Werewulf First Kiss Scene/ Musicallyinsane

Story by musicallyinsane on SoFurry

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Hi...um so i wrote this a while ago for Crownedclown 13 as part of his challenge to add on to his Werewulf story by creating a version of Kyle and Duke's first kiss. Umm yeah so I'm posting this so he can link it as he asked. Hope you guys enjoy...

Kyle was convinced that he had developed serious depression. The week following the release from the hospital he really let the severity of his situation sink in. His self confidence and general mood have just developed into a sour taste in his mouth, one he could not was away with even the strongest mouthwash. He would sit in his room, watch TV when Scott wasn't around or sleep. He didn't want to believe he had depression, but he just didn't want to do anything...at all. He was already beginning to become used to living his life without the use of his legs, but his mind was fighting his body every step of the way. He hated having to be confined to that god forsaken chair! He knew without it, he would be completely useless, but in it he just felt like a burden. A burden to his mother, to Scott (as much as he hated him), and a burden to himself. He hated being useless, but its hard to not feel useless when you can't feel anything below your waistline.

Kyle gazed out the window of his bedroom watching the rain pour down in a steady sheet on this dreary Saturday afternoon. He felt like a little old man sitting at home alone by the window in a wheelchair. His body showed it, he was frail, and weak looking still, and his general attitude to being in the chair did not help his look one bit. Kyle let out a small sigh, before unlatching the cheap vinyl window and taking a deep breath. This was one smell that Kyle really enjoyed, the smell of fresh rain. The rush of cool wet air was comforting to him as he sat back in the chair and closed his eyes.

The first week back to school was worse than he thought, not out of torment but the exact opposite. Pity. Kyle hated the pity. Ok, so maybe the pity from Quinn was OK, but people he hated, people who never even acknowledged his existence were now feeling sorry for him. He got "I'm so sorry.", and "Hang in there buddy.", from almost everyone in the school. Kyle chuckled out loud at the thought. He thought that he normally would have been happy to have other people talk to him for once and care. The irony at how it now annoyed him only made him feel worse. He was laughing because all their pity, minus Quinn's, was just fake comfort words, meaningless words that were only spoken to give them a less guilty feeling in their own hearts. That's what annoyed Kyle almost to the point of disgust. He placed his hands onto top of each other on the windowsill and rested his chin on top of them.

The part of this whole mess that was eating away at Kyle the most however was not the paralysis, or the false pity, or even his parent's lack of sympathy. It was Duke. Duke never called or even tried to contact Kyle since the day he was first in the hospital. Kyle felt his heart rate increase slightly at the thought of the boy. His could see his breath more visibly through the cheap wire mess screen. There was so much mystery around Duke that Kyle had already unraveled, his weird habits, his weird family, but his behavior, this was even weird for Duke and that says something. The boy loved Kyle to death like a plaything, but now he wasn't even trying to make sure he was ok. Kyle sat up and shook his head.

"I don't get him...why hasn't tried to even see me?"

Kyle had been asking himself that question all week. Kyle tried to call Duke, he tried to get in contact with him at school, but he hasn't been there. He tried to call him, but he hasn't been answering his phone. He tried to call his cabin where he was staying, but no one has been picking up. It was clear to Kyle that Duke was avoiding him. What else could it be, there was no other possible explanation other than he was avoiding him. Kyle wrinkled his eyebrows and gritted his teeth before slamming his fists down onto the sturdy arms of the wheelchair.

"God damn him! Why won't he talk to me! Why do I care so much..."

Kyle felt tears begin to leak out of the corner of his eyes and run down his cheeks. Kyle didn't fight it, didn't try to hold back the tears. It just felt right to let it all out and cry. He wept, hard for a good ten minutes, just letting out all of his emotions. He didn't know why he was crying but it felt good to, like he needed to.

When he finally pulled himself back together, he pulled away from the window and wheeled himself over to his closet door where a fluffy brown jacket hung idly on the doorknob. He reached for it without hesitation and pulled it close to his body. It still smelled like Duke, it was a faint scent, but had always been in the jacket. He never realized before just how much he loved the smell, it was calming, overpowering, but it made him feel relaxed. He put the hood to his nose and deeply inhaled, only to get a throbbing sensation in his temples.

"Shit...ow my head."

Kyle completely forgot how much of a head ache that smell gave him, even if he did like it. He placed the jacket back on the knob of the door and wheeled over to the bed, before lifting himself up with his upper body strength and collapsing onto the bed. He rolled over and stared at the wall, allowing his head to sink into the pillow for comfort. It suddenly dawned on Kyle that maybe...he really did need Duke more than he thought he did. He really had grown on him in the past few weeks and now, with just a week's separation, he was at a total loss for a will to live. He shuddered at the thought of what might happen when Duke does leave for good. He closed his eyes tight to keep from crying again and just let the delicate hands of sleep take him away from his one dimensional world.

Kyle woke up in the morning with a crick in his neck. He could tell that he did not have pleasant dreams that night. No dream came to mind, but due to his stiff neck and misplaced pillow, he guessed that they were not nice. The sheets were not even moved and he frowned deeply at the sight of that. He almost wished that one day he would wake up and realized that it was all a horrible dream. Like if he was in a coma and it was all in his head, he would never take having his legs for granted ever again. Sadly, as he rubbed his right thigh with his paw, his optimism faded away like last night's dreams. His leg was warm, but he could not feel it, only when his hands touched them could he even tell they were remotely warm. He sat up and began to think, he needed to do something anything today that was not just sitting in the house sulking. He opened his eyes slightly and gave a slight smile.

"I know what I want to do today."

He slid himself out of his bed, and into the wheel chair, grabbed the jacket off the door and began to wheel to the stairs. The law suit money came in handy. Along with the hospital bills getting paid for, a chair lift was installed onto the side of the stairs in the house, so Kyle could still go up and down the stairs without the need for anyone to carry him. When he reached the bottom of the stairs, he wheeled over to the stove to check the time. It was only about ten in the morning but his mom and Scott were still asleep, probably sleeping off a drunken episode from last night. Kyle opened the front door and wheeled out into the drive way closing the door behind him. The cool morning air felt cold against his face. He was still in his PJ's but with the jacket on, he was warm enough. Slowly Kyle began to wheel himself down the drive way, and then down the street. Kyle actually smiled, on the inside, at the thought of nurse Abrams; her P.T. really did wonders for his upper arm strength. He could wheel around pretty quickly now that his arms have become more accustomed and toned for the wheelchair life. He made his way down the street until he reached the grass field. He used the handicap ramp to get onto the side walk and began to make his way across the field. The wheels of the chair sank slightly into the freshly wet grass and Kyle winced. He had to use a lot more strength than he thought he would have to to make his way across the grass. After a ten minute struggle through the grass he made it to the woods.

"Here comes the real challenge Kyle, you ready for this?"

He slowly began to traverse the stretch of woods after his mental prep talk. Fortunately, there were not too many logs or sticks for Kyle to have to navigate around and trees made it that the dirt was far less wet in there than the field was. After another a long fight across the wood and almost falling over twice, Kyle had made it to his destination, the playground. This was the place only a few short weeks ago that Kyle had met Duke, a place that he use to come to when he was in need of some air; a place to think. He wheeled over to the swing set and gave it a solemn stair. Never again could he get into that swing on his own...no he was not giving up his swing. This was his swing and god damn it he was going to get into it like his life depended on it. Kyle wheel over to the swing, close enough that he scoot him self onto it with a large amount of effort. He gave the swing the same solemn look again, but with different thoughts going through his head this time.

"Looks like its just you and me old friend. I know you can't respond, but your company means the world to me right now."

He pulled him self out of the chair with a large amount of strength and letting his feet drag, managed to squirm into the seat. He then adjusted his chair so than it ran parallel to the swing set. He used one arm and gave the chair a shove into the dirt causing the swing to jostle a little in place and give him slight motion. He gave the chair harder and harder shoves until he began to pick up one motion.

" Alright, just a little more..." Just then kyle pushed the chair too hard and slipped out of the swing seat hitting the ground with an audible thud and a groan. His legs hit the ground like lead and all the energy of the fall was transferred into his chest by the sudden forward whipping motion. Kyle let out a gasp as the wind was knocked out of him. He looked behind him to see the chair was on its side in the mud.

Oh god no this is bad shit...

Kyle dug his hand deep into the dirt and began to pull. The friction of his body against the ground was causing agony on the straining muscles in his arms. He had to get himself bad over to the wheel chair.

"Almost there...come on Kyle."

He was about arms reach away now from the overturned wheel chair, he stretched out his arm to grasp the wheel to flip the chair when a soft, warm hand reached out and grabbed his wrist. Kyle froze in shock, he had not heard anyone even approach him, and now that person had his arm! Panic set in quickly and Kyle tried to tug away only to be yanked up off the ground and into the strangers arms. Kyle's face instantly pressed up against the breast of the strange and a familiar over whelming sent filled his nostrils.


Duke jerked his heard back to let the jacket hood slide off his head. The normal smile on his face was much more grimace and softer, like a worn out tire in need of a change. The sheen in his eyes was duller and his eyes looked tired and sullen. He spoke in a dry hoarse voice that showed straining to control his emotions.

"Kyle, what the hell are you doing here?" His voice was flat, like a mixture of sorrow and anger combined. This angered Kyle; who was he to be scolding him, when he was the one who was causing all this.

"Excuse me? I haven't heard or seen you in a week and your questioning why I am out here?" Duke's demeanor changed quickly from annoyed to hurt. Never has a boy ever caused Duke to ever feel beyond what an alpha felt. Never had any boy caused Duke to feel submissive, only Kyle.

"I know...and...I'm sorry, but I just needed time to think, time to get away from all this and think. I've been coming out here to the swings to do that thinking."

That answered Kyle's next question but he was still pissed at Duke.

"Why then have you been avoiding me Duke," Tears starting to for in Kyle's eyes, " I just need someone to talk to other than myself ."

Duke looked at the ground as he placed the sad boy down into the wheel chair, that he flipped just using his foot. Then he wheeled him next to the swing and sat down in it himself without a word. Kyle just waited for Duke to break the ice, which did not take very long at all.

" I've been avoiding you because I know who is behind your attack and I needed time to think about a course of action." Kyle gave Duke a confused look.

"Um we all know that Finn shot me in the spine. Where have you been?"

Duke rubbed his temples in frustration, trying to think of a better way of explaining this.

"Look," He finally finding the right words or so he thought, "Finn was only a pawn. There's this old...acquaintance of mine thats to blame."

Kyle' face went pale. What did he just say? Kyle's words were choked.

"W-what do you mean a pawn. You personally knew who shot me?"

Duke bit his bottom lip in shame. He wished he didn't have to put Kyle through this but it was too late now.

"We kind of...had a falling out, a fight that ended badly, and he found out I was here in this town...and he found out about you..."

Kyle's mind processed this new information at light speed, quickly putting two and two together.

"So he shot me...to get to you?" Kyle was in a complete state of disbelief.

"No!" Duke said a little harshly. "No...he had Finn shoot you to get to me. He got Finn to do it...somehow..." Duke hated lying to Kyle but he couldn't say he used his werewolf powers. That would botch his whole point. " He hurt you Kyle, he paralyzed you...I hate saying that." Duke's eyes were getting wetter by the minute as he kept spilling his guts to Kyle. "I still don't..." Duke raised a hand and stopped him mid sentence.

"Let me finish...I have been avoiding you not only to think about what to do with him, but because he hurt you and its completely my fault this happened." Duke was now openly crying sitting on the swing trying to focus his next choice of words carefully.

"I came here everyday since you left the hospital and I finally have come to a conclusion."

Kyle still was not sure where this was going with Duke but he has never seen this side of Duke before. This side was so...sensitive that it almost off put the fun, childish image of Duke that Kyle had. Kyle needed to ask a serious question. "What did you conclude Duke?"

The boy looked up with glaring hatred in his eyes, not focused but present.

"I've decided that I'm going to find him, and kill him. I am going to make him regret ever coming here and ever hurting you. Your not broken...you'll never be broken."

The words came out like venom, but to Kyle it was something unnerving. He had no idea what Duke had meant by the "broken" comment, but that was irrelevant. He was willing to kill someone for him, in cold blood none the less. Kyle needed to ask the question he had been trying to avoid since hearing about this mysterious acquaintance. The question was subtle, but to Kyle, it was a make or break question.


Duke raised an eyebrow.

"Why what? Why do I want to kill him?"

Kyle shook his head.

"No, why do you care so much about me?"

Duke's eyes went wide and he bit his bottom lip again in angst.

"Well its because I'm your friend and I care." Kyle frowned.

"Bullshit. I know your my friend, but your willing to kill someone for me. You are ready to take a life! Do you know what that means?!"

Duke stood up now and ran both hands down his face in anxiety. There was no turning back now, he went too far. Duke moved closer to Kyle and stood above him in dead silence just staring at the boy with blank eyes. Kyle could feel his skin crawl at the stare, it was not a death stare, but it was unnerving. Then, Duke got down on his knees and stared in silence. Kyle had no idea what to make of Duke's bizarre behavior. It was almost like he was analyzing him, checking for something. Kyle needed to break the ice.

" Duke I understand you care, and I understand that you want justice but honestly you need to get this to the police. Let them take care of it. Please stop beating yourself up, I don't blame you, this wasn't your-"

Kyle was interrupted by Duke,s face pressing up against his. Both pairs of lips joining as one as Kyle's eyes bulged open. He was kissing Duke, or Duke was kissing him or...something like that. But that fact of the matter was, he was kissing a boy. When he kissed Alice Stone it felt great. He had a warm feeling run down into his stomach that made him feel good on the inside. Kissing Duke, however was a different story all together. That same warm feeling came back, but at ten fold and it wasn't centered in his stomach anymore. No, the feeling began to travel from his stomach to his cold hands and arms, to his face and down to the base of his pine. His legs however remained unfazed. That didn't even bother him, because all he felt was a feeling he long thought vanished fro his life. Happiness. Just the locking of their lips was all he needed to feel this feeling and he never wanted it to end, but Duke ended it.

"That's why I would kill for you Kyle Lane."

Kyle didn't even respond, instead he let his arms and mouth do all the work for him. He grabbed onto Duke's brown jacket and pulled him back into the kiss. This time, Kyle wanted to feel the exact same sensation, just to be sure with him self. He began to rub his tongue against Duke's lips, who got the message and allowed his tongue entrance into his mouth. Duke's tongue began to play with Kyle's as they began to work their lips. Kyle's body burned for Duke and Duke's the same. Kyle could feel his pants tighten slightly in envy of his mouth. He realized that he was missing something more than just a friend in his life when Duke broke contact. He was missing a love, a true honest to god love that could only be explained by the passion in their lips right now. Duked ended the kiss leaving a broad smile across Kyle's face. Duke gave a nervous grin, his humor starting to come back to normal.

"That smile right there just made this whole conversation worth it. You do not know how long I have been wanting to tell you how I felt about you." Kyle felt slight guilt at this statement. Had he really been that blind to all of Duke's signals? Was there even any signals? Wait...Alice...and Duke being defensive...

"Holy crap..."

"What?" Duke became suddenly alarmed.

"You were in love with me and I was with Alice and i told you about her and you were defensive and..." Duke put a hand on Kyle's mouth and gave a few shushing noises.

"It's ok, you didn't know. I just wanted to make you happy." Kyle removed the hand.

"I'm so sorry Duke, if I would have known I would have stopped and..."

"Kyle enough! It's ok, you had the right to who ever you wanted to choose. I can say i was jealous, but I could not force you to be gay, i...i had my ideas that you might not have been straight, but...there was still doubt."

Kyle was beyond shocked, Duke thought he might have been gay? Was he giving off signals? I guess I was...



"Will you...will you take me home. Im getting pretty cold."

Duke gave him a warm smile, knowing that this conversation was far from over, but perhaps its better to have it inside, not in the middle of a field in you PJ's.

"Sure Kyle, lets get you all nice and cozy..."

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