Shall We Dance?

Story by Akihana on SoFurry

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#2 of The Same Old Song and Dance

"It's a marvelous night...

For a moondance."

"What?" Brian frowned, leaning forward to make sure he heard his lupine friend properly. "A moondance?"

"Yes!" Alex cried, shivering from the cold and from divulging such a secret to the one whom it concerned. "I just...I'm sorry! I can't put what I want to say into words!"

The ferret then looked at his friend knowingly and smiled, pulling the wolf into a hug. "I think it came into words just fine, puppy," he laughed, rubbing Alex's back soothingly. "Stop crying."

Looking up through his tears, the wolf stared at his friend in amazement. "Maybe it's not coming across right. I'm saying�"

He was cut off by a sudden pressure on his lips which, for a moment, he dreamed to be the ferret's own mouth. He found it, however, only to be a single finger from the ferret's hand silencing him.

"I understand perfectly what you're saying," the ferret smiled, his own eyes beginning to water, "Oh believe me, I do."

Alex shivered again, hugging closer to his friend for warmth and continuing to look up into the ferret's teary eyes. "But�" He was cut off again, and this time not disappointed. It felt odd, true, to have another male's lips pressed against his own, but somehow the wolf felt more at ease than he had all night. He closed his eyes and suddenly felt incredibly warm, and his arms found their way to the ferret's back, rubbing in a motion similar to Brian's own hands at the time.

The kiss was over too soon for the wolf, and he opened his eyes again in a questioning glance. "Believe me now? I do know." Brian said sadly, rubbing a finger past his eye to catch a tear and planting another kiss upon Alex's head. "I know, I know..."

They stayed like that for what seemed like decades. Neither made eye contact during that time. They stood in each other's arms, just enjoying the great warmth between them. Alex felt as though he would never be cold again, and trusted that his friend felt the same way. Something had gone very right this night, and the wolf realized that for once in his life, he had made a very good decision.

Suddenly Brian pushed away, walking back to the other side of his car with a sad look in his eyes, and Alex's heart sank. He really doesn't feel the same way, the wolf thought, his eyes watering again and reflecting the torment his soul was rapidly feeling, He was just comforting me. He's going to leave now and think about what happened, and I'm never going to hear from him again."

The ferret's car clunked as it was put in gear, and Alex again felt the biting cold of the night. "No," he muttered, looking to his feet pitiably. "It was all going so right."

The car began moving, but something kept the wolf from breaking down on the side of the street immediately. It was backing up. The window in front of him rolled down as a click let him know the door was unlocked. He was met, as he looked inside the car, by the ferret's twinkling eyes and a warm smile. "What're you frowning for?" He laughed, beckoning Alex inside, "A moondance is better had in the warm, yeah?"

Alex felt the roller coaster of his emotions take another upward turn, and unconsciously his tail began wagging. "I...well..." Another wave of the ferret's hand brought him inside the vehicle, which pulled a u-turn and headed back to the wolf's house. Alex was surprised and realized why the ferret looked so astonished when he saw his wolf friend outside the vehicle: he had run at least a quarter of a mile before actually getting a hand on the ferret's car. With all of the adrenaline pumping, though, it had seemed to the lupine as if it were only a few meters.

They pulled up in the driveway and the ferret quickly turned off his car and jumped out of the vehicle. "Alex, hurry up!" He shouted, looking back at his friend. The ferret's blush passed a silent message between the two, and Alex found himself drawn out of the car and to his front door. He placed the key in the lock and turned, opening the door and releasing a burst of heat from the depths of the house. Perhaps he had turned up the thermostat too far. At any rate, it was a pleasant change from the chilly air and discomfort he found outside.

The door shut behind the wolf, letting him know that his friend had entered. It was surprisingly natural, considering the circumstances. It was almost as if nothing had changed between them!- but everything had.

"Gee, Alex, it's kinda warm in here," Brian smiled, taking his jacket and throwing it to the floor in the general direction of the coat rack as he always did. "Taking advantage of the parents' absence, I see."

"Well, at least it's not subarctic like it usually is," Alex glowered, removing his own jacket and turning on a lamp on one side of the large leather couch.

They stood in the living room in uncomfortable silence for a few minutes before the ferret took a deep breath and began speaking, turning toward the wolf as he did so, "Alex, I�"

This time it was Brian who was surprised. He felt himself knocked backward onto the leather couch with a not-too-unwelcome guest. The wolf on top of him looked down through his blush and smiled. "I think we can agree that we know what each of us will say, yeah?"

"Yeah," the ferret grinned.

"So why waste breath that could be used otherwise?"


Brian reached up a hand and pulled Alex into their second kiss of the evening. This time, though, they let the passion of the moment overtake them. It was Alex's tongue that first snaked its way into the other's mouth, but it soon met its match. The rough ferret's tongue met with the smooth wolf's for several minutes in a heated duel of which no winner could be declared. However, after they parted and only a string of saliva between the two's mouths was left in reminiscence, they both felt as if they had won.

The two sat panting for a moment, each enjoying the expression of pure happiness on the other's face, before Alex spoke. "That was...intense," he chuckled, softly touching the ferret's face.

"Obviously you know what I like," Brian smiled. "That was intense-er-er than I've had with any girl, for sure."

"I guess we made the right choice in each other, then," The wolf sat up and off the ferret, smiling at the white one's disheartened look.

"We're not done, are we?" Brian pouted, reaching toward the wolf dramatically.

Alex only smiled in return, placing his hands at the base of his shirt and removing it in one swift motion. In the light of the single lamp, his defined body was difficult to see, but the ferret had seen it often enough that anything in darkness was not difficult to imagine. The wolf then reached for the ferret's shirt and removed it in a similar fashion. Brian's white fur made him a much brighter object in the darkness than the wolf, which was good; Alex didn't want to have to imagine what he could see instead.

"I do believe you missed something, puppy," Brian smiled, pointing a suggestive finger at the wolf's bulging jeans. "Maybe you need some help." He reached for his friend's pants, causing the wolf to jump up and turn away, blushing.

"Oh wow," he blushed, wrapping his arms around his bare chest. It felt so right, yet it was all moving so fast. Maybe it was too fast for him. Maybe they should stop.

His mind was quickly changed by two white arms draping themselves around his shoulders lovingly. "Don't be embarrassed," the ferret whispered softly into his ear, "You've gone this far. It'll be fine." The ferret lowered his hands around the wolf's body, stopping to unbutton the straining jeans. They fell to the ground in a heap and were quickly kicked away by the wolf. "That wasn't so hard, right?"

"Too bad this is," the ferret sighed.

Alex shivered and let out a long breath as he felt a finger softly trace the length that was straining his light blue boxers. "Y-yeah..." He gasped as the finger quickly grew to two and then to a full hand itself. "This is..."

"Wonderful? Amazing?" Brian breathed into his friend's sensitive ears, squeezing the wolfhood in his hand lightly, "Incredible?"

"Unfair!" Alex cried as he spun around and shoved the ferret back onto the couch. The look of complete surprise on the ferret's face only fueled his fire as he knelt and unbuttoned the ferret's own jeans. As he pulled them off, he was met with a light, spicy wave of musk that sent a chill down his spine. The mountain in the red boxers in front of him was too tempting, and he reached out a paw to get a better �feel' for what he was dealing with. This, in turn, elicited a soft moan from his friend.

"We're going to have to lose these," Alex breathed, to which the ferret responded only with a flushed smile and a nod. The wolf hooked his fingers in the waistband of the red boxers and pulled them down slowly, sliding them down the snowy, soft legs and finally onto the floor. He looked then, for the first time, at that object which he so suddenly lusted after.

Alex was surprised, somehow, that males had never had such an effect on him before. The sheath and set of well-sized and white furred orbs in front of him were not unlike those he was confronted with at the gym or in the locker room. Perhaps there was something supernatural about the pink length in front of him. Perhaps it was the difference from his own that struck him. It was slightly thinner, but looked to be longer. It also lacked that defining canine feature that he found at the base of his own member. Perhaps the defining attraction was that single drop of white that called out to him from the tip of the shaft.

Definitely though, there was a special bond between individuals here that was lacked in any sports or shower rooms. There was present in the room a feeling of... lust? No... love.

Alex looked up at his flushing ferrety friend for permission before leaning in and licking off the tempting pearly drop from the end of his length. It was slightly bitter, yet there was something in that taste that made him want to have more. That feeling plus the sweet musk of the ferret drove him to engulf much of the length in front of him in one fell swoop. As he adjusted to the size of the throbbing length in his muzzle, he adjusted himself more comfortably on his knees in front of the couch and reveled in the sudden tenseness of his friend's body.

Alex slowly lifted his head, dragging his tongue tantalizingly along the underside of the ferret's wanting muscle before closing his mouth around the tip and suckling. He continued his treatment for some time, stroking the inside of his new love's thighs and occasionally bringing a hand to the orbs in-between, enjoying the occasional guttural moan from the ferret above.

Brian soon placed a hand on his grey lover's shoulder and said lowly, "I'm c-...You might...want to..." He breathed in sharply, trying to hold back his oncoming climax.

The wolf replied only with a muffled sound, and he began working more quickly, reaching his hands around to grope his lover's muscled ass and ready himself for what was to come.

And come it did: with a final moan and spasm of his body, Brian released into his friend's mouth. Alex was ready, however, and swallowed every drop of the alluring liquid which splashed against and warmed his throat. After his friend had quieted a bit, the wolf removed his mouth and smiled up at the ferret who was basking in the afterglow of the services which he had performed.

"That was..." Brian breathed heavily, trying his best to see clearly through the pure pleasure that he had just experienced.

"Wonderful? Amazing?" Alex squeezed his friend's retreating member lovingly, "Incredible?"

The ferret smiled down upon the wolf and noted the great change that had taken place in the wolf in just the last few hours. He who was once so reserved about sexual activities and who was so hesitant to reveal his feelings (as Brian himself was) was now on his knees and smiling in his conquest.

"Unfair," Brian mused, taking the wolf's chin in hand. "Unfair a lot. And I thought you said you'd never done anything more than kissing, you ass! You're amazing at this!"

Alex blushed, grinning toothily, and said, "I haven't done anything, especially like this!" He laid his head forward onto his friend's groin, "But I just wanted to do my best. It was all right, then?"

"You did wonderful, puppy," the ferret said, raising the wolf's head and meeting it with his own. He could taste a little of his own seed on his friend's tongue, but he didn't care. It added an extra spice to the wolf's already unique taste. "And now you should get your reward. Let's switch places."

"O-...okay." Alex stood up, placing a hand in the waistband of his boxers.

"No!" Brian shouted, leaning forward and stopping the wolf's hand. "No, no, no. I'll be taking those off. It's part of the fun."

"I agree," Alex took in a breath and crossed his arms, allowing the ferret to pull the boxers off of his lithe frame and down to the floor. He looked down at Brian's face as the curious ferret examined the length in front of him. It seemed to Alex as if his friend were sizing him up in the same way that he just sized the ferret up. It was embarrassing, and yet it was exciting.

Brian examined the length for a little longer and seemed to be considering something else, but he shook his head lightly and leaned in to give the object of his attentions a tentative sniff. Alex's musk must have had the same effect that Brian's had on the other, because the ferret immediately leaned forward and engulfed the entire length.

"Oh, GODS!" Alex panted, placing his hands on the ferret's head. "That's..."

Brian tried to mumble a sarcastic remark at this, but failed with his friend's wolfhood taking up most of his attention. The effect of his vocal, however, was quite great for Alex's side of the equation.

Even without the vibration from his friend's throat, Alex was feeling new heights of pleasure. With the ferret's surprising skill and his own sexual excitement from the events of the evening, it wasn't long at all before he felt the familiar feeling of climax rising within him.

"W-...want some warning...?" He gasped, "''s...Oh gods..."

"Mmph," The ferret pulled off, stroking the length absentmindedly. "Thanks for the warning, puppy."

Brian continued licking the tip of the wolf's member while stroking its base until he felt his friend tense and give a gasp. At that point he did his best to surprise the wolf: he placed his mouth over the wolfhood, raking it lightly with his teeth, and suckled it as powerfully as he possibly could; at the same time, he used one hand to squeeze the knot he found so interesting at the base of his friend's length and used his other hand to find the wolf's tailhole and shove the end of one of his fingers inside. All of those things combined, he thought to himself, would give this innocent wolf a taste of the world.

He swallowed every drop of the wolf's howling pleasure, and when he was sure he had nothing more to milk, he retracted his hands and his mouth and sat back against the couch.

Alex dizzily sat himself on the floor, panting and doing his best not to pass out on the spot. " have you ever done that before?"

"Mm, no," the ferret smiled, bringing a finger to his mouth to catch a stray bit of seed that had dripped from his mouth. "But it was good?"

"It was...oh gods there are no words for it!" Alex cried. "With the...and you...I've never...With your...finger..."

"Oh, I've just tried a bunch of things," Brian mused, "but only by myself. You're really my first."

"Really? You act so experienced!"

"I'm just... curious. It's a ferret thing."

"It's..." Alex leaned forward, drawing his tongue across the ferret's nose, "A good thing."

"I thought so, too." Brian leaned in and slipped his tongue fleetingly into the wolf's mouth. "So are you feeling better about things, now?"

"Yeah," Alex smiled, "yeah I am. Staying the night?"

"I might as well. That way I can shower in the morning and head home. Mom'll never miss me."

"Good news," The wolf laughed. He then leaned in and kissed the ferret once more. "Very, very good news."

Brian stood and offered a hand to help Alex off the floor. The wolf smiled, and they walked hand in hand up the stairs to his bedroom for a night of well-deserved sleep... or else...

2:00 AM. Gerald rubbed his eyes and yawned, focusing deeply on the radio to keep himself awake on the drive home. He felt a little guilty about leaving his wife and youngest son stranded out-of-town, but he would go pick them up in just a couple of days. Damn the office for scheduling sudden meetings. Damn them to hell! Seven hours to the meeting, now, and it was another hour to his house. He wondered briefly if his older son, Alex, would still be awake when he arrived. "Nah," he barked to himself, "No wild parties for that boy. Must get it from him mom."

"The gay marriage bill is looking hopeful next month," the radio newscaster announced, "As the newly-elected governor Weiss's spirited discussions on the matter sway many voters' opinions. It is this newscaster's opinion tha�"

Gerald pounded the radio button and sighed. "Fucking fag-lovers," he growled, "And to think I voted for that woman. They never show their true colors until they're in office, those politicians."

2:05. He sighed again, yawning. Only a little longer and he could curl up in his own bed and go to sleep. Thank merciful Goodness.