Welcome Home ch 04

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#4 of Welcome Home

Welcome Home

by Winter

Chapter 4

It was dark by the time they got back to the house. Back home, Terry corrected his thoughts, smiling to himself. His stomach was full, and he could still taste the delicious ice-cream they'd had for dessert whenever he licked his lips. The two siblings had talked all through their meal, only falling silent when they were chewing and swallowing. On the walk back home afterwards, Tanya had hooked his arm again, and he had felt like the happiest boy in the world. Not only was his sister going to look after him from now on, not only was she the nicest and sweetest person he had ever known, not only was she so beautiful, especially now that she had dressed up, that his eyes almost hurt when he looked at her. Not only that, but during their chat over dinner he had begun to find out that she was smart as well. Smart and witty, and really funny to be around. When he summoned up his memories he could recall loving his big sister with all his heart, and now that he was getting to know her again he found that he loved her more than he had thought anyone could ever love someone. She let them in and locked the front door behind them, and Terry suddenly couldn't hold back a bout of laughter. Tanya turned to face him, tilting her head in a quizzical way.

"Oh, it's nothing," he said, blushing slightly. "Just a silly thought."

"Come on," she goaded. "I want to hear it. Even if it is silly."


"Otherwise I'll tickle you, baby brother. Until you wet yourself."

"Tanya, please!"

"Won't you let me laugh, too?"

"Oh, all right!" He blushed again. "I was just wondering how come I'm still so thin."

"Why shouldn't you be?"

"Well, my belly is so full I don't think I'll eat ever again, and my heart's been swelling with love for you ever since I got here."

Tanya opened her mouth to say something, but it seemed as if she couldn't find the words. The two of them stood there in the main hall for several minutes, both blushing as they looked into each other's eyes. Terry hoped that he was able to shine as much love onto his sister as she did onto him. Her eyes shone so brightly he might get a sunburn. This thought set of another giggle, and Tanya soon started laughing, too. She opened her arms, and he fell into them, receiving such a crushing hug that he could almost hear his ribs creak. He didn't mind, though. Nothing could break his happy mood. His mind returned to the kiss they had shared just before they went out to eat, and he found that he really, really wanted to be kissed like that again. It had felt great, making him tingle all over with pure pleasure, and he wondered if she had liked it, too. Deciding to see what might happen, he started rubbing his muzzle against the side of her head, while he returned the hug with all his strength. After a little while, Tanya released him and pushed him back a bit so she could meet his gaze.

"Baby brother, you're such a wonder," she whispered. "I love you with all my heart."

"I love you, too." He licked his lips. "Would you kiss me again, Tanya?"

"I don't know, Terry." She looked away, and Terry felt a sting of pain in his chest. "That's not really the way a brother and a sister should kiss."

"Why not? It felt so good."

"Yes, it did. But..."


Tanya looked thoughtful for a few seconds, but then she shrugged her shoulders and broke into a wide grin. Terry let out a squeal of joy, then tossed himself back into her arms. She pushed him back gently, and met his slightly hurt expression with a wink.

"Let's meet back in the playroom. It's much more comfortable than this old hall."


"And change out of your best clothes so you don't get them all crinkled up."


She turned towards her bedroom, while Terry dashed up the stairs to his own room. He stopped himself from tearing his clothes off and spreading them all over the place, and instead hung everything away in his closet. That provoked a brand new sense of belonging; it was as if it weren't really his room until now that he had started to put his own things away in it. He tried stuffing some socks and underwear into the drawer, and the feeling grew even stronger. Forgetting all about Tanya and the playroom for the moment, he put away every shred of clothing that he had brought from his old home. Then he heard the floorboards creak in the hall outside his door, and he turned his head just in time to see Tanya walk by. She glanced at him with a smile on her lips, and he gasped as he realised that he had forgotten to put any clothes on. Blushing deeply, he opened his drawer and brought out a pair of briefs, shorts and a t-shirt. Once dressed, he ran his fingers through his hair to set it at least a bit straight, then he ran towards the playroom.

He found Tanya sitting on a pile of pillows, smiling warmly and chuckling as he blushed again. She was back in her casual clothes, but Terry thought she looked just as beautiful as when she'd worn that blouse and skirt. She would look good in anything, he thought to himself. He walked over to sit next to her, but she patted her thigh and he gladly sank down in her lap instead. She stroked his hair while her other hand slipped around his waist, then she brought her muzzle to his. Terry closed his eyes as their lips touched, then opened his mouth to let their tongues meet. The all-over tingle returned at once, and a soft moan from Tanya told him that she felt it, too. That was all he needed to lose himself completely in the kiss. To be kissed felt great, but knowing that Tanya also liked it made it ten times better. Both her arms were around him now, hugging him and stroking his back, from the top of his head down to the base of his tail. Terry squirmed around so that he sat facing his sister with one leg on each side of her body. This way he could return her every caress, at least as far as his short arms could reach. It also meant that her breasts were pressed against his chest so tightly that he could even feel her nipples through the thin fabric of their shirts. He would have blushed even deeper, if that had been possible. As it were, his face burned so hot that he was beginning to sweat. What happened instead was that the tingle seemed to focus on his nether regions. A twinge of worry crept into his mind as he felt himself grow hard. Was he really having that kind of feelings for Tanya? For his own sister? No, he decided, it must be because he was feeling so good. He scooted back a little bit, hoping that Tanya hadn't felt anything, then returned his full attention to the kiss.

* * * * * *

Almost twenty minutes had passed when the two of them finally broke apart. They were both blushing deeply and their hair was in disarray. Terry moaned with pleasure as Tanya caressed his cheeks, getting his face fur back in shape, then it was her turn to make pleasure sounds as he returned the favour. They cuddled for a while longer, just enjoying the closeness and occasionally stealing one or two less intense kisses. Feeling brave, Tanya slipped a hand in beneath her brother's waistband and ran her fingers through the soft fur of his buttocks. Terry gasped, but soon returned even this touch. He seemed willing to follow anywhere she would lead, but not really daring to start anything on his own. Or maybe he didn't know what to do next, and just waited for her to guide the way. It didn't matter; she was willing to show him. A small part of her mind was still nagging at her that what they were doing was wrong, but she didn't listen to it. She had made up her mind back when she had agreed to kiss Terry again, that she would let things happen as they did. But Terry soon began to yawn, and she felt her own eyelids grow heavy. She stood up and pulled her little brother to his feet, just as she had before they went out to eat, but this time she had someplace else in mind. So had Terry.

"Can we have a bath again tonight?"

"You read my mind, baby brother. But no splashing this time."

"I'll try not to." He giggled. "But no promises."

"Okay, I guess that'll have to do." She ushered him out of the playroom and towards the bathroom. "You get in there and start the taps running. I'll be right back."

"Where are you going?"

"Just to the downstairs bathroom." She winked. "You'd better go, too, I don't want you peeing in the tub."

Laughing at his sudden blush, she once more pushed him towards the bathroom before she made her way downstairs. Terry was so cute when he blushed that it made her want to hug him all the more. As soon as she'd come in through her bedroom door Tanya took off her clothes, then ran for the adjoining bathroom. While she took care of business, she licked her lips and found that she could still taste her baby brother. She closed her eyes and sighed deeply. It had been a great feeling; Terry had quickly learned how to kiss well. Very well. Every boy she had dated so far had always treated kissing as a way to speed up the process towards sex, but Terry had only seemed interested in the closeness and the love. Maybe he didn't know about sex. That thought set off another twinge of guilt inside her. Not only was he her brother, but he was so young! And she had kissed him the way only adults are supposed to kiss...

She got up and flushed the toilet, then washed her hands, and while she did she dismissed those thoughts. There was nothing wrong with love. There couldn't be. And she did love Terry; she always had, and now that they were back together she just had to let him know how much she loved him. That Terry enjoyed, even craved the attention was no surprise, but Tanya felt a bit shocked that the need was just as strong in her.

After their father's death, she had let herself grow more and more lonely. Everything she did and everyone she met, it seemed, opened up the wounds. In the end it had felt easier to stay at home. Studying or working out or taking care of the house kept her mind busy in a way that friends couldn't. She had thought that she was happy once the pain of the loss had lessened somewhat, but now she knew that it had all been a sham. Happiness was more than just lack of grief. And now that she had Terry back with her, the way things should have been all along, she was beginning to feel truly happy. The fact that he, too, seemed to feel better than he had in a long time, combined with the fact that he loved her every bit as much as she loved him, made it an easy task to justify the kissing. And also to promise herself that there would be more kissing. But that should be the end of it, she thought while she slipped a finger in between her legs and felt the wetness inside her labia. If they kept going in this direction, it would lead to sex. Inevitably. That was something she hadn't even considered before the kiss they had shared in the playroom. No, she told herself a bit less sternly than she had meant to, that was definitely out of the question. Still, even the slight touch of her finger made her shudder with pleasure, and she shook her head as she realised just how excited she had become. Keeping this last promise might turn out to be difficult. If Terry wanted to take things further, resisting would not be easy. And if it turned out that she was the one who wanted more? She shook that thought aside, but not without effort.

Tanya quickly brushed her teeth, then she grabbed a towel and headed back upstairs, not bothering to get dressed again or even to cover herself up. You're not making things easier, she scolded herself as she opened the bathroom door. She could smell her own excitement, and she knew that Terry would, too. But the sight that met her made her mind snap back from fantasy to reality. Terry was standing next to the tub, naked but with his hands crossed in front of his crotch. He had a look of pure distress on his face, one that was only slightly deterred when he spotted her. She felt a little thrill run through her as his eyes made a quick journey up and down her body, but quickly cast it aside when he shuddered with discomfort.

"What's wrong, baby?"


"Come on, you can tell me. Can't you get the water temperature right?"

"No, it's fine, it's just..."

"Terry, you look awful!" She laid the towel aside and hunched down until their eyes were at a level. "What's wrong?"

"I..." He blushed again, swallowing hard before he forced himself to continue. "I can't pee. And I really need to go, too."

"Is it because you got hard?" He nodded, looking down at the floor tiles. "It's okay, it's nothing to be embarrassed about. That happens to all boys."

"It felt so good when you kissed me, it just... popped up."

"I know, I could feel it." She giggled as he groaned. "Is it still...?"


"Let me see if I can help."

"Tanya, please!"

"Stop squirming! I remember just what to do."

"This happened before?" She nodded, and he groaned again, laying his ears flat back against his head while he blushed more than ever. "Oh, man..."

"Once in a while when I tickled you too much. Come on."

She led him over to the toilet and opened the lid, then she pried his hands apart. He was really hard, pointing straight up towards his navel. The sight sent a shiver through her body, and she had to bite back a gasp. It took her an effort of will to lay all such thoughts aside, and focus on helping her brother. Without further ado she took hold of his erection and pushed it down until it was aimed at the bowl, then she reached around him with her free hand and started rubbing his stomach. His first reaction was to get even harder, and she felt his little penis jump in her hand, but soon he started purring happily.

"That's it, baby, just relax. Breathe deeply. Try to relax your muscles down there."

She leaned against him, turning the belly rub into a half-hug, half-caress. Soon she felt another twitch, then one more as Terry willed his strain away. Suddenly, there was a loud splash as he managed to let go. She held him still while he finished peeing, then shook off the last few drops and let his penis slap back against his stomach. The loud smack made them both laugh. Tanya flushed the toilet, then picked her brother up and carried him into the tub. She sat him down next to her, but he somehow floated right back into her lap, where he wrapped her arms around himself as if she were a blanket. Within seconds, he was asleep.