Ilorek's Loneliness 4 of 7

Story by Runa on SoFurry

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I got bored one time, and decided I wanted to write something lighthearted, vanilla, and cute. What resulted was a story about one of my characters (A Hippogryph named Ilorek) who worked at a club flirting with, dating, and eventually wooing a cute little malamute girl by the name of Natasha. (no, has nothing to do with BD). was originally meant to be an ongoing romance/cute/flirty story, but the end of chapter 7 can be interpreted any way you see fit. I may do more one day, but for now this is what you get.

This entire story was made up on the spot with no edits and no planning. this is freeform writing, I hope there are no significant issues or errors with grammar and spelling.

Chapter 4 of 7

"I should have known better." Ilorek was berating himself after Natasha's departure. "She showed all the fucking signs, yet I let her in!" He was pacing back and forth across his apartment naked, too angry to bother with putting his clothes back on.

He was very angry with himself, but also a bit disappointed. He had set in place a few rules to avoid situations like this, he hadn't wavered the least bit in the last year.

Rule number one: Absolutely no girls from work. No exceptions. In his experiences, girls who went to the club were looking for flings and nothing more, and a large majority of them will act like they want a commitment when they don't, just to get in your pants.

Rule number two: Stay away from smaller girls. No matter how much they think they can handle it, they can't.

Rule number three: don't get attached. If a relationship is going to happen, it's going to happen gradually over time, it's not going to pop up out of nowhere. Love at first sight is a myth and he knew it.

The rest should have been pure logic, stuff like "don't invite a girl who tells you she could stalk you to your apartment", or "Don't show your dick to a girl who claims she's not interested in sex." It's almost like he failed dating 101. At least that's how he felt.

It wasn't long before his stewing calmed down, and he called it a night. Instead of beating himself up over his mistakes, he retired early, trying to think of everything he could to get his mind off Natasha, the fluffy malamute girl he'd almost fallen for. But the more he tried to not think of her, the harder it was to get her out of his head.

That night his dreams betrayed him, flooding his subconscious with images of cute little malamute girls.

Across town a petite white and grey malamute girl lay curled up in her bed. It's not fair! She thought to herself. Why did he actually do that?

The thing was, Natasha really didn't want to pursue a serious relationship with Ilorek, she was looking for friends and she'd heard through the grapevine that he was one of the kindest, most sincere guys in town. She also had heard that he was hung like, well, a horse. She never cared about his endowment, but after getting to know him and realizing that he was as sweet and cute as people said he was, she thought it'd be okay to let her curiosity get the better of her.

After all, he didn't want a relationship and neither did she. There was no reason it had to be any sort of issue, it didn't need to complicate things; yet it had.

Ilorek had opened up pretty well to Natasha, and she'd done the same to him. Hell, she even got down on her knees and begged for him, she didn't even play that game with her own family anymore, but with Ilorek it just seemed like harmless fun. And it was.

So why the hell did she rush out when he showed her what she wanted to see? She knew it would upset him, she knew he would see it as a betrayal and would probably label her a whore who sucked off more than she could swallow.

Though she tried lying to herself, telling herself she was just giving him privacy to do his thing, she knew deep down that she left because if she didn't she was liable to jump him right then and there.

It was a lose-lose situation. Had she stayed there, it wasn't likely she could contain herself and she'd either come into his room naked or be waiting for him when he emerged, legs spread. On the flipside, had she left like she had, Ilorek would probably hate her.

She hated herself but it didn't matter. That cock, it was so fucking massive! She'd never seen anyone hung so well, in fact the cock before the median ring was longer and thicker than anything she'd ever seen even in porn.

And she'd been with stallions before.

She was recreating every inch of that massive shaft in her mind. From the gloriously textured head, past the ribbed length and soft median ring, and over the massive bulge of a knot that pushed out underneath the soft velvety flesh of the sheathe....mmmrf.

She found her paw slipping through her legs to gently massage her moist, triangular lips. Her muscles clenched and pursed out, exposing the cherry pink flesh to her paw as she ground down against herself. She could feel her tail twitching in pleasure as she rubbed harder.

It wasn't long until the fantasy of that massive knot growing within her caused a gentle moan to escape her muzzle, a moan she had to repress to keep from waking her roommates.

The fantasy was so real she could practically feel the velvety flesh of his cock expanding in her, tugging on her own flesh as it got stuck behind the tight ring female canines had to hold knots in place.

As she continued to rub, she felt her whole body rocking and writing in pleasure, her breaths becoming ragged and strained as she pushed her fingers in deeper, trying to penetrate her ring. As her fingers breached her depths, she curled them up and rubbed rhythmically back and forth, alternating pressure on either side of her canal before rolling over onto her back, spreading her legs and tugging her hand out as an orgasm rocked her body! Every muscle contraction curling her toes and tightening her passage. Small pumps of viscous femcum oozed out of her snatch and onto her tail before matting up her sheets.

"Mmmmrrrph." She growled to herself as her ecstasy diminished, the convulsions getting fainter with each successive pulse.

Under most conditions she'd get out some of her toys, but most of them were still packed and she wasn't even sure if she needed to get them.

After an hour of reflective afterglow, she finally got to rest, but like Ilorek, her dreams betrayed her.

The next day, Ilorek had a lot to think about. But instead of letting himself dwell on it, he tried his best to occupy himself. He went out for a walk in the morning, and was sure to keep his mind on school while he was working on some drug tests. It wasn't until he was doing his post-phase report that his mind started wandering back to Natasha.

Did he want to tell her off? Ask for forgiveness? Ignore her?

After a few minutes of him staring off into space, having not written a word in his report, one of his lab partners had sidled up next to him. "What's on your mind?" He asked. It was Fenner, one of Ilorek's good friends. Fenner was an eagle hybrid, half golden half bald, similar to Ilorek and equally intelligent.

"Oh nothing." Ilorek said, snapping out of his daze.

"If you say so, dude. I've seen that look on your face, you're thinking something hard, and it's not the task at hand." Fenner chastised. "So tell me what it is, and then we can get back to work."

Ilorek sighed. "Just more bullshit, dude. Girl stuff, I'm sure you don't wanna hear it."

"Of course I don't, dude. You know how I feel about your anti-dating crusade, but as a friend I'm sadly obligated to listen, so spew the beans." Fenner said.

Ilorek rolled his eyes. "You always know how to get people to talk." He said sarcastically.

"Just stop with the bush-beating, get to the meat."

"Fine, dude. It's this girl I met at the club-"

"-rule number one broken, I see." Fenner interrupted.

Ilorek trained his glare on Fenner. "Can I finish? Look, I know my rules, but she was flirting with me and followed me home like a lost kitten. She seemed pretty cute, you know? Didn't seem like all the others. Well, long story short, she convinces me she's not looking for sex, so we kinda hit it off a little."

"A little?" Fenner laughed. "How do you hit it off 'a little'? I mean, you either do or you don't, there's really no middleground."

"Well, I figured I'd get to know her a bit better. She seemed legit, she seemed nice, and she actually seemed smart so I figured I'd give her a chance. We just both agreed, no sex, no relationship, just friends."

"Oh, I guess that makes sense." Fenner leaned on his talon and grinned as best an eagle beak can. "Why does it not surprise me that you're over-analyzing a simple budding friendship?"

Ilorek shook his head. "No, I didn't get to the hard part yet. Well, I basically got tricked into admitting a lot about my...erm...endowments, and she was curious, so she asked to see and I let her. When I went back in to get dressed, she left. I don't know what that means."

Fenner stared blankly at Ilorek. "For such a smart man, you're pretty retarded, you know that?"

"What do you mean?" Ilorek was a little miffed at that comment.

"I mean, you probably only told me a third of the story and I can tell you what's going on, but you can't seem to pick up on it." Fenner said smugly.

"Well let me hear it, oh bitch whisperer."

"Sigh, do I have to?" Fenner whined. "A monkey could figure this one out. Anyway, basically she likes you but doesn't want to ruin the friendship, so she left. It's really that simple. You don't gotta be paranoid all the time. Anyway, I have shit to do and so do you. Finish your part of the project, I'll see you tomorrow." He got up, closed his book, and left, leaving Ilorek to think about the situation.

The next few days passed by slowly for Ilorek. He found at first that he couldn't get Natasha out of his mind at first, but as the days progressed, he thought about her less and less. He finished his project, went to work, and did all he could to occupy himself in between. After years of playing hard to get, keeping himself distant from prospective partners, he found it very easy to put them out of his mind.

Yet Natasha was different. Just when he thought he'd moved on, he'd see something that reminded him of her. A plate of food, some random husky walking down the street. Even going to work reminded him of her. It was an awkward situation for him.

It all became even worse for him when he saw Natasha there at the club while he was on duty.

Ilorek was standing at the door, checking ID of all the other patrons when he noticed a particular grey and white malamute a few characters back. "Gods, dammit." Ilorek sighed, idly nodding a young female fox in. He made his way through the next few people, checking their ID and letting them through. Once Natasha made it to the door, Ilorek didn't even hesitate. He glanced at her ID and waved her in.

"Hey, um..." Natasha started.

"You're holding up the line, please proceed inside." Ilorek said curtly.

That hurt Natasha, Ilorek could see it in her eyes, but he didn't think twice about it. He just continued doing his job, checking ID and keeping rowdy folks from causing a commotion. Natasha reluctantly passed through and headed straight for the area that offered meals.

IT was another hour or so before Ilorek was relieved of bouncing duty to enjoy a half hour break. He was apprehensive, however, as he knew Natasha would follow him. Regardless, he needed food, so he quickly headed to the kitchen to make a special request. Right after he came out, Natasha was right there waiting for him.

"Listen, Ilorek..." she started.

"No, just go." Ilorek interrupted with a dismissive wave as he walked by.

"No, Ilorek, don't be a dumbass. At least hear me out."

Ilorek rolled his eyes and let out a sigh-churr, not sure what to say. "Fine."

The two of them went over to a booth to sit, where Natasha already had ordered a plate of fries that was half-eaten.

"Look, I want to apologize for my...actions at your apartment. But I have to tell you, you're not exactly making it easy on me either."

"What do you mean?" Ilorek asked, somewhat upset by her accusation. "I was trying to be open and honest, you were the one who left without warning. What am I supposed to think?"

She hung her head a bit, ears drooping. "Uuuh, yeah, like I said, I want to apologize for that. See, I kinda panicked. Not for the reasons you think, either."

"Enlighten me."

"Look, I didn't want to leave...I really didn't. But...." she paused, her blush showing through her fur. "But I really felt that it was best. Look, can we just start over? I'm Natasha!" She held out her paw to shake. Ilorek squinted but didn't take it.

"Come on dude, look. I made a mistake, an honest mistake. Given your history I really should have known better than to ask in the first place. Really, you're a cool dude, honest. I like you, you're the only person I've met since I got here who isn't a completely closeminded douchebag." she paused, Ilorek was still staring at her. "I respect you, and I want another chance. I'll be waiting at your building after work, if you still don't want to talk to me then, well, I guess I'll have to deal with that. Bye."

With that, she got up and walked out of the club, leaving Ilorek sitting alone.

Fucking bitch.

Ilorek finished up the night at work in a partial trance. Once the night was over, he said his goodbyes and left for home, like any normal night. But this was no normal night.

He was somewhat apprehensive about going home since he knew Natasha would be there waiting for him, and he had no idea what he was going to say. He knew she was manipulating him, but he also knew she was sincere. He wanted to stay mad at her, but that didn't seem to matter, he also wanted to put it behind him, like she'd suggested.

After a long walk home, feathers ruffled under his button-up shirt, he arrived at his apartment. At first he couldn't see any signs of the tiny malamute, but after a quick glance around, he saw her laying down on a bench that was nearby.

He paused before going over to wake her up.

"Hey, Natasha?" he whispered as he shook her awake.

She groaned and turned over, looking Ilorek in the eyes. Her eyes were as beautiful as they'd ever been, even in her half-asleep state. "Erg....mornin." she mumbled as she got up.

"Look, I don't know what you were planning on doing, or where you were planning on going, but you gotta get up off this bench. This is no place for a student to be laying." he motioned her to get up. "Come on, let's go."

She put on a half-smirk. "I guess you're going to have to let me into your place, since my place is wayyyyyy over on the other side of town, and there are no busses going there."

"Really? That was your plan? You really are a devious little bitch." Ilorek scoffed.

"Oh come on, it wasn't the plan, I was expecting you here ages ago, I didn't mean to fall asleep. I didn't know you were working late. Come on, let's go inside and talk, I promise I won't do anything that'd piss you off."

"You manipulated me to get into my apartment, you're off to a bad start."

"It's not manipulation, it was another mistake. Seriously, you gotta stop worrying so much about...." she paused to yawn, " gotta stop assuming the world's out to get you. Let's go."

Reluctantly, Ilorek agreed.

Once in the apartment, he quickly grabbed a blanket and pillow and tossed them on the couch. "Now sleep."

"Not yet big boy, you lay down on the couch, I'm gonna pluck your, pick your brain. Whatever." She was slurring her words in her half-asleep state.

Ilorek ignored her. "There's food in the fridge, water in the tap. I'll see you in the morning." he gradually nudged her over to the couch, but just as they got close, she suddenly grabbed Ilorek and pushed him down. In spite of her being about half of Ilorek's height, her strength was surprising.

"Okay, you're gonna shut up and listen to me." She ordered, suddenly very awake.

Ilorek's eyes went wide, he was kinda taken aback, so he just nodded. "Uh, kay."

Natasha grabbed a chair and pulled it up to the couch. "You and I are gonna have a nice long chat mr horsebird. You've certainly got some serious issues to work out and dammit, I'm gonna help you with them if it;s the last thing you and I do together."

"Uh, okay?"

"Now, I told you, leaving last week was a mistake. Given the history you gave me, really dumb on my part. I see that, I even knew it then but trust me, leaving was better than the alternative."

"What alternative?"

"Don't be fucking naive, Ilorek." she sighed before continuing. "I'm pretty easy to see through, when I met you I just wanted a friend. I still do. But had I stuck around I'd likely have done something I'd regret more than leaving and potentially jeapordizing our friendship."

"Like what?" Ilorek asked. "What could have been worse than lying to me and abandoning me when I was the most vulnerable?"

"I was about an inch away from jumping you. Is that what you wanted to hear?"

"Ah, so in other words you were just getting to know me to get into my pants?"

Natasha hung her head in exasperation. "No, just the opposite. I told you, I was just being friendly and open, I left to prove to you that's not what I wanted. I left because I wanted to keep my word, and had I stuck around, it would have given you the impression that I was full of shit."

"I'm confused."

"Oh you dumbass. I like YOU. You're cool. We both discussed at lengths your reservations and past history with women; in my mind asking to see your junk was honestly no more than sheer feline curiosity. I didn't plan on jumping you, I wasn't running away, I wasn't scared, I wanted to keep that friendship we had by not complicating it with sex. How much simpler can it get?" She leaned towards Ilorek and flicked at his crotch. "That thing is tempting, I kinda wish I could forget I saw it."

Ilorek tensed up and closed his legs so she couldn't flick him again. "You're either the worst actor I've ever seen, or you're just the weirdest canine I've ever met."

"Assume it's the latter. Look, give me a chance to prove I just wanna be friends. No sex, no relationship, no fuckbuddies. Can we go on like that night never happened? I know we've only known one another for what, less than two weeks? But seriously, you're cool, you're worth being honest with. I get feelings about some people, and you're awesome. You just need to stop being so gods-damned protective about your assets. I know a lot of girls have used you, I know many people have disregarded the Ilorek in your heart and only went after your dick, that's the way a lot of modern people are. It's not uncommon, but I like YOU. You need to see me for who I am like I see you for who you are. If I wanna see your dick, it's curiosity. If I wanna cuddle it's because you're big and fluffy. If I wanna sleep with you it's just to be closer to you, not so I can fuck you. And if I end up wanting to fuck you, it's because I want to fuck YOU, not your dick...though that'd be a bonus..."

Ilorek was patiently waiting for her to finish her ramblings, but he had to stop her there. "Stop Natasha. I get it."

She blushed and looked away, unable to look him in the eye.

"I get it, stop with the rambling. Fine, I'm sorry for being a dick about it, you're right. I'm very much so protective, and I'm sorry for treating you like a greedy slut, like all the others. You're not like the others and I see that." he paused to sigh. "Give me a hug, then it's time to sleep. No, you're not sharing my bed with me."

Natasha let out a laugh and leaned in for a hug. "Thanks for that." She said.