Cobain High School: Book 1 Sheldon: P 3 and 4

Story by Rycku~Otter on SoFurry

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#2 of Cobain High School: School for Boys

So being completely slow in the head I forgot that I was doing a 2 pager for each release of a part.. so this is not the 2nd chapter rather the 3 and 4th pages. Sorry for the slowness

~Page 3~

My eyes open again, after what seemed like moments. "M-Max what did you kiss me for?" I asked him, still shaking from the slight shock to my system. Smiling rather adorably he pulled away and gave his little tail a gentle wiggle. "Oh, I was just seeing if you were paying attention" He answered. Paying attention? What was I supposed to pay attention to? Why was this charming guy suddenly kissing me and what was he trying to gain? All these thoughts kept going around and around in my head. Then, my jaw drops as he comes in from the bathroom in just his briefs. Now; Normally I would not be into briefs as they tend to look really dumb on folks, namely myself so I just tend to avoid such ugly things. But not him; No, Max looked absolutely fabulous in them. His muscular legs seemed to flex and relax each time he walked. It would make you drool to witness this. Walking over to me Max stopped and put his hand-paws on his hips "You alright there Sheldon, you seem distracted." He says with devilish grin. Oh God, oh god. I can't stop feeling nervous as he grabs me by the waist and pulls me close to him, I can smell his cologne. God why is this happening why!

He smiled at me again; such a charmer isn't he? The rabbit glanced into my very soul with his green eyes. "Well, otter are you going to speak?" I was having a hard time finding any words, as the rabbit continued to tease the hell out of me. "Max..." was all I could stammer out in a gasping voice. Suddenly he slips his paws down the back of my pants "We'll be alone for the night..." He continued, not even waiting this time for a decent answer. *Unn* He squeezes my ass cheeks in his paw; I can feel his claws rake against the cotton fabric of my boxers. Finally I mustered up enough courage to speak "Max... Isn't this a little sudden?" I ask him, squirming against his firm but gentle paw. With another smile the rabbit presses his nose against my own. "I know you were checking me out otter, I'm not stupid..." He replied, with a lick to my nose and began to undo my pants "I can't say I wasn't checking you out neither and I figured you'd enjoy a little friendly welcoming to the school" He finishes his statement again pressing his soft furry, but warm lips against my own and lightly mouths at me. Now even if I were to object I couldn't open my muzzle without getting rabbit tongue inside; so it was impossible for me to stop him. Oh man, I felt it. His bulge grinds up against my own. I felt shivers run up and down my spine. A moist wet spot of his briefs mixes with my own, as a mixture of otter scent and rabbit scent billow up and causes me to blush "I-I didn't mean to check you out so much Max, I've never even met anyone who was..." I bite my lip trying to fine the right words "Like me" I finally finished. He was so gentle with me as he brought me closer to him, sliding my pants and underwear down. Maxwell says nothing as he kissed my neck, then begins to work himself down; pressing his lips against my chest. I cannot help let out a soft moan of pleasure. What was I thinking I shouldn't even be doing this... As if it wasn't hot enough he kisses down my stomach and pays a lot of attention to my belly button; instant turn on I found out by the way. It went on for merely an hour, him kissing and touching my body. I was hot with excitement, his soft hand-paw touches the soft flesh of my penis; stroking the head with the pad of his thumb. Immediately the head drips with pre-cum. I pull away, hissing as I pull up my pants. "No... Please I'm... sorry I just can't" I whimper and lock myself in the bathroom.

Page 4