Slop Me

Story by Teliver on SoFurry

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#5 of One Hot Day on the Farm

Slop Me

The Farmer's Daughter's Day


Mickie Farmer cannonballed into the swimming hole splashing water all over the place. She did this every morning when school was out, even on the days when she had chores or somewhere to be early in the morning. If she had to be, she was there at the break of dawn to strip naked, grab the tire swing, and launch herself into the water and have a good swim. Today, however was a lazy day, and she didn't get there till about midmorning.

All of 11 years old, Mickie wore her fiery red hair in tightly braided pigtails sticking out from either side of her head. She was convinced that only she knew about this swimming hole. Not Emily, the milkmaid's daughter, a cow herself. And certainly not Todd, her brother. This was her private swim every morning and she reveled in it. She barely noticed that today, the water was a bit cloudier than usual.

Getting out after an hour's swim, she shook the water from her young body, grabbed a towel she left hanging on a tree branch and toweled herself dry. As she did so, her heart started beating harder and a flush came to her face, though she didn't quite know why. She started rubbing the towel across her chest and that elicited a small gasp from her. Looking down at herself, she rubbed the towel across her chest again, this time clearly feeling a bit of pleasure when she did that. Giggling, she glanced around, suddenly self conscious, and dried herself quickly. Putting on a white t-shirt with a cartoon kitten on it, and a pair of jeans with panties underneath, she ran off towards the stables. She just had time to change into her riding clothes for her lesson with Xanthe.

She ran there, ignoring the sounds coming from the riding hand's quarters, and dashed straight into the changing room of the stables. She thought she was late, and didn't want to make Xanthe mad. Xanthe was such a good riding teacher, and she loved the horses so much. Quickly stripping off her jeans, she got into her riding pants, lacing them up at the side, making sure they were nice and tight before sitting down and sliding the boots onto her feet. Next came the jacket and the riding helmet. By the time she'd gotten into that, her heart was racing. Stepping out into the stable, she went to her pony and realizing that she wasn't the one that was late, started to relax. She picked up a brush and started grooming her pony's mane as the tight cloth of the riding trousers started to ride up in the crotch. She bit her lip, and her face flushed. Pausing in her brushing she thought for a moment, rubbing her legs together. For some reason that felt good, though she didn't know why. At the same time though it was frustrating. All of a sudden she felt as if it wasn't enough, but she didn't know what it wasn't enough of, or how to get more.

That's when she heard the familiar sound of hooves behind her. "Oh hi Xanthe! Is it time for my lesson?" She then turned and looked at the mare behind her.

Xanthe stood there in the middle of the stable. Her normally neat purple hair was, instead, a purple tousle, what could best be described as bed hair. Her eyes gleamed with an energy that was powerful and lusty, though Mickie didn't know what that was, but she could feel it. Xanthe smiled at her, and as she did so, Mickie looked down at the rest of her. Xanthe's tits stood exposed, nipples as hard as pebbles, supported by a black leather corset, cinching her waist just a bit. It gleamed in places as if it were wet or had been recently oiled. Looking down further, Mickie could see that her legs were covered by a pair of black leather chaps that drew her attention to the creamy tan colored crotch. There, her sex stood perfectly framed, lips slightly red, but quite obviously, running down the inside of her left thigh, was a white substance Mickie had never seen before. As she watched, more of it leaked from Xanthe's sex as she stood there with her legs apart, hips cocked to one side. Mickie was stunned. All of a sudden the need she didn't have a name for was there standing in front of her. Or was it? She didn't know what was going on, and as she stared, she could feel the need grow and it scared her.

"Of course it is. Over here, please?" Xanthe extended her hand out to Mickie, who slowly took it. Xanthe drew her close and gently took the helmet off of her head. "No need for that today. In fact there's no need for a lot of things today. Isn't that right?"

Mickie could smell her as she drew closer. Mare scent, mixed with cum and hormones, she inhaled it along with the misty air and she bit her lip and looked up at Xanthe so confused, her thighs rubbing against each other. Xanthe chuckled. "No, don't answer. I don't know why, but today, the rules don't exist. No riding lesson today. Today you get your first lesson in sex." She gripped Mickie's hand in hers and walked her outside to the stable hand's quarters. "Go inside. First door on the left. Go have a good look."

Mickie took her hand from Xanthe's. She stepped inside and moved to the door. Opening it, her mouth fell open. Lying on the bed, asleep, and completely naked were Alexander, Xanthe's stallion boyfriend, and Buttercup, Xanthe's best friend and mother to Mickie's best friend Emily. They laid there completely oblivious to her presence. Alexander was on his back, cock hanging limply on his belly, and Buttercup was cuddled up to him, her left leg hooked over Alexander's legs leaving her sex wide open and leaking cum. Mickie just stood there taking the scene in, breathing heavily.

The hoof steps behind her finally made her look away. Xanthe had stripped herself of the leather now, and stood there naked as she put her arm around Mickie's shoulders. "These are my pets. I played with them a little while ago." She stepped over to Buttercup and pinched one of her nipples hard making the cow low in her sleep.

Mickie's head was swimming. She didn't know what was going on, or why it was making her feel so good to look at this. She stared at Buttercup's sex, and then slowly looked down at herself, her hand going to her own.

Xanthe chuckled a bit seeing all of this. "Here... let me help you out of those clothes." Xanthe slid herself to the ground if front of her letting her get a good look at her nice firm round tits as she started to unlace the riding trousers and peel the stiff cloth away leaving Mickie with only a pair of white cotton panties over her sex. Mickie didn't even look down as she slid her riding boots from her feet. Xanthe then slid the riding jacket off of her shoulders exposing the white t-shirt with the cartoon kitten on it. Mickie had never felt more naked in her life despite the fact that all her privates were still covered, and that she wore nothing at all that very morning while swimming. Xanthe sat back a bit and looked into the girl's eyes, her hand caressing the girl's cheek. Mickie looked back with tears in her eyes, but she pressed her cheek into the hand and closed them. Next thing she knew, the mare's lips were caressing hers gently, pressing lightly at first, then harder, and Mickie found herself pressing back, her mouth opening instinctively. Wrapping her arms around' Xanthe's neck, the two of them embraced in Mickie's first true kiss of passion.

Standing up, Xanthe picked Mickie up off the floor as they kissed, Mickie truly lost for the first time in her life to passion. She laid her down on her back next to Alexander as Xanthe broke the kiss. "I'm going to teach you the basics today. You need this and it would be criminal to let you suffer like this." Xanthe hooked her fingers in the waistband of the panties and slowly peeled them down.

Blushing hard, Mickie put her hand on her sex as it was exposed. She didn't really understand this. A few hours ago she was a carefree little girl who couldn't care if anyone saw her naked, now she was as shy as a bookworm at a school dance. She squirmed a bit and turned her head in shame, but as she turned it she came face to face with Alexander's limp thick cock. She stared at it in fascination.

Xanthe took advantage of this, pulling the panties down, leaving them around one of her ankles, pushing her legs apart and delving her muzzle to her sex, licking it nice and slowly, tasting her. Mickie gasped and she gave a very satisfying cry of pleasure, her back arching, and her arm coming over her body to hug herself against Alexander. Without even thinking, she started nuzzling his cock, pre dripping out and covering her face in white streaks.

Xanthe saw this and paused long enough from her licking to say, "Lick him.... Suck on it like you would your mother's tits.", before diving her head between her legs again and licking her sex, delving a finger inside and finding her tight little nub.

It was all too much for the young girl, she did as she was told, opened her mouth and took that monster cock, suckling at the tip, still wet from Buttercup's and Xanthe's sexes. In his sleep, Alexander whinnied as his cock rapidly hardened, and just as a sharp wave of extreme pleasure washed over Mickie, Alexander came in his sleep, shooting hot horse seed into her mouth! It was too much for her to handle and some leaked out onto the bed, her cheeks and that cute little kitten on the t-shirt she wore. Her own sex flooded with cream giving Xanthe a nice tasty treat.

Sitting up, Xanthe licked at her fingers lewdly as Mickie looked up at her, her young face splattered with cum. She didn't even ask what she had just felt. She just knew that she wanted more. She sat up and taking Xanthe's hand in hers, she too started licking them clean. To her surprise, Xanthe then sat back on the bed, and taking Mickie by the pigtails, she spread her legs and pulled Mickie down to her own sex, still laden with leaking seed. "Eat, like I just ate you."

Mickie started to lick, but her tongue just wasn't doing it right, so holding her by her 'handlebars', Xanthe guided her. Murmuring to her she told her how to make her feel good, how to lick around her clit then over it with just the right pressure. She also murmured lessons on how to please a guy, planting lewd ideas as Mickie licked at her sex. Behind her, Buttercup's eyes flicked open to see Mickie's pert bottom bobbing in the air in front of her as she ate her mistress. Unable to resist, she reached out pushed her thumb into the girl's ass and two fingers into her sex. Moaning aloud, Mickie ground herself against those fingers, making Xanthe pull her back to her sex. "I didn't tell you to stop. Now lick me."

She did. Learning quickly, she licked and lapped at that sex as Buttercup wiggled her fingers inside of her, all while Alexander slept. It wasn't long before both Xanthe and Mickie cried out as their sexes clenched and they both came. Xanthe pulled the girl into her lap and cuddled her. "Mmmm... I think that's enough of a lesson for now. You get dressed. Go and find a few.. playmates. Come back when you think you're ready for Alexander's cock." She chuckled and looked over at Buttercup who blushed. Neither of them thought she would ever be ready.

Mickie nodded and got up. Recovering just a bit, she looked over at the bed and then flushed hard! Reaching down she fumbled for her panties, pulling them up and getting them sopping wet when they pressed against her. She then tried to pull on her jeans as she walked out the door. The last thing she heard was Xanthe slapping Alexander's face to wake him up.

Still stumbling with her jeans as she went outside in the hot misty air, one of the farm hands saw her. It was Billy, a slightly rotund anthro pig who took care of the non-anthro pigs through the day. Leaning against a fence, he watched as the girl fumbled with the fastenings on her belt, and being the day it was reached some of the right conclusions. He'd been feeling randy all day and just the thought of that red-haired pig-tailed girl being dirty sent his mind plotting.

A few minutes later, Mickie was behind the pig shed, a favorite hiding spot from when she and her brother would play. She leaned against the back of the shed and thought back to her encounter with Xanthe. She didn't have time to think long as Billy came around the corner dressed only in his usual overalls and he smiled at her. "I saw what you did in there. Dirty little girl, aren't you?"

Mickie blushed hard, her cheeks outshining her hair and she bit her lip as she looked up at the pig. Billy was a good friend of her dad, the farmer, and she knew that one word from him, and she'd have her hide tanned so badly. She didn't bother denying it. She nodded slightly.

"So how far did you go?" Billy glanced at her chest and saw the cum stains drying on it. Mickie didn't say anything for a long moment, then started telling him everything Xanthe did with her. It wasn't long before she fell silent again.

Billy thought for a moment. He could really get this girl in trouble. Her father would want to know, but at the same time he didn't really want to get her or Xanthe in trouble. That's when he saw her eyes flick down to his crotch and back up to his. All thoughts of telling anyone were lost in that moment.

"I see... Xanthe gave you a little education. Want the next lesson, Mickie? Want to know how fucking really feels?" He started to undo the straps of his overalls as Mickie's flush returned to her cheeks. She started to open her mouth to say something to get away, but just then he dropped his overalls leaving him naked in the hot baking sun. Her eyes locked onto his exposed cock and balls underneath his slight paunch, and she gave out a slight whimper. His cock was hanging there limply, but it was fat, nice and thick, but shorter than Alexander's. She looked down at herself and her own crotch through her clothing then back at that fat sausage. Falling to her knees in the slightly muddy ground she reached out to it and hefted it in her hands slowly.

"That's it girl... Why don't you give it a little rub?" Mickie did nothing of the sort. Now that that cock was in her hands, so close to her nose, she could smell his musk, so different from Alexander's and yet so desirable. She opened her mouth as wide as she could and started stuffing it into her mouth, licking at the flesh as she had done with the stallion.

Billy gasped, and his cock started to stiffen and grow just a bit. He groaned and nodded down at the girl. "Yeah, that's it... oh god yeah, " He leaned against the side of the shed and thrust his hips for a few moments, glad that no one else could see him doing this, getting a blow job from the farmer's daughter. But then she stopped and stood up, his cock in her hand.

"You... slop the pigs, right?" Billy looked down at her and nodded. "Um... do you want to... slop me?" Her blush was fiery red as she looked up at him. He nodded slowly not quite sure what she was asking him, but going along with it.

Mickie smiled a bit. A few hours ago she didn't even know what she was about to do was possible, but since Xanthe had told her what to do, she had wanted it so badly. Turning around, she stuffed her panties and jeans down exposing her tight ass to him. She then got down on all fours, and kicking a leg out of her jeans, she spread her legs apart wide, stretching her panties between her knees. Looking over her shoulder she murmured, "Slop me..."

Billy didn't waste time. He knelt behind Mickie, and stuffed himself into her virgin pussy, taking her far harder than she should have been, that fat sausage spreading her sex nice and wide! She cried out in pain, but the pleasure from the cock inside her overwhelmed her as well and she shoved herself back against him, sexual juice and a trickle of blood leaking from her sex onto her panties.

Over and over again, they thrust into each other, her cries getting louder as he ground into her tight sex, his hands roaming over her bottom and back, pulling her shirt up and pinching her left nipple making her cry out in pleasure. Over and over again they ground in, the dirt getting into her jeans, his hands clutching at her, her fingers digging into the dirt, and his cock plunging in. She suddenly stiffened and then stuck her bottom into the air as she cried out, her young sex clenching tight on Billy's sausage making him cry out as well sending his seed deep into her sex!

Just then Mickie fell forwards into the dirt, pulling off of the still spurting sausage making his cum go splattering all over her bottom, the back of her shirt and a bit in her hair. She laid there for a long moment just shuddering and moaning, her bottom quivering as Billy stood up and leaned back agsint the pig shed looking at what he'd done. Without a word, he gathered up his overalls, clipped them in place and walked away.

Mickie got herself up onto all fours slowly. Standing up slowly, she pulled the now sodden panties up against her sex. Grabbing her now thoroughly dirty jeans, she started to get into them muttering to herself, "again... gotta do that again...."

Stuffing herself into her jeans, not doing up the top button, she ran off barefoot, wondering where that pig had gotten to. That's when she spotted Gary, a goat who hung around with Roy, the bull, most of the time. He was busy baling hay working hard in the sunlight wearing a t-shirt and shorts. Hesitating only a moment, she went to the shed closest to him and, hiding behind it, she started whistling to attract his attention.

It took a few whistles to get him to turn around and look. That's when he saw her arm urging him behind the shed. That's all he saw, as the rest of her was hidden. Stepping behind the shed with her, Gary looked down at her. "Mickie? What's going on, is there a problem?" He kept his voice hushed.

Mickie nodded. "Yeah. Big problem. Um..." She looked at him. She still didn't know how to put it! She wanted sex. She needed sex, but she didn't know the first thing about seducing or getting it! Fortunately for her, Gary was a playful sort. He looked down into her eyes and grinned. And like many times before he reached out to tickle her side.

Before he knew it, her leg hooked up and over his hand and she scooted herself up to grab his horns, pull herself up and force a kiss onto his muzzle. Taken completely by surprise, he started to topple over towards her making them both land in the mist covered grass still kissing. Mickie by this time was so lost in her need that she barely noticed, just wrapped her legs around Gary and started rubbing her crotch up and down against him.

Gary finally managed to break the kiss and he pinned her down by the arms as he looked her in the eyes. "Mickie, what are you doing? If we got caught, we'd be in so much trouble.."

"Don't worry. We won't be. I'll just tell dad that it was Billy.... Cuz it was." She winked at him and giggled.

Gary stared at her for a moment. He then sat up and started stripping off his jeans as fast as he could, struggling with the dirty denim as Mickie did the same, whipping them off as well as the panties. When Gary finally got his clothes off, there was Mickie lying there in a stained white cartoon kitten t-shirt and nothing else, legs spread wide and leaking pig cum. "Stuff it in. Right now."

And that is exactly what he did. He lent over her, put his long thin cock to her hole and pushed it right in, making her cry out in passion as it went deeper than Billy's had. Gary didn't stop there, he started thrusting hard, pushing Mickie across the grass with each thrust, his body slapping against hers. Their hands clutched at each other as they fucked, grass stains streaking the back of her white shirt as her body dragged across it. Over and over they drove into each other until Gary arched back and bleated as Mickie cried out and they came. Mickie gave Gary a little push with her legs making him fall out sending a jet of his seed splattering across her face and chest, and right across the open mouth of the cartoon kitten. Both of them collapsed onto the grass, panting hard.

Gary rolled over on the grass and peeked out from behind the shed. Grabbing his clothes, he ran off to try and find his friend Roy. He wasn't sure he'd be believed, but he had to tell someone what he'd just done.

Mickie on the other hand recovered just in time to see him run off. She thought for a moment about what just happened and she came to decision. She wouldn't bother with talking anymore. Grabbing her panties, she forced them on, already stained, the white cloth grew damper. Leaving her jeans behind, she ran off across the barnyard to try and find another lover.

Arriving at the grain sheds, she clambered up and on to the roof using a feed box next to it for a foothold. Walking across the spine of the roof, she could see further than before. She didn't need to look far though. Approaching the grain shed was Sam, a pony who usually fed the chickens this time of day. As he bent over to fill his bucket with grain, Mickie leaped off the roof of the shed and landed on his back wrapping her legs around his waist and hugging his neck. "Hi Sam!"

Sam's legs nearly buckled, but he managed to stay standing. This wasn't the first time Mickie had taken a flying leap and landed on his back, but what happened next was totally unexpected. Grabbing onto his overalls, she undid the buttons and then slid down his back pulling the clothing right off of him leaving him naked! She then pushed the pony over making him fall into the grain bin and roll over onto his back!

Jumping into the grain bin with him, she didn't waste time. Peeling her panties to the side, she grabbed his cock in her hand and stuffed it up inside of her! He'd been semi-hard all day but this was too much, and instantly his cock grew hard and dug into her! The poor pony didn't even have time to express his surprise as Mickie's slick pussy embraced him.

Humping herself up and down on that cock, this one went deeper than the other ones. After only a moment, Sam started humping up into the girl himself as she rode him, squeezing her little cunny around him. "Oh yeah that it. Harder my pony... Harder!" She started slapping his leg playfully at first, then harder as she bucked up and down, and each time she did, she was rewarded with harder thrusts. Up and down she bounced, almost thrown clear of the cock each time, the dust from the grain making a cloud around them as they fucked hard, the dust sticking to both of them, any wet surface getting coated in dirt! With a scream, Mickie came, her cunny clamping down hard making Sam's cock spurt and he arched his back whinnying. Both of them collapsed hard into the grain panting.

After a moment, the panting turned to coughing, and Mickie got up and, the cock sliding out of her sex, she got out of the grain bin and started stumbling towards the house. Every inch of her body was covered with grain dust, the white shirt now tan, and the cum stains were now a dark tan. The back of the shirt was a mass of green grass stains and her panties, already soaked by all the cum were now stuck together pulled off to the side leaving her sex all exposed and drooling white cream down both legs.

As she walked, a measure of sanity started to return to her. She looked down at herself, not even remembering where she left her jeans. She needed to clean up, badly, but she couldn't risk her mother seeing her this way. That's when she had an idea. The hand pump near the back porch. There was a risk she'd be seen there, but if she were quick, she could do it. But she couldn't pump and wash at the same time. She had to get someone to help her.

That's when she spotted Todd, her brother, up in his bedroom. He seemed to be pacing the room up and down with a worried look on his face. That didn't matter now. Without a seconds thought, she ran over and started climbing the ivy covered trellis up the side of the house., hand over hand, legs wide apart as she moved her feet up, climbing like a monkey.

She knocked on his window, and it was lucky that when he opened it, all he could see was her head and shoulder. "Whoa. What happened to you?"

"Can't explain now. I need to clean up, but I can't go in the house like this. Will you pump me? Er... pump for me, please?"

He agreed, opening the window further, but just as Todd was about to come out to climb down the trellis with her, she heard a yowl in the distance. Looking over she spotted a pair of anthro cats, neighbors to the farmer. They were naked, and quite obviously having sex right out in the open which made Mickie whimper all over again. As they ground into each other they turned a bit. The female was sitting on top of the male and she spread her legs showing off her empty pussy. That's when she realized the male's cock was stuck up the other cat's bottom.

Looking around, she spotted Todd about to come out, and that's when she decided. She had to have him inside her ass. No matter what else, she had to feel that. She started to climb down letting her brother out onto the trellis as well. At the bottom, she grabbed his hand and almost pulled him off the trellis as she ran to the pump in full view of the entire farm. Only then did Todd get a proper look at her.

"Holy cow! What the hell happened to you?" His eyes took in the whole picture and he thought back to that morning with Emily. He'd never gotten that carried away with anything before then, and now it seemed that his sister had gone even further!

"Doesn't matter. Just pump." She grabbed the hand pump and started pushing it up and down sending cold water splashing against the flagstones. She grabbed his hand and put it on the pump making him do it before letting go and stepping under the water herself, the cold water splashing against her getting some on her brother as well. "Brrrr that's cold!"

She started by stripping off her shirt, now thoroughly ruined, letting her tiny nubs of tit flesh finally free of the dirty cloth. Tossing it aside as her brother watched and pumped the water, she then bent over and peeled her panties from her letting them fall wetly to the ground. She then turned back to Todd and started washing herself in the water, running her hands up and down her body. Ducking her head under the water, she managed to get most of the grain dust out of her hair, but she also managed to splash the water onto Todd.

He didn't mind, he was staring at his sister with new eyes. That very morning, he'd taken Emily, her best friend, and now he was having thoughts about his own sister. Dirty thoughts that coursed through his blood even as his sister cleaned up from what he couldn't tell. He got a big clue though when she took his hand and placed it against her sex and started grinding.

A moment later, Mickie's lips were pressed to her brother's and her hands were ripping at his t-shirt trying to get it off of him. He resisted for a moment, but that kiss was so hot it just seemed to break his will. He let go of the pump stopping the water flow as he peeled his own shirt up and off of him. Mickie reached over and started pumping the water herself making it splash all over Todd as he removed his shorts, soaking him in the slightly cloudy water.

She gripped the pump handle in both hands as he stood up, cock already erect and ready. That's when she turned her back to him, bent right over, spreading her legs, and said, "Not my pussy. I want it in my ass."

Todd didn't hesitate. Stepping forward, he put his hands on Mickie's bottom, dug his thumbs in to the flesh, making her tail hole nice and obvious, and he put his wet cock to the hole and pushed it in with a nice hard thrust. Her virgin tail hole, not used to this, tightened up as she cried out, gripping the pump handle for support. Todd didn't let that stop him as he pushed harder plunging his cock deep into that ass as Mickie reached down and started fingering her own sex as she drove back against her brother.

Mickie was lost in a new world of dirty sex. It hurt so much and yet her body craved more as she dug her fingers into her pussy, her ass being pounded by her own brother! She started licking the wet pump handle as she held onto it, the water on their skin drying off quickly. Over and over again, he drove into her until finally, they both cried out, her ass clenching tight on his cock not letting it go as it filled her ass with incestuous seed!

They stood there for a long moment enjoying it. Finally, thought, Mickie stepped forward and straightening up, she pulled the cock from her ass and turned around looking up at her older brother. She then giggled slapped his bottom and ran off leaving Todd next to the pump naked and wondering what the hell just happened.

Mickie ran naked across the barnyard. She felt so alive now, and as she ran she did a few cartwheels. That's when she smelled the horses and realized that she was back at the stables. She wondered if Alexander, Buttercup and Xanthe were still there in the stable hand quarters.

Running inside, she saw no sign of Xanthe, but there against the back wall were Alexander and Buttercup. Both of them were chained up to the wall, legs apart, arms overhead with nice big fat red ball gags in their mouths. And both of them looked horny as hell. Buttercup's legs were damp with wetness and Alexander's cock stood out from his body drooling pre.

Stepping into the room, Mickie looked them over, then glanced back out the doorway. Giggling mischievously, she stepped over to Alexander and licked at his cock tip. "Xanthe won't mind if I play a little with her toys, now will she?"

"Oh she will." Xanthe stepped into the room, now dressed up in her leather corset and chaps again. "Naughty girl. Been busy? From what I can see... so has Emily." Buttercup's eyes flicked up at that, but she said nothing. Xanthe, for her part, turned her attention to Mickie, lifting her chin with the tip of her riding crop. "Now what would you have done had I not been here? Tried to take that massive cock inside you? Teased him? Drank Buttercup dry? Well there's no way to tell now, but I know what'll happen now that I'm here."

Mickie trembled a bit, incredibly aroused. She watched as Xanthe went over to a small cabinet and took out some small items, but she didn't let her see them. Walking back over, Xanthe sat down on a bench and she patted her lap. "Over my knee, Mickie."

Mickie was tempted to run as she usually ran from the spankings her parents gave out, but something stopped her. Maybe it was the gentle yet firm look that Xanthe gave her. Maybe it was the fact that she was desperate for sex. She couldn't tell, but after only a moment's hesitation, she bent over Xanthe's lap and stuck her bottom in the air.

Instantly, Xanthe could smell the remnants of all the sex Mickie had had through the day, and she could see her raw tail hole leaking a bit of cum. "Tsk... That won't do. Gotta make sure that doesn't leak out." And without a word, Xanthe put a small thin butt plug to Mickie's anus and she pushed it inside, making Mickie writhe in her lap.

"Please Xanthe... touch my pussy... I need it.... So empty..."

Xanthe chuckled. "In time, that pussy will be nice and full, but first..." She brought her hand down onto Mickie's ass starting the spanking. Over and over again, Xanthe smacked Mickie's bottom making it glow nice and red, making her cry out each time, her sex getting wetter and wetter. Xanthe kept spanking, hard and fast until her bottom was raw.

"Now then.... Stand up, my dear."

Mickie stood, and when she did she a pair of clips in Xanthe's hand. Without a word, Xanthe took those clips and she put them on Mickie's nipples. "There.... That should get you good and horny."

Mickie didn't need them to get good and horny, but they did drive her wild, the pain through her sensitive nubs was incredible and her legs trembled as her pussy juices ran down them. That's when Xanthe picked her up. "Arms around my neck, girl."

Mickie did as she was told, hugging herself to Xanthe and kissing her neck. Xanthe lifted Mickie up then started lifting her legs away from her body, easily holding the girl parallel to the floor. Spreading her legs, Xanthe stepped towards Alexander, and with only a small push, she impaled Mickie's sex onto Alexander's pole!

Mickie stiffened and shuddered not making a noise, but then took a deep breath and cried out as she hugged Xanthe's neck nice and tight! Xanthe pushed again, forcing the biggest cock Mickie had ever seen straight into her, already 9 inches inside. Pulling back, Xanthe pushed again sending even more into the girl making her cry out more, tears rolling down her cheeks.

Several more times, Xanthe thrust that cock deep into Mickie and each time her cunny clenched on it hard making Alexander thrust just a bit in his bonds. Finally, Alexander couldn't take it any longer and he came. He came far too much for a little girl, who had just finally taken a full foot of that cock inside of her. Crying out, Mickie could feel the gush of hot horse seed deep inside of her and she came herself, the most intense orgasm of that day so far! For a full minute, her body writhed as Xanthe held it there, hot creamy horse seed spilling out around their sexes.

When Mickie finally collapsed gasping, Xanthe carefully pulled her off and set her down on the bed, sex leaking seed. She pulled off the nipple clips with a yank making Mickie sit up and clutch her chest in pain. "Go on... go find Emily. I think she should still be in the field with Ron..."

Mickie looked up at Xanthe confused, but then she smiled. Emily would be the one person she would want to share this with in the entire world. Quickly getting up, she ran out to try and find her, leaving a trail of seed on the ground behind her.

It wasn't long before Mickie found Emily. She was in the middle of the field, lying on a plow with about a dozen naked men around her. Mickie beamed with delight. Her friend had also found this new game and was reveling in it! She decided to join in.

Climbing up the back of a horse, she looked down at Emily. She was cum-stained from head to toe and all three of her holes were very busy indeed. The sight of it made Mickie moan in delight wanting to feel that herself. The butt plug that Xanthe gave her felt good, but it was nothing like her brother's cock, and the thought of having both of those holes filled...

Just then the pony standing by Emily's head grunted and came into her mouth, pulling back so that it got into her hair. Emily gasped for breath, and Mickie spotting the opening, leaped from the horse's shoulders and onto the plow sending a cheer through the men as they saw her! Squatting down quickly, Mickie put her sopping wet, horse seed drooling cunt to Emily's mouth! "Hiya Em! Guess what I've been doing!"

Emily didn't reply, instead she licked. At this point all of Emily's instincts were to lick and suck and take whatever she was given. It was a few moments though before Emily realized that this seed was the same as the 'milk' she licked from her mother at the very beginning of this long day. She looked up at Mickie smiling down at her and realised that her best friend had just fucked her mother's lover. She smiled back in return and started licking harder, part of Emily still out for revenge.

Mickie on the other hand, hadn't a clue about what she was telling Emily. She was too busy grinding her sex against the cowgirl's tongue and enjoying the boy's caresses of her body by all the men. She then looked and saw Gary again, right in front of her with his cock hanging out pointed right at her.

Mickie grinned and lifted herself just a bit, reaching down and without a word, worked the butt plug from her bottom. Dropping it on the ground, she sat back down this time giving Emily her ass to lick as she grabbed Gary's cock and stuffed it into her sex. It took only a few seconds for Todd's cum to start leaking out of her ass and onto Emily's tongue, and that taste was familiar too. Instantly, Emily knew that her best friend on the farm had had her first lover, Mickie's own brother! Emily's moment of revenge suddenly shattered and she felt more degraded than ever, defeated and she gave in fully to the moment, licking that cum out of the girl's ass, moaning as she was fucked.

Mickie was oblivious to all this though, not even a clue as to what messages she was sending. Instead she was just enjoying a nice fuck at the hands of Gary as she suckled on another cock from a very tall bull. Gasping, she came again, making Gary spurt his seed, and the bull too, both of them pulling out and covering her in sticky cum. A moment later, she had bent over and kissed Emily on the lips. "Bye Em. Gotta go find my own... um.... party." She giggled and scampered off away from the orgy. After all, she didn't want to steal Emily's fun, just share it a bit.

Running down the hill, she leapt onto the roof of the pig shed, her body still naked and covered in cum. Looking around, she had to find a few men if she was going to get double fucked like Em was. She shuddered at the thought and at how much she seemed to be enjoying it. Pausing to rub her nipples, still sore from the clamps, she spotted them. Billy, Bo, Bob, and Betty, the swine family. Billy had already had her that morning, and from the looks of things, he was telling them all about his encounter with her.

"I'm telling ya, she was a little sexpot!"

"No way! Not Mickie! I've seen some crazy things on the farm today, but her? The only way I'd believe it was if she mounted my cock herself!" Bo turned away from his brother just in time to be tackled from above by Mickie and sent stumbling through the fence in to the muddy pig sty!

Lading on top of him, Mickie, giggling like a maniac, ripped open his jeans and she started licking his cock like a lollipop. "Mounting you would be fun, but I want the rest of you in on this too! Go on pigs, slop me!"

For a moment the family stared at her in disbelief, but then a laugh went between them and they all climbed into the pig sty with her, the hogs of the farm milling about around them. She slid her body up Bo's cock and then sitting down, she stuffed it inside of her, a nice fat one like his brother's Both of them moaned, but Mickie's moan was soon turned into a yelp as she felt Billy's cock stuff itself into her ass. She couldn't believe the sensation, both holes feeling so full of cock that she nearly screamed. This was so much better than having just one cock alone no matter whose it was!

She didn't get the chance to scream long. Betty had stripped naked and she stuffed her fat cunny to her mouth as Bob stepped behind her and stuffed his cock up his sister's ass! Holding on to Betty's legs for support, Mickie, her pigtails flapping in the air rocked back and forth on the cocks, stuffing all of them inside as she licked and lapped at both the pussy and the balls that swung in front of her. Bo, despite his cock being stuffed inside the girl still couldn't believe what was going on, but he didn't let that stop him.

For the longest time, they stayed that way, rocking back and forth, cumming repeatedly, and when they did, they didn't stop. Each of them came several times into the girl, mud squelching and getting splattered all them. After almost an hour of this, Mickie was tossed aside into the mud, face first, and Bob got on top of her, pushing his cock into her cunny as Bo knelt in front of her making her lick her own juices off his cock. Billy and Betty fell into the mud nearby, and started fucking as well, mud and semen getting splattered everywhere!

A little while later, Mickie laid there in the mud cuddled up to the swine family idly suckling on one of Betty's tits, all of them completely exhausted. Once in a while one of them would twitch, but all in all, they were fucked out. Mickie however, was only resting. That's when the car pulled up nearby.

Getting out of the car, Mickie saw a man in a flannel shirt and overalls. He got out and looked around the farm, his back to the pig sty where she lay. She blinked and then a shock of electricity went through her. She had to share her discovery with him. Had to. Moving quickly, she scampered up the fence between her and the man, and pausing, she waited until he turned around to take a flying leap at him, legs and arms spread wide, mud and cum covering her body!


Shear Me

Shear me A German shepherd finds his true place on the farm On a field not far from the main farm, Teliver sat on the grass, the sheep he was watching having a grand time, grazing the grass and enjoying the warm sunshine through the misty...

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Plow Me

Plow Me A girl's quest for revenge gets her far more than she wanted. Xanthe copyright Xanthe. Used with permission. Emily stood there in the milking shed, her face burning bright red. Beside her stood Todd, her best friend, and in front...

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Ride Me

RIDE ME An equine mare learns what her riding crop is for. Xanthe is used by permission of... Xanthe. Buttercup is not used by permission, but considering who she is and who I am, I don't think she'd mind. As sun set on the farm,...

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