Student's Pet (Story Swap)

Story by frozenthrone on SoFurry

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A story I wrote for a story swap with Grin

Sorry for the late post. This is the story I wrote for a swap with Grin. I'm posting it here for you all to enjoy. Hopefully he likes it :)

Student's Pet

Life is cruel, relentless, and unfair. No matter how well life is going or how bad it already seems, it's only a matter of time before things take a turn for the worse. Todd McGill had learned this lesson early in life. His dad had passed away when he was little more than a pup and his alcoholic mom was always too far gone in her reveries to notice young Todd. Eventually her habits caught up to her. With the life insurance money dwindling she could no longer support both her pastime and her child. So naturally she gave Todd for alcohol. Todd ended up in foster care where he was shuttle from house to house, never really being able to call one place home.

The coyote learned three things during his constant relocations: if you want it you've got to take it, cunning could overcome most obstacles, and use your leverage to get stronger hold. For the most part Todd kept to himself. He never really saw the point of getting to know his foster parents since too often it would be a wasted effort. However, his most recent set of parents was different from the rest. They actually cared for Todd. In their eyes he could do no wrong. Hoping that he would succeed like the son they never had, they enrolled him in a multitude of extracurricular activities. Unfortunately the high cost meant that they would always be at work leaving Todd to his own devices, which was perfectly fine with him. At the age of fourteen he already had black belts in judo, jujitsu, and wushu making him perfectly able to defend himself, or in most cases take whatever he wanted.

Todd was mature for his age in more ways than one. Built like a tank, he was aggressive enough to get what he wanted from those that he deemed weak, but he wasn't stupid enough to get caught doing so by his teachers. The appearance of a faculty member would only mean a brief respite for the coyote's victim. As soon as the teacher was out of sight there would be no mercy given until Todd was satisfied. Since he realized that his foster parents would protect him no matter what, the coyote had gotten more daring in his conquests.

The day had started out as any other for Todd. First and second periods had crawled to a finish and the bell rang for lunch much to his relief. He walks towards the cafeteria looking for his friends Max and Hector. Todd doesn't make it far before he spots a confused griffon wandering awkwardly back and forth in the hallway. Nervousness rolls off the griffon in waves. He picks at the fabric of his polo shirt, muscles rippling beneath the thin fabric while his tufted tail whips from side to side. The griffon looked like he is still in college judging by the way he is dressed. Giving his best innocent grin Todd sidles up behind the griffon.

The coyote reaches up and gently taps the griffon on the shoulder and says, "You must be the new around here! From the looks of it, you're a sub right? Do you need help finding a room?" Todd put a slight emphasis on the word sub, chuckling at his own cleverness.

Startled, the griffon drops the clipboard he was clutching and scrambles to pick it up. He looks up the coyote sheepishly before answering, "Yeah, I'm Tyler. It's my first day around here so I'm still trying to figure out where everything is." Straightening up the griffon continues, "If you could show me where Mr. Wazinsky's office is I would really appreciate it. He told me to check in with him a day in advance"

"Of course! I have Wazinsky 7th period for Introduction to Improv, looks like you'll be subbing for me tomorrow" the young coyote quips before leading Tyler off towards a supply closet down the hall. Opening the door Todd motions for the griffon to step inside. "Here it is!"

Tyler sticks his head in curiously before musing, "This is a strange looking office, are you sur


Todd cuts Tyler short by shoving him head first into the closet before shutting the door behind the both of them. Disoriented by the sudden darkness and stumbling, Tyler manages to clip a rack of cleaning supplies with his right wing. The resulting collision sends cans tumbling to the ground and spins the griffon towards the door, just in time to receive a dropkick from Todd. Though he's much smaller than the griffon, years of martial arts training had bulked up the coyote's frame making him a powerhouse of energy. The blow sends Tyler flying into the back wall. Tyler slumps at the base of the wall panting for breath when a strange smelling cloth is pressed over his face sending him into unconsciousness.

A short time later the griffon wakes up to a pounding headache in the now dimly lit closet. Both of his hands have been duct taped to a shelf, which effectively holds him in place. A tennis ball has been shoved into his beak and taped into place like a makeshift ball gag. His cargo shorts are pooled awkwardly at his feet and his left leg is secured to the shelf with some cables. Shaking the last of the cleaning chemical fumes from his head Tyler lets out a short gasp when he feels a pawed hand roughly grope him through his cargo shorts. From his position he can only manage to crane his neck to the side to get a look at his molester. The panicking griffon is met by Todd's condescending grin. When Tyler starts to struggle, Todd simply jerks the griffon's wing back and up at an angle sending searing waves of agony coursing down Tyler's back. Tyler manages to hold out for a bit before dropping his head in resignation, his breath now coming in short gasps as he tries to block out the pain.

Trying his best to keep from laughing at the griffon's sorry state Todd whispers into his captive's ear, "We can do this the easy way or the hard way, bitch. It's up to you. It's amazing how easy it was to take down someone like yourself. Are you looking forwards to being my cum dump? Hmm?" Todd's continued groping only served to make the griffon squirm even more. The completely straight jock was decidedly not aroused by the way his package was being manhandled. Smiling wickedly Todd runs the tip of his claw around the opening to the griffon's sheath a few before shoving his finger in. Tyler can only whimper as the rough digit violates his most private area. With his other paw Todd firmly grasps the griffon's pouch and gives it a firm squeeze, surprisingly he is rewarded by a squirt of pre as his captive's length swells. "Ohhoho! Looks like the bitch likes it rough!" After a few more gropes the griffon's six inches stands proudly erect. "Guess it's time for me to show you what a real male is. I don't see any lube around so I guess you don't get any" With these last words Todd unzips his shorts and rubs his sheath up between Tyler's cheeks. "How's it feel being taken by a fourteen year old? One who's bigger than you at that! Now clench, it makes it feel better."

Tyler whips his head around just in time to see the coyote line up his eight inch rod with Tyler's puckered hole. The griffon lets out an anguished squawk as Todd's massive length punches into him. Tyler's discomfort quickly turns into guilty pleasure as the young coyote's cock pounds relentlessly against the trapped griffon's prostate. It isn't long before Tyler begins pressing back in sync with Todd's thrusts. The shame of his situation does nothing to stop his unbridled lust at being claimed by a boy. For some reason the young coyote's self-assurance and confidence makes the older griffon feel small, almost insignificant.

Suddenly Todd's voice cuts through the haze of Tyler's thoughts. "My bitch is close, isn't he? I can just feel it by the way you're squirming. Beg me to let you come. Do it!" Closing his eyes Tyler tries his best to hold onto the shreds of his dignity, but the force of lust proves to be too much. Turning around, the griffon lets out a series of pathetic mewls and whimpers before hanging his head meekly. Laughing, the young coyote says, "Aww, since you asked sooo nicely I'll let you cum, but just this once." Hearing this Tyler vigorously nods his head in gratitude. After a few thrusts and gropes the griffon lost control of his body. Cock spasmming in pleasure he paints the shelf in front of him in thick ropes of cum. Behind him, Todd's thrusts start to become more erratic as he approaches his climax. The young coyote is literally two thrusts away from knotting with his bitch when there is a sudden crash from outside. Quickly pulling up his pants Todd quietly opens the door and peeks outside.

Jim Swanson was at a loss. One moment he was strolling down the hall with his latest project in hand, the next he was sopping wet. The fox sat slumped up against the wall completely soaked with water. A water pipe seems to have ruptured knocking him off his feet. Laying in pieces at his feet is the miniature building he was holding. The sheer chaos of the scene wasn't what caught Todd's attention though; it was what his teacher was wearing. The middle aged fox was wearing a his usual pair of white jeans and button up, both thoroughly soaked and translucent, and what seemed like a crimson thong. Todd immediately gets the hardest boner he has ever experienced. A multitude of different possibilities coursed through his head about the implications of what he just witnessed.

Tucking his shirt in he walks up to the slightly dazed fox, being sure to shut the door behind him. "Um Mr. Swanson? Do you need some help?"

Shaking himself off, the fox picks himself up off of the floor. "What? Oh, hello Todd. Yeah that would be great." The fox promptly forgets about the coyote and starts talking to himself. "Hours of work, lost! Sigh. Well, nothing left to do but pick up the pieces I guess." Suddenly remembering his student he turns to Todd, "Could you help me bring this back to my studio perchance? There are too many pieces just laying about."

Seeing his opportunity Todd quickly nods his assent. "Sure thing Mr. Swanson! I'd be glad to" It doesn't take long for the both of them to move all the parts back to the art studio where Jim taught. While they were cleaning up the mess the bell rings, signaling the end of lunch and the beginning of the next period. Luckily they were in a back hallway with few classrooms, so only a few students walk by. With all the pieces picked cleaned up Mr. Swanson hangs his shirt to dry on one of the manikins posed around the studio.

Deciding it was now or never Todd strolls up behind the fox. "So Jim, can I ask you a question?" As he spoke Todd grinds his hardon up against his teacher's back. "Do you always dress like the slut you are? Or is it when you know there's a chance that a real male will come along and claim your sweet looking mouth?"

Jim could already feel his blood boil at those comments. Whipping around, he was ready to give the pup a piece of his mind, but his words are smothered when Todd kisses him soundly. Deftly the coyote maneuvers the smaller fox up against the wall. Smiling into his teacher's shocked eyes, Todd nonchalantly hooks the red thong with one of his claws. "See? I knew it. Bitches will be bitches won't they?"

For the second time that day Jim Swanson didn't know what to say. One moment he is walking down the hall, holding one of his crowning achievements, a miniature replica of the Parthenon, the next his darkest nightmares are coming to life before his very eyes. Jim can see his teaching career flash before his eyes. If anyone sees him in this position with this... this...pup, he would be out of a job. He couldn't even figure out how this kid could have known. At this point his eyes follow Todd's gaze down to his crotch, where he realized that the thong could be clearly seen through his jeans, if one looked hard enough. Looking back up with defeated eyes, Jim splays his ears against his head. "Alright kid, you got me. Let's go ahead and get this over with. What do you want?"

"Oh nothing really. A blowjob will do just fine." Todd waits with baited breath at his teacher's response. He can see the conflict behind his teacher's seemingly cool demeanor. It took all of Todd's effort not to crow in triumph when the older fox reluctantly got to his knees. His ego swelled even more when Jim let's out a gasp at the coyote's rather impressive package. Unconsciously licking his chops in anticipation the fox slowly takes the coyote's dripping member into his mouth. Trying his best to control himself Jim starts off at a slow pace. A few slurps in however proves to be the limit to the fox's self control. He start suckling on the cock with abandon. He no longer has any regards for the shame of being found out, his world is the cock. Jim's enthusiasm earns him frantic whimpers of pleasure from Todd as those expert lips roamed up and down his length. The fox paid no attention to the lewd pops and slurps as he bobbed back and forth. Meanwhile, Todd was in heaven. Never in his wildest dreams could he imagine himself having control over a teacher. It just felt so good to be bad! Virtuoso tonguing aside, the young coyote couldn't tell which he liked more. The fact that he is control of an adult, or the ridiculously good feelings emanating from his crotch.

Deciding he couldn't keep such a prize all to himself, Todd whips out his cell and starts recording. Saving a couple minutes of the footage for later use, Todd sends off two text messages. Tossing his cell aside, the coyote lets himself in his teacher's talents.

Jim is lost in his own world. It's been so long since he's gotten a male to please, well technically Todd was a minor, but that didn't matter now. What mattered was making sure that the coyote got his pleasure. In his enthusiasm the older fox manages to get pre smeared all over his muzzle. The sticky fluid causing his facial fur to clump together awkwardly, but Jim didn't care. He was too lost in the musk coming from Todd's crotch to care. He was too lost in the rhythmic tapping of the coyote's balls against his chin. Most of all, he was too lost to notice the sound of two voices as they approached from the hall.

Todd could feel his climax quickly approaching. Try as he might to hold back, Jim's muzzle was too good. Letting out a growl Todd gag's the fox with his cock. Jets of thick coyote spunk suddenly flood the older fox's throat. Jim tries desperately to swallow every drop but the sheer volume of it all made that impossible. Excess cum oozes out from between the fox's lips when Todd pulls out. Wiping his softening length on the fox's face he says, "Thanks slut, that was good. We should do this again sometime. Are you ready for your next clients?"

"Next clients? What are you--," Jim's mouth goes dry, which is impressive considering the amount of cum that's still in it. Standing slack-jawed in the hallway are Hector and Max. The two are students in his art class who generally hangout with Todd. Hector was a heavy set boar who looked more at home in a buffet than in a classroom. Max on the other hand was a gangly looking hyena. His mouth opening and closing like a fish, Jim looked first at Todd, then back at the other two students. The older fox couldn't tell where things had gone so wrong. "How long were you two standing there?"

"hehe, long enough! Why don't you take off those clothes slut? They look a little too modest for a whore like you" Hector snorted. Slowly Jim shucks off what remains of outfit. He can feel the teenager's eyes roam across his body as he slowly peels away his pants, leaving only the red thong.

. Grinning in glee, Hector walks over to Jim and picks him up. Laying the fox on his stomach he whispers into the older fur's ear. "Now, either you're or bitch, or you start making friends with the people on the registered sex offenders list. I hear you foxes have some of the tightest tail holes around. Don't disappoint me." As Jim nods dumbly at the hulking beast above him, he feels a firm pressure at his tailhole.

Pulling the thong to the side Hector shoves two fingers into the fox's hole. Grunting in satisfaction he quickly removes them and in one fluid thrust Hector hilts himself in the fox below him. Jim's yelp of pain is cut short when Max roughly shoves his length into his mouth. The searing pain in his rear, coupled with the plump length pumping his muzzle caused tears to well in the fox's eyes. It isn't long before Jim's whimpers turn more into moans. Surprisingly the Hector's twisted length massage's Jim's prostate in ways he never thought possible. Hector and Max are still thrusting away when Jim's cock erupts, sending a stream of cum all over his chest and the desk under him. The boar gets a sudden idea and wraps his paw around the fox's quivering flesh. Slowly he pumps the sensitive flesh. As the waves of pleasure coarse through his body Jim sucks and clenches with new abandon. The sooner he got these two males satisfied, the sooner he could sneak home and pretend like today never happened.

On whim he glances to the side and notices Todd recording the action with his phone. The emotionless eye of the phones lens stares back at him and his blood runs cold. Jim can barely understand how horribly wrong his life has turned. The throbbing length of hyena cock only serving as a reminder to his carnal desires. Speaking of which, the furiously humping hyena on top of him reaches a sudden climax. Musky hyena spunk squirts down the fox's throat. At this point he's too tired to swallow it all, letting a small trickle of semen run down his muzzle. Sighing in appreciation Max reluctantly pulls out of the fox. Behind him, Hector reaches his own messy finale. Squealing in pleasure the young boar releases his load deep into the fox. Jim's velvety insides milking the porcine length for all it's worth. Hector takes a moment to bask in the afterglow before slipping out of the fox's well used hole. Giving the fox's rear a firm slap he pulls up his pants and sidles out the door. "Welp, I'm done here. Todd did you get any good shots?"

Laughing the coyote replies, "Yeah. Ol' Jim here is going to be a good old slut for us if he want's to keep his job. Isn't that right Jim?"

Meanwhile Max looks longingly at he panting fox, "Guys, are you sure we can't bring him home with us or something? I don't know if I can wait till tomorrow to have another go at him!"

Shaking his head, Todd says "nah. Let the old fucker have a break. Besides I think I hear someone coming. Let's beat it."

The three quickly duck out of the room leaving Jim panting on his desk. Almost fading into unconsciousness from sheer exhaustion, Jim notices a figure lumbering to him. He can only manage to moan and roll onto his side before he comes muzzle to crotch with a chubby beaver wearing overalls. Looking up he is met by the buck toothed grin of Mr. McPhereson, the tech ed teacher. "Well Jim, looks like you've got yourself into kind of a bind. But who am I to turn away such a willing offer. Open up!" Unzipping his pants the beaver silences any protests with his cock.

Resigned to his fate Jim suckles on the length provided to him. A voice shouts from outside, "Hey Jim! Have you seen that sub of mine? I don't know where he's gotten off to. He was supposed to check in - OH!... Didn't mean to interrupt..." Mr Wazinsky feels his cheeks redden as he walks in on two of his colleges going at it. More embarrassing is how quickly the bovine pitched a tent when he saw Jim Swanson being facefucked on a desk.

Laughing the beaver quips, "Not at all Rob. You can have his ass, no one's using it! Heck, we might have to call a staff meeting in here. I never knew Jim was so talented with his muzzle" Whatever protests that the fox could have had were quickly stifled as a foot of bull cock was shoved into his hole. Sighing in resignation Jim Swanson contemplated how "School Bitch" would look on his job resume.