Journey to Another world ch103

Story by Tootall on SoFurry

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#3 of Journey after 100

The last chapter was a bit small so I decided to upload another to make up for it. Hope you all enjoy this chapter as I did writing it.

Journey to Another World 6

Ch. 103

My whole body tingled as I lay on top of the bed in the trainers quarters, feeling both my lovely mates cuddled up to either of my sides. 'Now that was one heck of a way to take a shower,' I thought in a bit of glee as I laughed lightly to myself. I felt both Rena and Jenavee snuggle a little closer into either of my sides at my laugh, almost making me think they were about to wake up, but instead they just rubbed at my chest with their hands while their legs would curl a little more tightly/possessively around my own. Ever so slowly my smile grew a little wider and I couldn't help but feel a bit more at ease with myself and the situation that I was in.

In a bit of a daze I pulled both my loves a little closer into my sides and in doing so my eyes looked over them. Looking over Jenavee I could see a white form lying on what appeared to be some kind of overly large pillow that almost looked large enough to be a futon for her. As my gaze wondered over her form, I couldn't help but notice that there were two forms that seemed to be wrapped or curled in her tails. As my eyes grew a bit accustom to what I was looking at did I notice that the two forms were that of both my kids, fast asleep while using her tails as their blanket. A different kind of warmth spread through me at that sight as well as a bit of a chuckle. 'At least I don't have to worry about them getting cold. Kit is probably a natural heated blanket with her being a fire type and all.'

Looking over that of Rena's form I saw that on the opposite side of the room was that of Undine. At first I really didn't know how she'd gotten outside her ball, but in all I was glad that she was. 'Lord only knows on what she'd do to me if I kept her in her ball any longer than necessary.' A mental image of her using her ribbon like hair to either throttle me or give me a sound slapping ran through my mind. Though as I looked upon that of her coiled form, it looked like she was having a pleasant dream and I could only wonder at what was running through her mind. 'Probably remembering her performance at the contest last night.' And as if to emphasize the point, I could almost swear I saw a small glint of a trophy within the coils that made up her serpentine form.

With the knowledge of all my friends and family safely asleep about me, my mind began to wonder and it was no wonder that it began to flash back to what had happened a while ago.


Just the sound of both Jenavee and Rena's voices and the situation that I was in, it didn't surprise me at all to feel the typical guy reaction to having both of the women/mates/Pokémon that I loved. Though as I wanted to turn and look upon that of their forms my eyes began to burn and I realized the classic mistake. 'Damn it; never open your eyes when you got suds in your hair.' In almost that of a frenzy, as the suds began to burn in my eyes, I quickly began to scrub at my face to stop the stinging soap that'd gotten into my eyes.

As I quickly started to scrub at my eyes, the sound of giggles could be heard over the sound of the shower. " It looks like he got a bit overexcited at us surprising him like this." Rena said which was followed by a bit of her laughter.

"You know what; I do believe that you are right. Though I think that the excitement he feels is a bit...lower, if you get what I mean Rena." This time it was Jenavee's voice that I heard, which was also followed by her giggling a bit.

" Maybe we should help him out with his shower. I think he might like that." With that said I heard the shower door open as well as two new forms joining me in that of my shower.

'This could get interesting.' I thought but that thought was pushed aside as I felt two pairs of hands lightly touch either my back or that of my front. "If I didn't know any better I'd say that I've gotten myself surrounded by..." Words failed me right then as I felt a soft pair of breasts press into my back and effectively send a very nice shiver all the way up from my feet to my head. Though as I tried to place who those wonderful globes belonged to, the other occupant to the shower decided to press her front into that of my own. 'Oh dang, this is like something ripped right out of some guys manga.' I thought to myself but for some reason that really didn't sit right with me.

Though before I could say anything about that, a set of hands gently rubbed my shoulders, which led me to believe that the owner of those hands wanted me to sit down. Following the hint, I slowly lowered myself down to find myself sitting on the lip of the shower/tub. " It seems that you need some help getting cleaned up. Why not let us take care of that..."

"Then you can help clean us up as well." Jenavee said as if she was finishing the thought/sentence that Rena had begun, just like how that of a twin would do so. Deciding to enjoy the fawning over, I gave a nod and let both girls take over and finish my shower for me.

Somewhere deep down I felt a bit disappointed in myself at not taking advantage of the situation, but then again it felt better this way. I wasn't the type of guy who likes to be swarmed by women; I enjoyed it a lot more when I was able to pay a bit more attention to that of one person at a time. So as one set of hands washed my hair for me, the other had taken a cloth and was scrubbing down my back. Once each of those tasks was complete, at least my hair was now all bubbly, the hands switched off and the one that had washed my back now was rinsing off my hair while the one who'd done my hair was now washing my front.

Once both were finished, someone took my hands in theirs, and gently pulled me to my feet. Now standing I felt both sets of hands begin to caress my skin and I couldn't help but feel something akin to that of love through their gentle caresses. By how soft they gently rubbed my chest and back I couldn't help but feel my body begin to relax as well as slowly release a lot of tension that I didn't realize I'd built up. Though as I was about to speak, I felt a gentle/furry finger press against my lips. " Jenavee told me about what happened out in the woods, and I know how much that what you saw out there is bothering you. So why not let us take care of you for a bit and help you forget about that."

Though I wanted to talk again and tell them that they didn't need to do this, I was silenced as Rena leaned up a bit and pressed her lips into mine. I didn't know how long we shared that kiss but as it continued I felt someone else press against my back and wrap her arms around my chest. When Rena and I finished our kiss did she follow suit with that of Jenavee and I was then hugged from both ends. I was a bit surprised by all of this but it wasn't until I heard a voice in the back of my head that I realized what was really going on. 'We know that what you went through out in the woods was something that deeply disturbed you. We just want you to know that we are here for you love, both of us are.'

A shiver ran through my body as I remembered what I'd seen and somewhere deep within I felt something break and tears begin to flow.

(Back to the present)

A small wetness trickled down my cheek and when I reached up to wipe it away I found that I was crying. 'Bless both their hearts. Who knew that I was holding my feelings back from seeing what I'd seen?' Though as I thought about it, I couldn't help but feel another slowly trickle down my cheek. Even though it was just that of a simple shower, the girls had turned it into something much, much more and had touched someplace deep within me that I hadn't known had been hurt/disturbed/needing something that only they could give. 'Maybe this is what it feels like to be loved. Having someone so close to you that they can touch you somewhere deep within and heal your broken heart.' Gently leaning over I gave them each a feather like kiss, and when I pulled away from the kiss I saw that they now has large/happy smiles.

The next morning was met with all of us running about a bit, but eventually found us all down in that of the cafeteria. Rena and Jenavee were each feeding their kids, while Undine and Kit seemed to be arguing over something about their food (Though it more that Undine was complaining and Kit was trying her best not to get Undine to lash out at someone). I couldn't help but let out a contented sigh as I then went back to finishing off my third breakfast biscuit. Once breakfast was finished with, I asked my family/team to meet me out in the park under the same tree we'd practiced before the competition. Once they were gone I headed over to the front desk of the Pokémon center and collected my two newest members of my team.

"And what brings us out here today Donovin?" Undine asked, not so much in annoyance but something a bit close to that and curiosity.

I lowered my head and let out a slow breath. Once I had my nerve under me I nodded to her and pulled out two new Pokéballs. "If you didn't know, last night I met up with another trainer." This got Undine and Kit to look over at me in confusion but neither said anything, so as to let me finish my story. "What you probably might not have guessed at was that I...relieved him of a couple of his Pokémon when I saw that he was mistreating them." This got a small shiver to pass over Kit and I knew that she was probably remembering her time when she was at the breeders place. "Within these two Pokéballs are two Pokémon I hope to help. But before I introduce you to them I wanted to warn you that..." I stopped in mid-sentence to make sure that they were paying attention. "Their situations are vastly different than what..." Words failed me again as I wasn't sure how much I could tell them without shocking them, as well as to the fact that I didn't want to talk about something as graphic in front of the kids.

It was then that Kit started to speak and Jenavee used her psychic abilities to translate what she said for me to understand. 'If it is something that you cannot talk about then it must be something...very serious.' To which I couldn't help but nod at.

"I think the easiest way to say this, was that the trainer of these two did something to them that even from where I'm from, it's considered such a grievous offense that whom-ever did this to another person that they'd be put into jail for the rest of their lives." This got everyone to look at each other with such shock in their eyes that I almost thought that they'd strain their eyes. "Needless to say that I want to help these two and hopefully get them to overcome their pasts and live out the rest of their lives in peace."

Though as I thought about what I'd just said I really didn't know how much of my little tale was actually based in truth. The trainer hadn't been the one to rape that of the Glaceon, it'd been the Articuno who'd done the deed, and to that I knew that if the two were to ever meet again that there would be some problems. It was also then that I thought about the Articuno and I couldn't help but feel a cold shiver run down my back, almost like someone who'd put and ice cube down the back of your shirt. "With that said, I'd appreciate it if all of you could help me with these two; especially that of the first that I'm going to introduce to you now." I then picked up the first ball and held it aloft to show the others.

With a nod from the others I hit the activated the Pokéball and had it enlarge in my hand. With the second press I let the ball fall to the ground as if it were just an ordinary ball rolling off my fingers. The ball fell to the ground to only bounce once, but rolled right into the middle of the ring of everyone and stopped there. We watched for a moment but when that moment passed the upper portion of the ball quickly flew itself open and released the occupant inside.

Seeing the release process up close and personal, not to mention having my attention fully on the spectacle was something quite interesting to behold. It was a little hard to describe the white light that quickly jumped out of the ball, but I really didn't have any other way of describing it. The light seemed to have some kind of mass within as I couldn't see within the light, but as the light arced then touched the ground it quickly exploded. Once my eyes had recovered from the explosion of light did we all see that of a simple Glaceon sitting before us. Much of its fur was that of the traditional Glaceon color, which is to say a light blue color, while the tips of its ears and the small frill on its forehead were that of an ice blue color, though the spots/diamond on its back as well as the tip of its tail was a much darker color. The things eyes were shut at the moment as well as its head lowered as if in penance/prayer.

Ever so slowly, the Glaceon opened its eyes and looked directly at me. I didn't know how long the two of us stared into each other's eyes, but I knew that the first mistake could be easily made right here. If I acted to quickly to try and comfort the thing, by reaching out to it to take it into my arms and hold it tight as I wanted to, it could take the movement as if a movement to strike it. Though if I did nothing at all it could take that a whole different way, by allowing the ice type to make the first move, I hoped that it would know that I was more passive than anything else.

Not seeming to want to take its eyes off of me for anything, it began to slowly turn its head from side to side so it could take in its surroundings. With each turn of its head the Glaceon came into sight that of which was the rest of my family. The Glaceon seemed to take in much of my team, but became very interested with that of Jenavee and Rena, as each was holding their respective child in their laps. Though no matter where the Glaceon looked, it was always met with that of a smile, well that was until she met with the eyes of Undine who seemed just a bit unconcerned with the new arrival to our family/group.

"I know," I began which got the Glaceon to quickly turn back to look over at me "that you probably have a lot of questions there Glaceon." Though before I could see or do anything else, tears began to form at the edges of the poor Evee evolution, to which turned quickly to ice and fall like small ice diamonds to ground. 'I should have predicted that something like this would happen.' So as the thing began to cry there on the ground, I slowly reached on over and stopped. Almost as if touching a pot to see if it's warm, I lightly held my hand over the Glaceons head and lightly touched its fur. The first touch didn't really seem to have alerted the thing, but when I began to touch it more, to eventually stroke the thing down from its head to the middle of its back did it begin to notice what I was doing.

With that of tears in its eyes, the Glaceon looked up at me and I smiled down at it. "That life is over with now. You have a new family here and the old will never hurt you again." I knew that this was probably done in some sappy chick flick, but it seemed to have worked, as the tears began to slow and when I took the thing into my lap I could feel it calm down all the more. 'Now if only dealing with the Articuno would be this easy.'