I don't want to set the World on Fire
A story I wrote as gift for Daygo over on FA, no clue if he has a profile here as well. Figured I might want to upload it here also, given that I recently remembered I had a account here too <.
Daygo is © of his player
I don't want to set the World on Fire
"Thanks for taking me along on the ride!"
The large orange dragon yelled over the roaring engine and knocked with a fist against the cabin before he jumped off the truck's flat bed. He waved at the transporter which replied by blowing it's horn as it slowly build up speed again on it's way down the road. The dragon turned away with a grin as the truck disappeared around the turn and behind the dense forest cover of the jungle. He stretched his body to work the feeling back into his thick limbs after the long ride. The leather of his pants and jacket creaking as it strained slightly over his musculature. He smirked as he turned to the jungle in front of him, it was basically a thick wall of green, but there was one small trail he could follow, easily missable if you didn't knew to look for it.
"Here comes Daygo!"
He chuckled as he walked forwards, the wild green dividing for his bulk like the ice would do in front a ice breaker. He followed the trail to his destination without incident, only once had his way forward been blocked as large trees had grown so close to each other that they had made a effective barrier against his bulk, and the surrounding trees had added their own to it. But they had underestimated the orange dragon's tenacity and one of the trees laid broken in half now. Then the trail started to turn into a path, which eventually turned into a crude road consisting of rough cobble stone overgrown by vines with edges smoothed down by centuries of rain fall. But what really told him that he was on the right way where the large menacing and weathered looking stone heads which lined up along the trail in regular intervals. He raised a brow as he noticed that they were rather well preserved, they had stains from dirt and veins were slung around some, while others were slightly angled due to the grounds erosion, but the heads themselves looked more like they were placed here only recently.
He started to grin wide as the heads, which had looked rather like stylized human faces, slowly started to take on more draconian traits, the faces elongated, the ears became pointed and horns started to grow from the back of the heads. He continued further down the road, which slowly lost it's rugged look and became more even and well tread, he was definitely getting closer.
Closer to his destination.
He had spend years on pin pointing this. The historic community had been divided for centuries as to where the first dragons had really had their seat, where the first transformation from man to dragon had taken place. Of course he had to find real proof first to validate his claim. But he was certain that he was right. The place, a temple, he was heading to was actually well known, but so far it had somehow managed to elude wide spread archaeological interest. But he was going to change that now.
The first thing he noticed was that the usual noise of the jungle slowly receded and eventually stopped completely, a deadly silence falling over his surroundings. His foot steps were the only sound now and they echoed ominously before the thick green swallowed them as well. The stone heads had turned fully draconian now and were in a near perfect condition, as if the jungle hadn't dared to touch them. The canopy above was so thick that barely a ray of light touched the ground and it was hard to see further than a few dozen feet.
So he was quite surprised when the road suddenly broadened and the forest stopped as a large plaza was stretching out before him. The canopy somehow rising up way beyond the tree line, incredibly long, and apparently very strong branches, forming a large domelike natural ceiling over the place. In it's middle rose up a large step pyramid, much in the style of the Mesopotamian ziggurats.
Daygo's maw fell wide open in marvel at this place, the plaza was in a amazing condition, no creepers or other signs of vegetation were in sight, even the pyramid itself seemed untouched by the jungle and even time, from what he could see. He slowly looked around, his eyes followed the strange canopy, which had a noticeable hole just above the pyramid, letting in just enough sunlight to illuminate the place. He gulped and straightened himself as he walked closer to the pyramid.
All of a sudden he felt horribly out of place, his foot steps sounded terribly loud, and the echos came back even more amplified. For a moment he could have sworn that there was someone else with him here as well. He shivered as his heart beat faster and his blood gushed audibly through his ears. He got the feeling that he was being watched and he looked around, then he noticed dozens of dragon and human stone heads which circled the plaza and they all seemed to look straight at him.
Daygo blinked and looked around again, turning on his heels to look at the statues, but it had only been a optical illusion, none of them looked at him. They all were intently focused on the pyramid in the middle. He frowned at his own superstitiousness and walked towards the pyramid again, his pace quickening as he came closer and closer to it as a strange sense of foreboding befell him again while he climbed the stairs up. Oddly they were perfectly spaced for a dragon of his size, his large clawed feet found perfect halt on the steps and he quickly scaled them. He raised a brow as he reached the top and was greeted by the sight, there was a identical set of stairs leading straight down into the pyramid again. His headed started to spin as he looked down them, his senses cried out at this subtle violation of spatial laws. Following their angle and comparing it to the outside proportions of the pyramid made it obvious that the stairs should collide with the temple wall again long before reaching ground level, and yet he could see that the tunnel let down into some sort of catacombs and much more importantly, he saw a flickering light.
He looked around again before he climbed down the stairs. At one point he thought he saw a motion, something rustling in the under brush, but as he focused on it again it was perfectly still, like everything in this strange place. As if it was locked in stasis, outside the regular flow of time.
As he walked down the stairs he couldn't suppress the strange feeling of disorientation. But as he closed the end of the stairs he could see that he was coming closer to the source of the light, it flickered unsteadily and was a warm orange and yellow tone, so maybe a torch or a brazier? Which of course roused the question of who left it here, or if it even was left behind.
Daygo's muscles tensed, causing the leather to creak painfully loud in the silence, which was otherwise only broken by the sound of his breathing, foot steps and the soft sizzling noise of a burning fire. He nearly jumped down the last step, turned to the source of the light. Which was a simple torch, held by a mounting on the wall. It burned bright, warm and oh so inviting and he felt strangely inclined to take the torch on the rest of his way as well. He reached out with a hand, the cloth wrapped grip disappearing nearly completely under his meaty paw as he lifted it from the mounting.
A sudden blast of air, coming from the deeper bowels of the pyramid, hit him with enough force that he had to take a step back. Strange, incomprehensible whispers accompanied it and his surroundings seemed to change, the formerly cold dark stone suddenly became warmer and brighter, as if it was illuminated from within. Intricate patterns appeared on the walls, which quickly turned out to be complex and colorful murals, which seemed to dance and move in the shine of the torch.
Daygo's mouth was open in amazement as he watched the murals, which seemed to depict some sort of story. He slowly moved down the long corridor with his eyes fixed on the murals and the story they told. It all started with several shapes of clearly human form, they were shown how they hunted and eventually how they found... something, it was a small object, not unlike a chalice or maybe a bowl, but the fact that it glowed emphasized it's significance. The chalice was then depicted to be situated on a altar with several of the humans dancing around it, while buildings started to raise up in the back. Eventually a large city developed around it. Shortly followed by a horribly war, as a jealous neighbour invaded. Now was the first really interesting depiction, a single human was shown to drink from the chalice and that he started to change, into a dragon! And a giant quadrupedal one no less, if the size difference between the dragon and the humans was any close to what had really happened. The dragon easily vanquished the invading army, but it seemed that it turned on it's own as well, the size difference between the dragon and the humans and buildings became increasingly absurd, until there was a sudden gap. The civilization was destroyed and the chalice lost again, and eventually it was found a new, but this time the humans depicted were much more advanced, while the former ones had worn little more than fur rugs, these wore... jeans?
Daygo blinked and closed in to the mural with narrowed eyes.
Yes. The humans were wearing jeans and sweaters and all other kinds of modern clothing, depicted in excruciating, mind boggling detail. If he focused enough he could even read the brand names on some of the clothing. He leaned back again and slowly shook his head chuckling and wondering where the hell he was here, the thought that he had been set up for some sort of deviously elaborate prank crossed his mind. But he really knew no one who would spend that much money just to make him look like a fool. He followed the picture story again, and then something odd happened. The modern clothing actually made way for more primitive clothing again, he saw togas and robes as the chalice was apparently venerated and elevated to a cult symbol again. The depiction of a cultural downfall continued for some time, cars and trucks were replaced by hand pulled carts and simple manpower, large sky scrapers made way for smaller buildings made of clay and wood. Then he neared the last stretch of the murals, several humans were depicted standing around the chalice and drinking in unison from it, their bodies changed and turned draconian, their change however was not nearly as extreme as the earlier one had been, in fact they looked much like the bipedal dragons that now populated the earth.
He stopped as the mural and the entire wall suddenly stopped, the tunnel he had followed opened into a large hall. He blinked and looked back, the corridor stretched wide and it's end eventually disappeared in blackness. Just how long had he followed it? He completely lost track of how much and long he walked. Then he turned back to the hall, it was quite well lit, by several more torches as he soon found out as he stepped inside. He went wide eyed, stumbled and nearly dropped the torch as he saw what was centered in the middle of the hall. On a large stone altar stood the chalice, looking exactly like in the murals. He grinned wide and broke out into roaring laughter.
He had found the seat of the first dragons!
Still laughing he nearly ran towards the altar and placed his claws on the cool metal as he looked over the goblet. It was a rather impressive sight up close. It was made of silver and it's outside was adorned by brass and rubies. It's insides however were much more interesting, it was completly inlaid with gold and showed quadrupedal dragons in various poses and in lifelike detail.
Daygo straightened himself and coughed as he noticed that he was leaning over it and drooling slightly. A shudder ran through his body as he felt a burning desire well up in his loins. He itched to give the chalice a test run. When a human could be turned into a massive dragon by drinking once from it, then what would happen to one who was already a dragon?
He looked around through the hall but frowned as he saw no sources of liquids of any kind and the chalice itself was empty as well, save for some of his own drool. And he wasn't that desperate to try it. But he did notice more murals in the back of the room, just across the altar. He walked over to them and grinned almost cruelly as he saw what was basically the answer to his unasked question. He saw a single blue dragon sitting at a river with the chalice half submerged, then a picture of the same dragon drinking from the chalice, shortly followed by a picture where the dragon had assumed a giant four legged form compared to the river and the area the dragon, which again was followed by one last picture of the dragon sitting in the river and growing even larger. He tensed up a little as the desire in his loins grew even hotter. Then he raised a brow as he looked a little lower, there was another picture instruction, this time with a red dragon instead. The dragon held the chalice up, it's contents seemed to burn but the dragon drank it regardless, the next picture showed the red dragon as giant four legged beast again, standing over a open fire, which seemed to induce even more growth. He chuckled lowly, this was so much better than just being able to brag in front of the other archaeologists, besides in a age of gasoline and lighters, making a big fire wasn't hard to do.
He walked to the altar with a smug grin on his face and leisurly reached out to grab the chalice, but as soon as he lifted it, he could hear stone shift audibly right above him. He frowned and cursed himself for being so foolish to expect no traps.
Before he could react though he heard a loud angry hissing and something hit him on the head, and shoulders and arms repeatedly. The hissing became even louder and he blinked as he noticed that he had just been showered with life snakes. One of which had bitten into his jacket, it's sharp teeth only barely scratching over his skin.
"Seriously? Snakes? Who's afraid of that?"
He chuckled as he pulled the snake of his arm, while the brunt of the others were slithering away already, more confused and scared by what just happened than truly angry. He took the chalice proper and made for his way out of the hall, just as he reached the exit however he felt how a tile gave way under his foot, not by much, but still enough to raise suspicion. The grating sound of heavy stone that followed soon after confirmed his fear as a part of the ceiling lowered itself above him, he grimaced as he dashed forward and the stone slammed onto the ground where he just stood before. But the grating sound continued as the next segment followed and he had to leap forward again to escape it, but even before it slammed shut, the gnashing intensified as the intervals between the segments lowering decreased.
He cursed as he started to run the corridor down which he had just followed in a few minutes ago, he took wide steps, as fast as his legs could carry him, and still he seemed only moment away from getting squashed. Even as he reached the stairs up it didn't stopped, although it seemed to slow a little, as it now had to cover more ground to close fully while he hurried up the awfully long stairs.
He panted as he saw how a large slab of stone was starting to cover the entrance way ahead of him in a painfully slow, almost mocking way. He grimaced and redoubled his efforts as he scaled the steps, taking as many as he possible could and then he leaped out of the hole, the slab had left just enough space for him to squeeze past. He yelped and grunted as he fell down the stairs on the other side all the way down.
He groaned and panted as he came to a rest, badly bruised and out of breath. For several minutes he just laid there to use this moment of respite. He lifted the chalice up into his field of view and smiled happily as he saw that it was completely undamaged, although his ass felt like he fell on it at least once or twice. Slowly he rose up again as he had recovered enough and then set out for the long way back.
Several hours later.
Daygo was sitting inside a bar, the chalice tucked away in a pocket while he pondered what exactly was supposed to be it's contents. He slowly turned the glass of liquor in his hand. It was something that could burn and was a liquid. Gasoline came to mind there, but he doubted that it was the right stuff. After all drinking that stuff still killed dragons, despite them being a good bit hardier than humans. He turned his gaze to the side and frowned as he saw two red dragons on a table in a firewater bet. Firewater was a alcohol so high in percentage that it was considered a dangerous good when exported, given that it had a tendency to explode when treated poorly. It also burned very well. In those bets a glass of that stuff was ignited for each participant, and they had to drink it, without dousing the flames during the process. They would belch up a gust of flame if they managed to do that. Of course this became increasingly difficult with game progress.
He placed a claw on his forehead and groaned while turning back to the bar in front of him. How could he have overlooked that? He had engaged in that game often enough as well, it was basically mandatory as a fire dragon to have played it at least once. It was of course the obvious answer to what goes into the chalice.
He pulled out the chalice and put it on the counter. The way the gold, silver and rubies reflected the light already drew the attention of several other dragons.
"Gimme a fill of firewater for this."
The barkeeper, a sturdy built brown dragon, gave him and the chalice a suspicious look, then slowly shook his head as he leaned onto the bar.
"Sorry, but we don't give servings directly into foreign..."
He eyed the chalice again and let out a low, frustrated sounding sigh.
"... cups. No matter how pretty they might look."
Daygo looked at the goblet then at the barkeep and frowned, waving with one hand.
"Then give me enough pints to fill this thing with... and a lighter."
The barkeep raised a brow and then turned away to get some pints and a bottle of the high percentage alcohol, while mumbling something rude about weird guys in leather jackets. Daygo waited as the barkeeper put the glasses on the table and filled each of them, then he took the glasses and filled their contents into the chalice instead. He frowned as that wasn't even enough to make it half full. He motioned the barkeep to fill another round, then placed a big dollar bill on the counter, frowning at the excruciating price of the stuff here.
Daygo looked at the chalice, then motioned the barkeep to give him the lighter.
"You're sure you want to do that? I swear if you vomit in here..."
He narrowed his eyes as he handed the lighter to the orange dragon.
Just as Daygo was about to light it he noticed how quiet everything had become. He looked around and saw that pretty much everyone of the patrons here was looking at him. He gulped and turned back to the chalice, the sharp stench of the alcohol already burned in his nose and the gold inlay was shining wonderfully through the clear liquid. The thought that you could use that firewater for drinking or polishing your silverware occurred to him for a moment. Then he turned on the lighter and held it above the alcohol. The fumes quickly ignited with a short, audible fooosh and set the chalice on fire.
Daygo reached forward and grasped the goblet, it felt like it was humming or vibrating slightly. Or maybe it was just his heart, which was beating so loud and fast in his chest that it seemed to burst any moment now. He tried to keep his hand from shaking as he lifted the chalice to his lips, carefully though so that the fire wouldn't singe his hair. He leaned his head back and angled the goblet and then he could feel the spicy taste of the firewater run down his gullet. Much to the amazement of everyone he drank out the chalice in one go, not even stopped once to catch his breath, and he hadn't doused the fire either. Some of the onlookers could have sworn that the rubies on the goblet had glowed for a moment, together with the orange dragon's green eyes.
He coughed as he put the chalice back down on the table, not even a drop remained inside of it. The barkeep nodded at Daygo and even was about to hand the bill back to him while the other patrons clapped for the dragon. However the applause quickly died again as the orange dragon started to cough and shudder. Muscle spasms ran through his body and he fell from the chair, grunting loud as he gritted his teeth while his body twitched.
A fire burned through his veins and forced him onto all fours. Someone was yelling for a ambulance but it was drowned out by his own snarls and pounding heartbeat. His chest felt like it became tighter, his entire body followed suit. He grunted and panted as it became hard to breath, as if someone was putting him into a bench vice. Then a loud tearing sound followed as his leather pants and jackets tore at their seams, immediately relieving the pressure. He looked at his hands in amazement as their digits thickened, the claws becoming longer and thicker. He could feel his arm muscles ripple and flex causing him to jerk forward slightly. His chest grew, widened and became deeper, soon more akin to a large barrel as his jacket got torn to shreds.
The crowd around started to panic as the orange dragon started to rapidly expand and bulked up to twice his size as his already large muscles developed even more, his golden hair that run along his head and down his neck, over the back and down to the tip of his tail, lengthened and became thicker as well. Daygo screamed as his bones shifted and rearranged audibly, it wasn't painful, but still a disgusting and unnatural feeling and he reared up as he let out a startled roar. His point of view had changed as his neck was now far longer and thicker than before and his hind legs had shortened slightly and turned into a form that supported walking on four legs more than standing upright. His entire torso had grown so heavy that it was a strain to even stand and he fell back onto all fours with a loud thud. Then he looked around and noticed how big he was. He was easily spanning a third of the bar's room already, his bodies length was about ten meters now, with his tail providing the same length again. And he was still growing! He rumbled deeply and furrowed his brow in surprise, as he was only uttering growls and snarls now, apparently his throat was unable to utter normal language now.
And then he felt it again, a fire burning deep inside him. Making it's way through his chest and up his neck, he grimaced and opened his maw as a tremendous belch left him, followed by a jet of searing fire. This display send the last few patrons screaming out of the building, at least those who could manage to get past the growing dragon's bulk. The fire sticked to the wall in front of him and slowly started to expand along it as it burned wood, cloth and even metal. Decorative bottles full of colored alcohol exploded as their contents tried to expand and eventually caught fire, adding to the rapidly expanding inferno.
Daygo meanwhile watched in amazement as the fire felt wonderfully pleasant to him, he had no fear that it might sear him, in fact he felt drawn to it, he wanted it to consume the entire room so that he might bath in it's glory. And grow. He turned his massive head to the bar again and saw himself in a mirror there. Or rather, part of himself as he was way too large to fit into it completely now. He was insanely ripped, every muscle was plainly visible through his hide and large visible veins pumped the blood through his body to supply his muscles. His eyes were glowing faintly as well, almost obscuring his slitted pupil. He smirked as he flexed his biceps into the mirror, watching the muscle rise up tremendously. He grinned wide and then belched fire into the bar's direction, setting fire to the alcohol stored there, which let to more explosion and the faster spread of fire.
He let out a delighted rumble as the warmth of the fire filled him. This all felt so right! He was completely oblivious to that he was probably endangering people with this. This warm fuzzy feeling that spread through his body completely drowned out any second thoughts about it. He laid down while the fire expanded, together with his form. He grew larger and stronger as the fire spread, wood creaked and crumbled and the ceiling was starting to wail as the fire weakened it's structure and the weight of the roof above pushed down on it.
But it got no chance to collapse, at least not taking the way down. Daygo's body had grown so much from all the heat that his massive wings and densely muscled back pushed up against the ceiling and easily broke through the weakened material as he grew larger even faster. The fire lost it's intensity and started to flicker, despite still having plenty of material to burn as the huge dragon unconsciously drew the energy from it to enlarge himself more.
The orange behemoth roared as he broke through the buildings cover, the roof sliding off his body and down to the sides as he looked around. The bar was at the outskirts of a rather large city, not a sprawling metropolis, but not a backwater either. But to him it was a wonderful sight, especially with the vast jungle so close aswell. He climbed out of the remains of the bar and onto the street, his several dozen tons worth of muscle making short work with the wall and the cars he accidently stepped on. He smirked as he rose his paw again and looked at the flattened vehicle beneath, he had barely noticed it crumble under him. Then his gaze turned at the building on the other side of the street, he craned his head back, before he opened his maw and a jet of fire broke forth from it and washed over the front of the building, the flames proving to be quite sticky as they lingered on the front. With a happy smile on his face he looked further down the road, oblivious to the panicked crowd of people who was fleeing before him, they were so insignificant to him. Daygo had by now reached a shoulder height of ten meters and was towering over most buildings, and with more than twenty meters in length he was longer than most as well, especially when counting in his tail which upped his total length to almost fifty meters.
He strolled down the street with a grin while setting fire to the buildings left and right and growing slowly as he basked in the heat, but somehow the feeling was becoming less satisfying. He needed more of the bright flames and so he let out a delighted squeal as he saw a gas station further down the road. His pace increased as he started to run and leap and it came rapidly closer, so fast in fact that he slid right past it as he closed and crashed into another building, a drug store from the looks of it. He shook his head as the orange dragon climbed back out of the rubble of the building and closed to the station. A wide diabolic grin adorned his face as he saw the fuel tank truck which had been about to refill the station, but was now abandoned as the driver had fled. He sat down besides the tanker and placed a front paw on it, slowly rubbing over the smooth metal. He noticed that it was still full as he tried to move it. Daygo let out a low rumble as he pressed his clawed thumb against the fuel tank. He didn't even had to apply much pressure before the hull ruptured and gasoline started to flow out, he pressed his claw in deeper do widen the hole, before he pulled out again. He lowered his large head and took a nose full of the spilling oil. The smell was strangely appealing to him now. He craned his back again and was just about to inhale as he felt a tickle on his left flank. He raised a brow and turned his head to look at his side, but there was nothing out of the ordinary.
There was. Small black spots appeared for a moment, each accompanied by a tickling sensation, he narrowed his eyes and let out a surprised gasp. It were bullets! Bullets which collided with his hide but prove to be unable to pierce it and harmlessly fell back on the ground. He frowned and looked down the road to find those offenders. He didn't had to look far as right in the middle of the road were two police cars parked to make a improvised barricade. The officers behind looking quite startled as they realized that their efforts had done nothing else than provoke the much larger dragon. They were given no time to make a new plan however as Daygo unleashed another stream of draconian napalm on them, cars and officers alike disappearing in the infernal flames and the orange dragon turned back to the little toy with which he was about to play before he had been so rudely interrupted. By now the tank had made a considerable puddle under it and the large dragon smirked before he breathed only a small flame. The gasoline fumes ignited almost instantly and the trail of fire followed up to the tank from which the oil was still flowing, the fire climbed up into the tank which reacted in the most reasonable way possible. By giving way via violent expansion.
Daygo let out a loud snarl as the tanker exploded and searing hot metal slammed into his chest. The fireball was forcefull enough to damage the other pumps and cause them to leak aswell, adding the last reserves of the station to the fireball aswell and showering the orange dragon in even more burning debris. A cry of pain left the dragon's lips as a large steel bar pierced his shoulder. He growled and reached up with the healthy arm, then pulled the beam out of his flesh. He roared in pain but the beam was easy enough to remove, the wound however was bleeding extensively. For a few seconds. The fire of the destroyed gas station waned as the flames shrunk and the dragon's body healed in record time. He could watch how the flesh and muscles reknit over his exposed bone and within less than a minute the wound had completely disappeared, not even leaving a scar behind.
The large dragon continued to set fire to the city and grow, now with reckless abandon as he knew that eventual wounds would heal in no time. Daygo also found out that the firefighters had a hard time dousing the fires he caused directly, his dragon flame was indeed very close to napalm. The residues of his spray ignited immediately upon contact with air, so they had to bury it under large amounts of sand and other debris to keep the oxygen from it. Not that he would even let them that is. Like the monstrous predator that he was, he prowled the streets and stalked every fire truck he could find and razed the stations he could find as well. Given that the city wasn't enormous he had quickly chased down all of them. After about two hours of work he had set more than half the city ablaze and lay now sprawled out in it's center. The heat in the center of the inferno was more like a industrial furnace. Metal and stone alike had been reduced to slag, but the dragon in it's midst showed no sign of discomfort, his long golden hair laid lush over his neck without any trace of even being singed. If anything Daygo was even more vital than ever, his muscles were tremendous, much larger than a living being could ever need. His bodylength was well over one hundred meters. A shudder ran through him as the feeling of power that coursed through his body was absolutely intoxicating. And it was slowly turning into a hunger. He was sated for the moment, but he could already feel the craving for more heat and the size and power that came with it.
He felt a tingle run through his groin and he craned his neck to look down at it. He raised a brow as he saw his genitals, his massive shaft with it's barbed tip stood on edge and his set of heavy balls hanged low beneath it, his scrotum was more than large enough to cover his tailhole under it. He smirked, strangely enough he hadn't noticed his aching loins until now, though he assumed it was because of the other craving he had before. He reached down with a front paw and rubbed over his length. He inhaled sharply and tensed a bit at the surge of pleasure that ran through his body. His shaft throbbed in his hand, but it still felt squishy, as if he still wasn't fully erect. He frowned and stroked himself, shudders ran through him every time his paw ran over his fleshy barbs. The dragon's eyes widened as his shaft indeed started to pulse and swell larger and girthier. It stopped to expand just short of his pecs, it was large enough that he could easily suck himself off. A wide grin crossed his muzzle as he leaned forward to do just that. His forge tongue ran over his cockhead, the taste of his own sensitive flesh driving him forward to take even more of himself in. His long neck clearly came in as a advantage as he took his cockhead into his own maw and started to suck on it while he rubbed over his large balls with one paw and over his length with the other. The dragon's tongue licked, wrapped and played around his shaft while he slurped wetly on it and the taste of thick precum flooded his maw. He groaned deeply as he kneaded into his balls and stroked and sucked his shaft. He was so preoccupied with himself that he didn't noticed that the inferno around him started to flicker again. The flames that were the furthest out started to become pulled further to the inside, until the entire inferno started to recede in a circular motion, condensing into a bright, incredibly ball of plasma around the orange dragon. The ball reached it's highest point of energy density just as Daygo reached his climax. He growled as he unloaded his seed into his own maw, hundreds of gallons of white dragon spunk flooding down his gullet. The ball of condensed fire meanwhile collapsed on itself and into the dragon.
Daygo's growl turned into a feral, ground shaking roar as he let go of his shaft, the feeling of orgasmic pleasure combined with a tremendous influx of power and growth as he absorbed the energy of the inferno into his body. His frame grew larger and even bulkier. Muscles growing over muscles as they tried to overtake each other in a race for room, his bones elongated and became denser to try and make additional room for the swelling muscles. But that weren't the only changes. His shaft, still spewing cum, suddenly split along it's middle, warped and reshaped into a dual penis, each individually thicker and longer than his previous single cock had been. A similar change happened to his tongue, which twitched uncontrollably inside his maw as the muscle lengthened and split as well, giving him two tongues which were more than long enough to wrap up his new shafts almost completely. His torso shifted as well, the space between abs and pecs expanded and reshaped, growing into another pair of pecs while two large bumps started to form below his two first arms. The nubs developed and grew, within a minute they had formed a additional pair of thickly muscled arms, which he could control just as easily and naturally as his first pair. In fact it felt like he never had possessed less than two pairs. He groaned and rolled back onto his front at the sudden changes, his back arched through as he reared up for a loud roar, the divine feeling of orgasmic pleasure and tremendous power slowly faded again and his shafts finally finished unloading. It must have been thousands of liters! Judging from the giant puddle he had left behind he could have filled a small lake with his spooge. Which he actually had down as the cum was now flowing into the deep impression he had left on the ground with his mega ton bulk. He panted slightly and looked over his body, he was well over two hundred fifty meter long and his frame was also immensely packed with muscles while his shoulders were a good two hundred meter across even! Seen from above he looked quite like a V in draconian shape, as his immense chest narrowed down into a smaller waist and only slightly larger hips again. It was a wonder that his legs were even able to support his front, but the same counted for him still being able to move as smoothly as he did, despite being a veritable mountain of muscle. He let out a low rumbling laughter as he flexed his claws and easily burrowed into the ground, feeling basicly no resistance as he did so.
The feeling of sheer power was immense, compared to his previous self he was a god now! A god with a craving which started to get stronger again. He needed to bask in the warmth again. His gaze looked over the surrounding area, his eyes had begun to glow in a bright green, which effectively obscured his pupils. A wolfish grin appeared on his face as he saw the lush jungle, which stretched as far as the eye could see, or at least he would have said that if he had been only a 'mere dragon'. But from his new point of view he could already see his next destination, a far larger city dozens of kilometers in the distance. It's skyscrapers reaching up high and shining bright in the settling afternoon sun. The jungle would be his appetizer before he'd reach for his main course there. He inhaled deeply, making his already immense chest stretch even wider before he exhaled a torrential stream of draconian fire. His range was tremendous by now, he could easily cover four or five kilometers with his fire, which he did with a delighted satisfaction as the jungle was lighted up in a few minutes. Thick oily-black smoke rose into the sky as the wet vegetation burned.
With a smug grin on his face he trampled through the fire, the smoke tickled his nostrils and slowly it became the most wonderful smell in the world to him. He strolled slowly towards the city, his bulk growing steadily wider, higher and longer. A sudden sensation of foreboding and dread filled him as he was about to lower his paw again, but it was to late to stop himself. Time slowed down to a standstill as all color seemed to fade, but still he was strangely aware as everything had stopped moving. If anything he was even more aware than ever before. He felt a strange sensation under the paw he had just placed on the ground, the ground didn't budged under his weight, instead it remained solid. He lowered his gaze, to look at it, but he didn't actually moved, his perspective just shifted focus and he saw the temple covered under his paw. Then with a sudden explosion time sped up back to normal again and the color returned. A tremendous force pushed his paw off the pyramid, actually strong to send him pedalling back to not fall over. Daygo blinked and looked at the temple.
A giant pillar of blue energy rose up from it, piercing through the smoke and up into the sky. Then the pillar disappeared again, he was just about to lean forward out of curiosity before a spear of light struck forward from the archaic building and into his chest. He roared in pain as he felt it tear at him, not at his body, but at his very essence. He clenched his teeth and clawed at the ground. His eyes widened in pure shock and terror as he saw how his muscles deflated slowly and his size decreased! It was draining him! Apparently he had triggered some sort of defense mechanism should someone decide to use the chalice and become a nigh-unstoppable. He snarled and tried to step back further, hoping to get somehow out of it's range, but it was of no use, his muscles didn't wanted to obey him and he remained rooted in place as he shrunk again. But he was unwilling to give up! He felt something well up inside him, his hunger, it was getting powerful, almost overriding his thoughts. He grunted and grimaced and his craving lashed out at the surrounding flames, drawing their heat into his body to fuel his power again and counteract the temples enchantment. But it was just enough to slow the drain and not halt it completely.
Meanwhile somewhere else.
"Now is the time to strike! While the monster is weakened! Ready the tactical warhead for immediate launch!"
The brown dragon in uniform yelled, the amount of stars and glitter that was stapled to his chest identified him as a high ranking general. He laughed as he pointed at the large screen in the command centre. A satellite was providing a live videofeed, although the few greatly obscured by the smoke.
"With all due respects Sir, do you think that this would be a smart decision? It seems like whatever is happening is taking care of our problem."
Another brown dragon said, his uniform sported some military bling as well, but he was only in the rank of colonel. The general looked at him, then back at the screen.
"Hmm... yes. You are probably right. Let's not be hasty."
Then they saw how the giant dragon roared and reared up, the shrinking had stopped for the moment. The general immediately frowned and turned back to the colonel.
"Well, so much about that. Ready the launch!"
He yelled and turned to a pair of blue dragons which were sitting in front of the launch controls, their keys at the ready, they looked at each other and gulped as they put the keys into the slots and turned them at the same time. One of them turned back to the general.
"Ready for launch, Sir!"
The general leaned forward onto the console, his eyes narrowed.
Daygo roared as his body consumed more and more of the fire around him, nearly drousing the inferno completely again and yet he only managed to neutralize the drain and regain just enough muscle control to struggle pathetical, while his supply was rapidly running out. He was back down to a hundred meter shoulder height, which meant that most of the skyscrapers in the distance were already towering over him again. He let out a whimper as the last of the flames died and the searing pain started again. His arms and legs quivered and he collapsed onto the ground. With a last weak outcry he looked up into the sky and saw the sun shine down on him. The sun was coming closer. He blinked slowly and slowly realized that it was a rocket closing in on him. With each second it was getting larger until he though he could almost reach out at it.
Then the nuclear warhead exploded and the fury of a sun engulfed him.
His roar was drowned out in the explosion as the heat ravaged around him, his body filling with heat like never before and he started to grow into every direction as he absorbed the energy of the atomic blast into his body, the pain of the temple's drain on him reduced to a mere inconvinience as he swelled into every direction soon reaching his old size again and growing past it. The pyramids light flickered for a moment as it's enchantment couldn't keep up with the dragon. Daygo grinned as he could feel his limb again and he felt stronger than ever! Then he furrowed his brows as something seemed to shift inside him, he didn't know what it was, but a instinct told him to 'use' it on the temple. He focused on the annoyance and his eyes started to burn bright, the spear of light flickered and went out, before it appeared again, but this time being a deep red and moving from the temple towards him, rather than the other way round. He growled deeply and hissed in pleasure as he felt his drained power return to him, and something new as well. A sharp wailing sound followed as the temple which had stood ageless so far crumbled and eroded as it's protective magic was taken from it and time reclaimed what it had been denied.
Daygo meanwhile had reached a size that made the metropolis in front of him seem almost insignificant. His shoulder height was already one kilometer! His entire body summed up to nearly three. Even the largest buildings in the city merely reached up to his ankle. He grinned smugly and looked around. Only now noticing the circular area of perfect destruction around him. Everything within four kilometers around him had been reduced to dust, the jungle beyond that had been uprooted and set ablaze. Even over this distance the fire was feeding into his glory as well, but it seemed so minuscule now. It was little more than a drop in the ocean. If he could just have another nuke, that would sate him for a bit.
But given what happened the military would be completely retarded to consider that option again. The tremendous orange dragon let out a deep sigh, which sounded more like solid bedrock moving, then he walked closer to the city again, after all just standing there wouldn't slake his hunger. His massive size allowed him to easily cover the distance to the metropolis and he broke out in roaring laughter as he pounced forward, covering the last few kilometers in a single bound. His immense bulk crashed into buildings and pulverized them without even slowing, the force as his body hits the ground again send out massive tremors and caused the ground to split. The magnitude was so high that measuring stations all around the world reacted to it and almost the entire city was reduced to nothing but rubble. Daygo looked over the cataclysmic devastation he had caused, within mere seconds he had destroyed a metropolis with nothing but the sheer weight of his insanely muscled body. He was disappointed and proud at the same time. He looked back and tilted his head as he saw that he had left a blazing inferno regardless. Then he raised a paw and watched in amazement as the ground where his clawed hand had just been suddenly ignited. He took a few steps forward and swished with his tail over the ground, looking back he saw that all the ground he had touched ignited and burned with unquenchable ferocity. He grinned wide at the sight. He was truely a force of nature now. Wherever he would go, he would leave a inferno in his wake, even without conscious effort.
The expression on his face was the very epitome of smugness as he started to walk the earth. At first he followed the streets which connected the cities and laid waste to each and every one of them, but later he stopped following a set path and headed into the direction which seemed most promising. The militaries and governments prove to be unable to stop, or even slow the titans path. Even trying to control or even stop the conflagration he left in his path was impossible as the fire burned so hot it smelted everything and even asbestos was only a temporary solution at best before it's contents were cooked alive. Worst of all the fire spreaded daily and there were no signs of it dying down, even as everything that could possibly have fueled it must have been reduced but released energy. It was as if the very earth itself was being burned up. The global temperature rose steadily as did the dragons size who's bulk covered dozens of kilometers in just about every direction. The only times the monstrous beast stopped was to paw himself off and spill his seed over the ground, which seemed to be the only thing that was not burning up. The remaining lesser dragons could do nothing but evacutate everything on the dragons path and that would only be a temporary solution aswell as eventually there would be no place left to flee to anymore.
Some very desperate souls had founded the Church of the Cleansing Flame, which had deified the orange dragon and venerated him as the bringer of renewal and rebirth. Eventually however they devolved into little more than a terrorists as they started massive acts of arson to appease their god. Who at this point was completely oblivious to the deeds of them, they were so insignificant to him that he didn't even registered them anymore, he only wanted to spread the fire and have the warmth fill him.
More reasonable dragons decided that they would try their luck in the open sea, after all the fire couldn't spread there. But as the oceans started to boil and cook their hope was shattered as well.
Within only a few weeks the entire planet had been set ablaze, nothing living remained or even could exist on it's surface, save for Daygo, the godlike fire dragon.
But still he wanted more. All the fire he had kindled could still not sate him. He needed so much more, and he could feel where he could get it. He turned his attention to the empty oceans and the deepest trench he could find. He snarled as he clawed at it and widened it with his paws. Then growled deeply as he thrusted his shafts into it. He drooled as he felt the rugged, ravaged stone press against his shafts and eventually it broke from the pressure as the dual cocks thrusted in even deeper. And all the time he was still growing.
His shafts hammered into the ground like jack-hammers, every time compacting and displacing more earth as he grew. He grunted and shifted his footing as his size increased faster and faster. Fiery orange pre spilled into the trench, providing him with lubrication while also softening up the ground. He gritted his teeth as he was rapidly approaching climax. His essence opened upon the imminent released which allowed even more of the everlasting inferno's energy to flow into him. With a roar that even drowned out the cacophony of the fire around him he climaxed. His shafts unloaded their mind boggling amount of seed into the hole he had burrowed with them, the force of the cum working like a cutter and deepening it even more while he became even more titanic. His entire frame sticked well out of the atmosphere by now, if it hadn't been completely burned up already. His entire body could easily span the Asian continent, and his wings could block out the sun for half the planet if he had wanted to. But he wanted something completely different. He stepped back from the hole he made and looked into it, with a wicked grin he dove into it. Using his own seed to smoothen his decent as his absurdly wide shoulders still had to do considerable work to widen the passage. He rumbled in delight as he slid down however, getting deeper to the earth's molten core. His claws reached forward to burrow the last stretch, which turned out to have been unnecessary as his own weight drove him further and the chasm he had driven into the planet send tremors over the entire globe which slowly but steadily took the surface apart as the earth lost it's integrity, which was not in small part thanks to Daygo's fire burning the very essence of the planet. With a satisfied sigh the monumental orange dragon submerged into the inner magma core, his reality defying muscles bumping against iron cores and solid diamond but he didn't cared for them. The heat that filled his body now was divine and he felt content and at ease for the first time since days now.
Much to his woe however it was a peace that wouldn't last. His body still grew, now more than ever as the magma around him slowly cooled down and hardened as he drew it's heat into himself. He growled lowly as the hunger started to well up again, together with a unbridled rage. He roared furiously and clawed at his surroundings, his muscles flexed as he tore apart the planet from the inside, his rage drawing in all the surrounding energy, even causing the flames on the planets surface to die down as his form convulsed and warped. His body being unable to contain his own essence which had now absorbed and merged with the planets. Daygo's tail and entire body lengthened while the husk of earth ruptured around him and was pushed apart by his expanding bulk. His tail grew longer and longer while additional legs started to develop along it. His torso lengthened as his already ludicrous defined eight pack of abs grew in size and number, soon reaching past thirty, then seventy, while they developed secondary and even tertiary rows. Before a strange muscle mutation occurred and two more rows of pecs and four more arms grew. Above them the chest was pushed back as strangely proportioned neck muscles formed and a bump on the huge neck quickly developed into another head which looked surprised at the one above it. His spine deformed and realigned as his torsos were forced into a upright position. Unconsciously he curled up, which almost slammed the dragon's mutated groins into his faces. Between each pair of legs hung four massive shafts, ribbed and barbed with several balls towards the base, which gurgled and sloshed with seed, before a huge scrotum with several testicles on it's own made the end. As he got a closer look at his cocktips he saw at least four cumpipes running down their lengths. He jerked away as long thin tongue like appendages suddenly surged out and licked over his faces.
He blinked and looked at his freakishly mutated body. A strange sense of pride settled inside him and his heads grinned in unison. He laughed loud into the emptiness of space as he realized that his hunger was gone!
That didn't stopped him from turning his gaze towards the sun however. He was just about the same size of the planet he had just consumed and as such he was laughably small compared to this celestial body, which was more than one hundred times his size. But that didn't discouraged him, if anything it made him even more determined. He flapped his massive wings, of which he had grown two additional pairs as well, to propel himself towards the sun. A strange sound, that could well be reality weeping, accompanied him on his way. Daygo shuddered and let out a pleased sigh as he came close to the sun and felt it's rays warm him. He spread his wings wide and stretched himself out to get as much exposure to it as possible. As he grew his body actually developed accordingly, his frame widened and he grew large membranes between his arms and legs and along his body which functioned as solar sails for him. He growled in pleasure as raw power filled him to the brim and beyond, his legs pressed against his immense genitals as he pawed himself off again. Clear, pre cum floated off into space as his already immense body grew longer, gaining more feral segments as his tail stretched and curled until he could circle the entire sun once, and it didn't stopped there. Over time, days, months, years or decades, it didn't mattered anymore, the orange dragon had grown so large that Daygo had encircled the sun so much that it disappeared completely behind his coils. He had grown more than enough to rival the star and now he craved for more than just titbits, he wanted all of the suns power for himself and he wanted it now.
He opened his many maws, strewn about his mutated body and started to inhale, the sun quivered as it seemed to compact, the solar flares receding, before it's form contorted. The burning helium unable to resist the pull of the dragon's maws and large streams of fire reached out and into the waiting maws. The dragongod growled as his power amplified, his form mutated and swelled into proportions which defied description as he consumed the orb of fire. His size grew exponentially until he was a dozen times bigger than the sun. Eventually he had devoured it all, leaving only the mostly uninteresting iron core. Which he devoured regardless for completions sake.
Immense coils started to unfold as Daygo the Sun Eater turned his gazes to the distant Stars.