Prince of the Hill 4

Story by Kendo Kawabata on SoFurry

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#4 of Prince of the Hill

Prince of the Hill 4

Il cugino di unfunny

*The Unfunny Cousin*

By Kendo Kawabata

Installment 4 of the series. Please rate, comment and enjoy. And no, I do not know how American school systems work. And Tigerzero stars as himself in this chapter, as the English teacher.

"Look, I'm telling you. Every TV show has a character who's so high and mighty and morally better then everyone. It's almost mandatory nowadays."

"I doubt there is."

"Mate, it's true" Alex said as he walked down the pavement, holding his fairly bulging backpack by the straps hooked around his shoulders. The teen hybrid was clad in a pair of faded denims and a red shirt, his idea of normal clothes for the first day of school. "Every TV show has one of those, and they never get what's coming to them."

"Yeah, sure" the tall teenage ronso said as he followed a step or two behind Alex. He was certainly tall for his age, although it was probably because ronso were meant to be tall felines. His fur was the traditional dark blue purple mix across his body. His hair was black though, and hung across his eyes in a rather anime/emo styling. His clothes were mostly black as well, a black t-shirt and crisp black jeans that clung to his legs. The only other things on his body were a black onyx pendant that hung around his neck, and a set of black bracelets on his wrists.

"I'm serious Roxis" Alex said he looked over his shoulder at his friend. "They have it in every show. The character is probably the most annoying or most annoyingly funny, but always keeps themselves on a level above the rest of the cast" he pointed out. "Regardless of how much they piss people off."

"Ok, give me an example" Roxis said to him.

"Take 'The Simpsons' for example" Alex said as they walked down the street together. "Lisa is the high and mighty morally superior girl in the family who, even though only eight, knows more than everyone else and has her way with everything" he said. "She can't lose to anything or anyone, and even if she does, she always bounces back to be even more morally superior" he said.

"Ok, say that's true" the ronso said as they walked, turning a corner to head in a different direction. "That doesn't mean a character like that is in every show" he said. "And why are we going down this street anyway? The bus stop was two streets ago."

"I told you, we're picking up a new friend of mine. I'm not letting him suffer a ride to school on his first day with his family" Alex pointed out as he kept walking. "And if you don't believe me, name a show" he said with a gesture of his hand.

"Family Guy."

"Brian Griffin. Alcoholic dog, womanizer and hypocrite, but always morally superior and better then everyone. He does one little thing like write a fake book, and suddenly he thinks he's akin to god."


"Leela. Picky, annoyingly tough and superior, but also somehow able to be better than everyone else in any given situation. Plus, she gets bonus points for being a bitch."

"Seventh Heaven?"

"Trick subject. That pretty much covers the whole family being better than everyone else. Plus, never having a highly vocal or physical argument means there's something really twisted going on behind the scenes. "

"You watch way too much tv" Roxis said as he followed Alex down the street. He recognized the street they had turned into as they passed the disheveled house that stood at the end of the street. "So, how did we end up here again?"

"I'm telling you, every show, even every family has one of those members who has to be better then everyone else. And I already told you twice why we're here" Alex said as they walked down the street, passing a very neat and tidy looking garden with the biggest four wheel drive in the driveway both of them had ever seen.

"Forgive me for not having the photographic memory you possess. I must have left the cap on mine" Roxis said with a roll of his eyes. "Ok. So, if every family has one of those members, who do we know like that?" Roxis asked as they stopped in front of a house with a perfectly manicured lawn.

"The Hill Family" Alex and Roxis said pretty much at the same time as the front door opened quite suddenly and forcefully.

"Gielle, lei viene il tostapane il suo maiale di pancetta di zii già " a shrill and annoying female voice shouted out of the door as a flamedramon teen ran out of the door as if his life depended on it. He tore down the front path and managed to skid to a stop in front of Alex. "Gielle, you come toaster your uncles bacon pig already"

"Gielle, what the hell?" Alex said in surprise as he looked over Gielle's shoulder and saw the manly looking Mrs Hill standing in the doorway looking furious. She wore a bright pink bathrobe, and her face almost had the same colour.

"Alex, E lei. Correre" Gielle said in a slight panic as he looked at Alex and Roxis before he turned to run down the street. *Alex. And you. Run.*

"What did he just say?" Roxis asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I said run you idiots" Gielle shouted over his shoulder. The other two teens looked at each other for a moment before they looked over to see Peggy Hill marching down the front path with a murderous look behind her ugly square glasses.

They decided not to take their chance as they tore after him as fast as they could. Their feet thudded on the sidewalk as they tore after Gielle as fast as their heavy laden backs were able to rush.

"Gielle, you do not run away from me when I'm yelling at you. Come back right now" Peggy shouted loudly after the retreating teens. Her voice thankfully faded into the background as the boys rounded the corner at the end of Rainy Street and onto the main road.

Alex and Roxis managed to catch up to Gielle and the three of them slowed to a walk as they panted to get their breath back. Gielle still had a look of pure terror on his face as he stayed doubled over, panting quite a bit.

"What the hell set of the dragon lady?" Roxis said as he wiped his forehead with the back of his hand. Gielle looked up at him as if seeing him for the first time.

"Oh, Roxis. This is Gielle. Gielle, Roxis" Alex said as he made the appropriate gestures before turning to Gielle.

"Same question as Roxis" he insisted.

"My aunt told me to dress like Bobby today" Gielle said as he straightened up, after a quick nod to Roxis. "Because she thought it would be a carino idea for people to know we're related" he said with an obvious shudder. *cute* Thankfully, he wasn't wearing anything remotely Bobbyish. He had on a pair of dark green cargo pants, and one of his Weeping Angel t-shirts.

"That's just wrong" Roxis said as he and Alex gave visual shudders of their own. "Least your not totally lost on the fashion scene" he added.

"Bobby ain't all that bad, but god, having to dress like him? Please tell me that doesn't include his haircut" Alex said with a groan.

"Yes, thank God" Gielle said in disgust as they started to walk. Roxis was leading, so Gielle just followed Alex from the side.

"So, what made her chase you?" Alex asked.

"I told her 'Perché non mi vesto appena poiché un economico trascina la regina come lei?' Go figure today would be the day she understood I meant 'why don't I just dress as a cheap drag queen like you?' Today of all days" Gielle mumbled.

"You don't need to speak Italian to tell her that" Roxis said over his shoulder. "I thought it was public knowledge."

"Don't mind him. He's a sarcastic prick sometimes, but he's a good guy. He only came home a week or two ago. Haven't seen him in two years" Alex admitted as they walked the sideway.

"Two years?" Gielle asked. He wondered briefly, if that Roxis was one of Alexs friends, why hadn't he seen him in that long?

"Oh..."Alex said as he looked like he had just made a mistake. "Sorry. I shouldn't talk about it" he said.

"Why not?" Gielle asked, feeling a bit curious about the silent ronso ahead of them. From the way he was walking, he didn't seem to either hear or wasn't listening anyway. But Gielle was surprised when Alex suddenly planted a breath kiss full on his lips for a moment.

"Just shut up and look adorable" Alex said with a smile as he gave Gielle's hand a squeeze before he continued to walk with Roxis. Gielle found himself standing there, rather dumbstruck, by the side of the road. Driving going by were probably wondering why he was standing there like an idiot.

Gielle had to duck his head from the sudden rush of blood to his cheeks, but he couldn't keep the smile off his face very well. He had to admit to himself, that he had missed Alex.

Eventually they reached the bus stop, which was just a large bus shelter with a school bus sign at the front. They were the only three students there, and none of them paid Gielle, Roxis or Alex any attention. Gielle found himself rather thankful for that.

It didn't seem to take very long for the bus to arrive. Maybe a few minutes of standing around before the big yellow bus arrived and pulled up beside the shelter.

"Wow. Your buses really are yellow here" Gielle said.

"It's the last colour people see when they run into them" Roxis said as he went up the steps of the bus. Gielle felt a brief chuckle in his throat as he followed Alex. The driver, an old looking bull with a bored look on his face merely nodded to them before he shut the door behind them.

They found a seat in the bus by the back and they sat together, Gielle sitting by the window. Roxis took a seat nearby, which gave the two a little bit of privacy.

"So, feeling nervous ?" Alex asked him with a smile.

"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't " Gielle admitted. "And my uncle not even wishing me a good start to school, while he's telling me not to embarrass him because it was his old school, and his old schoolmate is the principle, and he'll hear about it if my grades are so poor because my father didn't know how to let me study...God Potrei torcere il suo collo grasso" He muttered angrily at the last part. *I could wring his fat neck*

Alex slid his hand under Gielle's bag and put his hand on his thigh and gave it a soft squeeze. Which of course made Gielle blush and hug his backpack tighter over his lap.

"For the next six hours, he has nothing to do with school" Alex said to him. Gielle smiled from the squeeze, but he hoped that no-one else in the bus could see Alex's hand so close to his slowly growing bulge. Or could guess based on the position of his arm.

Finally, after almost a half hour bus ride, and a warm hand on his crotch which thankfully hadn't entered the open zipper, the bus pulled up at the low level building known as Tom Landry Middle School. Gielle recognized it from his somewhat half asleep trip through Arlen the first time he had arrived.

"Here's our stop" Alex said, Gielle had to sigh in relief as he tried to readjust himself as he stood up and got off the bus with him. The parking area was a flood of students and vehicles, almost a circus of the first day back at school.

"Hey, there's Toby" Roxis said as he pointed over to the parking lot. Gielle looked over in the general direction, but then realized he had no idea who or what a Toby was.

"Good. I've bee wanting to see what he thought of the new paint ball guns that came out last month" Alex said as he grabbed Gielle's hand and literally dragged him through several groups of students.

Gielle looked ahead and saw a young look fox standing in front of a bright white old fashioned Lincoln town car with an older female fox looking through his backpack. When they got close enough he could hear them talking.

"Ok, I remembered to pack everything. Now, if the batteries in the writer run out, the spares in the front right pocket" she said as she handed the backpack to her son. She looked rather relieved to hand it over as she smiled at her son.

"It's alright mom, I'll remember" he said as he allowed her to wrap her arms around him in a rather bone crushing hug. Which he returned in full view of everyone.

"Alright, you have a good day at school. I'll be here to pick you up when schools out" she said as she gave him a kiss on the cheek. Gielle felt a pang in his stomach at the sight. Not because many would consider that to be very embarrassing in public, but because his own mother had been just like that.

She would always fuss every morning that he had everything in his bag. And even at school she would fuss over in case she had forgotten everything. A constant worry for her was that he would arrive at school and miss something vital. Like his sports socks, his homework or the special lunch she always made for him.

A hug and a kiss would always follow, which Gielle had never felt embaressed about. His father would just sit in the car with a big smile on his face as he shook his head. But he would always wish Gielle good luck and wave to him as he pulled out.

His uncle that morning had given him a lecture on how to 'properly' act at school, talking down to him like he had a juvenile record from deliberately playing hookey. And his aunt had criticized everything from his haircut to his choice in the covers on his notebooks. Bobby had simply stood there and packed several joke props into his backpack as he watched his cousin suffer at the kitchen table.

And his uncle thought the Hills were the better family.

"Hey Toby" Alex said as the foxes mother got in her car and drove off, her son pulling his backpack over his shoudlers. The foxes ears turned on his head, but he didn't turn until he spoke.

"Oh, is that you Alex?" he asked as he turned around and Gielle got a first good look at him.

The fox was a blended mixture of black, white and grey. His hands were pitch black, which then blended into grey up his arms before turning white under his shirt at his shoulders. His face was a masked blend of black and grey, with white tipped ears. His hair was quite long, going well past his shoulders and down his back, a long mixture of grey and white that seemed to blend together.

Gielle thought he was painted like a mixture of various chocolates together. But what surprised him the most was the completely white eyes on the fox, and the long white tipped cane in his hand. He was blind.

"Hey Toby. Long time and all that" Roxis said as he walked up. Toby's ears turned before he looked in the direction of the taller ronso.

"You sound taller then you did on the phone. Did you grow again?" Toby asked with a smile on his face. "Or are you on a stepladder again?"

"Apparently that's what happens" Roxis said with a small smile of his own, but it was a brief one.

"It's good to have you back in person. We need to catch up at some stage" Toby said with a smile to him. Gielle felt his hand get yanked by Alex as he was dragged forward again. He was starting to think that maybe Alex had him a leash.

"Oh, and this Gielle. That really cool cousin of Bobby Hill" Alex said as he stuck Gielle's hand out and pushed it against Toby's. "Gielle, this is Tobias, but everyone calls him Toby" Alex said as Toby gave Gielle's hand a gentle squeeze that lingered for a bit.

"Um, Hi" Gielle said as he felt Tobys hand and fingers hold onto his own. The foxes fingers were quite soft and silky, and odd as it was to have another boy stroke his hand like that, it didn't feel too creepy.

"You're a real flamedramon?" Toby asked with slight surprise in his voice. "Wow, I've never met one before" he admitted as he let go of Gielle's hand. Gielle wondered if there were any digimon other then himself attending the school. He thought it would be kind of stereotypical to run into a Guilmon there.

"Thanks, I guess" Gielle said with an embarrassed smile on his face.

"Oh, are you Italian?" Toby asked. Gielle nodded, but when Toby didn't respond he remembered and said that he was.

"Oh good. Maybe we could sit in the Italian class together. I'm having trouble learning the language" he admitted.

"Well, that sounds ok. And I'm happy to help" Gielle said as they all started to head into the low building. It felt kind of nice that someone would want to have him help with his language, rather then lord over him with a very bad interpretation.

So these two were Alex's other friend. A tall brooding and sarcastic ronso, and a blind happy and soft feeling fox. He figured it could have been worse. They could have been a racial stereotype. Asian cowboys or kids with beer in their hands.

Then again, with his last name being Auditore, he was surprised no-one had asked him to show them his hidden blades.

"So, do we have homerooms here as well?" Gielle asked Alex, but before he could reply, a large boar in a tatty looking half suit with thick ugly glasses that reminded Gielle of his aunts walked up to him, as if recognizing him from a distance.

"Gielle Auditore?" the boar asked him. "I'm Principle Moss. You need to come with me" he said. He seemed completely uninterested in Gielle, but something about him made it seem like Gielle wasn't given a choice.

"Alright" Gielle said as he removed himself from his group of friends and followed the older boar through the student packed halls to his office. He suddenly remembered what his uncle had said, about his friend being the principle. Oh crap.

"Good luck" Roxis said to him as Gielle walked off. If this really was his uncles friend, he felt like he'd need it.

Principle moss' office was very tidy and organized for a porcine, but Gielle didn't say anything to that as he sat in his chair in front of the desk. The principle was looking over a folder that was obviously Gielle's previous school record.

"Hm...good grade point average....some after school activities....what is this, soccer and karate?" he asked, looking over the edge of the folder. His eyes looked rather pudgy and judgemental from behind the large thick frame.

"Yes, I was on the teams for my school. I managed to get to state in soccer for our age group, but I missed the chance to qualify for karate because I came down with chiken pox at the time" Gielle said. The principle stared at him for several moments before he went to reading, as if that wasn't all that impressive.

"No real blemishes on your permanent record I see" he said, sounding unconvinced. Or bored. Gielle couldn't be sure. He felt slightly hot under the collar as the principle put down the folder and picked up another sheet of paper. Gielle recognized it at once. It was his list of subjects his aunt had filled out for him.

"Hmm....." Moss said as he ran his beady eyes down the list. After a moment he paused and looked back up.

"You're trying out for football?" He asked rather tiredly.

"I...guess so" Gielle said.

Moss said nothing as he finished looking over the list before he put it down and folded the folder up and slid it into a drawer in his desk. He took out a few papers and handed them over the desk.

"Here's your class schedule and a map of the school. Don't be late. Teachers hand out detentions like candy. And I don't want no trouble on my school neither. P.T.A always on my ass about something" he said as he dismissed Gielle with a wave of his hand.

"Um...ok" Gielle said as he stood up and took the papers and left the office. "That was quick. Che l'è con gli americani e con gli asini?" He thought to himself as he stepped out into the hall. *What is it with Americans and asses?"

He managed to find his locker well enough, situated between several racks for backpacks. Although he had no idea who he was locker buddies with. Given the size of the school, it could have been anyone. The combination lock took three tries to undo, and he had to punch the locker to make it open.

He was off to a good start.

His first lesson was a math period. The math teacher was an older looking orange monkey who had a sense of humor about him, but he was still a bit on the strict side. Gielle didn't recognize any of the students in the class, and his cousin wasn't there. Thankfully, the class wasn't too hard. He had already covered this section of trigonometry the previous semester, so it came rather easily to him.

The second period was science. Unfortunately, his cousin was in the class as well, as well his creepy looking friend Joseph. Bobby and Joseph sniggered at Gielle as he walked into the class, but he ignored them and sat in the front. Their sniggering seemed to emanate around him, and he thought he heard whispering about him.

The lesson wasn't all that bad. Just theory work and a course outline for what they hoped to achieve in the upcoming term. The schoolwork wasn't that different from the science classes he had taken before, and he felt rather comfortable during the lesson to actually relax a bit.

Until his cousin decided to be bored.

"Bobby, do you have a question?" the teacher asked. Gielle looked over his shoulder to see his cousin holding his hand up. It was met with a snigger from the class.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I was just stretching" Bobby said. The teacher shrugged it off and went back to explaining something from the book before he looked up again.

"Bobby, a question? He asked. Gielle saw his cousin holding his pencil in the air.

"No, my pencil is magnetized to the ceiling. I'm just bringing it down" he said, rather proudly. Joseph sniggered into his hands as the rest of the class giggled from it. Gielle just raised an eyebrow to that. How was that funny?

"Bobby, no more mischief" the teacher said rather blandly before he went back to reading. Gielle got the impression that the teacher didn't really care about punishing Bobby. Or that he wasn't bothered if he was being listened too.

Thankfully, there was no more interruptions by his cousin, but when the teacher walked out of the classroom, Gielle thought he heard a few people whisper his name. Gielle carefully looked up and looked aobut him, and managed to catch a few students looking at him. Some were even pointing and whispering behind their hands.

Gielle felt his cheeks heat up in anger that he was being singled out like this. He knew it was nothing to be picked on for being the new kid. But, he heard a few students in the class whisper about him being bobby's 'unfunny cousin from Romania'.

Stupid Joseph. Gielle felt like taking his foot to the boys backside after school.

"Oh great. Now I'm starting to think American" he thought to himself as he shook his head a bit and resumed his work. Thankfully the teacher walked in and that brought an ending to the sniggering and whispers.

Morning recess came around at last and Gielle left the classroom with much thanks to the gods. The halls were packed with very loud students. Gielle managed to find his way to his locker, only having met a few shoves and pushes on the way. Seemed everyone was in a hurry.

Gielle grabbed his lunchbox from his locker and headed outside, determined to find Alex or one of the others. The outside was a typical playground. Half tarmac and half grass. A few tables around the tarmac, out in the open, out of shade for some reason, had students eating around.

Gielle was sure he was not the only one who thought this was stupid.

"Yo. Over here" Gielle heard someone call out and he saw Alex waving him over from a spot under the trees. Gielle could see Alex, Toby and Roxis sitting around by a large tree trunk, and he hurried over.

"Hey. Am I glad to see you guys" Gielle said as he sat down beside Alex. Toby and Roxis were already sitting nearby on the grass, a few candy wrappers between their feet.

"Same here. It sucks we don't have the same classes" Alex said as Gielle settled his lunch box into his lap. He suddenly felt starving, but

"So what did you get for recess?" Toby asked as he chewed on something that crunched. Gielle opened his Assassins Creed lunchbox and his face fell a bit.

"A sandwich, and something I think she called a slice of 'Apple Black Peggy' " Gielle said. What kind of a recess treat was that? Neither looked very appetizing.

"I think the black peggy thing is looing at me" Alex said as he looked into the lunchbox. "Man, your aunt sucks."

"Here, have this" Roxis said as he tossed a small bag at Gielle. "Home made puppy chow" he said with a small grin.

"You gave me dog food?" Gielle asked in surprise. The three of them started laughing to that. Gielle felt confused. Wasn't puppy chow dog food?

"It's chex mix, peanut butter, milk chocolate and icing sugar" Alex said. "Its bad for you, but it tastes so good" he said with a grin.

"But its still better then your aunts cooking, right?" Toby said. Gielle had to agree with that as he started to dig in. He realized how hungry he was, and he had to admit. The puppy mix was good.

"You're not eating any?" he asked Toby, who seemed to be eating veggie sticks from a baggie.

"I...cant' have too much sugar. I get really sick" he admitted.

"Diabetes?" Gielle asked.

"Something like that. Dr Shephard said it's like a mix of hypoglycemia and diabetes" Toby said. "I can handle a little, but too much and I get sick and if I'm not careful, I can go into shock or something" he said.

"Really?" Gielle said as he munched on the puppy chow. He was finding it difficult to stop eating it.

"Yeah. But it's ok. It's not really that big of a deal if I watch what I eat" Toby said to him. Just as he said that, Gielle's hand scraped the bottom of the bag, which made him groan in disappointment.

He dumped the black peggy into the empty bag and screwed both up. He felt something wet seep through the bag and he eewed to himself as he tossed the bag into the bushes. Maybe some raccoon would get a decent meal out of it. Or die trying. He barely had time to start talking when the bell to signal the end of recess was heard.

"Back to prison" Roxis said as they stood up. They brushed themselves off and Roxis walked off with Toby following him, his white stick tapping sideways on the ground.

"I thought blind people had to wear those sunglasses" Gielle said to Alex after watching Toby for a moment. He rrealised he hadn't seen Toby wear any all day.

"He has a pair. But he said it doesn't make a difference to his vision anyway so why bother" Alex said, before he pulled Gielle behind a branch and gave him a hard kiss on the lips. Gielle found himself not really resisting to the kiss at first as he closed his eyes, until he remembered where they were.

"A...Alex?" Gielle said once the kiss had ended after a very long thirty seconds. "What...what was that for?" he asked as he ran his hand through his hair slowly, his cheeks heating up.

"Meet me in the locker room before gym this afternoon, right before lunch ends" Alex said as he flicked his tongue over Gielle's lips before he hurried off.

Gielle stood there with a dumbfounded expression on his face and a slightly obvious bulge in his pants, before he regained his senses and had to readjust himself. He thanked god he had worn briefs instead of boxers so he could hide himself a bit better as he hurried into the building.

He had no idea why Alex would want to meet him in the gym at lunch, but he didn't have time to linger on the idea as he arrived at his locker.

His middle periods were a double dosage of English, one of the few subjects he didn't mind too much. Gielle found out that Roxis and Toby were in the same class, so he thankfully took a seat next to Toby, with Roxis on the other side of the blended fox.

"What's that?" Gielle asked as he saw the weird looking typewriting device that Toby had settled on the desk.

"Oh, this is an electronic typewriter I use. It's like a laptop for the blind" he said as he inserted a thick roll of paper on the end. Gielle had to think it was a pretty smart thing as he sat back. He placed his books on the desk and was pulling his pens out of his case when he looked up.

"Crap" Gielle thought as he saw Bobby and Joseph walk in and take their seats. Great, another class with his cousin and his stupid friend. He sighed and sat back, feeling a bit deflated when he saw them sit on the other side of Roxis.

"Morning class" came the typical greeting from the teacher as he walked to the front of the classroom. Their teacher was an older cougar with rather long blonde hair. He seemed rather well muscled under his shirt, and had clear blue eyes. His face as slightly squared, and he looked quite handsome. Gielle heard a few of the girls in the class ooh and ahh over their teacher.

Typical. Although he couldn't blame them.

"Alright class. For those of you who don't know, I'm Mr Allen Harrington" he said as he put his books on the desk. And a very large stack of yellow books. "And I'd like to point out right now so you all know, everyone in this class starts with a C average. I don't grade easily. Your actions reflect your grades when it comes to the end of the term and the end of the semester" he said.

The class sat silent for a moment as they listened. Gielle thought it sounded....feasible, in a sense. Obviously his cousin didn't think so as Bobby and Joseph sniggered about something.

"Now, we're going to start off with a simple book assignment" Allen said as the class collectively groaned. He just sighed and began to hand out the stack of bright yellow books.

"Now, before you ask and complain, yes. This did recently come out as a movie, and no, you do not get any extra credit for watching it instead of the book" he said as he handed Gielle a copy.

Gielle recognized it. The book was entitled 'The Help' and Gielle recognized the book from the fact the cover was the same as the movie poster. He hadn't seen the movie or read the book, but both had good reviews. Then again, so did a lot of shit.

Like Seinfeld.

"Now, at the end of the book, there are some thought provoking questions that you can think about. Your book assignment will need to include a minimum of three of those questions. And yes, if you watch the film, you can draw comparisons. But if you want to watch the film, that's on your own time" Allen said as he finished handing out the books.

Gielle glanced over and noticed that Toby had a bright yellow book as well, but the books cover was just written in braille. If he didn't know what the book was called, he would have had no idea what it said.

Gielle settled back and began to read through the first chapter. For about twenty minutes of the lesson, that was all that happened. Mr Harrington just sat tat the front of the class and watched the, or walked among the desks to assist the children with their questions.

Up close he seemed quite friendly, and seemed interested in helping the students. Gielle saw him up close when Toby raised his hand for a question, and he did have to admit. He wasn't bad looking for an older male.

"Mr Harrington, I did listen to the movie, and in the film, I heard them saw 'Lord' a lot. And in the book, they're saying 'Law'. Which is the correct term?" Toby asked.

"Either one could be correct" Allen said to him. "The book is based on real events, but it's not completely accurate. If you look closely, you'll notice that in the movie, it was Martin Luther King assassinated. In the book, it was a local preacher" he pointed out to him.

Gielle was already well into the book as Mr Harrington sat back at his desk and went over a few papers. As he sat back and turned a page, movement nearby caught his eye. Toby was already typing on the writer, the paper becoming embossed with multiple raised holes as the paper slowly rolled out. The keys were surprisingly quiet.

Gielle looked past Roxis to see Joseph and Bobby sniggering quietly to themselves. He thought for a moment that they had found something funny in the book already. Although he was sure it wasn't meant to be a comedic book. Those thoughts were pushed away when he saw Bobby reach over to Roxis' desk.

The ronso had a soft drink can on his desk, and was reading the book with one hand while the other supported the side of his head. With his dark hair over his eyes, he didn't see Bobby put a pencil in the hole in the can.

Bobby and Joseph sniggered again as Roxis turned a page. Gielle wondered what Bobby was thinking, but the two idiots seemed to wait with baited breath. After a few moments Roxis picked up the can and went to drink.

"DAMMIT" he snarled loudly enough to make the whole class jump. Even the teacher jumped a bit see Roxis holding his eye in one hand. The can fell onto the desk and a spray of soft drink covered everything.

"What happened?" Toby asked in surprise as he heard the commotion beside him. The teacher then stood up as he saw Roxis remove his hand from his face.

"What's going on?" he asked as he saw Bobby and Joseph laughing like it was the funniest thing they had ever seen. Roxis put his hand down and looked first at his can, and then the two beside him and figured it out very easily. What happened next, surprised even Gielle.

"You little prick" Roxis said as he punched Bobby right in the middle of his fat little belly. Bobby let out a hard 'OOMPH' as the fist made contact and the force of the punch knocked him onto his back on the floor.

"Dude, you could have killed him. Why'd you do that?" Joseph said as he got up with an angry look on his face as Bobby gasped for breath. They hybrid rats face was pulled back in an angry snarl. But Roxis did not look intimidated.

"Oh, so you think it was funny I could have lost my eye?" Roxis snarled back as he looked ready to punch Joseph in the jaw.

"THAT IS ENOUGH" Allen shouted as he stood up with his hands on the desk. His claws were out and they were visibly digging into the edge of the desk. Joseph and Roxis said nothing as they glared at each other while Bobby managed to stand up, wheezing a bit and holding his stomach.

"Roxis, Joseph and Bobby, I will see you all during lunch. Unless you want me to make it an after school detention, you will sit down and shut up for the rest of the class" Allen said in a firm tone of voice.

"But he punched me" Bobby said as he looked surprised that someone would even do such a thing to someone like him. "And it hurts" he whined. "How could he punch me like that, when my mom teaches here?"

"Oh shut up you fat fuck" Roxis said in a very low voice that only Toby and Gielle managed to hear. Thankfully the teacher didn't.

"And you started it" Allen said to Bobby. "Now, since you disrupted my class, Joseph and Roxis, your'e now down to a C-. Bobby, you're now a D" he said.

"Wait, what?" Bobby almost squealed in horror. "You can't do that. My dad will ground me if my grades go down that low" Bobby protested. Gielle wanted to cover his ears. The sound of his cousins high pitched whining made his ears feel like bleeding.

"Well, you should have thought of that before you disrupted my class. Now sit down before I lower you to an E" Allen promised rather threateningly. Bobby let out a rather pathetic squeaking noise as he and the others sat down.

"He punched him, right?" Toby whispered to Gielle behind his hand.

"Yeah. Dead in his gut. Wish I had a camera' Gielle said as he couldn't keep the smile on his face.

"Wish I could have seen that. Bobby is such a little twit" Toby said with a smile back to him as well. "There's a rumour going around that you're his cousin. Is that true?" he asked.

"Yeah, unfortunately" Gielle said.

"You're cooler than him" Toby said with a friendly smile as he actually looked at Gielle as he spoke. And Gielle did not feel creeped out in the slightest by his entirely white eyes.

"Thanks" Gielle said as he felt a lot better just from hearing it.

Thankfully the rest of the class passed without any further incident. Mr Harrington seemed to have made his point about the grade system, and no-one wanted to be lower than Bobby Hill and join him with a D or worse.

When he bell finally rang for lunch, the only people left sitting where Roxis, Joseph and Bobby. Gielle packed up his books and let Toby leave first, before he tapped Roxis on the shoulder.

"Good move back there" he said with a grin.

"Like punching a pillowcase filled with cake mix" Roxis said flatly. "Cept this one screamed" he added, the corner of his mouth twitching almost enough to make him smile. Gielle had to chuckle to that one.

"How can you laugh at that?" Bobby asked his cousin as he gave him a pitiful look.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm the unfunny cousin, remember?" Gielle said as he narrowed his eyes at Bobby before he walked out of the classroom. Bobby screwed up his pudgy face and crossed his arms in a major huff.

Just the mere thought of his cousin possibly getting a detention after school, and knowing that he was actually ahead of him in grades, even accidentally, made him smile wide as he checked his map of the school. Alex wanted to meet him in the locker room for some reason.

Made sense since they had a double gym period to finish of the day with.

"I wonder what he wants to meet me there for. Can't be just to change early for class" he thought to himself as he made his way through the groups of students in the halls. "I wonder why he chose there anyway. It's not like it's the most special of places."

The school locker room was pretty much the same as his previous schools had been. Rows of lockers in a small area and a set of shower stalls not big enough to wash an entire class at once. He found his locker for himself he could use and sat on the bench in front of it as he waited for Alex. His backpack sat beside him, his gym clothes inside it as he leant forward slightly.

He didn't wait any longer then a few minutes before a pair of hands clamped around his eyes from behind.

"BOO" said Alex as Gielle jumped up a bit from the surprise. He calmed down almost at once after realizing it was Alex. He giggled a bit to how childish Alex was and shoved him away.

"Alex, you're a goof" Gielle said as he got up as Alex wrapped his arms around Gielle's waist and pulled him in close. Gielle smiled as he felt those familiar arms around him as he looked up at Alex's face. Up close, he could always see the dragon in the lion boys face, the softly hidden scales making distinctive patterns around his eyes and down his cheeks.

"And you, are sweet as blueberries" Alex said softly as he pressed his lips against Gielle. With the locker room empty at that time, the kiss wasn't a quick press of the lips like the last few times had been. Their lips met together and stayed pressed together as he felt Alex purr against him.

"It's nice not to have to rush this" Gielle admitted as he smiled at Alex as they held each other close, their foreheads touching.

"Yeah. Want to leave and go home and make out?" Alex said with a sincere smile. "Cuase that might be better then gym."

"You're not serious, are you?" Gielle asked, his eyebrows raising in surprise. Alexs' smile didn't change as he flicked his tongue over Gielle's nose as he ran his hand through the soft blonde hair slowly.

"I am" he said with a smile as he stroked his claws through Gielle's hair slowly. "I want to go home, lay you down on the bed, strip you naked and taste every inch of your body" he said softly.

"We can't" Gielle said as he moaned softly from the tender stroking in his hair. He closed his eyes and rested his head on Alex's shoulder. "As much as I want to, Uncle Hank would see me ditching school as bad as bobby getting detention after school" he said.

"I heard about that. Mr Harrington didn't give him detention yet, least I haven't heard" Alex said as he slowly drew his hand down Gielle's back.

"I'm hoping" Gielle said as he felt Alex's hand travel down to his rump, gasping softly as Alex gave his cheek a firm squeeze through his cargo pants.

"So, you won't ditch school, if I do this?" Alex asked as he used both hands to squeeze Gielle's rump. Gielle moaned and felt his crotch grow tighter as Alex tried to manipulate him.

"" Gielle said as he gasped, feeling Alex lift his cheeks up in his pants as he then felt himself get pushed against the locker, Alex grinding his own crotch a bit against his. Alex could feel that they were both aroused from this. And it seemed to spur him on.

"And if I do this?" Alex murred as he nuzzled his nose against Gielle's neck and found that sweet spot with his lips that made Gielle's knees buckle. He wrapped his lips around that soft sweet spot and suckled firmly.

" fair" Gielle whimpered as his knees did indeed feel weak as he trembled. He didn't know that such a spot on his neck could do that much to him as he felt like putty in the hybrids embrace.

"Not my fault you turn me on so much" Alex admitted as he pushed his lips back against Gielle's until the flamedramon kissed him back. "Alright, if your not going to ditch school, then I'm going to have to have you right here" Alex said with a smile once they broke the kiss.

"What, here?" Gielle asked wide eyed as he felt Alex start to undo his pants. "Alex" he whimpered, but he felt his body not try to resist the lion hybrids motions.

"Gielle, we have gym in half an hour, and I'm really hard right now" Alex said as he tugged Alex's pants down, revealing the flamedramon's black boxers. Alex purred deeply as he flicked his tongue over the tenting bulge, making Gielle whimper.

"Alex" Gielle said softly before his length was fished out of his boxers and was swallowed up in Alex's warm mouth. Every time Alex took his length, it felt like the first time.

Gielle moaned as he felt the heated softness of Alex's mouth engulf his hard length and he had to grip the edge o the lockers to keep still as Alex sunk his nose into Gielle's crotch. Gielle gasped as he felt Alex deepthroat him as he panted.

He heard something and he froze for a moment, thinking that someone had come in, until he realized the sound was only Alex unzipping his own pants to paw himself between the legs as he suckled on Gielle's cock.

Gielle moaned softly as he found himself putting his hands on Alex's head as he was pleasured orally. He panted a bit as he slid his fingers into Alex's thick mane of soft hair. He held on as he felt Alex slide his lips back and forth over his length as he whimpered in the pleasure of it.

Alex stroked himself, running his fingers over his length, his digits feeling the thick hard bumps on the underside of his length. He was already dripping a stream of pre onto the tiled floor between his knees as he bobbed his head back and forth.

Unlike his suggestion earlier, Gielle's length didn't taste like blueberries, but he couldn't get enough of the digimon's taste. It was something he fantasized about at home when he found his alone time to himself. He liked doing this. He liked giving Gielle the pleasure that he could, and it got him aroused every time he thought of getting his hands on him and giving him said pleasure.

Maybe that meant he was the dominant one.

And Gielle certainly wasn't complaining, or fighting him back, but he wasn't trying to make Alex go any faster or slow down. Every time they had been together, Gielle had let Alex do as he pleased.

Alex purred deeply as he deepthroated Gielle's hard length over and over, thankful it wasn't all that big so he had no trouble doing it. He swirled his tongue around the head and down the underside of the length and it made the digimon almost squeak from the pleasure.

Gielle panted as he felt Alex's hands grip his pants and start to tug them down, feeling the warm air of the locker room waft around his thighs as his pants were tugged down past his knees. His boxers soon followed, a regretful moment where his length bobbed in nothing but warm air before it was engulfed again.

His panting got a little faster as Alex's hands dug into his now naked cheeks, claws pushing against his skin and making indents against his cheeks. Briefly he wondered what people would say if they found ten claw indents on his ass, but that thought was pushed out of his min as he felts Alex's fingers move between his cheeks.

"A...Alex" Gielle whimpered as he heard the other teen work his fingers between his cheeks further, the clawtips circling around his tight virgin pucker. Gielle had never touched himself in that way before and he eeped rather loudly as a tip pressed against it.

"A ...ahh...aaalex" Gielle whimpered loudly as he jumped a bit as the clawtip began to enter his tight hole. The digit worked its way past his resisting ring until the entire finger was buried up his butt.

"Oh god...Alex....i...I can't" Gielle panted as he held onto Alex's bobbing head, seeing the boys mane swish back and forth as he bobbed his head faster. The lion boy purred deeply, his throat vibrating around the rapidly leaking length lodged inside it. He could feel Gielle's balls bang against his chin as he sucked hard.

Gielle whimpered and moaned as the finger began to pump its way into his insides, the digging wiggling and curling inside his spongy intestines. He suddenly reared up on his toes as sparks erupted in his eyes as Alex's finger seemed to trigger a bomb inside him.

"aaaahhhh ..." Gielle cried out as his length couldn't handle the pleasure that erupted from the sweet spot inside him and his balls boiled like potatoes in water. He cried out as he felt his cum erupt from his balls and fire down Alex's eager throat.

Alex moaned as he tasted the seed that came from the flamedramon's balls as he gulped it down. He moaned and closed his eyes as he tasted what he wanted and took his free hand and wrapped it around his length as he pumped it as hard as he could.

Gielle whined softly as his orgasm began to die down and he heard the familiar sound of a hand on a cock as he heard Alex moan around his length. Alex let Gielle's cock slide from his mouth as he licked between his legs.

They both stood there, Alex on his knees and Gielle with his back against the lockers, cocks hanging out and a puddle of cum on the floor. They both smiled at each other, Alex with grin and Gielle with a blushing grin on his face.

"Best lunch ever" Alex said as he stood up and helped pull Gielle's pants back up over his legs.

"Glad you...glad you liked it Alex" Gielle said as he offered no resistance. He felt Alex give his limp length a soft and tender stroke as he moaned briefly before he was tucked back in. He would have done the same to Alex's', but it has already slipped back into him.

" really like doing this, don't you?" Gielle asked with a blush on his face. Alex smiled and did Gielle's pants up before he fixed his own.

"Gielle, if I didn't, I wouldn't be doing this with you" he said with a smile. "Besides, there's no-one else I want to do it with" he admitted.

"Really?" Gielle asked.

"Yes, really. Gielle, I'm going to be honest. I think I love you" he said, and he put his fingers on Gielle's lips as he saw the digimon about to speak. "Gielle, I know what you said the other week, about taking it slow and all. And...and I can be happy to do that if you do, but if this is love, then I want to love you" he said.

"I don't feel this way about anyone else, and I don't care if down the line it doesn't work. I'd rather try this and have it fail and know why it did, then wait longer for another chance and wonder what could have been" he said as he took his fingers away.

" really want to take a chance with me on this?" he asked with a blush across his cheeks. He thought they were doing good being friends with benefits already. But, here Alex was saying that he wanted to take it to the next step regardless.

Alex only knew him less then a month and he already wanted him to stay in his life. That was more then his aunt and uncle had shown, and it was a little disbelieving.

"Gielle, I've known only Roxis and Toby my whole life, but they're just friends to me. I'm happy to keep it that way with them. You, I don't care how long I've known you. I know what I want with you' he said as he pushed his lips against Gielle's in a soft kiss.

Gielle closed his eyes to the kiss as the soft contact seemed to make up his mind for him. And strangely, he didn't feel like resisting to it either.

"OK...." He said softly as he smiled back at the handsome hybrid boy as he brought a hand up to the side of his face and gently stroked the scales on his cheek. "Alex....its a yes" he said with a smile as he saw Alex smile and sigh in relief, like a world full of weight was removed from his shoulder.

"Gielle, that made me really happy" he said as he took Gielle's hand and gave his fingers a kiss one by one. "I was afraid you'd say no, and I was worrying about it for a while and..."

They both jumped as the bell rang through the locker room and scared them for a brief moment. They looked at each other for a moment before they scrambled for the lockers to grab their gym gear.

About ten minutes or so later, the gym class all stood in two rows on the large basketball court of the inside gym. Gielle stood next to Alex with Toby beside him and Roxis on the other. His cousin and Joseph were at the other end. Standing in white shirts and blue shorts, the standard gym clothes, everyone kept their eyes on the teacher.

He was a large and tall muscled tiger with a whistle around his neck, holding a clipboard in his hand. His short black hair was buzz cut close to his skull, and he gave the impression he had been in some sort of military group.

His piercing orange eyes focused on each student as he ran his pen down the board. He continued to walk in front of the students, taking his time rather deliberately.

"Right" he said in a loud voice as he stood before them. "I'm coach Clay, and for the rest of the school year, your asses belong to me" he said with a grin. "And I do not grade easily. You either do it, or you don't. You have to work to impress me to grade you on effort. Weaklings who spend their time complaining and whining are not worth my time" he said loudly

Gielle took a glance down the row and saw with a hint of satisfaction that his cousin had turned slightly pale. He already knew his cousin was not the athletic type.

"Now, boys on one side of the court. Girls on the other" Clay ordered as he pointed from side to the other. "the game today is Dodgeball" he said, and several of the students groaned. Several more began to join in at the mere thought of the way too common excersize, but a sharp blast of the coachs whistle shut them up.

"I said, girls on one side, boys on the other" he shouted loudly. "Or do you boys think you'll get beaten by the girls? That what you think? You boys are so weak you'll get beaten by girls smaller then you?" he demanded. The boys stayed silent for several moments.

"What about you girls? Dodgeball too hard for you? Afraid to throw a ball cause it's too heavy for you" he demanded. The girls didn't reply to that one as he glared over every student.

"Gym is my domain. We play by my rules" Clay said loudly as he glared at them all. "I am not going to mollycoddle any of you wimps just because you're a little girl, or a fat boy, or some handicapped kid. Everyone joins in, got that?" he shouted. There was no response.

"Toby" he said and the fox stepped forward.

"Yes sir?" he asked. The coach picked up a bright red foam ball. His large hand easily crushed half the foam in his hand.

"You're the ball boy" clay said as he tossed the ball up in a carefully soft arc. Toby put his arms out and managed to catch the way too easy throw.

"Sutherland" Clay said as he tossed a ball at one of the girls, a white doe. "Pick up the strays, give them to Toby to throw back in" clay ordered. "and when I call your names, I want you to come up to me. I'll be talking to you about your sport choices for the semester" he said as he blew his whistle.

"Uh, Coach? He's blind" Joseph said as he looked at the towering tiger. "Wouldn't it make more sense if like..he just sat and did nothing? Cause he can't dodge.... OOOOMPH"

The students gasped slightly as Clay sent a hard throw at the teen, the force knocking the boy in the stomach as the ball bounced hard. Joseph doubled over a bit as he panted as the kids backed away a bit.

"Looks like you can't dodge either, and you're not blind" Clay said with a smirk. "As I said, everyone joins in. Just cause we have a blind kid in the class doesn't mean he don't play. I can make small allowances for him, but I'll still flunk his ass if he does badly" he said loudly.

"Now, any more objections, Mr Gribble?" Clay said as he looked down as Joseph slowly got back up. Jospeh shook his head and no-one else objected.

"Get to it" Clay shouted as the students scrambled to get into position.

At least dodgeball was the same sort of deal as it was back home. Students on one side, students on the other, big red balls flying back and forth and students complaining every single time they got hit.

Cries of 'I'm not out' and 'He didn't hit me' emenated from both sides. Neither team backed down when it came to launching the offensive, but it seemed everyone was eager to complain when they got struck out.

Gielle had to admit that Alex was pretty fast on the field, able to dodge easily. So far for the first period, Alex was always the last one to get hit. And Roxis had the hardest throws Gielle had ever seen. The ronso was like a cannon when he got a hold of a ball.

And Toby seemed to be doing alright. The girl, Sutherland, handed him the stray balls and just said left or right and Toby tossed them in easily enough. The girls were even putting up a fight during the game. So far, the boys were leading 3-2, and the girls were catching up fast.

"Auditore" Clay shouted. Gielle paused to look at the coach and was rewarded with a smack to the side of his head with a bright red ball. He owwed and rubbed his head, then heard a shrill squeal and a protest of 'not so hard' as the girl who hit him was cannoned by Roxis' right arm.

Gielle grinned and made his way over the court to his new coach. He wiped the sweat from his eyes as he walked over. It was only when up close did he realize how big the tiger really was.

"So, Auditore, right?" Clay asked as he looked down at him.

"Yes sir. No relation" Gielle said to him with a brief nod. He figured the big tiger was probably going to figure it out sooner or later.

"Right" Clay said as he tapped the clipboard and looked over at him. "So, it says here you want to play football?" he asked.

"Well...." Gielle said as the coach looked at him.

"What, either you do, or you don't. So which is it?" he said firmly.

"I don't...sir" Gielle said as he looked up at him.

"Then why did you select it?" Clay said to him. Gielle sighed a little as he scratched the back of his neck.

"My aunt filled the form out and said she agreed with my uncle about soccer and that I live in a football household" he said. "And my uncle said that soccor was just invented by European women to keep their husbands occupied and it makes you less of a man to play it." Clay rolled his eyes.

"Let me guess...Hill?" he asked. Gielle nodded and the bigger tiger snorted.

"I thought so. Damn Hank is always coming up and trying to pressure me into putting Bobby as Starter or Quarterback every season. Stupid idiot can't realize his son can barely throw the football longer then two inches" he said. "Hasn't changed since high school."

Gielle had to admit he had a point. Bobby hadn't managed to hit anyone and kind just stood there panting and being a very easy target. He was almost always the first played to get struck out.

"Alright. Let me ask you this. Do you want to play soccer? I got some spots left to fill" Clay said.

"Yes, I do" Gielle said with an enthusiastic nod. He felt hope and happiness rise in his chest at the thought.

"Good. Then you're on" Clay said as he made the adjustments. Gielle felt his heart leap up. He could go back to playing soccer again. His aunt hadn't ruined his school life after all.

Then a thought hit him.

"Did you know my uncle when he was at school?" he asked. Clay only nodded as he flipped the page on his clipboard and taped the end of his pen on his cheek.

"What was he like?" Gielle asked.

"A tightly wound pain in the ass" Clay said as he looked up. "Gribble. Up here now" Clay said as he gestured Gielle back into the game with a nod of his head.

Gielle gave a huge grin as he jumped back into the game as the teams reset. He couldn't believe it. His first day at his new school was going to end with not only his cousin worse off than him, but he'd gets to join the soccer team and not play football. And he had two new friends who actually liked having him around.

And to top it all off, Alex was his boyfriend now. As he caught a ball in his hand and returned the ball back at the girls on the opposite end of the court, he felt he couldn't be happier.

School really was off to a good start.