Children of the Dragon (Part 2 of 4)

Story by dravus on SoFurry

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#2 of Children of the Dragon

This Story is a Sequel to Children of the popular demand

    • * The Children of the Dragon Part 2 -- By Dravus Airwing We continue this story with Luke and Laura Locksley and their mother Alarna the green Dragon A couple of years had past since I wrote of them last.....Luke now 18 was a competent swordsman against his mother's will...and Luara now 17 was learning how to harness magic by her mother Alarna herself had moved with her children to a cave network that was right outside an area that in the future would be called Manchester I continue this story on a new morn.......and the day starts has it has been doing ever since Alarna took possession of her children.....beautifully
    • * Luke yawned loudly as he woke from his mother's side "Morning Mom" Luke sleepily said to his already awake mother whom had been watching her sleeping brood "Good morning dearest.....sleep well?" Alarna said lovingly towards Luke before giving him a gentle nuzzle "Like a hatchling" Luke said with a slight chuckle Alarna chuckled as well and practically engulfed Luke as she playfully grabbed him with her mouth "MOM!.....Lemme go!!" Luke shouted with mock dismay Alarna purred and swallowed Luke " always taste good in the morning know that" Luke just laughed and gently stroked his way down to Alarna's prestomach Laura woke due to all the noise and frowned at the playing pair "if I didn't know any would be you that are the kids.....and not me" Laura said in irritation Alarna chuckled and gave Laura a gentle loving lick "I cannot help it......I love you both so much.........and it's hard not to eat you's just too tempting" Alarna said as Laura got up and stretched "I know Mother.....and I wouldn't stop your fun.......not while I love it so's still rather cold out here" Laura said with a shiver "MMmmmm.....I have the perfect remedy for it" Alarna said with a devious grin "I know you do Mother.....that's why I said it" Laura said after kissing her Mother lovingly Alarna purred happily and scooped Laura into her already wet maw and greedly swallowed her down " I love this feeling" Laura smiled and quickly joined Luke in their Mother's prestomach " two fill me nicely.......though I'll have to bring you back up later because I need to eat properly" Both Luke and Laura gave a poke to the walls of Alarna's prestomach to show they knew Alarna purred happily and went outside to grab a cattle or two that always seems to hang around....and Alarna never knew why "I'll never understand that....oh well......right you two.....out you come" Alarna lay her head on the floor and gently brought her children up.....gently dropping them both onto the floor before greedly swallowing both her cattle "That was a rather short stay Mom!" Luke complained like he did everytime he couldn't stay inside for more than an hour "Oh Luke......I know you love your stays inside me.....but I need to eat dear.....and you know it" Alarna said soothingly "Yeah.....I know........but I really wanna stay's alot warmer and much more cosy than out here" Luke complained "Luke!....quit complaining will you!" Laura chided...mockingly clipping him around the head "Now now need to start bickering.......I still wanna have you inside" Alarna said lovingly Luke looked back at Alarna and blushed.....knowing what his mother meant and it always embarressed him Alarna gently nuzzled her son and gave a small chuckle " get really shy when we talk about this don't you Luke?" Alarna said before giving Luke a long lick Luke just nodded but his eyes showed he was as eager as he would be with the offer of being eatten "well.....time for you both to settle in for the rest of the day" Alarna said lovingly to her children "what?..wait a minute.....we just got up!" Laura said in dismay "Don't you want to go back inside love?" Alarna said looking cutely at Laura "Well I.....Ummm....I do but.....err.....OK, I'll go" Laura said after much thinking Alarna kissed her children before gently picking them up and gently pushing them into her vagina one by one.....gently sucking them inside and into her womb "Oooooo.....MMmmmm......Ahhhhhhhh........That feels SO much better!" Alarna said after much moaning and panting, now bearing a large blush on her green cheeks "Mom's gonna be horny for the rest of the day" Luke said laughing Laura ignored Luke's comment and just went to sleep "LUKE!!" Alarna said in mock dismay "You know I'm right Mom.....and you cannot fight it either" Luke said settling against the womb walls Alarna was already feeling it and she growled at Luke for catching her "WHAT?!.....don't think I didn't see you after you took Laura in here last month!" Luke said quickly Alarna yiped and her blush got much deeper....caught red-handed "I didn't think you saw that were outside at the time working on your sword training" Alarna said highly embaressed "Oh.....I saw Mom......I saw the whole need a male......badly" Luke said....knowing his mother's need more then she thought he did "Your right Luke.....I need a mate....thought it'll be VERY hard to find one when I can't fly" Alarna said with a slight tone of depression "You'll find one just gotta think of a way of doing so without flight" Luke said before turning onto his side and taking a deep breath and heading back to sleep "Yes...your right Luke.....I've gotta do this without flight" Alarna said to herself now she felt Luke going to sleep and Laura already fast asleep Alarna pondered on this for hours......but there was nothing she could think of that could help her situation and after a long time she just let it go so she could head to sleep herself - - - While his Mother settled to sleep.......Luke was already starting to dream.......about excating his revenge upon his father for all the years of torment the he and Laura had to suffer with before finding a mother whom cared for them It wasn't his father's fault that Luke's true mother died not long after giving birth to his sister....but it was his father's fault for causing the pain they had suffered with Luke hated his Father for everything.......and even through that hate...He couldn't let it show....he couldn't bring himself up to confront his father and stand up to him But now...Luke had the means and the courage to confront his father.....and finally be rid of his painful past and let it go to live peacefully - - - When Alarna woke the next morning, she flexed her great wings and stretched a little to be rid of the normal aches of sleeping Once Alarna finished stretching she lay gently on her side and admired her belly with love....gently rubbing over the small bulge her children made in her womb " wonderful this feels......I can't wait to experience this in full" Alarna said dreamily Alarna let herself daydream and dream about becoming a true mother to her own children and giving her human children siblings to have fun with Alarna's daydream was cut short thanks to her womb......Alarna started Labour as she predicted she would after keeping Luke and Laura in her womb overnight Alarna let her body proceed to give birth.....first letting Laura out and then followed closely by Luke.....Both were still sound asleep despite all the movement Alarna neatly arranged her children against her side and gently draped her wing over them to keep them warm Luke was the first to wake like normal and gave a human varient of a dragon's purr of contentment "You sound happy darling" Alarna said lovingly to her son "I am unsure who wouldn't be after staying the night inside you Mom" Luke said with equal love...reaching up to gently kiss Alarna and give her great head a warm hug Alarna gently purred and gave her son a nuzzle as Laura started to wake "Good morning love" Alarna said lovingly to Laura "Good morning Mother" Laura said sleepily Alarna gave a little chuckle and nuzzled Laura awake "I'm awake Mother!" Laura protested "You didn't sound it" Alarna said with a light chuckle and a loving lick to Laura's cheek "Well...I'm awake now" Laura said with a warm smile "Can I get a lick as well?" Luke piped Alarna was all too happy to give her son a lick and licked Luke slowly across his face......and gave a second lick that lifted him up into her mouth Alarna murred happily and suckled gently on Luke before letting him go.....covered in drool "There you go Luke" Alarna said sweetly "Gee.....thanks" Luke said holding his arms outwards......drool dripping off him on all places Laura and Alarna giggled as Luke walked off to get dry after his little bath in his mother's mouth "You always go overboard when Luke asks for something Mother" Laura said laughing "Well......I must be allowed some fun.....or life would be very boring........and he likes it all the same" Alarna stated with a warm smile "Could I.....possibly get a saliva bath?" Laura asked shyly "Awwww.....of course my dearest" Alarna said lovingly Alarna gently picked Laura up with her mouth and gently lifted her inside with her tongue.....closing her mouth behind Laura.....gently suckling on her daughter for a good 5 minutes before gently putting her back onto the floor "Wow......that was wonderful Mother" Laura said.....soaked in Alarna's warm saliva "Don't be afraid to ask for drool baths....I'll happily give you one" Alarna said lovingly Laura smiled and gently prised her Mother's mouth open and climbed back inside.....curling up on her warm tongue Alarna purred heavily and gently gave Laura a second saliva bath......but this time didn't let her out "You can swallow me if you like Mother......I would like to be all snug and warm in your prestomach again" Laura said happily Alarna was only too happy to do so and gently lifted her great head up and gave a small gulp and swallowed her daughter down into her loving depths Luke came back after drying himself off and saw the large bulge in his Mother's throat and knew what she was up to "Have fun Mom?" Luke said while still drying his hair Alarna just purred happily and smiled at Luke "Heh.....well......I would like a lift back to Locksley.......I've got some unfinished business" Luke said with a high degree of certainty of his words Alarna was shocked that Luke would readily request to be taken back to the one place that he wanted to escape those years ago "But.....why?" Alarna asked with a slight hint of fear Luke walked over and wrapped his arms around his Mother's head and kisses her muzzle gently "You need not worry Mother......I'd never leave you.......your the perfect mother to me" Luke said lovingly Alarna grasped Luke to her chest and hugged him much as his request shocked her.....she was over the moon with joy after hearing what he just said of her "OHHH! I love you so Luke......and I'm always going to be your perfect mother......Always!" Alarna said with joy and love Luke smiled and dumped the garment he was using to dry his hair and gently opened his mother's mouth and slid his legs inside "Could you take me to Locksley?" Luke asked again.....wanting permission for his venture Alarna nodded gently and clasped her jaws over Luke's body and suckled his legs a little Luke smiled and gently pushed himself into his Mother's mouth and slid his leg's into her warm throat Alarna was in heaven and she started to gently gulp on Luke's legs......pulling him down slowly into her throat Luke lay back against his Mother's tongue and hugged her upper jaw before he started to slip down into her warm body Alarna greedily gulped again and pulled Luke off her upper jaw and down into her warm throat and she purred so heavily it made the cave vibrate Luke chuckled lightly and slid down into his mother's prestomach....where he found Laura curled up against the warm hugging flesh "you look like your about to go to sleep again" Luke said jokingly to Laura "I think I might......I have no will to do anything but be inside Mother" Laura state firmly Luke chuckled and lay back against the soft walls of flesh "Ok Luke......I'm going to Locksley now" Alarna said the best she could "Locksley?.....why are we going back there Luke?" Laura said in irritation "I am going to see that Father knows I hate him and never want to see him ever fact.....I'd be very happy if Mom ate him" Luke said bitterly "You mean that?" Laura said in worry "Of course..........Why else would I be going if I didn't mean it?" Luke stated "You have a'd like it mother ate him?!....isn't that a little over doing it?" Laura asked "well....If I wanted Mom to eat him I'd kill him first......then let Mom eat him" Luke said happily "You really do mean it......heh.....Father is doomed then" Laura said laughing Alarna over heard the part about eating their Father and grinned evilly......She'd love nothing more than to eat the man......treating her children like he did.......that gave her reason enough "Oh Mom? might want to keep an eye of for any Male never know who you'll find out on those plains.........they were never used for anything to my knowledge" Luke shouted up Alarna's throat "Thank you for that Luke.....I'll ask my husband to eat you for reminding me" Alarna said jokingly "I'd like that.....and you know it!" Luke shouted back Alarna was laughing so hard she nearly fell over Laura too was laughing at her brothers eager behavior Luke just smiled and settled himself against the warm flesh Alarna was still chuckling as she started her long journey towards Locksley "I wonder what my Husband will look like?" Alarna said to herself...pondering on the thought "What's your preferred colour?" Luke shouted up Alarna's throat "Well......Blue.........the dark colour of Royal Blue" Alarna said with fondness " just gotta look out for blue males then" Luke replied "and my Husband has definitely got to have something wrong with his digestive tract!" Alarna said with certainty "Why?.....isn't that a bad thing?!" Luke said worried about his Mother's requirement "I mean......a defect.....I know there is a Gene defect where you can't digest living matter at all" Alarna piped "oh........then I suppose that's not a real long as he can eat" Luke said with relief "it's only so he can eat you and Laura now and again" Alarna said deviously *Luke chuckled and he thought that's what she meant* *Alarna purred as images of her possible mate started to flash through her mind.....spreading her wings a little to let the morning wind buffet against them* "right.....were going to'll take a while though" Alarna said to her children *Alarna got a pair of pokes in reply and much moving about as her children started to curl up to rest* "I get the feeling......Life is going to become much better" Alarna said to herself happily.....and walked in the direction of Locksley. -- END -- ((Do not worry.....there IS going to be more.......cos I'm not stopping till I've got this family into a perfect life ^_^ Expect more parts in the coming months.....and sorry for the delay for THIS part))