Bloody Red Sun of Fantastic L.A. : Part I Chapter V

Story by Van Rorie on SoFurry

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#6 of Bloody Red Sun of Fantastic L.A.

Sorry about the wait for this chapter. I meant to get it finished a lot sooner than this but I got distracted playing minecraft. This Chapter is really short, and I probably should have just tacked it onto chapter four but oh well. If I had to estimate I would say that part one is about a third finished at this point. Any feedback is appreciated at this point. Hope you enjoy.

I believe in complete and absolute non-ownership of everything, and so I do not claim to own these characters but rather submit them to public domain. If you wish to use them feel free to do so in any way (though I would like to be notified if they are used so I could see that story or artwork). This is a work not by an author but by humanity as is everything man made.

Warning! The following content may be disturbing to some people. The following story will deal with Adult themes. If you find this Disturbing do not read. Warning!

Bloody Red Sun of Fantastic L.A.

Part I Chapter V

Uvlmno was shaking in a corner hugging himself as if he couldn't believe that Yzuvgh was dead. Klyzab, Stijst, and Rsefab were all sitting in the sleeping corner of the room scared out of their minds.

Yzuvgh's corpse was still lying in the middle of the floor. The disturbing seen was locked in Klyzabs mind forever, the fight, then the accidental firing of whatever weapon caused Yzuvgh's skull to become compressed into his brain. He looked like he was just staring into space; it didn't look like he was dead.

The door to the room opened sudden and unexpectedly, as a large number of the metal behemoths came into the room. Klyzab quickly counted five of them total. Two went over to Yzuvgh's corpse and put it on some kind of board, draped a cloth over it and carried it away. One of the guards just stood in front of Klyzab, Stijst, and Rsefab. He looked like a giant statue and they were all afraid they would end up like Yzuvgh if they approached it.

"STOP! LET ME GO, YOU FUCKING BASTARDS"! All three of the younger cubs turned their heads to see the two remaining guards restrain Uvlmno. They put his arms behind the small of his back, and put some kind of strap on them locking them there.

"PUT ME DOWN YOU FUCKERS, PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW YOU MOTHE-"At that moment one of the guards hit Uvlmno's muzzle with the back of his hand, and he fell silent not moving. The guards took Uvlmno and dragged his limp body from the room. The guards with Yzuvgh corpse, and the guard that was watching Klyzab, Stijst, and Rsefab also left, closing the door behind them.

Klyzab just sat on one of the sleeping mats and cried, he had loved Yzuvgh in the short time he knew him. He also didn't think that Uvlmno deserved to be beaten like that. He felt Rsefab and Stijst around him; he knew that they were also crying. Klyzab was intensely afraid of the metal beings that controlled his life, and he worried that they would come back and takes him or the two furs beside him.

Klyzabs worst fear was realized when the door opened and more of the metal guards rushed in. Before any of the crying furs could react they were being restrained with the same kind of device that was used on Uvlmno. The cuffs of plastic cut into Klyzabs wrists harshly and he cried out in pain. He received a sharp crack across the muzzle from one of the guards for his sound. Klyzab felt himself being picked up by the scruff of the neck as one of the guards picked him up off the floor. Klyzab was roughly carried down the hall. The guards took him through a series of doors, until they arrived in a large white room. The room had a number of large cylinder objects running along each of the walls.

Klyzab started to struggle franticly when he saw what the cylinders contained. Furs. Most of the cylinders contained one fur each, though there were a few that were unoccupied. Klyzab felt a sharp pain in his neck, as he recovered from the shock. He turned to see that one of the furless creatures had injected him with something, and he started to feel drowsy. Klyzab stopped struggling as he felt his body start to shut down. The guard that was carrying him stopped at one of the unused pods and pressed a button on the side of it. The top opened up with a small hiss of compressed air escaping. The guard placed Klyzab in the pod. He grabbed Klyzabs jaw and pressed down on the joints making it open up. Klyzab gagged as he felt a small tube being shoved down his throat. Then the guard brought up something to Klyzabs face it strapped the hose down to his mouth and shoved smaller hoses into his nostrils. The guard then took another tube and but it just below the last of Klyzabs ribs and held it there. He pushed a button on the hose and Klyzab felt a sharp pain in his side and the hose started to slip into his kidney. The guard stepped away from the pod and pushed the button on the side again. The top of the pod closed down and sealed the container shut. Suddenly Klyzab became aware of a fluid of some kind filling the container he was in. He tried to sit up but whatever he had been injected with had caused full body paralysis.

As the cold liquid started to was over him Klyzabs senses started to fail him. First he couldn't fell the water then the sound of it started to fade. As his vision grew black Klyzab had one last thought.

"What's going to hap-"