With Friends Like A Husky

Story by HowlingWolf on SoFurry

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#3 of Wolf's Life

What Friends are For

  • * * Well everybody I'm back with my longest story to date, real sorry for the wait but this one took some more time and thought. I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out and I hope you are as well. I've taken into account all the suggestion and advice made to me and really hope that I used it to my best abilities. Anyway I hope you enjoy the show!!! This story contains scenes with gay relations and sex, if this isn't to your liking then don't read it. ENJOY!!! Jack's cell phone rang; he was sitting on his bed watching the small tv in the corner. He checked the caller ID, it was Ted. This was odd, why was Ted calling him? "Hello?" Jack answers cheerily. "Oh good Jack you haven't seen Cody have you?" the fox relies in a worried voice. "No he left awhile ago, why is he not home yet?" the husky replies, a concerned look now on his face. "No, he's not" Ted answers "do you know where he might be" "I don't have any idea, do you want me to look for him" Jack offers, equally worried about the missing wolf. "Please if you wouldn't mind" the fox says. "It'd be no problem; I'll call you if I find him" "Thanks" Ted finishes, and Jack ends the call. This wasn't like Cody, something must be wrong. Jack grabbed his jacket and was out the door in seconds, heading in the direction the wolf had gone. He searched the street, looking for any sign of his missing friend, he could smell that Cody had gone this way, but the autumn breeze was slowly blowing away the scent. Everything in the neighborhood seemed normal. But where was the wolf? Jack continued his search, passing the alley and moving down the street nearly half a block until he thought of something. What Cody went down the alley? It was a shortcut to Ted's house afterall. The Dog ran back down the street as fast as he could, that had to be it! He turned the corner quickly and scanned the alley, searching for any sign of life at all. Was he wrong? Maybe the wolf had gone down the street after all, he was about to turn around when he noticed something. A black furred paw was barely visible from behind the dumpster. The husky bolted to the dumpster, and sure enough there his friend was. Half-naked and curled into a ball, with his jeans at his ankles. Cody's eyes were wide open, yet glazed over. Jack almost had a heart attack as he tried to find the wolf's pulse, there it was, weak but the wolf was alive. Jack dialed Ted's number quickly and waited for the fox to answer. "Jack is that you?" Ted answered. "Yeah I found Cody" the husky responded, worry still in his voice. "Is he ok?" the fox questioned. "No he's unconscious, were at the alley off 13th street, please Ted send help!" "What? I'm on my way there, I'll call 911" Ted quickly said, hanging up the phone. "Cody PLEASE be ok" the dog said looking down at his unconscious friend. Cody woke up in bed, his eyes still adjusting to the light. The wolf raised a hand to his face, but was unable to. He could hear voices around him, but couldn't make them out. His vision slowly started to clear and he could begin to make out several dark blurs around him. The lights were too bright to be his room and it smelled of being too clean. He had to be in a hospital, but who was it standing around him? And why was he here? The wolf's vision was still fuzzy, but he could clearly hear he voices now. "Cody?" a voice said softly. Cody opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out of his muzzle. The voice sounded like a fox, although he couldn't be sure. Was it Ted? Or maybe Mark? Cody continued to try and speak, and slowly words began to form. "Who......is it?" the wolf stumbled weakly. "Cody, its Ted, Mark, and Jack" the original voice said "your in the hospital" "Why?" Cody replied in a groan. "Don't you remember what happened back there?" this time it was Jack's voice that spoke to him. Cody's vision had completely cleared by now, he could see them standing around him. Each one of them had a concerned look and their faces. Yet Cody couldn't remember what had happened. All he felt was a blunt pain in his tail and a slight head ache, nothing serious, there were no bandages on him that the wolf could see. Why was he here? What happened? "Back where?" Cody asked, dumbfounded. "The alley, where I found you after you were..." his voice trailed off. With that single word Cody's heart stopped, the alley. All at once the memories came flooding back, everything that happened in that damned alley was all remembered. A single tear fell down the wolf's face, he was too shocked to even cry. That dragon had taken his virginity, he could never get it back and the dragon would probably never be caught. "Hey man, are you ok?" Jack asked. "What happened?" Cody said, not even bothering to answer the husky's question. "Someone ra..." Mark started to say. "After...I mean" the wolf cut him off quickly, not wanting to hear the word, and the shocked look still on his face. "Jack found you" Ted began "after I called you again and didn't answer I got worried and called him" The group retold the story to the wolf, each filling in bits and pieces. Meanwhile Cody had sat up in bed and listened intently as they filled him in on what he'd been out for. "So how long was I out for?" Cody asked. "About four hours, it's just passed eleven o'clock now" Ted answered "Mark why don't you take Jack home?" "Sure dad, glad to see your ok kid, see ya later" the younger fox said with a small smile and ruffled the wolf's head fur before leaving the room, soon followed by Ted. "Hey man I was really scared" his friend said with a small laugh "next time I'll walk ya home, k? And no objections it's not to make you feel better, I'll drop by after school tomorrow and see how you're doing" The wolf nodded and Jack did something Cody hadn't expected, the dog bent over and gave him a quick kiss on the muzzle. He left the room without a word; the wolf reached up and touched his lips. What did that mean? Was Jack gay? He lay back still touching his lips and pondering what just happened. Cody had to know but decided that it was better left until tomorrow when Jack visited him. The wolf yawned and closed his eyes, apparently tired. He pushed all thought out as he drifted off to sleep. Cody woke up late the next day, and was happy he did. It was pretty boring being stuck in a hospital all day. Doctors and nurses occasionally popped in to examine his 'injury' or check to see if he needed anything. The police even stepped in to get his word on what happened the night before and take his description on the dragon. He told them as much as he could and they thanked him. He did get one bit of good new though, and that was that his injury wasn't serious and that he'd only have a few bruises to show for it. He could go home today, whenever he pleased. He was very tempted to call Ted to save him from this nightmare of boredom, but decided it best for him to wait for Jack so they could talk. And soon enough the dog appeared at his door, a broad smile on his face. "Hey there wuff" The husky started "was your day in the hospital eventful?" "Very" Cody answered sarcastically. "Good to hear" he laughed while throwing the wolf a pair of pants and a t-shirt "Ted told me to bring these; the cloths you came in were pretty torn up" "Thanks" Cody said with his own smile, and walked into the room's bathroom. The wolf returned moments later, fully dressed and ready to go. He checked out at the front desk and they walked to Jack's car. When they got in Cody felt like now was as good a time as any to ask. "Um.....Jack" he nervously asked. "Yeah?" the husky answered. "What was up with that kiss last night?" "I thought that's what this was gonna be about" he said coolly "I mean...I just thought you were straight" "Well for one" Jack said as he pulled out of the parking space "you never actually asked if I was or not, and I've never had a girl friend" Cody just thought that over, and Jack was right. In fact he had never even heard the dog talk about girls. That was odd, how had it never come up? It didn't make much sense to him. But he had never asked so maybe it just didn't occur to Jack to tell him. This had to be a dream. "OUCH!" Cody yelped as Jack pinched him. "See there ya go!" Jack chuckled. "What was that for?!" "You had the look of 'I must be dreaming' so I pinched you, and there you go! You're awake!" the husky explained as he turned a corner. "Ha-ha very funny Jack" Cody laughed sarcastically. "Just tryin' to help wuff" "By the way Jack" "Yeah?" he answered "How much do people at school know?" Cody asked nervously. "All they now is that you were attacked and that it wasn't serious" he said "I made sure that they didn't find out what really happened" "Thanks I don't know what I'd do without you man" the wolf said seriously Jack just smiled and gave me a nod; he drove the car the rest of the way to my house silently. Listening to the soft music of the radio, he slowly pulled into the driveway and unlocked the doors. They stepped outside of up to the front door. Cody opened the door was greeted by an empty house, no one was home. Perfect. They ran up the stairs to Cody's room and sat on the bed. "So Jack......" "What?" he asked. "Did you really mean that kiss back there?" Cody asked with ears folded back, expecting bad news. There was a long pause before Jack smiled and gave his answer. The husky bent over and planted a kiss on the wolf's lips. His tongue pushed through into the surprised wolf's mouth, both muscles now dancing with one another. Cody closed his eyes, arms raised up to rest on the canine's broad shoulders. Jack had one hand holding Cody's head close, his other holding his back and pulling them together. The passionate kiss lasted for what seemed like hours, both fully enjoying the embrace before Jack slowly broke away. "How's that for an answer?" he chuckled. "Eh- so-so" Cody giggled back. "Ouch!" the husky said, putting a paw to his chest and mocking pain. "I'll show ya' so-so" The wolf just laughed as he went forward and gave his friend a playful lick. Jack grinned and tackled Cody against the bed, once again they shared saliva. Both lost in another blissful kiss, they rolled around on the bed. Jack reaching his hand down into Cody's- now tented -pants, groping the wolf's cock and testicles. Cody only moaned at the fondling, and returned the gesture by squeezing the husky's tight ass. Seconds passed and the groping continued until Jack gasped for breathe. He began to undo the wolf's pants, or attempting to at least. Cody's pants were quickly off and soon Jack's met them on the floor. Now they each pulled off their own T-shirts before looking at each other. They were both naked excluding their tented boxers. They were about to continue when the front door opened downstairs and Ted's familiar voice called up to them. "Cody?!" he called "are you guys up there?" "Yeah Ted" he answered reluctantly "we'll be down in a minute" Cody looked over to Jack with a sad look on his face "this sucks" he whispered. "Well aren't you a horny little wuff" the husky whispered and Cody stuck his tongue out at the dog. They got dressed quickly and headed out the door and down the stairs. Ted was watching tv on the couch, coke in hand. He smiled as Cody walked into the room. "How ya feelin' Cody?" he asked hoping for good news. "Good" the wolf answered simply as he plopped onto the couch next to the black fox as Jack sat down next to him. They watched tv silently for a few minutes before the phone rang and Ted got up to answer it. "Hello?" "Ok sure" "Be home by noon tomorrow alright?" "Have fun and don't get into any trouble" he hung up the phone and wandered back to the couch. "That was Mark, he's at some party for the track team and said he's gonna stay at a friend's house tonight" This was good news to Cody as an idea formed in his head. "Hey Ted can Jack stay the night?" he asked hopefully. "Sure as long as his parents are fine with it" the fox replied as Jack started dialing home on his cell. After a short conversation with his parents they seemed to agree and so Jack was to spend the night. They ordered a pizza and dinner went by quickly, they told jokes and skipped across the topic of the rape gently, Cody quickly changing the subject not wanting to talk about it. After the pizza was finished the two retreated to the basement and the night began. The basement would be perfect because it was sound proofed over the summer and Ted would be none the wiser to their sexual exploits. It was about ten o'clock when they heard the fox's voice call down the stairs. "Good night boys and don't stay up to late alright?" Ted called. "We won't" the pair called back up simultaneously as they heard the fox ascend the stairs to the second floor. Cody was up the stairs quickly and shut the door, he returned just as fast with a wicked grin on his face. "Ok doggy lose the pants" he ordered as he took his own pants off and threw them to the side. Jack's jeans were soon also off and he lay back on the fold-out couch with his arms crossed behind his head. Cody was on top of the husky in seconds and the two were locked in a long, passionate kiss. Their tongues danced for several long moments before Jack broke the kiss. His hands slid down to his boxers and slid them off with a smirk. He rolled Cody under him now and the wolf's boxers were soon on the floor as well. They just stared at each other. Both of their cocks were already erect and begging for attention. Cody's paw slid up to grope the husky's eight inch maleness. He rolled the dogs testicles around in his fingers and received the dogs hand at his own crotch. They both gave the occasional moan before joining in another kiss. They rolled around on the couch like this for a long time before coming to a stop, both tired and gasping for air. "You know what? You sure do taste good" he laughed. "You know what else might taste good?" Cody giggled as he went down and started licking around the dog's crotch. "Damn you sure are a horny slut" Jack joked as he scritched behind the wolf's ears. Cody moaned as he gave a testing lick at his crotch before lapping at it hungrily. Jack murred as he urged Cody on. The wolf complied happily and engulfed the entire husky cock in his muzzle. Cody tried to be careful of his teeth as he bobbed up and down on the growing canine. He took as much of the dog as his muzzle would allow and Jack didn't complain, he murred and moaned quietly as the wolf went at him, the long tongue wrapping around his cock. It was the best feeling he'd ever felt and never wanted it to end. But he was getting close to coming and didn't want to waste his load in Cody's mouth, he'd rather have it go somewhere else. So he pushed the wolf off him and pulled him up to his muzzle. They kissed again and again their tongues went at it, Jack reveled at the foreign taste of his own crotch. This kiss didn't last long as Cody soon flipped around, with Jack on top laying on the wolf's back. "You sure we aren't going a bit fast?" he asked worried. "Nah go ahead and fuck me hard" Cody nearly begged. Jack hesitated for only a second as he pressed his tip against the wolf's tight hole. This got a moan from Cody and Jack slowly pressed in. As the tip of the swollen doghood penetrated the wolf's as he let out a yelp into the mattress. "Keep going" Cody urged his friend, as he looked up, wanting to feel the full length of the dog in his hole. That was all Jack needed to continue, he pushed onward slowly allowing Cody to adjust to the pulsing intruder. It was painful at first but Jack was going much slower than that accursed dragon had. "Damn -mrph- you sure are -ugh- a tight one" The husky said as he hilted his cock inside the wolf's begging ass. He stopped his movements to allow the wolf to adjust again. It only took a few minutes for Cody to wiggle his rump and start begging for Jack to continue. Jack laughed before he pulled almost all the way out and then plunged in again. He humped the wolf softly, playing with his prostate and sending Cody moaning and murring with each hilting. Jack had lied before, THIS was the best feeling he'd ever felt and he was pretty sure Cody could say the same. Cody was, to put it simply, in heaven. He loved the feel of Jack's throbbing doghood in his ass and the way the husky awkwardly humped into it. The pulsing cock felt like fire in his tight rump and he never wanted the burning to stop. And with Cody's latest moan Jack reached a hand around the wolf's waist and began to play with the need wolfhood he found there. He slid his paw up and down the seven inch cock and the wolf's moans became louder at the stimulation. The dog played with Cody's growing knot wanting to make his buddy come first. After several long moments Cody couldn't take it anymore and hit his peak. He shot long strands of seed onto the sheets and his own gut. As his orgasm stopped Jack pulled his dripping paw off his friend's spent genitals and licked the remaining cum off it. "Mmm you were -ugnh- right wuff this does taste better" he grunted through humps as he set on his own path towards release. "Ready?" he asked as his knot neared full size. Cody only shook his head quickly and braced himself for the pain he knew would come. Jack wasted no time and with one final hump sent his cock, knot and all, deep into the confines of the wolf's ass. Cody yelped into the mattress again as he felt the tennis ball sized knot enter his ass. Jack and Cody were tied together and lost in the pleasure and lust of it all. Jack's humps became shallower and more erratic now. Both could tell he was about to come. His cock flared and with a howl Jack sent gooey waves of doggy cum pulsing through Cody's ass. His orgasm seemed to last for hours and neither could complain. Cody moaned as the warm goo coated his insides and soon Jack's spurting slowed to and then stopped. "That was.....amazing" Cody panted as the dog fell against his back, both of their tongues lolled out from the pleasure. The wolf could feel Jack nod his agreement and they just lay together for a good long time. After about fifteen minutes Jack's knot had reduced to the point where he could remove his spent cock and now they lay together. Cody rested his head on the dog's chest and Jack rested his chin on Cody's head. They stayed in a tight hug for another long silent moment before it was broken by Jack. "That was the best" he whispered into Cody's ear, but the wolf didn't hear him he was already fast asleep in Jack's warm embrace. Jack silently chuckled to himself and soon he was off to sleep as well. Well I hope you liked it! Please post your comments and tips. Really it's all I have to improve and really don't hesitate to be 'mean' but also say what part I did good at so I know what not to change. Well like I already said please comment!