Four Jacks

Story by The Maid Foxy on SoFurry

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I found there are not enough straight stories around the fandom. I want to try and fix that. Well, I haven't really done much M/F stuff, mostly gay, but this needed to be fixed.

I thought of this, biased on a game I used to play called four jacks. Kinda like truth or dare only with cards and take out the truth part. XD

I welcome positive critique as for I don't believe I'm that good a writing yiff. Thanks and I hope you enjoy.

Luke slammed the cards down on the table in annoyance, the third time he'd lost in a row. Around him, his peers jeered and egged him on.

"Come on Luke! You have to do it!"

"Take'em off!"

He sighed and stood up, unbuckling his belt and pulling his jeans off. He threw them in a corner and sat back down. "Why did I even agree to strip poker?" He said to himself. "I suck at cards." Now it was just one more bad deal and he would lose all his clothes. One more hand, and the embarrassment would see no end. But he wasn't the only one close, Jake had nothing but his shorts left. Mako was down to her bra, but still had her entire lower half to go. Her muzzle gave a coy smile, enough to tell Luke that she wouldn't be losing anything else soon. A little disappointing, he wanted to see her. But for right now he had to focus on not losing one more hand.

Jackson, his opposite, sat fully clothed. He'd lost nothing.

"Wow you guys suck." His eyes under the raccoon mask shifted.

Luke picked up his newly dealt cards, nothing too bad. He could fudge his way through this one. But tension still built up in his stomach.

This was Jacksons party, a little graduation thing with not too many people. Just Jackson, of course, Jake the Hyena, Mako the beautiful Husky, David the fox, who was too busy playing Xbox to try his paw at poker, Alison, a small bear who also wasn't playing, and finally himself, a timber wolf.

The round went on and in the end it was Jake who had to strip off his shorts bringing him in a tie for last place with Luke.

"Damn it! Can we play a different game?"

Jackson looked t him. "Really? You just now want to play a new game?"

He nodded.

"Even with Mako one away from taking her pants off."

Another nod.

He scoffed in his face. "You're such a sore loser, you don't see Luke complaining."

Jake jumped on the opportunity to get out of the embarrassment of the final play.

"Oh, don't worry, I've got a game that's better! You'll love it."

Luke was a little interested to, he didn't want to strip and if this was his chance he would go for it.

"What is it?"

"Oh its perfect! Gimme your cards, I need a full deck."

Jackson reluctantly gave out his cards, proving that he would have won the next hand again. Mako did the same and the three watched Jake shuffle the cards and lay them down on the table spreading all 52 around facedown.

"OK." He said. "Think of truth or dare only you don't know who is going to get it and there is no truth, and that's 4 jacks."

Jacksons ears perked up. "Dare?"

Jake nodded, still thinking this was better than stripping. "Mmhmm. See, the game revolves around the four jacks in the deck and we each go around picking up a card, until one person hits a jack. They say how many times you have to do the dare. Then it continues until the next one is drawn. They say where the dare takes place, and then it goes on. When the third one is drawn they say what you have to do." He snickered hoping to get Jackson caught in his trap. "The thing is, you could dig your own grave and have to do it all yourself."

Luke didn't like the sound of this that much but if it got him out of stripping he'd be happy to do it.

Mako smiled, "Sounds fun."

Jackson nodded. "I think you guys have a new game."

David came over from the TV with a soda in his paw. "What'cha play'n? Still poker?"

Alison, who had been watching answered, "No, Four jacks."

"What's that?" He asked setting down his soda on the table.

"Just watch and you'll find out."

Jake hovered his paw over a card and drew it. "I'll go first."

He flipped it, King of Hearts. "See, no jack. Now Luke, you go."

Luke slipped his paw over a card and turned it, Five of Spades. Jackson and Mako suffered the same luck. It passed by Jake again, but Luke pulled a Jack of clubs.

"Oh! You see. Luke now you choose a number, any number within reason of course."

Luke thought for a second. "OK, three."

Jake nodded. "Perfect, so the game goes on."

It didn't make it very far, to Mako when the next Jack turned up. "So does this mean I...choose where the dare is?" Jake gave a slight nod. "OK, the kitchen."

She discarded it and the turned moved to Jake, nothing. It drew around the circle twice more and the third jack was picked by Jackson. He laughed while both Luke and Jake said "perfect" in their heads.

"Hmmm, I choose the dare huh?"


He eyeballed the kitchen area trying to think of a dare.

"I'll start of simple, the next jack has to take three bites out of an onion, like an apple."

Luke sunk a bit, he hated onions and didn't know if he could keep it down. The game continued and the tension mounted as cards were gradually taken off the table.

It came back to Jake. Only four cards left, one of them in the next turn would be picked. His paw moved from each one like a fortune teller reading cards. It stopped at one, almost picked it but then moved to another one and flipped it.

Jack of Hearts.

The card drew "Ohhhhhhhhs" From the rest of them. He grumbled and swore thinking now that this wasn't the best choice of game. Jake stood up and moved towards the kitchen picking up the onion. His black nose crumpled as he sniffed it. Luke could smell the strong vegetable from where he was. Jake dove in and took a bite, his face twisted at the sour taste and the color almost drained from his fur.

"Come on boy, two more bites."

They all watched, muzzle gaping with smiles. The Hyena swallowed and drew another from the vegetable and finally another. He dropped it and rushed to the sink hacking up chunks of the stuff.

"Here you go!" David gave Jake the soda he had in his paw, he chugged it and they all moved back to the table.

"I don't ever want to do that again. My mouth is burning." His tongue dropped out of one side of his muzzle as he sat back in the chair.

Jacksons tail wagged, "I like this game, let's do another!"

David, to the side, barged his way in with a chair. "Get out of the way, I'm playing too."

Mako and Jake moved to the side and let him in, while Alison still watched.

"Ok, no difference in rules, just one more person." Jake said reservedly.

The four of them each took a turn stealing glances at David. He was the "weird" one of the group, having a very active sexual prowess. Things were going to get....interesting.

Jake pulled the first card and the game started again. Going around until it landed on Mako to choose how many times.

"Hmmm, how about...only once!"

Once seemed a bit low but she chose it, the next time it landed on Jake who said for it to take place on the couch.

The third Jack landed in the paws of David who gave a little snicker.

"This isn't really a dare but I want it. The next Jack...kisses Alison and we're not talking a little peck on the cheek. Nooo, full on muzzle lock."

It wasn't a dare to the guys but to Mako it was, to get this would be embarrassing to say the least. Jake eagerly picked up a card, close to where he'd picked up the last jack hoping that it would still be there. No luck. Luke picked one, same story as well as Jackson.

Mako shook her head. "If I get the jack...ohhh something's gonna give way." Her paw shook as she took her pick. There was actually still a choice, all the other Jacks had been taken early along in the game. She made her choice and drew in a deep breath. Mako's eyes closed and she flipped it, nothing but silence. But when her eyes opened to see, there, under her paws was a Jack of Spades.

"Damn It!"

Alison did nothing but giggle and blush. The bear moved around the table and centered on the couch.

"Not a peck." David reminded her. "A full blown kiss, with the works."

All the guys had their tongues hanging out of their muzzles, excited at what they were going to see.

Mako hesitated as her paws entered Alison's. "I guess the only way to get it out of the way is do it."

Both the girls moved in close, their noses almost touching. Mako turned her head a bit and gradually opened it accepting Alison's short muzzle. David smiled.

"And now the arms."

Alison slowly brought her arms up Makos almost bare back and pulled her deeper into the kiss. Mako kept her paws on the bears waist, she still didn't like it. Alison forced her tongue into Makos muzzle drawing Mako to do the same. The guys still gawked; David was slowly rubbing himself at the sight. Luke blushed under his fur, he couldn't help but get a little aroused and with nothing but underwear still on it was quite obvious that he was. His chair scooted under the table more hoping to hide it. Jake on the other hand had his tent pitched all for the world to see.

Mako backed from Alison.

"Is that good enough for you David?" Her tone holding hostility towards the fox.

"Yes." He said, happy with the result." I believe it is."

"Good. If that's going to happen again it's going to be with a guy. I can't do lesbian stuff."

Alison giggled once more. "That may be but, you're a good kisser." She licked her chops and a cold shiver shot up Mako's spine. "That's only a little awkward Alison." She said hoping that the bear would catch the sarcasm.

Jackson laughed at the interaction. "Oh I love this game! Let's do another!"

Both Jake and Mako moaned, while Luke whimpered under his breath thinking he was overdue for a really embarrassing dare.

"Oh come on! Just one more, I have the perfect one." Of course, due to all the luck he had been having at cards that night he felt lucky in that he would pick the last two jacks. For the dare he had would play into his paws.

Mako, Luke, and Jake grumbled again. One game would have to do to shut down his ego.

"I'll go first!" Jackson said pulling a card.

The third game started going around and David picked the first jack on the second round. "Hmmmm." He thought. "Hey Jake can it be for an amount of time?"

Jake shrugged. "I don't see why not, as long as it's reasonable."

"Ok. Hmmmm, this dare has to take place hour!" Luke sunk in his seat, he knew that he would pick the final jack and have to do some super embarrassing thing for a whole hour. Strange thoughts flooded his mind.

"What if they have me strip for the entire hour! Or...or locked outside like a pet! Maybe chained to a post. Or even wear Jackson's sisters' clothes! Oh please not that!" Of course these would be great dares if he got the third jack but it almost felt as though he was telepathically transmitting them to his opponents.

The game continued going around the table until it landed on Jackson who laughed, everything was going his way. "Bedroom!" He said immediately and of course no one else thought anything of it. Luke felt relieved that half the things on his long list were crossed out because of that.

The cards staring flipping again and no Jacks for two whole turns until once again it landed on Jackson.

"Jeez Jackson! Are you cheating?" Jake protested. The raccoon held up his paws in defense. "No, I'm just lucky tonight I guess." He snickered. "Ok, I have one. This is going to the grand finale."

All of them felt anxiousness in their guts.

"Whoever pulls the next Jack has to, for an hour..." Luke's mind raced. Here it came.

"They have to have sex with whoever loses a coin toss between Alison and Mako and if Mako gets it, there's going to be some lesbian action happening in my bed tonight. Of course I'm freeing my bed for the 'winner.'" He, obviously hoping it would be him. With five more cards on the table and him pretty much knowing which one it was he had a really good chance.

Mako stood up in protest. "Come on, that's not fare. I lose either way! Jake is that legal?"

He shrugged, liking the dare. "Sorry, it is."

Jackson rebutted his statement. "Remember that you still have to lose or win a coin toss, depending on how you look at it."

David's tail was wagging up a storm and his tongue hanging out of his muzzle. "Bring it on!"

Luke was still having trouble hiding his arousal.

Jackson smiled as sinister smile. "One more round left. This next turn will decide who does."

Mako shivered and hopped from several cards, choosing one. "Oh thank god." She whispered, it was a king of hearts. David eagerly picked one he had been eyeing since Jackson told the dare, but it was fruitless. Now with only three cards left Jake pulled one, his eyes dropping after he saw it was the three of spades.

Luke looked at his two choices, here it was. He glanced up at Mako and Alison; if he picked the Jack he would be doing one of them tonight. He had never even done it with a girl before, but he would be lying to himself if he said he didn't want to, especially with Mako.

Jackson strained his neck, his 'victory' was right around the corner, just one more wrong pick and it would be his.

Luke closed his eyes and flipped one, keeping his eyes closed for a long time afterword. One eye opened and saw, under his paw, the Jack of Diamonds.

Jackson's muzzle dropped to the floor, his plan had backfired. Luke was still silent, and stayed that way until the coin toss.

Jake tossed a quarter and hid it under his paw. "Whoever gets the side can choose if they want to do it or not. Choose wisely."

Alison gave her answer. "Tails! It's always tails."

Mako said "Heads" quietly.

Jake smiled. "Ok here we go." He pulled his paw off and everybody gathered around. In his paw was the image of President Washington, heads.

Mako bit her lip, she had a choice, Alison whispered in her ear. "If you really don't want to, I don't mind."

The husky looked the timber wolf down; he blushed and covered his crotch with his paws. "You know what. I'll do it." It came as a shock to everybody. That was really unlike Mako to do something like that. Under his fur Luke blushed again and his knees just about buckled under him as she came around. "H...Have you ever done it with someone before?"

"No." She said. "And I guess you haven't either." Luke shook his head. "Then let's make it memorable."

Jackson was hitting his head against the wall next to his door after he escorted them upstairs. Why had he given up his own room, it's going to be soooooooo awkward sleeping in it. He presented it and gave Luke a small package. "Use this Luke, and there is a lock on the door."

He gritted his teeth. "Have ffffun."

Luke flipped the package over in his paw, it read "Trojan." And he realized that this was actually happening. He walked into the room after Mako who had already taken her place on the bed ready for him. "Be sure to lock to door."

The timber wolf nodded and shut the door and locked it. He turned to see Mako undressing; even his fantasies about her had not been this good. She was perfect in every way, snow white belly fur and luscious grey and blue back fur. She pulled her pants and panties down at the same time moving to her knees on the bed.

"Come here wolfy."

As if in a trance Luke moved to the bed and climbed on top, Mako grabbed his underpants and pulled them down. His wolf cock was already fully erect waiting for pleasure, usually done by his own paw, but tonight would be different. Luke opened his clenched paw and tore open the little package.

"A little graduation present from Jackson." He said chuckling.

Luke opened it and put the latex cover on himself and licked his chops. Mako leaned back opining herself to the wolf. Inside he felt a gut reaction to dive in and start mating her but he wanted this to last, after all, this was probably the only chance Mako would give him. Luke positioned himself over her, gradually bringing his body down to embrace the Missionary position. Shudders ran up and down his spine as his bare fur rubbed against hers and the tip of his penis prodded Mako.

The husky made eye contact with Luke and gave a slight nod, Luke took a deep breath and slid himself into Mako. She moaned and drew in a sharp breath while Luke hugged his muzzle to his chest and clenched his eyes shut. This was so much better than the toys he had. Both of them stayed in that position for some time, just looking at each other. Luke felt the wet, warmth of Mako surrounding him while Mako herself felt Luke's cock stretching her and giving her waves of pleasure each time his heart pumped causing a little shutter.

"Heh. Sooo, I guess....." Luke said staring into her eyes.

"I guess so." Mako replied with a lick to the nose.

He started slowly, with a weak rhythm but each time he did hump her he just about pulled himself out entirely and thrust himself back in.

"Unph!" Mako spread her arms out and gripped the comforter with her paws, the claws ripping little holes. All of her muscles clenched as if to focus her energy on the mating. Lukes strong, slow thrusts brought her mouth open bringing low moans.

Luke let his tongue hang out of his mouth. He was doing it! He was actually having sex with the bitch of his dreams! For the past three years his nightly fantasies usually consisted of concentrating on Mako and her warmth. And to think, he didn't even want to go to this small party, he wanted to go with the rest of the graduating class on the school party. His pounding and rhythm grew steadier and he honed himself to give the most pleasure to her as he could. He wanted her to enjoy this too, but her face showed that she was getting some.

He slowed up a bit and leaned in with his muzzle to give her a kiss, a loving kiss. She accepted his offer and their muzzles locked in the ultimate love embrace, usually reserved for the married. His thrusts grew smaller and more contained from the wild and barbaric way he was a couple of minutes ago, enough to let his lover talk.

"'re amazing." She said in-between breaths.

"What?" He thought, "had she said what she thought she said?"

"Please Luke, more. Fffffffuck me."

He didn't need to be told and his thrusting returned to the barbaric form, each time almost pulling all the way out and pushing back in.

Mako focused on her G-spot as she felt him thrust deeply into her.

"Ahhhhh! Luuuuuke!!!!"

The timber-wolf felt Mako contract around him, her first orgasm, and he pushed through it.

Mako dug her claws deeper into the bed ripping through the comforter and the sheets down to the mattress, she let her eyes look down and see his red cock pound into her and at the base the beginnings of a knot. Ready to make sure that the mate would be impregnated. Luke felt himself swelling too, and looked at Mako in some worry. But she wrapped her arms around Luke and pulled him close as he fucked her.

"Don't you dare think about not knotting me! I want to be tied to you, I want to sleep with you. I want you."

Luke thrust a couple more times making sure that his knot grew to the proper size.

"Mako..." Luke whispered; stopping right before he thrust his huge knot into her.


"I just wanted to let you know, I've liked you for years, hell, I love you."

She gave him a tender lick on the nose.

"Then show it."

Luke nodded and with a final thrust he pushed the entirety of his knot into Mako. She screamed and dug her claws now into Luke's back. But he didn't care, he continued with small thrusts keeping his knot inside her. But each one of these equaled the pleasure to three of the full thrusts he was doing earlier. He felt a buildup in his body, a buildup of pleasure that need release.

"AHHHHHH!" He pushed one last time expelling all of his wolf seed. Mako hugged his body close as she too had her second orgasm, right with Luke.

The two looked at each other as a silence fell on them, no creaking bed, no moans, no deep breaths. It was quiet, and the two were tied together.

"I'm not going to be able to pull out for a while." Luke said, his breathing trying to return to normal.

"I don't care. I want to spend the night with you." She blushed a brilliant red under her fur. So much so that he could see it. "We just had sex, it's what should you too." She paused and stared directly into the timber wolf's eyes. "I love you to."

The new couple giggled together and rolled to their sides. "I don't think Jackson is going to like the rips in his bed Mako."

She laughed, her eyes growing weary. "Tonight Luke, it's our bed."

Luke's eyes grew heavy too, and he wrapped his paws around her naked body, his cock still tied to her.

"Goodnight Mako."

" love."

The weather outside rushed through the open window as the breeze floated through it. Luke felt the warmth of the sun on his fur and slowly opened his eyes and there before him was beautiful Mako, she hadn't moved since last night. His muzzle got closer to her ear.

"Mako...Mako. Wake up."

Luke watched as her eyes slowly opened one blue the other brown.

She blushed and looked down, Lukes still half-erect cock was inside her.

"Good morning Luke." She said licking his nose. "I think we'd better get out of this." Luke nodded and pulled himself from her, but his smile turned as he saw. Mako felt it. The condom had broken, cum flooded out of her making a substantial wet spot on the comforter.

"Uh-oh, Not my fault Mako! Not my fau..." She cut him off with a finger. He expected a rude interruption and interrogation. But it didn't come.

"Shhhhhhhhhhh. Luke, it's ok. I'm not in heat."

He was still panicking. "I know! But you can still get pregnant when you're not in heat! Right?"

"I know, I know. But it's not as good of a chance." The husky was strangely calm about this. "Luke, if I'm pregnant, would you walk away?"

He looked at her as if she was crazy. "What? No, Never! I love you."

Her smiled reassured him. "That's what I wanted to hear. If I do have a pup, then I think we'd be alright. Because I...I love you to and I would never leave you."

Luke calmed down and touched his nose to hers. "Of course that's even if I am pregnant. But...ohh...the feeling of your cum spreading in me. Oh!"

"What, wait wait. You knew? You felt it?"

Mako nodded. "Yes, I felt it break, surprised you didn't. But it was all worth it. I didn't want to tell you because I thought it would ruin the time."

Mako and Luke touched noses again when suddenly the door flew open and Jackson, David, Alison, and Jake all stood, red under the fur. Jackson had a knife in his paw which had been used to undo the lock.

"Uhhh. It's been longer than an hour."

The smell hit them like a sack of bricks, the smell of hormones and sweat. "Wow, you guys really went at it." David said, scrunching his nose.

For some reason Luke didn't seem to ashamed of being naked in front of them, he just wanted to be with Mako. The two stood up from the bed and all of them saw a small stream of semen drip from Makos crotch.

"Uh oh." They all said in unison. But Luke and Mako smiled, they didn't care. The two embraced for a loving kiss. Behind them Jackson looked at his ripped and cum stained bed.

"Ahh! What! H...How am I going to explain this to mom! AH!"

Luke licked Makos nose, chuckled and looked at Jake. "Thanks for the game."