Gigas Ferro
"That's a kill." Yuuki confirmed, peering through a scope as he stood near a prone lithe hyena, her scarlet hair held up in a purple bandanna to keep it out of her matching eyes. Rysk fired another shot, blasting a mannequin's arm clean off from about...
Sickly Sweet
Isn't it gigas? gigas?" gigas just kept walking, not saying a word. jasmine figured that he didn't felt like talking. "it'll be okay. you know i can stay with you till the end, or until you want to go back to the wild.
Unexpected Discoveries
However, most wondered how gigas could ever be his father. after all, his father was the perfect male specimen. time gigas spent away from daniel was usually in the garage with his weights. even gigas had been much taller at his age.
All Better?
"come on, gigas. don't you want to sit beside me?" she asked him. gigas remained where he was, still too ashamed to come closer.
Alexander Powers/Forms
giga: the power to use 'giga' based powers use as giga-dark blast or giga-blinding light.
Unexpected Pleasure (Part three of three)
gigas told him with a smile, his cold blue eyes meeting the emerald green of the birds. when skyeder didn't respond, his gaze more blank than defiant, gigas sighed. "let me make it easy for you."
Kaijuu Daikessen
For today will be the day that the mighty gigas hades - surtra herself - meets the one who will dominate her! i bring forth to you, gigas vulcan!!!" "gigas vulcan...?" kazuya repeated in confusion.
Steady Recovery
Do you know anything about gigas' reason for...?" "oh that? well..." according to joy, gigas had a strange physical illness known as flarosie. when affected, a pokemon begins to feel sick and weak, and its powers could set off randomly.
The Chronicles of the Knights: 2
"do not use the gigas!" "gigas?"
Chapter 7 - Return of Bakujirou
"well, if i don't roast him up, he'll squish you like a pancake with that giga impact..." baku said. "what, he used giga impact??? what did you do???" another charizard said. "what is it cron, calm down, what's wrong and what's a giga impact???"
Unexpected Pleasure (Part two of three)
Once satisfied, gigas stopped, approaching him and picking up the smaller male by the neck. "you will learn. trust me. perhaps you need time to think over your situation? that i can arrange." gigas dragged the groaning gryphon down a long hall.
what were they thinking?
Cindy, "just remember, gigas..." altair, "we know where you sleep" gigas swallowed hard... gulp\* ~~~ thaddius, "is that what i have to do?" kat looked confused slightly, "what?" he continued, "you calmed down when i kissed you!"