Poem #57: Blackness

Story by bhscorch1313 on SoFurry

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#58 of Poetry

This was a creative writing assignment. We were to write a poem in response to a picture. I may post that picture in the future.

For those who are curious, here is its info:

"Cool Dragon" 1988, Sharon Sprung



Fire flowing out

From past at future

See the sadness flow

Anger and hate

Fuels the darkness inside

So similarily different

One is open, exposed

Showing himself to the world

The other is closed

Shutting fast the iron door

Yet by their faces

They seem the same

Vivid in different lights

Created from different colors

The blackness behind

Shows an open window

Into his soul

For they are one

His own self-hatred

We now can see

This spiral of darkness

This spiral of hate and grief

Force his eyes to plead

The cry of help

Speaks to our hearts

Let the oils and colors

Be washed away

But never forget

Those eyes.


Creative Commons License

"Blackness" by bhscorch is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License

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