told to expect." To which she nodded. She took the seat opposite me and pulled out a small notepad that had a pen inside the spiraling metal on top.

"I will try and make this as quick as possible, as I know that it is late and you look about ready to fall asleep on the spot." She said to which I could only nod as my eyes were a little hot and I felt like I'd start bobbing my head any moment now. "I have gotten most of the story from what Nurse Joy found out about that Glaceon that you brought in, but I would like get your take on the situation leading up to you relieving the trainer of said Pokémon."

I really didn't know how much I could really tell her about the whole act. If I told her everything, I'd probably be in a lot of trouble for what I'd done to the trainer. So thinking for a moment I decided to tell her a white lie about the ordeal and told her my take on the whole thing. It was some time later that she looked up from her notes and gave me a strange look. "You mean to say that he was forcing his Articuno to do those things to the Glaceon?" To which I nodded. I decided to leave out the whole thing about destroying the Articuno's ball, recapturing it with one of my own and all, and adding to my own team. We talked for the better part of another hour before she said that she had gotten enough information to track down the trainer.

"What's going to happen to the Glaceon?" I asked in general concern as I really didn't know any more than the last time I'd seen Nurse Joy a few hours ago.

"The last thing I heard from Nurse Joy was that the Glaceon will make a full recovery. Though as to your question, the Glaceon will most likely be transferred to a treatment center then onto an adoption center." A pleasant smile crossed her lips as she gave me a smile while tipping her hat, then disappeared out the cafeteria.

'I seriously doubt that.' I thought as I once again brought out the Articuno's ball and looked down at it with distaste. 'More likely she's going to shun all human contact and not a single trainer is going to accept her. After a while the center that would take her in will have to put her down like some stray when they know that nobody will be taking her in due to what's happened to her. "I'm probably going to have my work cut out for me trying to help her." I said to myself as I knew that I wouldn't/couldn't let this sit, not if I could do anything about it. Grabbing the Aritincuno's ball in a bit tighter of grip, I stood up from the table and took a steadying breath.

"Whatever has been happening I'm going to make sure that it doesn't affect my friends and family." With that out/off my chest I clipped the Articuno's ball onto my belt and headed back up the stairs to our room. I gently knocked on the door and as I slowly opened the door I peeked inside to see that of a darkened room. The only light coming from a single lamp that was on in the corner of the room, to which both Rena and Jenavee sat in a set of chairs on either side of the table where the lamp sat, allowing their/our kids to nurse from them.

A smile slowly formed on my lips and I couldn't help but feel a little more at ease at seeing my whole family once again. Being as quiet as possible I slowly approached my family and gently leaned down to give a kiss to both Rena and Jenavee, to which they were more than happy to return. "I feel like I need a shower after all that," I said as somehow I felt a bit mentally dirty after seeing and dealing with that trainer. "So I'll be out in a bit." With that said I gave them both one more kiss, rubbed each of my kids on their heads, then smiled as I saw Kit laying at the end of bed. As I headed off to the bathroom I decided to give a kiss to the top of her head, to which I saw her tails twitch for a moment before a smile creased her face, but she didn't awaken.

Closing the door behind me and setting my night cloths on the counter, I turned to turn on the shower. Just like most times the water started off cool, but a quick twist of a knob or two would shortly turn the water to a nice warm temperature. With that done I stripped down and gave myself a once over in the mirror. Much of my previous color had returned to my face, but I still looked a little pale. "I'll probably need to take a few iron tablets to get my color back, but other than that I'm look'n pretty good for a guy who lost so much blood." My mind couldn't stay on that topic for long as images of the dance that both Rena and Jenavee shared with me. I still wondered where they'd come up with those alterations to their outfits, but who was I to complain about it.

Stepping into the warming shower I adjusted the temperature a bit more until it reached just right and sighed in content as the warm water began to ease my muscles. Though I didn't stay in the shower for long, when I heard the sound of a door opening as well as two sets of feet softly padding into the room, which could be barely heard over the sound of the shower. " Now, you did not forget about us did you Donovin?" I heard Rena say in a sultry kind of tone, as I turned to look towards the voice, but couldn't see anyone as my hair was fully caked with shampoo at the moment.

"We would like to get in a shower as well, and seeing as you are already getting one in, we thought that we would join you in getting...cleaned...up." Jenavee said in a bit of a giddy kind of way.
