Under Pressure

Story by Hundredand on SoFurry

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#3 of Rygle and Clarisse

Clarisse wants something from Rygle, but first she has to 'convince' him.

Rygle could tell immediately that something was wrong as Clarisse broke through into the clearing of their meadow. She headed straight for him, her face red and eyes wet. He immediately forgot the sarcastic remark he had planned for her being late. She stopped in front of him and stood there, waiting. Seeing that she wanted to be hugged, the gryphon pushed off the ground with his front paws and sat on his haunches, opening his arms.

"You all right?"

She wordlessly fell into his embrace, he put his arms around her as she buried her face in his chest. They stayed like that for a few minutes as Rygle waited for her to compose herself. Finally, after a few minutes, Rygle looked down at the top of her blonde head.

"So, you wanna tell me what's wrong?"

Clarisse shook her head back and forth, which Rygle thought at first was a no, but apparently she was just rubbing tears away into his fur as he could feel it getting damp. She turned her head sideways, pressing her cheek against his sternum.

"Dad arranged a marriage."

Rygle stayed silent a moment, absorbing that. "Well, that's not good," he finally said, unsure of what else to say. Although he was disappointed, he felt rather distant from her human world. If things had to be this way, then so be it. It was unlikely that all this sneaking around could have gone on much longer. Rygle swallowed hard, the familiar ache of losing someone creeping in on him. He held it in though; he would deal with it later. For now, there was Clarisse. He pushed her back slightly at arms length so he could get a good look at her.

"You'll still come by right?" Clarisse looked up at him strangely, hair disheveled around her face, eyes red. Rygle continued, "I mean, we don't have to do anything, but I'd still like you to visit."

"What are you talking about?" She asked, her voice rising slightly.

"W-well, you're my friend. It would be nice to see you every now and-" He stuttered and trailed off as her face grew dark. He realized he had said something very wrong.

"Are you kidding me!?" She yelled. He had never seen her so angry and he almost recoiled from her. "After all this time, I thought you would...that you and I could-" She was on the verge of crying again and it was only then that Rygle realized what she was getting at.

"Oh...Oh! Clarisse, that's..." Rygle was stuttering again. Taking her with him had so many implications; his head spun just thinking about it. "Clarisse, your father has high standing in your village. If he knew that a gryphon took his only daughter...things would get very bad."

"He doesn't have to know. I could leave a note and say that I was just tired of the village and decided to run away."

Rygle sighed and shook his head, "No, Clarisse."

Clarisse just glared at him, folding her arms and stepping back out of his paws. Rygle held them out awkwardly for a moment, before letting them drop to his sides. "Clarisse, I'd love to take you with me, it's just, there'd be so many problems. Just think about it."

"You ALWAYS complain about me not being my own person, about how I always listen to my parents 'you gotta be rebellious sometimes!' Remember?"

"I was joking, Clarisse, and to go from listening to them to straight up running away is a bit extreme, maybe you-"

"For once in my life I'm deciding something for myself and you're not even going to support me!?"

Tension was building between them, Rygle recognized. Whether it would just lead to a shouting match or a straight up fucking, he couldn't tell yet.

"Hey, it's my life too. You could start by telling your dad you don't want to marry-" He said, then stopped as she moved closer to him, her eyes glinting.

"Or...I could start with this!" She slid her foot forward across the ground, her ankle thudding solidly into his exposed jewels. He had been bringing up his paws again to hold her to him when it happened and they froze just as he was about to rest them on her shoulders. His beak snapped open, a short squawk forced out as his entire body tensed, all of his muscles standing out through the fur. She was smiling at him as she reached out a hand, resting it on his shoulder.

"Ack!" He choked as she twisted her ankle around, his balls bulging to either side of her slim foot, using the hand on his shoulder to pull him forward for leverage and balance.

"Assertive enough for ya!?"

He stared at her, eyes bulging. He coughed weakly, then stumbled toward her, arms still outstretched, legs trembling as he pushed himself into her foot. Before she could back away, he wrapped his arms around her and fell backwards, making sure to tuck in his wings as they thudded to the forest floor. He clutched her to himself, rolling back and forth as he continued to groan. Clarisse braced her hands against his chest, grinning into his beak.

"Uuunnnh...oh, god. That was a bit ha-harder than usual." Rygle said with a rasp, squinting up at her.

She pecked him on the beak, "Hey, you asked for it."

At this close proximity, combined with the pain in his groin, Rygle could feel his sheath becoming full, the pink head of his cock threatening to show itself. Rygle laid back a moment, waiting for the pain to die down at the same time inhaling the human's scent. Finally feeling that the pain was bearable, the gryphon slid a paw gently down Clarisse's slim back until he reached her rump. He pressed down, at the same time pressing his own hips up into her, grinding slightly as he pushed his feathered face up to hers, rubbing his cheek against hers.

Clarisse closed her eyes for a moment, the earlier feelings of anger and despair vanishing as she felt the power in her gryphon's strong embrace. Even in this relaxed state his biceps stood out through his fur. She wouldn't be surprised if they matched the size of her settlement's blacksmith. She buried her face in his furry chest, hearing his heartbeat and inhaling his scent, musky and male. At this point, she could feel the hardness that was growing between her gryphon's legs and she grinned.

"Feel good?" She asked him, lifting her head to look into his face.

His eyes were closed, but his cheeks were stretching into a smile. He responded by lifting his hips into hers again.

"Well, you're not gonna get off all over my dress. Let me up and we'll do this the right away."

Rygle held her to himself for a moment longer, then unwrapped his arms from around her, sighing. "Whatever, princess. You know, you're starting to sound like Saria-Ah!"

As he was sitting up, he was cut off by Clarisse flicking him square in his left nut. The sound of it was enough to make him sick, but the pain was already doing that. He leaned forward with a jerk, dumping Clarisse off to the side as he clutched himself.

"Oh, fuck, I hate it when you flick them!" He whined, bending around the pain that was building in his lower abdomen. Clarisse scooted around until she was sitting cross-legged in front of him, her face just in front of his beak. She giggled at the site of such a large, powerful gryphon sitting on his bottom, both feet stuck out as he clutched his nuts.

"Sorry, the way they were just flopping around when you sat up, I just couldn't resist. And after that dick comment you deserved it." She laughed again under his glare; his fierce eyes barely had an effect on her any more. Grumbling, Rygle returned to nursing himself, checking the nut every now and then, even though he knew it was fine.

"Why did you date that bitch?" Clarisse asked after a moment, her hand resting on Rygle's footpaw, playing with the pads. "I would have thought someone like you had better taste. Did she force you like, tell you she'd kill you if you left her? She beat you up pretty badly that one time."

Rygle's head snapped up at that, "No! Anyways, I was just trying to avoid hurting her, I could have beaten her if I'd really wanted and I would have if you hadn't come along with that gun-" He flicked his foot out of her hand as she tickled at it. "Anyways, she changed, like all creatures do when they're young. She was a different hen by the time we were through."

"Hmm" Clarisse responded, watching the gryphon fondle himself a bit longer. "Oh come on, I didn't hit it that hard." She scooted closer, between his legs, reaching her hands out, "Let me see it."

Rygle let out a dry laugh, "I'm not letting you anywhere near my nuts. Shoo!" He flapped his wings, sending a gust of wind into her face and blowing her hair back.

Clarisse ignore that and pried at his paws a moment, which she couldn't budge at all. Giving an annoyed sigh she reached behind herself, unlacing the dress quickly and letting the top portion fall forward as she pulled her arms from the sleeves.

It happened so abruptly, Rygle could only watch with a slack-beaked expression, the tingling in his groin returning. Of course, underneath were the undergarments, but through those he was much more able to see the curves of her breasts.

Although it wasn't very common for a male gryphon to be attracted to human breasts and Rygle certainly hadn't cared much for them, the fact that they were such a human taboo was enough to interest the gryphon. Also, it was a part of Clarisse and every part of her was attractive to him. The fact that she kept such things so sacred and concealed only made that part of her more enticing to him.

"You wanna feel? It's been a while..." She said softly, leaning closer to the stunned gryphon, grinning mischievously.

Rygle swallowed hard, eyes fixed on her chest. "I-I..."

He didn't get any further. At this point the human reached out, pulling Rygle's limp paws from his ballsack and replacing them with her own.

"W-wait! At least let me touch them first!" Rygle whined. At this angle, with her bent over his crotch, it was much harder to get at her boobs.

"Actually, Rygle, there's something we need to settle first."

Rygle stopped trying to wrap his arms around Clarisse's chest and instead focused on her. She looked up at him, her eyes steely.

"It's about me running away. Are you going to help me-" Her hands tightened around his sack threateningly, "Or not?"

Rygle's beak fell open again, "Are you kidding me!?" He reached down and grabbed at her wrists, trying to pry them away, "This is ridiculous! We can talk about this after- EEERGH!"

A hard squeeze brought his struggles to a sudden halt, his left eye twitching as a lance of pain shot into his guts. Clarisse watched his expressions; anger, fear...excitement. She noticed that the head of his cock was poking out at the tip of his sheath which was completely engorged at this point. They hadn't played like this in a while.

She gave another squeeze, a bit harder this time, causing Rygle to jump again and gasp. He leaned forward, his feathery forehead against her shoulder as he let out a soft moan. She slid his right testicle around, enjoying the soft rubbery feel of it through his furry sack. She could never get over why such delicate, sensitive things were on the outside of the body.

"Now," She said softly into one of his twitching, pointed, cat-like ears, "Are you going to get me out of this place, or not?"

In this position, Rygle was offered quite a view down Clarisse's shirt. He stared numbly, his cock growing even further from his sheath. The two feelings, one of pain, the other of pleasure, were clashing in the strange way he never could understand. And the fact that Clarisse had a full view of his growing erection was getting him even harder. Her question still hung in the air, though. Of course, the answer was yes. If she was in such a desperate position with no way out he wouldn't think twice about helping her. But in the heat of the moment, he just wanted to see how far he could push her. The idea of his nuts in her hands at the mercy of whatever she had in store for him, for some reason that really turned him on.

"No," He whispered back, almost like a challenge. He didn't have to wait long for her response. The large gryphon threw his head back and howled as his furry nutsack bulged between her fingers, his entire being trembling as pain coursed through him. The howl soon turned into a ragged gryphon squawk as she doubled the pressure, pulling his sack away and up. Rygle's eyes snapped open, staring at the tree tops as he screeched out his pain, his vision turning double as his eyes crossed.

Clarisse struggled to keep a firm grip as the rubbery eggs slid around her grasping fingers trying to escape, popping out every now and then as they slid free. On top of that the gryphon's thrashing didn't help. She switched up the assault a bit, twisting the bulging nutsack to the right, then the left. Rygle's toes curled at this, his tail thrashing behind him as he continued to moan at the sky, wings flaring open. Clarisse stepped up the pressure again, her hands shaking with the effort.

Rygle had stopped screaming at this point, having run out of air. Instead, he began to gag and choke, letting out intermittent coughs and grunts. The added pressure made him spasm almost uncontrollably and it took everything he had to avoid kicking out at her.

Finally, she let off, but it wasn't over yet. She began giving him periodic squeezes, about one every second.

"Oh!" "Ah!" "Eeh!"

He moaned with every squeeze, his feathers poofing out and ruffling up each time.

He instinctively pressed his thighs together, which did nothing except encase the human's hands in their furry warmth, actually increasing the pressure on his own nads.

Finally, he had had enough. "YES! OH GOD YES, I'LL TAKE YOU,"

And just like that, Clarisse let him go. Of course, it wasn't the end of his pain. Instead the hot ache continued on, burning in his loins as If he had caught fire, along with all of his insides.

"Oooooooh...Uuuung..." The gryphon rolled onto his side, facing away from Clarisse as he clutched his furry package with one paw, propping himself up on an elbow, taking deep breaths and grunting as he closed his eyes.

Although extremely tender, they felt alright. Anyways, he wasn't worried, having taken much, much bigger hits in the past.

After a few moments, he felt Clarisse shift behind him, putting her arm around his side, clasping his stomach as she rested her head in the crook of his neck and shoulder. He flinched at first, thinking she was going for his jewels, but relaxed as her hand stopped just above his sheath.

"Thanks, Rygle," she said as she rubbed his stomach.

"Wha-? Oh..." He sighed heavily then turned his head to look at her, "You know, you didn't have to squeeze my balls for it. If you had really, really wanted out I would have taken you."

She turned to face him, too, glaring, "It didn't sound like it! You acted like I should just give up, that you hoped I'd still just visit," she spat out the last word.

Seeing her face turning red again, the gryphon adjusted himself so he was sitting up, facing her, grunting as he jostled his package. He put his legs out to either side of her before resting his paws on her hands.

"Come on, Clarisse, I was just trying to make things easier for you, in case you were planning on staying." He looked her in the eye, "I still expect you to do everything you can to get out of the marriage. Do you even know the guy?"

"Ugh, yes. Galen, he's a slob and really, really dumb. He's the son of our settlement's leader and I think Dad just wants to get on his good side by offering up his daughter to that pig who can't get any women on his own."

"Mmh, I see," Rygle grunted, turning her hand over in his and comparing sizes. He really didn't care much about human politics or power struggles. "When's the marriage?"

"Next week," She responded, looking down at her own hand, dwarfed by his paw. "If nothing works, I'll come by the night before." She looked back up at him, "but first..." "Hmm?" he looked back up at her, raising an eyeridge.

Her hand pushed up against his chest and he allowed himself to fall back again as her other hand pressed against his now soft sheath. She smiled down at him as she felt him re-hardening.

"I have something else I want to make come first."

Rygle let the horrible pun slide, instead opening his thighs for easier access as he leaned further back; waiting for the release he had been wanting the entire afternoon.