One Fox's Idea of Fun

Story by neopuc on SoFurry

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In this story we see one little fox get to see what it's like to be the big guy after a bit of growth, and probably enjoys himself a bit too much.

This story contains a lot of adult macro material where the macro abuses those smaller than himself. If you don't like that then this story may not be for you.

This story was done for copain

I took a careful look at myself in the mirror. It was easy to see why people considered me cute. My body was nice and smooth, not fat, but not particularly muscular either. Like many foxes, I was a little on the short side and I was a tad bit shorter than most. To many other people, that made me just small enough to be considered adorable, people even going so far as to call me Tom Thumb. I also made sure to keep my fur in pristine condition and I could see it practically gleaming in my reflection. Every last strand of red, white, and black fur looked perfect.

All in all, I was not that bad looking a guy. Unfortunately, the cute look did not do me much good in this world. It was always enough to make me a good friend, but not enough to make me a boyfriend. I did not really care whether I got a girlfriend or a boyfriend, but one of the two would be nice. It was getting hard to remember the last time I had been on a date. Things could have been worse, though. At least I had a fairly decent job, which was better than my father could have ever said.

He made most of his money pimping himself out to various different pharmaceutical companies as a test subject. Still does make most of his money that way now that I think about it. Fortunately, those drug companies were at least right about their drugs not being lethal by the time they reached the testing phase. Unfortunately, he was a test subject long before I was born and sometimes when I started feeling a little odd I had to wonder whether or not he had managed to pass something not so good down to me. Those odd experiences were few and far between, however, so I usually forgot about them as soon as they passed.

It was a good thing those feelings never really made me feel bad enough to ruin my daily routine either. I was always able to go along with my day and my work. Actually, I do not think I had ever been seriously ill. I had perfect attendance in school and the only days I missed work were when I went on vacation. My bosses liked that part. That was good since I kind of liked my job. Sure, it was not the best job in the world, but it was not the worst either and it paid pretty well. I worked in a nice little office and my cubicle had a nice view. Having to answer to three different managers when I thought I only needed one was a bit annoying, but that was about the only real complaint I had.

Besides not being able to pick up a date, things were going pretty well for me. That date thing really did annoy me, though. Maybe if I had bigger things to worry about it would not have bothered me that much, but I really did not have any bigger worries at the moment. So, I just kept trying and I kept failing. It really was an exercise in frustration. But, I was the persistent type and I did not give up that easily. Eventually, I thought that persistence did pay off.

I managed to meet a nice couple at a coffee shop one day before work, a horse, Melissa, and wolf, Dan. They seemed nice enough and they were actually looking for someone like me. I did not know what that meant at first and they did not reveal it for a while. We had to meet up and get to know each other better before they would say anything. When I did found out what they wanted from me I was fully aware of why they wanted all of us to get to know each other better. Asking someone to get involved in a three way was not something you just did with strangers.

Well, maybe the wolf and the horse could have gotten away with asking strangers to get involved in three ways. The horse was a chestnut mare with a huge set of boobs and had a career as a fashion model. Her boyfriend, the wolf, did various different things. He was a lifeguard at the beach, owned a small bar on that same beach with some friends of his, and he was a professional surfer. The wolf was about as in shape as would be expected of a stereotypical lifeguard and a surfer. Both of them were also on the tall side and when they were next to me they made me look even smaller than I was.

Like everyone else, the horse and wolf thought I was small and cute. It just happened that they wanted the cute and adorable look for their third partner. I was not sure why they wanted it that way, but my luck had changed in a big way and I was not about to talk them out of doing anything with me. It had taken a few weeks to actually get to know each other well enough to actually arrange a three way between us though. The two of them had planned for it to happen on a Friday.

When I woke up on that day I was feeling a little anxious to get on with the day. I was tempted to take a vacation day, but I did not know what I would do with myself for the entire day if I did. Well, I was feeling a little odd and I thought that had to do with my anxiety at first, but I soon discovered it was just another one of those odd spells I was having. This one did feel a little different than normal, but it was not like I felt really sick, certainly not sick enough to skip out on work.

There was something else odd that morning too. All of my clothes felt a little tight on me. I thought I might be putting on a little weight, but a quick look in the mirror showed that I had the same figure as always. Besides, I had not gained an ounce of weight in years. It might have been possible that I somehow messed up when washing my clothes and that I had somehow shrunken them a bit, but I did not remember washing them any differently than I usually did. While that was certainly odd to me, it was still not odd enough to make me want to miss work.

Things did not get much better as the work day wore on either. My clothes just kept feeling tighter and tighter and that odd feeling I was having would not go away. As my level of discomfort grew I had to unbutton the top couple of buttons on my shirt and let my belt out a bit. Even after doing that my pants still felt almost unbearably tight and I thought about using my lunch break to run out and by a better fitting pair. This was turning out to be one of the worst odd spells that had happened to me up until that point and I hoped it was not a portent of things to come.

I was starting to get stares from my other coworkers. Since I was fidgeting in discomfort so much, I figured that might have something to do with it. But, I guessed I was wrong when a wolfess walked up to me and said, "There's something different about you today Tom, but I can't quite put my finger on it."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah. It's hard to say, but I could swear you look a little taller or something," the wolfess said. My eyes widened in surprise at that statement. It certainly was not something I had expected her to say. We both laughed that off, though. People did not just suddenly grow in one day at my age. We just kept on making small talk while she tried to figure out what was really different about me. I was not paying much attention to the conversation, though. The wolfess had gotten me thinking. My clothes were definitely feeling tight on me and I could hear them stretching ominously when I moved. Even the odd feeling I was having could not fully explain that.

By the time my lunch break did come around I was really worried my pants would tear if I bent over. I did head for a little clothing store not far from where I worked. If it were possible I would have rushed, but I felt that I might tear what I was already wearing if I moved too suddenly. That slowed me down a bit and meant I might go a little over my break, but that happened so rarely with me that I doubted anyone would really care. Still, I was happy that my building was right down the street from a nice little clothing store.

The trip to the store was worth it for more than just clothes. I was able to find a spare plastic tape measure in store and I did bother to check my own height. After checking my height three times I was certain that I was about three inches taller than I had been yesterday. I was also still growing slightly if I was not mistaken. That news stunned me and I thought about heading to a hospital. Then I thought better of that. If I went in saying that I had to see a doctor because I was growing, I would probably be laughed out of the building, at best. I was going to have to ride this out for a while, at least until this actually became a problem.

It may have been a little frightening that I was growing, but with just an additional three inches in height, I was still on the small side. I had to admit that actually growing into a normal size was a little appealing, maybe a little taller. If this kept up the only down side I could really see was having to buy a new wardrobe. Well, there could have been other less pleasant side effects, but right now all that seemed to be happening was my growth and I was good with that. I just made sure to pick up a few pairs of clothes in different sizes in case I kept on growing.

There were only a few people that even noticed I had changed clothes when I got back to work. When they asked about it I was able to say I had spilled something on my other set of clothes and had just bought a new set for the day. They were a bit lose fitting at first, but I grew into them as the day wore on. By the time quitting time came I was getting quite a few looks. I was certain other people had noticed I was growing and were wondering whether they were seeing things. When people walked up to me to ask I tried to steer the conversations away from the subject of my height. Still, I had grown about half a foot in height and I could see it was killing people not to ask. It was a good thing the work day was over or I would not have been able to fend off the questions for much longer.

When I got into my car it was even more obvious that I had grown. I had to adjust my seat and mirrors to get a little more comfortable to compensate for my height. The fact that I was still growing did not bother me much either. It was pretty obvious that the odd feeling I had earlier in the day, and still had for that matter, was linked with my growth and while I had that feeling I would continue to grow. I figured that if that feeling had not caused any other side effects yet then they probably would not manifest at all. Growth was the only thing that feeling caused and I thanked my father for finally passing something good on to me. I did take a moment to wonder whether he would ever grow too, but I figured what was causing me to grow had probably been canceled out by some other experiment by now.

I did have to wonder whether my wolf and horse friends would notice my growth. They had said they were looking for someone cute and my growth was making it so that I was closer to average in height instead of adorably small. But, both of them were rather tall, so they might not notice. It was an answer I was going to soon find out since it was getting close to the time for us all to meet up. I had been anxious to meet up with them earlier in the day and now that I was growing I was more anxious than ever. After such a long dry spell I really felt like I needed some relief.

By the time I made it to their condo my new set of clothes was starting to feel a little tight too. I was happy I had decided to buy that second set of clothing after all. Before I headed up to my friends' condo I found a nice little corner to change in and I was very happy that no one else came along to see me. It would have been bad to finally make it to this moment only to be kicked out of the building because someone saw me nude. That thought made me chuckle a little, being caught running around in my birthday suit.

It did seem a little odd that, despite what was happening to me physically, I still had to worry more about getting caught in the nude. But, since that did not happen I was able to make it up to the condo without any real problems. Dan and Melissa were waiting for me when I arrived and they did not seem to notice just how tall I had gotten. That was probably because they were both still pretty tall compared to me. They were full of pleasant greetings when they saw me, but there was something different about the smiles on their faces. I did not know what it was about those smiles, but they seemed somewhat mischievous in a not so nice sort of way.

That might have just had something to do with my anxiety though. I knew I just wanted to get down to business, but I tried to hide that fact from Dan and Melissa. They were still interested in talking for a bit more, but as time wore on it started to get harder and harder not to say anything. I did start to suspect something was going on after a while, but it took me over an hour to actually mention anything related to sex. The response that I got was not something that I was looking for.

"Oh, you thought we were being serious about that," Melissa said.

A coy smile crossed Dan's face as he said, "I thought you knew that was just a joke." I wish that the conversation had improved from there, but it just got worse. It became pretty apparent that I had been set up for what was little more than a cruel joke to the horse and the wolf. I was angry and more than a little frustrated, but I tried not to let that show to them when I eventually just left. That was difficult to do, but I managed to make it home without lashing out at anything. I will admit that I was pretty bitter about what had happened, but a nice long shower was able to help me calm down a bit. Still, I was troubled enough about what had happened that I had pretty much forgotten that I was still growing by the time I slipped into an uneasy slumber.

My mixed emotions did make it hard to sleep, but I managed to do so. There was something else contributing to how hard it was to stay asleep too. It was leading to me tossing and turning throughout the night, but my sleep fogged mind could not tell what that was. Eventually, I woke up very early in the morning, considerably before the sun had started to rise. It was only then that I was able to discover what was going on. When I woke up, I had out grown my bed, and not by just a little bit either. The bed was creaking ominously and I shot to my feet, thinking that I must still be dreaming.

When my head banged hard against the ceiling of my room I was made fully aware that I was still awake. My sore head certainly confirmed that. What nightwear I had been wearing had been torn to shreds by my growth. I was being forced to lean over just to fit into the room and I was fairly certain that the ceiling was at least 10 feet high. It was hard to tell just how tall I was while I was leaning over, but if I had to guess I would say I had grown to 11-feet in height while I was asleep. After I got over the shock of that I realized that I was still growing too.

I seriously thought about calling the police or a hospital. Once again, I shot that idea down. It was not like they would believe me. I could have always walked to a hospital too, but I doubted they would know what to do for me. It was not like they would be able to come up with some pill on the spot that would make me stop growing. Besides, there were things that might be possible for me at this height and I smiled to myself as I thought about paying a certain wolf and horse another little visit.

Doing that was easier said than done. At my size it was not easy fitting through any doors. I could do it, but I was trying not to damage my own home as I did so. Then I had to get downstairs from own condo to the street. It was possible I could have used the elevator, but I was not certain just how much I weighed and I did not want to risk it. That meant taking the stairs, which was probably a good thing since it meant I was not likely to unexpectedly run into other people trying to use the elevator. At least the stairs were fairly well open and comfortable to get around in.

You would think that an 11-foot tall fox trying to get around in the city would have been noticeable, but once I got on the streets there really was no one out in this part of the city this early in morning. Still, I tried to avoid using any of the main roads and stuck to the backstreets, which was normally the exact opposite of what I would have done. I supposed there was a chance that I would run into some muggers in all these backstreets, but I was not exactly worried about any simple thugs at my size. The trip back over to Dan and Melissa's condo proved to be fairly uneventful. There was only one person I encountered and that was some drunk who assumed he was even more drunk than he was when he saw a giant fox sneaking around in the nude.

By the time I did manage to reach Dan and Melissa's condo complex I was fairly certain I had managed to grow an extra few inches, maybe even an extra whole foot. It was a little neat being almost eye level with the second story windows of some buildings, but it was also a little inconvenient. I could tell I was still growing and I did not know how much longer I would be able to fit into a building. Going up to meet with those two pranksters could very well end up with me getting stuck in the building, especially since I only planned on using the narrow back entrance rather than the wide double doors at the front entrance.

Fortunately, my dilemma was solved by the very two people I was looking for. It turned out Dan and Melissa liked going out for early morning jogs. I was rather pleasantly surprised to see the two of them coming out the backdoor while there surprise did not look nearly as pleasant to me. That time it was me that got to smile mischievously while they took on much more worried expressions.

"Dan, am I dreaming?" Melissa asked her boyfriend even though her eyes were glued on me.

As Dan looked up at me smiling down at him he gulped and said, "I sure hope you are Melissa."

"Dan, Melissa," I said cheerily, "I was just thinking about the two of you." They were slowly trying to move back into the building, but I swiftly moved around them and positioned myself in front of the door. The two of them were looking more fearful as the seconds passed by and I had to admit I was enjoying it. For me, it was nice being able to look down on people for once, especially people that were supposed to be pretty tall compared to me and were now only waist height.

"Tom, is that really you?" Melissa asked.

"Sure is," I said confidently.

Dan took a moment to respond, as if his mind was struggling to accept what he was seeing, "But, how did that happen? Is there something we can do to help?"

"To answer your first question, I'm guessing this is something I got from my father," I responded and then my smile broadened, "And yes, there is something that you two can do to help me out." The two stepped back from me, but I advanced on them before they could get far. They looked like they were considering whether to fight or flee, but I made that decision for them. I could not pick them both up at once, but I was able to pin them against the far wall of the alley without much trouble. They were both large and strong for regular sized people, but to me their struggles were just a minor annoyance.

"What do you plan to do with us?" Melissa asked in a frightened little voice.

I grinned down at her as I said, "Nothing more than we agreed to do earlier."

Then Dan asked, "Bu-but, aren't you a little large for that now?"

"I think I'm just the right size for it myself," I laughed. "Now, I think we've wasted enough time talking. I'm ready to get down to business. It has been far too long for me." They tried to resisting and calling out for help, but if anyone heard them they sure did not respond. It was a little difficult to position them the way I wanted, but it did feel like it was getting slightly easier by the moment, more than likely due to my growth. I had to wrestle Melissa to the ground and I laid down on top of her, pinning her down with my weight. That freed up both my hands to keep a hold of Dan in front of me before pinning him to the ground as well.

The two of them really were strong, but I could swear that my growth was speeding up a bit. I had put on another two feet of height since Dan and Melissa came outside. With my extra size added on the two of them really were not able to do much to get me off of them. At that point I really was not feeling bitter toward the two any longer. All I was feeling was excitement. My member was responding to that excitement too. It had already poked free of its sheath and was rubbing against my two captives, much to their horror. I had to marvel at the size of my member in comparison to the two of them. While it looked about the same size in proportion to the rest of my body, I had always been a well endowed fox and at my increased size it looked to be close to the lengths of their legs and I was not even fully erect, nor was the rest of my body finished growing.

The struggles of my captives only did one thing for them, and that was choose which one of them would be getting it from me first. As they squirmed and writhed around it really was a little difficult for me to position myself to enter them correctly, but Melissa did prove to be the lucky one in the end. I was sure Dan thought he was the lucky one though. He was the one that managed to avoid my member for now, but I was not going to just let him go after I finished with Melissa. I was going to keep growing while I gave it to Melissa and he was just going to have to deal with getting it from an even larger version of me.

When I entered Melissa's pussy it was already a tight fit and things were not about to get any easier on her. As I started into her I could hear her moaning a bit in pain, but there was a note of pleasure there too. After being the short guy for all my life, I found it funny that I was now probably the largest guy Melissa had ever had to deal with. As I continued pumping in and out of her I could feel my growing member shifting her insides about. I was surprised that she could take what I was giving to her. But, my pre did help after a little while, adding some much needed lube to her insides.

Her boyfriend was not helping the situation much for her either. As he continued trying to get free from me he was constantly punching and kicking at me. I really liked those kicks since they often came in contact with my very engorged balls. Those blows did not hurt me in the least. It was more like I was getting my balls fondled than anything else. He was helping me reach my climax even faster, much to Melissa's dismay. That was probably a good thing for her in the end though. I did not know how much more of my growth her body could take. My member would not fit fully into her anymore, despite my best efforts. If this went on for too long I was certain that my member would have torn her in half.

When I did come I enjoyed Melissa's scream of surprise. It only took one spurt to fill the relatively small horse beneath me. The rest of them were more than she could take. My juices flowed out of her as best they could with my mammoth member still stuffed tightly into her. Each fresh spurt got a new scream or moan out of her. By the time I was through with her she was left physically exhausted. Her struggles had ceased and she seemed more like a used up toy to me as I extracted my member from her. I did not even bother trying to keep her pinned anymore as I shifted my attention to Dan.

He struggled mightily, but I had put on another foot or two of size since I had started toying with Melissa. As strong as he normally was, everything he had was not even an annoyance for me. I found his struggles to be rather amusing actually. It was much more arousing than I thought it would be to have this much power over someone. During sex, I was normally the sub due to my size. I had a few dreams about being the dominant one, but this was the first time I had truly been able to see what that was like and it was far better than I had ever dreamed.

I toyed around with Dan a bit before trying to enter him. He did not seem to care for it much when I used my member, which was over half the size of his body at this point, to pin him down. I let him squirm around like that for a little while, enjoying the way his body felt against the length of my cock as he did so. But, I eventually felt that it was time to stop playing with him and get down to the real fun. When I moved him into position to more easily enter him I noticed a problem. Dan was a tight fit for me, way too tight actually. If I even tried to enter him there were going to be problems. That was a bit disappointing, but it had been fun pinning him down with my cock. I thought it might be even more amusing to start grinding my member against him instead.

When I did move my cock away from Dan's rear I could hear his sigh of relief, a sigh that was quickly cut off as I placed my manhood back on top of him. I started pumping hard against his body, grinding him into the ground. With each pump I could feel the air getting driven out of the little wolf. He was taking a bit of a pummeling, even though that really was not my purpose. I just enjoyed the way he fought mightily against my growing cock. All his efforts combined served to give me what felt more like something akin to a full body hand job. It felt fantastic and it made me want to pump all the harder.

I was lost in a world of pure arousal. When my manhood reached the same size as Dan I did not even notice it. My pleasure was all that mattered and I just ground Dan into the ground all the harder. The popping and crackling noises coming from the wolf's body did not even register in my mind. I had grown intoxicated with the power that I had and I was loving it. Dan was not exactly in a position to love much of anything anymore. What I had just barely been able to notice was that I had crushed him beneath the weight of my body and my member sometime during my grinding. All that was left of him now as I continued to grind was getting turned into paste and it did not stop until I climaxed, spurting my seed all over the alley.

When I was through sharing my seed with the deserted alley I finally took the time to observe what I had done. Melissa was just starting to recover from what I had done to her while Dan was just a smear in alley. I know I probably should have felt bad about that, but I was coming down off of one of the most erotic encounters in my life. What had happened was simply too fun for me to feel bad about it. In fact, I wanted more. This was something that I simply could not get enough of.

With Dan gone I was forced to turn my attention back to Melissa. I had planned to let her go after what I had already done to her, but not now. The horse was barely half the size of my still fully erect cock. She was the size of a toy to me and I was starting to see her in just that way. Due to the size difference between us any such interaction between us was not likely to end well for her, but that was of little concern to me. The more I thought about it, the more I thought she was lucky to get have such an intimate encounter with me. How likely was it that she would ever get to have such an encounter with a male of my dominance again after all?

Instead of grinding her into the ground like I had done with Dan, I scooped Melissa up in a hand. I took a moment to enjoy the fact that I could pick her up in one hand with no effort at all, taking pleasure in the power that my body now had and was gaining more of with every passing moment. Melissa was pleading with me to stop, but I was not paying much attention to her. My pleasure mattered more than the desires of any toy.

I brought Melissa against my cock and held her tightly to it, but not so much so that I crushed her. She tried to push herself away from it, but even if she was not still exhausted from our previous activities she would not have had the strength to succeed. I did not want to let her exhaust herself much further too quickly trying to struggle against me. So, I started pumping right away, letting her weak squirming add a bit of extra stimulation to my member as I used her to help stroke my member. Once again, I started to lose myself to the passion of the situation. The way Melissa's tiny body felt against my member was indescribable. I would have never imagined I could get such great pleasure from such a tiny creature. It was hard to believe that Melissa was not getting something out of this too, even as small part of my mind took note of tiny bones cracking.

What was even better was that the feeling did not diminish. The waves of pleasure washed through my body, growing more intense with my level of arousal. My pumping intensified and my grip tightened without me really noticing. Melissa's small and relatively fragile body could not stand up to that punishment for long. I was not certain when she went from being a toy to being a stain, but I did not really care. She had served her purpose and when I came I had to resist letting out a roar of pleasure as gallons of steamy white cream shot forth from my body and assaulted the walls around me. It was only then that I noticed the red smear along the length of my mammoth member that had once been Melissa.

That probably should have been enough for me, but it was not. My increased size seemed to come with quite a bit of virility too. I could feel it was going to take much more to satisfy me before I was completely sated. That might have been a bit dangerous for me though. I doubted all the toys that lived in this city would take kindly to me using them for what I felt they were made for, but as I continued to grow I also grew more confident in my ability to deal with whatever resistance all the littles in this city would be able to put up. All I had to do was hold back in the alley for a little while longer and grow just a bit more before I finally decided to make my appearance to the rest of the city.

I probably made that decision at the right time too. The alley really was starting to get a little narrow and now that the sun was actually starting to rise, it seemed like a good time to make my first appearance to the rest of the public. As people were just stepping out of their homes to head into work in mass, I strolled right out into the open. Not many people actually noticed at first, not unless they happened to be looking in my direction. It was funny to think that even though I was now taller than the average home I still was not large enough to disrupt everyone's natural routine with my presence alone.

The people that did notice me were reacting in two ways. They either retreated back into their homes, or anywhere else that they thought might be safe, or they just stood there and stared. It was not just my size that had some people frozen in place. I could see their eyes locked onto my member slowly bobbing around as I walked. At the moment, my manhood was significantly larger than most people and getting even larger with every passing moment as I continued to grow. I had to be quite the impressive sight for those people as I walked down the street.

It was nice to see that I was gaining more attention as a strolled through the area. When I had been the short guy I had been easy enough to ignore and I tended to be the one that had to get out of other people's way. Now everyone else seemed to be avoiding me, probably out of fear of what would happen to them if they happened to get caught underfoot. I was not going out of my way to step on anyone though, and my erection should have been indication enough to them that I had other thoughts on my mind. As I looked down at all of them I was actually thinking about the ones that would make better toys. After just using Dan and Melissa, who had been in very excellent physical condition, a lot of them were looking a little on the substandard side of things. My growth was not making them look any better either.

Just as I was thinking about using all the littles around me in groups instead of individually I spotted something else that was a little more to my liking. I smiled as I walked right up to a bus stop, a bus stop that just happened to have an actual bus stopped at it. The doors were still open even though the frightened people at the bus stop had already flooded onto the bus. It looked like the driver was too busy gawking at me to get the bus started again even though I could see the passengers through the window urging him to get going.

If he was not even going to try and escape I did not see any reason why I should waste the opportunity. As I walked up to the bus the people on the bus got really active. It looked like they tried to rush to get off of it to me, but someone must have accidentally hit the wrong switch because the door off the bus slammed shut. I could see someone trying to pry the doors open and meeting with little success since other people were pressing so tightly around him that he could barely move. With that little escape route cut off there was someone else pushing the driver out of his seat and trying to get the bus moving.

That little plan actually came close to working, but I had already gotten too close to the bus. When it tried to drive away I quickly grabbed onto it and held it in place. The wheels screeched against the road for a little while as the people in the bus continued trying to drive away. I let that go on for a little while, wondering how long it would take for them to realize that would not work. It turned out I grew bored before that happened and I just picked up the bus. As I lifted up the bus to inspect it closer I realized that its wheels were still turning and that I had lifted it up with one hand. The strength this giant body of mine had was simply amazing.

I looked the bus over briefly, watching in amusement as the littles within the bus tumbled all over the bus while I moved the bus around. Then I brought the bus next to my cock, comparing its length to my own member's. At that point my manhood was about two-thirds the length of the bus, but it was getting larger even while I was doing the comparison. I noticed that quite a few of the passengers on the bus also seemed to be mesmerized by the sight of my mammoth member and I decided that I should let them get an even closer look at it.

Honestly, I was not certain if I would be able to do what I had planned without hurting myself, but I was feeling a little adventurous. So, with only the slightest hint of hesitation, I shoved the back end of the bus down onto my cock. Doing that with a an object pretty much made out of metal and a little bit of glass did seem like it could have hurt me, but it did not. My member tore through the vehicle as if it were made of nothing more than tissue paper. I felt it as my member plowed over any seats and tiny people unfortunate enough to get in its way, reducing them to pulp with ridiculous ease.

There were still plenty of people left in the bus. I could feel them squirming around against my member, trying to make their way to the part of the bus were my cock did not yet reach. For a while I was content to let them try and climb to the front of the bus, especially since a few of them were being forced to try and climb my member to do so. But, my member was growing and filling up the space inside the bus quickly. I could already feel it pinning some of the slower people against the walls of the bus. It was time for me to put my toy to good use before it was too late.

I started pumping the bus up and down my member. People tried to cling to the front of the bus as I did so, but some did fall and when that happened they were plowed under and became nothing more than lubricant for me. I could feel little bodies popping against the sensitive flesh of my cock as it filled the space in the bus. The vehicle was already getting to be a tight fit for me, which was a good thing as far as I was concerned. But, what was a tight fit for me was unbearable for the people in the bus. Any little that could not cling to the front of the bus was reduced to pulp by my member and the safe space that they had quickly disappeared as my member continued to lengthen.

My expanding member had to be a frightening sight for those still left in the bus. There was only a small area around the driver's seat that my cock did not fill when I thrust it all the way into the bus. They had to fear what would happen to them when that space did run out. It turned out that was a question that they did not need to worry about answering. My climax came before my member completely filled the bus. The torrent of pleasure that hit those few survivors might as well have been a solid wall. It was certainly enough to blow the front of the bus right off and fling their broken bodies across the street.

Those shots of warm foamy juices I was shooting out of the bus claimed more than just the people in the bus too. Without even noticing it I had managed to gain quite a crowd of onlookers. Now some of those gawkers were being bombarded by heavy strings of my seed, each shot more than the last as my growth continued and tore apart what was left of the tiny bus around it. Of course, I noticed none of that. I was too wrapped up in my own pleasure as my seed flattened and drowned those unlucky enough to be in its path.

Even after I was finished with my climax I did not pay much attention to what I had done. I just watched as my manhood finished growing out of the shredded bus that was now stuck on it, walls bulging outwards and tearing apart before my eyes. It only took a few more seconds for the bus to burst apart. Just the sight of that was enough to keep me hard as I grew intoxicated on the power that I had. And I still wanted more. My member was not going to be so easily sated this day, but it was obvious that if it could tear apart a bus that I was going to need something more than just a vehicle for my pleasure.

That was when I felt small impacts against my hide. I did not realize what those impacts were until I looked around and saw that I was being shot at by the police. It was a little amazing to me that whatever they were using to shot at me was not penetrating my hide. Apparently, my body was even more wonderful than I thought it was since it seemed to be bulletproof now. I thought about crushing those police officers that were shooting at me until I noticed that I was within eyesight of their police station. That gave me a good laugh as I just noticed that I had used a bus as a dildo right in front of the law.

I did not really have anything against the police, but as I looked at their building it did look awfully nice. It was a venerable old building and to me, it looked like it would make a pretty good new toy. I pretty much ignored the weapons fire going on all around me and walked right up to the police building. While it was not quite as tall as the buildings that surrounded it, it was still relatively large because of how wide it was. The place was probably longer than I was tall, which was saying something at my size. But, I was still growing and I doubted that would last for long.

As I stood over their building I expected an evacuation to start. They surprised me though. Some of the officers actually headed back into the building and I assumed they were just trying to find a place inside of it to hide rather than face me out in the open. They surprised me again when some of them came out with heavier weapons than they had been using before. It was not an unpleasant surprise though. Since the police had found out rather quickly that just shooting at random parts of my body was not working, they were trying to aim for weak points on my body. Some were trying to go for my eyes and I did not care much for that, but many others were actually aiming for something else that they thought would be a weakness on any male.

It turned out that shooting my cock did not hurt me in the least, but the tiny bullets did tingle in a very pleasant way. I just closed my eyes and stood there and let them shoot for a while, letting out a deep throated rumble of pleasure as they did so. At first I just stood there for a little while, but when I opened my eyes I could see that I had grown more than I thought I would have. Where the police station had been longer than I was tall before, it was currently only about half as long as I was now. The police were still there firing away at me, but now I could not tell if they were still firing at my member because they thought it was a weakness of mine or if it was because my head was out of range of most of their weapons. Either way, that did not matter much anymore. The bullets were getting too small to even tingle and that meant I had to find my fun some other way.

As I looked down on it the police station looked more fun than ever before. My hardened member seemed to like what I saw too, as it was already leaking pre on top of the building. After what I had done so far I was not about to start denying my cock what it wanted now. I ignored the police still firing away at me as I got down on my hands and knees over the building and started to lower my member onto it.

There was no rush, so I slowly inserted my shaft into the police station. Despite looking fairly solid it did not take much force to tear through the roof of the building. It might as well not have been there for all the resistance it provided. I felt it as my member came in contact with the top floor of the building and I could feel a few littles trapped beneath the head of my cock as I continued forcing it into the building. It felt nice as their little bodies popped against it too as I penetrated further into the building. My manhood was like an unstoppable battering ram as it blew through floor after floor.

I could not really see into the building, but I could feel what was going on. There were a lot more people in the building than I had thought there were. Many of them were bumping against my shaft and I could feel a few of them trapped against it, trying to escape. Just the slightest movement of my member was enough to cause the frail bodies of those trapped against my member to burst and that sent thrills of pleasure shooting through my body. It was a sensation that I could not get enough of and I actively sought it out, moving my manhood around in the building looking for ever more tiny people to squish.

That was an easy task, much easier than I thought it would be. The police station was a hive of activity and as I moved my member around it seemed like there were an endless supply of them. With no end in sight for my growth there was also more of my cock with which to crush them with. Then I felt the familiar sensation of people shooting at my member even from within the building. I could feel the shots coming from different floors and I found it laughable that they still thought they could harm me with such puny weapons.

I decided to show them all just who had the more powerful weapon available to them. They had their guns, but my cock was an unstoppable force now. I started pumping in and out of the building, seeking a new entry point each time. Each pump was like hitting the police station with an artillery shell. I was quickly decimating the building's roof, but the sturdy thing seemed to be able to take what I was giving it. That was good. It was nice to have a toy that could last. I was pleased that it did manage to hold together all the way up to my climax.

When I came, my hot foamy seed started to flood inside the building. Floor after floor filled up with my pleasure juices. Those that were not already stains were either blown apart by a torrent of my cum or were left drowning in the stuff as it flooded the building. Even as windows burst open to let my seed leak out of the building it still did not do so fast enough to prevent the building from flooding. By the time I was finished shooting my seed into the police station it had been completely filled with my cum and there was even a little spilling out over what little was left of the roof. I was rather proud of myself for that one as I looked over my work while extracting my member from the building. That proved to be all the building could take as the moment I fully extracted myself from it the place collapsed in on itself. Seeing that just made me marvel at the power of my own manhood and I sought out yet more ways to demonstrate its power.

If there was anyone left shooting at me I was not really paying attention to it as I searched for something else to do. When I stood up to my full height I could see that there were really only but so many things I could reasonably expect to play with. I had grown to the size of a medium sized skyscraper. Even that police station was starting to look rather small to me. Of course, there were skyscrapers to play with, but the ones in the city I was in did seem a bit large even for me. Then again, I was still growing and I doubted they would stay too large for long. But, I was also feeling a bit impatient, so I decided to pick a building and just grow into it.

I took a little walk downtown and decided to pick which skyscraper would be the most fun to play with. There was the building I worked in. I doubted I would have a job with that company anymore after all this, but I did like the place so I decided to leave them alone for now. However, there was a company that had been a rival to the one I worked for based in one of the larger skyscrapers just a couple of blocks away. Messing around with my former employer's competition seemed like a nice enough parting gift to them.

Since I was already the size of a good sized skyscraper myself it really was not much of a walk for me. When I found myself before the skyscraper I found that quite a few of the people were still in the building. Most people did not seem to know whether they should get out of the buildings or stay in them. The skyscraper was still larger than me and it might have seemed like it offered some shelter to those within it because of that. I was happy for that. It was nice that my new toy was nice and full of squishy filling.

There was something that made me hesitate before having my way with the building. That was actually getting to see myself reflected off the skyscrapers windows. I still looked much the same. That was strange to me. I just felt so much more powerful than I appeared in the windows. Then again, I probably did look a lot stronger to the people in the windows. They all just looked so tiny to me and I was sure I appeared to be some sort of unstoppable titan to them. I noticed quite a few eyes locked onto my member swaying gently in front of the building. My cock alone locked large enough to impale the building. I decided to test that after I got over looking at myself too.

As I moved forward my member penetrated the skyscraper with even more ease than it had the police station earlier. I could feel walls being decimated as my cock moved through the building, pieces of furniture were reduced to scrap, and people were reduced to pulp. These feelings lasted all the way up until the point where my manhood actually did penetrate through to the other side of the building. Then I just stood still for a little while, enjoying the feeling of my shaft growing in the building.

I could feel my growing shaft tearing the building apart. Tiny people that were too slow or confused with what was happening were overcome by my expanding manhood and burst apart beneath it. Some people were lucky enough not to get caught under my member and I could feel them brushing up against my shaft as they tried to escape the building. I loved the way they felt as they did that. Their light touches were able to send little waves of pleasure coursing through my body every time. But, I still wanted more and I could feel my cock pulsing with desire.

I wrapped my arms around the skyscraper and I was shocked at just how fragile it felt in my grasp, even though it was still larger than I was. If I squeezed too hard I was certain that I could tear the building apart. Since I did not want to do that quite yet I made sure to exercise a bit of restraint, at least where it came to my arms. Then I started pumping in and out of the building, giving it the humping of a lifetime. I tried to be gentle at first, but each time I thrust into it I could feel the building shake ominously. Each pump into the building shattered windows and the increasing girth of my member continuously widened the hole I had already made into it.

As my member found more and more tinies in the building to stimulate it I wanted ever more. I pumped harder into the building in search of more tinies to excite my growing manhood. The building rocked and shook with my attentions. Small parts of it broke off and fell to the ground, making it difficult for those few people that were making it out of the building. My balls slapping against the building as I thrust into it were acting like giant wrecking balls, devastating the side of the building I was pumping into. I could even feel the occasional passenger fall onto my balls instead of getting crushed against them, but they did not normally last for long. They either fell off or were eventually crushed as my thrusting grew harder and more powerful, but I did enjoy them moving around on my balls while they lasted.

It was obvious to anyone watching that the building would not be able to last for much longer. Not only was my humping already too much for the building, but my growth was quickly making me far too great for the building to handle. I did not care about that though. There was a throbbing in my member that told me I was nearing my climax and the fate of some skyscraper did not concern me. As long as I got what I wanted out of it that was fine. I was certain that even all those tinies within it had to at least feel a certain sense of accomplishment that they could assist in pleasing a titan like myself. All those people brushing up against my member could not have been by accident, even if the girth of my member was now nearly as wide as the skyscraper itself.

Then a shudder coursed through my body at the same time a final shudder coursed through the building I had impaled. The skyscraper started to collapse as I climaxed. I paid little attention to the building as it was reduced to dust while I spurted my seed across the city. Warm foamy blasts of cum assaulted the metropolis, blowing holes through buildings and even causing the collapse of some of them. The sight of my cum demolishing buildings left me with a heady sense of power that just fed into my climax and made each burst of milky juices more potent than the last. Without even trying I managed to wipe out an entire city block and then some by the time my climax came to an end.

All the power I had was beyond intoxicating and with each passing moment I just gained more of it as I continued to grow. It was just so much. I wanted to share this power I had with others, to let them know what it felt like to pleasure a giant. For a while I walked around thinking of what I could do to share with the most people possible. The only thing I could think of at first was what I had done to that skyscraper and I made sure quite a few others did meet the same fate. It just did not seem like enough, though, and it seemed like even less when I grew so large that my cock alone was the size of a medium sized skyscraper. But, I did have an excellent view of the city now and I spotted something interesting.

While I had been having my fun downtown there had been a big game going on at one of the local sports stadiums. It had probably been canceled by now, but I could see that the evacuation had only just begun. I headed over to it, my long stride carrying me from the downtown area to the outskirts of the city where the stadium was in a matter of moments. Most of the stadium was still occupied. The evacuation had pretty much stopped the moment I started heading for the stadium and people had flowed back into it to avoid being out in the open with my mammoth paws. I had not really been paying much attention to what I stepped on, but a brief look behind me showed the destruction my paws had caused.

That destruction was of little concern to me though. The stadium now had my full attention. I hovered above it for a while, letting the people in the stands get a good look at my cock, which was longer than the stadium, and thick heavy balls hovering above them. Many of them seemed mesmerized by the sight and I decided to be kind enough to let them get a closer look. I started to sit down, letting my sac rest directly atop the stands of the stadium, which proved to be far heavier than the stadium could stand. The bleachers in that part of the stadium were crushed beneath the weight of my engorged orbs and the people in that part of the stadium were turned into paste for the most part. A few did survive somehow and I was grateful for that since they felt nice as the struggled to get out from beneath my balls.

That part of the stadium was not the only part that had been crushed either. My member flopped down across the field and all the way over the other side of the stadium. Anyone that had been on the field were now smears beneath my shaft while the other side of the stadium was reduced to ruins beneath my manhood. By just sitting down I had managed destroy a good portion of the stadium, but there was still quite a bit left and those parts of the stadium were filled with nice squishy toys.

I started gathering those people still left behind in the stands in my hands, doing my best not to crush anyone or let them escape. It was difficult because of the size difference, but I thought I managed to do a pretty good job. Now that I had them I had to decide what to do with them. Even at my size, I had managed to gather a good enough number of furs to amount to two handfuls. I remembered what I had done with Melissa and Dan earlier and I thought about how it would feel to have thousands of tiny people squirming against my member instead of just one and I liked that thought, but I figured that I might as well experiment while I could.

Instead of using both handfuls of people to give myself a hand job, I lifted one hand above my cock head while using my other hand to hold up my member as I tried not to crush the people in that hand with the weight of my shaft. The tinies in my hand being held above my member soon found themselves falling onto my cock head. Some of them just bounced off of it and to the ground far below, but many others fell exactly where I wanted them to. Those people were the ones that fell down the slit of my cock. I could feel it as I feed what must have been thousands of furs to my hungry member. Countless tiny hands tried to halt their descent down my shaft. To me it felt like they were all giving me the most thorough internal cock massage that I could ever desire and I was pleased that they kept it up as they descended all the way into my engorged balls.

The amount of pleasure I was getting from the experience was so intense that it was inconceivable that the people I was using as toys could not be getting some amount of pleasure out of this too. My mind had grown so intoxicated with pure bliss that it took me a few moments to notice I had begun stroking myself. It was actually the bodies popping against my member that got my attention. By the time I noticed that sensation I had probably crushed a few hundred people against my member, but that was not much of a problem since there were thousands more.

Those people were doing just as good a job as the people inside my manhood. I could feel their tiny limbs flailing against the sensitive flesh of my member as I stroked them up and down my shaft. It was unfortunate for them that even while I was trying to be gentle I just could not handle them without causing their bodies to burst. But, I managed to get a great deal of joy out of that. Those popping bodies felt even better than their flailing limbs. That was a good thing for me as I found it harder and harder to maintain self control as I once again started to near a climax. Even before my grip could fully tighten around my member I had crushed all my little playthings, but they were still useful as a good lubricant for my cock. Their companions were also doing a very nice job of exciting me from within my balls as I continued to stroke.

That stimulation from within did not stop until I finally climaxed. I felt them shoot up my member along with my seed, but they were no longer moving. The pressure was far too much for their frail tiny bodies. They were left broken as they shot out of my shaft, their tiny bodies lost in a sea of my cum. A few shots of my seed was all it took to clean the tinies out of my cock. It was difficult to tell that they were even there. They seemed like nothing more than tiny motes in the vast amounts of seed I was producing, but I was glad they had been there to help work me to a climax. Still, after I was done with that climax I wanted even more.

As I stood up once more I looked over the landscape looking for what I could have fun with. There was not much to see. I now dominated everything around me. Even the largest skyscraper left in the city looked smaller than my member and I was still growing. For a moment I thought about using the remaining skyscrapers as toys, but I could see that I would outgrow them before I could have much fun with them. I should have paid more attention to the environment around me as I continued to think because by the time I did give it a good look again I had grown so large that even the tallest structure around was just barely toe sized to me.

That might have been a good thing in the end though. It was then that I thought of something new I could do with the city. This time it would be the entire city that I shared my lust with. I laid down over the city, be careful not to lay directly on top of it. At that time my body was considerably larger than the city was and if I had laid down on it the city would have been crushed completely. Instead, I just let my balls and shaft rest atop a few city blocks. Dozens of buildings were crushed in the blink of an eye. The weight of my manhood was so immense that even lightly resting my cock on any structure resulted in it crumbling to dust. The tinies themselves were almost imperceptible to me. They were just lucky that they were able to be a part of the fun I was having as far as I was concerned now.

I started grinding my member hard against the city beneath me. Anything my massive member came in contact with was obliterated with the greatest of ease. My cock plowed under any traces of civilization it came in contact with within seconds, leaving only faint signs that a city had ever been in those spots. The places lucky enough not to get plowed under yet became victims of my pre. Even a drop of my pre was enough was enough to wash away multiple city blocks. My growth also meant that I destroying more and more of the city as I continued to grind into it.

There was something else I was starting to notice too. My growth was not really speeding up, but it was keeping up with me proportionally. While it did not look like I was growing much faster than I had when I was growing this morning to me, I could see I was growing fairly quickly in comparison to everything else around me. I could not imagine what it looked like to anyone that must have been watching me. It must have been like I was growing dozens of feet, if not hundreds, with every passing second.

It was not long before my cock outgrew the city itself, or at least the area where the city used to be. I had long since ground it into dust and churned earth, but I just kept grinding and growing. It did not take long before my member found another city. That was really saying something too since the next city was supposed to have been about 18 miles from the one I had already destroyed with my attentions. If my member was long enough to stretch that distance I did not even want to think about just how tall I was now.

I did pay attention to what was happening to the ground beneath me as I continued grinding. My member was reshaping the very terrain. Entire cities were wiped out as I continued to grow. New mountain chains were created around my cock. Drops of pre created huge lakes. The power I had over the world was unbelievable. Even cities were just becoming insignificant specks on the planet's surface to me. And then there was what happened when I came. My climax generated tidal waves like the world had never seen before. I did not just wash away cities with my cum, I wiped out the better parts of nations, created a whole new ocean that eventually reached another ocean and my milky cum mixed with those blue waters to create a new world's largest ocean. Before my climax had finished I had shot forth enough cum to cause the worlds ocean levels to rise and had flooded parts of the world that I had not even touched.

It was not until after I finished with my climax that I finally noticed I had outgrown the planet itself. I looked over the world that I was now larger than. What I had done had definitely added a personal touch to it. I could not help but view the world as mine now. It would take millions of years for the changes I had made to it to disappear. The planet was mine to do with as I pleased and I still wanted more from it.

The planet was only about half my size when I took hold of it and forced my member into it. It was no longer me that was trapped by the planet's gravitational pull, it was the planet trapped by mine. I felt my cock penetrate deep into the planet. The magma that washed up against my member did not hurt in the least. Instead, it was just pleasantly warm. I shifted my member around, enjoying the feel of the planet's molten core against its flesh. I watched as huge rents radiated out from where I had impaled the planet on my member and lava now flowed freely out onto the planet's surface.

Then I started humping the planet much like I had done with the skyscrapers in the now nonexistent city I had toyed with. The planet took the punishment a bit better than the skyscraper had at first, but as I grew even the planet started to show it had its limits. I could see the rents in the planet expanding, could feel the planet coming apart in my grasp. It was amazing for me that something I had once needed to survive, and no longer did for some reason, now had its fate held in my hands. As my growth continued, as did my humping, it did not look like the planet would last much longer.

I felt it as my member penetrated completely through the planet into the cool air of space. The contrast between that coolness and the heat of the planet's core was actually much more pleasant than I would have expected it to be. It was enough to get me pumping all the harder. My vigorous attentions were obviously more than the planet could take. I actually had to hold the planet together on my own, but with my member still growing within it and forcing it apart I would not be able to do so for much longer. The planet's time came when it was only about a quarter my own size. I could not hold it together any longer and it just burst apart before my eyes, the magma core quickly cooling in space. But, it had lasted long enough.

I climaxed just as the planet disintegrated into noting more than cosmic debris. This time I was able to shoot forth my seed deep into space. By sheer coincidence, I was able to hit the moon that once orbited my world and I was able to see the rather spectacular sight of my cum obliterating the moon . It was like my cock had become one of those crazy super weapons from some sort of sci-fi flick. I was able to completely destroy the moon with just one blast of cum, all the other following waves of my pleasure juices simply added insult to injury.

With both the planet and the moon reduced to cosmic dust by my act of lust, it was like I had wiped my world's existence from the universe. The power it took to do that was all mine and I was still growing, but I was finally satisfied for now. With that one last act of lust complete all I felt like doing was taking a nap. What I would do when I woke up again, I did not know. Maybe I would find out what it was like to screw a star. Yeah, that sounded interesting.